Name:shahwaiz Reg No: 12744 Teamwork: Yes I Have Worked in Team Several Times We

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Reg no: 12744

Yes I have worked in team several times we all know already that teamwork is the key to success in
most realms of life and business. Only through teamwork can we combine different,
complementary points of view to identify and seize hidden synergy opportunities, overcome
difficult obstacles and achieve challenging objectives’ am pretty much good in team work
because my communication skills are pretty good and I am mentally mature that’s why I can
deal with different opinions and I know how to convince people easily. However, teamwork is a
challenge in and of itself. It requires that people manage their egos, develop humility,
communicate effectively, resolve conflicts and, above all, commit to one another and to a
common goal. Anyone who has worked on a team knows that the only way to do so
successfully is by assessing oneself honestly and becoming the best person one can be. In this
regard, not only does teamwork increase performance, it also promotes the development of
better citizens and societies and work is more fun when you are a part of a team. You can
build on other people's ideas and share in completing the assignment together. You also have
another pair of eyes to look at the work, which further reduces errors and mistakes. Studies
have also shown that laughter and fun reduce stress, which can also increase effectiveness
on the job. Teams that enjoy working together can accomplish great things for your company
and great teams achieve their goals again and again.on the other hand the problems we faced
during team work can be:
 Absence of team identity. Members may not feel mutually accountable to one
another for the team's objectives. ...
 Difficulty making decisions. ...
 Poor communication. ...
 Inability to resolve conflicts. ...
 Lack of participation. ...
 Lack of creativity. ...
 Groupthink. ...
 Ineffective leadership.

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