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FIFTY STRATEGIES Sor TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS Second Epition ADRIENNE HERRELL California State University, Fresno CHAEL JORDAN u MI California Sate University, Fresno THE EASIEST WAY TO ENHANCE YOUR COURSE a ER oi Ii ee le ‘ en CONTENTS ee ae ratnauinggenzccon, wih eco aries and catingedgeteacting iy —_—_— Init websto, sa Et eources ofthe Associaton for Supervision anh Malogies The Educator Leaning Centar combines her Supervision ard See i eens te eueton, A necting you #8 y secuow 1 aa ee wl erbance your sudo understanding of cow pes and of caren edueatona s+ _ ‘hee, n edition 1o Being valuable for further research ’ THEORETICAL OVERVIEW ludents ’ section nc Se neues ted by a STRATEGIES FOR ENHAWCING INSTRUCTION THROUGH PLANNING spor aries fom the ASCD journal Educational Leadership dscuss everysay ' 1 pret vines nd Sra eng Ant 5 practng eachers oe 2 Vaua Seafoleng Providing Longoge Support Th 3 «Hundreds of lesson plans and teaching strategies are categorizedby content area and age ang ’ 3 Rea Svategies Conecing Longa 2 son tots give your students insight on important opis of instruction 4 lsteracve Read Alou Reoding Designed o Support 2 + Excerpts rom Meni i zosomen, classroom management, chnology, and reining pects, y 5. Advance Orpnizers Gating te Mind in Gear or sucton a ‘Ramone, diverse populon, 3530357 ‘ “are n BU oases oe esis en slr andconputersmuatons hep your sets aeeast ve gy on Cc Sp Un 3 + Case stutes, classroom video, laconic tals ( anguage Focus Lesions Pang Less Support the Acasion of Engh Gireday’s caseroome and current technologie — amie Foe Leon a the ste to Research Navgalor™, where your students wil have access fo many of the 3 Acader Language Scaling Sopporing Sudene Use of uongvoge + Asean Rte et ” tor “ lecing ad ee a 9) Language Framework Panning: Creating a Fromewrk foc Language acess. 51 10 i wevolnd rin 37 ’ Faucator ! SECTION Itt ( STRATEGIES FOR SUPPORTING STUDENT INVOLYEMERT 1 Total Physca Response: egaing Movement ito Language Acquistion... 65 12. Shared Reading Demonarting How Reading Werks 6 13. Leveled Questons:Adusting Questioning Seog tothe Language Levels cof Sens ” 14 Manipulative Svategies Using Objects t0 Connect Concepts 78 15 _PartnerWork rot Vert iteracon 2 eo ae ee 16. Communedvon Games Creating Oppertnites fr Verba intracton a7 a 17 Bingual Books ad Labels Supporting iterocy Awareness 91 ~ <> Ea 18 CoopersiveLexring Grp ere op oc ” One Project 103 nestor Lesring Carters $25 buts FREE when used in conluncton with 20 Learning Centers Excending LearingThraugh Flande On Prctce 110. this tet. To colin ee resentative wil Give you a special (SEN to ge your bookstore when ordering 22 Integrated Curr Projects: Using Authentic recs to Bog ee Soper revue o us west ou and your ude, lease got Pihonaecelion im ‘ra and click on Dern wi coments . 23 Sorting Actes: Organizing formation ito Cotegones 24. Collaborative Reading What to Do When They Cant Rod the Textbook 25 Mutimeda Presentations Or! Repors forthe New Milenism 26 Reciroca! Teaching Group Werk with an neractve Souctre SECTION WV STRATEGIES FOR BUILDING VOCABULARY AND FLUENCY 27 Modeled Talk Showing While You TOK 28 Reporting Bac Verb Protein Curtafor Cannections 29° Vocabulary Role Pay. Bung Vocabulary Through Dramatizaton 130 134 138 ae 151 156 160 30 Vocabulary Processing A Matistates Approach to Bulg ond Using Ycabulry 165. 31 Word Walls Diplying and Organizing Words for Easy cess 32 Story Reenactment Making Stories Come 10 Let 33. Scripting Protsing Verbal Interactions 34 Tak Show Pring Verb! Communication to Bul Conience Vocabulary and Comprehension 35. Wing Werkshop: Supporting the Acqusion Engh Wing Competence SECTION ¥ STRATEGIES FOR BUILDING COMPRENENSION 36 Read-Aloud Phas Using is to Support Understanding While Techn Comprehension Strotees [37 Language Experience Approach Bling on an Experience to Creote a Wien Account 38 literate Wiitng Developing Wing Sis Troegh Active Scfong 39 Guided Reading Providing Ieidvo Support Within a Group Seting 40. Peer Tiroring Stents Soppotng Studer Learing 41 Cloze: Using Context 0 Ceate Meaning 42 Astrbute Charting Orgenzng nfrmatn to Support Understoncing 43. Cohesion Links: Understanding the Gu Tht Holds Paograpts Together (44 Leaming Strategy Instruction: Acquiring Self Help Sits 45. Dictogos A Svetgy for improving Ustering ond Or) Carman Skis 46. Free\oluntary Reading Netting Helps Reading Like Reading 447 Repetion and novation: Geting to Deep Cernrehenson Through Muse Ineracons wih © Book 48 GIST: Explocing Toh Text 49. Syntax Surgery: Visually Monpulating Englsh Grammar 50 Mulipe Inteligences Strategies Teaching ond Tes to Stadent refered Leaming Medes AN INFORMAL MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES SURVEY Im 78 181 186 191 93 203 207 2u1 215 213 204 B30 238 24, 26 253 260 266 an 28 eee eww wewe es ABOUT THE AUTHORS Arlene Herel «professor of engage rsa Calfrs State Univers, Pan whee soe sc an aya. se nd sacs fr teaching Egy tangle lars A Sra ech Bi La ars Sec one. ess fit bok or Me ence al fe eit ne amr sr ithe! Fower: ty rarer Tochigi a [age nero: Roce Pag, Teco and Be tat 2h dy Ey a fk any eine leaning Sr for Iureing Compete eth sete fin en ing recht emer expencncs ecg n Pata pubic sco 23 year. She a coat Dr fonda ae sen em te sacar ne wnt ara, a fd Alaa valtting he etvenes ole ces de scribed in this text “ eee ehae Jordan can asians pos inthe De Pest of Carclum and inecion and Coon utr ef the Mop sudjar Casa Progam Camera cic = Calon Sey Fresno He hs aught it priya hough hgh hod 15 Georg, Alana, Ferd pd Calf Dr Joan tn acon edeston decom sn board montero Mee Tres Repenory Company In Fresno and m dedi to Proving cn snd ya ecw ove nar ean et rh on wh vocay ae empreion delopment chien Laing Eh inFae ewhl, iy Srr ache tnd toc fr Nene al Me pros book ‘yao fang - ing Sra forhaprotng Compre sor mh Ace Heel He spb ee ae eon incnive wre adv meta elce ening compro freien in Heel ed Jrdan sve a dao conaent 1 amber of aot das ration and hae preserted widely onthe subject of resting and compen aoa sod ewwew verve veee PREFACE he United Stes becomes more etal and gus diverse every Year Moe than 90 per ‘en of new resides come fram non Paglsh-speaking counties. The numer of dents With ‘on Enlish Tetn he writen for ofthe wots ie Chaves an i dere ther tke eld wip note centr par of own where the stents sae induced 4 superar. Chavez busy taking prtures wah hs digital eens and he ‘ucens jini the discussion back in ther ciwoomn a they compe the psu the np ‘marker withthe ones ofthe lite neigorhood prot So any ood exc Mercedes se look athe photo of the supermhet pbice ike pile high th Fit and vegeubles Me Santas have any some” she sys he Pe 0 i fre ef ie Santo’ small se. Merce obvenatine af ju he begining of the conversations Ms Chive bets among his students dung the rex few cis He fs place the plo nthe wring cerser a the ment tv wring abou he asthe ve seen on thle us up othe supermarket. The perp hve provided support inthe teen unensaning of he extn They have lo pene | Source for veal simulation id compar ht lst Otay ay In. Ms. Hannends high school sty els. her stent are toying arco Egy Ms Han mend has rane he etn pire of Ee ants pice CD whieh she olen to a ‘assoom compute ine shares wth er ident The sales ae ete a de dese het Feng of being extremes ll ac she out n fot of he pani Te stants ate parler reed in how the pyrtmids were Fut and they sen aery aes Hammond pays an ences shea seared om phosaraphen David Cauley book Pum 1976) Te sents Bega glossary of words they ave leering they stay ancien Egy They ee the gary sang sketches they make of the pictures she deplays to spot tee discussion. Ae fellow up thei dsussion of the pyramid, te stds form props to est various segments of ily He ancient ype They alto the loan, work together ve rl presestons, and prepare ne Pencies of sir own demunsate De ls Lacy ae lamin aon le aes of each “A the aents presen’ the epons, Ms Hunton fds hey Rave flloned her example. All of the groups hve each the lene or pictues ie Doras of eames afar, a eo ‘ducias of Fayptian arto supp thee presenstion. These hve bes dwlende ane eprodeed shud copy ortansarentes to share wl thers te ls CONCLUSION Albough visi scolding reqies ome planning, there can abancance of escuices for ist. o- tascanbe coped or canned ow books, gates and the Inere and ane 0 wanserecy fin to bud the pltre Me Tor uel sclleing Yrabulry and concept understanding Photek ‘on action canoe be use in cassoom teachingand ay even make par of your ip se debe Pacts can en contisutephograps tat you cn copy ee an for your growing le: Send ot 3 request for pots of halon ee to pv the part opty end spe Line crewing, otograpia maps andreas are ot the onl val tht cn be ed in seal lng Video sanaser vse sup at uel fen post fm i vid lin ance ‘of eas so that aden pet moving, ree saTld stop suse, Agsn, vacation wide tea ach source suppor. aa SecqvOw 11 STHATEGIES SOX CHANGING STRUCTION THRBYSH PLANNING Pre soem il + reel ieresing events {1 Sikeston ost posal nets 4-8 sides wil “workin cooperative groups and foow ak res Darphase dete ven erly orm wig | 92 sent + we val communicatlon to Wenify expectations or clas assigments 1 Siatin eral presentations as appropri Reference casey, B- (1970, Pyramid Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley {ENAMPLES OF APPROXIMATION BEHAVIORS RELATED TO THE TESOL STANDARDS REALIA STRATEGIES: Connecting Language Acquisition to the Real World This strategy addresses the folowing TESOL Standards Goal 2To use English to achieve academialy in all content areas Standard 2 Students wil use Engi to obtain, process, construct, and provide subject ratte information in spoken and writen form. Standard 3 Students wil use appropriate larring strategies to construct and apply academic knowledge calla sa tym fr rea things—conceteobjcte—thit are usd nthe csr tbl bck round knowledge and vocab. Reka sed to pow experiences on which obi fo prove sudents With opporuniies to weal the sezes in lesring While using rea in he casroom i nt always possible, is usualy the best choice f the student et lean ll they can Shout a tpl Reals alls the student oS, feel, hear, and even snl the abject bing explored the rea thing snot alae the teacher must move down the contin frm te conte (esl thing) to replica sic se ede, 04 vemlonsrcte obj such a» Photogaph or itr However, each move down the contnium eases the los of sane sensory intron that contd be helpful in comprebension, See Figure Tor suggestions of claro tela that ae el a ‘he presenaton of powerful eaming expecences. STEP BY STEP ‘The spe in implementing the us of resi + Kdewifying opportunties to se reatia~Be aware of oppanunties to nde ea ale sons 25 you plan retead any toes tobe ved aloud o use for reading instruction oem vo. ‘abulary that may be vafamr to the students and loate reali that wil be hep #0 thee + Colecting reaa—Besis to collect ems that can be sored inthe casscom aed onanine ‘hem So hat they can be easly accested for natrcton Plc ibe ot age cen plastic age ae tn used for this purpose Some ims wl be sae with only ne theme ox book sd should be stored ‘wit the theme mater or book. Yard sales end endfaeason ales cis stores ate good sours ‘free forclasoom use, Parents can often be help in locrng and supplying well ens, fa secon 11 STRATEGIES FOR cAMAACING INSTRUCTOR THRQUGH PLAN cosy ae e Faing alge apres fom | Acie peices voctry Toe | | Sect cts moto cas Genpmento poee ry fecal uri alehored te | ear preredng "Sng corer con veered wresge Pcie, Soy prtene nat feos Fratepeble nal ems seintar | Sewer expres ocabey ‘Daitdermany pie eed teneare | dewlopmert ag ou sores, ot or coon se tarar soes ng fies Diet linds thao eters, | Voabury dpe oy come fede bev snyesmpircicome | | reoucmarkerng por Soting to nepa ndrstng Craigie pate us ck mages nwo fale paoctntey fmmcus | eaponeda eros book tology 0 eso coke ‘eo eeare farmer Ties owstarmenes tc baits | Prego tin paiont | avr mode ftanssts ‘ecu detpmert toe areromwgesam r ‘eevee wet Powers Bagel overs and pits beg | Yea Scot Soporte | siddorrend ose wo ps Sera eres ae Sera ge sooner pgs ‘npr eas Ccussoom pesos pes temand | Serr exper ety ‘eowinas bin concone cote nity citing tng tine daz | Voy deepen. le peters wbecsprang hesioon tog senor enemies Freadeg ates ine rams tops woktortapresina | Vout center cm were scone ‘nl expences Figure Pea Powel Learing os soe CHAPTER 3 REALIR-STAATEGHES: Connecting Langeage Acquisition te the Real Wo as + muting 2 brary of reatia—Calaborate wih ler teacher your school of grade evel to build ary of ela that an be shared fr majo theme sais. Lace local merchant, > ‘and oer rexourss forthe loan fle tems such as fam equipment or animals + Using eld rips as reals eo large to mone and your sods Would ben: faby expeiencing take 4 ed wip. Give your aden the opponuny realy unde! what (ey ae syn APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES [Ms Caza hs found a eau in bing book, which she want to Use the hid gids Many of her Hispani studens speak very good Engish now butte parents concer thi ty ste lsng ther fen In Spal. Ms, Casa alas loking for way to encorge te ose of ‘nary lnguage The book she hs ud, fy ecco ohrsen, 1908) ew callesion of oct ia Enh and Spr Many her id gear wl babe read bot the ges andSpn [Sh vesons af the pooms and hae ate many opponuniies for actve lens rd vorulary ve ‘pment n beth ngage "As Mi. Casta prepares her Iewons for he nest weck she ako gsthers el oso the lens undersanding Her school pear le park where she wl be ale tke theses on 2 ‘valk see un adobe wall like the one dseed inthe poem “Adobe Bik” Maybe she i eve lk efter into coming to school snd demnstating howto make nec ick [Ms Cuaro has «broom in the cstoom and she nds «huge pase cocrouch ght her st «ok yeas ago that he wl ure wl he oo fr the sents to esac the pon am Cosh ‘Shes sing to here no ax her preantons forthe reo this lovely he oxy book bin Be ‘icing. Ms. Casto knows fa masket where she ca Duy Some gourds to ue making marci ‘ese i