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Alcatel-Lucent Application Partner


Alcatel-Lucent Hotel Link


History of the document:

Edition 1a: Addition of Annex 2 for Details on DID and GPIN Management
Edition 2: Addition of Annex 3 for OXE Spatial Redundancy and Annex 4 for multiple wake-up call.
Edition 3: Clarification for TCP-IP Connection and Keep-Alive methods.

"In order that our customers may benefit from technical progress and of better economic, manufacturing and operational conditions, we reserve the right to
modify our products as we think fit.
Consequently, the illustrations, descriptions and specifications in this document are without contractual value".

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** only if room extension management
Table of contents

1 FRONT OFFICE COMPUTER FEATURES ....................................................................... 5

2 HOTEL PABX FEATURES ............................................................................................... 6
3 PHYSICAL LINK AND PROTOCOL ............................................................................... 8
3.1 V24 Link .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 Characteristics ..........................................................................................................................8
3.1.2 Used or observed wires .............................................................................................................8
3.1.3 Data flow control on V24 link ...................................................................................................9
3.1.4 Acknowledgement on V24 link ..................................................................................................9
3.2 TCP/IP LINK ................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Low layers .................................................................................................................................9
3.2.2 IP layer ......................................................................................................................................9
3.2.3 TCP layer ................................................................................................................................10
3.2.4 Acknowledgement on TCP/IP link...........................................................................................10
3.2.5 TCP/IP link connection message ............................................................................................10
3.2.6 TCP/IP keep alive messages....................................................................................................10
3.2.7 Size limit of TCP/IP packets ....................................................................................................11
3.3 LINK BUFFER............................................................................................................... 11
3.4 START AND END CHARACTERS ............................................................................... 11
3.5 LONGITUDINAL CONTROL CHARACTERS ............................................................... 11
3.6 FIELD JUSTIFICATION ................................................................................................ 12
3.7 FIELD LENGTH ............................................................................................................ 12
3.8 NUMBER LENGTH ....................................................................................................... 12
4 MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................... 13
4.1 ON ROOM EXTENSION ............................................................................................... 13
4.2 ON GUEST PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ................................................. 13
5 MESSAGES SENT FROM PABX TO COMPUTER ................................................... 14
5.1 SMDR or telephone call ticket ....................................................................................... 14
5.2 (CHECK-IN) .................................................................................................................. 17
5.3 (ALLOCATION, AUTO-ALLOCATION, ROOM CHANGE)* .......................................... 17
5.4 (VOICE MAIL FACILITIES ATTRIBUTION) .................................................................. 17
5.5 (MODIFICATION) ......................................................................................................... 17
5.6 (CHECK-OUT) .............................................................................................................. 17
5.7 ROOM STATUS CHANGE .......................................................................................... 18
5.8 GUEST TELEPHONE ACCOUNT ................................................................................ 19
5.9 DATA TRANSFER ........................................................................................................ 20
5.9.1 INTERACTIVE Data transfer..................................................................................................20
5.9.2 SPECIFIC Data transfer (PABX EVENTS) ............................................................................21
5.10 WAKE-UP EVENTS .................................................................................................... 22
5.11 VOICE MAIL EVENTS ................................................................................................ 23
5.12 GUEST DATA-BASE RE-INITIALISATION ................................................................. 23
5.12.1 FULL GUEST DATA-BASE RE-INITIALISATION ..............................................................24
5.12.2 PARTIAL GUEST DATA-BASE RE-INITIALISATION .........................................................24
5.13 (DYNAMIC SUITE*) .................................................................................................... 25

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** only if room extension management
5.14 EXTENDED SMDR or extended telephone call ticket ................................................. 25
5.15 REPLY ........................................................................................................................ 30
5.16 Message ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. 39
5.17 Control characters ....................................................................................................... 39
6 MESSAGES SENT FROM COMPUTER TO PABX ................................................... 40
6.1 CHECK-IN..................................................................................................................... 40
6.2 ALLOCATION, ROOM CHANGE* ................................................................................ 43
6.2.1 In dynamic GPIN management ...............................................................................................43
6.2.2 In static GPIN management ....................................................................................................43
6.3 VOICE MAIL FACILITIES ATTRIBUTION .................................................................... 44
6.4 MODIFICATION ............................................................................................................ 44
6.5 CHECK-OUT................................................................................................................. 46
6.6 INTERROGATION ........................................................................................................ 47
6.7 (DATA TRANSFER) ...................................................................................................... 47
6.8 NIGHT AUDIT REQUEST ............................................................................................. 48
6.9 RE-INITIALISATION REQUEST ................................................................................... 48
6.10 DYNAMIC SUITE* ...................................................................................................... 49
6.11 Message ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. 50
6.12 Control characters ....................................................................................................... 50
7 LINK DIAGRAM .............................................................................................................. 51
8 ANNEX 1 : EXAMPLE OF CRC CALCULATION ........................................................... 52
9 ANNEX 2: DETAILS ON DID AND GPIN MANAGEMENT ............................................. 53
9.1 GPIN description ........................................................................................................... 54
9.2 DID description ............................................................................................................. 54
9.3 DID basic configuration ................................................................................................. 54
9.4 Rotating DID description ............................................................................................... 55
9.5 Rotating DID configuration ............................................................................................ 55
9.6 Example of configuration .............................................................................................. 55
10 ANNEX 3: OXE SPATIAL REDUNDANCY AND AHL LINK ....................................... 56
10.1 Description .................................................................................................................. 56
10.2 Management of computer link ..................................................................................... 57
10.3 Update your Application .............................................................................................. 58
11 ANNEX 4: MULTIPLE WAKE-UP CALL ...................................................................... 59
12 ANNEX 5: DEBUGGING .............................................................................................. 60

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** only if room extension management
This specification describes the interface between the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise hospitality PABX and
a hospitality computer system, also called "Front Office Computer" or Property Management System
(PMS). The communication between PMS and PBX is handle by a FCS subsystem (File Control

Hospitality is a generic term applicable for hotels, hospitals, cruise ships...

In this specification the”hotel” vocabulary is used (room, guest, check-in, check-out...).

To obtain the description for hospitals, cruise ships or some other hospitality application, the reader
only have to translate the specific hotel vocabulary into the applicable vocabulary.
For instance, ”room” can become ”cabin”, ”room status” can become ”bed status”, ”guest” can become
”patient” or ”passenger”, ”check-in” can become ”admission”, ”check-out” can become ”discharge”.

Direction of commands
In an hospitality "Front Office Computer" and a Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX), some
identical functions can be done on both sides.
When a link is installed between a PMS and a Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX), each
function is normally managed on one side with the corresponding data sent to the other side through
the commands given here-under.

Anyhow, for "back-up" in case of failure of the computer, the PABX or the link, the management of
some functions can be shifted to the other side. Then the corresponding commands are issued in the
other direction. They are identical, with the same fields and are shown here-under between parenthesis.

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** only if room extension management

The functions described below are generally handled by the hotel computer. Nevertheless due to the
large differences between hotel computers, each function described below may be or may not be
handled by the Front-Office Computer.

If a function is not handled by the computer, the hotel PABX handles this function as if there were no




The computer normally receives and handles every guest outgoing "SMDR" (Station Message
Detail Recording), also called "phone call ticket".

Anyhow, if it does not, it can use the "interrogation" command to get guest telephone accounts
from the PABX.

Some computers handle also "administrative calls", "no charge guest calls" and "incoming
guest calls". Then the PABX can be set up for sending the corresponding SMDR.



When there are two directories, one on the computer, one on the PABX, the main directory is
on the computer.

The computer sends to the PABX, any change in directory to avoid double input job.

o DEPOSIT (pre-payment)

The computer may add a value, subtract a value or reset the PABX guest deposit. The PABX
keeps track of the last reset value (normally at check-in) plus any added amount.


At any time between check-in and check-out, the computer can open or close a Voice Mail Box
attributed to a guest* or a room extension** on the PABX.

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** only if room extension management


As the PABX sends the room status changes dialled by the maid, the maid inspector, etc., the
computer can handle the room status functions.


This function is handled by the PABX.

Nevertheless, the Front Office Computer can initiate or cancel this function for any guest room.

This is done through the "Check-in", "Modification" or "Voice Mail Facilities Event" orders.

The voice mail has priority over message desk.


This function is handled by the PABX.

Nevertheless, as for the message waiting, the Front Office Computer may send "wake up call"
orders to the PABX.

From release 3.1, several wake-up calls can be programmed for the same extension.

Please refer to Annex 4 – Chapter 11 for details on “multi-wake-up calls”.


This function is handled by the PABX.

Nevertheless, the Front Office Computer may send "DND" orders to the PABX.


The PABX maintains up to date guests counters, so in case of break down of the hotel
computer, it is still possible to print the guest phone invoice.

Except when the Front Office does not handle the SMDR ("Station Message Detail Recording"
or "telephone call ticket"), the PABX sends at the end of each guest call, the corresponding
SMDR (for chargeable calls).

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** only if room extension management
It is also possible to send the administration departments SMDR, no charge guest calls SMDR
and incoming guest calls SMDR if the hotel computer does their handling.

As an option, for increased security, the guest and administrative SMDR can be stored in the
PABX. Then in case of break down of the hotel computer, it is still possible to print the
detailed guest phone invoice.


These commands are initialised on the hotel Front Office Computer.

For back-up the PABX returns the room meters to zero upon guest arrival. Then if necessary, it
is possible to print a short invoice for guest phone expenses.


The PABX has a directory. So when a guest arrives or if a change occurs the computer must
send guest data to instantly update the directory.


This service is completely handled by the PABX.


If "deposit" is handled by the PABX, the hotel computer can send the original amount or the
modifications of that "pre-payment".

