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The Way of Abundance and Power:

of the

Equips You with Answers for Life!

See your household fellowship coordinator for requirements and registration information.

G od's Word promises in John 14:12 that believers can do the works of
Jesus Christ and greater works. This promise is ours to claim today as
we walk in his steps. In order to increase the power of God in our lives, let's
Jesus Christ-
Man's Redeemer
Greg Shaffer
go to the Scriptures to observe the works he did and learn what he accom-
plished for us.
Rev. Greg Shaffer looks at God's brilliant plan of redemption and shows
how "Jesus Christ-Man's Redeemer" fulfilled God's plan for all of mankind. Believing the Integrity
Today, all born-again believers have redemption, everlasting life, and free- of God's Word
dom to live above the adversary's power and authority. We can receive God's
Barbara P. Mc Culloch
promises in our lives by "Believing the Integrity of God's Word;' as Barbara
Mc Culloch teaches in her article. In "Becoming an Example;' Nancy Brooks
examines I Timothy 4:12 and the Old Testament record of Daniel as a young
believer who became an example to others by living God's Word.
You'll want to be on the lookout for a new interactive element in this issue
Becoming an Example
Nancy Brooks
entitled "God Promises Us... " It highlights a promise of God from each feature
article along with scriptural accounts showing those promises being claimed.
Have fun looking up these and other records in the Word that demonstrate
2006 Way Magazine
believers claiming each promise!
The Way Magazine Author/Scripture Index for 2006 is a convenient refer- Author/Scripture Index
ence tool that can help us in our study of the Word. It can be removed from
Special detachable insert
the center of the magazine and used as a quick reference to all the articles and
scriptures that were presented in 2006. In Keys to Biblical Research, we learn
more about rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Rev. Robert Mc Culloch fo-
cuses our attention on the category of "Biblical Truths We Must Adhere To:
Get 'To Whom' Correct-Administrations:'
In The Prevailing Word Report, you'll be uplifted to read of many blessings
that were reaped at the 2006 advanced class on The Way of Abundance and
Power. You can also enjoy overviews of two magnificent times in our minis- DEPARTMENTS:
try: the Advanced Class Special held at The Way International Headquarters
in November and the thirtieth anniversary of Camp Gunnison-The Way
Household Ranch. Keys to Biblical Research 18
As we bring the life and ministry of Jesus Christ to the forefront of our
minds and imitate his example, we will gain new heights in our believing walk
with our heavenly Father!
The Prevailing Word Report 20

The Way is a fellowship of the followers of the

Lord Jesus Christ for the manifestation of the
more abundant life. A follower of The Way is Sunday Service Highlights 26
filled with and manifests power from on high,
holy spirit, and freely avails himself of fellowship meetings for spiri-
tual nurture and growth. The Way fellowship is cemented together
by the Spirit of God with each individual believer being trans-
formed by the renewing of his mind according to the Word of God. From the Heart: Letters 27

FOUNDER PRODUCEDBY THE WAY MAGAZINE (USPS623-800)-january/February 2007, No. I, published six times each yea" jan/Peb, Mar/Apt, May/Iune,
Victor Paul Wierwille The Way International July/Aug, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec by the American Christian Press, The Way International, New Knoxville, Ohio 45871-0328, U.S.A.
Periodicals postage paid at New Knoxville. Ohio. U.S.A. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The v\'ay Magazine, P.O. Box 328,
Xew Knoxville OH 45871-0328. US.A. Subscriptions, US.A. (excludes AK and HI). one year (six issues)-US$20; APO. FPO.
PRESIDENT SUBSCRIPTIONS Canada. Mexico. AK. HI. and US. Territories with US. zip codes-US$25; all others-US$30. ©2007 by The Way International.
Rosalie F. Rivenbark All rights reserved. ISSN 0277·0431. Printed in the U.S.A.Visit our Web site:
The Way International
Keith W. Jackson ADDITIO ALCONTRIBUTOR-Photograph, NancyBrooks(p.12).
e us Christ- Man'SRedeemer

Greg Shaffer had licked each tamp my elf, and I knew was to purchase mankind back from Sa-
that thi was the required payment. tan's power and authority, for at one time
Buying the fishing rod and reel with mankind legally belonged to Satan. The

W hen I was fourteen year old, I

walked into the local trading
stamp redemption center with great
cash was not an option, because I didn't
have enough saved, but I wanted to ac-
quire the new pole honestly and justly. I
required price was high, for the payment
was the life of His only begotten Son,
Jesus Christ. Once the price was paid,
purpose and confidence. I was carrying needed a good plan. I decided to invest though, it became available for all of man-
twenty-eight completely filled books of my time saving trading stamps and filling kind who believed to legally belong to
trading stamps, the exact number re- up the books so that I would be able to God. Jesus Christ, man's redeemer, ful-
quired to purchase what I wanted-a purchase what I wanted with them. filled God's plan of redemption for all of
brand-new fishing rod and reel. I proud- Before I walked into that redemption mankind.
ly walked up to the clerk and said, "Here center, the fishing pole belonged to the Let's first look at how mankind came
are twenty-eight books of trading stamps. trading stamp company. I paid the re- to be under Satan's rulership. Our loving
You can check every page if you'd like:' I quired price for it, and I joyfully watched heavenly Father originally gave man do-
as the clerk retrieved it from the shelf and minion over the earth. We can see this in
handed it to me. Because the required the first chapter of Genesis.
price had been paid in full, that new rod Genesis 1:26:
Rev. Greg Shaffer, and reel now belonged to me. I bought ... let them [man] have dominion over the
a Way Corps minister
it from the trading stamp company. My fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the
and graduate of
the class of 1983,
plan of redemption had worked. air, and over the cattle, and over all the
serves on the God also had a plan of redemption, earth ....
President's Cabinet at but His was for something much great- Not only had God given man the do-
The Way International. er than a fishing rod and reel. His plan minion over the earth, He also equipped

4 The Way Magazine/January-February 2007

man to be able to successfully carry out the Old Testament. The blood of animals
this responsibility. God's man was com-
God provided was shed to atone for the sins of the chil-
plete in every way. He had a body that a brilliant plan by which dren of Israel. Their sins were covered
God formed from the dust of the ground. with the sacrifice of an animal, such as a
Man also had breath life, making him mankind could be young goat or a lamb without blemish.
a living soul. To complete the package, For example, on the Day of Atonement,
God created spirit in man, giving him the !ldee'?1~d.fro.m . the high priest of Israel entered into the
means by which he could communicate .Satan's rulership. Holy of Holies to make sacrifices. He laid
with God, Who is Spirit. his hands on the goat outside the Temple
Isaiah 43: 7: and then sent it into the wilderness to die.
Even everyone that is called by my name: God had said that as surely as the Israel-
for I have created him for my glory, I have ites saw the goat go into the wilderness,
formed him; yea, I have made him. so certainly their sins went with it. This
God formed, made, and created His animal sacrifice covered Israel's sins by a
man to be a three-part being of body, yearly atonement. Other sacrifices and sin
soul, and spirit. offerings were made at different times ac-
Adam and Eve enjoyed wonderful fel- cording to Old Testament law.
lowship with God, and they were given Another example is the sacrifice at the
dominion and authority over the earth. individuals. They lost their connection first Passover. God had Moses instruct
But something changed all that. with God. the children of Israel about the sacrifi-
Genesis 3:1: After dominion over the earth was ciallamb.
Now the serpent was more subtil than any transferred to the adversary, mankind Exodus 12:5 and 6:
beast of the field which the Lord God had legally belonged to Satan. We needed to Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male
made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, be redeemed from this captivity. of the first year: ye shall take it out from
hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every According to Ephesians 2, all mankind the sheep, or from the goats:
tree of the garden? is born into this world dead in trespass- ... and the whole assembly of the congrega-
The adversary's subtle craftiness es and sins, having no hope, and without tion of Israel shall kill it in the evening.
tricked Eve into not following God's God (verses 1 and 12). Our loving heav- This lamb was to be without blemish.
Word. She eventually enticed Adam to enly Father knew that we would be in Jesus Christ met this qualification as the
sin. Because of Adam's disobedience to this terrible situation. He provided a bril- final Passover lamb.
God's Word, Adam forfeited his authori- liant plan by which mankind could be I Corinthians 5:7:
ty and dominion. He could have refused redeemed from Satan's rulership. Jesus ... For even Christ our passover is sacri-
Eve's offer; however, through freedom of Christ was God's plan for redemption. ficed for us.
choice, he took his conferred rights- Before we look at God's plan, let's look Jesus Christ was the perfect sacrificial
the rulership, dominion, and authority at what redemption means. Redemption lamb-a lamb without blemish, a male of
over this world-and transferred them means to be released by the payment of the first year, taken out from among the
to God's archenemy. a ransom. The ransom is the required sheep. He was a man from among men,
In Luke 4, the Devil offered this power price to bring someone out of captivity. a lamb from the flock. He had the poten-
to Jesus. The main idea of redemption is freedom tial to sin, yet he did not; he lived God's
Luke 4:5 and 6: secured by payment of a price. Word perfectly. He was without blemish
And the devil, taking him (Jesus] up into Being dead in trespasses and sins, man and without spot.
an high mountain, shewed unto him all needed release from captivity! The pay- The animal sacrifices of the Old Tes-
the kingdoms of the world in a moment ment required to release mankind from tament law were temporary substitutes
of time. this state was God's only begotten Son. until God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who
And the devil said unto him, All this power I Peter 1:18 and 19: was the complete and final sacrifice for all
will I give thee, and the glory of them: for Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not sin. Jesus Christ sacrificed his life once for
that is delivered unto me; and to whom- redeemed with corruptible things, as silver all mankind and ended the yearly Pass-
soever I will I give it. and gold, from your vain conversation re- over sacrifices referred to in Exodus. His
The Devil rightfully declared, "Allthis ceived by tradition from your fathers; death was the complete atonement.
power will I give thee, and the glory of But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a John the Baptist recognized that Jesus
them: for that is delivered unto me ... ," lamb without blemish and without spot. Christ would be that complete atone-
because that power and glory had been God's plan of redemption included the ment.
handed to him in man's fall due to Adam's sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, "a lamb John 1:29:
disobedience to God. Adam lost authori- without blemish and without spot:' To The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto
ty, dominion, and rulership. Both he and understand the significance of our re- him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God,
Eve lost the spirit that God had created demption by the precious blood of Christ, which taketh away the sin of the world.
in them, becoming just body-and-soul let's briefly look at some background from In Jesus Christ Our Passover, Dr. Victor

