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S T D . A G M A bOLO-F77-ENGL 1777 m Ob87575 00057077Lb =

(Revision of
ANSI/AGMA 6010-E88)


Standard for Spur, Helical, Herringbone

and Bevel Enclosed Drives

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Standard for Spur, Helical, Herringbone and Bevel Enclosed Drives
American ANSI/AGMA 6010-F97
National [Revision of ANSI/AGMA 6010-E88]
Standard Approval ofan American National Standard requires verification
by ANSI that the require-
ments for due process, consensus and other criteria for approval have been met by the
standards developer.
Consensus is established when, in the judgment of ANthe
SI Board of Standards Review,
substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests.
Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily
unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objectionsbe considered, and that a
concerted effort be made toward their resolution.
The useof American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not
in any respect predude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from
manufacturing, marketing, purchasing or using products, processes or procedures not
conforming to the standards.
The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and wil in no
circumstances give an interpretationof any American National Standard. Moreover, no
person shall have the right or authority of an American National
to issue an interpretation
Standard in the name ofthe American National Standards Institute. Requestsfor interpre-
tation of thisstandardshouldbeaddressed to theAmericanGearManufacturers
CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical publications are subject to constant improvement,
revision or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any personwho refers to any AGMA
technical publication should is the latest available fromAs-
be sure that the publication the
sociation on the subject matter.
[Tables or other self-supporting sections may be quoted or extracted. Credit lines should
read: Extracted from ANWAGMA 601 0-F97, Standard for Spur, Helical, Hemngbone
and Bevel Enclosed Drives, with the permission of the publisher, the American Gear
Manufacturers Association, 1500 King Street, Suite 201, Alexandria, Virginia 2231

Approved October2,1997

This standard includes design, rating, lubrication, testing and selection information for spur, helical, herring-
bone and bevel gears when using enclosed speed reducers or increasers. Units covered include those with a
7000 feet per minuteor rotational speeds no greater than
pitch line velocrty below 4500 rprn.

Published by

American Gear Manufacturers Association

1500 King Street, Suite201, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Copyright O 1997 by American Gear Manufacturers Association

A l l rights reserved.

No part of this publicationmay be reproduced in any form,in an electronic

retrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permissionof the publisher.

of America
Printed in the United States

ISBN: 1-55589-690-1


COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

Foreword ............................................................... iv
1 .............................................................. 1
2Symbols.terminologyanddefinitions .................................... 1
3 Applicationanddesignconsiderations ................................... 4
4 Unitrating ........................................................... 5
5Ratingcriteria ....................................................... 6
6 Thermalpowerrating ................................................. 8
7 Componentdesign .................................................. 15
8 Servicefactors ...................................................... 18
9Lubricationandlubricants ............................................ 19
10Assemblyandrotation ............................................... 22
11 Ratios ............................................................. 24
12Marking ............................................................ 24
13 Storage ............................................................ 24
14Installation ......................................................... 25

1 Symbolsused in equations ............................................ 2

2 Bearingcoefficientoffriction. 6 ....................................... 11
3 Lubricant factor. 200°F sump temperature ......................... 11
4 Heat transfer coefficient. k. for gear drives without auxiliary cooling ......... 14
5 Heat transfer coefficient. k. for gear drives with fan cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6 Ambienttemperaturemodifier. Bref ..................................... 14
7 Ambient air veloctty modifier. Bv ....................................... 14
8 Altitudemodifier. BA ................................................. 15
9 Maximum allowable oil sump temperature modifier. BT .................... 15
1O Operation time modifier.Bo ........................................... 15
11Nominalratios ...................................................... 24

1 Sealfrictiontorque .................................................. 12
2Shaftrotation ....................................................... 22
3 Parallel shaft spur. helical and herringbone gear drives. single or multiple
stage .............................................................. 22
4 Horizontal bevel gear drives. single stage; horizontal bevel-helical drives.
multiple stage ....................................................... 23
5 Vertical bevel gear drives. single stage; vertical bevel-helical drives. multiple
stage .............................................................. 23

