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1.1 Background

Kevin Ashton first proposed the term Internet of Things (IoTs) in 1982. IoT is a

combination of hardware and software technologies along with embedded devices that

enables to provide services and facilities to any one, anytime, anywhere required

using any network (Riazul, 2015).

The Internet of Things is a novel paradigm shift in IT arena. The phrase “Internet of

Things” which is also shortly well-known as IoT is coined from the two words i.e. the

first word is “Internet” and the second word is “Things”. The Internet is a global

system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol

suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that

consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks,

of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and

optical networking technologies (Butler, 2020).

IoT is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronic devices,

software technologies, sensors, and network connectivity, which facilitates these

objects to collect and exchange data for availing various services.” It is a concept

demonstrating a connected set of anything, any one, any time, any place, any service

and any network connection (Riazul, 2015). Simply we can say that IoT is a concept

of connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each

other). This includes everything from smart phones, smart coffee, tea makers,

washing systems, headphones, lamps, and wearable devices (Feki, 2013).

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as one of these device is a system that

transmits the identity of an object or person wirelessly using radio waves in the form

of a serial number. First use of RFID device was happened in 2nd world war in Brittan

and it is used for Identify of Friend or Foe in 1948. Later RFID technology is founded

at Auto-ID center in MIT in the year 1999. RFID technology plays an important role

in IoT for solving identification issues of objects around us in a cost effective manner.

The technology is classified into three categories based on the method of power

supply provision in Tags: Active RFID, Passive RFID and Semi Passive RFID. The

main components of RFID are tag, reader, antenna, access controller, software and

server. It is more reliable, efficient, secured, inexpensive and accurate. RFID has an

extensive range of wireless applications such as distribution, tracing, patient

monitoring, military apps etc. (Somayya et al, 2015).

RFID is a wireless based technology for identification of objects. The technology is

now generating significant interest in the marketplace because of its robust

application capabilities (Cerlinca, 2010). RFID utilizes electromagnetic waves for

transmitting and receiving information stored in a tag to or from a reader (Rida,

2010). RFID Technology has an edge over other identification systems such as

barcode systems, magnetic strip cards, smart cards, and biometrics because it requires

no line of sight for communication, sustains harsh physical environments, allows for

simultaneous identification, has excellent data storage, wide read range and is cost

and power efficient.

Healthcare applications in IoT systems have been receiving increasing attention

because they help facilitate remote monitoring of patients. The current trends in the

medical management system can be classified in multiple ways based on the

perspective of the technology, functionality and the benefits. There is a trend

happening with the convergence of consumer devices and medical devices (Prajakta,


This requires a system to follow the vital signs of pilgrims during Hajj. So that

doctors can obtain positive results and rely on them in dispensing medicines and

suppositories to diseases. Continuous monitoring of crowd is the need of any religious

expenditure. Surveying of large crowds can be done through processing the image

captured of pilgrims in sacred areas. The stampede conditions starts building pilgrims

can be made aware of such dangerous beforehand. Monitoring of pilgrim health can

be done by using various sensors (Mohandes, 2011). The real time location of a

person can be tracked by using the GPS (Global Positioning System) and GSM

(Global System for Mobile communication) technology.

1.2 Problem Statement

Hajj is a unique gathering with Mecca and Kaaba being spiritually important to many

faiths across the globe, especially Muslims. As we comprehend that Hajj requires a

excessive effort to operate the rituals and most pilgrims of a high age, which require a

large medication monitoring, correct due to the fact the elderly pilgrims are usually

uncovered to numerous kinds of diseases and infections with the ailments that exist

for some of the pilgrims (Amir et al, 2018; Bahar et al, 2018; Woo et al, 2018).

Pilgrimage has a great significance in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Each pilgrimage session

attracts a huge crowd. Usually the pilgrims move simultaneously in a large group.

Getting lost in crowd is very common. Finding the lost person among thousands of

pilgrims causes a lot of trouble for his relatives and the authorities. Such a setup poses

a real challenge to the authorities in managing the crowd, and tracking/identifying

Researchers (Amir et al, 2018; Bahar et al, 2018; Woo et al, 2018). What makes it
even more challenging is that all pilgrims move at the same times and to the same

places. While such events are a unique spiritual experience for all pilgrims, it poses

major challenges of all sorts to the authorities responsible for facilitating this annual

event. The following are some of the common difficulties faced by the pilgrims and

the authorities like Identification of pilgrims (lost, dead, or injured), medical

emergencies, Guiding lost pilgrims to their respective camps, Congestion


Before the beginning of the first day of the December 2013 Hajj, 243 pilgrims had

died, according to a statement by the Saudi government. The majority of deaths were

reportedly related to heart problems, exhaustion in the elderly and people with weak

health, caused by the heat and tiring physical work involved in the pilgrimage. After

the conclusion of the Hajj, the Nigerian government reported that 33 nationals had

died mostly "as a result of hypertension, diabetes and heart attack", not due to

epidemic illnesses, and rejected assertions that Nigerian pilgrims died in an accident

on a road to Mina. Egypt's official news agency has reported that by December 30 (10

Dhu al-Hijjah), 22 Egyptian pilgrims had died. Four elderly Filipino pilgrims in their

50s died during the pilgrimage of illnesses or other 'natural causes', and were buried in

Mecca. The Pakistani Hajj Medical Commission has announced that approximately

130 Pakistani pilgrims died during the Hajj season in Saudi Arabia, "mostly aged and

victims of pneumonia and heart patients", and that 66 pilgrims were admitted to Saudi

hospitals for similar ailments (Barasheed, 2014).

1.3 Research Questions

In order to expand the stated research problem, the following sub-problems need to be


1. How the proposed system will be able to locate the pilgrims in case of no

network coverage?

2. How the proposed system will be able to track the history of pilgrims'


3. How the GSM and GPS will be integrated?

1.4 Research Objectives

In order to solve the problems of monitoring, tracking and locating the pilgrims

during Hajj using IoT based on RFID, the following objectives for the research are


[1] To introduce a system of IoT based solution in order to engage the pilgrims

with the smart watch to monitor, locate the health signs during Hajj.

[2] To analysis and design the proposed IoT based solution of monitoring,

tracking and locating for pilgrims during Hajj.

[3] To create and design a dashboard that fits the requirement of the project that

consists of pilgrims, pilgrims' medicine and disease and pilgrims' locations.

[4] To implement the proposed IoT based solution in smart watch, in which the

health assurance teams will be able to monitor, track and locate the pilgrims

during Hajj.
1.5 Research Scope

Hajj is the most crowded gathering of Muslims on earth. It has unique characteristics

with regard to the people who attend it (pilgrims), the place they meet in, and the kind

of rituals they perform.

The scope of this project is to combine the IoT with RFID technology that enable a

whole new context for smart objects that are able to combine their physical and virtual

existences in tracking, locating and monitoring of pilgrims during Hajj.

Certainly, this requires a system to follow the vital signs of pilgrims during Hajj. So

that doctors can obtain positive results and rely on them in dispensing medicines and

suppositories to diseases. Continuous monitoring of crowd is the need of any religious

expenditure. Surveying of large crowds can be done through processing the image

captured of pilgrims in sacred areas. The stampede conditions starts building pilgrims

can be made aware of such dangerous beforehand. Monitoring of pilgrim health can

be done by using various sensors. The real time location of a person can be tracked by

using the GPS (Global Positioning System) and GSM (Global System for Mobile

communication) technology.

The tracking and monitoring system consists of mobile units carried by the pilgrims

and a fixed Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) capable of gathering, processing, and

routing data on locations and time stamps of smart watch carried by the pilgrims. In

the simplest scenario, all the queries on the location of an object will be sent by a

single monitoring station. One interesting aspect of this is to design the optimal

routing protocol to send the query for a particular object. Along with other criteria,

this protocol will make use of any past knowledge on the location of the person being

queried. Also the protocol includes parallel routing of multiple queries so that to
minimize the latency resulting from multiple queries. This process is enabled by the

fact that it is possible to initiate multiple parallel routes in a sensor network of

sufficiently large number of nodes.

1.6 Research Contributions

The following are the list of contributions of this research:

1. A comprehensive framework of IoT based solution in tracking, locating and

monitoring of pilgrims during Hajj. The proposed framework consists of two

main modules and each modules have a different components. The two

modules are pilgrims module and health detection, monitoring and tracking

module. The proposed framework would have a three contributions: firstly, a

real time of monitoring of potential pilgrims' health such as oxygen level,

heart beats, temperature, glucose levels etc, secondly, indexing of potential

pilgrims' health for analysis and overall monitoring, and thirdly, ability to

reach the potential pilgrim in the range of network coverage.

2. A comprehensive analysis and design mechanism of IoT based solution in

tracking, locating and monitoring of pilgrims during Hajj.

3. Implementation of IoT based solution chips technology that will help the

health assurance teams to monitor, track and locate the pilgrims during Hajj.

4. A unified database for tracking the pilgrims of medication history and

hopefully for healthcare sectors.

1.7 Research Organizations

The results obtained from this research are presented into five chapters. This thesis is

organized as follows:

Chapter 1 gives a general introduction of IoT, RFID, and healthcare management

system for pilgrims during Hajj. Beside, presents the problem statement, objectives,

contributions and the scope of the research.

Chapter 2 continues with a comprehensive literature review of IoT, IoT architecture,

IoT models, RFID, RFID types, RFID tags, wireless sensor networks as well as

illustrating the integration of the IoT based solution to monitor, track and locate the

pilgrims during Hajj.