If the hotel computer handles "deposit", it can send an order to restrict guest phone use and to
alert the operator when pre-payment is completely spent.

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** only if room extension management

Two kinds of AHL link are available:

· V24 link
· TCP/IP link (from release 3.1)

3.1 V24 Link

3.1.1 Characteristics

Full Duplex
ASCII code
Baud rate: 100 bauds to 19200 bauds (default choice 9600 b)
o . 1 start bit
o . 7 or 8 character bits (default choice 8)
o . 1 parity bit - even, odd or none (default choice one)
o . 1 or 2 stop bits (default choice 1)

3.1.2 Used or observed wires


for 25 pin connector abbreviation code EIA DESCRIPTION
(DP 2110)

2 103 SD Send Data

3 104 RD Receive Data
4 105 RTS Request To Send
5 106 CTS Clear To Send
6 107 DSR Data Set Ready
7 102 SG Signal Ground
20 108 DTR Data Terminal Ready

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** only if room extension management
3.1.3 Data flow control on V24 link

The link may be blocked, then restarted in both directions

o by XON-XOFF characters
o by DSR-DTR signals
o by RTS-CTS signals if DSR-DTR is not used by the hotel computer

3.1.4 Acknowledgement on V24 link

Any received message must be verified (parity, CRC, length) and a ACK or a NACK must be sent

The message is sent again after a configurable time-out (default value is 5 seconds).if there is no
answer or on reception of a NACK

The next message must not be sent before reception of the ACK.

On PABX side, if there is no ACK (NACK or time out) from the hotel computer, the message is sent 5
times successively and then an alarm message with a bell is printed.
Then every 5 minutes or if the computer sends any message, a new attempt will be made.


From release 4.1.1 the AHL protocol can be sent (AHL link option) over the TCP/IP protocol stack.

3.2.1 Low layers

On PABX side, the classic communication support of TCP/IP is an Ethernet 802.3 interface, using a 10
base T cable plugged with a RJ 45 connector. SLIP or PPP are also possible.

3.2.2 IP layer

The Internet Protocol version used is IP v4.

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** only if room extension management
3.2.3 TCP layer

The connection must be initialised by the PMS, by using the PABX Internet address (main Com Server
address) and the service port number reserved for the AHL link (port number 2561).

In case of “spatial redundancy” (Com Server redundancy in 2 different IP subnets), please refer to
Annex3 – chapter 10 concerning the possible connection methods.

3.2.4 Acknowledgement on TCP/IP link

Any received message must be verified (parity, CRC, length) and a ACK or a NACK must be sent
back immediately (25 seconds max.).

If the answer is NACK or no answer is received within 25 seconds, the message is destroyed and an
incident is generated.

3.2.5 TCP/IP link connection message

This message is sent by the PMS to initialise the connection.

If the link is disconnected, the PMS must:

- send again a connection message
- optionally, send a full re-initialisation request (see § 6.9)

field STX @ Node Identification ETX

length (in bytes) 1 1 4 1

- “@” for TCP/IP link connection message identification

- node Id: “FFFF” (coded in ASCII)

Warning: The connection message has to be acked by PABX and application should wait for ACK.

Note: there is no CRC field in this message.

3.2.6 TCP/IP keep alive messages

Those messages are sent every 30 seconds by both sides.

If the PABX does not receive any “keep alive” message within 60 seconds, the connection is closed
and the link buffer is emptied.

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** only if room extension management
field STX $ Node Identification ETX

length (in bytes) 1 1 4 1

- “$” for keep alive message identification

- node Id:
- “FFFF” (coded in ASCII) for messages sent by the PMS
- node number for messages sent by the PABX (hexadecimal value, coded in

Warning: There is no ACK message to be sent by both sides for these Keep-Alive $xxxx messages.

Note: there is no CRC field in this message.

3.2.7 Size limit of TCP/IP packets

The PABX is able to treat multiple AHL messages in a single packet but the limit is 400 bytes per
TCP/IP packets beyond 400 bytes will be discarded by the PABX.


A messages buffer is available on the PABX with FIFO overflow on a printer. The size of this buffer is
configurable and is a multiple of 500 (minimum value: 500 messages, maximum value: 2500
When this communication buffer is 80 % full, an alarm is automatically generated and an alarm
message is printed.
When this communication buffer becomes 95 % full, any new incoming message will automatically
provoke the print-out, then deletion, of the oldest message in memory.
Two PABX commands allow printing the content of that memory, with or without erasure.


Any message, except ACK, NACK, XON and XOFF, begins with an "STX" character and ends with
an "ETX" character.


The last two characters preceding the "ETX" are reserved for the "CRC". It is calculated by making an
"exclusive or" on each character from the STX (excluded) to the "CRC". The result is split into 2
ASCII characters corresponding to the translation in ASCII of its hexadecimal value.

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** only if room extension management
For example, the one character result corresponding to binary "0001 0011" is split into the 2 ASCII
characters "1" and "3".
(See a complete example in ANNEX 1).


Except if otherwise specified, every field not completed is right justified and filled up with blank
(space) character.


From release 3.1, the length of "Guest Personal Identification Number”, "room extension number" and
“acting extension number” fields can be either 5 or 8 characters (PABX configuration).
The same configuration parameter is used for those three fields, so they have the same length (5 or 8

The “password” and the “maid identification” fields remain unchanged.


From release 4.1, to allow more flexibility between the PMS and the PABX numbering plans, the
OmniPCX Enterprise can delete digits to "Guest Personal Identification Number”, "room extension
number" and “acting extension number” fields before sending commands to the PMS, and can add
digits when receiving those numbers from the PMS.
The digits that are deleted or added are the first digits, and are corresponding to a single prefix called
mask (PABX configuration).
The deleted digits are replaced by blank (space) characters. The fields’ length remains unchanged to 5
or 8.
The maximum length of the internal OmniPCX Enterprise numbers is 8.
The maximum number of digits that the OmniPCX Enterprise deletes or adds (the maximum length of
the mask) is 5.

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** only if room extension management

Two types of management are possible, depending on the PABX configuration.


A guest is identified through his "ROOM" (extension) number.

Accounting and management are done by using this extension number.

If guests want to receive directly their incoming call ("Direct Inward Dialling" without operator
transfer) a "DID number" can be associated to that extension on PABX side. It is not known by the

A "multi-occupation flag" can be used to inform the calling services that there is more than one person
in the room.


A guest is identified through his GPIN (Guest Personal Identification Number).

Accounting and management are done by using this GPIN.

That allows changing a guest from a room to another room without loosing any data or accounting
information. Only "Do Not Disturb" and "wake-up request" if there are several persons in the same
room (multi-occupation), are lost and must be re-entered in the new room.
If requested it is now possible to get several persons in the same room with different accountings.
For each room a parameter limits the maximum number of guest (from 1 to 20).
Multi-occupation (several guests sharing the same room extension) can be allowed (initialisation

The GPIN corresponds:

- Either to a "guest DID number" if the guest has be given one
- Or to a "non-DID guest number" otherwise.

A room (extension) can be associated to that guest through the "allocation" command.

A guest can free his room, but continues to receive calls to his DID number. Then those calls can be
forwarded to his voice mail box if he gets one, to the operator, to another guest, to an external

In case of upgrading from "management on room extension" to "management on GPIN" (on the same
PABX or from an older PABX), for "Check In", "Modification", "Interrogation", "Check Out", "Guest
accounts", and "SMDR" commands the "extension number" (room number) has to be replaced by the
"GPIN" and the "allocation" command has to be used to associate an "extension number" (room
number) to that "GPIN".

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** only if room extension management

Between ALCATEL-LUCENT hotel PABX's and Front Office Computers different standard messages
are sent.

If the PABX does not handle information included in a message, this information is replaced by blank
(ASCII space) characters.

5.1 SMDR or telephone call ticket

(68 or 74 characters) from PABX to computer

The hotel management decides (depending on PABX configuration) to generate either SMDR
messages or extended SMDR messages (see § 5.14):

The hotel management can decide (depending on PABX configuration and if the parameter “sends all
metering tickets” is set to “False”) to send or not to the PMS:
- charged outgoing call guest SMDR
- Non-charged outgoing call guest SMDR
- Incoming call guest SMDR
- Administrative SMDR

SMDR tickets are sent at the end of call.

Administrative SMDR, if sent, can be differentiated from guest SMDR through "cost center" field.

field STX J GPIN* or cost call acting date-time duration

room extension center type extension
length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 4 1 5 or 8 11 5

field cost trunk group or number called or CRC ETX

business code calling number
length (in bytes) 8 4 20 2 1

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** only if room extension management



3 5 or 8 bbbb0 to 99999 CHARGED EXTENSION (ROOM) OR

(PABX option) or bbbbbbb0 to 99999999 CHARGED GUEST NUMBER


5 1 0 to Z CALL TYPE (1 character)

6 5 or 8 bbbb0 to 99999 ACTING EXTENSION (5 char.)

(PABX option) to
bbbbbbb0 to 99999999

7 11 00 00 00 00 00 A DATE AND ENDING TIME OF THE

31 12 99 23 59 b DAY, MONTH, YEAR, HOUR


to (3 char.) AND SECONDS (2 char.)
999 59 999 99 MEANS OVERFLOW

9 8 0.000 001 COST (7 CHAR. + 1 FLOATING POINT)

99 999 998 99 999 999 MEANS OVERFLOW
(8 characters without point)

10 4 b000 to b999 TRUNK GROUP

or 0000 to 9999 or BUSINESS CODE

11 20 to 99.....99 CALLED NUMBER




Field 2: For some other ALCATEL-LUCENT PABX the "identification" may

include 4 more numeric characters corresponding to the message number.
The length of every message is then increased by 4 characters.

Field 3: There may be simultaneously 2 different extensions "092" and "92".