A Servicefactors ...................................................... 29
B Keys and keyways for shaft extensions ................................. 37
CIllustrativeexamples ................................................. 39
D Testandinspectionprocedures ....................................... 49
E Ownerresponsibilities ............................................... 51
F Gear tooth mesh losses for bevel gears ................................ 53

Bibliography ................................... ........................ 55

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

r h e foreword,footnotesandannexes, if any, inthis documentareprovidedfor
informational purposes only and areto notbe construed as a part of ANWAGMA Standard
601 O-F97,Standard for Spur, Helical, Herringbone and Bevel Enclosed Drives.]
catalog rating) and lubrication of enclosed gear drivesisand
a revision to and supersedes
ANWAGMA 6010-E88, Standardfor Spur, Helical, Herringbone and Bevel Enclosed
This standard was revisedto include the latest data available using current gear technology
and includes operational experience. Also, this revision conforms to the American Gear
Manufacturers Association style manual. This standard is written in conventional units while
the parallel standard,ANWAGMA 61 10-F97,is available in hard metric.
Theallowablestressnumbersused in thisstandardarederivedfromANWAGMA
2001 -C95 and ANWAGMA 2003486, and along with other rating factors, providea rating
basis for enclosed gear reducers and increasers. The rating formulas areonbased many
years of experiencein the design and application of enclosed gear drives for industrial use.
The allowable stress numbers used by this standard are adjusted by the ZN and
CL a
for the required number of cycles of operation. In previous versions of this standard,
and & valueofunityhasbeenallowed.DeviationsfromANWAGMA2001-C95or
ANWAGMA 2003-A86 are not recommended unless they can be justified. The of theuse
stress cycle adjustment factor does not guarantee that a certain number of hours or
revolutions oflife will be obtained, isbut
a method of approximating gear life under different
load and speed conditions.
The most significant changes in this standard include: information on obtaining ratings by
direct reference to the empirical methods in ANWAGMA 2001-C95 and ANWAGMA
2003-A86; referencesto the necessary additional standards; a uniform selection method
by specifying a nominalL1 life for the gearingof 10 O00 hours; and a refinement of the
thermal rating practice.
The competence to design enclosed gear drives, especially the knowledge and judgment
required to properly evaluate the various rating factors, comes primarily from years of
experience in designing, testing, manufacturing and operating similar gear drives. The
properapplication of thegeneralratingformulasforenclosedgeardrivesisbest
accomplished by those experienced in the field.
There is a need for a thorough knowledge and use of the safety, service and application
factors. Application factors will represent actual loadings or will be replaced by a load
spectrum analysis suchas Miner’s Rule.
Work was started on was approved by the AGMA
this draft in Decemberl991. This version
membership in June1997. It wasapproved as anAmericanNationalStandardon
October 2,1997.
Suggestions for improvementof this standardwill be welcome. They should be sent to the


COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

PERSONNELof the AGMA Helical, Herringbone and/or Spiral Bevel

Enclosed Drives and Standard Units Committee

Chairman: W.P. Crosher .................... Flender Corporation

Vice Chairman: G.A. DeLange ............... Prager, Inc.


R.L. Cragg ................................ Consultant

R.G. Ferguson ............................ Amarillo Gear Company
R.W. Holzman ............................. Milwaukee Gear Company, Inc.
H.R. Johnson, III ........................... Lufkin Industries, Inc.
L. Lloyd .................................. Lufkin Industries, Inc.
D.L. Mairet ................................ Consultant
D. McCarthy .............................. Dorris Company
D.R. McViie .............................. Gear Engineers, Inc.
A.R. Perry ................................ Dorris Company
A.E. Phillips ............................... Rockwell Automation/Dodge
V.Z. Rychlinski ............................ Brad Foote Gear Works, Inc.
B.W. Shirley. .............................. Emerson Power Transmission Corp.
R.G. Smith ................................ Philadelphia Gear Corporation
F.C. Uherek ............................... Flender Corporation


J.F. Alison, III ............................. Steward Machine Company, Inc.