The Way Magazine/January-February 2007 5

Paul Wierwille, our ministry's Founding We have tion through his blood, the forgiveness [re-
President, ,\TO e: mission] of sins, according to the riches of
total release from his grace.
Because (( Adams sin, mankind became The word translated "redemption" in
dead in trespasses and sins. It took a per- ~
.~, I
. Ephesians 1:7 comes from the root word
fect, sinless human being to atone for that IUD in the Greek language. According
sin a to make it possible for believers to Strong's concordance, one definition
to be reconciled to God. It took a perfect of IUDis to loose. This word is used in
human sacrifice to be the complete atone- Mark 7:35 as Jesus the redeemer brings
ment for you and for me and for all people freedom to a man that was in bondage:
ever since his sacrifice. And straightway his ears were opened, and
the string of his tongue was loosed [IuD],
God's plan of redemption was within and he spake plain.
all legal boundaries, He purchased man- This man had a speech impediment
kind back from Satan's captivity honest- and couldn't speak plainly. After Jesus
Iy and justly. He didn't steal or kidnap us for all of mankind. That is a powerful ministered to the man, the man's tongue
out from the adversary's grip. He paid for redemption! was loosed, and he spoke plainly.
our redemption with the precious blood Jesus Christ willingly gave himself as In Acts, chapter 2, we find another oc-
of His only begotten Son. a perfect, sinless sacrifice-a perfect re- currence of this Greek word IUD.It is used
Redemption is to be released by the deemer. By offering himself as the sac- in reference to the resurrection of Jesus
payment of a ransom. The price that was rifice, he fulfilled the required payment Christ.
paid for our redemption was not with to purchase our freedom. All we have to Acts 2:24:
money or trading stamps or any other do is accept it by confessing Jesus as lord Whom God hath raised up, having loosed
corruptible item. Only the precious blood and believing in our heart that God raised [IUD]the pains of death: because it was not
of Jesus Christ would pay the required him from the dead (Romans 10:9 and 10). possible that he should be holden of it.
price for our redemption. It cost us nothing, because it cost God His God loosed the pains of death when
I Corinthians 6:19 and 20: dearest and best-the life of His only be- He raised His Son, Jesus Christ, from
... know ye not that ... ye are not your gotten Son. Oh, the price He paid for you the dead. That is powerful freedom from
own? and for me! bondage!
For ye are bought with a price .... Paying the price entitles the owner to Ephesians tells us we have redemp-
In Jesus Christ Is Not God, Dr. Wierwille legal rights. For instance, if I purchase tion through Jesus Christ's blood, the re-
wrote: an automobile, then I become the owner. mission of sins, according to the riches
Once I pay the required purchase price, I of God's grace. Jesus Christ's shed blood,
God accomplished seven things by His Son, receive the title for that vehicle. The title meaning the giving of his life, was the
Jesus Christ, to bring about our redemp- tate yerr clearl . and in legal terms that ransom that loosed us from the adver-
tion: (1) the birth of Jesus Christ; (2) his the automobile belongs to me. The previ- sary's grip. We have total release from all
sinless life; (3) the death ofJesus Christ on ous owner can't come back to me a week captivity. At the time of the new birth,
the cross; (4) his resurrection three days and after I purchase the vehicle and say, "You our sins are not just covered-our sins are
three nights later; (5) his ministry follow- know, I've owned that automobile much completely washed away. We have com-
ing the resurrection; (6) Christ's ascension; longer than you have. It really belongs to plete remission of all our sins and start
and, finally, (7) the coming of holy spirit on me. I think I'll drive it back home now:' our walk in perfect fellowship with our
the day of Pentecost. Had anyone of these If he were to try that, I would show him heavenly Father.
parts not taken place, our lives would not the title and boldly claim what is right- Jesus Christ was the perfect sacrifice.
be totally redeemed. fully mine. This car now belongs to me. I His blood was shed for you and me, and
paid for it-it is mine. this precious price was paid to purchase
By his freedom of will, Jesus Christ Similarly, God has paid the required our freedom. We no longer belong to
fulfilled God's plan of redemption. There purchase price for you and me; there- the adversary. We are God's children, re-
was a ransom to be paid, and Jesus Christ fore, we belong to Him. No longer do we deemed from the corruption and sin of
was the only one capable of paying it. He legally belong to our previous owner, for this world. We are redeemed from a life
fulfilled the law with his birth, life, death, God has fully paid the price and bought of destruction, from a life of negatives,
resurrection, resurrection appearances, us back from Satan. frustrations, fears, and defeat.
and then ascension to the right hand of The Epistle of Ephesians, addressed to At one time, mankind legally belonged
God; and the gift of holy spirit was sent all those born again of God's spirit and to Satan. Because of what our wonderful
forth on the day of Pentecost. That ran- faithfully living the truth, tells us plainly lord and savior accomplished, we no lon-
sam was paid, and this redemption, deliv- what Jesus Christ has done for us. ger live under Satan's rule. This section
erance, liberation, and release from legal Ephesians 1:7: of Romans from The New English Bible
ownership by the adversary is available In whom [Jesus Christ] we have redemp- gives a vivid summation of what we have

6 The Way Magazine/January-February 2007

learned about our redemption. The result of the work in far greater measure God's grace, and his
Romans 5:12 [The New English Bible]: gift of righteousness, live and reign through
Mark what follows. It was through one man of Jesus Christ is life, the one man, Jesus Christ.
that sin entered the world, and through Paying the required price to purchase
because he is
sin death, and thus death pervaded the s: a fishing rod and reel was very satisfy-
-' / "-, - ing to me when I was fourteen years old.
whole human race, inasmuch as all men , man's redeemer.
have sinned. How satisfying is it for our heavenly Fa-
The consequences to mankind result- ther to have purchased us back from the
ing from Adam's fall were sin and death. adversary? Our loving Father wanted us,
Without a redeemer, mankind would re- and He paid the ultimate, required price
main in this despair. But God's gracious to redeem us and set us free.
plan made His overflowing freedom and Even though mankind at one time be-
release available for all of mankind. longed to Satan, God had a plan to release
Romans 5:15 [The New English Bible]: us and make us free. Jesus Christ, man's
But God's act of grace is out of all pro- redeemer, fulfilled God's plan, making
portion to Adam's wrongdoing. For if the redemption available for all of mankind.
wrongdoing of that one man brought death redemption. Being born again of God's Jesus Christ willingly gave himself as
upon so many, its effect is vastly exceeded spirit, we no longer belong to the adver- a perfect, sinless sacrifice-a perfect re-
by the grace of God and the gift that came sary. We belong to God. Our redemption deemer. God bought us back from the
to so many by the grace of the one man, gives us the right to reign in life, to rule. adversary's power by paying the req uired
Jesus Christ. By what Jesus Christ has accomplished, price-the life of His only begotten Son,
Jesus Christ fulfilled God's brilliant we have life. our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. No lon-
plan to purchase mankind back from Romans 5:17 [The New English Bible]: ger are we held in Satan's captivity. No
Satan. That is why he is our redeemer. For if by the wrongdoing of that one man longer are we dead in trespasses and sins.
It is God's wonderful grace in giving the death established its reign, through a single The result of the work of Jesus Christ is
life of His Son that paid the price for our sinner, much more shall those who receive life, because he is man's redeemer. ~

The Way Magazine/January-February 2007 7

The Word of God has integrity,
EXODUS 32: 16
and believing it
produces what God promises.