Chapter 3 presents the research methodology for our proposed the IoT based solution

for monitoring, tracking and locating the pilgrims during Hajj. The proposed research

methodology consists of six main steps, which are: firstly, the proposed frameworks is

formulated using two different modules. Secondly, the domain analysis, use case

diagram, domain model diagram and Fully Dressed Use Case Document (FDUCD)

are analyzed. Thirdly, in system design stage the System Sequence Diagram (SSD)

and class diagram are prepared. Fourth, user interfaces are design and system

implemented in stage five. Finally, the results was analyzed and concluded.

Chapter 4 presents the details of implementation of our proposed the IoT based

solution for monitoring, tracking and locating the pilgrims during Hajj.

In Chapter 5, the research is ended up with conclusion and future work.



2.0 Introduction

This Chapter continues with a comprehensive literature review of IoT and an IoT

architecture, RFID, RFID types, RFID tags and readers, GSM, wireless technologies,

healthcare, and medication management system, the usage of IoT for healthcare, the

usage of RFID for healthcare, and finally, review and analysis of IoT based solution

for pilgrims' health tracking, locating and monitoring during Hajj.

2.1 Internet of Things

The idea of the Internet of Things (IoT) turned into first proposed by means of Bill

Gates in his 1995 e-book “The Road Ahead”. The term was used to describe the

improvement of smart houses. But, given the immaturity of the desired technologies,

the term did not attract a whole lot attention on the time. In 1999, Kevin Ashton,

director of the MIT vehicle-id middle used Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as

the basis for wirelessly linking popularity technology devices thru the net to exchange

information, therefore accomplishing “smart” identification and operations control for

IoT records.

The IoT makes use of implanted or attached micro sensors to integrate objects into

Wi-Fi networks allowing objects to have interaction with each other, and for people to

engage with objects, hence ensuring a dependable and continuous change of relevant

facts to improve fine of existence (Chang and Chen, 2014). Advances in

communications generation, sensing devices and big data processing techniques have

driven the expansion of the IoT into smart home applications, inventory management,

environmental monitoring, , smart transport and smart logistics, healthcare, public

security (Atzori et al., 2014).

2.1.1 IoT Architecture

Following definitions from the European Telecommunications Standards Institute

(ETSI), the IoT work content can be labeled as belonging to the perception level, the

network level or the application level, as shown in Fig 2.1 (Bilal, 2017):

o Perception layer: Devices feature sensing, identification and communication

capabilities and are used for sensing and monitoring through the use of

sensors, RFID tags and RFID readers.

o Network layer: Data collected at the perception layer is transmitted to

networked storage and computation resources to achieve interconnection and

sharing of objects. A variety of network communication technologies are used,

including RFID, ZigBee, Bluetooth and WiFi.

o Application layer: Software applications are developed to satisfy different user

needs, using data sourced from the perception layer via the network layer.

These applications are designed for use in different environments, such as

collecting road congestion information for use in smart transport applications,

providing the user with real-time information on driving conditions.

Figure 2.1: IoT Architecture Layers (Bilal, 2017)

2.2 RFID

RFID is the important thing technology for making the objects uniquely identifiable.

its decreased size and fee makes it integrable into any object. It's far a transceiver

microchip just like an adhesive decal which could be each active and passive (as

shown in Fig 2.2), depending on the type of application (Bharti and Shweta, 2017).

Active tags have a battery connected to them due to which they are continuously

active and therefore continually emit the facts signals even as Passive tags simply get

activated when they are triggered. Active tags are more highly-priced than the Passive

tags. RFID gadget is composed of readers and related RFID tags which emit the

identification, vicinity or any one of a kind specifics about the object, on getting

precipitated with the aid of way of the science of any gorgeous signal. The emitted

object related data signals are transmitted to the readers using radio frequencies which
are then passed onto the processors to analyze the data Depending on the type of

application, RFID frequencies are divided into four different frequencies ranges:

1) Low frequency (135 KHz or less)

2) High Frequency (13.56MHz)

3) Ultra-High Frequency (862MHz 928MHz)

4) Microwave Frequency (2.4G , 5.80).

Bar Code is also an identification science which has almost the same function as an

RFID but RFID is extra positive than a Bar Code due to a range of its benefits. RFID

being a radio technological know-how doesn’t require the reader to be bodily in its

vision while Bar Code is an optical technology which can't work unless its reader is

positioned in the front of it. Moreover, an RFID can work as an actuator to set off

unique events and it has even amendment capabilities which Bar codes genuinely

don’t have (Bharti and Shweta, 2017).

Figure 2.2: RFID System Components (Bharti and Shweta, 2017)

2.2.2 Types of RFID

RFID is an computerized technology and aids systems or computers to pick out

objects, report metadata or manipulate person goal through radio waves (Jia et al.,

2010). The RFID technological know-how was first seemed in 1945, as an espionage

tool for the Soviet Union, which retransmitted incident radio waves with audio

information. Similarly, the IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) transponder developed

in the United Kingdom was once robotically used with the aid of the allies in World

War II to identify plane as pal or foe.

A normally RFID system is consisted of tags (transmitters/responders) and readers

(transmitters/receivers) (Finkenzeller, 2010). The tag is a microchip linked with an

antenna, which can be connected to an object as the identifier of the object. The RFID

reader communicates with the RFID tag the use of radio waves. The major benefit of

RFID technology is the automated identification and facts seize that promises

wholesale adjustments across a broad spectrum of enterprise activities and pursuits to

reduce the price of the already used systems such as bar codes. Although RFID

technological know-how used to be found many years ago, it has superior and

advanced solely at some point of the last decade since value has been the most

important obstacle in all implementations.

2.2.3 RFID Tags

RFID tags come in many distinct shapes, sizes, and capabilities. When an RFID

solution is designed, the solution’s architect should take into account each business

and technological know-how necessities earlier than choosing the type of RFID tag to

use (Banks et al., 2007).

All RFID tags have the following quintessential factors in common: antenna,

integrated circuit, printed circuit board (or substrate).

The predominant responsibility of antenna of RFID tag is to transmit and obtain radio

waves for the purpose of communication. The antenna is also regarded as the coupling

mechanism, which can radically change the energy in the structure of electromagnetic

radiation. This is the way the tag and reader speaking every other. In a appropriate

surroundings and proximity to an RFID reader, the antenna can accumulate adequate

strength to strength the tag’s other aspects without a battery.

The integrated circuit (IC) is a packaged collection of discrete elements that provide

the brains for the tag. The IC in a RFID tag is a lot like a microprocessor determined

in any cell telephone or computer, but it is usually no longer very sophisticated. For

many RFID tags, the IC component has solely a single purpose, to transmit the tag’s

unique identifier (ID). If the tag has any peripheral components, the IC is additionally

the grasp controller that is responsible for gathering any more records and

transmitting it along with the tag’s ID.

The printed circuit board (PCB) is the fabric that holds the tag together. The circuit

board may be rigid or flexible, and is composed of many distinct kinds of materials,

relying on the type and reason of the tag. For example, tags that are used for

monitoring aspects on an meeting line where extremely excessive temperatures might

also be encountered would have a tendency to be tons more rigid and are typically

placed internal a protecting enclosure.

Tags are constructed to comply with a categorization referred to as a class. Classes

regularly have larger capability. EPC global has described six classifications for RFID

tags (0 to 5). A general description of functionality that each type is required to

comply is as follows:
 Class 0/class 1: These classes provide the basic radio frequency (RF) passive

capability. Class 0 is factory programmed. Beyond class 0, including class 1,

the tags are user-programmable.

 Class 2: Additional functionality is added, which includes encryption and

read-write RF memory

 Class 3: Batteries are found on board that will power logic in the computer

circuit. Class 3 provides longer range and broadband communications

 Class 4: Active tags are part of the definition of class 4 tags. Peer-to-peer

communications and additional sensing are also included.

 Class 5: Class 5 tags contain enough power to activate other tags and could be

effectively classified as a reader.

Passive tags, which have no built-in electricity supply and the power is furnished via

the radio frequency wave created by way of the reader, are normally categorized in

the category 0 to three range. Class 4 describes energetic tags, which have an internal

energy supply (a battery), that affords the vital power for the operation of the tag over

a length of time. Class 5 is reserved for tag readers and lively tags that can examine

records from other tags.

2.2.4 RFID Reader

RFID readers are additionally referred to as interrogators because they query tags as

the tags enter their read range. The reader is accountable for orchestrating the

conversation with any tags in its read vary and then offering the tags’ data to an

application that can make use of the data. Readers in all structures can be reduced to

two crucial functional blocks: the manage device and the excessive frequency (HF)

interface, consisting of a transmitter and receiver.

The reader’s HF interface performs the following functions: (a) era of excessive

frequency transmission energy to prompt the transponder and supply it with power;

(b) modulation of the transmission signal to ship facts to the transponder; (c)

reception and demodulation of HF indicators transmitted by a transponder.

The reader’s control unit performs the following functions: (a) verbal exchange with

the software program and the execution of commands from the utility software; (b)

manipulate of the verbal exchange with a transponder (master–slave principle); (c)

signal coding and decoding. In extra complicated systems the following additional

functions are available: (d) execution of an anti-collision algorithm; (e) encryption

and decryption of the facts to be transferred between transponder and reader; (f)

performance of authentication between transponder and reader.

2.3 Global System of Mobile Communication (GSM)

The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) is a 2d technology (2G)

general for cellular networks. In the early 1980s, a group was formed via the

European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to strengthen a digital

cellular verbal exchange system. Aptly named Groupe Speciale Mobile (GSM), its

fundamental task was to increase a single, constant community for all of Europe and

come up with a better and extra environment friendly technical answer for wi-fi


The GSM fashionable operates on three exclusive carrier frequencies: the 900 MHz

band, which was once used by way of the original GSM system; the 1800 MHz band,

which was added to aid the swelling quantity of subscribers and the 1900 MHz

frequency, which is used frequently in the U.S.