Field 4: Cost center name. If the name is longer than 4 digits (possible since release
3) the name is truncated.

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** only if room extension management
Field 5: the "call type" has the following values if available (other values may be
added later):

0 for public network "outgoing call"

1 for "transfer" of public network outgoing call followed by
the transferring extension number in the acting extension
3 for "local call"
4 for public network "incoming call"
5 for booth call; followed by the booth extension number in
the acting extension field
5 for "other"; followed by blank (space) characters in the
acting extension field
6 for "transit"
A for "transfer" of public network incoming call followed by
the transferring extension number in the acting extension
E for "SO data outgoing call"
F for "SO data incoming call"

Field 6: the "acting extension" (if available) is the extension from where the call is
placed. It can be different from the "charged extension" in field 3
(substitution; room extension if management on GPIN; booth; S0 data on
associated extension...).

Field 10: "trunk group number" or "business code"

The "business code" is not used in this release, so this field corresponds to
the "trunk group number" (if available).

Field 11: "number called" is left justified.

The called number may include "*" and "#" characters

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** only if room extension management
5.2 (CHECK-IN)
(58 or 61 characters) from PABX to computer

Identical to the command sent from the computer.

It has to be used only in case of computer problem.

It is important to avoid issuing simultaneously two commands for the same GPIN or room extension
on both directions.


(15 or 21 characters) from PABX to computer

Identical to the command sent from the computer.

Generally this command is issued by the Hotel Computer, but for special event (Hotel Computer night
audit or maintenance...) the room allocation can be done from a PABX terminal and then the command
is issued by the PABX.

It is used in case of "AUTO-ALLOCATION" done directly from the room telephone set.

It is important to avoid issuing simultaneously two commands for the same GPIN or room extension
on both directions.


(17 or 20 characters) from PABX to computer

Same remarks as for Check-In apply.

(58 or 61 characters) from PABX to computer

Same remarks as for Check-In apply.

The deposit field corresponds to the remaining deposit (balance).

(10 or 13 characters) from PABX to computer

Same remarks as for Check-In apply.

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** only if room extension management
(15 or 18 characters) from PABX to computer

field STX C room extension maid identification code status CRC ETX

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 4 1 2 1

The message includes:

- "C" for room status Change message identification

- Room extension (5 or 8 characters)

The length depends on PABX configuration (see § 3.7 FIELD LENGTH).

- Maid identification code (4 characters)

The hotel management may choose upon installation from 0 (no identification code) to 4
characters to be used.

- The new status of the room (1 character)

.0 the maid arrives in the room

.1 the room has been cleaned and is ready

.2 the room must be cleaned for a new guest

.3 the room must be cleaned for the same guest

. 4 to 9 those values may be used by the hotel to ask for inspection, or to request
special repairs (electricity...). They are determined by the hotel

The PABX sends the "Room Status change" dialled by the maid, the maintenance staff or the maid

- Without identification
From the room telephone set, the maid (or the maintenance staff or the maid inspector) dials:
. The code corresponding to "Room Status change"
. The new status of the room
For example "22 1" means that the room from where the call is made, has been cleaned and
that there are no problems.
A recorded message confirms to the maid, the completion of the operation.

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** only if room extension management
- With identification
It is possible to give each maid and inspector an individual identification code.
The maid (or inspector) then dials:
- When she enters the room (depending on management option)
. The code corresponding to "Room status change"
. Her individual identification code
. The status "0" which means arrival within the room
- When she leaves the room
. The code corresponding to "Room Status change"
. Her individual identification code
. The new status of the room
- For example:
22 38 0 means: maid "38" has arrived in the room.
22 38 1 means: the corresponding room has been cleaned and there are no


(41 or 44 characters) from PABX to computer

field STX T GPIN* or room Commu- Cost Total of Balance CRC ETX
extension** nications deposits

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 4 9 9 9 2 1

In response to a hotel computer query, the PABX outputs for the corresponding guest:

- "T" for guest Telephone account message identification

- GPIN* or room extension** (5 or 8 characters)

The length depends on PABX configuration (see § 3.7 FIELD LENGTH).

- Communications: number of effective outside calls (4 characters)

- Cost: total expense (8 characters plus one floating point).

- Total of "deposits": (8 characters plus one floating point) corresponding to the original (or
reset) amount plus the added values.

- The guest balance (8 characters plus one floating point) or the guest expense since last posting
(night audit).
The first character of guest balance is a "-", if the deposit has not been completely used.

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** only if room extension management
(35 or 38 characters) from PABX to computer

field STX P Room Extension Dialled Code Dialled Data CRC ETX

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 5 20 2 1

This message allows transmitting to the Front Office Computer any information dialled from a room
set or from a room service set (Minibar, TV commands, list of stolen or broken materials.....).

It may also be automatically generated to transfer some PABX data or specific event information to
the computer.

- "P" for PABX data transfer message identification

- Extension number (5 or 8 characters) corresponding to the room number or the room service
number from where the data are dialled.
The length depends on PABX configuration (see § 3.7 FIELD LENGTH).

- Dialled Code (5 characters)

1 to 5 characters completed with blank (space) characters, corresponding to the dialled code
which indicates which kind of data is transmitted (for example one prefix for minibar data, one
prefix for TV commands...).
Those prefixes have to be chosen upon PABX initialisation.

- Dialled data (20 left justified characters)

The "#" character is reserved for immediate issue of data transfer.

5.9.1 INTERACTIVE Data transfer

The "data transfer" command can be used to send a succession of messages to the computer. This
allow for example an interactive dialogue between the telephone set of the room used as
keyboard, and the TV of the same room used as terminal screen.

After the keying by the user of one data transfer prefix (code), the PABX issues the data transfer
command when the user:
- On hooks after keying some characters
- Is timed out after keying some characters. The last character is a "T".
- Dials "#" character after keying some characters. This "#" appears as last data characters.

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** only if room extension management
- Has dialled 20 characters (data field full up). Then if necessary a new data transfer
command will be automatically generated with the same prefix, to send the next data
- On hooks or is timed out just after the sending of the previous data transfer (with 20
characters data or "#" as last character). Then this new data transfer command is issued
with the same prefix and no data for on hooking or "T" in data field for timing out.

If after dialling the data transfer prefix the user does nothing (time out) or on hooks or dials "#",
the corresponding empty data transfer is not issued.

After issuing a data transfer because "#" has been dialled or the 20 data characters limit have been
reached, the PABX included the next keyed characters in a new Data transfer command with
automatic repetition of the "extension" and "code" fields.

Generally the prefix "*" is used for guest data transfer for interactive application.

The data transfer can also be automatically issued by the PABX for specific events (see § 6.5

The time out can be adjusted on PABX up to several minutes.

5.9.2 SPECIFIC Data transfer (PABX EVENTS)

Data can also be automatically generated by the PABX with a prefix corresponding to that
specific event.

For an Alcatel-Lucent 4400 in older release than R4.1 and for "Management on room extension";
if when the PABX receives a "Check-out" command, the corresponding room line is busy with an
external telephone call, instead of sending a "Reply", it sends a "Data transfer" with "99999" in
"Code" field and blanks in the "Data" field.

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 21 / 60

** only if room extension management
(35 or 38 characters) from PABX to computer

If a wake-up problem occurs or for any observed wake-up event, the PABX can inform the

field STX P room Code Activation Originator Wake-up CRC ETX

extension Date time

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 5 10 5 5 2 1

field position length justified title meaning / « value »

number 1st char
1 1 1 « STX »
2 2 1 «P»
3 3 5 or 8 right room extension bbbb0 to 99999 or
bbbbbbb0 to 99999999
4a 8 or 11 1 Type « W»
4b 1 blank
4c 1 number of trial « blank » in this release
4d 1 cause « A » normal answer
« N » no answer
« B » busy line
« O » out of order line
« P » programming
« M » modification
« C » cancellation
« R » programming reject (max.
number of wake-up already programmed)
4e 1 blank
5 13 or 16 10 activation date (military time)
and time ddmmyyhhmn
6 23 or 26 5 Originator « Obbbb » operator
« Rbbbb » room-service
« bbbbb » extension
7 28 or 31 4 wake-up time hhmm
1 Blank (military time)
« P » (PM)
« A » (AM)
8 33 or 36 2 CRC
9 35 or 38 1 « ETX »

Wake-up cancellation is automatic at "check-out".

Wake-up time is often given though "check-in" or "modification" command.

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 22 / 60

** only if room extension management
(17 or 20 characters) from PABX to computer

field STX F GPIN* or room Code Status Not used CRC ETX
extension** M

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 1 1 5 2 1

The message identification is "F" to specify "Facilities" message.

The code is "M" to specify: "Voice Mail" event.

Depending on PABX initialisation, this command is sent each time that a message has been
deposited or erased in the guest Voice Mail Box. It gives the number of remaining non-consulted

After a complete PABX resetting it is also sent for every guest mail box with non-consulted

At check-out, if there are non consulted messages, a REPLY command is sent.

The "status" is:

- "0" to indicate that the Voice Mail Box is becoming empty. The voice mail message lamp is
switched off.

- "1" to indicate that one message has been deposited in an empty mail box. The voice mail
message lamp is switched on.

- "1" to "8" corresponding to the number of remaining non consulted messages (optional). "9"
means overflow.


This message is sent for every concerned guest or extension (one or every checked in guest), as
an answer to a "Re-initialisation request" command.

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 23 / 60

** only if room extension management
(87 or 93 characters) from PABX to computer

field STX U GPIN Type Room Extension Multioccupation Name

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 1 5 or 8 1 20

field Language VIP Group Password DOD Remaining Message Wake

deposit up1

length (in bytes) 1 1 3 4 2 9 1 5

field DND Voice Mail Voice Mail DECT Wake Room Arrival CRC ETX
message box attrib. attrib. Up2 status date time

length (in bytes) 1 1 1 4 5 1 11 2 1

Some fields are unused and filled with blanks (Group, DECT attribution).

