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The Journal of Nutrition

Methodology and Mathematical Modeling

The “Super-Child” Approach Is Applied To

Estimate Retinol Kinetics and Vitamin A Total
Body Stores in Mexican Preschoolers
Veronica Lopez-Teros,1 Jennifer L Ford,2 Michael H Green,2 Brianda Monreal-Barraza,3
Lilian García-Miranda,1 Sherry A Tanumihardjo,4 Mauro E Valencia,1 and Humberto Astiazaran-Garcia3

Posgrado en Ciencias de la Salud (PCS), Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; 2 Department of Nutritional Sciences, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA; 3 Department of Nutrition, Research Center for Food and Development,

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Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; and 4 Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA

Background: Retinol isotope dilution (RID) and model-based compartmental analysis are recognized techniques for
assessing vitamin A (VA) status. Recent studies have shown that RID predictions of VA total body stores (TBS) can be
improved by using modeling and that VA kinetics and TBS in children can be effectively studied by applying population
modeling (“super-child” approach) to a composite data set.
Objectives: The objectives were to model whole-body retinol kinetics and predict VA TBS in a group of Mexican
preschoolers using the super-child approach and to use model predictions of RID coefficients to estimate TBS by RID in
Methods: Twenty-four healthy Mexican children (aged 3–6 y) received an oral dose (2.96 μmol) of [13 C10 ]retinyl acetate
in corn oil. Blood samples were collected from 8 h to 21 d after dosing, with each child sampled at 4 d and at 1 other
time. Composite data for plasma labeled retinol compared with time were analyzed using a 6-component model to obtain
group retinol kinetic parameters and pool sizes. Model-predicted TBS was compared with mean RID predictions at 4 d;
RID estimates at 4 d were compared with those calculated at 7–21 d.
Results: Model-predicted TBS was 1097 μmol, equivalent to ∼2.4 y-worth of VA; using model-derived coefficients,
group mean RID-predicted TBS was 1096 μmol (IQR: 836–1492 μmol). TBS at 4 d compared with a later time was
similar (P = 0.33). The model predicted that retinol spent 1.5 h in plasma during each transit and recycled to plasma 13
times before utilization.
Conclusions: The super-child modeling approach provides information on whole-body VA kinetics and can be used
with RID to estimate TBS at any time between 4 and 21 d postdose. The high TBS predicted for these children suggests
positive VA balance, likely due to large-dose VA supplements, and warrants further investigation. J Nutr 2020;150:1644–

Keywords: children, mathematical modeling, model-based compartmental analysis, retinol isotope dilution, vitamin
A kinetics, vitamin A metabolism, WinSAAM

Introduction (3), which includes assumptions (coefficients) that account

for dose absorption, mixing, and catabolism. In the case of
Both vitamin A (VA) deficiency (1) and higher-than-optimal model-based compartmental analysis (4), serial blood samples
stores (2) are public health challenges in vulnerable groups such are obtained after isotope ingestion and the modeling process
as children aged <5 y; thus, it is critical that researchers have provides information on whole-body retinol kinetics as well
practical and reliable methods for assessing VA status, that is, as VA TBS (5–7). Importantly, compartmental analysis has
total body stores (TBS). Retinol isotope dilution (RID) and been shown to improve RID predictions of TBS by providing
model-based compartmental analysis have both been effectively group-specific values for the RID equation coefficients (4, 8).
used to estimate VA status (3). Application of RID involves For example, Green et al. (6) applied compartmental analysis
collection of a single blood sample at a specified time after to retinol tracer data obtained from healthy young adults
subjects have ingested a known amount of stable isotope- (9) and found excellent agreement between model-predicted
labeled VA; the ratio of labeled to unlabeled retinol in plasma TBS for the group and the value calculated by RID at 4–5 d
is determined and equated to TBS using a prediction equation postdosing.