R.G. Allenby .............................. Hamilton Gear
A.C. Becker ............................... Nuttall Gear Corporation
K.A. Beckman ............................. Lufkin Industries, Inc.
A.S. Cohen ............................... Engranes y Maquinaria Arco
D. Fleischer ............................... Hamilton Gear, Inc.
R.A.Geary ............................... LCI,Inc.
J. Gimper ................................. Danieli United, Inc.
B. Goebel ................................ The Horsburgh & Scott Company
V. lvers ................................... Xtek, Inc.
D. King ................................... D.L. King & Associates
C.E. Long ................................ CumminsEngine
G. McCain ................................ Amarillo Gear Company
J.R. Partridge ............................. Euro Lufkin bv
M. Peculis ................................ The Horsburgh & Scott Company
W.P. Pinichil .............................. Philadelphia Gear Corporation
R.K. Polen ................................ The Alliance Machine Company
P.N. Salvucci .............................. IMO Industries, Inc.
M.D. Schutte .............................. Lightnin
E.S. Scott ................................ The Alliance Machine Company
J. Simpson, Jr. ............................ Turner Uni-Drive Company
L. Spiers ................................. Emerson Power Transmission
1. Wilson .................................. WesTech Gear Corporation
S. Yamada ................................ Sumitomo
K. Yasui .................................. Seiki-Kogyosho, Ltd. (SKK)

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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STD A G H A b030-F97-ENGL
COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.
L997 O b 8 7 5 70 50 0 5 7 3 4 083 m
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~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~


American National Standard- 1.4Exceptions

application of epicyclic drives or gear blank design.
Standard for Spur, Thisstandarddoesnotcovertheratingofgear
drives due to wear or scoring (scuffing)
of gear teeth
Helical, Herringbone and or components.

Bevel Enclosed Drives This standard does not apply to gear drives that are
The annexes are for reference only and are not a part
1 Scope of this standard. The annexes can beto used
make a
more detailed analysis of certain rating factors, and a
guide to owner responsibilities.
This standard is applicableto enclosed gear drives
wherein the gear tooth designs include spur, helical,
herringbone or double helical, or bevel, in single or
2 Symbols, terminologyand definitions
multistage units.
1.1Limitations Thesymbolsusedin this standard are shown in
The rating methods and influences identified
in this table 1.
standard are limited
to enclosed drives of single and NOTE: The symbols, terms and definitions contained
multiple stage designs where the pitch line velocitiesin this document may vary from those used in other
donotexceed 7000 feetperminuteandpinion AGMA standards. Users of this standard should as-
sure themselves that they are using these symbols and
speeds do not exceed4500 revolutions per minute.
definitions in the manner indicated herein.
1.2Overlap 2.1Definitions
There is a speed and pitch line velocity overlap in Thetheterms used, wherever applicable, conform
to the
scope ofthis standard and the scope of ANWAGMA following standards:
6011-G92. ANSIIAGMA6011 -G92 permits designs
ANSI Y10.3-1968, Letter Symbols for Quantities
down to 5000 feet per minute and pinion speeds to
Used in Mechanics of Solids
3600 revolutions per minute. In the areaof overlap in
the scope, the standard used is dependent on the ANWAGMA 1O1 2-F90, Gear Nomenclature,
application or unit designed. A l l parties should be Definitions of Terms with Symbols
aware of the standard used and should agree on the ANWAGMA 9005-DQ4, Industrial Gear
use of that standard. Lubrication
1.3Intendeduse 2.2 Reference documents
This standard is not intended to assure performance The following standards contain provisions which,
of assembled gear drive systems. It is intended for through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
use by the experienced gear designer capable of thisAmericanNationalStandard.Atthetimeof
selecting reasonable values for the factors, basedpublication,
on theeditionsindicatedwerevalid. All
his knowledge of performance of similar designs standards
and aresubjecttorevision,andparties to
the effects of such items as lubrication, deflection, agreements basedon this
residual Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibil-
stress and system dynamics. It is not intended for ity of applyingthemostrecenteditionsofthe
use by the engineering public at large. standards indicated below.