Although GSM is based totally on the time division multiple get entry to (TDMA)

system, its technological know-how uses digital signaling and speech channels and is

viewed a second technology (2G) cellular phone system.

The GSM network has 4 separate parts that work together to function as a whole: the

mobile device itself, the base station subsystem (BSS), the community switching

subsystem (NSS) and the operation and assist subsystem (OSS).

The cellular system connects to the network by using hardware. The subscriber

identity module (SIM) card presents the community with figuring out facts about the

cell user, as proven in Fig 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Diagram of the GSM Network Organization (Networks, 2019)

2.3.1 GSM Module

GSM Modem (SIM900, 2010) is a wireless modem that works with a GSM wireless

network. The baud charge can be modified the usage of AT instructions from 9600 to

115200. It is operated on 12V furnish and frequencies 90011800 Mhz. It comprises of

a SIM card slot and an antenna to receive signals. Using serial communication, RS232

interface, it can be related to devices like Raspberry Pi, PC etc. Refer the Fig 2.4.
Several AT instructions are used to function a number operations like sending and

receiving SMS (Vamsikrishna et al., 2015), voice calls. With a set of prolonged set of

AT commands the electricity of the signal, reading, writing and looking out

smartphone book entries is also possible. Functions such as receiving and sending

messages, answering calls can be completed using AT instructions via serial port on

Raspberry Pi.

Figure 2.4: GSM Module (Vamsikrishna et al., 2015)

2.4 Network Technologies

These technologies are accountable for the connection between the objects. So we

need a quick and an superb community to cope with a massive quantity of potential

devices. For wide-range transmission community we in many instances use 3G, 4G

etc. but As we know, mobile site visitors is so tons predictable when you consider that

it only has to operate the regular duties like making a call, sending a textual content

message etc. so as we step into this contemporary technology of ubiquitous

computing, it will now not be predictable anymore which calls for a need of a super-

fast, super-efficient fifth technology wi-fi gadget which ought to offer a lot more

bandwidth. Similarly for a short-range conversation network we use technologies like

Bluetooth, WiFi etc (Bharti and Shweta, 2017).

2.4.1 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

WSN is a bi-directional wirelessly linked community of sensors in a multi-hop

fashion, built from countless nodes scattered in a sensor field every connected to one

or numerous sensors which can collect the object unique records such as temperature,

humidity, velocity and so forth and then omit on to the processing equipment. The

sensing nodes communicate in multi-hop Each sensor is a transceiver having an

antenna, a micro-controller and an interfacing circuit for the sensors as a

communication, actuation and sensing unit respectively alongside with a supply of

energy which may want to be both battery or any electricity harvesting technology

However an additional unit for saving the data, named as Memory Unit which may

want to additionally be a phase of the sensing node has been proposed (Bharti and

Shweta, 2017).

2.4.2 Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi)

Wireless fidelity (WiFi) is a famous wireless conversation and records transfer

technology. It is based on the IEEE 802.11 sequence of requirements used for wi-fi

communications in a nearby place community (LAN). The high transmission speed is

the essential benefit of WiFi. The community helps superstar and point-to-point

topologies the place gadgets are interoperable. The WiFi coverage can consist of

various electronic devices, which are capable to connect to the neighborhood network

or the Internet via a WiFi community get right of entry to point (AP) with an common

distance of 100mand broadband speeds of up to 54 Mbps relying to the IEEE

standard. The drawback of this technology is the relatively giant energy consumption.

WiFi represents a right candidate for sensors and devices which are deployed in

Health monitoring structures (HMS) to ensure non-stop monitoring (Haider et al,


2.5 Healthcare Management System

The health management system (HMS) is an evolutionary medicine regulative process

proposed by Nicholas Humphrey (Nicholas, 2004) in which actuarial assessment

of fitness and economic-type cost–benefit analysis determines the body’s regulation

of its physiology and health. This incorporation of cost–benefit calculations into body

regulation provides a science grounded approach to mind–body phenomena such

as placebos that are otherwise not explainable by low level, noneconomic, and purely

feedback based homeostatic or allostatic theories.

2.5.1 IoT based Solution for Healthcare Applications and Technologies

In the literature, there are a number of works that address the protection of

development employees on duty, but most of them are for monitoring and chance

assessment. The proposed system by (Kanan, 2017) has main contributions are four.

The first is the real-time alerting of practicable hazards such as falls and collisions

with site vehicles. The 2nd contribution is the indexing of manageable risks for

evaluation and for universal enhancement of website online safety. Seamless

integration of heterogeneous sensors in a middleware IoT platform is the third

contribution, and fourth is the introduction of dependable low-priced and low-power

strength harvesting scheme which is currently an important and difficult lookup theme

in IoT (Kanan, 2017).

Brian et al. presented ‘TRUSS’ in (Mayton et al, 2012) which is a system to render

and infer building safety via real-time streaming of a building site environment. It is
composed of three predominant parts; namely, they are wearable sensor badges, base

stations, and cameras. Their wearable sensor badge consists of quite a number

modules to feel hazardous gases, dust, noise, mild quality, and altitude. The records

are then streamed to base stations that additionally comprise different sensors and a

low-power camera. In this unit, all records that are captured with the aid of wearable

nodes, base stations, and cameras are fused and forwarded to a server via constant

GSM or Wi-Fi infrastructure. On an upper level, security managers might also acquire

the data streams from more than one sensors to localize people and to track risks.

To stop collisions between heavy machinery and laborers, Chae and Yoshida designed

and implemented a safety device using RFID science in (Chae and Yoshida, 2010).

The workers are connected with energetic tags. The heavy gear such as hydraulic

excavators and cranes are connected with a reader and an active tag. The cause of the

reader is to realize employees coming near detection area, and the equipment's tag is

for its definition. Also, both operators and web site employees maintain receiver

modules to receive signals in the case of manageable hazards. In this application, the

detection data is dispatched from equipment tags to a predominant RFID reader that

has a direct connection to a server. Then from the server, alerts are managed then

transmitted to corresponding modules to set off alarms.

In (Park et al, 2016), investigated the potential of this science to provide actual time

alarms for web site employees and laptop operators upon detecting a danger. Under

certain out of doors and weather conditions, the test used to be performed on choice

commercially on hand technologies such as RFID and magnetic discipline proximity

systems. The study resulted that Bluetooth required the least infrastructure and is

easier to calibrate and to deploy than for RFID and magnetic proximity based

In a same direction another researchers proposed a technique for trying out proximity

detection and alert science for safe building equipment operation in (Marks and

Teizer, 2013). Multi-stage experiments had been designed to consider the abilities of

434 MHz RF remote sensing systems in detecting and alerting people and heavy

equipment on websites in case of proximity. Their inspiration has confirmed greater

effectiveness and reliability in proximity detection and alerting at a number pre-

calibrated proximity ranges. Not all security systems in the building enterprise involve

monitoring or fatality avoidance only, but coaching and schooling are also considered

for safety matters in development sites. For example, there are structures that appoint

digital truth as in (Dzeng and Fang, 2015; Dzeng et al, 2016; Mohd and Ali, 2014).

Compared to theoretical security training sessions, training simulators and game-

based coaching are extra realistic where trainees collect and practice capabilities

interactively. The people can experience accidents alongside with ensuing

implications. Such procedures like game-based education and on-site simulator

software may also provide more hands-on education and extra flexibility in hazard

identification on development site.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are disbursed structures composed through a

network of tiny, battery powered sensor nodes with constrained on-board processing,

storage and radio abilities (Fezari et al, 2015). Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)

have been deployed for a wide vary of purposes (Kara, 2017), such as surroundings

monitoring, smart buildings, medical care, industrial and army applications.

In particular, WSNs have been used in specific medical environments and/or

applications. They have been proposed for personal fitness monitoring, being

developed and structures for monitoring activities of daily living, fall and motion
detection, region tracking, and medicinal drug consumption monitoring (Dimitrov,

2016; Thompson, 2016).

Also, WSNs have been proposed for affected person and/or tools monitoring in

hospitals. In this field, there are proposals primarily based on RFID Tags (Rayes and

Salam, 2017). However, the short-range of these tags regularly entails the need for

other input gadgets related to the computer system to study the monitored

information. Additionally, a WSNs primarily based on RFID system can yield area

information, but no temperature information. Therefore, the tracking of meal

distribution trolleys can't count on these devices. On other hand, the Internet of

Things (IoT), denoted additionally as the Internet of Everything (IoE) or the Industrial

Internet (II), is a more recent technology paradigm consisting of a international

community of systems and gadgets successful of interacting with each other (Rayes

and Salam, 2017).

IoT is a greater world notion than WSN, and it involves a science framework where a

decentralized community of interconnected objects, all geared up with ‘Intelligent’

decision-making and information gathering capabilities, alternate information

(Dimitrov, 2016). This science framework is shaping the evolution of monitoring


In this sense, a current paper provides a two-step framework for designing WSN or

IoT systems in manufacturing environments. IoT systems have also been applied to

many aspects of healthcare. Moreover, IoT structures are gaining significance as a

new technological know-how that lets in more environment friendly and tremendous

sanatorium management (Thompson, 2016). Although WSNs can be considered as

preliminary IoT-based healthcare lookup efforts, the ongoing trend is to shift away

from registered standards and adopt IP-based sensor networks. The IoT has given
upward shove to many medical applications such as remote health monitoring,

persistent diseases, and elderly care, consisting of compliance with treatment and

medicine at domestic and through healthcare carriers (Thompson, 2016). In this

subject of scientific applications, the use of smart phones as the driver of the IoT

device has end up usual, due to the popularity, were-ability, and acceptance of these

units in all environments (Islam et al, 2015). We have also explored the feasibility of

this approach for the unique hassle of meal distribution trolleys. Therefore, in the

subsequent sections we show both a WSN and an IoT method for the implementation

of a real-time monitoring system.

