Utopia Project Rubric Use

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A Charming Utopia – Project Rubric

Advanced Proficient Developing Emerging

Organization (10 points) Ideas are clearly and Ideas are clearly Ideas may be slightly Ideas are unclear or not
thoughtfully developed. developed vague or unclear at times. fully developed.
Order of slides/presented Order of slides makes Order of slides makes Order of slides doesn’t
material makes sense. sense but may lack sense overall, though it make sense.
Slides/presented material transitions. may be unclear why one Slides are difficult to read.
are inviting and easy to Slides are easy to read. follows another. The presentation has no
read. Presentation has a theme, Slides are easy to read but discernible theme.
Presentation has a though it may be unclear may be plain. No attempt at persuading
consistent theme. in some instances. Presentation has a theme, audience.
The student does a good Student makes an attempt though it’s largely unclear Slides appear to be
job “selling” their utopia at persuading their what that theme is. thrown together at the
as a great place to visit. audience to visit their Student makes little to no last second.
utopia. attempt at persuading
their audience to visit
their utopia.
Information (10 points) Student uses many Student uses multiple Student uses a few Presentation may lack
attractive graphics or graphics that help bolster graphics. While these graphics. Or, if they exist,
charts that help bolster their audience’s graphics are related to there may be very few.
their audience’s understanding. the presentation, they are These graphics appear to
understanding. Information is clear and mostly “decorative.” be unrelated or loosely
Information is clear and well-organized. Some Information is clear, but related.
well-organized. There is aspects may be unclear, not thorough. There may Information is unclear or
no question what the but nothing that detracts be some organization disorganized.
student intended to from the overall issues. Some aspects of the
convey. presentation. All aspects of the prompt prompt are missing.
All aspects of prompt are All aspects of the prompt are covered, but barely.
thoroughly covered. are covered.
Presentation is fun to Presentation is fun to
read. read.

(Rubric continued on next page.)

Advanced Proficient Developing Emerging
Language and Grammar No grammar or spelling Zero to few grammar or Some grammar or spelling Many grammar or spelling
(10 points) errors. spelling errors. The ones errors. errors that detract from
Images and information that exist are not Images and information the presentation.
are properly cited in MLA distracting. may or may not be Images or information are
format on a works cited Images and information properly cited using MLA not properly cited.
slide. are properly cited in MLA format. Language is not
Language is sophisticated. format on a works cited Language is may not be professional.
slide. professional or may be
Language is professional. overly repetitive.
Creativity (10 points) Material is presented in a Material is presented Some thought has been Little to no thought
unique, highly creative creatively. put into the presented appears to have been put
format. Information/worldbuilding material. into creativity.
Information/worldbuilding is creative but may not be Material is dependent on
is unique. unique. an existing intellectual
May include multiple May include multiple property.
forms of media that are forms of media.
uniquely presented.
Extra credit option: Student presents with Student presents Student may be a bit Student appears
10 points enthusiasm and confidently. difficult to hear at points. unprepared.
Oral Presentation confidence. Student is easy to hear. Student responds to the Student mumbles or may
Student uses a clear, easy Student welcomes audience but doesn’t go be difficult to hear.
to hear voice. audience participation but out of their way to Student does not
Student uses plenty of may not encourage it. welcome participation. welcome participation.
inflection when speaking. Student roughly stays Presentation may be Presentation is overly
Student encourages within time limit or about a minute to a long or short.
audience participation. presentation is a bit short. minute and a half too long
Student stays within time or too short.
limit but takes advantage
of the entire five minutes.

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