In "management on room extension", a guest is known only by his extension number (room
number), then the "GPIN" field is left in blank.

The "type" of re-initialisation is "F" for "Full re-initialisation".

To specify the End of database re-initialisation, the last (or the only) message is sent with the
"type" set to "E" and with the "data fields" concerning the last guest of the list (multi-users), or
the only user (request for only one user).

If the guest data base is empty, the "type" is set to "E", and "GPIN", "room extension" and
"password" fields are filled with blank characters.

The computer must wait for the end of the data base re-initialisation, before sending any new


(20 or 26 characters) from PABX to computer

field STX U GPIN Type Room Extension Password CRC ETX

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 1 5 or 8 4 2 1

The type is "P" for partial database re-initialisation. The same remarks as for full guest database
re-initialisation apply. The only difference is the limited number of fields.

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 24 / 60

** only if room extension management
(16 or 22 characters) from computer to PABX

Same remarks as for Check-In apply.

5.14 EXTENDED SMDR or extended telephone call ticket

(251 characters) from PABX to computer

The hotel management decides (depending on PABX configuration) to generate either SMDR
messages or extended SMDR messages (see § 5.1).

The hotel management decides (depending on PABX configuration) which types of tickets are
sent or not (same rules as for SMDR see § 5.1).

SMDR messages are sent at the end of call.

field STX K GPIN* or charged user charged user cost center

charged extension or node subaddress number
originating trunk group
length (in bytes) 1 1 8 6 20 4

field cost center transferring transferring acting acting call

name party party node extension extension node type

length (in bytes) 10 8 6 8 6 1

field date-time duration cost trunk trunk group trunk called or calling
number number node number

length (in bytes) 15 6 8 4 4 6 30

field call access user to user external internal carrier

use code volume facilities facilities

length (in bytes) 1 12 5 15 20 2

field initial dialled waiting effective redirected CRC ETX

number duration duration call indicator

length (in bytes) 30 4 6 1 2 1

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 25 / 60

** only if room extension management



or (transit case); xxxx = trunk group n°.
bbFPxxxx S = normal trunk group
or P = priority trunk group
bbFCxxxx C = compressed trunk group

4 6 000 000 to 999 999 CHARGED USER NODE

subnetwork number (3 char.)
node number (3 char.)


6 4 0000 to 9999 COST CENTER NUMBER

7 10 bbbbbbbbb0 to COST CENTER NAME



9 6 000 000 to 999 999 TRANSFERRING PARTY NODE

subnetwork number (3 char.)
node number (3 char.)


physical used extension (room,
substitution, booth, administrative, ...)

11 6 000 000 to 999 999 ACTING EXTENSION NODE

subnetwork number (3 char.)
node number (3 char.)

12 1 0 to Z CALL TYPE (1 character)

13 15 00 00 0000 00 00 00 A DATE AND ENDING TIME OF THE

31 12 9999 23 59 59 b DAY, MONTH, YEAR, HOUR,


to (2 char.), MINUTES (2 char.)
99 59 59 AND SECONDS (2 char.)

15 8 0.000 001 COST (7 char. + 1 floating point)

99 999 998 (8 characters without point)

16 4 0000 to 9999 TRUNK LOGICAL NUMBER

17 4 0000 to 1999 TRUNK GROUP NUMBER

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 26 / 60

** only if room extension management
18 6 000 000 to 999 999 TRUNK NODE
subnetwork number (3 char.)
node number (3 char.)

19 30 to 99.....99 CALLED OR CALLING NUMBER

20 1 0 to 9 CALL USE

21 12 to 99...99 ACCESS CODE

22 5 00000 to 99999 USER TO USER VOLUME

23 15 00...00 to11...11 EXTERNAL FACILITIES

24 20 00...00 to11...11 INTERNAL FACILITIES

25 2 00...00 to11...11 CARRIER

26 30 to 99.....99 INITIAL DIALLED NUMBER


(2 char.) AND SECONDS (2 char.)


to HOURS (2 char.), MINUTES (2 char.)
99 59 59 AND SECONDS (2 char.)





Field 2: For some other ALCATEL-LUCENT PABX the "identification" may include 4 more
numeric characters corresponding to the message number. The length of every
message is then increased by 4 characters.

Field 3: Possible digits are: "0", "1", "2", "3", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "*",
"#". There may be simultaneously 2 different extensions "092" and "92".

Field 5: Supported in case of ISDN outgoing calls.

Field 8: Idem field 3.

Field 10: Idem field 3.

Field 12: The "call type" indicates the type of the call.
It may have the following values if available (other values may be added later):
0 for public network "outgoing call"

2 for private network internal call

4 for public network "incoming call"

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 27 / 60

** only if room extension management
6 for "transit"

7 for public network "outgoing call" through private network (the

trunk and the charged user are not on the same node)

8 for private network "outgoing call" through private network (the

trunk and the charged user are not on the same node)

9 for public network "incoming call" through private network (the

trunk and the charged user are not on the same node)

A for private network "incoming call" through private network (the

trunk and the charged user are not on the same node)

D for private network "incoming call"

Field 14: the "call duration" includes the call with operator and the connection service
(waiting guide or music). It does not include the ringing duration.

Field 19: "called number or calling number" is left justified. It is the emitted number for
outgoing calls. It is the calling number for ISDN and R2 incoming calls (if received).
The number may include "*" and "#" characters.

Field 20: The "call use" indicates the use of the communication.
It may have the following values if available (other values may be added later):
0 for "personal" call
1 for "business" call
2 for "normal" call
3 for "data" call
4 for "guest" call (a "guest" call is a "personal" call without

Field 21: The "access code" indicates the used code in case of "personal" or "business"
communication. It is the Personal Identification Number for a "personal" call or the
Project Account Code for a "business" call. It is empty (value in other cases.

Field 22: The "user to user volume" is the number of transmitted bytes in mini-messages
(ISDN), or the number of mini-messages (system option).

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 28 / 60

** only if room extension management
Field 23: The "external facilities" indicates the used ISDN services for the external call.
One character is used per facility. It is set to "0" if the facility is not used, to "1"
if the facility is used. Several facilities can be used for the same call.
char. 1: Calling Line Identification Presentation
char. 2: Connected Line Identification Presentation
char. 3: Calling Line Identification Restriction
char. 4: Connected Line Identification Restriction
char. 5: Malicious Call Identification
char. 6: Advice Of Charge at Setup
char. 7: Advice Of Charge During
char. 8: Advice Of Charge at End
char. 9: Call Waiting
char. 10: User to User Signalling
char. 11: User-User Facility
char. 12: Mini-messaging
char. 13: Subadressing
char. 14: reserved for future use
char. 15: reserved for future use

Field 24: The "internal facilities" indicates the used internal services for the external call.
One character is used per facility. It is set to "0" if the facility is not used, to "1"
if the facility is used. Several facilities can be used for the same call.
char. 1: Call Forwarding Unconditional
char. 2: Call Forwarding on Busy
char. 3: Call Forwarding on No Reply
char. 4: Transfer
char. 5: Basic Call
char. 6: Operator Facility
char. 7: Substitution
char. 8: Priority Incoming Call
char. 9: Transit
char. 10: Private Overflow to Public
char. 11: Rerouting Public to Private
char. 12: Fax Server
char. 13: Voice Mail
char. 14: Central Abbreviated Numbering
char. 15: Integrated Service Virtual Private Network
char. 16: Overflow Virtual Private Network
char. 17: Automatic Route Selection
char. 18: reserved for future use
char. 19: reserved for future use
char. 20: reserved for future use

Field 25: The "carrier" field indicates the used ARS table number (1 to 10) or 0 if no carrier.

Field 26: The "initial dialled number" field contains, for an outgoing call with ARS, the initial
dialled number by the user.

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 29 / 60

** only if room extension management
Field 27: The "waiting duration" is the waiting time before effective conversation. It includes the
ringing time and the waiting music or waiting guide time (only available for incoming calls).

Field 28: The "effective duration" is the effective conversation duration. It does not include the
waiting duration. It is only available for incoming calls.

Field 29: The "redirected call indicator" is set to true when an incoming call has been directed to a
first party (voice guide, forwarded set ...) and then redirected to a second party.

5.15 REPLY
(16 or 19 characters) from PABX to computer

field STX R GPIN* or room password Status CRC ETX


length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 4 2 2 1

This message is sent from the PABX to the computer within 5 seconds:
- To answer to a request for "Password", "non-DID GPIN" or "DID GPIN". The PABX returns
the "Password", "non DID GPIN" or "DID GPIN".
- To accept a command with a restrictive warning
- To refuse a command with the reason

If the previous computer command has been handled correctly, and if information or warnings are not
necessary, the PABX does not send any "Reply".

If several messages have been received, the PABX sends the corresponding "Reply messages" in
exactly the same order.

"GPIN* or room extension" field: (5 characters)

- A "Reply" message with a "GPIN" is sent by the PABX upon reception of a "Check-in"
message with "bbbbb" (request for a "non DID GPIN") or "bbDID" (request for a "DID
GPIN") in "GPIN" field.

- If the computer asks for a "DID GPIN", and there is no one available, the PABX sends a
"Reply message" with the status set to "IF" for reply to Check-In due to "Forced non DID
GPIN", and with a proposed "non DID GPIN".

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 30 / 60

** only if room extension management
- If the computer asks for a "non DID GPIN" and that there is no one available, the PABX
sends a "Reply message" with the status set to "IF" for reply to Check-In due to "Forced
DID GPIN" and with a proposed "DID GPIN".