Copyright  C The Author(s) on behalf of the American Society for Nutrition 2020.
Manuscript received November 23, 2019. Initial review completed January 8, 2020. Revision accepted February 12, 2020.
1644 First published online March 5, 2020; doi:
Because it is generally not feasible to collect serial blood comparisons of TBS at 4 d when all children were sampled to
samples in children, a “super-child” approach has been values predicted at other times.
developed (10, 11) that facilitates retinol kinetic studies in this
age group. For this technique, 2 blood samples are collected
from each child and data from all subjects are pooled into
a composite data set for modeling, providing information on Methods
retinol kinetics, TBS, and the RID coefficients for the group 13
C-labeled VA and oral dose
(11). This approach has been applied in infants from Mexico All-trans-8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,19,20-[13 C10 ]retinyl acetate (RAc)
(10); results showed that mean RID predictions calculated at was synthesized by Cambridge Isotope Laboratories to a chemical
3–6 d agreed well with model-predicted TBS. Recently, an purity ≥98%. For the oral dose, aliquots of the isotope (2.96 μmol)
improved super-child design, in which all children were sampled were dissolved in 200 μL corn oil and stored at −80◦ C until
at a common time (4 d), was applied in infants and children administered to participating children. The daily VA intake
recommendation for this age group is 300–400 μg retinol activity
from Bangladesh, Guatemala, and the Philippines (12); group
equivalents (RAE) per day (see below), and although the VA dose
predictions of TBS by RID are expected to agree with the model. provided here is larger than that (∼2 times), it is considered a small,
In addition, model-predicted group-specific RID coefficients can physiological oral dose of stable isotope-labeled VA that does not
be used to estimate TBS in individual subjects (8), whereas

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perturb the system (3).
traditional RID has generally been applied to predict a mean
value for the group. Subjects and study design
The optimal time for applying RID has been a topic of Twenty-four preschool-aged children (3–6 y) were recruited in North-
discussion among users of the method. In studies done over west Mexico from families with middle socioeconomic status. The
the past 30 y, RID has been done at 21 d after isotope selection of subjects was intentional and nonprobabilistic. Exclusion
administration in adults and at 14 d in children (13, 14). criteria included the presence of malnutrition (20), diarrhea or fever
However, researchers have long been interested in developing during the previous week, the presence of subclinical inflammation
equations that could be applied at an earlier time (e.g., 3 d), (C-reactive protein ≥6 mg/L; CP3885 Latex Immunoturbidimetric,
reducing the possibility that subjects might develop an infection Randox), or the presence of anemia (based on hemoglobin <110 g/L
during the test or move from the study site; an earlier sampling for children aged 6–59 mo, and <115 g/L for children aged 5–11 y;
HemoCue Hb 201+ System) (21, 22); no screened children needed to
time might also allow for smaller sample volumes, because
be excluded based on these criteria. Because intestinal parasites are
isotopic enrichment in plasma would be higher, as well as common among children in this area and because such parasites can
result in less burden on study participants and reduced costs interfere with the absorption of VA (23, 24), 400 mg albendazole was
for field operations. In previous studies in adults (8, 15, 16) administered as a suspension to all subjects 11 d prior to the study. This
and children (17, 18), RID predictions at 3 d were positively project was approved by the bioethics committee of the Research Center
correlated with estimates at 21 d; in school-age children (19), for Food and Development, Hermosillo, as well as by the Sonora State