Barbara P. Me Culloeh Word to develop an understanding of been a hard-pointed instrument. Some

integrity, we will see some occurrences books were made of soaked palm leaves,

T he Word of God has integrity! That's

a bold statement. How can I say
that? I can say that the Word of God has
where the Word speaks of itself.
In Exodus 31 the Word declares that it
was "written with the finger of God:'
and the writing was done with an iron
pen. Words written on palm leaves never
faded nor were eaten by worms.
integrity because I have looked into the Exodus 31:18: Another mode of preservation used
Word of God to help me understand this And he gave unto Moses, when he had during this time was cutting letters into
great reality. I have believed it and seen made an end of communing with him upon stone and pouring molten lead into them.
God's promises come to pass in my life. mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables The lead poured into the rock preserved
When we understand and believe that the of stone, written with the finger of God. the writing, permitting the words to re-
Word of God has integrity, we are able In ancient times it , as not unusual main for a very long time. From these
to take believing action on it and receive for important truths and events to be en- examples we see various ways that the in-
God's promises. graved into tablets of stone. The word tegrity of the Word of God may have been
I would like to invite you to look into "testimony" here refers to God's Word. preserved so that we can be blessed with
the Word with me and discover what the The phrase "with the finger of God" is a its accuracy and integrity today.
Word says about its own integrity. Then figure of speech emphasizing God as the In II Timothy 3:16 the Word describes
we will see how believing the integrity of Author of His Word. itself as the "God-breathed" Word.
God's Word brings the promises of God Looking into the Book of Job we can II Timothy 3:16:
to pass. The greatest of God's works is learn more about how important words All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
His Word; and when believed it produces were preserved during this time. and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
what God says. Job 19:23 and 24: for correction, for instruction in righteous-
The Word of God speaks for itself re- Oh that my words were now written! oh ness.
garding its integrity. As we look into the that they were printed in a book! The word "All" refers to all scripture,
That they were graven with an iron pen all without exception, from Genesis 1:1 to
and lead in the rock for ever! Revelation 22:21. The five words "given by
Job desired that his words should be inspiration of God" are actually one word
Barbara Mc Culloch, preserved. Iron, lead, and rock are long- in the Greek. This word is theopneustos,
a Way Corps minister
lasting substances that were used during which literally means "God-breathed:'
and graduate of the
class of 1982, serves in
the time of lob to preserve words, saving We see again that God is the Author of
the Printing Services them in a complete and unbroken condi- His Word; it is God-breathed. The fol-
Department at The tion. Words were inscribed with "an iron lowing verse tells us why God gave this
Way International. pen" into books; this iron pen would have God-breathed Word.

8 The Way Magazine/January-February 2007

I II Timothy 3:17: because they are very faithful. row, rocky paths at night would tie foot
That the man of God may be perfect, Titus 1:9: lamps around the ankle or hold lamps
thro ugh ly furnished unto all good works. Holding fast the faithful word as he hath in their hands. They would swing their
The first word in II Timothy 3:17 is been taught, that he may be able by sound lamps in front of themselves to throw
"That:' indicating purpose. The purpose doctrine both to exhort and to convince light onto their path so that they could
of the Word of God is that "the man of the gainsayers. see to walk safely. One step at a time, the
God may be perfect, throughly furnished The Greek word for "faithful" in this Word of God gives us spiritual light for
unto all good works:' Who is "the man of verse means trusty. This adjective means our path to move ahead safely. It illumi-
God" in this verse? It's one who speaks the Word can be relied upon; it is depend- nates our steps; it imparts wisdom and
for God. Whenever we speak for God, we able and trustworthy. These are qualities guidance. Where the Word is, there is
!.' become His spokesperson. God's Word of the integrity of God's Word. light.
says we are equipped to speak for Him; Also, the Word is pure, which is an- We have seen that God's Word declares
we are throughly equipped unto good other quality of its integrity. its own integrity. It is God-breathed and
works. What the Word says we are, we Psalms 12:6: can be trusted as much as God Himself.
are-because the Word is truthful; it's The words of the Lord are pure words: as His Word is true, faithful, pure, and a
God's Word. silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified light for our path.
The Word is truth. This is the testi- seven times. We will now see that whenever the
mony that it gives of itself.
Psalms 119:142:
Thy righteousness is an everlasting righ-
teousness, and thy law is the truth.
"Thy law is the truth" means what it
says. The Word, "thy law:' is truth. He-
brews 6:18 states that it is impossible for We can hold fast to the promises of God
God to lie. The words of the Word are
because they are very faithful.
steadfast and upright. They have integ-
rity because they are the words of God;
they are truth.
Jesus Christ is the living Word. As
God's Son, Jesus Christ had integrity. He
lived by the standard of his Father's Word,
which is truth. The words of the Word are pure Word of God is believed, it will produce
John 14:6: words-as pure as silver which has been what God says. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the purged and refined from impurities seven this Word of God is quick and power-
truth, and the life: no man cometh unto times. In the Bible, the number seven sig- ful:
the Father, but by me. nifies spiritual perfection. Not only is this For the word of God is quick, and power-
Jesus Christ said that he is the way, the Word pure, but it is spiritually pure! ful, and sharper than any two edged sword,
truth, and the life. He provides "the way" Psalms 119:140: piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul
to the Father. As the living Word of God, Thy word is very pure: therefore thy ser- and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,
Jesus Christ was "the truth" in everything vant loveth it. and is a discerner of the thoughts and in-
he did or said; he provides the way to "the The word "pure" relates to the process tents of the heart.
life" that is eternal. These three realities of refining gold and silver to the point of The Word declares that it is "quick:'
denote completeness. What Jesus Christ separating the pure metal from the dross which means it is alive and vital; it is also
gave as the living Word of God is the way which forms on the surface of molten "powerful:' meaning it is energetic. This
to the truth and eternal life. metals. The Word states that it is "very verse also states that God's Word is "a
Another quality of integrity that the pure"- to the fullest degree. Therefore, discerner:' meaning one skilled in judg-
Word reveals about itself is that it is faith- the original God-breathed Word is free ing. Because the Word has this forthright
ful. from any impurity. standard of integrity, we believe what it
Psalms 119:138: The pure Word of God gives us light says. When we believe and act on what
Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded to guide our path. it says, we receive the promises in God's
are righteous and very faithful. Psalms 119:105: Word. To further examine this truth, let's
The word "faithful" relates to firmness, Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a look at a practical example from my life
to stability, to faithfulness in fulfilling light unto my path. and then at a record from the Old Tes-
promises. But God's testimonies are not A lamp or lantern gives light to our tament.
just faithful. The Word itself says that path. The Word states of itself that it is a As a young child I had been taught to
these testimonies are "very faithful:' We lamp; it gives light to our path. In some believe the Word of God. I was taught that
can hold fast to the promises of God parts of the East, men walking over nar- God was with me every step of every day.

The Way Magazine/January-February 2007 9

I knew God's Word had integrity. I was name was Captain Gabriel. (I love God's king of Syria, was a great man with his
taught Proverbs 3:5 and 6: sense of humor!) master, and honourable, because by him
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and Captain Gabriel hired me. He gave the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria:
lean not unto thine own understanding. me an assistant to help with the fifty-two he was also a mighty man in valour, but
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he five-year-olds and provided a building for he was a leper.
shall direct thy paths. the kindergarten class, complete with a And the Syrians had gone out by compa-
With the believing heart of a child, I stove to keep us warm during the thirty- nies, and had brought away captive out
absolutely knew that God was there to five-degree winter. This building was a of the land of Israel a little maid; and she
direct each step of the way. God and I one-hundred-foot-long World War II waited on Naaman's wife.
have been friends as far back as I can re- Quonset hut, made in the shape of a half As the commander of the Syrian army,
member. I acknowledged Him every step cylinder, with some child-sized tables and Naaman was honorable and a mighty
of my day. chairs provided. Every step of the way, man of valor. Naaman's first step in re-
As I grew, my life moved smoothly God faithfully met each challenge with a ceiving his deliverance began when he
along paths of believing action. I gradu- victory. For example, the frequent huffing acted upon the words spoken by the lit-
ated high school and sailed across the and puffing of the old stove enabled our tle maid.
ocean to attend the University of Lau- class to become the best-practiced five- II Kings 5:3 and 4:
sanne in Switzerland. I returned to the year-olds in the fine art of fire evacua- And she said unto her mistress, Would
United States and graduated college in tion techniques. God my lord were with the prophet that
Boston where I was trained to be a teach- I had the privilege to establish a kin- is in Samaria! for he would recover him
er (kindergarten through eighth grade). A dergarten class where none had existed of his leprosy.
week after graduation I was married to my before. It remained in operation until the And one went in, and told his lord, say-
wonderful husband. One week later we air base closed several years ago. I ac- ing, Thus and thus said the maid that is
were living on the island of Crete, Greece. knowledged God, I believed the truth of of the land of Israel.
My husband resumed his job on the air God's promise to supply my need, and I He took action on what the little
base, and as I began to think about what acted upon that promise. He directed my maid said about the Prophet Elisha. The
I would do to fill my days there on the is- path so that I could receive the victory. words "Would God my lord were with the
land, I talked with God. I knew He would God's Word has integrity, and believing it prophet that is in Samaria! for he would
take care of me and that He would direct brings the promises of God to pass. recover him of his leprosy" are a figure
my paths. I knew I could trust Him-He Let's now look at the record in II Kings of speech. This figure consists of a short
had always supplied all my need (Philip- ofNaaman, a leper and a pagan who had prayer. These words would ultimately in-
pians 4:19). He had always been a faith- the promise of God spoken to him by the troduce Naaman to the one true God!
ful God to me. Prophet Elisha. When Naaman believed II Kings 5:5 and 6:
Shortly after we had arrived on the what Elisha spoke, he was able to receive And the king of Syria said, Go to, go, and
island of Crete, we were listening to air healing. I will send a letter unto the king of Israel.
And he departed, and took with him ten
talents of silver, and six thousand pieces of
gold, and ten changes of raiment.
And he brought the letter to the king of
Israel, saying, Now when this letter is come
unto thee, behold, I have therewith sent
God's Word is true, faithful, pure, Naaman my servant to thee, that thou
mayest recover him of his leprosy.
and a light for our path.
The king of Syria wrote a letter to the
king of Israel on Naaman's behalf. Along
with this letter, Naaman took gifts of sil-
ver and gold and ten changes of raiment
to the king of Israel. At this time in histo-
ry, scarcely any transaction of importance
force radio when a job offer came over the This record of the healing of Naaman took place without giving a gift. Naaman
airwaves-"Is there anyone on the island in the Old Testament provides us with an followed the Eastern custom of carrying
who can fill a position teaching kinder- example of an individual who initially did costly and beautiful gifts.
garten?" My heart leapt. My husband and not know the true God or His integrity, II Kings 5:7-9:
I were amazed at just how quickly God but who believed and took action upon And it came to pass, when the king of Is-
provided something so perfect for me. I the Word to receive his deliverance. His rael had read the letter, that he rent his
needed a job, so I acted upon God's prom- believing brought about his healing. clothes, and said, Am I God, to kill and to
ise to supply all my need. I scheduled an II Kings 5:1 and 2: make alive, that this man doth send unto
interview with the captain in charge; his Now Naaman, captain of the host of the me to recover a man of his leprosy? where-