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services


AGMA 299.01, Section III, GearSoundManual: ANSI/AGMA

6000-896, Specification
Gear Noise Control Measurement of Linear vibration on Gear Units
ANSI/AGMA 1O1O-E95,Appearance of Gear Teeth ANWAGMA 6001-D97, Design and Selection of
-Terminolqgy of Wear and Failure Components for Enclosed Gear Drives
ANSI/AGMA 1O12-F90, Gear Nomenclature ANSIIAGMA 6025-C90, Sound
Definitions of Termswith Symbols Helical, Herringbone, and Spiral Bevel Gear Drives
ANSI/AGMA 2001 -C95,Fundamental Rating Fac-
ANSIIAGMA6011 -G92, SpecificationforHigh
tors and Calculation Methods for Involute Spur and
Helical Gear Teeth Speed Helical Gear Units

ANWAGMA 2003-A86, Rating the Pitting ßesist- ANWAGMA 9002486, Bores and Keyways for
ance and Bending Strength of Generated Straight Flexible Couplings (Inch Series)
Bevel, Zero1 Bevel, and Spiral Bevel Gear Teeth
ANWAGMA 9005494, Industrial
2008-890, Assembling

Table 1 Symbols used in equations
First Reference
Term Units used clause
Arrangement constant "
Eq 19
Gear case surfacearea exposed to ambient air ft* Eq 30 6.5.2
Length through bore of bearing in Eq 24
Altitude correction factor "
Eq 31 6.6
Operation cycle correction factor "
Eq 31 6.6
Ambient temperature correction factor "
Eq 31 6.6
Maximum allowable sump temperature correction factor "
Eq 31 6.6
Ambient air velocity correction factor "
Eq 31 6.6
External dynamic factor (bevel) " "
Stress adjustment factor (bevel) " "
Surface condition factor (bevel) " "
Life factor (bevel) " "
Load distribution factor (bevel) " "
Mesh alignment factor " "
Lubricant absolute viscosity CP Eq 23
Size factor (bevel) " "
Temperature factor (bevel) " "
Dynamic factor (bevel) " "
Lubricant factor "
Eq 13
Mean diameter of tapered roller in Eq 24
Shaft seal diameter in Fig 1
Bearing bore In Eq 11
Mean diameter of a tapered roller bearing in Eq 24
Bearing outside diameter in Eq 11
Operating pitch diameter of gear or pinion In f q 19
Electric power consumed hP Eq 29
Tapered bearing calculation factor -- i q 25
Electric motor efficiency % Eq 29
Oil pump efficiency % i q 28

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services


Table 1 (continued)
First Reference
Term Units used clause
Face width in contact with mating element in Eq 14
Total faceof gear or pinion in Eq 19
Bearing coefficientof friction "
Table 2
Mesh coefficient of friction "
Eq 12
Siding ratio at start of approach "
Eq 15
Sliding ratio at end of recess "
Eq 15
Contact load factor for pitting resistance Ib/in* Eq 13
External dynamic factor (bevel) " "
Stress cycle factor (bevel) " "
Load distribution factor (bevel) " "
Overload factor " "
Reliability factor " "
Size factor (bevel) " "
Shrink adjustment factorto compensate for less than "
Eq 32 7.4.2
1O0 percent engagement
Service factor "
Eq 1 3.1
Temperature factor " "
Dynamic factor "
Tapered bearing dynamic load ratio factor Eq 26
Heat transfer coefficient Table 4 6.5.2
Mesh mechanical advantage Eq 12
Gear ratio "
Eq 16
Number of gear teeth "
Eq 14
Number of pinion teeth "
Eq 14
Shaft speed Eq 18
Pinion speed Eq 12
Bearing shaft speed Eq 10
Application power ofthe enclosed drive Eq 1 4.3
Allowable transmitted power for pitting resistance "
Allowable transmltted power for bending strength "
Bearing powerlosses Eq 8 6.5.1
Load-dependent power losses Eq 3 6.5
Gear mesh power losses Eq 8 6.5.1
Minimum component power rating Eq 1 4.3
Mean normal diametral pitch Eq 21
Non-load dependent power losses Eq 3 6.5
Normal diametral pitch Eq 19
Total oil pump power required (all pumps) Eq 9 6.5.1
Motor driven oil pump losses Eq 27
Shaft driven oil pump losses Eq 27
Heat dissipated Eq 2 6.5
Oil seal powerlosses Eq 9 6.5.1
Basic thermal rating of the drive Eq 7 6.5
Application thermal rating Eq 31 6.6
Heat generated (total power loss) Es 2 6.5
Bearing combined windage and churning power losses Eq 9 6.5.1