- If the computer asks for a "non DID GPIN" or for a "DID GPIN" and that there is no one
available in both files, the PABX sends a "Reply message" with the status set to "JE" for
"Refuse" check In due to "Empty" guest number files.

- If the computer asks for a specific "GPIN" which is not available, already given or not
existing, the PABX sends a "Reply message" and refuses the command.

"password" field : (4 characters)

- A "Reply" message with a "password" is sent by the PABX upon reception of a "Check-
in" message with "bbbb" as "password".

- A "Reply" message with a new "password" is sent by the PABX upon reception of a
"Modification" message with "-bbb" as "password". The previous password for this guest
or room extension, if any, is erased.

- Values:
"new value" "bbb0" to "9999" proposed on computer request
"INVb" invalid, already used or non significant
"Sbbb" on "allocation" answer, if the PABX accepts or refuses an allocation of
a room that status is different from "1" (depending on PABX
"S" corresponds to that "room status".

- The "password" can be, depending on PABX configuration:

- unique (in the PABX). One consequence is that two guests sharing the same room
cannot have the same password.
- not checked (the uniqueness of the password is not checked)
- Equal to the GPIN* (last four digits, or completed with “0” digits, e.g. GPIN=34000 -
password=4000, GPIN=870 - password=8700). Caution: two guests can have the
same password if the GPIN length is more than 4.
- Equal to the room extension number (only available in static room GPIN*
management: see § 6.2)
- Set to Name. This is the translation in numerical elements of the first 4 characters of
the name (only capital-letters between A-Z and digits are used) following the
keyboard type known in the PABX. If the length of the last name is less than 4: if the
last name is not separated from the first name with a comma, first letters of the first
name can be used; else “0” digits are added.

- If the “GPIN* or room extension number” is not agreed, the password field is not
verified (non significant).

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 31 / 60

** only if room extension management
"Status " field : (2 Characters)
Only bold type characters are available in this release.

The first status character indicates the "action ":

I Reply to Check In, and execute
J Refuse Check In
O Reply to Check Out, and execute
P Refuse Check Out
M Reply to Modification, and execute
N Refuse Modification
A Reply to Phone Allocation, and execute*
B Refuse Phone Allocation*
Q Reply to Interrogation
R Refuse Interrogation
D Reply to Suite association / disassociation* (in TCP/IP mode)
S Refuse Suite association / disassociation*
V Reply to Facility (Voice Mail, Paging ...) attribution or
W Refuse Facility (Voice Mail, Paging ...) attribution or
T Refuse Re-iniTialisation
U Reply to Night Audit (in TCP/IP mode)
Z Refuse Night Audit (in TCP/IP mode)
b Reply to last command

The second status character indicates the "reason" or the "condition":

G Invalid GPIN or room extension (out of range)
A Unavailable GPIN or room extension (Already checked in for "Check-
in" or Already checked out)
R Invalid Room Extension Number (out of range)
U Unavailable Room Extension
- For "room allocation": under repair room, phone line unavailable or
room capacity exceeded with no multi-occupation authorisation
- For "Room Check-out": no guest in room
- For "Re-initialisation": no guest in room
- For "Dynamic suite": not allowed for that extension
O Out of order Room Extension (to be cleaned ...) or "multi-occupation"
with multi-occupation authorisation

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 32 / 60

** only if room extension management
P Invalid or unavailable Guest Password
E Empty "non DID GPIN File" or "DID GPIN File" or both* or
Execute without attribution or condition (TCP/IP)
F Forced "non DID GPIN" or "DID GPIN"*
V Out of order Voice Mail or link
W Working Mail Box
C Cancel Forwarding for change from mono-occupation to
B Forwarding on Paging or Voice Mail Box
M Not consulted Message (in mail box or at message desk)
L Busy Line with outgoing call
X EXceeding Voice Mail or Phone Book Capacity
N Name too short
Q Unreachable database (e.g. during back-up operation)
D Unreachable destination node
H Handled correctly
b Execute and attribute GPIN or password
Y Out of facility range (mail box number ...)
Z Already existing facility (mail box ...)
I Not attributed facility (mail box ...)
J Non available feature
K Wrong message
T Other

List of possible Reply with room extension management

> Reply to check-in

+ Refuse status: "Jx"
x=G Invalid room extension number (out of range) ***
x=A Unavailable room extension (already checked-in) ***
x=N Name too short (the name length must be >2)
x=X Exceeding Phone Book capacity
x=Q Unreachable database
+ Execute and attribute status: "Ib"

> Reply to modification

+ Refuse status: "Nx"
x=G Invalid room extension number (out of range) ***
x=A Unavailable room extension (not checked-in) ***
x=P Invalid or unavailable guest password ***
x=N Name too short (the name length must be >2)
x=Q Unreachable database
+ Execute and attribute status: "Mb"

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 33 / 60

** only if room extension management
*** "INVb" in "password" field

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 34 / 60

** only if room extension management
> Reply to check-out
+ Refuse status: "Px"
x=G Invalid room extension number (out of range) ***
x=A Unavailable room extension (not checked-in) ***
x=L Busy line with outgoing call ***
x=M Not consulted message ***
x=Q Unreachable database
+ Execute under condition status: "Ox"
x=L Busy line with outgoing call
x=M Not consulted message

> Reply to interrogation

+ Refuse status: "Rx"
x=G Invalid room extension number (out of range) ***
x=A Invalid extension number (not checked-in) ***
x=Q Unreachable database

> Reply to re-initialisation

+ Refuse status: "Tx"
x=G Invalid room extension number (out of range) ***
x=A Unavailable extension number (not checked-in) ***
x=Q Unreachable database

> Reply to Voice-Mail attribution / suppression

+ Refuse status: "Wx"
x=G Invalid room extension number (out of range)
x=A Unavailable extension number (not checked-in)
x=W Working Mail Box
x=X Exceeding Voice Mail capacity
x=V Out of order Voice Mail or link
x=M Not consulted message
x=Y Out of Mail Box number range
x=Z Already existing Mail Box
x=J Non available feature
x=K Wrong message
x=T Other
x=Q Unreachable database

List of possible Reply with management on GPIN

> Reply to check-in

+ Refuse status: "Jx"
x=G Invalid guest number (out of guest range) ***
x=A Unavailable guest number (already checked -in) ***
x=E Empty guest number file and DID guest number file ***
x=P Invalid or unavailable guest password ***
x=N Name too short (the name length must be >2) ***
x=X Exceeding Phone Book capacity
x=Q Unreachable database
+ Execute and attribute status: "Ib"
"Guest number", "guest DID number" or "password"
+ Execute under condition status: "Ix"
x=F forced "non DID guest number" due to empty "DID guest
Number file" or forced "DID guest number" due to empty
"Non DID guest number file"**
X=J Second reply when wake-up cancellation

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 35 / 60

** only if room extension management
*** "INVb" in "password" field

> Reply to modification

+ Refuse status: "Nx"
x=G Invalid guest number (out of guest range) ***
x=A Unavailable guest number (not checked -in) ***
x=P Invalid or unavailable guest password ***
x=N Name too short (the name length must be > 2) ***
x=Q Unreachable database

+ Execute and attribute status: "Mb"

> Reply to allocation

+ Refuse status: "Bx"
x=G Invalid guest number (out of guest range) ***
x=A Unavailable guest number (not checked -in) ***
x=R Invalid extension /room number (out of range) ***
x=U Unavailable extension/room (under repair room****,
phone line unavailable or room capacity exceeded with no
multi-occupation authorisation) ***
x=O Out of order extension/room number (to be cleaned**** ...)
(refuse or execute depending on PABX initialisation)
x=Q Unreachable database

+ Execute under condition status: "Ax"

x=O Out of order extension/room number (to be cleaned**** ...)
(refuse or execute depending on PABX initialisation)
Room multi-occupation (if allowed for this room)

**** In those "out of order" or "under repair" cases the "room status" is given in the "guest password" field

> Reply to check-out

+ Refuse status: "Px"
x=G Invalid guest or room number (out of guest and room range) ***
x=A Unavailable guest number (not checked -in) ***
x=U Unavailable extension/room number (no guest in room) ***
x=L Busy line with outgoing call ***
x=M Not consulted message ***
x=Q Unreachable database
+ Execute under condition status: "Ox"
x=L Busy line with outgoing call
x=M Not consulted message

> Reply to interrogation

+ Refuse status: "Rx"
x=G Invalid guest number (out of guest range) ***
x=A Unavailable guest number (not checked -in) ***
x=Q Unreachable database

> Reply to re-initialisation

+ Refuse status: "Tx"
x=G Invalid guest number (out of guest range) ***
x=A Unavailable guest number (not checked -in) ***
x=Q Unreachable database

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 36 / 60

** only if room extension management
*** "INVb" in "password" field

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 37 / 60

** only if room extension management
> Reply to Voice-Mail attribution / suppression
+ Refuse status: "Wx"
x=G Invalid guest number (out of guest range)
x=A Unavailable guest number (not checked -in)
x=W Working Mail Box
x=X Exceeding Voice Mail capacity
x=V Out of order Voice Mail or link
x=M Not consulted message
x=Y Out of Mail Box number range
x=Z Already existing Mail Box
x=J Non available feature
x=K Wrong message
x=T Other
x=Q Unreachable database

> Reply to Suite association / disassociation

+ Refuse status: "Sx"
x=G Invalid managing extension (out of range)
x=R Invalid moved extension (out of range)
x=U Unavailable extension (already in a suite, checked-in moved extension to
add, S0 managing extension, not belonging to the suite and to be
x=Q Unreachable database

List of additional possible Reply if AHL on TCP/IP

> Reply to check-in

+ Refuse status: "Jx"
x=D Unreachable destination node

+ Execute without attribution status: "IE"

> Reply to modification

+ Refuse status: "Nx"
x=D Unreachable destination node

+ Execute without attribution status: "ME"

> Reply to allocation

+ Refuse status: "Bx"
x=D Unreachable destination node
+ Execute without condition status: "AE"

> Reply to check-out

+ Refuse status: "Px"
x=D Unreachable destination node

+ Execute without condition status: "OE"

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 38 / 60

** only if room extension management
> Reply to interrogation
+ Refuse status: "Rx"
x=D Unreachable destination node

> Reply to re-initialisation

+ Refuse status: "Tx"
x=D Unreachable destination node

> Reply to Voice-Mail attribution / suppression

+ Refuse status: "Wx"
x=D Unreachable destination node
+ Execute status: "FE"

> Reply to Suite association / disassociation

+ Refuse status: "Sx"
x=D Unreachable destination node
+ Execute status: "DE"

> Reply to Night Audit

+ Refuse Unreachable destination node status: "Ub"
+ Execute status: "ZE"


1 character ACK or NACK

5.17 Control characters

1 character XON or XOFF

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 39 / 60

** only if room extension management

The messages described below, are sent only if the computer handles the corresponding function. For
example, some small hotel "P.C." uses only the "Interrogation" message because they are unable to
store SMDR and sometimes, to handle "Check-in", "Check-out" and "Modification" commands.