10 The Way Magazine/January-February 2007

fore consider, I pray you, and see how he Naaman did not like what Elisha'smes- tices he once knew. He was healed! He be-
seeketh a quarrel against me. senger told him. He had a difficult time came meek to the one true God. Naaman
And it was so, when Elisha the man of God believing he should wash in the muddy acknowledged the God of Elisha openly
had heard that the king of Israel had rent Jordan. He knew the Jordan was a muddy in front of all of his company.
his clothes, that he sent to the king, saying, river; he thought he should be washing Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille, our minis-
Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes? let in the beautiful rivers of Damascus. But try's Founding President, said: "Healing
him come now to me, and he shall know
that there is a prophet in Israel.
So Naaman came with his horses and with
his chariot, and stood at the door of the
house of Elisha.
As was customary Naaman waited at Whenever the Word of God is
the outside gate, thinking that the Proph-
et Elisha would come out to see him. believed, it will produce what God says.
II Kings 5:10 and 11:
And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, say-
ing, Go and wash in Jordan seven times,
and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and
thou shalt be clean.
But Naaman was wroth, and went away, counsel from his servants prompted Naa- is not dependent upon whether or not
and said, Behold, I thought, He will sure- man to more carefully reconsider the you're a Christian, but whether or not
ly come out to me, and stand, and call on prophet's words. As he considered and you believe." God's Word is truth; it is
the name of the Lord his God, and strike believed those words, he arrived another quick and powerful. Naaman was moved
his hand over the place, and recover the step closer to receiving God's promise and to action at the words spoken by the little
leper. his deliverance. maid, by Elisha's messenger, and by his
God's prophet, Elisha, spoke words Naaman's final step to deliverance is own servants. Naaman believed and took
from God. He sent his messenger out to in II Kings 5:14. He listened to the wise action on the words spoken by Elisha and
speak these words to Naaman. Elisha's counsel of his servants and acted upon received his deliverance.
sending a messenger with God's Word in- what the Prophet Elisha said. The Word of God has integrity, and
stead of personally speaking it to Naaman II Kings 5:14: believing it produces what God prom-
was perceived as an insult. Being a pagan, Then went he down, and dipped himself ises. We can have the confidence to be-
Naaman was used to pagan rituals and seven times in Jordan, according to the say- lieve and receive from God because we
enchantments. Naamans perception of ing of the man of God: and his flesh came know that the Word of God is true, it is
what he thought should be happening again like unto the flesh of a little child, faithful, it is pure, and it is a lamp and a
clouded his focus on the actual words spo- and he was clean. guide unto our path-we know the Word
ken to him by Elisha's messenger: words Naaman went back to the Jordan to of God has integrity. Taking believing
of integrity given by God to Elisha. wash seven times. What was he thinking action upon the Word of God energizes
These words from Elisha had integ- each time he dipped? Was he expecting to the power of God; believing the integri-
rity; they were pure, they were true, and see results each time? By the seventh dip, ty of God's Word brings the promises of
they provided guidance to receive God's Naaman saw his flesh return to that of a God to pass.
promise to be clean. These words were little child: soft, clean, and pure. Can you In II Kings 5 the words spoken by the
God's words with more truth than any imagine how excited and blessed Naa- Prophet Elisha had integrity. Naaman
preconceived ideas that Naaman might man must have been when he saw that he acted upon those words and believed for
have had. But the direction to "Go and was clean? Naaman humbled himself to his own healing: he received the result of
wash in Jordan seven times" took Naa- respond to the godly instruction he was that quick and powerful Word of God.
man by surprise. given. Therefore, he received deliverance, Today we are the ones who act on and
II Kings 5:12 and 13: and he was thankful to God. believe the promises from God. Our God
Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Da- II Kings 5:15: is the same God Who Healed Naaman
mascus, better than all the waters of Israel? And he returned to the man of God, he and thousands of years ago.
may I not wash in them, and be clean? So all his company, and came, and stood be- Today we have the Word of God writ-
he turned and went away in a rage. fore him: and he said, Behold, now I know ten down for us in a book. What a privi-
And his servants came near, and spake unto that there is no God in all the earth, but lege! Let's look into that book and find
him, and said, My father, if the prophet in Israel: now therefore, I pray thee, take the promises we desire. Let'sbelieve them
had bid thee do some great thing, would- a blessing of thy servant. and act upon them to receive what God
est thou not have done it? how much rath- Naaman appeared to no longer be says is available. It's that simple. Why?
er then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and bound by high thoughts of his military Because God's Word has integrity! We
be clean? position or the rituals of idolatrous prac- can believe it! ~

The Way Magazine/January-February 2007 11

come] thou an example of the believers, in
word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit,
in faith, in purity.
This verse was written to Timothy to
direct him as a young man, which in Bible
times was until thirty years of age. Today
this verse still provides great encourage-
ment and exhortation to young people on
how to become an example. Additional-
ly, all believers can learn from this verse
whatever their age, for if God expects a
young person to be an example, certainly
He would expect the same, if not more,
of those more mature.
The word "be" in this verse means "be-
come or come into a particular state or
condition." Becoming an example is a
growing process; it takes time of faith-
fully learning and applying God's Word.
"Example" is the Greek word tupos,
which in English is the word "type:' Thay-
ers Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament defines tupos in this verse as
"an example to be imitated:' "Be thou an
example of the believers" can be literally
translated "become thou [youth] a believ-
er's example:'
The exhortation ofI Timothy 4:l2lists
specific categories oflife in which a young
person is to become a believer's example.
Let's look briefly at each of these catego-
ries: word, conversation, charity, spirit,
Naney Brooks to resemble the intended design. Even- faith, and purity.
tually, the finer detail are culpted. And, First, "word" refers to the Word of God

E ach year the small mountain town

of McCall, Idaho, hosts their Win-
ter Carnival, and one of the highlights i
at long last, even the mo t minute detail
are carefully and deliberately carved from
what was once a mas ive pile of snow. The
we speak, which proceeds from that Word
that dwells in our heart. Next, "conver-
sation" refers to behavior, conduct, and
the larger-than-life snow sculptures that finished piece is one they are proud to life, including the actions that life is made
are proudly exhibited all around town. how to townspeople and tourists alike. up of. Then "charity:' the Greek word
However, the e frozen culpture don't These artists begin with their final agape, means the love of God in the re-
tart out as beautiful piece . They begin goal in mind, and diligently they fashion newed mind in manifestation. Another
as huge piles of now. this huge, shapeless pile of snow into a way agape is defined is "love in its fullest
The artists begin forming their sculp- beautiful, unique piece of art. Likewise, conceivable form ... the distinctive char-
ture , with the end result seen only in as artists of our own lives, we can sculpt acter of the Christian life in relation to
their mind's eye. The basic shape begins ourselves into beautiful believing exam- the brethren and to all:'
to emerge. Working in teams, they carve ples by diligently fashioning our lives The next words in this verse are "in
away at the shape. Gradually some de- according to God's Word. spirit:' These can be deleted since they
tails appear: the sculptures are starting In I Timothy is a verse of scripture that are not in the majority of critical Greek
tells young people how to become an ex- texts. Then "faith" means believing, or be-
ample for others, and in the Old Testa- lieving action. And, finally, "purity" is the
ment is a record of a young man who state of being lustrous, clean, pure from
Nancy Brooks, grew to become an example to others. every defilement.
a Way Corps minister
We'll look at both of these to see how we Putting these categories together, we
and graduate of the
can grow in shaping our lives with God's see that youth can faithfully shape their
class of 1996, serves in
the Way Publications Word. lives with God's Word to become believ-
Department at The I Timothy 4:12: ers' examples. Their words, thoughts, and
Way International. Let no man despise thy youth; but be [be- continued on page 17

