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ID: 2017140832

Question 1
A hazard is a source of potential damage or harm to health to something or someone, like sharp
objects, chemical or electricity, whereas risk is the chance or likelihood of an individual being
harmed or has an adverse effect on health when exposed to a danger. For example, it is a hazard
to carry a sharp object in your pocket where there is a risk of getting hurt by the sharp object and
an example of a risk to health is expressed as, cigarette smokers are 12 times more likely to die
of lung cancer than non-smokers.

Question 2
Steps of Risk Management Process:
1. Hazard Identifications
This step involves the process of the identification of hazard and risk factors that may
have potential to cause harm. There are many techniques to identify hazards and one
technique is using the Fault Tree Analysis.
2. Risk Assessment
In this step, we are required to do analysis and evaluation of the risks linked with the
hazards like the positive and negative outcomes and also the possible consequences
which may or may not occur.
3. Risk control
For this step, we will be determining several appropriate ways to remove hazard by
isolating hazardous material from the workers or controlling the risk for which the
hazards cannot be eliminated by substituting the material with less or no hazardous
4. Monitor and Review
Risks and control measures must be monitored to ensure that changing circumstances do
not alter risk priorities. Also making sure the management plan remains relevant is of
great importance

Question 3
Risk Management is applied in a variety of ways in work place health and safety. First of all, it is
necessary for the risk aspects are to be identified during the work process and, appropriate
hardware or procedural controls needs to be developed to reduce risk to an acceptable level. By
means of regular inspection of risk control, environment monitoring, electrical testing and other
measurements, which has to be performed are required, so that the organization can maintain
risks at an acceptable level. Furthermore, information, guidance and training appropriate for
personal security shall be provided to all employees.

Question 4
Risk management is a process that identifies, assess and controls threats to the assets and profits
of an organization. Those threats, including financial uncertainties, legal liabilities, mistakes in
strategy management, incidents and natural catastrophes could result from a wide range of
sources. Therefore, any risk in an organization should be identified very quickly before it’s too

Question 5
Seven Steps in Risk Control and Reduction Measures:
1. Identify sources of hazard and their causes
First, it is important to identify sources of hazard and causes. This can be done using a
checking list with methods such as regular checks.
2. Analyze how and why the hazards could occur
Second, the analysis of how and why this hazard may occur within an organization.
3. Analyze the consequences of the hazards
The noting down of the positive and negative outcomes of the hazards.
4. Consider likelihood of the hazard and estimate the risk
the likelihood of the hazard is estimated and different plans are being made for
eliminating it.
5. Judge the acceptability of the risk
The risk is analyzed further, and the correct method of elimination is assessed.
6. Decide risk control options and implement selected control
This step implements the correct elimination method.
7. Monitor and review
Control actions will be monitored to guarantee that changing circumstances do not
change the priority risk as ensuring the management plan remains relevant is of great
Question 6
First of all, the likelihood of a hazard becoming a risk is estimated when the hazard is identified
within an organization. The impacts of the risk identified. In the final analysis, the risk exposure
on the entire organization is noticed and with the control measures, the removal or replacement
of the risk is commenced.
 Ccohsca. 2019. Ccohsca. [Online]. [23 March 2019]. Available from:
 Techtargetcom. 2019. SearchCompliance. [Online]. [23 March 2019]. Available from:

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