7-d predictions were correlated with estimates at 14 d (19). In Education Secretary. Protocols were explained to parents and informed
the super-child analyses previously mentioned (12), blood was consent was obtained.
collected from all participants at 4 d plus 1 additional time, After an overnight fast, the labeled RAc dose was administered to
and RID coefficients were calculated by the model at all times each child using a positive displacement pipette (day 0). Children were
then offered a small serving (80 g) of french fries to improve absorption
from 4 to 28 d; individual subject values for TBS are calculated
of the dose. Our original intention was to carry out a 28 d study that
by RID at both times, thus strengthening the power of the included 10 sampling times, with 2 blood samples collected from each
approach. child. Because a limited amount of isotope was available, we reduced
Here we extend our interest in VA status in Mexican the duration to 21 d with 9 sampling times (8 and 12 h, and 1, 2, 4, 7,
children by applying compartmental analysis and a super-child 11, 14, and 21 d); blood was collected from all children (except 1) at 4 d
approach to estimate whole-body retinol kinetics and TBS in and from each child at 1 additional time; thus 3 children were sampled
preschoolers from a geographic area similar to that of the at each of the non-4 d times. For each sample, 5 mL blood was collected
infants studied earlier (10); children in the current experiment by venipuncture into a BD Vacutainer SST tube. Serum was separated
were followed for 21 d after isotope administration. Our and frozen at −80◦ C for subsequent analysis. To provide the data on
13 C natural enrichment that was applied as a baseline correction, blood
results allow us to look at age-related changes in VA status
was collected from 5 additional local children of the same age (19).
in this population. In addition, by using model-predicted time-
Children’s dietary information was collected through a series of
variant RID coefficients, we were able to make within-subject interviews with the parents or caregivers, who completed 3 non-
consecutive 24 h dietary recalls (2 weekdays and 1 weekend day).
Nutrient intake was calculated using the USDA’s food composition
tables (25); the RDA and the Estimated Average Requirements for
This research was supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency macro- and micronutrients were used to estimate dietary adequacy
(research contract 16880 to HA-G); BM-B and LG-M received fellowships from
based on recommendations from the Institute of Medicine (26, 27). For
the National Research and Technology Council (CONACyT) of Mexico.
VA, the estimated average requirement is 210 μg RAE/d for children
Author disclosures: The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Supplemental Methods, Supplemental Results, Supplemental Tables 1–3, aged 1 to 3 y and 275 μg RAE/d for children aged 4 to 8 y (27).
Supplemental Figure 1, and Supplemental WinSAAM Deck are available from Although Mexican children aged <5 y are provided with a large-dose
the “Supplementary data” link in the online posting of the article and from the VA supplement (210 μmol retinol as retinyl palmitate) semiannually,
same link in the online table of contents at included children had not received a VA supplement during the 3 mo
Address correspondence to VL-T (e-mail: or HA-G prior to the study.
Abbreviations used: DT, delay time; FD, fraction of the dose; FDp , fraction
of dose in plasma; FSD; fractional standard deviation; RAc, retinyl acetate; Analyses
RAE, retinol activity equivalent; RID, retinol isotope dilution; SAp , plasma retinol Serum samples were extracted using a modification of the method
specific activity; TBS, total body stores; VA, vitamin A; WinSAAM, Windows described by MacCrehan et al. (28) and retinol concentrations were
version of Simulation, Analysis and Modeling software. determined by HPLC using a 3 μm C18 column (Microsorb 4.6 mm