12 The Way Magazine/January-February 2007

Becoming an Example he held in his heart. Melzar agreed to
continued from page 12 let Daniel and three other well-known
believers, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-
actions in life are to correspond with nego, try it, and after ten days, they ap-
God's Word. In relationships, with be- peared healthier than those who had
lievers and with all people, young people eaten the king's food. Daniel's love for
are to become examples in showing forth God benefited himself and his fellow God Promises US...
the love of God, in believing action, and Judean believers in this three-year train-
Editor's Note: There are over nine
in keeping themselves pure in this world. ing for the king.
hundred promises in God's Word
Believers who are more mature can con- Daniel was firmly persuaded in his
and many examples of God's faith-
tinue to grow in these areas as well. believing, and he became an example to
fulness to fulfill His Word. Following
With this understanding of I Timo- others by his behavior. Daniell:9 says that
are three promises of God, one from
thy 4:12,let's now see the Old Testament God had brought Daniel into favor with
each feature article in this issue, along
example of Daniel as a young man, spe- the ruler of the Babylonian eunuchs re-
with scriptural examples of believers
cifically focusing on how he became a sponsible for training these young men.
who claimed and lived those promis-
believing example by faithfully sculpting Let's see what the Bible says about Dan-
es. Enjoy looking these up and build-
his actions according to God's Word in iel and his three friends at the end of the
ing your understanding and believing
each of these areas of life. three years.
to walk out on what God promises
Daniel1:l8 and 19:
us. You could even search out more
Now at the end of the days that the king
records and perhaps start an index
had said he should bring them in, then the
of your own!
prince of the eunuchs brought them in be-
fore Nebuchadnezzar.
1. ... redemption through Jesus
And the king communed with them; and
Christ (Ephesians 1:7).
among them all was found none like Daniel,
Hananiah [Shadrach], Mishael [Meshach], On the day of Pentecost, in response
and Azariah [Abednego]: therefore stood to Peter's bold declaration of God's
they before the king. promise of salvation, about three
Daniel 1:21shows that Daniel contin- thousand people believed and re-
ued in office, serving with godly authori- ceived salvation, accepting redemp-
ty "unto the first year of king Cyrus:' tion (Acts 2:1-47).
Daniel was a Iudean believer, and as which would have been about seventy
he grew up in Judah, he would have been more years. From this first chapter of the 2.... His Word can be relied upon
taught the Old Testament law recorded Book of Daniel, we see that Daniel didn't (Psalms 119:138;Titus 1:9).
in the scrolls. When Daniel was a young come upon his position of service in the God told Gideon He would save Is-
man, his country of Judah was besieged Babylonian kingdom simply by chance. rael from the hand of the Midianites
by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. As He lived according to God's Word ad- and that He would be with Gideon.
a result, Daniel and other Iudeans were dressed to his administration, the Old Walking out on God's Word, Gide-
taken captive to the unbelieving and Testament law. He faithfully sculpted his on claimed that promise and saved
idolatrous nation of Babylon. There he life according to God's Word. Israel with only three hundred men
was selected along with other able young Though Daniel lived about twenty-five (Judges 6 and 7).
men to be trained for three years to be hundred years ago, his believing exam- God's Word to Noah was a covenant
put in a position to serve the king. ple has left an impression on me. Why? with him to save Noah and those in
During this training, the king pro- Because of his heart's desire to faithfully the ark from the flood. Noah trusted
vided food for these young men, but model his life after God's Word. Young in God'sWord and "prepared an ark to
the meat had been offered in sacrifice people can faithfully model their lives the savingof his house" (Hebrews11:7;
to idols, which was contrary to the Old after God's Word and become believers' Genesis 6:5-9:17).
Testament law. Daniel had a decision to examples as well. And just as diligently
make. Would he eat the meat anyway, as the snow sculptors at the McCall Win- 3.... that a young person can be-
or refuse it? He decided to keep himself ter Carnival fashion those huge piles of come a believer's example
pure from this defiled meat. snow into beautiful snow sculptures, so (I Timothy 4:12).
Daniel approached Melzar, "whom can each one of us, whether young or
the prince of the eunuchs had set over more mature, sculpt our lives into beauti- As a youth, David behaved him-
Daniel" (Daniel l.Il). He asked Melzar ful believing examples. In word, behavior, self wisely and gained great respect
for "pulse:' or vegetable food, to avoid love, believing, and purity, let us become among God's people (I Samuel 17
the idol-tainted meat. Daniel's words pro- believing examples to others of living and 18).
ceeded from the thoughts of the Word God's Word in our day and time. ~

The Way Magazine/January- February 2007 17

Biblical Truths We Must Adhere To:
Get "To Whom" Correct-Administrations
Robert J. Me Culloeh Noah, Abraham, and Isaac. In this Patri-
archal Administration believers adhered

I nthe articles in this series, we have

been considering how the Scripture
interprets itself: in the verse, in the con-
to unwritten laws and precepts oflife that
were communicated to them via God's
spirit upon the prophets as well as through
text, or used before. Along with keeping the Word written in the stars. This time
these very important Biblical research period lasted until the law of Moses.
keys in mind as workmen of the Word, The third administration was the Law
we will now begin to look at the Bibli- Administration, and it began when Moses
cal research principles which pertain to went up to Mount Sinai and God gave
Biblical truths we must adhere to. In the al truths. We must understand that these him the initial ten commandments.
foundational class on The Way of Abun- policies and truths may change in the Exodus 24:12:
dance and Power we learn three Biblical various time periods, so having a knowl- And the Lord said unto Moses, Come up
truths we must adhere to as workmen of edge of these seven administrations helps to me into the mount, and be there: and
the Word: us to resolve apparent contradictions in I will give thee tables of stone, and a law,
l. Get "to whom" correct-administra- the Bible. It also helps us in our under- and commandments which I have written;
tions. standing of what part of the Bible is di- that thou mayest teach them.
2. Difficult verse must be understood in rectly addressed to us in our day and time These commandments were the basis
light of the clear verses. so that we can put it into application and for the policies and spiritual truths of the
3. Interpretation and application are benefit from it in our lives. Law Administration. Later in this admin-
always with respect to whom it is ad- The first administration, Original Para- istration other revelation was given, such
dressed. dise' started to be put into operation in as is written in Exodus, Leviticus, Num-
We will focus on the first Biblicaltruth Genesis 1:3 and ended in Genesis 3:24. bers, and Deuteronomy, so that other as-
listed: Get "to whom" correct -admin- Within this administration there were pects of the law were filled out in detail.
istrations. "All scripture is given by in- certain policies and spiritual truths that John the Baptist was the last prophet of
spiration of God, and is profitable for pertained to Adam and Eve, such as their the Law Administration, and this admin-
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for having dominion over all the fish of the istration ended when Jesus Christ began
[which is] instruction in righteousness" sea and fowl of the air, as Genesis 1:28 his earthly ministry following his bap-
(II Timothy 3:16). But not all of God's says: tism by John.
Word is directly addressed to us in this And God blessed them, and God said unto Luke 3:21 and 22:
day and time. Understanding to whom a them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replen- Now when all the people were baptized, it
scripture is written helps us to rightly di- ish the earth, and subdue it: and have do- came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized,
vide God's Word. As part of understand- minion over the fish of the sea, and over and praying, the heaven was opened,
ing to whom the Word of God is written, the fowl of the air, and over every living And the Holy Ghost [holy spirit] descend-
a person must accurately recognize the thing that moveth upon the earth. ed in a bodily shape like a dove upon him,
administrations in the Bible. Also in this administration, before the and a voice came from heaven, which said,
In the Bible there are seven admin- fall of man, there was no sickness, sorrow, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am
istrations' which are periods of time in or death. After Adam and Eve were driv- well pleased.
God's historical and spiritual timetable en out ofthe garden of Eden, this Origi- The fourth administration, Christ, or
governed by certain policies and spiritu- nal Paradise Administration ended. Gospel, differs from the Law Adminis-
Genesis 3:24: tration in that Jesus Christ was person-
So he [God] drove out the man; and he ally on earth to keep and fulfill the law
placed at the east of the garden of Eden so that preparations could be made for
Cherubims, and a flaming sword which the fifth administration. In the Gospel
Rev. Robert Me Culloeh,
turned every way, to keep the way of the period, Jesus Christ reduced the approxi-
a Way Corps minister
and graduate of the class
tree of life. mately nine hundred laws of the Old Tes-
of 1982, serves on the The second administration, or Patri- tament down to two, and he fulfilled the
President's Cabinet at archal' began at this time and was the ad- law. This fourth administration ended on
The Way International. ministration of all the patriarchs, such as the day of Pentecost.

