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Case Study Analysis



Case Study 1

Going through the first case, there is an understanding that Tommy has problems relating

to his peers and as of such, he gets into problems and it escalates to relationship problems with

his teachers too. Classical conditioning is the behavioral theory relating to the character and the

reason for this is the fact that Tommy’s stimuli is altered with regard to the manner that he

operates and thinks. The fact that he fails to relate well with people his own age proves that

classical conditioning is the best theory to employ with resolution of his problems and the

changes needed in his life in order to operate well as a young student that he is.

It is also essential to note that bipolar disorder is associated with the character and reason

for this is the fluent nature of his conversation but when it gets to various tasks such as

mathematics, he fails to comprehend the various equations required. With the changing

emotions, it is vital to comprehend the cognitive theories involved with regard to this.

Observational learning theory is involved with regard to this. When the character gets to see the

manner that other people operate, he gets to change his behavior and this is mostly because he

feels kind of threatened by the developments made by the other characters.

The fact that Tommy has bipolar disorder makes him act out. At times, as explained,

Tommy at times gets out of his character and to some point even talks badly to his tutors. It is

critical to note that his mathematics teacher has been a positive influence in his life and s very

understanding owing to the fact that he comprehends the needs of Tommy and always ensures

that he is comfortable as he goes through his remedial teachings.


With regard to classical conditioning, it is vital to note that the theory can be employed to

Tommy through various aspects and this because stimuli can be evoked in him and the best

manner to do this is by having him associating with people of different characters and through

this there is comprehension of the characteristics of Tommy. With an understanding of this,

psychologists have the ability to note the problem that Tommy has and consequently a better

chance of resolving his issues. Through this, there is even a higher ability of resolving other

psychological issues that impact the modern medical environment.

Case Study 2

The other issue to review is that regarding Natasha, a young girl that has some emotional

problems and this is because she does not believe that she is favorable among her peers and in

the life of the parents. Operant conditioning is behavioral theory associated with Natasha and this

is because she can change her line of thought given the fact that the condition is self-inflicted and

changing the manner of thought is essential in ensuring that the character changes completely.

Through this, there is the assurance that Natasha will comprehend that the parents love her as

much as they love her baby sister.

A characteristic of operant conditioning is reinforcement and this can be incorporated

with regard to Natasha and this is through aspects such as taking her out more. When parents get

to note that their children are lacking with aspects such as emotional support, they ought to

engage social activities with the child where they get to take her out more often where she will

get to feel loved and appreciated. Regardless of the age of that child, it is essential to note that

the kid is further emotionally comfortable when the parents engage in such activities.

With regard to cognitive theories, it is essential to note that emotional coping is the one

employed in Natasha’s story. It is notable that emotional distress is the problem that is involved

with Natasha and reason for this is that she doubts herself a lot and consequently fails to

appreciate the opportunities that she has. A good education is an aspect that numerous people

lack in the contemporary environment and the fact that Natasha gets this is something that she

ought to appreciate. Through the education, it is possible for her to understand that her parent

love her as much as they love her younger sister and consequently there is the ability for her to

improve her life. A positive attitude is an aspect that ought to exist with regard to the modern

environment and with optimism, there is the ability to improve the life that one has and

consequently improve the emotional coping theory.

Observational learning is another aspect to comprehend with regard to Natasha. Through

this theory, there is the ability to comprehend the fact that Natasha got to witness the manner

through which her parents treated the younger sister and this did not sit right with her. It is

essential to note that this was well employed in her case and the fact that she felt this way made

her naïve and consequently had a negative attitude.



Liesl Frank Holistic Kinesiology (LFHK). (2015, February 28). Case study – Natasha’s negative

thoughts. Retrieved from

Georgia Department of Education. (n.d.). Case study 1 – Tommy (Elementary/middle school).

Retrieved from


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