he poem “Gourds” She know dst er rend Marcel le gad tng er oom 0 Scot v0 the chen can pace weaving they red" Saw « Woman Wein” “Aer that experience she can each the chien weave pap lace at sd ye one of the ‘mothers wl come to sehoel wo makers 2 euiaing ctinyon iy. She pc up 60 a (of com to ake o schon so he cen wil undorzand ow the ors os sade, ‘Ms. Casto makes st of new voabulty tat wl be lard his wee ar! 6 peas 0 66 ‘many new Spanish and glsh wodon te Ist Hes ae Elsh speaker wl be earrings a 0 this wees poety unt oo. Mr Millar sich graders ae explain sia lle trowgh combined entre and cence study based on several sual sents, Side the Moura George, 199), and te Blue Da Bins Oel, 950), River Ray, ne. (Geer, 1979, and Habe Ceulsen, i). The sucesso ‘working in groups explore the rea hey have fund ec ha rates send other om hese In which the stores ook place. n some css they have been able to acualy tase te bees ad boded wigs thatthe characte in the books had to eat o suv, ‘Mila has contd some ofthe els se inthe stud, soe ofthe more prise oo that are no longer readily stable In lhe cases the sents ve used sone ef ther ater ‘eribed inthe Books 1 actly const! the tools and cocking wens mae by the hires the Sores. Now tht the stems Rave all ead ane ofthe suri wore they ate comparing the sal Stee aed in esc ofthe books "aos ofthe ols they made i he ctoses depended ton the wood and sone ane! the veal that were avalaie inte area Johan bere ats very tra llr apres. “Wha ee was ead by the lean ofthe ony" “ie problems they had” Susana replies, Sora athe Caradn wilderness very diferent ron ‘selon Pcs std” ehoughc twas iaerestng at they had diferent ples that they sed fr meine" Teress als. “The bouny books we loked tiated oof plan tht were exible or wed or ned pu poses: Jacob sys“ never new Bat you cou et bole tg, eher™ fb serio 11 STRATEGIES FOR GRBANCING TasTHUCTIOW THNORGH FLARE They sure dont tte oo gen Teresa ays Wahi TRIE, Sen cry wer sed sore hse” Mc Mila ss. FPemoee om te Mute Make,” Susan jokes ROME? Me iar sye se here any ol plants you could ea” Ro sc Me ery ted et canst Jahan ns“ cul nt We have suet Enns pom ES . . of canes on ar ep Mr Ma ss with 2 sme, “ee ping oe ae Fee enced torah the pan tht we may have toe. Me, Sion he ike ina Fou nen Sng alo ut sl se we don pon ous, el ao hve ei aera emt yds f tse os and cooking wens We Me some sos ie es gh Al we wal cay slog 2 sept oat: aed sme ey Ba Hee ec ats ans sta Bais, tego te eset dc we {ee on a arse nlgenos tour fe and cde they canbe safely enen Tier then we wl be off tw aero sural fae” Bonn eee ge lla wih 2 wie ssorment of expressions, fom excitement 10 CONCLUSION tne we of ein she cssoon suppor ent ein na wide way of ways, Inada Fe a eae anil sa prmefl way to connect vocabulary ore The So a tg ders beens hey anata se trea objects inthe wy in wich See oe aed Resa isaduces a aun hands-on sre to many lessor The we ae mniing naw ato Psograp cx Hoaaon can Thee no concn oe a eral of an obec ft, vegeable, or tol when the Fal thing Pe eae sommes important to provide sever lyst to se he nas of ps Fee a se aflercr hinds of apples or ny suniower 10 be compared wih the Ie bas ich A a par ofthe world Te teachrcan be exer anova in he we of “ule end nthe application and exanpes found in chapters 22a 39 i ths et EXAMPLES OF APPROKIMATION BEHAVIORS RELATED TO THE TESOL STANDARDS rek-§ sents wi sedate writen symbol and real 1 Rpcsen story sequence wi el, 4-8 sudens wi + eampare and contrast rea objects 1 Spenser iogmaton trough te we of relia 9-12 ender wil: + descbe change and gow inal things 1 Biner and enanize rea appropiate for repors. References George) (989). My side of the mountain. New York: ston, GRE are, fer rats tne New Yorks Dutton. Sere Gppe. ay atnicoesio mio New Yor: G. PP’ Sons Sibe'S. (960), land of te blue dpbins. Houghton Mii Paases OAO8). Matche, New Yor Adin PupebacksSimon & Schuster Ge INTERACTIVE READ-ALOUD: Reading Designed to Support Understanding ‘This strategy addresses the following TESOL Standards Goal I:To use English to communicate in social sesings Standard 2 Students wil interact in through, and with spoken and writen English {or personal expression and enjoyment. Goal 2:To use English to achieve academically in ll content areas Standard: Students wil use Engh to interact inthe classroom, Standard 2: Studerts wil use English to obtain, process, construct, and provide subject matter information in spoken and writen form. Standart 3: Students wil use appropriate leaving strategies to construct and apply academic inowedge ‘Goal 3To use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways Standard |: Studerts will use the appropriate language variety register and gence according to audience, purpose and setting. Standard 2: Students wil use nonverbal communication appropriate to audience Purpose and setting, sera dln re 3 nin of uk el i a See sae Sate ata es Sera pel stenting caine Siders orien ee tea eer rs {rmtent Tis form of edalod ipower aching ta for ue wi Engin ne ‘ames ar eae rer raat nee Sintwwtariaierseowtaralcucane ena 00d rider do Topi 1998). Tend he tachers onset anh Sh eh ace ah a wets ies Tg ae a jucine nstected rasage rasa ae section uh smuarectts F00 ¢ ve mane hve edad shocieon yaa pst en “ Ce nal Wen se che ecg Rent an Cn ee cate ue boy sates bok by he sone ar fr ee ca ey aac gd Soon ar aed ee oo ng nny Sti ng ng es a om ten acer a dea fase ft eh ye recta nae we tee 19) STEP BY STEP “The eps in impemencng etree eacalond ae sani «Choosing an appropriate book—Cioote x boc tat above the instactiona edie fhe stent ve ou an oppo fo rote ach ea lod experience Soph he ce aca oes ctekement and data, St ide ame each day when you wil rea lou Ineracively with your dents Prereading nd planing interactions —Sefre beeing the feadaoud ssn ed he oo have owen thoroughly, Use sey nots fo mark plates fr scission, pricing, an ae oco other Backs the sete ave read or personal experiences they ca late 10 the 0 + Stopping for feeractions—Scet 10-15 mine ston ofthe x1 ed each ine, pina pe acs Breen edn Red wh cam, ng pss tv and = Pe ih cents ofeach day reading athe endothe session, Discuss predictors ears ck and mle tesa a neti the ee te ayo hewn expences ri TERRE Use pope dence like sory mapping or diy usations ofthe evens to keep the atone ire. See Figure 4.1 foran example of = 0 map. : 1 assessing student progress and wsderstanding Sect ais to paraphrase oes even sony ae ndlaive of i uadersanaing ofthe ory, We ngs ers may SEE d.icly ad nex nave the vocabulary or coaidence to wel or paraphrase, they can often ‘ONE LEAGUE ead fhe Bue Dosis SSesososeeseeus TER 4 UNTEGACTIVE READ-ALOUD: Reading Designed to Sepport Undersanéiog 29 ‘daw lato oat out senes oindcat thee comprehension, To detrine wheter the at ‘ey of inercve readaloud is flecve, passe oocssonaly to allow sndents to demonstate tie Understanding by paaphrsiog stain, or acing seenes Anecdotal recor Of these peso Fomal assesment can be kept in ndviual aden pontoon POAPPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES 1M. Cas’ schoo sic each grace level hasbeen asd fve core books tobe studied. Sot ‘Dells land of be Blue Dolphins ove ofthe coe books designated or fourth grace. Mi. Casto ‘knows that many of is stdes wll abe able to read snd unersane the book heya eid ‘0 readitindependenty. He decides to explore th book with his enti reactive ex ao ‘Me Caro reads the book w prepare fr his lesions and sents placer where the sents ll ‘eed suppor in understancng the voabulry and stations. He prepares te teaching pot, ocr Jay and modeling hat he wares to do ashe reads nd pla hal an hour a ay forthe ea los and folow-up dscusion Since the book as 2) chapters, Cato last ead two cheers dy 39 he ‘an compete the Doak sn ree wk period He mats the pout in the beck where he wlstop for ‘Sscssion thinalouds, and vocab checks. He paces eicy note athe book to rea in ‘spans to neracr wth the students ant provide modeling of mporaatconpuehenson process Soe igre 42fora sample of Mr. Car's suarcive eadaloud plan er land fe Blue Dubin “After Mr Casto eads each chapter be aks Ube stants el hi what happened i the hp ter. The stents diate a sentence or two fr each chaper and Mr, Casro wes the sentences ona lage chart table ter nthe day the stadess say copy the sentences and tate hem in tei lila of be Bie Dopbins joural or wite a diferent Sumani aa dltate Tet Jounal le) asa secon reserved for the wring of new vocabulary leur each day. The stents ae ven 2 Chapter One Pepa feos "Lack at the map act cate the Pace Ocean ed the Alin aes 2 Encourage decison of tres wen the sient have sen the ocean stboas and roc or dare, 3. Locka! be cove pcre and roi whit the sory mi be about Dare Reorg 9 — Rate “Alaa Sip toh Aetan Manes on te map Dis the meaning ft ke He ‘Sra sel tet ont vant eager nd was pl wth ke wings py 10— Diss he ct tat hero tocar fad ee seen 2 ore Tico he Posies and ave athe nfewnce tt th and a he any vrs pl — Discs he meaning of he fr parson Predton Fnt-—botom page pg 12 — Diss the mean of came tthe and one Pp 3 Diss ha meaning fhe quate, "eame ts peace ad wih to pay” Dicuss the enlaation oft see rae an the ble! hat ts pow pe 14 —Stow spe ofan eter Dic ty the Anas ware hinge Pp |S—Enira te ance 0120 ages Sn he ck ap ‘Aer Reng | Ashe stars ote what happened i ths caper and wee her word on age cir pape 2 Adel pedetone soot wna happen in pte te 5. Rew the mans of encod one, nda Figure Al A Stary Pap + Wnd of te Be DP Figure 42. ture Read Aloud Fn Wa of Boe Dobie 30 Stcrion 11 STRATEGIES FOR ERNANCING IASTRUCTION THROUGH PLAKNING allen oid ways to use he nes ocabulay in her wing and speaking each dey 9 ht hey ‘eil’on he new woes" Iie Cate uli copies of the bk being tied case some of the stents ike of low shone he eat swt There are an several copisin the Iiteing center soe dents an Tenens pee the sor they want to her te haps read again. The stodens fen use the racer Staten pacha oo catch up wh he sory afer an absence, Aiouah thee oecatticy cant ten shee to coming chapter, they keep a sit code of sence aout Faure ‘Chup hese "they don want spo te sory forthe re of the cas wa inher nde ic os aa hak eh Rrra tn cay a Fn nt ee “ace sakes tats er fone et sa i ie ne bop drag ss Oe Seeptact ta Sr anes tok oi tale tl ween ed eget ley cae et act tie haces eof rn ee eer tle perspire eS inte e onpcerer pees Ben eet [my sowing he io nsf on son em paar ary at ge peo oy nase tees com no arg abet he Wow nay on Me ai sah le We geome ere smn Fe an yuk Ten bps ok ih aig and on cl stefan ez ene ce Bee Kae smeg ood ea atten rs ae " wee reserpine isms ibe ose ee seg ‘Sota aes Game eae a Trent nes pr yo rc 0,989 ‘wiraoyo tint at Tala ing wo MD ae hu on ss pla nx man ts hae en cpg newb ea een ks. pn we eo fe me RSET anos ok to ype wo fa ae hk ae meet ae Fe re asf snp Tey my bt sn co tenting waco” geo smi ecin pi nthe pee da et oa ty fas nara soy Yor ve pent bo Ta ee ap gmt oo coal {ek Phe Mae Pp nap sy smo yo vec yn ents a “tire tac Seen ang eit andr! Ren pT mnt tury an Sy ope SOE ERT SES Po i eterna oes” qs ae ae ae qa as dh qe qe aa ar qe qi CHAPTER INTERACTIVE READ-ALOBD: Besdiog Proce Detnion “Teaching Stratenes reopens | Sat a comet feta senor std roeeg en Making sense of elements within a purerocice e we Wrerneorceses | Cameco aowtenasion | Fring cohen rere scene aathignecowmon coer Ethorane processes | Making comacion between “Thiralod reering operons! ponendogererasorchersons | emareceserche es Ba ‘edo tent ngs aetna ote are bag repens | Gating tern te Sonar thet the Seetrmengetswtoe | nator elope Mecca Monts ees reyor murdering | stoping and ig srk ed Ota bag ad ine seager oe Sppectincevng Aeaarg petty ohne nce cored ronare Figure 43. Techn Compreneson Process ‘Attn fora (18) st open rng natn HAD 2 Cy “hat docs Mark Twn etn whe ven he sys you wll be banished she asks at “Tas han you te sos an de sone a ase sag enna aor Br ee as nh lig Bo Ig connections, You remember thing rem eter oie o levis ht fp you to undead ‘he sory. Thats exactly mht good sede Go “Nex Twain ays ou tempt Bs po, yo be she Do you think e veal ends sega Bo ts" png ee Sek Peel mene “iow can be wae 3 book witout pt atin ks “his mt ally be a ly bok hn youve pt the en” Me Ben apes at she pt on he ora “He ao els thatthe language he hs writen iste exuenst orm of backwoods Sutivesern dale Tm Bo to try 10 read the story with that dialect” ene “The sdens el sing now They love hear Me, Bosra lb She ava wes, ‘voices and expression, They know they'l enjoy hearing the story of Huck Finn. meee Fit Ms Don ate th ty wi edt the plese aes st ton at hase sods elt an eth ay. St pe peel to model compen feces ing den sm ony be cong er nga tehing hh ck nds fe Ton Servo, She ps ce andthe and pence be nie by renen, rg he wen was ye Wor bein era eating ‘Obl tbe sides ake connections. Ste doar monte es srt cosa Bee she a2 secri0W 1 STRATEGLES FOR EXHANCING INSTRUCTION THRORSH PLAKMING ucs' ww tert he Roy ofthe omy he ies the eden lo Ht aout How ae TEkige mening ofthe tes by her shor explanations and depose. a ofc days reading Ms. Bose reve soe ofthe mre dit vox a en une str cus the i eves inthe pat ofthe ory ea ist ay. She sks gues REIRMS2y inte aude winter snd she encourges dem oped abot what might happen Tn che cn rcting cbsoush enjoying he oy and sing the sory me ‘Si the auton ofthe simple ete an det CONCLUSI Imran nds, white tonal associted ah primary cass sen fou 19 he Tan cheese an soppening comprcienson ad vcbulary development er students Eve REI fotunadts Dent fom Peng vet epresive reading Ena ew. Bh ering es ethene eee oes ion, gestres ard xy Tn, Eh ne ‘ance suppor in efining he ein sod sean Sl EXAMPLES OF APPROKIMATION BEHAVIORS RELATED TO THE TESOL STANDARDS PreK-$ aden wil + only deserve vote orybook characters. 