Vitamin A stores and kinetics in Mexican children 1645

× 10 cm), methanol:water (90:10, v/v) as mobile phase, and RAc
as internal standard. For quality control, we used National Institute
of Standards and Technology standard reference material 968e (Fat-
Soluble Vitamins, Carotenoids, and Cholesterol in Human Serum);
results were within the acceptable range. Additionally, we analyzed
3 aliquots of pooled serum per run to assess intra- and interanalysis
variation and found a CV of 2.7%. The ratio of serum labeled:unlabeled
retinol (13 C/12 C) was determined by GC-combustion-isotope ratio MS
(29) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; the ratio was corrected
using the natural abundance of 13 C (1.08% of total C) measured in
serum of nonparticipating children (19).

Super-child data set and kinetic analyses

Plasma enrichment of [13 C10 ]retinol in each analyzed sample was
calculated based on the 13 C/12 C ratio (see Supplemental Methods)
and converted to fraction of the oral dose in plasma (FDp ) using

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Equation 1:

FDp = [enrichment × retinol concentration (μmol/L)]

×plasma volume(L) /dose(μmol) (1)

where plasma volume was estimated for each child using the average
sex-specific hematocrit for this age group and an estimate of blood
volume (liters) calculated using the nomograms of Linderkamp et al.
(30) based on age, height, and body weight.
To generate a composite (super-child) data set, we calculated the
geometric mean FDp at each time. Data for geometric mean FDp were
plotted over time (8 h to 21 d), and model-based compartmental analysis
was applied using the Windows version of the Simulation, Analysis and
Modeling software (WinSAAM version 3.3.0) (31) and a previously
published (12) 6-component model describing whole-body VA kinetics
in children (Figure 1A; see figure legend for a description of the model
components). Model parameters include fractional transfer coefficients
[L(I,J)s, or the fraction of retinol in compartment J transferred to FIGURE 1 Conceptual compartmental model for retinol kinetics
compartment I each day] and delay times [DT(I), or the time (d) that in children (A), with results for Mexican preschoolers (B). Circles
retinol spends in compartment I] for components 3 and 8. Absorption represent compartments, the rectangles are delay components,
efficiency for preformed VA was fixed at 80% (2), and an estimate of and interconnectivities between compartments [L(I,J)s] are fractional
VA intake was included as weighted data (32) to improve confidence in transfer coefficients or the fraction of retinol transferred to com-
model predictions such as VA TBS and disposal rate (33). Because intake partment I from compartment J each day; DT(I)s are delay times
estimates included both preformed VA and provitamin A carotenoids (or the time spent in delay element I). DT(3) represents the site of
[as RAE based on the Institute of Medicine conversion factors (27)], we input of the orally administered [13 C10 ]retinyl acetate dose (∗) and
adjusted the contribution of provitamin A to its equivalent as preformed dietary VA [U(3)]. Component 3 and compartment 4 represent the
VA. Specifically, for each child, adjusted VA intake was calculated processes of VA digestion and absorption as well as chylomicron
as preformed VA + (provitamin A/0.8), assuming 80% absorption production and catabolism until clearance of chylomicron remnants by
efficiency for preformed VA; then the geometric mean of these values liver hepatocytes (compartment 4). Retinol in compartment 4 is bound
was used as a modeling input. For modeling, geometric mean FDp data to retinol-binding protein and secreted into plasma (compartment 5),
were weighted using a fractional SD (FSD) of 0.05 at all times except the site of sampling (triangle). Plasma retinol exchanges with VA in
4 d when the weight was increased to 0.025 in light of the larger 2 extravascular pools, 1 smaller (compartment 7) and 1 larger storage
number of children sampled at that time; the adjusted VA intake for pool (compartment 6), which is also a site of irreversible loss from
the group was weighted using an FSD of 0.05. The value for L(8,5) the system; the sum of VA in compartments 6 and 7 corresponds to
(Figure 1A) was calculated, as detailed in Ford et al. (12), to reflect TBS. A portion of the plasma retinol pool is also transferred irreversibly
50% of the disposal rate and fixed in the model; DT(8) was also to component 8, which represents uptake by tissues for immediate
fixed, at 75 min. Data were fit to the model shown in Figure 1A by utilization following a delay of 75 min (12). Panel B shows final model
systematically/manually adjusting the value for each parameter until results including L(I,J)s, R(I,J)s [i.e., transfer rates calculated as L(I,J) ×
the model predictions agreed with the observed FDp mop data. Then, M(J)], and DT(I)s; compartment masses [M(I)]s are indicated inside the
weighted nonlinear regression analysis was performed in WinSAAM to corresponding compartment. Absorption efficiency was fixed at 80%
obtain final parameter values and their statistical uncertainties. Finally, and the adjusted dietary VA intake (1.59 μmol RAE/d) was included
plasma retinol pool size [M(5), μmol; Figure 1A] was calculated for each in the model as weighted data. VA disposal rate = R(10,6) + R(8,5).
sample as plasma retinol concentration (μmol per liter) × estimated All 7 adjustable parameters were well identified (FSD < 0.5) (31); the
plasma volume (liters); the geometric mean was calculated and used in mean FSD was 0.187 (range: 0.0460–0.356). FSD; fractional standard
the steady state model solution in WinSAAM to predict the mass of deviation; RAc, retinyl acetate; RAE, retinol activity equivalent; TBS,
VA in other compartments [M(I), μmol], including TBS [M(6) + M(7)], total body stores; VA, vitamin A.
and VA transfer rates [R(I,J)s, or μmol in compartment J transferred to
compartment I each day], including VA disposal rate and intake [U(3)].

1646 Lopez-Teros et al.

TABLE 1 Anthropometric and biochemical characteristics of
participating children1

Characteristic Value
Age, y 4.80 ± 0.67
Weight, kg 19.98 ± 6.04
Height, cm 109 ± 6.22
Weight-for-age z-score 0.55 ± 1.52
Height-for-age z-score 0.04 ± 0.95
BMI-for-age z-score 0.75 ± 1.73
Whole blood hemoglobin,2 g/L 138 ± 12.2
Serum C-reactive protein, mg/L <6
Serum retinol, μmol/L 1.34 ± 0.34
Values are means ± SD for Mexican children (n = 24).
n = 23.