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services

Table 1 (concluded)
First Reference
Term Units used clause
Gear combined windage and churning power loss hP Eq 9 6.5.1
Operating oil pressure Ib/in2 Eq 28
Oil flow gPm Eq 28
Transmission accuracy level number " "
Gear outside radius in Eq 16
Gear operating pitch radius in Eq 16
Mean reference radius in Eq 21
Pinion outside radius in Eq 17
Pinion operating pitch radius in Eq 14
Allowable contact stress number " "
Calculatedbendingstressnumberexcludingdynamic " "
Safety factor for bending strength " "
Safety factor for pitting resistance " "
Allowable yield strength number Ib/in2 "
Calculated key compressive stress Ib/in2 Eq 32 7.4.2
Adjusted compressive stress Ib/in2 Eq 32 7.4.2
Calculated key shear stress Ib/in2 Eq 33 7.4.2
Adjusted shear stress Ib/in2 Eq 33 7.4.2
Design pinion torque Ib in "
Operating pinion torque Ib in "
Torque onthe pinion Ib in Eq 12
Rolling bearing friction torque Ib in Eq 10
Allowable percentage of torque capacity obtained due to % Eq 32 7.4.2
Oil seal torque Ib in Eq 18
Pitch line velocity Wmin Eq 13
Equivalent radial bearing load Ib Eq 11
Stress cycle factor for bending strength " "
Stress cycle factor for pitting resistance " "
Cup angle of the tapered roller bearing degrees Eq 24
Operating transverse pressure angle degrees Eq 15
Mean spiral angle degrees Eq 21 6.5.1-4
Operating helix angle at operating pitch diameter degrees Eq 12
Temperature differential "F Eq 30 6.5.2
Overall unit efficiency % Es 6 6.5

3 Application and design considerations Units rated to this standard can accommodate the
following peak load conditions:
Users of this standard are expected to have had - Eachpeakshallnotexceed200percentof
experience in the field of gearing and mechanical the unit rating (service factor,
Q = 1.O);
drive systems.
3.1 Applicationlimitations - A limitednumber of stresscycles,typically
less than 104.
In this standard, the unit rating is defined as the
mechanical capacity of the gear unit components Forapplicationsexceedingtheseconditionsan
determined with a unity service factor. appropriate service factor shouldbe selected.

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
~ ~~ ~ ~~~~


WARNING: Formomentarytorquesinexcess of actual. These terms have resulted in confusion as to

200%, s t a l l conditions andlow numberof stress cycles, the actual capability of the enclosed drive. Examples
the gear driveshould be evaluatedto assurethe userof of terms previously used to denote some form of
this standard that these conditionsdo not exceed the
enclosed drive capacity are listed below:
yield strength of any component.
Someapplicationsmayrequireselectingagear service rating;
drive with increased mechanical rating in order to nameplate rating;
accommodateadverseeffectsofenvironmental equivalent rating;
loading or any combination of these factors such as catalog rating;
overhung, transverse and thrust loads. mechanical rating;
3.2 Rating factors brake rating;

TheallowablestressnumberstakenfromANSI/ untty rating;