1 CE descbe eons! experiences rested tex. 8 suet il 1 deserve «peso er, oly in sing 1 St words rom books ed in ral api'orwsten communion 9-12 dens wih “respond orate ory on wing 1 pavcelpnte in the peronnance of2 see from Mestre References ‘Busco, 5. (996) Bagaing with ending hough irri reno, The Reding Teacher 50.38 Wino, B (EA). (1960. The pote Make Ten. New Yat: Penn Books se an) Teaching owing compratension proceses Bnd ea) Neelam Heights, MA: A ‘S Bacon. uaten 5. G93). The power of rang. Englewood, CO: Libis United Sioa SGN) Bland othe ne dolphins New York: Bantam Dosbeday eee cine). Chen's Ineraae for sda ESL ery. hvalbeonine t wow akon reaps Sea Soay, The ooputhypodests Jost speaking and wing arent enough, The Gouadr "Hada language Review, 50, 158-164 Tate sap tra jo tbe 2 cet: Upper Sate Rive, NJ Merril reat Hal. Fa GBP asim. Langue ats Conon ad tachi sages. Upper Sade River, Nb Menl/Premiee Hal ‘lene ) 1995) Stained sent reading, Calor gl 2,89. ToS Gib. Hewnng voices ling tiles Find the power of reading aloud, language Ars 71, 4638. ADVANCE ORGANIZERS: Getting the Mind in Gear for Instruction “his strategy addresses the folowing TESOL Standard: Goal 2:To use English to achieve academically in all content areas Star 2 Ses e Engihoobtnp 7 epoca rie ‘Subject matter information in spoken and written form. mee Standard 3:Students will use appropriate learning strategies to construct an academic knowledge, ees Seen Atssxncet 1968) are be presentatins of sarc concept ven before "eon ofp fre ne connestons beeen th hens in sn nth exiting kos and theme i be pes The frm the ars ae shu dep sp Se ‘pens eve a exising ode henner To ome see ots oa ak depending onthe rte othe ma to he pened An expesttory organic de ‘md rea cet an pn hare, sh wt ayo ae Doce ey hrown ad the new mr ob les. Ti form frp Shen mil ge ui Teme a en the mateo be ere een sn alia, comparative uscd. Th form mune sea eee noma wh ae saree ae sso the ne sn tne un owe ates ll pay pera when tne neal me conned whe pein ro teal ene SH hen othe devetopmenl ees and previo knwo te eas ey mporant Siege cin deg Aue 9h. Thc ee one i i gigs er ay fete ae it Sng depth on he pa my fe ea roving bg ew tot usa hes mena eves the fires psy apr pt hth desu advisors Speco oma for ons dan pee “~ ws n 4 sEction Mh STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCING INSTRUCTION TAAQUCH PLARKING comes [ menwngigee gegen en somata —— | Rae were | seqosmmctoes tae — ——__| annie a, | Seereeeenaes ws, | Saami, <= | Sees co" | SERRE ne | pepinamccmermepeeesigese ey ‘beyond the “here and now’: ELL wil stil need concrete props 10 we an (Rrensre ew woctary-cbies e eten e oON, Sy | SESS U Figure 5:1 Aoprowate formas te Adarce Oper STEP BY STEP rnp in desing and sng anc pie , _ srcnvng be mn concept va tesson—liett thera cone wen en rh cen "rking bt tj know nd expences of ae eke ny wee revi ionnge one rmons arung ay to connec rier hnowldge to the new concepts—Desgh il 1 cece or dsc op: hat encourage The ure of Known vob se rete sn ry endo eyo ein he aes oa ey eet anageston ac apron formats for he devo vase a eg be adeance ogentzer—Peer he gn You Reve dened neorging tt ee resco awn exes a way SB fsowues, visual and restated explanations Poaching the neve information —Teach the new iformtion, eling buck to the advance student progress understanding—It is vital to assess the connections made see nd sis v won on ei pean csc Isat Gn ee tel noe gen mec ee cans coneby hing suerte ces “rene prs te aan ean recep ed fe ining rn pe ate aac coca ee se eee = Son ean ys sch yell cen fl: nt clothe ape o be peste an PORE pees CHAPTER 5. ABYANCE ORGAMIZGAS: Gettin cexponting visits downloaded fom the Internet or scanned from book isons ae ery fe tre ways of neprating technology leo advance organi APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES Ms, Fores has nce that he ony shape her indepen sudens recognize a als are ose ‘ranges. To help them undersand that al reese figures are wages she digs an advance a {onze to ewece 2 son on angles Bocuse her Soo ae al Sand have baie Engh an sage airy. Ms Pores knows hat she mus preset he abance oan concrete bandon for “o build on the suena’ prior knowledge Ms, Foxes bigs five toatos she as selected be cause yal have diferent shape ‘She begins by showing the tomatoes and asking, Whst ae these™ ‘he dents wer “Tomatoes “How do you know they are tomstocs” Ms ores asks “Wha kes thm onto ed Kong answers Rovnds Ti ge. “Yes” Ms. les ares “Tey are ean round. Bue they don al foo alike. ow do you know ‘bey se worse they sel ike tomas" Nico sys “We cold cu shem open * “Good suggestion, Ms Heres says and shee ead cis too he tomes in al “They ave Seeds inside” hha ss. "fe" Ms Foes agers “We know ty are omaoes because they afer they ae round hey ‘sl Te tomates, apa they have seeds sie” Ns, Foes ten takes uta geen tomato, pus ton the able, and aks, “Ts his atom” “The dens lg ad ay, "Yes Bs ween” "Me ge ed when Yad” Neo says stl tomato, su te yet” "You ar tonsa forme, Ms Peres sy." vant to show you somaing abou angles” [Ms Pores aes out lage cardboant examples of igang. sosceles, and obuse angles ad paces them onthe chalky “These areal trtngles. They dom ook exact alike but they each have thee sides” she ras he ager slong the sds ofeach angle a se ct, “One 0, se” ‘She then pases de eardbard sagles to the stent an ences them fo rn tc ings slong the duce sides ofeach example, counting the sides. She rings cut enough expe or etch ‘Sudent and they pss thom around oseing the three eee and cooing them. Me les hen ito ces seming game using the crdbound angles nd tbr cedboud shapes. The sudons pace he Shapes gether, categorising them as ces, squares tangles, and ecangles even ough the shapes ‘thin dhe categories fe not allhe sme site. The dent pace he various ype of inne together In exegorize thom al as lags. "ven though te tudes in Ms loess Mindrgaren had previ recgnied nly cles i angles, they were able o use the advance onan top hem unenand tft 3 al ont Ai ot ook eae the ame there were diferent nds of angles Ms, non teaches ninth grade social suds laa highly dese neighborhood. She panning 2 unt about pluralistic vooery is Unted States and wast hr student recognize the eae of Aiverty In society nsead of focusing on Haid aeiace to hes own curl group. Arse ene the infomation to present fo the stent, she decides ose an sdvance crpaniver to preps the !Midens to incorporate the new infomation wih tel exsing tow lege. ‘Building on the ol eal ofthe Uned Ses aching po of cares andthe plore ew of Ameria a5 a“ Bow!” of elutes, Ms. Buon desis tht an exng ay ay help the stadets beer understand te concept of valuing both dilerences an sma in 2 pas tiesonery ‘Me non brings ina sio-coakng pot an sl bowl o as She takes some choc, sl, and chopped vegenbes ane combines them ithe pt se he explain, “Yes a In Amen whe a se section 1 SURATEGEES FOR EAMARCING INSTRECTOG, THRGQEN PLANNING pe move nr fon hex cnn they wen’ al expected 0 bend in ger Ames wat re ee oro eres, Wee wong Uae pet meng po, day {0 demonstrat what iappens wen te cures mel tome Pee nasal ogee, is, Bronk cach den tke won chip 3 coOP sn te inc ip tr te er dey have en Tse, she as hem que ins dur ie ace ingress had ete. Poa a papers snd cla ny #0." Angel says“ defintely tated some ing se the ingens wel eked eter. was ha to ently exay what yo oo ee Stns exactly st happened ro the mew oman as Hey ene seen et ia mck myo Ares soctety and in many eases hes ante ee Aires were Host” A ter neve san” ese ys Se ated st ame ad Yk eof he ute Sd only speak Spat ta Te a pomraye The ur mere amis fen stay at home hd sot chit the Amaia Sos.” ai at happens in sexy where Ke dienes mong pple a a en Spam ap ase kes ob head onan he al nts In ad Fe eet pune wa pens in American oct all de Seats ae bar Trac lg he Mars ate they 0 te meng en. ci ne aa EE yn aver The lah hater esse of dhe way of Sc ces, Ontong ak even eno. AS yo eat te ad Yom ey the unser ofeach of he ingens 1 ae cps oad hey ak teach of de neo they ae ing ke the twnarcs bow hese they tte set, Jesse sy ces are bs na sla ous aT dont ike wematoes by theme. Fe ace amen sect” A Buon sys "Ane strong ce of annem ead thr uve come eT soups ae ying Kee tes ae ach Tha chdien aout Tel heres a ona tis nes porate “Incde Fo the deren wn 10 ne sal al beat fo Arian sac ale accep We Ths cls ar acate the conintions oF each tndsideal aad group, Ths scaled i ey ens tht ese fet jst one ihe Wap 1 ve, Dts we cm al pic a schol and sil ciate oregon adele tnd even Keep =P ft 8 Pues tn wa ou ay gr. Ports happen sou we mM PES an nee alert an the say ey are te ame e's i sou tase ierenees Sind sma sila mover the scents tow dscsson of ther cules, ngage and txts a eee Eo ikea st of exe thing om the board, She continues to use he ems ne ad bout sappon the stants understanding of he ngonance of maine eaten is psa socery i be pect CONCLUSION ‘Ms Boron and Ms ces have found ways 0 help students bu on thelr backaroun’ knowles Te eer tnce oxime odes une untie concep. By prsetng 292 ye eS ne mnving nt nro, teachers activate pce kro the Sud, aa east cantar and suppot tants ining salaries between fair kro Ce or cate or concep The bia fomed by advance canizes ce espe coe Ts anguage nme because dy tend reduce the sues! ane evel an ‘nike English nsrucon more cmmpreenstle CHAPTER 5. AOWAACE ONGANIZEAS: Getting se Hind fe Gear far EXAMPLES OF APPROKIMATION BEHAVIORS RELATED TO THE TESOL STANDARDS PLEAS students wl erg tt te do eooiine 9-42 students will: . 1 skim ule of coneees o detine ey points ret to the top eng sd + Salat lnflomaton and ts tons to pia knowegge, ne References -Awubul,D-C1960. Toe papel of ming cera eat New York: Gre al Sea Newel j- C984) dane gett henson an 198 fom an ar oarcnl devs. ERIC PREVIEW/REVIEW: Building Vocabulary and Concepts to Support Understanding “This serategy addresses the fllowing TESOL Standards: Goal To use English to achieve academically in all content areas ‘Standard [Students wil use Engh to interact inthe classroom. © Standard 2: Students will use English to obtain. process construct and provide subject matter information in spoken and weiten form. ‘Stondard 3 Students wil use appropriate lean strategies to construct and appy scademic knowiedge. Goal 3:To use English in socially and culturaly appropriate ways Standard 3: Students wil use appropriate laring strategies to extend their sociolinguistic and cultural competence, exon, 9%) 2 wachng say way ascited with big ye lide gis = pie of te lesen tthe ses re Oa wt in Engr w era's reed nthe Dee Se tse Sey con be oped 1 an gly chs ivan argon nae eeu “ “ Boo eve and en seiewing ad enpaing the ose Senco ger mesg tae cae ee eatin beset gig a hing orcs Koons 23 fie enon cf waters er ae re as Se gue 61 or aggtons of oe pan rats nd Ah a Aes Cher htance One fr orl SEOs fe tnguage- THe STEP BY STEP “he sep in preview/eiefesan a . a Pimunng nd gathering materiales yor esto. etn Key concep and vor ee ee cr suppor roc fa wl eip he siden Udessand the SS fabulay mended to comperhend telson he mponant vocabulary an key inroacing ey vocabulary and concepts—isodes the nna ey oe a ee secon ie kon Suppo" seas YU have gates 2” curr 6 nenewn » + ea Vien esis food ‘nsprnces mace emshetce | Role plang Hones cjess fagane pews ‘arene seit Greco Sorin sbng Commerce paiod | Arps econ worse Macefoseaed to ener ese rang ley boats Cost bobd ge Figure 61 Suppor Matera and Act fr PewiRevew sone focus inthis section ofthe lesson ¢ NOT on acl tching th leon. ftom making the kets ‘alr with key wocauy aed concep +7. essom—Teach the acl lesson,refesing tthe suppor mater and ey 9 ‘abla end ingodced dung the preview whenever pose + Reviewing vocabulary and concepts—teview the hey vocabulay a concep, ene sing the students to demonstrate undersancing by refering othe spon teil + Providing additional pracice—Crest 4 btn Hoard or leeing center tat lows te students practice the key concep fare hough use ofthe spp steals wed nthe son, + Assessing student progress and understanding—Obserse sn doce se ie ‘acions wi the materials and fellows aces inte form of anecdotal eco, Conc indi tal conferences with students to give them an oppontuity to demonstrate Wat they leaned nthe Teson. Anecdotal cords on be ince india tase pontolos APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES ‘To prepare her second grades fr il pt the 200, Ms. ln rings in photographs of 209 lima he nrodoces the animals the talents sing the porgtpe snd eentes chy ds plying the phergraphs, ising key ilremationsbout each al rh ute names cd fo the Eby ans ine type of food eaten by se animal and he ails are abs, ‘A map ofthe 200 is dplayed inthe dasstoom and Ms. Allen teaches & lesion cn aking ques tins and gathering infomation during the 200 wp. Each student i given chord with ioe ‘on sheets about each srimal they il Se. The elas rainorms questions they wil ask the 209 ‘uides about the animals and the ments pate aking noes om el inforaion sees ‘As review ofthe lesson the sents eer the pitogaphs ofthe animale nd pace ak tng questions about them. The sven are given indvidilso0 maps and they place te mes "he animals thew wil ein the proper places on the maps. As they note te atin onthe my they refer to the photographs and ey nferton oa the hats they have made "The day of the 200 ip the siden ark etn i nae the aes onthe iformation sheets When they ftum to the classroom the nex da they use Hie 209 mape and infenatin sheets toa new nfoenation othe cha abou he sil “The students Ieeened a lox about the 200 and the anil because they were prepared to ask ‘questions during the field tp. By having the sient pace asking questions determining Where they wil Jocste the differen animals the 200, and preparing ten fo take ots about the ainals, Ss. len has gen them an opportnity to Fly esl om this ek ip The sa ‘dents leasnéd the vocabulary, language stuctre, and key concepts they would encourter 00 their ip pe ‘ao Stcanon an STRATEGIES FOR CHEANCING TNSTHUCTION THROUGH FLABHING 41 iodoce vocal and iso etn wane ues pew ve apo 9 tds Year and sal tia her ih school Eng dent pr wo stderr works, Pf su The Cre 7 se Wamen facies er ude with hese a ofthe Rr Fe eet to alias ir sets th cx fhe pri is ms aaa scl om newer o he day a engages the dens 8 pain Te Bathe weclay hey wl encour in thei eng yeti Sec cargo te esto Waren ops wheres nee 19 er he lio mabe ens ren the pov tie ad he pe ee m ex of role pang aver eee he stodent ate sted 10 