IoT healthcare applications consists of Diabetes, Wound analysis for advance diabetes

patients, Heart rate monitoring, BP, Body temperature monitoring, Rehabilitation

system, Medication management, Wheelchair management, Oxygen saturation

monitoring, Eye disorder, skin infection, Cough detection, Remote surgery and Period

tracker as shown in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: IoT Healthcare Applications

Sensors used ;operations; IoT References

Infirmity condition
Anon-invasive opto-
physiological sensor's the
sensor's output is connected to
the TelosB mote that convert an
Diabetes analog signal to a digital one; Barasheed, 2014
IPV6 and 6LoWPAN protocol
architecture enabling wire lease
sensor devices for all IP-based
wireless nodes.
A smartphone camera; image
decompression and
Wound analysis for
segmentation; the app runs on the
advance diabetes
software platform in the Barasheed, 2014
smartphone's system-on-chip
(SoC) to drive the IoT.
Capacitive electrodes fabricated
on a printed circuit board;
digitized right on top of the
electrode and transmitted in a
Heart rate monitoring digital chain connected to a Barasheed, 2014
wireless transmitter, BLE and
Wi-Fi connect smart devices
through an appropriate gateway.
A wearable BP sensor; oseill
metric and auto metric inflation
BP and measurement; WBAN Wu et al, 2015
connects smart devices through
an a appropriate gateway.
A wearable body temperature
sensor; skin-based temperature
Body temperature
measurement; WBAN connects Riazul et al, 2015
smart devices through an a
appropriate gateway.
A wide range of wearable and
smart hone sensor; cooperation,
coordination, event detection,
tracking, reporting and feedback Fan and Yin, 2014
Rehabilitation system
to the system itself; Interactive
heterogeneous wireless networks
enable sensor devices to have
various access points.
Delamination materials and a suit
of wireless biomedical sensors
(touch, humidity, and CO2); the
diagnosis and prognosis of vitals
Medication recorded by wearable sensors; Riazul et al, 2015
management the global positioning system
(GPS), database access, web
access, RFIDs, wireless links,
and multimedia transmit ion.

WBAN sensor (e.g,

accelerometers, and ECG, and
pressure); nodes process signals,
realize abnormality,
Wheelchair communicate with sink nodes Riazul et al, 2015
management wirelessly, and perceive
surroundings; smart devices and
data center layers with
heterogeneous connectivity.

A pulse oximeter wrist by Nonin;

intelligent pulse-by-pulse
Oxygen saturation
filtering; ubiquitous integrated Khattak, 2014
clinical environment.
Smartphone cameras; visual
inspection and/or pattern
matching with a standard library
Eye disorder, skin
of images; the cloud-aided app Tuan and Amir, 2015
runs on the software platform in
the smart phone's SoC to drive
the IoT.
a built-in microphone audio
system in the smartphone;
analysis of recorded
spectrograms and the
Cough detection classification of rainforest Tuan and Amir, 2015
machine learning ; the app runs
on the software platform in the
smart phone SoC to drive the
Surgical robot system and
augmented reality sensors; robot
arms, a master controller, and a
feedback sensory system giving da Saúde, 2015
Remote surgery
feedback to the user to ensure
telepresence; real-time data
connectivity and information
management systems.
Keeps track of periods and da Saúde, 2015
Period tracker
forecasts fertility.

IoT healthcare technologies consists of Cloud computing , Grid computing, Big data,

Network, Ambient intelligence, Augmented reality and Wearable as shown in Table


Table 2.2: IoT Healthcare Technologies

Term Definition References

The integration IoT cloud
computing into IoT-based
healthcare technologies should
provide facilities with
ubiquitous access to share Council, C.S.C, 2012
Cloud computing
resources, offering services
upon on request over the
network and executing
operation to meet various
The insufficient computational
capability of medical sensor
nodes can be addressed by
introducing grid computing to
Grid computing the ubiquitous healthcare Hariharasudhan,
network. Grid computing, more 2012
accurately cluster computing ,
can be viewed as the backbone
of cloud computing.
Big data can included huge
amounts of essential health data
generated from diverse medical
Big data sensors and provide tools for Riazul et al, 2015
increasing the efficiency of
relevant heath diagnosis and
monitoring methods and stages.
Various networked ranging
from networks for short-rang
communications(e.g., WPANs,
6LoWPANs, and WSNs) to
communications(e.g., any type
of cellular network) are part of Riazul et al, 2015
Network the physical infrastructure of
the IOT-based healthcare
network. In additional, the
employment of ultra-wideband
technologies can help design
low-power medical sensor
devices as well communications
Because end users, clients, and
customers in a healthcare
network are humans (patients or
health-conscious individuals),
the application of ambient
intelligence is crucial. Ambient
intelligence allows for the
continuous learning of human
behavior and executes any Riazul et al, 2015
Ambient intelligence
required action triggered by a
recognized event. The
integration of autonomous
control and human computer
interaction (HCI) technologies
into ambient intelligence can
further enhance the capability
of IoT-aided
healthcare services.
Being part of the IoT,
augmented reality plays a key
role in healthcare engineering. Tuan and Amir, 2015
Augmented reality
Augmented reality is useful for
surgery and remote monitoring,
among other.
Patient engagement and
population health
improvements can be facilitated
by embracing wearable medical
Wearable devices as landmarks. This has Riazul et al, 2015
three major benefits: connected
information, target-oriented
healthcare communities, and

2.6 IoT based Solution for Pilgrims' Health Tracking, Locating and Monitoring:

Review and Analysis

Monitoring, tracking and locating of pilgrims in a crowded area is difficult task. The

pilgrims and the authorities faced the problems like locating pilgrims, medical

emergencies, guiding lost pilgrims, congestion management. Various technologies

used for tracking and monitoring pilgrims and some technologies consist of fusion.

Various systems have been designed by the researchers using GPS of Smartphone,

RFID, standalone GPS with wireless communication for tracking the pilgrims. Some

designs have other communication protocols for detecting the presence of people in

an area like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi not specifically tracking pilgrims. But they can be

customized to track pilgrims.

In (Mitchell et al, 2013) proposed a system designed for monitoring the pilgrims in

the course of Hajj. In this system, an RFID tag is given to each pilgrim. Pilgrims

having Smartphone with GPS used region primarily based offerings through installing

an app. These services covered area family individuals or friends, inquiring for

pressing help, a map of vital locations. To be capable to transmit the current position,

the app ought to be going for walks in the phone. RFID readers have been also
installed in exceptional regions to scan the tags. The manipulate middle offers

elements like visualizing he area of all the pilgrims on a map looking for pilgrims

based on a number of criteria like region, age, etc. sending notification to the cell

device, keeping the database of locations like hospitals, location history and private

information about pilgrims. Smartphone use net services and the RFID readers use

middleware software to interface with the control centre (Mitchell, 2013). These

systems confronted troubles with RFID tags and readers. The read range of the RFID

reader is low; it is also affected through the environmental factors. The signal between

the RFID tag and the reader is getting blocked by the tag holders own body, also the

examine vary affected through angle with reader. So they decided to no longer have a

wristband RFID tags.

(Haleem et al, 2012) proposed a device each pilgrim is given a sensor unit which

contained a GPS for getting the contemporary location of the pilgrim, a

microcontroller which executes the application to ship the location to constant sensor

units, a battery to strength this matchbox sized sensor unit. It additionally consists of

ZigBee radio which is used to switch the records to a network of constant master units

deployed in the location of interest. The tracked mobile units can be a lot greater than

fixed sensing nodes. The designers of these systems had developed an RFID based

systems in the past which furnished solely the identification of pilgrims. This device

is designed to tune pilgrims as properly as perceive them (Haleem et al, 2012). The

wireless sensor nodes transmit their special identification number, its modern position

as received from the GPS ant the time periodically or on request from tracking station.

The data transfer takes location opportunistically using advert hoc network. The

sensor devices transmit the information the use of flooding protocol, so the identical

data is despatched to all the close by constant sensors. This data is saved for some
time and then multi hop routing is used to transfer this data. The system designed can

tolerate failure of a few constant sensor nodes. The positions of pilgrims have been

mapped onto Google map similar to other systems.

For querying the area of a pilgrim, the server sends queries through the use of finest

route making use of the ultimate understand location. The device also helps routing

multiple queries in parallel. Battery powered wireless sensors devices need to have

electricity environment friendly hardware and software. The information transfer

should additionally be minimum. The improved frequency of updating the place

affects power consumption and bandwidth, however it reduces the time taken to find a

pilgrim (Barahim, 2007).

In (Wang, 2012) proposed a combine work of AGPS/Wi-Fi and mobile ID to optimize

the performance of tracking system. Assisted Global Positioning Systems (AGPS) is

accessible on most mobile phones and can be used to precisely stumble on a user,

however has a number of drawbacks. Although AGPS can considerably reduce the

energy consumption .most cell phones will run out of battery in a count number of

hours if AGPS location fixes have been carried out regularly (Wang, 2012). Cell Id

positioning has less energy eating and is on hand each indoor and outdoor, however

estimation of area is much less accurate. Hence AGPS/WI FI gadget is proposed

alongside with concept of mobility mapping. WIFI ordinarily used to discover the

presence of person. The drawback of the usage of Wi-Fi is that it generally works

nicely indoors.