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FIGURE 2 Geometric mean observed FD in plasma for
[13 C10 ]retinol vs. time in children after oral administration of
Estimation of TBS by RID labeled vitamin A and model-simulated FD in plasma and 2 EV pools
In addition to the model’s prediction of TBS for the group, we also (compartments 6 and 7; Figure 1A). Symbols are observed data and
calculated this variable for individual children using the RID equation lines are model simulations. The composite data set for 24 children
presented by Green (34) and shown here as Equation 2: included 3 subjects per time except at 4 d when 23 children were
    sampled. Observed data at 11 d include the original FD (x) and the
TBS μmol = Fa × S × 1/SAp (2) adjusted FD (•) (see Results); the adjusted FD at 11 d was used for
modeling. EV, extravascular; FD, fraction of dose.
where Fa represents the fraction of the oral tracer dose absorbed and
found in the exchangeable extravascular pools (compartments 6 and 7)
at the time of sampling, S is the ratio of retinol specific activity in plasma carbohydrates, 16% from protein, and 34% from fat. Iron
to that in the exchangeable extravascular pools, and SAp is retinol intake (11.2 ± 4.0 mg/d) was also higher than recommended
specific activity in plasma (FDp /μmol of retinol in plasma). Group (26, 27). All but 2 children consumed the estimated average
values for Fa and S were calculated over time using the model and then
requirement for VA [geometric mean = 407 μg RAE/d (IQR:
included in Equation 2 along with each child’s SAp at the corresponding
305–543)] (27).
time. Using the model, Fa was calculated as [FD(6)t + FD(7)t ], where
FD(I)t is the fraction of the dose in compartment I at time t, and S
was calculated as [FD(5)t /M(5)]/{[FD(6)t + FD(7)t ]/[M(6) + M(7)]}. Kinetic data and model predictions
TBS was calculated for all children at 4 d plus at times after 4 d Composite (geometric mean) plasma retinol isotope response
for individuals sampled later than that; predictions were compared to data ([13 C10 ]retinol FDp compared with time) are plotted
evaluate time-related differences in TBS. in Figure 2. Note that because values for FDp for the 3 children
sampled at 11 d (as well as at 4 d) all looked high in light of
Statistical analyses data for the rest of the group, suggesting that these individuals
Data related to subject characteristics, dietary analyses, serum retinol had lower stores, we normalized the data at 11 d based on
concentrations, and hemoglobin concentrations were analyzed using each subject’s relative position to the geometric mean at 4 d
NCSS 11 statistical software (version 11.0.6); results are presented as to obtain a better central tendency at 11 d and to better align
arithmetic means ± SD unless otherwise specified. A paired sample t
with the group pattern. Specifically, for each of these 3 children,
test was used to check whether serum retinol concentrations differed in
the 2 blood samples taken from each subject. Predictions of TBS by RID
we calculated a 4-d ratio (geometric mean FDp at 4 d/child’s
are presented as geometric means and IQRs. TBS predictions at 4 d were FDp at 4 d) and multiplied each subject’s FDp at 11 d by
compared with those at later times using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. that ratio; the geometric mean of the adjusted values was used
For all tests, P < 0.05 was considered significant. at 11 d for modeling. Also shown in Figure 2 is the model-
calculated fit to the data, simulated to 40 d; an estimate for
adjusted VA intake [1.59 μmol (456 μg RAE/d)] was included
as weighted data in the model, as previously described by Ford
Results et al. (12). As observed in other groups of children (12), the
Subjects plasma tracer response showed an early and rapid appearance of
The median age of the 24 participants (11 females) was 4.8 y. labeled retinol in plasma, peaking at 8 h postdose, followed by
Based on average z-scores (Table 1), all children were well rapid disappearance as retinol was distributed to extravascular
nourished; none were anemic based on serum hemoglobin con- tissues. After 7 d, the bend in the curve is related to retinol
centration (22), and all children tested negative for subclinical recycling from tissues to plasma; a terminal slope, reflecting
inflammation based on C-reactive protein measurements. Mean the system fractional catabolic rate for VA, was predicted to be
serum retinol concentration was 1.34 ± 0.34 μmol/L; retinol reached at ∼30 d.
concentrations were not different in the 2 samples obtained Final model predictions are presented in Figure 1B, including
from each child (P = 0.48). Based on WHO guidelines for VA fractional transfer coefficients and delay times, as well as
deficiency [plasma retinol concentration <0.70 μmol/L (35)], transfer rates and compartment masses calculated using a
none of the children were VA deficient. steady-state solution in WinSAAM with the value for plasma
Participants’ average habitual energy intake retinol pool size fixed at the geometric mean value (1.15 μmol).
(1561 ± 281 kcal/d), calculated based on 3 nonconsecutive Model results showed that the processes of VA digestion
24-h dietary recalls, was ∼300 kcal higher than recommended and absorption plus chylomicron production and catabolism
(26, 27); macronutrient distribution was 51% from until clearance by liver hepatocytes took 4.0 h; ∼1 pool of
Vitamin A stores and kinetics in Mexican children 1647
FIGURE 3 VA TBS and liver VA concentrations estimated at 4 d
(n = 23). In each case the geometric mean of predictions is designated
by the line. TBS, total body stores; VA, vitamin A.