If some fields are not handled by the computer, they must be filled with blank (ASCII space)

(58 or 61 characters) from computer to PABX

field STX A GPIN* or room M Guest Guest VIP Group

extension** Name Language Status Number

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 1 20 1 1 3

field Password DOD Deposit Message Wake-up DND CRC ETX

Amount Waiting Call Time

length (in bytes) 4 2 9 1 5 1 2 1

- "A" for guest Arrival (check-in) message identification.

. For management on GPIN, the "CHECK-IN" is generally followed by an allocation
command, to allocate a room to the guest*.
. "CLUB DID" is an uncompleted check-in which corresponds to the attribution of a
DID* number to a guest who is not present in the hotel at that time (no allocation of
room*). Then his calls can be forwarded to his voice mail box if he gets one, to an
operator, to another guest...

- GPIN* or room extension** (5 or 8 characters)

. If * the "GPIN" is not given, the PABX has to immediately propose one "non DID

. If * the "GPIN" is equal to "bbDID", the PABX has to immediately propose one "DID
GPIN" (see § 5.15 Reply).

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 40 / 60

** only if room extension management
Multi-occupation code** (1 character)
“*” : multi-occupation
"b" : single occupation or not used

- Guest name (20 characters)

The guest last name is limited to a maximum of 16 left justified characters.
The character policy corresponds to "ISO 8859-1" (or "ISO Latin-1") with lower
cases, upper cases and most of its specific characters. Specific characters (from A0 to
FF) are only available with "8 bits" character link transmission.
It is possible to send the guest first name by including a "blank character" (space).
Then the part before that character corresponds to the guest last name and the part
after that character corresponds to the guest first name. The maximum of useful left
justified characters, including the blank, is 16.
An other possibility is to separate the first name and the last name by a ”comma
character” (”,”). As this method is better in case of composed name, the use of the
”comma character” is highly recommended.
The PABX looks first for a ”comma character” in the complete ”guest name” field,
and then, if not found for a "blank character".Where possible, if the name is longer
than the usable area, the last usable character is replaced with "-".

From release 4.1, a check-in message for an already checked-in GPIN or room
extension number but with a new name can be, depending on PABX configuration,
accepted or not.
If it is accepted, several names are associated to the same guest (one principal name
plus 15 additional names at maximum) and the guest extension can be reachable by
using those different names (call by name).
Only the principal name can be modified through AHL (see § 6.4 Modification). All
the names are deleted from the PABX Phone Book at check-out.

- Guest language spoken (1 character)

. "1" to "8" corresponding to 8 different languages
. "blank" : not used or unknown

- V.I.P. status (1 character)

. "blank" : not used or non VIP
. "V" : VIP

- Group Number (3 characters)

- Password (4 numeric characters)

. If the "password" is not given ("bbbb"), the PABX has to immediately
propose a "password" (see § 5.15 Reply).

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 41 / 60

** only if room extension management
- Direct Output Dialling restrictions (2 characters)
. If the PABX receives 2 blanks, it chooses default option determined by
the hotel management.
. The DOD categories are settled at PABX initialisation

- Deposit amount
. cost (8 characters + 1 floating point)
left justified
. or blank (no pre-payment)

- Message waiting at Front Desk (1 character)

. "b" : not used or no change
. "1" : initiates or maintains message waiting function for that room (light
a LED on the phone set....)
. "0" : clear message waiting function

- Wake-up call time (5 characters)

. "bbbb b" : not used or no change
Following values are accepted but useless because cancellation of wake-up calls is
automatically done at chek-in. If one of the following values is used in management on
GPIN, a second Reply to Check-in is sent with status “JJ”.
. "0000 0" : suppression of all wake-up calls (no space between digits)
. "HH MM C" : suppression of one wake-up call from
00 h 00 mn AM to 11 h 59 mn AM
. "HH MM E" : suppression of one wake-up call from
00 h 00 mn PM to 11 h 59 mn PM
. "HH MM S" : suppression of one wake-up call from
00 h 00 mn to 23 h 59 mn (military time)
. "HH MM A" : wake-up call time from
00 h 00 mn AM to 11 h 59 mn AM
. "HH MM P" : wake-up call time from
00 h 00 mn PM to 11 h 59 mn PM
. "HH MM b" : military wake-up call time from
00 h 00 mn to 23 h 59 mn

While sending Wake-up information to PBX, using Check-in or Modification frames, the
PBX answer with a P frame to confirm the programming or cancellation like if it was a
programming done by PBX room station or wake-up events.

- Do Not Disturb (1 character)

. "1" : forwarding to voice mail box (if any) when
management on GPIN or to associated operators otherwise (if
. "2" : set room in DND status
. "0" : clear DND status or forwarding (if applicable)
. "b" : not used or no change

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 42 / 60

** only if room extension management
(15 or 21 characters) from computer to PABX

field STX H GPIN* or new GPIN* or CRC ETX

old room extension** new room extension

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 5 or 8 2 1

6.2.1 In dynamic GPIN management

This mode was called “GPIN management” in previous releases.

The Allocation command attributes an extension number to a guest already checked in. This is
what is called allocation.

If the guest is already allocated to another extension, this command means extension (room)
swapping from the previous room to the new room.
The field “new GPIN or new room extension” must be filled with the new room extension.

If there is already one (or more) guest in that room, this means "multi-occupation". Several
guests share the same room but enjoy individual accounting.

If the "new room extension" field is filled with blanks, this command means: suppress
extension attribution for that guest. All the calls for him will be directed to the associated
operators or to his Voice Mail Box if he get one.
This is not possible in “static” management mode.

If the PABX cannot attribute the requested extension or if that "guest number" is not checked in,
it issues a "reply" message.

6.2.2 In static GPIN management

From release 3.1, there is a new GPIN management mode called "static". In that mode, a GPIN
is statically attached to a room extension in the PABX (PABX configuration). The Allocation
frame must not be used for allocation. The allocation is implicitly done at Check-In.

Multi-occupation is not possible in that mode.

There are 3 variants of the “static” mode, corresponding to different display on digital telephone
sets and to different AHL modes:
- “static”: GPIN numbers in AHL commands
- “static guest”: GPIN numbers in AHL commands
- “static room”: room extensions numbers in AHL commands. This mode is identical to the
room extension mode concerning the AHL protocol, but as GPIN are managed on the
PABX, more features are available (extension swapping, suite).

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 43 / 60

** only if room extension management
From releases R3.2 - C1.706.11.l and R3.2M - C1.711.4, if the PABX is configured in "static”,
"static guest" or “static room”, the Allocation frame can be used for extension (room)
The field “GPIN or old room extension” must be filled with the old GPIN in “static” and "static
guest" modes, with the old room extension in the “static room” mode.
The field “new GPIN or new room extension” must be filled with the new GPIN in "static
guest" mode, with the new room extension in the “static” and “static room” modes.


(17 or 20 characters) from PABX to computer

field STX F GPIN* or room Code Action not used CRC ETX
extension** P

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 1 1 5 2 1

This command is used to open or close guest Voice Mail Box facilities.

- Voice Mail Box "action" character :

"1" open (attribution)

"0" close (suppression)
"b" not used or no change

If a problem occurs (for example no available Voice Mail Box) the "Reply" message is used to specify
the kind of problem.

(58 or 61 characters) from computer to PABX

field STX M GPIN* or room M Guest Guest VIP Group

extension** Name Language Status Name

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 1 20 1 1 3

field Password DOD Deposit Message Wake-up DND CRC ETX

Amount Waiting Call Time

length (in bytes) 4 2 9 1 5 1 2 1

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 44 / 60

** only if room extension management
- "M" for Modification message identification

- GPIN* or room extension** (5 or 8 characters)

- Multi-occupation code** (1 character)

"*" : multi-occupation
The name in the guest name area corresponds to the first guest name
"b" : single occupation or not used
"0" : no change

- Guest name (20 characters)

Only the principal name can be changed (see §6.1 Check-in).

Left justified
"000 000 000 000 000 000 00" means no change
"blanks" clear that area or mean "not used"

- Guest language spoken (1 character)

. "b" means "language unknown" or "not used"
. "0" means no change
. "1" to "8" corresponds to 8 different languages

- V.I.P. status (1 character)

. "b" clear that area or not used
. "0" means no change
. "V" VIP

- Group name (3 characters)

. Not used in this release

- Guest password (4 characters)

. "0000" to "9999": new password
. "bbbb": not used or no change
. "-bbb": clear that field
and if "management on GPIN" the PABX has to immediately propose a new
"password" (see § 5.15 Reply).