(Yamin et al, 2008) proposed the RFID technique to manage and manipulate crowd.

The total place is established with the surveillance systems, the managers were to

continually reveal the scenario and take the preventive measures. The problem

associated to identification of pilgrims is solved. Whenever a stampede or a hearth

occurred, figuring out badly mutilated bodies grew to become a challenge. Another

result of overcrowding is that lots of pilgrims were disintegrated from their

corporations or from household for days or weeks (and some of them may

additionally by no means found). Reuniting the pilgrims with their organizations can

also take massive time due to poor identification mechanisms in place. In cases when

pilgrims were misplaced and do now not recognize their vicinity of stay, there is no

way offending their details, barring seeking the help. If pilgrims do no longer return

to their bases, there is really no technology in location to track them. Hence the RFID

and “smart watch” systems supported via the backend database would be able to tune

the missing persons, and discover all the different details is proposed in (Yamin et al,

2008). As the biometric scans for each pilgrim would also be saved in the backend

database, it would help identification in case the loss of the RFID tags and „smart

watch‟. Once the human beings with fitness risks had been identified, they can be

monitored all through the pilgrimage with the aid of the set up RFID and “smart

watch” system. The PDA can be linked with the “smart watch” system, by means of

which the individual can definitely see the state of affairs and also the PDA can talk to

the “smart watch” gadget to send the “SOS‟ signal to the central control station so

that the medical resource can be prepared on an pressing basis. Since the structures

would be aware of the actual location of the patient, there would be no delay in

sending the clinical help.

Healthcare purposes in IoT structures have been receiving increasing interest due to

the fact they assist facilitate faraway monitoring of patients, the paper (Amir et al,

2018) exploited an strategic function of such gateways at the facet of the community

to offer countless higher-level offerings such as neighborhood storage, real-time

neighborhood records processing, embedded information mining, etc., offering

consequently a Smart e-Health Gateway. Paper (Bahar et al, 2018) exploited

applicability of IoT in healthcare and medication through offering a holistic

architecture of IoT eHealth ecosystem, additionally paper (Woo et al, 2018) proposed

a reliable one M2M-based IoT device for Personal Healthcare Devices.

WSN and RFID applied sciences were combined in the in-home elderly care utility

proposed in (Mateska et al., 2011). WSN sensors have been achieved the usage of Sun

SPOT sensor modules helping temperature, humidity, action and CO2. The sensors

measure ambient parameters (the aged and the environment) for the early presenting

warnings of doubtlessly risky situations. RFIDs included readers, energetic and

passive tags to grant reminders for remedy and different items. However, the utility

proposed in this work did no longer mirror the necessities of the elderly healthcare

considerations. Another utility for clever homes was once introduced in (Zhang et al.,

2015). It allows elderly topics to stay longer and more independently in their own

homes. The task was designed to decorate fantastic of existence (QoL) via monitoring

things to do of day by day living.

An RFID-Based indoor tracking system for the aged (RFID Track) was once

implemented in (Hsu and Chen, 2011) to discover the person's place at home. The

system comprises a wi-fi accelerometer which determines if the situation is walking,

an energetic RFID reader with a signal power function, and RFID reference tags

positioned in the surroundings to determine the probable areas of a subject.

The device described two modules: the records supervisor and positioning manager.

The records manager is used to filter out the noise from sensor data, establish the

walking paths, and decide the variety of walking steps the usage of the three-axis

acceleration values. The positioning supervisor accesses the surroundings facts and

makes use of the RSSI values as reference tags and taking walks paths to identify
approximate regions. Then, primarily based on the RFID values, quantity of steps and

approximate regions, the positioning manager applies a genetic algorithm to compute

the likely locations of the inhabitant. Similarly, an indoor U-Healthcare system

proposed in (Kim et al., 2016) used RFID to estimate and tune the aged location.

Sensed area information had been associated with time slots and the size of time of

remain in a given place. The device provides new beneficial information such as

movement patterns, ranges, and frequencies.

RFID-based human behaviour modelling (RFID-Behaviour) used to be added in (Hsu

and Chen, 2011) to realize atypical behaviour of aged subjects according to their

movements. The proposed gadget deployed numerous RFID active tags in the living

environment, which included a notebook PC, a wireless AP and a mobile device (with

a built-in RFID reader) carried via the elderly subject. Using deployed tags, the RFID

reader detects RSSI values, which denote the distance between the tags and the

reader. These values are recorded following the movement of the subject. A clustering

method was used to mannequin problem movements within the vary of ordinary

behaviour. The device functionalities were divided into three parts: environment

settings and facts collection (i.e. transmitted and received RSSI values), facts

preprocessing (reducing RSSI noise and instability), and behaviour modelling by

clustering. The latter considered two fashions for temporary behaviour and lengthy

term behaviour. The temporary model is used to discover anomalies like falls in

seconds, while the long-term model is used to become aware of long abnormalities

like these associated to toilet endeavor and eating. Unfortunately, the gadget is now

not correct ample to consider the subject's ordinary behaviour and performance

concerning things to do already carried out (e.g. the subject's rest room and

consuming behaviour). Many gadgets were used to gain only one signal, representing
only one contextual dimension and, thus, can't be used to examine the subject's

universal human behaviour or to choose if the situation is surely abnormal.

In another work (Gia, et al., 2016), the authors existing a sensor node based on GSM

communication and 3-D accelerometer for a fall detection system. A fall area can be

easily detected through the system. In different works (Kepski et al., 2015; Casilari et

al., 2015) authors make use of standard cause boards (e.g. Arduino Uno, Arduino Fio)

as the core of fall detection sensor nodes.

Although the sensor nodes are cheap and supply some useful services, they

nevertheless have various drawbacks such as high energy consumption and large

physical size. It is known that commonplace motive boards are frequently geared up

with more elements such as a voltage regulator and a FTDI USB to UART chip

ultimately ensuing in strength inefficiency (Miriam et al, 2016).

In numerous works (Tcarenko, et al., 2016; Wu et al., 2015; Negash et al., 2018; He et

al., 2015), fall detection sensor nodes primarily based on movement data regularly

utilizes one or numerous sorts of sensors such as accelerometer, gyroscope or

magnetometer. The decision of a sensor kind or a mixture of quite a few sensor kinds

in a single sensor node is ordinarily centered on functions and points of the sensor(s)

while power consumption of the sensor(s) is now not attentively considered. For

example, the accelerometer and the gyroscope are frequently used together in the fall

detection purposes so as to enhance the accuracy of fall detection.

It is acknowledged that energy consumption of a sensor node dramatically influences

excellent of service. When electricity consumption is high, it may also reason or lead

to negative penalties such as a brief operating duration, discontinuation of services or

unreliability. However, to the high-quality of our knowledge, the genuine problems

limiting energy affectivity of a sensor node in an IoT-based fall detection device have
no longer been elaborately investigated. For example, strength consumption of

conversation buses between a micro-controller and its slave units (i.e. sensors or a

wireless communication module) is now not viewed in many sensor node designs.

Therefore, we look at strength consumption of communication bus interfaces such as

SPI, I2C, and UART. The effects showing the affect of primary verbal exchange

buses on power consumption of a sensor node can be used as a premise to format the

excessive energy efficient sensor node suiting for different fall detection applications.

The relationship between an IoT-based fall detection sensor node’s sampling rate and

electricity consumption has now not been examined in other works. Therefore, in this

paper, we analyze the relationship with unique configurations and discuss superior

options for reaching both excessive tiers of power effectivity and fall detection


A low-power sensor node in fall detection applications frequently makes use of BLE

as a principal wireless verbal exchange protocol (Rahmani, et al., 2018; Negash et al.,

2018 He et al., 2016; Gibson, et al., 2016; Gia, et al., 2017; Moosavi, et al., 2016;

Rahmani, et al., 2015). Although BLE provides many blessings (e.g. low power,

speedy cyclic redundancy check, and connection improvements), it nonetheless has

countless barriers (e.g. p2p communication, a complex stack with several profiles)

which may additionally expand provider charges and may no longer guarantee the

very best level of power efficiency. Therefore, we analyze any other low energy

wireless conversation protocol which helps to avoid the obstacles of BLE whilst

maintaining excessive quality of service.

The paper (Amir et al, 2018) exploited an strategic position of such gateways at the

edge of the network to offer several higher-level services such as local storage, real-

time local data processing, embedded data mining, etc., presenting thus a Smart e-
Health Gateway. Paper (Bahar et al, 2018) exploited applicability of IoT in healthcare

and medicine by presenting a holistic architecture of IoT eHealth ecosystem, also

paper (Woo et al, 2018) proposed a reliable one M2M-based IoT system for Personal

Healthcare Devices.

2.7 Conclusion

Monitoring, tracking and finding of pilgrims in a crowded vicinity is tough task. The

pilgrims and the authorities faced the problems like locating pilgrims, medical

emergencies, guiding misplaced pilgrims, congestion management. Various applied

sciences used for monitoring and monitoring pilgrims and some applied sciences

consist of fusion.

Various structures have been designed by using the researchers using GPS of

Smartphone, RFID, standalone GPS with wireless communication for tracking the

pilgrims. Some designs have other conversation protocols for detecting the presence

of humans in an vicinity like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi now not specifically monitoring

pilgrims. But they can be personalized to track pilgrims.