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FIGURE 4 Ratio of TBS at each child’s second time after 4 d (either
7, 11, 14, or 21 d)/TBS at 4 d compared with TBS predictions at 4 d.
hepatocyte chylomicron–derived retinol was mobilized into Predictions are for 12 children who were sampled at both 4 d and a
plasma each day. Sixteen pools of plasma retinol were turned second time after 4 d; each time is designated by a different symbol.
over each day (18 μmol/d), with 72% of that plasma turnover The line indicates a ratio of 1. TBS, total body stores.
transferred to the larger exchangeable extravascular pool
(compartment 6) and 24% to the smaller exchangeable pool for FaS at all days from 4 to 28). Similar to predictions at 4 d,
(compartment 7); the remaining 4% left plasma irreversibly the geometric mean TBS at times from 7 to 21 d was 1026
via nonexchangeable tissues (component 8). Based on the μmol (IQR: 768–1418 μmol). When predictions at the 2 times
distribution of plasma retinol turnover, 77% of the dose were paired for individuals, TBS at times after 4 d were not
was absorbed and exchangeable. In addition, 1.2% of VA in significantly different from those calculated at 4 d (P = 0.33).
the larger exchangeable pool recycled to plasma each day, Shown in Figure 4 are the ratios of TBS calculated at 7, 11, 14,
compared with 25% in the smaller pool; irreversible loss from or 21 d to TBS at 4 d; the mean ratio was 0.94 (range: 0.55–
the larger extravascular pool was 0.06%/d. The exchangeable 1.1). Except for the 1 child sampled at 21 d (ratio of 0.55),
extravascular pools contributed 93% of total plasma retinol predictions at these later times were within 23% of the value
input and the remaining 7% came from diet. predicted at 4 d. Based on the distribution of TBS, the child’s 21
Model-predicted TBS (sum of VA in compartments 6 and d value (1316 μmol, compared with 2404 μmol at 4 d) appears
7) for the group was 1097 μmol; nearly all (98%) of TBS was to better align with the status for the group; this is also true for
accounted for by the larger exchangeable pool (compartment the child’s estimated liver VA concentration (4.1 μmol/g at 4 d,
6; Figure 1B). VA disposal rate was 1.3 μmol/d for the group. compared with 2.2 μmol/g at 21 d).
Compared with irreversible loss from compartment 6, the
system fractional catabolic rate was 2 times higher (0.12%/d),
because the model assumes half the loss occurs from plasma.
The exchangeable extravascular pools contained 28-mo worth Discussion
of VA. In addition, the transit time in plasma was 1.5 h, In this work, we used compartmental analysis and a super-child
compared with 81 d in the larger exchangeable pool and 4.0 d design to estimate whole-body retinol kinetics and TBS in a
in the smaller pool; the system residence time was 863 d. The group of Mexican preschool-aged children, collecting 2 blood
model also predicted that, on average, retinol recycled to plasma samples from each child and generating a composite data set
13 times before being irreversibly utilized, and spent 64 d in the for modeling. Because obtaining serial blood samples in field
exchangeable pools before cycling back to plasma. settings can be challenging, especially in children, Haskell et
al. (37) used a population-based approach for the first time
Estimation of TBS in individuals to describe retinol kinetics in Peruvian children. Later, Lopez-
Using the super-child model, we calculated the composite Teros et al. (10) advanced the approach by using compartmental
RID coefficient FaS at 4 d (3.01). Using this value and each analysis to study retinol kinetics and TBS in Mexican infants,
