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- To research and obtain information of habits, human behavioural psychology (why
we do things) and its relation to exercise and exercise adoption/compliance/habits

Areas that I want to cover:

- Goal setting
- Human behavioural psychology
- Why do we do things?
- Why do we make certain decisions?
- Why it’s hard for some to do something vs others
- The science of habits, habit formation, and habit maintenance/longevity
- Mindfulness and its relation to habits
- Willpower
- Practical application on all these areas applied to exercise, fitness and health
- James Clear
- BJ Fogg
- Dr Jud
- William James (habits)
- Jim Rohn - goal setting
- ZenHabits

Topics to research

- How to break a bad habit
- How to form new habits
- The theory of learning and memory
- how habits are formed
- how habits are formed in the brain
- how habit works
- how habits affect your life
- how habits can be changed
- how habits influence personal growth
- can habits be genetic
- can habits be broken
- can a habit become an addiction
- habit when stressed
- habit when nervous
- why habit is important
- why habit is called second nature
- why habit is harmful
- what habit can i replace smoking with
- what habit can i replace drinking with
- what habit can you replace smoking with
- What to do when you slip away from your habits?
- I.e. giving into temptation, losing self-discipline and doing the bad habit
- What are some social/psychological factors affecting eating/exercise habits?
- habit versus addiction
- habit vs lifestyle
- habit vs behavior
- habit vs self control
- habit vs character
- habit vs self control
- habit vs goal
- habit vs bad habit
- habit vs ritual
- habit tracking
- habit nutrition
- habit psychology
- Why do people stop/quit exercising
- Why we choose to be sedentary
- Why do some people have more willpower than others for exercise?
- Why is exercise a keystone habit for life and personal development?
- What are the factors/things that prevent us from exercising?
- What are the factors/things that help us start/continue exercising?
- What does the research say about exercise compliance and adoption?
- What are some behavioural strategies used by resarch to increase exercise
- I.e. cognitive-behavioural strategies

Key takeaways and the concepts discussed in:

- Habits - William James
- The power of habit
- ACT-R - John Anderson

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