reer 0th supp i aon otic ere ig ied Te en a ao make oa pay ein eh to sare thelr unesning oe avi a emai f Un earns En tn anime show pnaget of the ork to eta ae hn that pss okey vcs re dace CONCLUSION sree isan expec fev ney echt ep mate dents ea. The re pee sn yes reset when on we ean Pe tae he sed The vevew section of the san ges the eer ‘oporuny sake com Sind engage stent elebeson Tovmake connections, cre inconepsons ‘proms ‘he secomplshneses. EXANPLES OF APPROKIMATION BENAVIORS RELATED TO THE TESOL STANDARDS re-3 wen wi espn prope gee 1 Serpe inane sito te Formal of etn 4 sents crappie with sn fl nino seins 1 SEEQIESNTY guns a matings se 92 een . ee ged ean nd ask qin appopce 1 RUSE Sigetic pec ot each who cn anor enon relate 0a Sermen References os Sibne'inon & Ses, ge F 8.925. Pe gra Gay Ne nS sgn aera iy) (1980). Th orion of dal language struction. ae to ae LANGUAGE FOCUS LESSONS: Planning Lessons to Support the Acquisition of English Vocabulary and Structures ‘This strategy addresses the following TESOL Standards: Goal I:To use English co communicate in socal settings Standard 2: Students wl interac in through, and with spoken and written English for personal expresion and enjoyment. Standard 3: Sues wil use larring strategies to extend their communicative competence, Goal 2"T use English to achieve academically nal content areas Standard Students will use Engh to interact in the dassroom, Standard 2: Students wil use English to obtain process. construc. and provide subject matter information in spoken and written form, Standard 3: Students will uss appropriate leaving strategies to construct and apply scademic knowledge. Goal 3To use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways Standard |: Sunt wil use the appropriate language variety ester and genre according 10 audience. purpose, and setting, amguage focus lessons (Gisbons, 1995) ae lessons n which the sings son English vo {ular ane! use, rie than the carcolur conent These sons may invove exploration of content sich 3s math, sence socal sue, the focus of the lesson fon te langage tel used ater than he conten wel The language selected for language Focus lessons ses ‘pon each observation and knosTedge ofthe language forms and none ta ive Engst a _puige lamers dificly. Fsamples of sppeopiat language for language focus lessons are shown In Pgue 9 section ih STRATEGIES FOR ENRUNCING URSTAUCTION 1H ° Tangugeform | CuredarComecion | Samer ‘Wotan puns, | Cena aes trie ad aes “singular forms ia ‘numerical indicator le out, which might = wleryaamers sap eevcine, | Uitte etn sch revoir, | sealer Shove oe co Tana wohe pings oun vee aston ang inbackor (reson top of ers ing ere med eye er ee Seno tower ce re te dsusadand aun oes Se “compared with rules that must be coco coe couse Science experiments where hypovieses See gianna doe mene Problem soir aches in which tng (et cule td ae ia on compere ceahtng ft et be de Coonan | tamommssnstsen | oomondi tipo ce cera | tems sectan | Ce ee gt ei Sees oe rs se of content worn conten Sei ‘ere ena experinet ds 2, ‘rote ih ala mute eames Contented | Maturtis senee s0 Sons es ence Figaro 7.1 Sugqaios Langige Fos and Functions + Langunge ous Lens STEP BY STEP “The sep in eaching a language focus Fesson ae: = Observing and noting language errors —Ob syed cflangge ht they tent to mise Plan tine 0 Tie ume neds for due nsvuction in lnguage Ug ~ w Gatbering materials-Gathe ea, vis, aod Kea for hands-on demonstrations of Tena usage to De oR serve your student and take ores onthe rok wih sal groupe of suds who have (GHTER UMUC #4 ON Pig Ls Spe een fod ny a Sracs splaiing and modeling language usageIncbce the vcablry and models ws, simancously using the language ar You mode, Give several exiles foreach term 0 that sh dents can se when apd how the language ose + Practicing n active mode—Give the sues an opponsnty to actly pom or mode! st handon movement or acti as dey use te foc langage + Practicing for mastery—Desgn an acivy thit allows you to serve the sens’ mastery ‘ofthe focus language I they do not connec the nguage tothe actions cones, peat the td and fouth sep APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES Mr. Leis concerned because is second graders ten ene off ending af words ba orally aia ‘witing. He observes an notes the students who are doing this and pln language foes leon for these sudems. During mah he next ay ke Le gathers sx ses o do a aty wth lee sng ets and wong sey problems, ach stder given s aminate pcre oa wit age iy ‘ius and sal fogs in geen and brown. He snc the steno pik su 15 green fee plthem onthe ly puds He then sys the folowing sentence, emphasing the pla each ie he says, "There are 35 brown fog on the iy pa inthe lake. Seo them jump it he wate © {ool of How many frogs are lef on the ly pad As the sents coun vt the ix fogs he ks, "Howe many frogs mp ino the wate” “The sadent anew “S" Yen i Lee says, “Sc og fp no the wer Mz Le den aks each sent to repex the mods, Sx fg emphasizing the fi "When you ad to the woe fag, lets you Know thee sve than re rg Me Lee eX Plains. "Its very important pronounce te. One ting you wil nace that wih You 4 the ‘othe endothe word fog. sound ike 2/2. Theat thee the words somes sous lke sf ut we sl spel wh a's. We wil make x chan ofthe word ha sound ke at the end when we ad 1 them, "We wil pu the word fag in al because the doean’ follow te ues and youn Iie a's! should sound Me Lee says a he writes the word fpr ona 3:09 cd and pats ton a buen bart has bars on i ie lel “We wl put eer wor in jl whenever we find tat hey axe not folowing the rule. f you ind any move words that are spled with an atthe end but ‘Sound ike 2, be suet ell me o we ea ps those wo ina Ne Mr ie has the students wie the Rory problem about the igs emphasizing the wating ‘ors onthe word fg Hy pad “Me Le, Me Le cls stv, "We have opt pin al oot sounds ke, jt ie frags” "Good for you, Goto YouTe 2 grea word dee” Me Lee says ashe hands Gaston la cud ands asker “Put tht word nl” "Now, I want you to think of other word problems you can wit wing the fogs and he liy pads Mr Lee sy ‘Ait te students havea chance to write some problems Mi; Lee has them ead the probes sou and he other students work them out wing he fogs andthe ly pd pcre, Once Mi festa the tadents are ang the "bohm apeaning and wing, he changes te foc of the tess fo he “ed” ending, using the same mater ut cmphasaing thatthe Hogs akeagy je Inve he water Bocuse thee atthe ead ofthe word jung sound i 2 A ead ef ah stikcen Seode hat jumped mus also got ja. dose sys “Engh bad, le ne Tere ae kof ule breakers "Ther he" Mc Lee says wh a gh. "But you are very ma ad you wl learn o speak "English Jus fool athe word jl you nee hep wth & rule breaker Maybe we need to wie he rule hat each ofthe words beaks swe can remember Whit should we sty about fogs el pal “They sound ike 2 when tay should sound like" tro soegest What shout ompaa™ ake tLe "ttsounds like AY when shoul sound Uke /e/ Tomas 093° “as secuion 1) STAATEGLES TOR EHHUNCING INSTRUCTION TaROWGR FLANKING ets pt then nent cel Katey as ine chd ate lesan, Me Lee teaches the sens signal he wil set remind hen when they levig of ong nthe speech and ip hr een work, The sgl he ed the a ei pe ge touced wo eed of erase, The snes and ME Lee race serisatpal wo cut eho to help thom 0 remeber ocarflly pronounce ending ound Me ee lps that onc sen na save te robin ofthe doped endings cn words but hel he pale to the noe sgl w ein he stds lat pranounee the sand ed! aoe Te Peng an tad them in wrtng He alo siguls toward the wor i boo ielp {hemes remeber bento pronounce the es. SOR progress Me Lee plans to teach ore language focus lessons anda de her sour ese “Genin she seer he eed The cen nthe meantime, are ok fer more Sel pi al iu Kars plan to teach a lnguage fois lest wth her saad ngs nan eres sv a ety undersanding wor tht dose the Gassbom les Sh plane # Hen 2 Resi el sev de lesan we examples to hep the rodents understand the eseings he SLR mor mph sb and could, To each hs ssn, Ms: Kaas wil sefer tothe nics and Proved hn town io Fare 72 se ae tjios aaead cathe sents pre on the chan As Ms, Kara an he eee ae they make reuienent ion the chaboar, placing ech ofthe te So dee femme chara eine according as sng. Te tudes cle ht Fae ee werden sere ne, no Gustin about a ey place ma a ef wane heute ine They pace mayo the fare and cuss the word couldn elon 0 4 Fo ss cat an mayave aboot he ae nse, Should cuss met, Te sents aan ee es nates sgong st mu but the caso bs words are oem we 0 tnean i equi. You have to 0K" icon coiacy ths way unl al the words are placed along te be scoring 0 thi scr Rosas then ns the sete otk as snd ues ro home ad dhe comyanty Fear be coupler of eal ofthe words on the char Cer suggest, "My dad go ket Doce he dit top aa sp sr. Sopping at stop ns Boes er Mu at eames Rana eye "The ws are moss, Can you ll me wi sae ete il smeone i you dives car and dont follow te awe, cher sates solemnly “RebteeCher’ Mec Rare sey "can you think of an example for mh” cS ess mc ater dm, he mag bake wake Ti Fy te aaa =vhe doesnt mates G0 i is st posi. is here noth ond you ean inpace of mtn hat same setence™ “ny ther has tne afer lane, she ccd ake»ca,” Ta replies. an tat cathe sae ng” Ms. Raras ass. Oe aren "Alpe means sis thinking about, Could meas fs something she On do bs nye oe not even thinking about K" Shnk youve ptt As Kans se. "lts pracce some mor. “ihn youve as lars sentences een on erence sup and ass them 0 ae a ended wach ord ra the car complete te scence es. Aer hey Fe ct wow they have w expan ta csc. When they Fs is exes the chat {Scie te one in Pe 7 ‘Aerts must ceptt he pits and pace ters, ‘Socata wwe shots ay hoor cis om te tre manager ha ne Cnoang arisen aude mat concer ary dracon ther activin might cae ae “ove aa stereo res completing were “Rion stout be cried neat ad stb urainon tive ‘ute mt kp thr wie ow and epectl big rei to adroit coders ibe ais foes te cs Figure 72. Gaaroom Rules and Process ‘OneEL 7 UNG FOS LK: Pang Lee Sipe kuin of agi ob ae Sc 48 porodedesiy | saimyssa 1 com Figure 73_TheRequrener Une sa Sample arenes CONCLUSION topo he whole cs Hone ts npotant wah young sdentsor he useing sources Or mises Language but the message: is cea, tis abv nto respond to the [Engunge, and pl 2 ange fos son o ppm hese “Si fis eens ene ohn hye pl hs se wy es se encourge opr the newly aequed ls an aac comeX EXAMPLES OF APPROXIMATION BEHAVIORS RELATED TO THE TESOL STANDARDS Pre X-3 sade wl ‘+ for an ase questions relied oasignments * gather and organize materls needed — To complete assign werk $8 seo wl + find and se inormon fom seve sore to sos 1 eit and reve wien sgrments soneiseaseens 9-12 mdents wil + take and poo a posi : sion ona assigned top | prepare ford ppc in an oa eponto debte Reference Cbbons, P1953. Lewing tina na sco languase,Poxsath, NH- He Suggested Readings hamer, A, & Maley). 0989, The CALLA banabook Reding, MA: Addison Wes, Diario i & Weed K 0D. The croncuhie ado ay Gd Neca Hag aay Saco Medea vem bana ACADEMIC LANGUAGE SCAFFOLDING: Supporting Student Use of Language in Academic Settings “This strategy addresses the following TESOL Seandards: Goal 2:To use English to achieve academically n all content areas ‘Standard |: Students wal use English to interact inthe classroom. Standard 2:Students wil use Engich to obtain, process construct and prove ‘subject matter information in spoken and writen form. 1} Standard 3: Students wll use approprate lering strategies to constr academic knowledge sack and apely ach hers cc a rag argunge anocmed wih hoa bes Suh 8 mathematic ar case pest igh cope com on he eer test Cann st) enti wo types ange at mudents aque The es, asc erp a os cS ar soe! gue ned mare ky an coy hn tes care haem Langue hooeney AIP of academic rguge, ade nga on oer ese went CAL, te urguage neces forthe student © para SEE akong open a Se Peal acaden eons inh aso, ach nk ontentaliing sade a es biceling snc tat nstace modeling academic language, conetsng 2am n- oe ere nan gestures and demonstrations and spporing ens in f aad Fmiage tough acive eating aes Asm scaffolding sports suden’ succes! partcpstion in conteataea it STEP BY STEP “The see nan academic language seaflding Sess ae mnquage structures—ideni te academic ¥O- occsflypatpate fa ie Jesson rnd explanations ht ae ven + tdenifing academic rocabulery and ta cabana ange fncions necessary forthe soe © ‘tng ugha Tg woesbuay is eleted om the reading assignments “ cuPTeR& scenic nce sat 6 SppringSuden Ue af Langue i ete Stings 47 1382 par ofthe lesson. The language funtons relat othe ways in which the student expected to Partipate verbally See igure 81 for an explanation of scale language hic. + Designing and teaching ae introductory actitty—Provide an itoktory ay that a Jos the seafolcing of fet the aeademic ocrbulary and language functors i a pone way. you stan wth a teacher explanation, suppor the student ndestanding by using viral fo the ‘main academic vocabulary. Then mode the se OF the language in the ways i hich the sede Se expeced to paripate. I they are ruled to ak question, rode the se ofthe language in {queso erm they art ake noes about scence expert, penide al how ens ould be taken the acsdemic language complex and speling is portant leave te won posted Inthe room and make clen tothe dents tat pels wnpornt andthe words are pote foe ‘hele use i apelin H sping noe wal, make hr cles aso + Practicing én pairs oF small groupe-tncice an acy that slows the suet work ‘pai ral rou, neacting vets bat they pave ace language aun way + Gulding and monitoring the pracce—Mone around the room éting this ave ening experience so that yu can montor and encourage the atuden we of academic language. owioe seafolding fr the we of reademiclnguage by commenting onthe work the dense doing, modeling the use of academic woeabulry, ad deen the ways in which the suds ace sing the problems or essing with the materals When students ae kod questions h enables them to Aemoaste knomiedge exer by physicly showing the teacher wt was done or by explaining the process Modal the aeademie inguage # he stent dermansrates the