18 The Way Magazine/January-February 2007

Today, you and I live in the fifth ad- This brings us to the seventh and final is written, Cursed is everyone that hang-
ministration-the Church, or Grace, Ad- administration. The Original Paradise eth on a tree.
ministration. It began on the day of Pente- Administration that terminated in Gene- Galatians is written to the born-again
cost. The seven Church Epistles (Romans sis 3:24 takes up again in Revelation 21 for believers living in the Grace Administra-
through Thessalonians) are specifically the Final Paradise, or Glory, Administra- tion. This verse is addressed to us today
and directly addressed to the Church of tion. There shall be a new heaven and a and states that we are redeemed or bought
the Body. These Epistles contain the doc- new earth wherein dwells righteousness back from the curse of the law. The con-
trine, reproof, and correction that make and where once again there will be no sequences of Deuteronomy 28 written
up the policies and spiritual truths of this more sickness, no more sorrow, and no during the Law Administration shall not
Grace Administration, which you and I more death. come upon us or overtake us living in
apply in our lives. This Grace Adminis- Revelation 21:1 and 4: the Grace Administration, because our
tration will end with Christ's return for And I saw a new heaven and a new administration operates under changed
his saints, the gathering together. earth: for the first heaven and the first policies and spiritual truths. Certainly
I Thessalonians 4:16 and 17: earth were passed away; and there was this is a comforting reality. By knowing
For the Lord himself shall descend from no more sea. who is being addressed and in what ad-
heaven with a shout, with the voice of the And God shall wipe away all tears from ministration, we recognize there is no
archangel, and with the trump of God: and their eyes; and there shall be no more death, contradiction in God's Word between
the dead in Christ shall rise first: neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall Deuteronomy 28:15 and Galatians 3:13.
Then we which are alive and remain shall there be any more pain: for the former Is there learning available to us from
be caught up together with them in the things are passed away. the scriptures in other administrations?
clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and This administration will be in place Yes,most certainly; but the Word of God
so shall we ever be with the Lord. for all eternity, "... and so shall we ever we are to hearken to in particular is the
During the sixth administration, Ap- be with the Lord:' What a joy to realize Word that is addressed directly to us. As
pearing, or Revelation, Christ will come and anticipate this great reality. part of understanding to whom the Word
back to earth with his saints. The Church A right dividing of God's Word in- of God is written, we see that we must ac-
of the Body will have been judged for re- cludes understanding to whom scripture curately recognize the administrations.
wards, and the "great white throne" judg- is addressed in light of the seven admin- This allows us to avoid thinking errone-
ment of Revelation 20 will take place for istrations. For an example of scripture ously, such as, that we too are under the
all those except the Church of the Body. written during the Law Administration, curse of the law.
The sixth administration will end when we can go to Deuteronomy. In Biblical research there are Bibli-
Satan and death are destroyed. Deuteronomy 28:15: cal truths we must adhere to, and one
I Corinthians 15:26: But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not of these important truths is to get "to
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, whom" the Word is addressed correct in
death. to observe to do all his commandments light of administrations. Apparent con-
and his statutes which I command thee tradictions and error can be avoided by
this day; that all these curses shall come rightly dividing under which administra-
upon thee, and overtake thee. tion a scripture is addressed.
This verse is part of the Old Testa- II Timothy 2:15:
ment law and is therefore addressed to Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a
All Scripture interprets itself:
the Judeans, to Israel living in the Law workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
1. In the verse: Administration. In the remaining verses rightly dividing the word of truth.
a. Right where it is written. of Deuteronomy 28, we see the conse- To be approved as a workman of the
b. A word or words must be interpreted Word we need to rightly divide the scrip-
quences of not hearkening to the com-
according to Biblical usage. mandments and statutes of God. In the tures. When we look to see to whom a
c. The words must be in harmony with Law Administration Israel was directed particular scripture is addressed, we must
the verse as well as with all the to observe to do all the law. also see which administration governs
scriptures relating to the subject. Let's look at a verse regarding the law the policies or spiritual truths. We have
d. Scripture build-up; narrative that was written during our present Ad- the privilege to properly apply the appro-
development. ministration of Grace. priate Biblical truths we must adhere to
2. In the context. Galatians 3:13: in our research of God's Word. As we do,
3. Used before. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of we will accurately unlock the treasures of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it truth in God's matchless Word.
Biblical truths we must adhere to as
workmen: The WayMagazine/January-February 2007 19
1. Get "to whom" correct-administrations.
Editor's Note: At the advanced class on fellowship in the United States and from
The Way of Abundance and Power, new believers here at the Advanced Class. The
students and graduates alike met for two great unity I see comes from being like-
weeks of in-depth spiritual growth and minded on the truth:'
Biblical understanding. These new students
and Advanced Class Graduate Work-Study "I was so blessed to be at Headquar-
Program participants enjoyed their time ters. It was great in every aspect: the peace
together at The Way International Head- with which everything flowed, the shar-
quarters from June 18 to July 1, 2006. As ings from the Board of Directors, the in-
the following sampling of comments shows, teraction with our international brethren,
this was one of the greatest times oflearn- the food, the fellowship, and on top of all
ing and growth in their lives. that, the very best from God's Word!" The Way Corps. It was inspiring to talk
From the New Students to other young people who work on Staff
"I made many wonderful new friends,
at Headquarters or who have a desire to
"What blessed me about the Ad- and what's really great is that we are all
be a household fellowship coordinator
vanced Class? I'd have to mention the committed to God's Word! I can hardly
as I do. My goal is to increase my service
great meals, the beauty of the landscape, wait for the Advanced Class Specials so with the Word:'
the organization of the entire class, and that I can see my friends and share in
the love of the people. However, what learning more of the Word:'
"I learned much more than I thought
blessed me the most was the teaching of I would. I expected to learn a lot of God's
the Word. The Advanced Class boosted "The Advanced Class opened my eyes
Word, but there was so much more to my
my confidence in my walk with God and spiritually. So many questions I've had
Advanced Class experience. I was learn-
gave me an even greater desire to serve. concerning the Word since I was a child
ing the Word doctrinally and practically
The riches and depth of God's magnifi- were answered. The Study Groups were
in everything I did, and it was awesome!
cent Word are fathomless. I thank God a tremendous blessing as well-time flies
I can't wait until I'm old enough to be in
for The Way Ministry that provides me when you're talking about the Word!"
the work-study program:'
with the tools that I need to keep digging
into the treasures of God's Word:' "Everything was planned and thought
From the Work-Study
through in detail for us students so that
Program Participants
"I can apply this teaching in my fam- we could receive the Word. The Staff
ily and in my household fellowship to be amazed me, and I realized they are really "The class sessions were taught by
even stronger for God:' just great people who love God's Word:' many teachers, and it seemed like the
holidays with so many gifts to us from
"The thing I love about our ministry "I was blessed, blessed, blessed! None God-Ephesians 4:11!Each teacher con-
is that we speak the same thing concern- of us wanted to go home. The young stu- tributed uniquely with their own analo-
ing God's Word. What we teach back in dents in particular blessed me a lot. I was gies. Way Productions held forth God's
New Zealand is the same as I heard at the oldest person in my Study Group, Word vividly in music and portrayals.
and I was amazed at the Word that these There were two emcees who effectively
young people absorbed and then were met the needs of our particular group. I
able to share. To see their believing kept am thankful to have been in this place at
me pumped up!" this time in my life, and I am endeavor-
ing to give what I have received:'
''At the Advanced Class I was able to
grow in service, and I was able to get clos- "The Advanced Class far exceeded my
er to my heavenly Father. Now that I am expectations-Ephesians 3:20-style! God
a graduate, I have the opportunity to go truly is the Searcher of all hearts. The
Way Disciple, work on Staff at The Way truths taught in the class opened up to
International Headquarters, coordinate me greater than ever and saturated my
a household fellowship, or even go into heart with God's healing wholeness.

20 The Way Magazine/Ianuary-February 2007

"In the Word we are encouraged to "Serving in the work-study program, can compare with the privilege and sat-
walk like Jesus Christ, to walk in his steps. I had an opportunity to work with the isfaction of serving.
The Way Corps serving at Headquarters Staff and to fellowship with our Board of "Growth is God's will for all of our
certainly set a sterling example to me of Directors in informal settings. It gave me lives, and we thank God for opening up
that kind of walk. I am very thankful for the opportunity to really see a different this great door of service that has acceler-
the occasion of this Advanced Class, to aspect of Headquarters. I have fellow- ated our spiritual growth. Life is so great
serve side by side with men and women shipped with this ministry for ten years, with God and His household, and this
who are truly valiant for the truth. My and after this experience, I feel more than Advanced Class sure reminds us of how
commitment to our heavenly Father in ever like this is my ministry. wonderful our spiritual family is.
serving as a Way Corps minister deep- "It makes a difference to have so much "The ministry has given to us as work-
ened during these past two weeks!" un distracted time in the Word at Head- study students, and we too desire God's
quarters. I was able to totally rest in the greatest blessings for the ministry, which
''As a participant in the work-study confidence of God. I was able to slow serves God's Word:'
program, I served in the Food Services down and understand how to do this
Department after the meals. This was effectively, not only during my stay at Would you like to be a new student in
one of the most organized facilities I the class but also when I returned back next summer's Advanced Class? Or in the
have ever worked in. The Outreach Ser- home. The work-study program was an work-study program? One couple shares,
vices Center Dining Room is run like a absolutely wonderful time to serve God "Initially we were not really thinking about
five-star restaurant. Everything is kept in and rest in His abundance. This experi- the work-study program, but after hear-
order so that the dining experience is the ence has helped me understand how to be ing a new Advanced Class graduate share
absolute best. a better disciple, wife, and leader:' about the great time she had at Head-
"I am so thankful that the Board ofDi- quarters and how wonderful she thinks
rectors thought through having a work- "It was the greatest of privileges to the work-study program is, now we are
study program. I was able to give, and participate in the advanced class on The very excited about applying!" See the back
since I gave, I received as well" Way of Abundance and Power! Nothing cover of this issue for more details.

Sing unto the Lord

Sing unto the Lord for His bounty in our lives.
His love and tender mercies, we daily recognize.
Our meditation of Him is abundant and is sweet.
His precepts are our standard, with passion we will keep.

We've a song in our heart for our God in Whom we trust,

A song of gratitude for all He's done for us,
A song of thankfulness for how He's changed our lives,
Of how His love has turned us from darkness unto light.

We sing unto the Lord, Who supplies our every need,

Living with conviction, His Word our very creed.
He calms the storms oflife and provides a place of rest
In our desired haven, where we are always blessed.

Let's make a joyful noise to praise our God above,

Our refuge, strength, high tower; He's our heart's first love.
He's our loving Father in Whom we're strong and sound,
So let's sing unto the Lord and watch our lives abound.