child’s SAp on day 4, TBS was calculated for individuals using and more recently Ford et al. (12) applied it in Bangladeshi
Equation 2 (Supplemental Table 1 and Figure 3), providing a and Filipino infants and young Guatemalan children. Besides
geometric mean value of 1096 μmol (IQR: 836–1492 μmol). generating information on retinol kinetics and TBS in the
Also shown in Figure 3 and Supplemental Table 1 are estimated children studied here, we also calculated group mean, time-
VA concentrations in liver, calculated assuming that liver is 3% variant values for RID equation coefficients using the model and
of body weight in children and that liver contains 80% of VA applied those in a RID equation to estimate TBS in all children
TBS (2, 13, 36). The geometric mean liver VA concentration was at 4 d as well as at their second post-4 d time.
1.51 μmol/g (IQR: 1.30–2.10 μmol/g). In our earlier study of Mexican infants (aged 1–3 y),
For the 12 children whose second sampling time was after model-predicted TBS was higher than expected [844 μmol
4 d (i.e., at 7, 11, 14, or 21 d), TBS was also calculated using (10); equivalent to 1.73 μmol/g liver calculated assuming 80%
Equation 2 with the time-variant values for Fa and S predicted of VA is stored in the liver (2) and liver weight is 3% of
by the model and each subject’s SAp at the corresponding time. body weight in children (13)]. For the older children from
The composite coefficient FaS was 1.59 at 7 d, 1.09 at 11 d, the same region included here, model-predicted TBS was also
0.911 at 14 d, and 0.739 at 21 d (see Supplemental Table 2 high (1097 μmol; 1.46 μmol/g liver) and similar to the value
1648 Lopez-Teros et al.
obtained for Guatemalan preschool-aged children [1062 μmol was 852 μmol compared with 626 μmol using the isotope
(12); equivalent to 1.89 μmol/g liver]. For both groups of mass balance equation. That is, TBS predictions by the mass
preschoolers, >50% of VA intake is provided by fortified balance equation for these 3 individuals were ∼73% of the
foods as preformed VA (38, 39), but unlike in Guatemala, VA value obtained using Equation 2. The difference is due to the
fortification is not mandatory in Mexico. However, Mexican coefficients. Specifically, the coefficients in the isotope mass
children receive a large-dose VA supplement (210 μmol) balance equation (41) are derived as follows: Fa is 0.839
semiannually through their fourth year; the high TBS in this assuming 90% absorption efficiency (48, 49) and using a
group, compared with the infants studied earlier, suggests correction for catabolism with a fractional catabolic rate of
that children in this region could be in positive VA balance 0.5%/d during the mixing period (14 d) (40) and assuming the
(∼125 μmol/y). Additionally, model-predicted TBS for the ratio of specific activity in serum/liver (i.e., S) to be 0.8 (50).
children studied here was higher than that reported for African These values compare with our model-predicted value of 0.754
preschool-aged children from Zambia [686 μmol (40)] and for Fa, assuming an absorption efficiency of 80%, and 1.21 for
South Africa [574 μmol (41)], where sugar fortification and S at 14 d. Although a statistical comparison is not warranted,
liver consumption, respectively, are common. Viewed together, this discrepancy could be related to the fact that group-specific
these data support the idea that the overlap of mandatory coefficients were used in Equation 2 whereas the values used in
fortification strategies aimed at reducing VA deficiency, along the other equation are derived from the literature.