recessed fete the ucen’s verbal eaplnaion emiptasing the adem gue + Reviewing the vocabulary and taguage structures —Conchide son wih even of te academe ngage, Oe te Oppetunty forthe pals sal groups 0 repo back tthe whee ‘sfoup again using the newly aque academe lngge in conten ace Chapter 8, Reporting BA). APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES ‘Mis Bennnghoven' ext graders are ering abo tinge the sme and ferent (ee tet funtion in Bae 8) she nroduces the lwo by showing pes ofthe stent aor oor hey row the day before. Displaying two devin of paz, Mis Beninghonen sys "la an Teng bot ‘row peures of piza They drew these tings. Tes favorite ocd the same-—pian Maia ew 2 plcure ofa hamburg He avortefoo eer. snr plaa Mie eninge then ds ‘ays commercial prrures a vst offoca She chooses a pce oa hot oad then postr the sudents drawings fom the dy belo, modeling the sentence, “ova dew a hamburger A ar beri iret than 2 hot dog, ote same When Mis Benlnghoven ds deawing of & hotdog she tps ton the board ext tothe photo of the ho do and sy, fore dee a ho dog i favorit food he same a the pre Te pictre of the ho do the sre Jon's vere fod Tor the next pat of tie Fesson ss Beaninghoven ities the ques “st the same” which seques the student to compare ter pctures with an example, Se plays a pho of an ‘ce cream coe aed goes through the tunis dexwngr aking, te se ee pce the students answer, “Yes! she modes the confising sentence srucut, "Yes, Hes picture hese st dew a ee cream cone, 0" To give the sues practice i using the academic language same and difven, Mis Being: hoven divides the cs no pals of sens and ges each pars ange set Of pes on which she Ins photocopied a senes of their desing om the previous day." ale ae inetd to Werk togethes, ut out the pictures ofthe favo Foods, an paste the ones tae the se ogee oo 4 plece of consrucion paper. As the pals complete th ask they bring thle paper oie Bes Ftghoven and she asks them question to encouge the use he rewiyacquled word, same and Aiferens, See Chapter 28, Reporting Back, for 2 description ofthis sey "Tongan Mova bring thee pape fo Mia Benninghoven, She pout ote group of hangers ‘hey hive psted near to each cher on the paper and ask, "Why dd you pte pares together 1 STRATEGHES 60 ENHANCING TASTE ION THROUGY PLANING set Function Definiton erampter ose ery nk | Usrgwtn tri ote ress | hereanaranahps | eopuatenathe ter ao . . * fee label parts and describe patterns Shaveatentpe amore eps , Sorter goupty sibs esrb te rca docs site * Cie nang neural soho cic criden ete ave « Dect tow otecs erties | Geli wot foriney | ese whan eye Show bey oe oe Li etre ned olan ents eau Detar th wert ein foomteny | oto eo ssepor neere we rede ipomeiessirg este hw neces we ase me cringe teen aon | erm gered ro ry . “scholarly sources ‘ead or observed ca and dese oman ane om Deve erton or ’ we) ‘oe omer sono penn foe) | oe fms saviors | Deters tr kn dcr sna wih ‘revsce (ection snd rurnce venaence een) | ote see Oneveeniveradtogin | Atauesonto ger inrmton faeratin | Frome onto) data ton erty be per bene woces | ene | Staten na CSitsietrames relia Fertecy | flow ness toa seon syitee | Semctepnte erate ni it Sorin) | tomtom new woe Simro ‘nging oration Fon Figwe 81 Acorn Lrg Fete ent Crt BOTA as ‘aaree 4 scenic usceat sartou ag Saget te ngage dead Tong answers, “Hamburg Mss Tenringhoven nodes. "Yes, they ar al hamburgers. They atthe sn" She pons each ‘smburger and sys, This husburger" She conchiles wih, “They apa he sume" is: Benninghovenponeso the dings of pn and aks, “Why dh you pat ese nese” “Tang replies They pin Tey sae Miss erningoven snes and oan “Yes hey at liza They ane te same Sethe "wns to Mos ad vepes te process sth er. The stent wore able o papa scenel ‘he atv cae they were seoduced tothe clam mgs) mde Hcy wee pb ‘skh visti to suppon tha undentnding ofthe concep and dy we apport fee ‘enic use of ngage wo inert ad io explain The angie wi ced wo the eapeiene and {ey were given oppomunaieso practice the use of the lngeape = amare ener By ‘working npr they were Ren spp tal ine veal pie The teacher pad Ingand encouragement Sh alo scfled sn elena tc soc, Sold cine agus ls ke place tigre Keven mille el es ‘nl: St nahin an eg nem angen Het kn ese ‘hey kno aon ions makesa at ete vere ey ve in ares “They grow “They die They eed fo and wer Some ae ais Me Sco do ea seein ha expos Row vgn eA he is ted the seein eich ss thee aes on cha st aks the soot oy tt ‘ro set of pape a the at The Hv Ringler Se apne a pos es a Sind sk Ar thee Kno ke igre ang aad nc fie A che ‘sin the dierent se peo igo adnan nonin kn ako ae tt the ei on Kgs died ue Pe he "Mr Scat then era the Ol section ands the student lis the ig ons ‘ha fal ino each kingdom when thy esr them Sed Inthe tein, Aer he completes the ‘eating shout eath king, he ps an the sds el hin ws ta he home bee. Fgh sgn wart ks ga ec ec ec Ic Seon splays enlarged photograph of he cel ofthe varia pani ae cusses the sexta cn ce mes, psn, do ete pos th O09 "ine suka are den dvi to ps to work wih microscopes whee they ae ge sos fmember ofeach fee Hngdomts, They ao wok ogee ead bel eel oy ‘Son unspent fe a to compae te datwings ih he ead prgaphs to Sterne. ‘ic Kingdom theses represent oni meemnisc onerans | Proce Furuse | Plants Avioale + bat + pagans | + ase on + be Siegen | ema | * be peat “ te tte | le | oe Figure 82 Gregorio bing Onis sso. SECHiON ML STRATEGIES FOR EAMANCING STRUCTION THROU FLAKKING ‘As the sudens view are draw ther cel, Mr Sort rates around the cssroom, answesing quetions and encouraging the wse of academic language, “Mea te esconcope work. Ni Sct capa tbe tunspaency call drawings ade by thes ent nln ae dosed, focusing onthe azure of he el xwings and being The 5 aor iced and tcp are ready to move ont independent reading using the academic Janse they Have prateed Te Sette Sen's chs are acces in thei study of sing nani party Decne of Me et afleding ofthe acadenc ngage He moves hem trough inroscory tps i Under 1, ine Sosy She expects ofthe ak ey wil do. He encourages the © work toner SRR cal craters and supp for ene sce as ey lear nan active ode Ase ce wae eitial te wm, be provides ssfolding hy king appropriate quesions, we mode te use aoe ee nga and conesing te language beng ve fo coer xargs te conceps Be iiguteind He slo provides encouragement and clés the se of langage by the soe. CONCLUSION eaten language elon appropriate arse cca areas and t ever ride evel. Wie e ae eee ferent may ax seem tic to a, they ae used nthe csroom in 2 ight COCR vocutapecch hearing the hpi meaning oF words, especiliy how they sre cee WUlcer nayein comntaen incon, ci Be very config to new Engh pene. EXANPLES OF APPROKIMATION BEHAVIORS RELATED TO THE TESOL STANDARDS ProK-5 dents wil + identify and associate writen symbols with woes. 1 Ase appropri language when only esebing a choolacivty or eso, 4s arodenss wl f+ use academic language in hypothesizing and predicting {Ase sade language © compare and const information i 9-2 aden wil: se loge and appropriate langunge to persude or justly | LAS appropriate linguage to sythesze and apy knowdedge i References Cham, A. Oatley). 999). The CALLA hadoa Implementing tbe cite academic a “guns nani aprec, Reading, Ma: Adon Wesley CR GSO. eapowenng innorsy Baden: A famework for interaction. Marvord Revi 5-36 Suggested Readings ‘coon, P1953. Laerning fo lear na scind language, Possmouts, NI Heinemann. Feeeesce Hk GD9Ty, Teaching tt matitingualcasrooms. Upper Sade River, Nr Merl ren Hdelean,S. (986), Teaching English through content-atea ates. InP. Riga and V Allen (Eds), sn hey on allpeakEghc pp. 139-150 tana, I: National Counc of Teachers of Engh LANGUAGE FRAMEWORK PLANNING: Creating a Framework for Language Success ‘This strategy addresses the following TESOL Standards: Goal 2"To use English to achieve academically in all content areas Standard |; Students wil use Engh to interact in te Classroom, Standard 2:Stucents will us English to obtain, px i in process, construct, and prove subject matter information in spoken and written form. Suandrd 2 Suet wl ne prorat learn sates to orc and ply academic knowiedge, the language necessary for the students to be successful ina lesson and plans activities that this way. lnguage and’ content aequistion ace both eopponted. Th she spponed. The framework is shown in ————____—— i cons steerage PUN nae ds CQurea ancunce raunERONKFAMRNG: Gating » HanvalfrLegege Sees 8 sx secrion 1 sTHATEGUES FON Tepe | Activites | Language Functions | Language Structures | Vocabulary a [Contnme ee 7 qe Soci Fncion See soupe | Secegatte | Cire Treyareateuce, | ange ees it) SScchyamce | Dexrbne cae ae si pen Scare secu do aig nce ce | sermgatnne | Care he ioe | we ‘ ‘Rng arene Sicbyae | Dacre Bee =, care srisoneitiatec | Sater ps Dewee - oe eer = See ( ee 4 tee { ieamre 1 igure 9.1 ngag: Fron Poni fra Kd Seg Lon 4 Sapte A Waning ‘eadeicFonetons STEP BY STEP q Contig | | Cares ‘The tps in langage feamewor panning are Arlen ing language obectier Ide he lnguage tects fb kann be ut Le nt ee rcv tn: ersons of tngsege ae sete pte an sree Tie Seep che aon To lentes ojesves ask your ese queso Gurgolowng avectone "What are he lnguage demands of his pari son? " Down 1 hot are the langue evel ofthe student? J el to crete a checkin on wai you cin scr the fonction the ser ae Qucsionrg 1 Sacre esr to ie tem practic in sg fiction flange ae often areas A langue fonction checks showa in Figure 9.2 fae Identifying and modeling tracers Wiest the langage sre ht ee eels probes an panto node el ws cry the Ison f you ae rae ine of te codes languge, hese eco are exert elm ann ereing postin ‘ngnge less as shown a Figure 92. ee nieg afutrucional sequence Pian de sequence of he eso cating ct long te et ot sn ich tn angage fancies, rues and voabuby ae mode IRS thea raced by the den asa part of he acy Heer assessing and documenting student ana wa wo document the sunt ce ag te cose of he son ways id on 8 lesson 0 i fey Pansngredcing Sn ee ep ose of te lnguagencons and scores gained, Anecdotal records a4 Teeth de bh helpful in documenting ti ype of fearing Reporting Secvnsing Figure 92. facings hte Oe Parse Gin 72 ‘54 secrton ah STRATEGIES FR ENNANCING tmsTRUCTIOM Roberto anry23.—_Ghing directors to oey isting) tow we move i re Fert ado a moving pees round pane bet stingy tow a Feeney putt oy fe weeny pes spec bee he wee onthe bors Rabe GoM nett put on Be. He reaves oer and mows the game (Fe Joey ss "OR you meat UNDER he wee Raber ne Figore 93. Serpe ofan Aneta Record That Doct Langage Needs APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES 10 suppor ne ange emeworpancng canbe use algae evel an cos aes 0 upp erm ce seein For ample, i, Comes lanng 2 pet wg tev 0 Ee er ye saves to te mays formation phere or pay sources fm or cence ed He wan bis hd rae oleae (0 find ways to conve formation 2 See er He esis by riding sven ares om the Hcl paper concemng some ae eed by he cy coun which wl peal est the amovet of money being aaa ee ecu prograns, The ales name he cy coun sembos who vse {2 fos peape who cxpenenced the evens being sh Cerne pce tole ls Ter the cy’ inesteat in mer programs. Mr. Gomez ia eh ahouta be nteewed, including some ofthe peop who fob ieee under ie ie tents et the nae ofthe ed forthe continued Pe wads Tor ts summer progr, Mr Gomez then begs © pan the language I Sons that wil esp prepare Spotk plan showa in gare 8 usenet conduct Woah file ineniews, His language fame a CHAPTER LANGUAGE FRAMEWORK FLANAING:Ceatag 9 By planning ahead Mr. Gomes prepared to provide the suppor the students need 0 sx cealypanciate in the prinay soutee project He knows that many of hi salen ave ils uly eoping wal eademiclngunge, panel n production, Ae eat of thisthepanpation Ih dass severely rested To coumter the, Se Comer plans to model te tngeape stues 4nd allow the students to work veer in sll eterogencous pups so that they ean spp ‘ich other in preparing their questions and izes Me Gomez also plans to encourage the sles o Workin pus to conduc the ntenlews equrng each ofthe stunt 10s some Of the Mr. Gomes aware tha several of his Engl language ears te alerted in at ane e il encourage te xe student el their lpn preparing vise accompany thee epors He ts high hopes forthe sucess ofthis poet and is hopes teresa, [Enguage framework pinning espe help! with older Engh language eames, Pls fing to provide lange model for meeing needs spi o acide signee supports the patipaton and saccess ofall dens Ms rocks preparing eon fer he mie choot soci sence stds to demonstrate how to prepare a poet for Hisory Day, Because er cases conan many English lange are he eceso propane language fametor othe lesson Her ramewk pan showin igre 93 ‘As he Nudens parca n pining tel Htory Day presentations, Ms, Brock tae wo ab sere and keep recon of ther se of the planning proces athe lange asotted wah the es “on. she can then pin subsequent esone in which the students wl Rave oppor 10 we the history Tango tt they ae sequin n onion with han-onksone Sice is. Brock plans complete langage few rk lesion rum. decles Dat si ple planning form sin ener aa» language planing section to her basic lesson pla format Se finds hat shisves her ue, but zo eps her to remember to conser vale. language Sto, nd sruares in al he lesson plang Hers lesson pla oat show in gure 4 Tone | acme | tngnge romeo | anges Scares | Yeetlry woe : . @ men Sevenaret | Seon t fete | Cocrs waters | cue wa |aous bua — femte | See me a oi | Base Recs | Sa Sequencer vos yesesevert | Erlang Hewaaugeee 7 | Dita Resear qe =| pamani | gamce | vem | Bae As = = s ‘Questioning, Why dd you... 7 ‘locate: ore = Rotew. Soe foe panning | Eepinng Youre pan Describe fe peas | iw Se Desi . ms somes Gan Peg pemerees | ae Tae rece [comers | te ae 7 cere [Soma [tania — ~ — — 7 were | coma Tharapercitn | Core reach to Coamer sanee ce “This happened | Cossltoct Sa | rowwre | So 5 = es cert. | fen cette = - : ~ ‘Asking questions: Doyou...? meg because ‘Document Figure 94” Hie Gome’ ngage Framework an fo Piary Source Pec pease ——— se secon ob STAATSHES f08-ERTARCNG IHSTENCTION RSH FLAKING xe evan bet