The Way Magazine/January-February 2007 21


O n November 24-26,2006,
eight hundred Advanced Class
graduates gathered at The Way Interna-
over be the change in the quality of my life:'
On Friday evening, after the guests
had registered, the weekend took off with
ships, and the renewed mind in light of
jobs and our finances.
Rev. Rivenbark shares about the Spe-
tional Headquarters to build their un- the opening Household Session in the cial, "We took slices of life that our peo-
derstanding of the renewed mind at Ad- Victor Paul Wierwille Prevailing Word ple are involved in and painted a picture
vanced Class Special 2006. Auditorium. A Word-filled Way Produc- from the Word of how it could be accord-
These serious Biblical students trav- tions concert opened the event, followed ing to the Word in those areas oflife. As
eled in from forty-two states and the Dis- by a teaching from Rev. Steve Longley, each teacher taught, people got a beauti-
trict of Columbia in the United States who answered the question, why renew ful image of what renewed-mind living
and from twelve International Outreach the mind? From the Scriptures, students is all about:'
countries to attend the Special, hosted saw that renewing the mind is man's only Advanced Class Special 2006 not only
by the Board of Directors. Upon their logical response out of thankfulness to provided a time to receive invaluable
arrival, the students received a welcome God for all He has done to bless His peo- teaching, it also included sweet fellow-
letter from Rev. Rosalie F.Rivenbark, the ple and supply their every need. ship-breaking bread together and shar-
President of The Way International, ex- The powerful teachings continued on ing the Word with one another. Guests
pressing her believing expectations for Saturday and Sunday, morning and eve- were invited by the Board of Directors to
them: "May this November Advanced ning, as Rev. Tom Mullins, Rev. Harve attend two special meals: a dinner or sup-
Class Special be a power-packed time of Platig, Rev. Joe Coulter, and Mrs. David per on Saturday and a dinner or supper
renewed growth, commitment, and bless- Chavoustie, Patsy,joined Rev. Longley to on Sunday in the Outreach Services Cen-
ing for you:' further expound on the renewed mind. ter Dining Room. During these meals,
The students joyfully focused on the Rev.Mullins coordinates the Mid-America they enjoyed fellowship with one another
theme "The Renewed Mind: The Key to Region, and Rev. Platig coordinates the as well as a sharing by a Director.
Power:' These disciples shared a hunger Ohio Valley Region. Rev. Longley and These disciples also met in "share pairs"
to learn more about the practical aspects Rev. Coulter serve on the President's on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. For
of the renewed mind, and their expecta- Cabinet at Headquarters, and Mrs. Cha- these times they received assignments to
tions were met abundantly. One partici- voustie serves in the Way Publications look up occurrences of specific words in
pant shares, "The teachings have been Department at Headquarters. the Book of Proverbs relating to the re-
wonderful in their practicality, impress- Some of the topics covered were essen- newed mind, utilizing a Youngs Analytical
ing upon us the importance ofloving the tial how-tos of the renewed mind, ways Concordance to the Bible. They also dis-
Word, holding it in mind, and acting ac- to enlarge and strengthen the mind, how cussed practical aspects of the renewed
cordingly:' Another comments, "It was a to manifest our release from mental pris- mind with each other.
good time! The purity of the Word and ons, the benefits of the renewed mind, One couple shares the impact of this:
the love with which it was presented has keys to help overcome concerns about "The afternoon share pairs were exhila-
helped me improve the quality of my the future, five activities to help us renew rating. We want to continue working the
thinking. I came to the event with meek- the mind and eliminate pressure, the re- uses of 'heart; 'mouth; 'lips; and 'tongue'
ness to receive, and I received more than newed mind and health, the renewed from the Book of Proverbs. One particu-
I anticipated. The testimony to this will mind at home, renewed-mind relation- lar verse that really blessed our group was

22 The Way Magazine/January-February 2007

Proverbs 18:21: 'Death and life are in the
power of the tongue: and they that love
it shall eat the fruit thereof.' We thought
how Jesus Christ loved the power of the
spoken Word, and it brought life to all
those that heard his words. How his heart
rejoiced when he saw the fruit manifested
in people's lives. We can walk in his steps
and bring deliverance to many and enjoy
the fruit thereof:'
On Sunday afternoon, international
participants gathered to view a histori-
cal video in the Founders Hall Resourc-
+ es Room. The video demonstrated the
renewed-mind believing it took to build
I our ministry from the start.
The closing Household Session includ-
ed a time of sharing with the Board ofDi-
rectors and premiered a video slide show,
"Camp Gunnison-The Way Household
Ranch: Reaching New Heights, Setting
New Sights in 2007-2008:' This presen-
tation, narrated by Rev.Rivenbark, shows
the breathtaking beauty and some of the
history of the Gunnison Valleyand Camp
Gunnison-The Way Household Ranch.
The video then unfolds the exciting an-
nouncement of new golden opportuni-
ties at the camp for classes, special events,
leadership conferences, and vacations for
the 2007-2008 ministry year.
After the slide show, Rev.lean-YvesDe
Lisle, Secretary-Treasurer, Minister of Fi-
nance and International Operations, and
Rev. Roger Mittler, Vice President, Min-
ister of Facilities, shared that believers of
all ages would enjoy the many and var-
ied activities available-hiking, fishing,
golfing, and shopping, to name a few-
but best of all would be the opportunity
to soak in the riches of God's Word and
the beautiful and peaceful surroundings
of The Way Household Ranch.
Next, Rev. John Rupp, Vice Presi-
dent, Minister of U.S.A. Operations,
announced the ordination of two men
as ministers in the household of The
Way-Rev. Dan Davis, who coordinates
the North Atlantic Region with his wife,
Dee, and Rev. Gary Livedalen, who co-
ordinates the Blue Ridge Region with his
wife, Valerie. Rev. Rupp noted concern-
ing these ordinations that took place on
aturday, "God's ordination requires the
highest levels of commitment and ser-
vice," Gift ministries are given by God
to the Church for the perfecting of the

The WayMagazine/January-February 2007 23

saints so that the believers can walk pow- • April 20-22, 2007, a second Advanced Mind: The Key to Power' was taught with
erfully in the renewed mind, with a view Class Special will take place at The great love, simplicity, and wisdom. All of
towards the work of the ministry, and a Way International, with the theme the teachings were so timely, clear, and
further view towards the building up of ''Ambassadors for Christ: Living the practical. We look forward to applying
the Body of Christ. Word:' February 2, 2007, is the reg- what we have been taught and moving
Rev. Rivenbark also made the follow- istration deadline for participating in God's Word with greater impact in the
ing announcements: this powerful occasion. days and months ahead:'
• The new intermediate class on The The Staff at International Headquar- "The Advanced Class Special was an
Way of Abundance and Power in En- ters served with gladness of heart during adornment to God and an adornment
glish will be recorded during the 2007- the Special as they provided cheerful sup- to the household;' Rev. Anderson noted
2008 ministry year. A new syllabus port in many categories. Rev. Mike An- afterward. "It was definitely a victory
will be produced also. derson, coordinator of The Way of the for God and a discomfiture to the adver-
• A sample of the new DVD format for U.S.A.,coordinated the event, assisted by sary. The weekend came forth with great
the 64th Anniversary Sunday Teach- Rev. Steven Daniel, the Conferences De- power:'
ing Service was included in the No- partment coordinator at Headquarters.
vember/December 2006 Way Maga- Throughout the weekend, participants
zine for subscribers. truly experienced renewed growth in
• The Way International will present two their love for God and renewed commit-
Advanced Class Specials at Headquar- ment in walking more powerfully with
ters in the 2008-2009 ministry year. Him. One couple shares, "The Renewed

Event Fee, nonrefundable

(includes two special meals with
the Board of Directors)

Adults US$160
16-23 years of age US$110
Way Disciple Alumni US$110

Register today
to attend this exciting event!
For more information or a registration
card,please contactyour State or Country
coordinator or Advanced Class Special,
The Way International, P.G. Box 328,
New Knoxville, Ohio 45871-0328, U.S.A.
(419) 753-2523.

24 The Way Magazine/January-February 2007


O n October 19, 2006, Camp Gunni-

son- The Way Household Ranch
celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. Rev.
Rosalie F. Rivenbark, President of The
Way International, enjoyed this moun-
taintop anniversary at Camp Gunnison.
Rev. Vince McFadden, Vice President,
Minister of Camp Gunnison-The Way
Household Ranch, and his wife, Brenda,
hosted Rev. Rivenbark as she visited the
Staff and in-residence Way Corps.
How did The Way International ac-
quire such an outstanding location
designed for learning, healing, and
During the thirty-fourth anniversary
of The Way International, Dr. and Mrs.
Victor Paul Wierwille were on an itin-
erary and were believing to find a camp
area for The Way Ministry. They had spe-
cific criteria for the camp. It needed to be
west of the Mississippi River and seclud-
ed from larger cities to provide an atmo-
sphere of rest and tranquility. It would be
a place conducive to sharing God's best
to bless people.
The Wierwilles received the desire of
their hearts on October 19, 1976, when
The Way International acquired the sce-
nic 105.l-acre property, then known as training location for The Way Corps. 250-seat auditorium, a library, a book-
"Sleepy Hollow:' At the time, this camp Over the years, the facilities at Camp store, meeting rooms, and guest housing.
consisted of a meadow with a few cabins Gunnison have expanded, including the This beautiful and unique facility also has
and the wraparound beauty of the Rocky addition of multiple log cabins built for an observation mezzanine upstairs for
Mountains. housing, teaching, dining, recreation, looking out over the surrounding terri-
When Dr. Wierwille announced the and more. In 1983 the ministry acquired tory and inspiring mountain views.
acquisition of the camp, he shared, "This additional acreage with two houses and At the dedication of Camp Gunnison
is some of the most beautiful territory a barn, bringing the total area of Camp in 1977, Dr. Wierwille expressed the pur-
in the state of Colorado with a fabulous Gunnison- The Way Household Ranch pose of this location, which continues
view of the mountains. It should prove to over 140 acres. today:
to be a 'mountaintop experience' for Way One of the largest buildings at Camp
Family Camps and other ministry func- Gunnison is The Gunnison triplex, a "We're a Biblical research and teaching
tions. I am excited about the possibili- 9,400-square-foot facility completed in ministry; and that, by God's mercy and
ties!" 1982 to provide housing for The Way Corps grace, we're going to continue to be. And
On July 17, 1977, Camp Gunnison was in residence and other guests. The camp's that's what this place is also going to con-
officially dedicated to the glory of God largest structure-and one of the largest tinue to represent-a Biblical research and
and the outreach of His Word. Since that whole-log structures in the state of Colo- teaching location that will bless God's peo-
time Camp Gunnison has hosted Way rado-is The Household Commons. This ple who want to hear God's Word."
Family Camps, Sunday Teaching Servic- 30,000-square-foot building was com-
- Region and State meetings, and other pleted in 1988 and houses many aspects Happy Thirtieth Anniversary, Camp
ecial events. It has also served as a vital of The Way Corps training. It contains a Gunnison!