- Direct Output Dialling restrictions (2 characters)

. "bb" : not used or no change
. "00" to "98" : new choice
. "99" : default choice

- Deposit amount (9 left justified characters)

. cost (7 characters + 1 floating point

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 45 / 60

** only if room extension management
. "bbbbbbbbb" not used or no change
. "+.0000001" to
"+9999998." add this value
. "0" to "b9999998." force to that value
(new value of the deposit)
"0" inhibit DOD
. "-.0000001" to
"- 9999998." subtract this value
. "-bbbbbbbb" suppress deposit handling for that guest.
. "000000000" inhibit DOD and alert the operator.
This value is normally used when the
deposit function is handled within the hotel
computer and not within the PABX.

- Message waiting at Front Desk (1 character)

. "b" : not used or no change
. "1" : initiates or maintains message waiting function for that room (light
a LED on the phone set....)
. "0" : clear message waiting function

- Wake-up call time (5 characters)

Identical to "check-in" command.

- Do Not Disturb (1 character)

. "1" forwarding to voice mail box (if any) when management on
GPIN or to associated operators otherwise (if applicable)
. "2" set room in DND status
. "0" clear DND status or forwarding (if applicable)
. "b" not used or no change

(10 or 13 characters) from computer to PABX

field STX D GPIN* or room CRC ETX


length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 2 1

- "D" for guest Departure (check-out) message identification

- GPIN* or room extension (5 or 8 characters)

If the room line is busy with an external outgoing call, when the PABX receives the "Check-
out" command:

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 46 / 60

** only if room extension management
- if the PABX does not close the line immediately (PABX initialisation parameter):

+ if the PABX executes the "check-out" (PABX initialisation parameter),

it sends a "Reply" message with the "status" set to "OL"

+ if the PABX does not execute the "check-out" (PABX initialisation parameter),
it sends a "Reply" message with the "status" set to "PL"

- if the PABX closes the line immediately (forbidden by PTT regulations in some
it executes the "check-out" and sends the corresponding "SMDR" (if it applies) and "Reply"
(with "OL" status) messages.

If there are not consulted message in the associated voice mail box, when the PABX
receives the "Check-out" command:

- if the PABX executes the "check-out" (PABX initialisation parameter),

it sends a "Reply" message with the "status" set to "OM"

- if the PABX does not execute the "check-out" (PABX initialisation parameter),
it sends a "Reply" message with the "status" set to "PM"

If the "Check-out" is done on a "room extension", in case of "management on GPIN", all the
"guests" associated to that " room extension" are checked-out*.

(10 or 13 characters) from computer to PABX

field STX I GPIN* or room CRC ETX


length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 2 1

- "I" for Interrogation message identification

- "GPIN* or Room extension" (5 or 8 characters)

The hotel computer asks for the guest telephone accounts.


(35 or 38 characters) from computer to PABX
Not used presently

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 47 / 60

** only if room extension management
(35 or 38 characters) from computer to PABX

field STX N extension Code Data CRC ETX

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 5 20 2 1

This command asks the PABX to perform the "night audit".

- "N" for Night Audit

- Extension (5 or 8 characters) not used (blanks)

- Code "00001" (5 characters) for Night Audit Command

- Data (20 characters) not used (blanks)

If the link is in TCP/IP mode, the PMS must not send any other message of this type before
having received a Reply message with the first character of the status field set to “U” or “Z”
(see § 5.15 Reply).


(11 or 14 characters) from computer to PABX

field STX Z GPIN* or room Type CRC ETX


length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 1 2 1

The computer can ask to the PABX to send all the data it has on a guest or on every checked-in
guests or extensions.

If a desynchronization between the computer and the PABX happens, the computer must use
that command to get the PABX database image, then to modify only the desynchronized
information. It must avoid to send a succession of "Check-out" then "Check-in" commands.

If the GPIN field is filled with blank characters, this request concerns every guest or room
checked-in (multi-users database re-initialisation).

In case of "management on GPIN", if the "GPIN" field corresponds to a room extension, the
PABX sends all the data it has on every guest checked-in in that room.

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 48 / 60

** only if room extension management
The "type" of re-initialisation is "F" for "Full re-initialisation", or "P" for "partial re-
initialisation" (limited set of data).

The computer must wait up to the end of the database re-initialisation, before to send any new


(16 or 22 characters) from computer to PABX

field STX S Managing Code Moved CRC ETX

Extension Extension

length (in bytes) 1 1 5 or 8 1 5 or 8 2 1

This command is used:

- to create, to modify or to suppress a suite, if sent by the PMS.
- or to inform the PMS, if that operation is initiated by the PABX.

"Management on GPIN" is mandatory.

- Code ( 1 character)
+ "A" for "adding" a "room extension" or a "first level suite" to the "suite" or to a "room
extension" for creating a suite
+ "S" for "subtracting" a "room extension" or a "first level suite" from the "suite

- Managing extension or main extension (5 or 8 characters) is the extension number used as the
"suite number".
It can be occupied by one or several guest.
That suite can be:
. a "first level suite" which included only guest room extensions
. a "second level suite" which included at least one "first level suite"
That extension can be:
. an analog set
. a UA (digital) set
. a DECT wireless set

- Moved extension (5 or 8 characters)

is the "room extension" (slave extension) or the "first level suite" (slave suite) added if the
code is "A"
, and subtracted if the code is "S", to / from the suite.
For adding an extension or a suite, there must not be guest allocated in.
Elsewhere the command is refused and a "Reply" message is issued by the PABX (see § 5.15
That extension can be:
. an analog set

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 49 / 60

** only if room extension management
. a UA (digital) set
. a DECT set
. a S0 set (only one allowed per suite)

For creating a suite, just add a "room extension" to a "first extension ("managing extension")
which becomes the "suite number".
When there is no more "added extension" to that "suite number" (subtraction of the last added
it becomes a single "room extension". The suite is disabled.
An added extension is not anymore considered as a "room extension", but as a "slave
A subtracted "slave extension" (or "slave suite") is then considered as a "room extension"
(or a "first level suite").

In case of problem, this command is refused by the PABX and then a "Reply message" is
issued with "S" as first status character.


1 character ACK or NACK.

6.12 Control characters

1 character XON or XOFF.

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 50 / 60

** only if room extension management


( PMS )
















* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 51 / 60

** only if room extension management
8 ANNEX 1 : Example of CRC Calculation

For the following message :

|STX|D| |3|9|5|6|crc1|crc2|ETX|

crc1 = 6 (36h) and crc2= D (44h).

6Dh is the result of xor calculation on the following bytes: 44h, 20h, 33h, 39h, 35h, 36h.

0100 0100 xor 0010 0000 = 0110 0100 (44h xor 20h = 64h)
0110 0100 xor 0011 0011 = 0101 0111 (64h xor 33h = 57h)
0101 0111 xor 0011 1001 = 0110 1110 (57h xor 39h = 6Eh)
0110 1110 xor 0011 0101 = 0101 1011 (6Eh xor 35h = 5Bh)
0101 1011 xor 0011 0110 = 0110 1101 (5Bh xor 36h = 6Dh)

This result is then splitted into the 2 two ASCII characters 6 (36h) and D (44h).

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 52 / 60

** only if room extension management

9 ANNEX 2: Details on DID and GPIN Management

PSTN Network
E1 Line Number :
+33 XXX 90 8000
DDI Range :
8001 to 8999

Guest n° 1450

Hotel software

Office / House

Hotel Network

In some Hotel configuration, the Guests are configured in order to be reachable from the public
network on a direct line.

This configuration is named Direct Dialed In (DDI). The aim of this document is to describe the
configuration of the DDI and the difference between DDI and GPIN.

Into the OmniPCX Enterprise management: MGR /Application/Hotel/Consult-Modify

Under section “Management services”

Set the option Rotating Guest DID + YES

Then manage the DID Areas:

Mixed DID And NDID + NO

DID Area 1

First Number : 100001

Last Number : 100012

DID Area 2

First Number : --------

Last Number : --------

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 53 / 60

** only if room extension management
9.1 GPIN description

The GPIN is a number that is attributed to the customers arriving at the Hotel. This GPIN is
allocated to the Room where the customer is staying. For example the Guests can be
created on four digits user numbers (e.g. 8001 to 8099) and the Room numbers can be set
on five digits (e.g. 13001 to 13099).The Range of GPINs are created as “Room – Guest”
Users of the OmniPCX Enterprise. This number can only be used for internal calls and is not
reachable from the public network.

9.2 DID description

The DID are ranges of numbers subscribed by the Hotel on its telephonic provider. The DID
can be reached from the public network. They are generally following the line number of the
Hotel. For example, if a Hotel has E1/T2 public access with a number + 33 3 XX 78 6700.
The DIDs allocated to this line could be the numbers from + 33 3 XX 78 6701 to 6799.
In order to transmit the call coming to the DID, some configuration has to be done on the
OmniPCX Enterprise.

9.3 DID basic configuration

The basic configuration steps of the DID translation into the internal numbering plan (to call
the Guest GPINs) would be:

1. Go to mgr /Translator/External Numbering Plan Scheme/Default DID Num. Translator

and Create (or Review Modify to see what is configured)
2. Choose the First External Number, this is the number that the OXE receives from the
provider when an incoming call arrives (e.g. : + 33 3 XX 78 6701)
3. Choose the First Internal Number, this should be the corresponding internal number of
the First External Number configured (e.g. : 8001)
4. Choose the Range size. If the DID correspondence to internal numbers follow an
uninterrupted range then you can configure how much internal numbers you want to
link (e.g. 99)
5. Unique Internal Number, set to NO if one DID corresponds to one internal number,
YES if multiple DID should arrive on unique internal number.
6. In mgr / Trunk Groups, the Trunk Group used for the incoming call should have its
parameter “DID transcoding” set to YES.