Language Objective: Neca Focus Linings Fureons to Mode Lange Str ose ei owe Prono for Diornces Nese: Trgt ter Leon Refecion Tito Base Leon Pan Format Figured ngage Frarewer Fang a es CONCLUSION semua omc hig ncn pose Scncasay te ie seatbecn EXAMPLES OF APPROKIMATION BEHAVIORS RELATED TO THE TESOL STANDARDS PreK dees wi yr aneninte language are tab an answer guesions TSAnge and scone of ers in itercing veal {8 sans wt: rs eng mans nen eng 1 SES SST ee eng snd wig aie 9-12 dns wl wal ontving a elé-cacton to bul woesulary 1 Mina owe sucoeas and set aeacemic goats wre th, NH: Heinemann, SKILLS GROUPING: Planning for More Individualized Instruction “This strategy adresses the folowing TESOL Standards Goal :To use English ro communicate in social settings Standard | Students wal use English to parcipate in sci! interactions Goal 2:To use English to achieve academically in all conten areas Standard: Students wil use Engh to interact in the clasroom. Standard 2: Students will use English to obtan, proces. construct and provide “subject matter information i spoken and writen form. ‘Standard 3: Students wil use appropriate learning strategies to construct and apply academic knowledge Goal 3-To use English In socially and culturally appropriate ways Standard 2 Students will use nonverbal communication appropriate to aucence, purpose, and setting. als grouping (Gibons, 1998) i the st of sranging student in groups based tei nse for insrcton ina specie il Skis grouping is dane for x sho peo of i, sul Tor ona few lessons, and is fective ony hea the groups are base onthe eichers Kaowede (the language nd sl evel ofthe scr the eseion for grouping based on tenes ‘erwiton of specie matmsonal ace. Thi grey enunes te daliery of emprchense h Dut because the lesons ae planned to foe Teoing a the siden’ preent evel of funcloning (ashen, 1985) ‘Sls groups tend vo be hetogeneous fra reading Ives and cveal sade iting ane concerned A sls ibup might consist of stants ending on snge of lew Skis goxpe {coi of stents witha specie inaroctnal nea or instance,» group of stents wo ae mot Using quctton marks corey or pou of suet who need ssarcton in solving math Pos lems involving feacsons ils groups are used ellecively ia the teaching of langage age eA ing, guage at, and mater sil 7 se SECTION 1H STRATEGIES FOX ENHANCING (NSTRUCTION 1 STEP BY STEP “The septa inplenenting sil rouge 1 Observing and docnerting langage eet vp 2 mt forcing rt do mening aan ngage level feng and cstoom peformanc, Se the ane I pfomance smog steno ths te for sggesons vee 1 petewmg needs for iaracom Treur review the eco ou Rep he ders lol fatg nec for ecion sn amnion wich ten Form sel rps based on ese commonases ‘peviguing ant impiemonting essons—Desgn eso 10 tach te kl for whic the scorect owe tad pe munis pracice exp name eee fein eh mt od ge he oy pants Fae eee ance. Asa folon p tothe lemon ive the det an ater rare neal peng Oe ie sue fhe all eae tk SECEE San oe tens whe ae ing he il eel nd pan aoe eso os tee re stem eed Rr nnn Se ste 0 oe cl wed nom iM acing silo rope Note at he sloop are very ex omen ea en sence Te sudeis who achieve the jee of telson ae Inthe nem poop of students reviewing thes APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES Berar Jaton ora ty ea hi cone fonts grader in Ms. Sess Cl ewan sean os ove ‘nd Tey meting he ven fae oh ics oak a ting noua ee ay ty were chat Ther ea ‘ey dbp scone pron ef he bak th wan ed ut aya hea tne rs lingo th cof dys hom fl ot Wt at a eat sce ag wen ky rin te Seco tne nade who ae amply sma he eve 9 = ae ee eect chraces Se dae hs enon on pospecve-uing 8 e6e. Figue 101 MeO oxen Pinedo ae 2 ~ coe / ~~ Felon pth Docent ee sort pce wt a stes ne Sole oan seuian | Figure 102 Aine: ofthe Character in Chapter | of rss Web Becnuse the studens ae all fae with Chavote's Web, Me, Beran decides to we that book ‘aan example nthe perspective tsking lesson. She looks thug thesimution ural se er fies the students whe a nor wating fom the perspective one ofthe charter and she ele the ‘pop together, Ms, Bertin begins by reading aloud the is chap of Cartes Webto te tudents. Se then 2s the sudons to name the characte roduc in the capes As the sadess name the charac te Ms Beara its he character names eros the op othe haar, She then ake de ders "6 wht ty know abou he carats See Figure 10.2 fo the li characterises they created. _Alerthe srs fhe characte ae ised, Ms Beran ae athe cl wevison ews epner ‘na 2s each stent ake the oe one of Bie ve charac toed in the caper Ms Besar lun aks each charac questions abo the momingeventsonthe Asie farm and the mens pcm to be the character and answer the questons fm the pon of vew of the character they ate Py, “The sud paying Avery acts 28 though he were gute wth hiss the ser plying Fer as rer eed that sheave hee of Wb thera pie. The ster laying Wir ith We hlp ‘fa pig poppet teste nes repone how grate sat Fer sve i de Gere & Foy 1997, Ns. Bein hs prepared ve simulation fuss, each ane dened wah he name of one of te five characters inthe et chapter of Charles en ers tna. Me Bema a hes ents decide what Fer would wre that day about her aenture Ms eterna ie tens De folate thesemences and she chooses one sien oe the group scrbe Ther ety saya, Dea Dis, “Today Tsaved ae. My dad wae going olla rant pig jst because he was too sal 1 grabbed his ax and ed on igh sa "Would you have killed he had been sll t Di" teied oe ad now have charge of ty pg Bos, Avery mad He want ign ad sos he ony gles out pigs early ise. Mae ery wont 8 30 az afte hs. tly exesed named the ide pig Wibvebecuse sch» prety name Fern Aes the group wrote the etry fr Fern they i oural ens foreach of he other four chat ‘ters todced inthe chapter Ms, ersaran concluded he lesson by seining the sets he ‘hey ace all wring simulation ournaefor the book they are reading in teading woop “Today, 1 wat you todo exact what we have done with the characters fom Chair’ We, Read your chapters and then tl the evens in the chaper rom your crates pot of ew. Pre ni tobe the charter and explain how you fel ad what happened to fou Ms. Beta ye You have uouble geting sed, rie yor hand. Or come back ad lack at the oral ents ‘we'made about the Chavis Web characters toy." ‘As the stadt complete the snlaton fourm hat day, Me, ererian reviews them wi he students Seis hall ut vo of te stents on nds what to Go aw ie pp {hose wo students ae able 1 ake thew characters pesepetve inthe ural eres, Me: Berean ‘lan fo monitor those two stents ens carefully fora few dye to suppor the suet pes, Specie aking ithe nidntsarestl expeencing cfu, No Becatan wa forma ew sll poop forthe wo suing students and teach anche lesson on perspective tal for ose we sr do secvion 11 stuutecies FOR ENHANCING INSTRUCTION THROU PLANMIXG sie Tyler i reading his 1h grade eats, and he notes that a mumber of de students are av acy withthe proper ue ofthe homophones tee ter nd bye. As ead hee rare ence it ofthe nents wo ar si ontsing Toe words, Ai ee nts ee as confused sbaut when touse an spostope ip Several of these sare sues ce eo Eazapastophes mappropetly wih poo, sometimes cresting ee they realy eae ee afc Mr Tyler completes the reding ofthe esas he ste kl aroup is ae = eae Ret pe al arse ofthe cls tne each ay Forte next week 10 work on these specie sls Sane usted the eed for sels ging is ase. He has an ana problem ‘coast ln eet for oly 30 mines ade mt ind ne to each ils ours ie nom ‘ee ln of me sds a he ses who 89 not seed this nsiction. AN ei Te Mine tedens he has serie 5 inoang simple gran and vocabulary inte esas cre ele wing las, he ees hat he caren ignore these ears msde near ing igh school gradation, Mae ic eng pup assignment son tha wl enable him teach te ils as en tied sn mt mean te momenta fr te resto is las. Then he dies each las into o> are ite goupn He eases no ils group 0 work with him op dhe sis he as eis. Fara eee econ incouperve groupe to nif 2 Wing gal and design a presentation Terie css wang tera to deronstte the ways in which diferent authors aceapish hs a tec by conduc» baistorming session In which dhe class ntifies some eee nee ai diey have The lt incudes wing pood logue, bulking ension sn he px ee tare wcablay take the wring cresting, developing stretcher eee dng he wee of mtapr and sme, deernlng appecaches to retina 0 deve ping problem aad ston. Eitan i generated, Mi Tyler dvds the students ino cooperative grove placing ame rude a bse fto cach he coopemtve groups. Tie coperve groups ec Kn TEI Marrs rscuch snd bein lone athe erate they have been reading for on eum Te er cil isl grup together and ioduces the problem his covered n ean thei Sarge ya be working ih thi small group for shor time each dy fora we Belp let Siossome a probe tht discover in ead your esnys,”e begins Mi. Tle es an Teast othe dileences among the homophones er et ad hg We aed os pean SEEPS de be used cone He sends he dens back to thet Cooperative roups 9 De eee cumple ded forthe grep peenatios On the way the professional wstts 3p troche goats temed by dhe dace The sls group hs one added task They ae to i Proc Scnine tot demons 2 conect ease of te bomephones they ae studing and SSEPAIGES ene somence tar cmploys each he homophones. For hes rk at righ the ils Serena's paragraph wo be writen abow an imaginary group of people. The sl grovp Sets way ous al tee forms of the homophone in ther paragrDh. fr yess hat the pte he est vp mesh wel He wens neds for sk groups a thee tots tie for coopers grap work, whch can coninve wile he conducts quick ds sree rae flows up with sho sesigmenss in which he monkors for uaderstanding ofthe kl Frese ae addons technique to help the sudent in mmtring thet own progress. He pl re oe the sl cr vocabulary tls forte sens wo atch othe ise cove ofthe wi Sa abe eto they eum any astgnmcrs dey ost work collaboratively wi another ste ate rennet wring forthe types of eons at give therm Gest. Meer finds Param efiteretens aware ofthe ero they ae commiting hes them to sel-sonior and se ret The) ae relight se ofthe Eng language vai, 195) CONCLUSION sls grouping ta wy o prove focused nstricton fr sal groups of sudents with hurd neds. REO loupe fee created io aes» specie nod, they are not long-sancing ovps, eee ie enable ae praciced aad montered, aed the groups change, I some dent courte SHILL GROUPING: Pla Tor ate ction 6 ine fuer sen, tht i who need Tis form of eae incon, ht tn provide but ony thas who need Tis ‘Ena inthe chan ae ghen suger slon hem rte thee est aes a ; ri a o : ms : me theo rc he sea appropri aes [EXAMPLES OF APPROXIMATION BEHAVIORS RELATED TO THE TESOL STANDARDS Pek a wt + capes eds nis. 1 Saas vera iteracion o Engl 48 sens + fallow both inp and exc ol detons 1 Gitte ona 9.32 desl + parigateacively in small group nections, + Tsten to nd expand an the verbal explanations of eer. References bom P93) erin orn naan agua Pan crcl A. & Fk (3997). Crnconter te case: a De eo cae 6 ee Se ve Mee a ARNE eens cr ae, S985. Te pl yt ss and npc. New Yor: Logan, Shain 993). The cotp iypatheis Jus Spe mn 999, Te apt pats psig sod ng he Gan ‘Whe, EB C1952) Chars we New York arper& Row. qe “ SECTION | qe (> STRATEGIES FOR SUPPORTING ¢ STUDENT INVOLVEMENT the English eames wel ges you, he ences, f re tude progres. gee ee es TOTAL PHYSicAL Response: | | Integrating Movement Into Language Acquisition This strategy aderesses the following TESOL Standards Goal I-To use English to communicate in sail settings Standard 2 Students wil use earning strategies to extend their communicative competence, Goal 3:To use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways Standard 2 Students wil use nonverbal communication appropriate to aulence, purpose, and setting Standard 3: Students wil use appropriate laring strategies to exten theic socolngstic and cultural competence. sl he ae ay ‘Gracy the eacher® deronsirstinw are removed and the stdeavs spond ton eral cot STEP BY: STEP ‘he steps teaching tol physical sponte lesan ‘000, Sich a eral rection, clr nd pas ofthe boy. am lit the wen the soe feed i know. Think o simple commande that can be given sing the tsp veaulay an te ‘equi a movement response such 35 Sind up "Sit own. “Touth Your hes” or how me the ed Wack NG STUDENT HHVOLYEREAT os section 1 staatestEs 1 « troducing vocabulary gradualyInsotce two «tree coment fe ging the on ecanog aly, Fr example, “Sanu” accompanied by sanding Hae rr can odo eh you seduce the nex command and demons Afr yOu Me sce command, nose he, si emersang andexcareging dents response Dropping the phystal modeting—Née he males have practiced the commas you Cee nese appear toknow watt do witht wating fr your demonsraten, sere SEsonmton and envowsge thom esd to he vera commands. sadngwdtiona conmands-—A00 nen corns, no mre an hee a ne vas a i re corey nce ew orrand, pace ut es appa ‘ow ot oo nd then rp the demons ing adonatresponses—Pid new ways for the dens denon thei oo en eee relay beng pactors—sich pain 0 pcre, raving pres tk Ser wn commen to 268 prac ad ae we the den’ ae gain Sater vrntnggemes for addtional practice—Fiay spe wth 2 ser voles ging he ee ite coon, Grail emeage EE YORE (0 BE Saran se amoral sping the words: Never force siden peak te ‘rma Wut unt nyse conden eng 0 volun veocesing student progress and wnderstanding—Becase sents ae ponding fo coe ot pen coy document ihe pogens, ake 4 checks othe aoa eee spa hep ack! the commends th stdens knew aomatally. hose eae eg ads sure to decent when studersvoleet oe ede nt aan ice pase Share he ings you hae documented wih the dents nd o> Eee tne APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES ate-Tons kindergartners ze leaning the nae of body pas Because he hes a aumbes of Eng Ta eamge tines inte ec, Hr Tong decides vo tse fll physic response to suPPOR ia ere nm fhe bog names forte pr ofthe boa He begins the lesson by sy aoe you ada he dennnnsns, He masens fo the sens jo hi in ar a oecneh mode ati mes theyll i ead He ten ode, “Touch out chin” aa peers ic aermaes te vo commands for a few mimes and then als, “Tooch ye ora repeats thee tee commands seve nes before he drops the demonsations ad sive chal commands He wees the sens careful abe