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Understanding for assigning LY and LZ in

access_time Mon Oct 21 2019 16:23:13 face NIRAV PATEL Staad Pro
Hello friends
In this blog, I like to share my view for STAAD Parameter of LY, LZ, UNB and
UNT. I needed comparatively more time to understand this concept. I will try
to explain as simplest as possible. So let’s start with what is LY and LZ.
LY and LZ is effective length along local Y and Z axis respectively, which
length is STAAD use to find Slenderness of member.
UNB and UNT is unsupported length of the member bottom and Top
respectively, which length is STAAD use to calculate bending capacity.
UNB and UNT applied when Top or bottom flange restrined. which is
generally applicable when plan bracing added. In most of the case UNB =
UNT = LY is considered. However UNB and UNT depends on member's top
and bottom flange restrained.
For Space frame structure, all above parameter must be considered for
errorless design.
To understand LY and LZ, we need to understand major and minor axis
banding. It is difficult to explain only be STAAD deflection image so I will add
caption below the image, Major axis banding for LZ and Minor axis bending
for LY. In other words, we can see beam deflection along major axis from
Elevation view and beam deflection along minor axis from Plan view.

Let’s understand LY and LZ be different possible cases.

CASE A: LY and LZ in STAAD for No plan and Elevation Bracing 

In this structure, there is no Plan and Elevation bracing. So LY and LZ is
nothing but node to node distance in structure. In other words, no need to
specify LY and LZ for this type of structural arrangement. STAAD default
considered member length is LY and LZ

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