The Way Magazine/Ianuary-Pebruary 2007 25

October 1, 2006-STS #2312 November 5, 2006-STS #2317
64th Anniversary- The Promised Walking in the Steps of Jesus Christ:
Land of the Prevailing Word: The Purpose of the Four Gospels
Walking in the Steps of Jesus Christ Rev. David Chavous tie
Rev. Rosalie F Rivenbark
"Each of the four Gospels was given to
"To walk as Iesus Chrisl walked, we holy men of God by revelation. In the Old
must think as Jesus Christ thought. We Testament, the prophets wrote of a com-
have the ability to do the works of Jesus ing 'Branch' who would have four char-
Christ when we carry his vision for the ciple and as a parent. She was not only a acteristics. He would be a Icing, a servant,
world in our minds, in our hearts, in our wonderful helpmeet to her husband, Jo- a man, and the Son of God. Now, while
motivalions, and in our actions. Because seph, but also a believing partner with every Gospel encompasses all of these
it is Christ in us, the hope of glory, we're him in raising Jesus, as well as their other characteristics of Iesus Christ, each Gos-
able to walk in his steps and stand in children, according to God's Word:' pel specifically emphasizes one of them.
his stead. We can do all things through And this is a major reason why four Gos-
Rev. lean-Yves De Lisle
Christ who strengthens us:' pels were necessary-to fully reveal the
"Joseph performed the role of a father greatness of Jesus Christ's life and min-
October 8, 2006-STS #2313 in raising God's Son, and he was com- istry:'
Walking in the Steps of Jesus Christ: mitted with his wife, Mary, to raise Jesus
Lookingfor the Coming Messiah according to the Word that he knew and November 12, 2006-STS #2318
Rev. Steve Longley lived. These qualities of obedience and Walking in the Steps of Jesus Christ:
"The hope of Christ's return gives commitment to God and His Word that This Is My Beloved Son
Joseph developed in his life continue to Mr. Aaron Hampton
us endurance. It gives us that capacity
to continue to stand faithfully on God's impact the world to this day" "When the pressure was on, Jesus
Word, to continue with our work of be- Christ didn't rely on his ability, any sec-
lieving and our labor of love. We look October 29, 2006-STS #2316 ular knowledge, or the philosophies of
forward with great enthusiasm to the sec- Walking in the Steps of Jesus Christ: men. He relied on only one thing-'It
ond coming of Christ when he gathers Jesus Christ's Childhood is written: This is also our blueprint for
the believers together, and this gives us a Mrs. Lou Guigou success, We want to walk in the steps of
tremendous capacity to endure:' "Jesus' parents provided him with Jesus Christ and please God as he did.
living examples of God's Word and the We can do this as we build the Word of
October 15, 2006-STS #2314 God deep into our hearts and minds and
best education in the Scriplures that they
Walking in the Steps of Jesus Christ: speak it forth with believing:'
could give him. And Jesus diligently ap-
The Birth of Jesus Christ
plied himself to the Scriptures, gaining
Rev. John Linder November 19, 2006-STS #2319
wisdom and strength, day by day, as he
"By going to the Word of God and Walking in the Steps of Jesus Christ:
gently but aptly grew to an understand-
studying about Jesus Christ's birth, we We Have Found the Messiah
ing of Who his Father was and of who he
can backtrack to the beginning of his Mrs. Laura Lombardi
was as God's only begotten Son:'
'trail: We get to see where his steps start- "From the first days of his ministry,
ed. Learning about Jesus Christ's begin- Mr. Lou Guigou
Jesus Christ was redeeming the time,
ning helps us put his life into context, "To answer his call as the Messiah, speaking the Word to individuals, wit-
and it sets the stage for his future life and Jesus Christ needed to be taught, and be- nessing, giving, blessing, serving, and
ministry, It helps us see more clearly the cause he had faithful teachers-his par- manifesting power. Right in the early days
direction his life would take so that we ents and instructors in the law-during of his ministry he was leaving us steps to
can follow him:' these precious childhood years, Jesus walk in. We can speak the Word to indi-
grew, becoming strong, being filled with viduals, and we can team up with oth-
October 22, 2006-STS #2315
wisdom from God's Word, realizing that ers; and by combining our long suits, we
Walking in the Steps of Jesus Christ:
he was to be about his heavenly Father's can move the Word together with them.
Joseph and Mary-Believing Parents
business. As a result, he would impact a We too can redeem the time, manifest-
Mrs. Jean-Yves De Lisle
world that was spiritually upside down ing God's power and leading people to
"Mary was a doer of the Word as a dis- by turning it right side up:' believe on the Lord Jesus Christ."

26 The Way Magazine/January-February 2007

for the loving labor put forth by everyone been incorporated into the Foundational
involved to make this class. Class over the years.
CHARTED The three- teacher format added va-
M.S. riety and freshness. The illustrations
Dear Board of Directors:
University Place, Washington, US.A. and incidents were well constructed and
Thank you for the believing and love
heartfully shared. The class is very easy to
put into the new Foundational Class. I
be entreated and has an overall tender-
think the verse that most accurately re- A SPIRITUAL SUCCESS ness. It reminds us of the statement in
flects my thoughts on the class as a whole
Romans 2:4, that it is the goodness of
is Psalms 16:11: "Thou wilt shew me the Dear Rev. Rivenbark:
God that leads to repentance. The class
path of life: in thy presence is fulness of We want to extend our thanks for the
radiates the goodness of God and invites
joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures opportunity to participate in the new
people to consider God's Word and thus
for evermore:' Foundational Class. Our thanks also ex-
His will.
The class, with outstanding clarity and tend to the Staff and to the teachers, who
This new class will be a blessing to
focused simplicity, presents foundation- did an exemplary job not only imparting
those with hungry hearts seeking to
al principles from the Word of God that the accuracy of God's Word but their own
know God and His Word, as well as a
are understandable and applicable. There souls also. further blessing to faithful followers of
is a clear path of life charted for all who We were impressed with the simplicity, The Way. Our love and thanks again to
choose to believe. I am excited for every clarity, and boldness with which this class all who contributed to making this class
person the class will reach, knowing the
is presented. We thrilled to hear some of a spiritual success.
deliverance they will experience in their
the classic principles, illustrations, and
quotes from Power for Abundant Living H.C. and N.C.

A.H. coupled with additional truths that have Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US.A.

New Knoxville, Ohio, US.A.


Dear Board of Directors:
The Foundational Class brought great Please send your orders to The Way
joy to my heart and tears to my eyes! It is International Bookstore, P.O. Box 328,
a magnificent presentation of truth that New Knoxville, Ohio 45871- 0328,
will bless the ministry for many years. U.S.A. You may also call (419) 753-1018
The heart and tenderness with which it is to place orders by phone. Shipping and
presented complements the clear founda- handling within the United States (in-
tional truths in each session. When they cluding co, PR, VI, APO, FPO):
complete the class, people will know who Please remember to notify us of
Purchase amount Add
they are and what they have in Christ, an address change so that we can $ 10.00 and under US$ 2.50
and how to rightly divide the Word of make sure you promptly receive 10.01-20.00 5.00
your copies of 20.01-40.00 6.50
Having several teachers sure adds va- 40.01-99.99 8.00
riety to the class, and each teacher was 100.00 and up 10.00
well-suited for the sessions they taught.
Each session stuck to the foundational
topics and flowed logically from point
~. Orders sent to countries other than the
United States will be charged exact ship-
to point so that it was very easy to fol- ping. Please include applicable sales tax.
low and understand. I am very grateful

The WayMagazine/January-February 2007 27

The Advanced Class on
The Way of Abundance and Power-
June 10-23, 2007
The Way International Headquarters

[I\:===N=e=w=s=tu=d=e=n=t=s =~)
Enjoy two whole weeks in the depth of God's Word
and increase your understanding of the power and deliverance
we can manifest as we walk in the steps of Jesus Christ.

Register now for an invigorating time in God's Word!

The registration deadline is February 1, 2007.
Contact your State, Campus, or Country coordinator for an application.

Advanced Class Graduates and Way Corps ~

The work-study program is available to graduates of the advanced class on

The Way of Abundance and Power and also to field Way Corps who would
like to apply. This unique avenue of service is first open to those who have
not previously participated in the work-study program. Register now to be
a vital part of helping to support the Advanced Class and have the blessing
of attending all the teaching sessions too!

The registration deadline is February 1, 2007.

Contact your State coordinator for details.

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