rope th desvonsraton fo Be nathan ie Soden ae al sl tofollw along He contin hs gun for fe devs ‘Pike son capone commands o ouch or pit othe ens cs, or er eps so {he oe oes hoe, andy a and ew Soe a eee or ur he cbseres te sé-t=espondng Yerba conuande to en iy slvaftbe puna lhe boa The second ame e plays wth he sent volves dh da Toor eee than Tons bop br droog 2 ce He accompa the raving of {Be cc he teen Ta ving exo See ja luntean to der each of the rst ofthe body pas on the cha. Hef sow Sri he body waa rues for sets come up and pint to body pans of the deaming aes cies tht sever fe ude ing he same ofthe boxy pats in theo comput phe csom, che plas ue that wa naive sens ing desos 0 (HAPTEN 1 TOTAL PRDSICAL RESPONSE: tcagrating Movement fa Language kesiition 67 Englih. Mt. Tong begins the game by domonsating. He pa the suerte and tells pas the sudent and eller 0 toch ‘eds nde dente with hs pes Then fe hm och ad, demonating wth ‘ire. He abs fora volume to give he diectione and one cid eagcly sesh had [Me Tong gies up his partes to pie wah the volutes chi’ partner an Reeth vente ‘o demonstrat te commands asthe studem gies the drains andthe other flow ther. Thi fae played for ew minis ay oa wek ieee & cance fo beth lender. Even the nave English speakers coy plying Ns. tope caches Seven grade cnc nd she conser abt ay wih hese Be ‘aus: she tans ome sue that very under e sfly rosde de ecdest ach ‘hem dough aul psc apse eon he inode: he ee pb esky a ae buen ante econ the Bese a pr cca the beng eso wh ‘sme tues ff Sbe Scns racy how top tebe oe ee ld dees srs np cy ep a pee er she se tat the sens vrs the tee and de Wt he aco emontton, she ope the deecons wot demonsttng a she walks rund eon cai Las ces te oes ny ie aseing ga fom be pcre Der sping eh re, de es thn erie ho rade ‘tine fey precrotns, The nest ayo ano ace eng fhe aes oe feces be elowed incase ofan emergency, She wl reve eo xn te aon ray lesson bere she rods CONCLUSION -Anovgh alps espanses ae gener used wth et young cite o gh ange ere {x wih very re Eng owe ey cn bene ob new roedes and voue iy inne Fue os may wn hs we cece isle fesponse an ace lsming approach fr supporing comefcnia na f= seis ature Tee 9) or eson tay pops Eg age rea aches ale. Tol pyc spots so highly lec in enching ocala section Tec circ atin nn sd wing. poi uti tres in order, ary ster pyc ope tat enue 2 ‘ve involvement and verihes understanding. ¥ Pawel sexpeve Ba mee Movement directions and. t down re up wth rn Movement dren ow So up. walk ran ied ip ete) + Color words 1 Nerber word Swe 05 ore Peper pass reo Ga coon ehh et Cioreon pocearee nee) 1 Coram wcaepce srs Figure 11.1 Applcans Tol Phys! Reponee ‘os section 1) staatetes ron supponring stuoear iwoereaeyT | EKAMPLES OF APPROXIMATION BEHAVIORS RELATED TO THE TESOL STANDARDS PreK-3 mudens wl: + observe and mate motlons of thes 1 Ate pctiond mation appropatly ins. 4-6 aden wil: 1 use knowledg of the clasrocan sting © determine acceptable behavin ASE cheration to determine appropriate phi sponses 9-12 eden wa: Sper and nate the spech and actions appropiate in particule even sition. 1 Saint respansessccoting to sei setings References se, J (982), learn anator lagu row ations The compete aces ‘Gam Cs Sky a “soeteamam om SERS SS 88), The manual appre: Langage aeztion tm he clasroon. 0 Ton Poon Pres “ee tos SHARED READING: Demonstrating How Reading Works ‘This strategy adocesses the following TESOL Standard: Goal I"To use English to commonicat in socal settings ‘Standard |: Students wil use English to participate in socal interactions. Standard 2: Students wil interact in through, and with spoken and writen English {or personal expression and enjoyment. Standard 3 Students wil use learning strategies to extend ther communicative competence Goal 2:To use English to achieve academically in all concent arene Standard [Students will use English to interact inthe dassroom, Standard 2 Students will us Englsh to obtain process, construct. and provide subject matter information in spoken and writen form. Standard 3 Students wil use appropriate learning strategies to construct and apply academic knowledge hare reading (Hokiaway, 1979) 4 artey that teachers wet ud books, chan, and ther ces th stidens when Ihe text toa ef for te tant to read independent. Stents and teacher rad the text aloud oper Even when the sent cannot reat aon with he Each, they ae hearing dhe wowds pronounced asthe eye elo the text Inte primary Rade, lange books wh big pit—called big booke—are used tna groupe of ten that ee. fone cn sce te llstauons snd eat (Depree & verse, 1995 Shared eng can sno be dae with _tukiple copies of sl books, poet chan, song is, orany wat slong a student and each Gall ace the wore Tompkins, 1997) ‘sing shaved racing wh Enlich language lures is appeopse because the teacher has op tino use duration suppor worsulary developmen to we Hnkalod sees exch robemsoling approaches ana tantra vera nections 6 soppon compeenson (Cibbons 5993) When using stared eacng nth Bgl langage learners Bovomes expel pon © laud tskgpound knowles ant epee that hep te tet undead the sean of Un {ea The lan sateen ht can taught thr shared riding sre sown in Fgue 12 1. “ Se “Trae the wor ops in tise” "Pot othe word wh the poi” How woul you hs sere” ‘Word ng “Borne be ase cre maroon ering "Vow yoo be essere are ea To ou kw wares make” one ‘meaning, “Show me the picture that shows you what that word means” ore “Awe Tb we ae Beading wah xresion “How woud sy Teena Ton wat aa wore ae? fea has Renée prt ta tp you understand what he word ssh mes (Un oferta er meaning "adhe art hata you athe heard he nae ser ‘ead fr ches inks . wert ob Peano cntirn aad te prt a sou why ba was rere Figure 121 Sir and Siraeyjes to Teach Trough Shred Peg STEP BY STEP + Introducing the text—Intotuce he book of ts, When using a book, examine the cover sand pres from te dsttons on te over. Encourage the tants oak about expences they Tave had that elt othe rope ofthe book, char, or poe " + Reading the book and tracing the print Rou the book or oter tex alo, racking the swords a you ead so te suet can rea along, Use 3 pole to rake sure the studs ae Took- Ing at and saying the word with you, Tey may not kaow all be were, bu they wil hear you ro- ‘ounce thom a you pat 0 thet, Stopping for discussion and Prediction-Stop st appropiate tines to discuss what happening ote prcdet whet wl happen next, Use the listrasons to help support understand Ing of worse. ask sete to psnt to pans ofthe lustatons to chow comprehension of “TEeasor stents Inte try. Involve the stidents in acting out movement words and sory events Torenforce meaning es e eo « o ey ey ch ae o as eetece caarten 12 sung READING: rating Wow Readiog Works 7H + Encouraging verb fateractions—Encoarage siden 0 tlk about the sory. Go back through the hook and ask them lk cbout what happened on each page. This ia chance fr the students to practice eral language and incorporate new Wocsbuly othe wteling of he sory. + Rereading for addtional practice and exposure—Reres the book © tex sever tes, tracing with a pointer Eocourage inclidalsudens to ake tr eacing a page or ein loud, ‘ie the pointer or tm the page. + Practicing wth small versions ofthe text—Aes tans have ead the tent evel es, "hey can read stall copes of the book or text hidependeay or iat thee favorte pat Of the _sary and wee about APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES Ms, Baker and her kindergarten sudents ae doing 2 shared resdlng of Caps for Sale Sloe, 1964, Before they end te book, Ms. Baker show te dente ore teat ap They ows Ah diferente between hat ad a ap. Tey examin the eferet cps and talk south shape oad ‘olor f each, Ms. Baker reminds the Suen ofthe Curious Googe tories (Rey, 194) ta they have ‘ea together and tls ther thatthe wll met some mere monkey in he book the wl rd toy. ‘When Ms Baker reves the cove ofthe book, Jana exams, see the monkey” and hops op 10 pst other “Yes Ms Haker ys, "These ate monka 9 his soy Theil of the hock is Ce fr Sal ale (fa Pedi, Same Moneys and Tot Money Bsns That long te What do you tae tears” “The man inte tee i sling expe vin suggests “fou are right, Kevin” Ms. Ble says. "He sells cape” Se pont to the perc the ove. "Weisel per A peer sls things” “Wit do you think i means when say tal of peddle, some monkeys, sl thei mney bosineso” Me Baker tk “Wy dad says No monkey business * Our sas. He sys that when he wats uso be goed “es, monkey buses is beng sy, Me monkeys” Ms Baker saye "We wil se what monkey ‘busines is when We zead the book” Ms. Haker ope the book ad begins to read, pag othe ‘words a she feds them. When she get to the ref “Capt Caps for sl” she encourage thes eas to read with he. When she gts to the pan where te monkeys mite everything the per oes she asthe tudents act ot what the peer ad the trnkeys do. she sop to have te st ens presi several ines ding the tory, and se pos wo pcturs 38 he ays word tht igh be ‘unfair othe todens They ee ll very involved in the read he soy ‘Aer Dake an he ers read he sory sever tem dhe gee cap oi aga a ve te atadents howto sack them ike tbe pede inthe sory Gi. The caps sid seve copies of fe book ae placed inthe cramate play re, where the stems at a tat ey Can ac the sey later Ms Baker sugges that one person can pretend tobe the pees ae cers cn ae the pars ofthe monkey, “af you foe what comes nex ate soy the books wl be tere tele you" Mx Baker ay. "Jus loo athe pictures an the wor in the book ae you wil emembe hat happens nex” Ms. Baker fen uss big books in her kindergarten cnsoom. The lage itso hep her to ‘each new vocabulary She ins hat he ngs language lems follow slong wi dhe et ofthe S- ents 5 they read the books and enjoy sing se langage from the book eel the saris Ms, Movs wses stared reading withthe English language larers in her sbi class as they read Sb (ayer, 1951) together The stents each fave an indedual Copy ofthe book ‘Ms: Moa introduces the new chapter by Raving te students review what his hapoened ithe Hon fr i ny es ok cove fhe Dok nd edi a ey ik ap pen ater ist caper they ac out the evens the Gay when ot The ‘econ yey dass the cape om te revi ay Dafoe they red the second caper "Think Dads going o ind the owner ofthe dog owe peas 72 section 1h StRATEGIES FOR SoPrORTING sruDENT LivOLTEHES Ae Marty found a dog. He named him shiloh because he found him near the Shiloh mountain. ae? He found out that the dog belonged to his neighbor on the mountain, Judd. Judd was mean to his dogs. Marty nid the dog and fed him part of his meals each day. He built @ pen for him So he wouldn't run away. ‘im a one night another dog attacked Shiloh in his pen. Marty's dad found out about shiloh that hight and took him to ‘the doctor’ s: eh & Judd found out that Marty had the dog. He came to Marty's house and demanded thet he return the dog. Shiloh was afraid of his omer. Marty went, to Judd’s house to tell him that he wouldn't return the dog. He caught Juda shooting deer out of Season and made a bargain with him to work in return for Shiloh. He worked very hard, but Shiloh was his. Figure 122 Anitaraed Retaling of Sard Bok | ig aan re tee ee APTEA 12. SHAHED NEADIEG: Demesstrating Mew Reading Works 73 ‘Not There wont be a tay ie do does ty," Manuel ints. “Marty wl get 1 Rep hi ‘No Ms dad se thi the de Delong ois neighbor” Grace reminds Manel “Lets real aa find out" Nh Nn spent ‘The suet rea the sec chapter othe ok—soing to ds the meanings if wordy sae out me wor ae rea Tr deny tie they une ove Word Me Mowe md the Mo fn eiding of passe adh the sles pct the sg, resco th ht, Whe ‘he op fines eng the econ pte MH hs thc I the crete he try fr Ms Mg ake hel dtm nd wate the sentences on erence sm placing the ene ss ‘mente inthe potke chat The studenten Ae os eed ded sya Ae as shored reading he ders cap the sentences ons ps fa lank kt Me Mas supple oe fh an nd they Dusit each pe. As Ms ene en ve mo ket he tren Alerts ay they wil eh Ive copy a the lingo Sah, conte wh he Potato, On the dst ks stn i Fe 122 CONCLUSION Shared meding is ws ees ade ve for many pups For emergent ede she ing Isa wy to model comeepe aut pit se as reg eo righ sng om he lp Tne eng the i pend the porn of puto marks. Facer neem shed Inga srategy wed wo supp Boney. vali dampens, By eng oer ulesein se competes esgic mel at the pi inant wh hey ae needed Teachers hive a chance we dressrate wh they do cht cone dlc words tn et opis Palneup aeties ca incade prot hat regen elven wih the honky so ‘etlings simulation pura oration opportunites ew thee sae range ad olonstp projects tat teacher sal stents she ey understanding EXAMPLES OF APPROKIMATION BEHAVIORS RELATED TO THE TESOL STANDARDS Pre tues * sen to anol shane eng 4 imate acon late wo oryhonks explo aleve ways of ying things, * make connections between saris and personal experiences 9-12 dents wl: ‘se comprebension strategies to mike sense of et 1 connect new voc ta past expesienees. References epee H & hese, 5. (196) Early dere the laseo: A mew standard or young readers otal Wi. Wes Group {Gbons, 1933) Lauri lara ona scond language, Ptah, NH Heinemann. okay, D. 0579 Feundanons of rey. Auckland, New Zealand: Aton Solas Daylor R991), Sb. New York Baum Double ej, H. A. O94). Cts Gorge Bosom Haughton Min Sabodkna, E968). Cap fora tale of a pad, some mks, and tr many buses New York’ Harper Cols ‘Tomphins, ©. (997) Literacy forthe 29 century. Upper Sale River, N} Mel retice Hs LEVELED QUESTIONS: Adjusting Questioning Strategies to the Language Levels of Students “Tis strategy addeesses te following TESOL Standards: Goal 2:To use English co achieve academically in ll content areas Standard |: Students will use English to interact inthe classroom ‘Standard 2: Students wil use Englsh to obtain process, construct and provide subject matter inforation in spoken and writen form. Standard 3 Students wil use appropriate learning strategies to construct and apply academic knowledge ‘Capone to them accor othe langue aeqlston sage Kresen & Teel, 1983). To evel ore Fe was mnt abner he ska ete hom they interac ip Bish Once the ere kas te level st wich the ster trac a Engl the tions the eacher poses 9 ‘eatucarcan he sed tase the ste secs answering This may vole he teacher Xing ees tal wing the speech sly while asking the qoestion, The tac sks he TESS. way tha eneorage the step © answer by pong w visa, ng = one-word SER els comple semence or exlantion depending on the tans Hvel of lage 3c ‘Gobiuna The eachers oe in using ths statey ovoves Frown he stuns lve of Eris 6 SUikon and providing. eraugh coment In the question 50 ha the dent ean respond, either aly or naval th understanding and coniience La ar wed when reaches au the way they sk questions 0 tht stents can STEP BY STEP “The weps in uring leek quesbons ae + Observing and documenting students’ language levels—Obseve your sen t0 deer rine tbe coer lees of eatin ingle, Ons css i, nate whether ec tent a {he preproduction st early prdecion sage, speech emergent stage, of termediate Mercy roe Se Pure Ta. fora Gecrpon of sider Eaglsh proficiency ak cach of hese sages This Tata nro be keep to date a you work was the stdens and observe the sponte " == = CPTEL 13 LEVEEO QUESTIONS Ajing Ou Stee 6 Sage ‘Appropriate Expectations Preprodicton Noir simi acy demonstrating Lamy producion | One-eresowordrepones making aes ram gran angange samples (Sse ora soph Speech emergence | Pras or rt artes ewe grammar ers) Irene foency | Longe somtanaas eae rnin errs Figure 13:1. Appropsite Expects or Students at Dileen Seenh Soaps Sage Prpreditan re Ey roducion ‘iette —___ ce ort over (Quesons it canbe answered wah one rt words Speech emergence | Did his happan at the bgeang ora the end “wnt append ext “were iyo Sn one” Irsrmesite tere | Howettyou. 