In (Mohandes, 2011), proposed a system for the monitoring and identification of

pilgrims in the Holy areas, in Makkah Saudi Arabia, at some point of Hajj

(Mohandes, 2011). The device consisted of 3.5 G community which protected the

region by way of countless service providers. 3.5G is a grouping of disparate mobile

telephony and facts applied sciences designed to supply better performance than 3G

systems, as an intervening time step in the direction of deployment of full 4G

capability. By request or periodically the UID (Unique Identification number) is send

to the server. A server maps the latitude and longitude data on a Google map or any

geographical records system. If the Internet connection is lost the cellular telephone

shops the place facts in its memory till the Internet connection is restored, then it
sends all saved place data and clears this data from memory. The developed system

can be used to tune a unique pilgrim. Alternatively any pilgrim can request emergency

help the use of the equal system. The developed system works in coordination with an

RFID identification system. (Mantoro, 2011) proposed a system called, Hajji Locator,

which had been designed to song the pilgrims throughout Hajji. The system makes

use of the GPS built in Smartphone. The data transfer is achieved preferably the usage

of Wi-Fi or 3G, however the system can also be used to send the data in emergency

situations. A pilgrim is required to installation an app on his Smartphone, which

provides various points and sends his vicinity to the server (Mantoro, 2011). The

frequency of location replace is determined carefully as it influences the electricity

consumption and the network bandwidth. The region is updated after a sure time

length or after the consumer had moved a certain distance. Choosing time based

totally technique to replace the region assured that we had the updated region after a

precise duration. But if a user is stationary or he is transferring slowly, then the

popular vicinity updates would be redundant and would drain the battery and enlarge

the community traffic. The place primarily based method, continually stored the track

of the present day function and the ultimate sent position. If the distance between

cutting-edge role and the remaining sent vicinity is larger than a threshold price

despatched to the current function and saved it as final viewed location. If a person

moved very quick then distance primarily based method would replace extra

frequently. The server used PHP and MySQL; Authorities could be logged in into the

web server using a browser to get the role of pilgrims which is displayed in both a

tabular form or Google maps. The proposed device concluded that the distances based

update is endorsed for monitoring pilgrims (Mantoro, 2011). Also an choice is

supplied to the person to send his place manually. The accuracy in open or semi-
opened to locations is fine, however from time to time the server did now not receive

any data due to unavailability of a area fix. In some case, the place got from GPS is

very far from person genuine location. Using previous vicinity of a user, these

misguided locations had been adjusted and corrected.

In (Mohandes, 2012), a system for tracking and monitoring pilgrims during Hajj in

the Holy area is developed. The system consists of mobile units carried by pilgrims

and a wireless sensor network fixed in the region. The WSN communicates to a

server, the location information of the pilgrims periodically based on pre-set

parameters. The mobile units transmit UID and location information to nearby master

units. Such data are processed and routed to a server by the WSN using energy

efficient algorithms and protocols. The communications between mobile units and the

WSN take place using IEEE802.15.4/Zigbee protocol suite. The high volume date

from the WSN is transmitted to the server via a high data rate network via the WSN

gateway nodes. The developed system provides an option for the pilgrims to request

help in case of emergency. The location information is mapped onto a Google map or

any geographical information system for ease of localization and efficiency in

providing needed help. A proof of concept experiment was implemented in the Holy

area right after the past pilgrimage season. The experiment showed the viability of the

proposed system for tracking pilgrims. In the next pilgrimage season the proposed

system will be applied on a large sample of pilgrims, particularly to observe the

operation of such system in large crowd and heavy use of the communication


In the area of sensing and health monitoring, a lot of existing work take whatever is

measurable and consider it as the subject's context. They then use modelling

techniques to detect anomalies and when abnormal behaviour is detected, the subject's
health status is deemed to have changed. Health and behavioural systems for the

elderly have been defined based on the availability of sensing rather than the use of

medical/expert/geriatric knowledge and a good understanding of the subject's context.

The lack of such considerations leads to high uncertainty in the success and adoption

of such projects. For efficient health monitoring, the achievement of basic activities of

daily living (ADL) and the analysis of health conditions must be considered,

otherwise, any effort in improving the quality of life and healthcare for persons using

smart home technologies would be ad-hoc and cannot be expected to provide desired


Context-aware assisted living systems must have full visibility of the subject's

context. This visibility includes the ADL performances and anomalies detection

(Mshali et al., 2014). The important challenge in such intelligent environments is to

determine: what, when and how to monitor, gather and analyze data related to the

person's context (Mshali et al., 2015b). Most of the health monitoring approaches and

context-aware assisted living systems tend to apply unconditional processing of all

collected data. This continuous monitoring approach is resource intensive regardless

of the subject's context. The adoption of this approach raises several issues such as

network collapse, data transmission failure, energy consumption, important

computational costs, and loss of priorities in processing and making decisions that

should be relevant and quick. The same situation occurs with physical monitoring

applications, which assume a uniform time interval of data sensing and analysis.

In order to enhance the reliability of health data transmission and the availability of

highly relevant contextual information, it is necessary to define efficient data

aggregation algorithms and relevant data filtering mechanisms for application in

conditional monitoring schemes. Furthermore, several methods can be applied for

detecting human behaviour and for extracting context in smart health environments.

These approaches typically require a substantial amounts of training data, in order to

learn and detect human behaviour and context. Therefore, such methods can provide

good performance but at a high computational cost. As a result, there is still a need to

improve intelligent processing, which combines an optimal context-aware monitoring

cost with accurate behaviour detection, in health monitoring systems. All the while,

bearing in mind the importance of considering human factors for the overall success

of these systems.


3.0 Introduction

The utilized research methodology consists of six main steps, which are: firstly, the

proposed frameworks is formulated using two different modules: (Pilgrim Module

and Health Detection, Monitoring and Locating Module). Secondly, the domain

analysis, use case diagram, domain model diagram and Fully Dressed Use Case

Document (FDUCD) are analyzed. Thirdly, in system design stage the System

Sequence Diagram (SSD) and class diagram are prepared. Fourth, user interfaces are

design and system implemented in stage five. Finally, the results was analyzed and

concluded. The steps of the research methodology is illustrated in Fig 3.1.

Framework Domain Analysis

Use Cases
System Analysis
Domain Model
System Design FDUCD

Class Diagram

User Interfaces


Result Analysis
and Conclusion

Figure 3.1: Research Methodology Stages

3.1 Stages of methodology

3.1.1 Formulation of the Proposed Framework

This is the process involving the composition of attributes and its elements based on

the previous steps into a specific format or manner. This step is the process of

formulating the model into its component-based system with regards on IoT based

solution in tracking, locating and monitoring of pilgrims during Hajj.

The proposed framework is shown in Fig. 3.2. It consists of two main modules and

each module has different components. The descriptions of these modules and their

components as follows:

A. Pilgrim Module:

This module has two components:

 Intelligent slice (hand-watch): this watch have to be designed and engineered

using IoT devices and RFID sensors, readers and tags. As well as this watch

be able to detect the change of pilgrims' health signs such as arthritis, heart

attack disease, chronic lower respiratory diseases, osteoporosis, fall, shingles,

and all the dangerous diseases that needs high health caring.

 GPS: which should be attached to the hand-watch to detect the place of the

pilgrim that have an health changes detection for better and fast healthcare

B. Health Detection, Monitoring and Locating Unit Module:

This module has two components:

 GSM: Global System for communication is used to send the data related to

pilgrims location that integrated with the GPS and reading pilgrims' health


 LCD: to shows the location's signals for all pilgrims.

 Unified Database: that consists of pervious heath profile for pilgrims that have

chronic diseases.

Figure 3.2: Proposed Framework

3.1.2 System Analysis

In order to ensure that our proposed framework meet its goals, analysis and design is

discussed. System analysis is a process which involves understanding the background

needed so as to be able to elicit the problem and make intelligent decisions . This

section uses the concepts of Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA) to analyze the software

under design. The overview of the phase is shown in Fig. 3.3.

Figure 3.3: Analysis and design steps of monitoring, tracking and locating of

pilgrims Domain Analysis

The term domain means the general field of business or technology in which the

customers expect to be using the software. The software developer has to understand

the domain in which the system is thought to be implemented.

Functional requirement for on IoT based solution in tracking, locating and monitoring

of pilgrims during Hajj are: read pilgrim health information, read RFID sensor, reader

and tag, notify health worker in case of change of pilgrim's health and notify the

health worker with pilgrim GPS location

Non-functional system requirement are usability, maintainability, reliability,

performance and supportability.

The overall list of functional and non functional system requirements are highlighted

in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: List of functional and non functional requirements

 Read pilgrim health information

 Read RFID sensor, reader and tag
 Notify health worker in case of change of pilgirm's
F: functional health
 Notify the health worker with pilgrim GPS location

U: Usability  Display , sql database

R: Reliability  Running system all the time

 Real time system monitoring

P: Performance
 Real time system detection
 Real time system tracking

S: Supportability  GSM module, phpmy admin Use cases

A use case is a listing of movements or tournament steps normally defining the

interactions between a function and a machine to reap a goal. The use case is made up

of a set of viable sequences of interactions between systems and customers in a

particular environment and related to a specific goal, it additionally describe what the

users or roles will be doing in the solution, a commercial enterprise manner defines

how they will perform those functions. The factors that are exterior to the system but

have some roles that ought to associated to the system are recognized as actors. The

use case diagram for IoT devices based on RFID sensors and tags in order to engage

the pilgrims with the slice to monitor the vital signs and health signs during Hajj is

shown in Fig. 3.4.