(1) If the Guest GPINs or the DID do not follow an uninterrupted range of numbers, it is
possible to configure more than one range of number.
(2) These are permanent settings; it is not possible to have dynamic translation. If one
DID is set to be translated as one GPIN this cannot change until the administrator
changes the OmniPCX Entreprise parameters by a local connection (telnet or

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 54 / 60

** only if room extension management
9.4 Rotating DID description

The rotating DID is functionality available on the Alcatel Hotel application. It is used when the
Hotel Software doesn’t manage the number of the Guest to allocate. On this case the
OmniPCX Enterprise allocates a GPIN to the new arriving customer by following two rules:
- It checks if the GPIN has to be linked to a DID (according to the DID configuration).
Send “DID” in the Check-in frame to ask for a DID-GPIN or an empty field for a non-
- It allocates the oldest checked-out GPIN.

If the Hotel software chooses itself which GPIN should be allocated to which customer then
the Rotating DID isn’t used and the software has to know which GPIN is linked to a DID or

9.5 Rotating DID configuration

There are two parameters in the OmniPCX Enterprise that need to be set to allow the rotating
DID functionality.
1. In mgr / Applications / Hotel : set “Guest Rotating DID” to YES
2. Choose which Guest numbers (GPIN) should be included in the DID rotating pool in
“DID Area 1”. Here should be the range parameter on the DID translation part. All the
other GPINs will be seen by the OmniPCX Enterprise as not reachable from the public

9.6 Example of configuration



DID numbers Administrative Phones Hotel Rooms

6700 13000 13050
… … …
6710 13010 130150
Pool of Guests
6711 8001
… …
6740 8040



* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 55 / 60

** only if room extension management
In this example the phones reachable from the public network are the Administrative phones and the
GPINs from 8001 to 8040 (when they are checked-in). The GPINs 8041 to 8099 are only reachable
from an internal phone.

10 ANNEX 3: OXE Spatial Redundancy and AHL Link

10.1 Description

In some customer topology, the OmniPCX Enterprise can be installed in a spatial

redundancy configuration.

The Hotel Link over TCP-IP is now running in an OXE spatial redundancy context and still
using the TCP/2561 port.

The Spatial Redundancy means that the main Com Server (CPU) of OXE is backed-up with
another Com Server which is not in same IP subnet.
Therefore, you got 2 physical Com Server IP addresses (A and B) and 2 role MAIN IP
addresses (Main 1 and Main 2).
Only one main is active at same time while the redundancy is active.
To avoid “split brain” mode (both Com Server are Main simultaneously), the management
define a “reference” shelf with Media-gateway board that will mark the connected CPU as
Main (the other one has to restart to become finally the Stand-By).

The Application will need to connect to active Main Com Server, in single Com Server, the
connection is done directly to Com Server IP address but in duplicated Com Server and
especially Spatial Redundancy mode, you will have 3 methods to set-up this connection:

Alternate Proxy method: The PBX administrator provide you the 2 Main Com Server
IP address and the application has to test (Ping / icmp) the answer of the IP address
before it send “connection” request.

Alternate DNS method: The PBX or IT administrator provide you the FQDN of the
OmniPCX node (hostname.domain) and the OmniPCX enterprise will use its “internal
name resolver” to give you the IP address of the active Main Com Server. The
application has to make (via the host OS) a name query to both DNS servers that are
the 2 OXE physical Com Servers.

DNS Delegation method: The application will make a name query directly to the
company DNS server (Microsoft DNS Server or Open Source “Bind” stack) where
there will be a “relay” or “delegation” to provide the right answer to name query
according to real status of the Main Com Server.
This method is the simplest as soon as your application is ready to make DNS query.

The connection TCP/2561 is initiated by AHL application from Partner side and should stay
on all time. Only one socket has to be opened on OmniPCX Enterprise side.

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 56 / 60

** only if room extension management
During the Com Server failure and switch-over, the tcp/2561 will be disrupted (ICMP packets
sent as answer to TCP messages on port 2561 by physical Com Server or gateway while
Main has stopped) then the partner application has to set-up the connection to right
destination according to method used (secondary IP @ or DNS query to OXE DNS or
Company DNS).

10.2 Management of computer link

In stand-alone Com Server or regular redundancy modes, the IP address defined in OXE
management is the Main CPU and it is unique in this context.
But in spatial redundancy mode, there are 2 Main Com Server IP addresses and we could
not manage it the way it was before.

Supported minimum versions are R9.1-I1.605.37 / R10.0-J1.410.45 / R10.1-J2.501.14 .

The configuration of the “computer link” has to be done as follow:

Under MGR /Applications/Hotel/go down/Computer Link

Review/Modify: Computer link

NodeNumber (reserved) : 102

Instance (reserved) : 1
Instance (reserved) : 1
Instance (reserved) : 1

Interface Configuration + Master à Used for TCP-IP link

Port V24 + /dev/rv24/b1/tty1 (45)
Overflow V24 + /dev/ttyS0 (0)


All Cost CDR / Tickets + True

of Room CDR / Tickets + True
of Administrative CDR / Tickets + True
of Room Status Tickets + True
of Check-In - Check-Out + True
of Attendant CDR / Tickets + False
of Voice Mail Information + True
of Wake-up Information + True
of Suite Information + True
Extended ticket + False

No. Digits Guest Dir. + 8 digits

FIFO Size Alcatel-Lucent Hotel + 500 Frames
Period for repeating message : 5
Prefix Filter : -----

When you validate the change by CTRL + V then you got this extra configuration window:
Review/Modify: Computer link

LINF Parameter : ---------------------------------------

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 57 / 60

** only if room extension management
Number Of Slaves : 0
CPU address : à enter the IP address of the computer-PMS

10.3 Update your Application

The partner application should now take into account that there are 2 Main CPU IP

The tcp-ip link is set-up on tcp port 2561 and when Main CPU will be stopped because there
is a switch-over to other Stand-by CPU, then the application has to connect to second Main
CPU IP address in order to re-establish the AHL link with PCX.

PCX send to computer (PMS) a keep-alive every 30 seconds as described in chapter 3.2.6 .

The following diagram shows the IP packets exchanged while CPU switch-over:

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 58 / 60

** only if room extension management
11 ANNEX 4: Multiple Wake-up call

In the OXE Hotel/Hospital context, there is the possibility to have multiple wake-up call for a guest,
up to 4 wake-up times, that are then related to differents guests in a multi-occupancy room.


· The feature is configured on the whole OXE system for all users, guest/room and
· This multi-wake-up could be programmed only by digital (UA or IP) sets like T4034 or
IPTouch 4038 or …
· While number of wake-up calls is more than 1 then the user set without display (analog or
digital) could handle only one wake-up call.
· The management of all wake-up calls for an extension (like a room) could be done from
another user digital set (like room service or front desk) with a display because the
programming require inter-active keys (seen on display).
· The cancellation of wake-up calls is done for all times programmed.

Management of the feature is under MGR

/System/Down/Other System Param./Down/Local Facilities Parameters/

+-Consult/Modify: Local Facilities Parameters-----------------------------+

¦ ¦
¦ Node Number (reserved) : 102 ¦
¦ Instance (reserved) : 1 ¦
¦ Instance (reserved) : 1 ¦
¦ System_Option + Number of wake-up calls ¦
¦ ¦
¦ Number of wake-up calls : 1 ¦
¦ ¦

+-Help: Number of wake-up calls------------------------------------------------+

¦ ¦
¦ Press CANCEL to remove this window ¦
¦ ¦
¦ Enter an integer value ¦
¦ within the following ranges: ¦
¦ 1 to 4 ¦
¦ ¦
¦ Number of wake-up calls ¦
¦ A user may program up to 4 meet me/wake up calls at any one time. ¦
¦ NOTE 3 : ¦
¦ If there are more than 1 wake up calls, voice guides 512 and 513 must be ¦
¦ managed as these are necessary when guiding the user if several wake up ¦
¦ calls are programmed. ¦
¦ NOTE 4 : ¦
¦ The operation in multi-wake up mode for a set other than 4034 requires ¦
¦ 4635 voice mail (version R3.0 or greater) to function at the times which are ¦

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 59 / 60

** only if room extension management
¦ already programmed.If this voice mail system is not used, a multi-wake up ¦
¦ programming attempt from a set other than 4034 will fail. ¦
¦ ¦

12 ANNEX 5: Debugging

In order to resolve connectivity problems on AHL links, it is possible to analyse the packets exchanged
over the hotel link. There are two possibilities based on the type of AHL link used:

· If the system uses a TCP/IP link, go to Applications / Hotel/Computer Link and put “-d” on the LINF
Parameter line.

· To enable the traces when a V24 AHL Link is used, go to System / V24 Port, select the V24 port used
and in the Parameters line put “-d”.

To view the traces, exit the MGR menu by CTRL + C then, on the prompt, use the “traced” command.

The next table shows an example of a traced request on a TCP/IP link. The request is a Check-in with
the incoming packet and the ack from the PBX.

1297352521 -> === TRAME RECEIVED length=57

A14412~Guest14402~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~28 -
tout est ok - envoi du ack vers PC
1297352521 -> === send response: 6
1297352521 -> === ok_envmes
1297352521 -> === envmes

Nota : “tout est ok - envoi du ack vers PC” means “Everything is ok - ACK sent to the PMS”

· To re-initialize the TCP-IP AHL link, do “dhs3_init –R AHLTCP”

· To re-initialire the V24 port for AHL but also all other v24 ports, do “dhs3_init –R V24_CONFIG”

- End of document -

* only if GPIN management AHL Developer Guide Ed 03 60 / 60

** only if room extension management

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