7 “Wht wath aac ting ooo" Figre 133) Aare Gus rp Adected Som Rasen BT 963, oe va ees and atbering materia Demin West, tat or estes Wi sc wih your eiingces tesdets nee acsndng fg ee Oar thes spon ated pn fe nay gee ber tht Els ngage lever fel mow comfosle pcan. ete Emenee undessning wh als appetite”? BE AE + Planing a hierarchy of uestions—Pan ses of eis that wil help you tvee your students and detrmin the velo understanding fhe materal you wil be tering nthe Seaining heli opm ses of quis iret es oat ou cn oe nd the room and use evels of qucsbons for aprropete sens wot 00 nich het + cone Sion. See Fgue 132 for sopgestons “ sores hoc engl tdents—t ifs sper ees a hc mae hj aye ioving al the dein esc sed going snd thi ou are sping lee of oor esos to er chnging rege asson vce EMRE hE ne secriow nh sTaareGies Fox SUPPORTING stupexT rivoLNE KENT + Assessing student progress and understanding —Use he checks you have crested for incr cn patton Observe few stdents ea da tl You tave examples of the Weal r= aera for cach aes. Wee hese reponse nto an anecdotal cod wo inde inthe st CORSRIREAI Sotto documenting enodie growth lathe aiies to respond to questions in ares ee dacuntion stp apply to te students progres in meting TESOL standards {od eo claro neocons an academe language (Gos 2a the beginning of this capi. APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES enced quesions can ied tal ge ees ain al euscular aes, or expen Ms Cais Fa ec he dren ave using muspoles to fun sets and bud rer senkencs. As tee es. ves sound te oom oberg he stent at work an asking questions she vais eee cra uaa uctonsacording tothe lngeage acquisition stags of her tients Ase stons val bi ae aks Hu to dow he a se of 3 coe. Because Hin funciona hep sano age in Engh, Me. Cats aks, “Show me 6" Hino quickly counts gt sx blocks nd Pee oe er dak Me Chanis say, "Yee! 128456. You showed te 6” She point the bcks ase counts hem and sist Hr Biae ssemence ston and wing 4 sentence form that hasbeen meee dring the sessed tection a Chan is sopporing Hav'ssicesflpancpaion nthe math won, As He tne eves to ther stodens she adjusts her questions to the lnguage sages he ere. eee ig tack ofthe dents with whore itericts by checking sei nmes of cn a i, ‘whch ao fs er to Keep tack ofthe tenis rguage sg. Se Chant ake am ey production sede t el fer how many Obes are i he ae ea speed emerpenee stent sk 0 ede ne sentence fr test f wo 0 Hoek. seaed Sin a of forge lock, intermediate Mooney stent asked 10 rel 2 toy aout wee et poup ef evo pgs ning soup of four pip wallowing he mid a ed sbecton allowed by «bret modeling o language help suppom the audens nina ne Eolch speech in er eal etracons Auden responds with one werd eee ia Chais musket we ofthat ane word ina sho setence. & sdk Wo aa ais short phrase wil hear cofimaon tht te pase scored, but then Ms. Chan TSP rahos mat audenre response by extending he phrase io a ll erence, Exen in ath, Jehan usue ofthe aed to contin’ scalflé language fr her English langane lene eve quentons are appropriate a any grade level as ong there ae dens who ned ther to socal pipe das nteraton. In Me Burrows nathvgrade las hee ate 2 muber teeta ngage arses who need wo have leveled queons ro pape in as scussons fd questioning pros eee aie enews the Coban mise xs whi stdents, he wants to dics the we son for neern othe tine Me Bunows errs a eis of questions fo hep hs sade fate ‘Gibe ohe map and ecogize the geoprapie proxy othe United Sats, which Was rhe re fen for concer Te arerge panijpation bya preproduction age stderr, Me, Burows sy “Sow me the coun af cube othe map. the sadearthen os the sup in the soot poi to Cabs Tie grows ks sa ely production student to got te ap and Joka arf e then ake he ase of he ocean sen wc Cuba is foste® Show me where you found that information on the map" Peete emergence stent he aks, “How fr sCab from the Usted Ses? He follows up tha quction wh a sues to Show Osba ad Hora onthe map. ie ute ney adr, Me Bucow mks, "Why as President Kennedy 60 con cera abut the bld-p of ms in ba inthe ary 60 ae and queion connor, and he map used to ensure that the sides ae able co eae an ones of the dsusin, Me Brows modes English sentences a he points 71D LEVELED QUESTION: Ae of Qesonig Sete tthe ge Lv of Sadat 7 execu tara ert et ey Soviet Untn was bung Up miss very cle to US dares Mr Burrows tas eas sl ng Seocaiess aes ate eet ae aa, Sarg petaeear nares comeeniaermatnce ste tnt ae ee as CONCLUSION er fd gus inte cara ge ha het Ko ae aaa race and rete sostepes The selevaluton checklist ia Figure 193 ponies (SRUPTESE china conferences the et of which make an infrate nec record Reedoutrecoras aed sels of he tre std cect oul be inluded Hn tal sen onto slong eth he sudertslf vation fers dang tachnology--Caltre ses ae a pefet format fo the itegrtion of rchnoloy. sea eof thet een sing te Interet. Using the Word proaesor 1 wie Se ean veny mating for many stents. Using ther compute Formats for eet ae cea pets makes the repos mee atetering as does he cretion of Powe oi de shows rage fat prseartons, Aj ove of echcogy ima proces should be documented the pom {Rho sad cated a an addsionalfrmat of efecve communication. APPLICATIONS AND EXAMPLES Me waanabe' fou grades have been studying Canna hia all year. they have expored the ae ere tne fom the pe-columba eetements and people ough medem day ire ion api popution ronwh They have crested time ne of he history of he sate wt tar lnmeaty mone As Mr Watanabe nvxuces te fia segment fhe uy of Calor er Pi sme puis of iE Thi pire cf my fan, Tis is my sania eee Surmodher Thi ny father sod his sy ees. And this sms He points the al Group Projects Activites Kendergrten | Famly pons | » Drawa ptr of our ante 1 Tel above what our fy eo do tose wering 1 Draws pcre a some work ht your ly does together sogeher {Te aoun how the works uided and who coe each got + Taba igen rman Goa Me + thar anyone your ny wo teaches ther people in ‘he fy how to do dint hat thes? ray | eves | + Gupte fin wari cr gop io a eilrent Chooong one apc st tne hve ‘te ude rtervew peopl her own cultural poupe shout how the parr pect repre (or ear, ‘pe we fee the portance of edt the rege or ‘irae sarc of cere colors the rea fos Ceitratins te vison of work et) Tewaywese_| + a serdar ry to seschnges |” sures ofton rg he ht Son terersion | perso goseston Questan sod ofl ogereaion | embers tod sho exrine how there carga ‘Bected the ee of tve and Be ake spon te fi Spee reat | sue sis he mon of Nr con ers roy | nson |Fovp onthe tory ofthe ea ton The chs cue omy nto shuld be eines rt to etermine the revo or rngrsion# ryote ory work itary ana how the occupation fpneraton ent ne Sir of he tea eaton The anges sl tera, ‘czas tnd places where te aired oud be ‘aroued to he area wend the ste raton and weed Fistor when apie Me ‘esac Seas ni tj stint schoo ‘history oe ore ‘pence praesere opendure cneneyhe ewes ‘euro rtd ee ren uy eo ‘ep orpeet he ctson of ooo ears ‘etree ora whe ov tre a fergage od tacos nO [problems or disputes should also be examined. "= Hehstoot | Neionbuiarg | sudews anne the moveneria histor which fect se bang orators ang how he cutie has flowed or ‘ere om the general wena The contro of wore, Iino he oft of word vets re a enscre pt fe balding of ron seo tha wee Th chnges ta ase hen pce te msec ea re anacereThe canactn cf tine Ins thd prs iy Fetes nro to word eens appropri Figure 19.1 Cultre Sues Approprte br Dirt Grade Love nec sn rer tr co hh CH Heyer 06 secriow in) STRATEGIES Fon SuerosTinG srupear invouvepEaT "tsp gonia ane pane tama ines serra ee mt acerca oe Bical fama iat peta eetiecnmecicnw boa) brcnes pas toner cbovos oor 1 Strata elon por ereermerestome beter vetiig eeeeamect ote pon sean toe ped eater Saiactoneke poy Tale gs ny ia ty ee meet * Pepe crouse tre ne tat hey Fenenber The frp team a mh you can seh torrieideuw neat area reer ign wea coset tee tr ey eases one acerbececty ~ 1 Sarasa pelea nr erste ne iia iipevete bennett ones nnethrton ss En onsen ssh Sadumpenesniearerenar en cee apnea ag isi Bos tte connec ook oer et rltectns eter vatgepiaises sinenre nc pcos Srrmracnasiengaet epee rte eset ann re isles bho nett eene _ Solsgrva se darecoasra ict seer yee ee erm “Wonsibendunienen com oeeitaasccascta acaeet ioe Rest Tati eT Gara ae sr you preset our cre ny cho ml you ae lhe folowing ES Fines theme stow ht ees a NyNaaatrg ng tosee eit Thee cine sting grea, NaS ie art pene rr nee rears he mn pista oma, T fave ced erator ay report Fo ews of peop my meron my pret groan andy gardsrems oer Prove eainfomaton hm reer sa then or ears at afte ny ‘nytt —— Tht ekdefoaton ny ear hee he ge in ees and pines fom ‘ice ced een iy resin my opr sth he ao” of my ars hertage Mra and recat il be seteta my Secherahe coneon of my por. Figure 1933 Chel or Gilnre Stay Reports a CueTen 19 aan ste: Ue ing Neeareh Sie an ut Home Coltri One Projet 107 tin he ptt. 1am going tl you sbout how my family’s tory Hs on eine line Cale omnia history we have crest ‘My grandlather wos a ficherman inthe San Franceco arc In he 1930, When the fpanese bombed Feat Harbor in 194, dhe American people heme very sipcous of al panese ope ‘The American government mene all he Japanese Fans frm the Wes Cost camp tat «hey could ot consi wih the Japanese goverment fo attack the wes est Of Ameri Te Pee ‘une showed you was kena the Mansarar Relocation Camp ena California where my ‘iyhvedtor four yeas. went toschoo there My hole any ned bein ahd wie ke erm ply becaune we were [space ee "ja woul tin that sar and father would he very ier aa spat of sey and lute were ted ly pens Breve sce a something that ws marae sh po Pl fghtened inne of war ae do real hg. Pa fy epanes cure he sl ‘stent that an oiporan pat of my ure hiking serene though that este “aon ote ht upret the higher tas of then. Afar we sone heute ‘she he ws inthe ebeaton ean He use the he Was gent cate seth Hes Waa plea cit ale the a iene under Jerry 2942 sha Mr Wate Sunny eso Manenar War Rekcaton Cap. He hen als sb we warns ach meet ‘he ast db an 3 pt ofthc nl yo Calta Non “as your fal sy f Caloris sty want you te nlm dhe members your Fas jour can een. you pete oder pple os know wh Delong to ou et Tah et Fr out bmn your family perp Ive bee in Cala, what ene them or ee i ia they plied name te Calor event that we haven sing. Hr pres > rt know the answers your questions ask your wandparens oer ppl nya a hs. What xr ays ean eu ink 40 gt inform aba the my ‘We cul took ol ptonrph lbs” it ae My endnote a any eta a he wk sof fan fen eacans That wl he ery ell Mr. Watna ay with se By thee of he ek th he Sung wa they ve cas nang event in the fac othe sade Some the ses sre saz at haw Tan some ofthe Mesican und Nath Amercian hve lve lem “though Mexia es were al pew nina el a My fay ey eed ‘alanis in 1980 Maras uml has been hee for generations. Compared th he fay We ae "he nee haa” Ms Jtroys recs 1hgrade English in 2 high school where most af the ste ae fom site Protest lanes, Ne hsband teaches te ame page Jee! subj in hhh lr soo! and they often dscss how dilerent he sets atthe tw schools sein he es ‘fhe work. One ngs, over einer. Mr and Ms efeys dice tha hey wast do a prog at ov hip the stems rom the ro schools get o know each oe andthe efeing Hemp ‘They decide sat eich of their tens should wet a clural wteboapy eo be shared ove the Ioternet with a student in he eters clas. The elley die 10 cl the pet "Curl Converse ons” They ben the dy by dentynga pec of erate tht they can expe wth he cases, ach student sash to reflect on the Incents discussed nthe book ad how # eles to she ‘stom, values, nd iteacuons in their on fais and cultural grep. The Jey coe fe bok a an! Simple a Woman’ oun othe amis, by Sve ender C189), bec te Hot ‘clleabout one somn sto snather cour and how the things she ane shout ae eer {se her to reflec her ov, ‘he Jets asign conversation pater fom tel out perl ches, They intend vo sa sal anc se how wel the project acceped. They agice to ead and seus the fine captor of ‘he book on Moy, having thle tudes retest on the chapter, tal to thelr fares on Honey Digit and post thei fist eal conversions en Toca “he fist chpier of he book tks about ow the author falls in ove with Amish gults—ieie sine designs and bold coers—und begins to think abot the Amish people. She compares het Lfestye and ales wi tise of the Aish people se wants fo estes aes of elm psc het le. As the Jefe ea the fat copter they stop periodical and discus their own Ines, vale,

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