Figure 3.4: Use Case Diagram Domain Model

The domain model is a formal representation of a expertise domain with concepts,

roles, facts types, individuals, and rules, usually grounded in a description logic. It is a
conceptual model of the area that comprises each behavior and data. Domain model of

IoT devices based on RFID sensors and tags in order to engage the pilgrims with the

slice to monitor the vital signs and health signs during Hajj is illustrated in Fig. 3.5.

Figure 3.5: Domain Model Fully Dressed Use Case Document (FDUCD)

The fully dressed use case document is a text that describes a more detailed structure

for a use case. Show more detail and are structured; they are useful order to obtain a
deep understanding of the goals, tasks, and requirements. It shows how software will

achieve specific functions as shown in Table 3.2, Table 3.3 and Table 3.4.

Table 3.2: FDUCD for "monitoring" use Case

FDUCD for " monitoring" use Case

Use case Detection
Scope Analysis
Level Goal of user
Primary actor Intelligent IoT slice (hand-watch)
1. Get sensor type
Main success scenario 2. Read sensor value
3. Filter sensors value
Frequency of occurrence System operational requirements

Table 3.3: FDUCD for "detection" use Case

FDUCD for "detection" use Case

Use case Detection
Scope Analysis
Level Goal of user
Primary actor Intelligent IoT slice (hand-watch)
1. Read pilgrim health information
2. Read RFID sensor, reader and tag
3. Notify health worker in case of change of
Main success scenario
pilgirm's health information
4. Notify the health worker with pilgrim GPS
Frequency of occurrence System operational requirements

Table 3.4: FDUCD for "locating" use Case

FDUCD for "location" use Case

Use case Location
Scope Analysis
Level Goal of user
Primary actor Intelligent IoT slice (hand-watch)
1. Search for potential pilgrim location
Main success scenario 2. Notify the health worker with pilgrim GPS
Frequency of occurrence System operational requirements
3.1.3 Design System Sequence Diagram (SSD)

The sequence diagram that shows, for a particular scenario of a use case, the events

that external actors generate, their order, and possible inter-system events. The SSD

for the use cases is drawn with the information document that represents in the

scenario of the FDUCD. The system sequence diagram for proposed use case are

illustrated in Fig. 3.6.

Figure 3.6: System Sequence Diagram Class Diagram

A class diagram is a type of graph and part of a unified modeling language (UML)

that defines and presents the overview and structure of a system in terms of classes,

attributes and methods, and the relationships between special classes. Is a type of

static structure diagram that describes the structure of a device by using displaying the

system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships

among. The class diagram for the system under design is shown in Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7: Class Diagram

3.1.4 System Implementation User interface

The user interface is the space where interactions between people and systems occur.

The intention of this interaction is to enable wonderful operation and manage of the

system from the human end. It involves the displays that grant navigation through the

system, forms that seize data, and the reviews that the user produces. Generally the

device user interface sketch is made up of three components; navigation design, input

design, and output design. More element of system implementation in Chapter 4

3.2 Conclusion

This chapter discusses the research methodology used in this research. The research

methodology consists of six main steps, which are: firstly, the proposed frameworks is

formulated using two different modules. Secondly, the domain analysis, use case

diagram, domain model diagram and Fully Dressed Use Case Document (FDUCD)

are analyzed. Thirdly, in system design stage the System Sequence Diagram (SSD)

and class diagram are prepared. Fourth, user interfaces are design and system

implemented in stage five. Finally, the results was analyzed and concluded.


4.0 Introduction

This chapter discusses the system architecture of our proposed model. The system

architecture consists of different components as IoT architecture, RFID reader,

passive sensor tag, database, GPS, GPRS, GSM, microcontroller, dashboard, data

processing tools and SQL. As well as discusses our system implementations and user


4.1 System Architecture

The system architecture consists of different components as IoT architecture, RFID

reader, passive sensor tag, database, GPS, GPRS, GSM, microcontroller, dashboard,

data processing tools and SQL as shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 shows the general system architecture, the RFID network consisting of tags

and reader is deployed to capture data, the data is stored in the dashboard, it is

accessed by the processing module through query optimization techniques. The RFID

middleware is a module for filtering and routing the data to the dashboard. The

software plays a vital role in removing duplicates, efficient use of network bandwidth

as well as avoiding confusing information into the system.

Figure 4.1: Proposed System Architecture

4.2 System Implementation and Results

The system implementation consists of two parts: software specifications and

hardware specifications.

4.2.1 Software Specifications

The IoT with RFID in tracking, locating and monitoring of pilgrims during Hajj needs

some software and programs to build it, those include:

 Java Development kit (JDK): A Java Development Kit (JDK) “is a program

development environment for writing Java applets and applications. It consists

of a runtime environment that "sits on top" of the operating system layer as

well as the tools and programming that developers need to compile, debug,

and run applets and applications written in the Java language” (Margaret

Rouse,2005) .

 Edraw: Edraw has the UML diagram tools to make it easy to create

professionally-looking, trump UML diagrams which worth thousand words. A

broad variety of UML diagram templates and examples will help quickly

create most common UML diagrams. We used this program to create diagrams

for the project (activity and class)..

 Smartsheet: Smartsheet is an online project management, productivity and

team collaboration program as a service application. Its online project

management tool works like a familiar spreadsheet, but with additional

functionality including cloud-capabilities for sharing, attachments, integration

with file storage services and Gantt charts. It helped us to do our project’s


4.2.2 Hardware Specifications

The IoT with RFID in tracking, locating and monitoring of pilgrims during Hajj needs

some hardware to build the proposed smart watch, those include:

 The lithium-ion battery

Pioneer work with the lithium battery began in 1912 under G.N. Lewis but it was not

until the early 1970s when the first non-rechargeable lithium batteries became

commercially available. lithium is the lightest of all metals, has the greatest

electrochemical potential and provides the largest energy density for weight.
Attempts to develop rechargeable lithium batteries failed due to safety problems.

Because of the inherent instability of lithium metal, especially during charging,

research shifted to a non-metallic lithium battery using lithium ions. Although slightly

lower in energy density than lithium metal, lithium-ion is safe, provided certain

precautions are met when charging and discharging. In 1991, the Sony Corporation

commercialized the first lithium-ion battery. Other manufacturers followed suit.

The energy density of lithium-ion is typically twice that of the standard nickel-

cadmium. There is potential for higher energy densities. The load characteristics are

reasonably good and behave similarly to nickel-cadmium in terms of discharge. The

high cell voltage of 3.6 volts allows battery pack designs with only one cell. Most of

today's mobile phones run on a single cell. A nickel-based pack would require three

1.2-volt cells connected in series.

Lithium-ion is a low maintenance battery, an advantage that most other chemistries

cannot claim. There is no memory and no scheduled cycling is required to prolong the

battery's life. In addition, the self-discharge is less than half compared to nickel-

cadmium, making lithium-ion well suited for modern fuel gauge applications. lithium-

ion cells cause little harm when disposed.

Despite its overall advantages, lithium-ion has its drawbacks. It is fragile and requires

a protection circuit to maintain safe operation. Built into each pack, the protection

circuit limits the peak voltage of each cell during charge and prevents the cell voltage

from dropping too low on discharge. In addition, the cell temperature is monitored to

prevent temperature extremes. The maximum charge and discharge current on most

packs are is limited to between 1C and 2C. With these precautions in place, the
possibility of metallic lithium plating occurring due to overcharge is virtually


Aging is a concern with most lithium-ion batteries and many manufacturers remain

silent about this issue. Some capacity deterioration is noticeable after one year,

whether the battery is in use or not. The battery frequently fails after two or three

years. It should be noted that other chemistries also have age-related degenerative

effects. This is especially true for nickel-metal-hydride if exposed to high ambient

temperatures. At the same time, lithium-ion packs are known to have served for five

years in some applications.

Manufacturers are constantly improving lithium-ion. New and enhanced chemical

combinations are introduced every six months or so. With such rapid progress, it is

difficult to assess how well the revised battery will age.

Storage in a cool place slows the aging process of lithium-ion (and other chemistries).

Manufacturers recommend storage temperatures of 15°C (59°F). In addition, the

battery should be partially charged during storage. The manufacturer recommends a

40% charge.

The most economical lithium-ion battery in terms of cost-to-energy ratio is the

cylindrical 18650 (size is 18mm x 65.2mm). This cell is used for mobile computing

and other applications that do not demand ultra-thin geometry. If a slim pack is

required, the prismatic lithium-ion cell is the best choice. These cells come at a higher

cost in terms of stored energy.

The main advantages are: high energy density - potential for yet higher capacities,

does not need prolonged priming when new. One regular charge is all that's needed,
relatively low self-discharge - self-discharge is less than half that of nickel-based

batteries, low Maintenance - no periodic discharge is needed; there is no memory, and

specialty cells can provide very high current to applications such as power tools.

Figure 4.2: lithium-battery-charging-board-1A-with-protection-510x510

 Microcontroller

A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific

operation in an embedded system. A typical microcontroller includes a processor,

memory and input/output (I/O) peripherals on a single chip.

Figure 4.3: Microcontroller


How GPS Determines a Position: The working/operation of Global positioning

system is based on the 'trilateration' mathematical principle. The position is

determined from the distance measurements to satellites. From the Fig. 4.4, the four

satellites are used to determine the position of the receiver on the earth.

Figure 4.4: GPS Satellite


The basic working principle of GPRS is: With GPRS, the information is split into

separate but related packets before being transmitted and reassembled at the receiving

end, instead of using present fixed data transition.