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with the fortification of commonly consumed commercial In a relevant post hoc analysis, which is presented in detail
foods, could be contributing to the increases in TBS in children in Supplemental Results, we compared VA kinetics in this
that have been observed over the last decade (42, 43). group of Mexican preschoolers to previously published results
To evaluate whether the high TBS in the children studied for a group of Guatemalan children of similar age using a
here is reasonable considering their exposure to large-dose VA partially parallel modeling approach analogous to that used by
supplements, we did the following simple retention calculation. Ford et al. (12). Results showed that kinetics for the Mexican
Assuming that their dietary VA intake [407 μg RAE/d (1.42 children were similar to those predicted for the Guatemalan
μmol RAE/d)] maintains VA balance, and that children received group; specifically, mean plasma tracer response data could be
a supplement containing 105 μmol of retinol at 6 mo of fit equally as well for the Mexican children if DT(3), L(5,4),
age that was retained at 70% efficiency (44) and then 210 L(6,5), and L(5,7) (Figure 1A) were equal and parallel to those
μmol of retinol every 6 mo until 4.5 y (i.e., a maximum for the Guatemalans. Thus, processes describing the time for
of 8 times) that was retained at 50% efficiency (45), VA ingested/absorbed retinol to reach hepatocytes, the transfer of
supplements alone could account for ∼900 μmol of positive diet-derived retinol in hepatocytes to plasma as well as plasma
VA balance. This estimate does not include additional positive turnover to the larger exchangeable extravascular pool, and
balance from dietary VA or breastmilk. Overall, we conclude recycling from the smaller extravascular pool to plasma were
that TBS predicted for these children (71% of whom were aged quantitatively the same in the 2 groups. Using this approach,
>4.5 y) is reasonable and that a large portion of their VA stores model-predicted TBS for the Mexican children was within 7%
results from a positive VA balance due to frequent, large-dose of the value estimated when the composite data set was fit in-
supplements. Furthermore, as more data have been obtained dependently (Figure 1B). Interestingly, L(5,6) was faster for the
on VA stores in children with varying socioeconomic status in Mexican children compared with the Guatemalans; this is likely
Northwest Mexico (10, 24, 46) over the past 10 y, it is becoming due to the lower VA intake for the former group and suggests
clear that VA supplementation should be limited to those from that a greater contribution of recycling from stores compared
low- and very-low-income sectors of the populations, for whom with diet was required to maintain plasma retinol homeostasis.
VA deficiency is still of public health concern, especially among In summary, our results on retinol kinetics in Mexican
infants aged <2 y (47). preschoolers add to our understanding of whole-body VA
To predict TBS in individuals, we used compartmental metabolism in infants and children. As in another recent super-
analysis to estimate the coefficients that are included in RID child study (12), the dietary VA intake data that we had collected
prediction equations. Model-predicted values for the composite as part of the nutritional assessment of participating children
RID coefficient FaS at 4 d for this group of Mexican children were also critical for constraining the model and increasing
aged <5 y was 3.01, a value close to that observed for confidence in model predictions. To our knowledge, we report
Guatemalan preschool-age children [2.93 (12)]; when this value for the first time the prediction of TBS in individual children
for FaS was used to calculate individual subject values for TBS using RID at 4 d postdose and we show how the super-child
using Equation 2, the geometric mean was 1096 μmol (IQR: modeling approach can be used with RID to estimate TBS at
836–1492). As noted in other publications (10–12), the super- any time between 4 and 21 d postdose. Overall, the addition of
child modeling approach can provide group-specific values for a super-child component to RID studies improves predictions of
Fa and S at any time after dosing (Supplemental Table 2) so that group TBS and allows calculation of VA stores for individuals
TBS can be calculated at any appropriate time (e.g., 4–28 d). in the group.
When values for the coefficients were used in Equation 2, TBS
predictions at 4 d were not significantly different from those Acknowledgments
calculated at times from 7 to 21 d (P = 0.33). We acknowledge and thank Bertha Isabel Pacheco Moreno,
Another RID equation, the isotope mass balance equation, Jessica Avila Prado, and José Carlos Valenzuela Gutiérrez for
has been used to predict TBS at 14 d in groups of children assisting with the field work; Orlando Tortoledo Ortiz for
(3, 40, 41). Thus, we compared results obtained using RID analyzing serum samples; and Joanne Balmer Green (Penn State
Equation 2 and the FaS at 14 d (0.911; Supplemental Table University) for contributions to the writing of the manuscript.
2) with those calculated by the isotope mass balance equation The authors’ responsibilities were as follows—VL-T, MHG,
using the equivalent FaS (0.671) for the 3 children studied JLF, HA-G: designed the study; JLF, MHG: did the modeling
here whose second blood sample was obtained at 14 d. Using and its interpretation; VL-T, HA-G: supervised the study; SAT:
Equation 2, the geometric mean TBS for these 3 children donated essential materials and supervised retinol isotopic
Vitamin A stores and kinetics in Mexican children 1649
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