GSM is a digital, mobile; radio standard developed for mobile, wireless, voice

communications. GSM uses a combination of both the time division multiple access

(TDMA) and frequency division multiple access (FDMA). With this combination,

more channels of communications are available, and all channels are digital. The

GSM service is available in following frequency bands:

• 900-MHz & 900 E

• 1800-MHz

• 1900-MHz
 A real-time clock (RTC) chip

A real-time clock (RTC) chip is basically just like a watch — it runs on a battery and

keeps time for you even when there is a power outage. Using an RTC in your project,

you can keep track of long timelines, even if you reprogram your microcontroller or

disconnect it from USB or its power plug

 6-Pulse-Sensor-Arduino-Wires-550x550

Figure 4.5: 6-Pulse-Sensor-Arduino-Wires-550x550

 2-Detection-Techniques-550x332

Figure 4.6: 2-Detection-Techniques-550x332

 lm35-temperature-sensor-500x500

Figure 4.7: lm35-temperature-sensor-500x500

4.3 Connection of GPS, GPRS and GSM

Figure 4.8: GPS, GPRS and GSM Module

Figure 4.9: GPS, GPRS and GSM Board

4.4 Dashboard

4.4.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

The development of conceptual model has been careful derived from the user

requirements described above and it has been the result of other requirement modeling

such as data flow diagram and use case presented in previous subsections. The

common output of the stage of system design is the entity relationship diagram

(ERD). The most widely used conceptual model is an entity relation (ER) model and

class diagram of the UML as shown in Figure 4.10.

Figure 4.10: Entity Relationship Diagram

4.5 User Interfaces

4.5.1 System Interfaces

The system starts when the doctor receiving any change in pilgrim' temperature, heart

rate and high fever that consists of pilgrim Id and location. This message shown when

first starting the watch and it indicates for our watch commercial name in the future as

shown in Fig. 4.11.

Figure 4.11: Haji Monitor Home Screen

After the previous message finished this message indicates for starting all GSM and

GPS hardware modem and sending configurations commands to it like powering –

communication speed between cpu and the modem – resetting GPS as shown in Fig.

4.12. The data types consists of:

 p_id

 gps_id

 gsm_id

Figure 4.12: Start GPS-GSM Interface

Fig. 4.13 shown when modem configured ok this message will be shown. The data

types consists of:

 p_id

 gsm_id
Figure 4.13: Modem Confirmation Interface

This message showed and freezed if the communication between GSM/GPS modem

and the cpu has an error as shown in Fig. 4.14.

Figure 4.14: Communication between GSM/GPS Modem Interface

Waiting GPS signal from the orbit satellite and we can cancel the waiting time for

receiving the satellite by press SOS button and continuing the next function of watch

as shown in Fig. 4.15.

Figure 4.15: Waiting GPS Signal Interface

When the watch received GPS signal and the strength of rf is good as shown in Fig.

Figure 4.16: When Watch Received GPS Signal Interface

This is the main form of the watch displaying all basic parameters like (battery level-

temperature-heat rate) and this message indicates for battery is ok as shown in Fig.


Figure 4.17: Watch Parameters Interface

Battery level is meduim (below 3.9volt) shown in Fig. 4.18.

Figure 4.18: Battery Level Medium Notification Interface

Battery is very low and we have to connect an external usb 5volt charger to the watch

shown in Fig. 4.19.

Figure 4.19: Battery Level Low Notification Interface

Reading temperature from the sensor and display the value in 0.1 degree precision

shown in Fig. 4.20.

Figure 4.20: Temperature Notification Interface

Display the heart rate in beat per minute unit and the maximum range for possible

reading is about 270bpm shown in Fig. 4.21.

Figure 4.21: Heart Rate Notification Interface

Ping indicates for server requesting the watch (if the watch doesn’t send any message

for long time) shown in Fig. 4.22.

Figure 4.22: Ping Indicator Interface

When temperature or heart rate exceeds the maximum user define values stored inside

the memory of the watch then the watch will send an SMS as shown in Fig. 4.23.

Figure 4.23: SMS Notification Interface

We can entered to the watch user setting by press SOS button and hold it after

starting the watch for 3 seconds approx. And the first setting is for adjusting the main

clock of the watch shown in Fig. 4.24.

Figure 4.24: Clock Setting Interface

By pressing the SOS button for a short time we can shifting the cursor from left to

right and when hold it for long time we can adjusting the digit above the cursor

shown in Fig. 4.25.

Figure 4.25: Cursor Notification Down Interface

Moving the cursor to this symbol and pressing for long time will be go to the next

setting.. and it used for all setting forms shown in Fig. 4.26.

Figure 4.26: Cursor Notification UP Interface

Set the alert for temperature shown in Fig. 4.27.

Figure 4.27: Temperature Setting Interface

Setting the high temperature and when the measured temperature exceeding this value

the watch will be alert you by simple sound and then send message shown in Fig.


Figure 4.28: Temperature Hi Alert Interface

Set heart rate user define max and min parameters shown in Fig. 4.29.

Figure 4.29: Heart Rate Setting Interface

Set the maximum value of acceptable heat rate and be ware if you adjust this value

below the minimum value shown in Fig. 4.30.

Figure 4.30: Max Heart Rate Notification Interface

Fig. 4.31 shown the set of the minimum value of Heart rate and also we have to be

attention if we set this value more than the previous parameter (maximum HR) but in

case we set an error in values the watch will be rejects the wrongs and goes to the

defaults factory.

Figure 4.31: Min Heart Rate Notification Interface

Of course we have alarm mode in the watch and it used for waking up the user at

specified time shown in Fig. 4.32.

Figure 4.32: Alarm Setting Interface

Like the main clock adjusting function we can also adjust the alarm shown in Fig.


Figure 4.33: Alarm Adjustment Interface

Then the GSM operator have to be configured as shown in Fig. 4.34.

Figure 4.34: GSM Configuration Interface

In this mode we can set the GSM number of server shown in Fig. 4.35.

Figure 4.35: GSM Number Configuration Interface

Because we only have eight digits in the watch LCD display so firstly we have to set

the GSM operator code shown in Fig. 4.36.

Figure 4.36: GSM Eight Digits Configuration Interface

After set the GSM operator number we can complete the full GSM number. Be

carefull when set GSM number because if have any wrong digit then the watch sms
doesn’t go to right server. After the setting the watch were finished then go to main

clock setting or if doesn’t do any this with it the watch exit to main loop mode.

4.5.2 Hardware Interfaces

If the GSM receiver hardware is connected to application and there is no any error.

The application will be write [device connected..] in the black area as shown in Fig.


Figure 4.37: GSM Device Connected Message

When watch send SMS then the application go to the SMS decoding function and

separate the contents of SMS into application fields as shown in Fig. 4.38.

 Name:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 GSM number of watch:xxxxx xx xxxxxxx
 Heart rate: xx Bpm
 Temparature :xx.x C
 GPS LONG: xx.xxxxxx
 GPS LAT: xx.xxxxxx
Figure 4.38: GSM Sensor Detection

In this mode we can send a ping call to the watch wish it has GSM number in the text

box maybe we have to try multiple pings to receive SMS from the watch as shown in

Fig. 4.39.

Figure 4.39: Watch Ping Call

4.6 Conclusion

This chapter discusses the architecture of our proposed system and system

implementation. The system architecture consists of different components as IoT

architecture, RFID reader, passive sensor tag, dashboard, and data processing tools.

System user interfaces have been discusses by using the flow of the system for more

the one GSM configured.



5.1 Conclusions

The work of this project had proposed four objectives concerning the monitoring,

tracking and locating for pilgrims during Hajj using IoT based solution. The present

chapter summarizes the main findings of the project. Four main issues have been

achieved and presented in four different chapters. The important results are

summarized as:

[1]. In this project, we investigated the problem of the monitoring, tracking and

locating for pilgrims during Hajj using IoT based solution. So that smart watch

can detect any changes of health's signs such as temperature and heart rate. In

addition to this, the smart watch will send an SMS warning that pilgrim move

far from the Hajj's areas. In order to solve this problem, a system architecture

that consists of different components as IoT, RFID reader, passive sensor tag,

dashboard, and data processing tools.

[2]. A comprehensive literature review of the integration of IoT based on RFID in

the era of healthcare monitoring and tracking and locating system is reviewed.

[3]. When choosing a methodology for a problem, consideration on the complexity

of methodologies is necessary. Methodologies which propose large and

complex models in their development phases or methodologies with lots of

dependencies between their models may be unsuitable for analyzing and

designing a system. It can be concluded that based on the characteristics of

IoT, based on RFID needs to have coherent analysis and design.

[4]. In this project, IoT based on RFID for monitoring, tracking and locating for

pilgrims during Hajj using IoT based solution was fully implemented.

However, the analysis and design were fully implemented and the

development of a system was truly completed.

5.2 Recommendations

Recommendations can be carried out to generate more data to understand the IoT with

RFID technology that enable a whole new context for smart objects that are able to

combine their physical and virtual existences in tracking, locating and monitoring of

pilgrims during Hajj. For the different pilgrim, hajj management team and doctors.

Some suggestions for recommendations are listed as follows:

[1]. Pilgrims have to be aware of using the smart watch that consists of RFID tags,

reader and sensors, alarms and all other equipments attached.

[2]. Hajj management team have to be aware of providing the proper setting of

smart watch when set the battery volume, GPS, clock temperature sensor,

heart rate sensor and other sensitive setting, so that smart watch will be able to

work properly of detection.

[3]. Doctors have to be aware of the monitoring and tracking the received SMS

that mention the pilgrim health's signs chanced. Once the doctors received the

SMS thay have to inform the hajj management team so will be able to them to

find the pilgrim based on GPS location.

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