AGMA 2001 -C95 and ANWAGMA 2003-A86 are transmitted horsepower;
maximumallowedvalues.Somelatitudebased calculated horsepower;
upon experience is permissible in the selection of
specific factors within this standard. Less conserva- allowable horsepower;
tive values for rating factors in this standard shall not application horsepower.
be used. For purposes of this standard, where component
Ratings shall be as outlined
in clauses 4 and 5. capacitiesarebeingdetermined,thecalculations
are specifically relatedto the unit rating as defined
3.3 Cold temperature operation below.
If units are to be operated below -20°F, care must be 4.1 Unit rating definition
given to selectmaterialswhichhaveadequate
impactpropertiesattheoperatingtemperature. The unit rating is the overall mechanical power rating
Consideration should be given to: of all static and rotating elements within the enclosed
drive. The minimum rated component (weakest link,
- temperature
low impact
strength whether determined by gear teeth, shafts, bolting,
specification; housing, etc.) of the enclosed drive determines the
- fracture appearance transition or nil ductiltty unit rating.
temperature specification for impact testing;
4.2 Unit rating requirements
- reducecarboncontent to less than 0.4
The unit rating implies that all items within the gear
drive have been designed to meet or exceed the unit
- use of higher nickel alloy steels; rating.
Gear andpinionratings
are to be in
- lubricant problems. accordance with the bending strength and pitting
resistance ratings as outlined in this standard.
3.4 System analysis
Shaft stresses, key stresses and fastener stresses
Thesystemofconnectedrotatingpartsmustbe are to be within the limits set by this standard. Rolling
compatible, free from critical speeds, torsional or element bearing or sleeve bearing designstoare be
other types of vibration, within the specified operat- within limits set by ANSI/AGMA6001-D97. Where
ingspeedrangenomatterhowinduced.The user requirements or specifications dictate different
enclosed gear drive designer or manufacturer is notdesign criteria, such as higher bearing life, this must
responsible for this analysis, unless agreed to in the be by contractual agreement.
purchase contract.
Unit ratings may also include allowable overhung
load values which are usually designated to act at a
distance of one shaft diameter from the face of the
4 Unit rating housingorenclosure component. Stresses in
related parts resulting from these overhung loads
Historically, many terms have been usedto denote must also be within limits setthis by standard. Refer
conditionsofoperations - bothcalculatedand to clause 7 for further information.

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

4.3 Application of unit rating Thedeterminationofefficiencyisdependenton

The required unit rating of an enclosed drive is a
function of the applicationandassessmentof
values. Some factors are:
variable factors that affect the overall rating. These
factors include environmental conditions, severity of - operatingtemperature;
serviceandlife.Refertoclause 8 forfurther - ambient'temperature;
- loadandspeed;
The application of the enclosed drive requires its that- gear
capactty as defined iby
t s unit rating;¡.e., its minimum
rated component power, Pmc,be relatedto the actual - lubricantandlubricationsystem;
service conditions. - housing
- alignmentanddeflection;
- bearingtypeandassembly;
where - seals;
fi is theapplicationpowerofencloseddrive, - shaftdrivenaccessoriessuchasfansand
hp; pumps.
Pm is the minimum component power rating, hp; The heat dissipation characteristics and interaction
Q is the servicefactor. of these factors are complex. The conditionsthis of
standard prevail where rolling element bearings and
For cases where the gear mesh has been deter- hydrodynamic lip seals are used and a nominal gear
mined to betheminimumratedcomponent,the efficiency value of 98 percent per mesh may be
lesser of POc or Par, asdefined in this standard, assumed. When othercomponents (and their
becomes Pmcin equation 1 (see 5.1 and 5.2). associated setups) are required, such as bearing
4.4 Momentary overloads preloads,faceseals,high oil levels, special gear
When the enclosed drive is subjected to infrequent
nisms, a detailed analysis is necessary. It is beyond
momentaryoverloads, stall conditionsandlow-
the scope of this standard to present a detailed
cycle fatigue (less than 100 cycles), the conditions
analysis of efficiency.
should be evaluated to assure that the yield strength
of any component is not exceeded (see 8.3.1). An estimate of the efficiency of an enclosed drive
may be made by usingthethermalcapacrty
With respect to the gearbendingstrengthfor
calculated in clause6, but such an estimate will be
momentary overloads, the
maximum allowable
only an approximation of efficiency under test. The
stress is determined by the allowable yield proper-
temperature sensitive portions of power loss may be
ties rather than the bending fatigue strengthof the different from those calculated according to clause 6,
material.Thisstressisdesignated as say; its unless the operating sump temperature is nearly
determination is shown inANWAGMA 2001-CS. 200°F. Unless specifically agreed to between the
Shaft,bearingandhousingdeflectionshave a userandmanufacturer,itemssuch as the prime
mover, couplings, external driven loads, attaching
momentary overloads. The enclosed drive must be devicesandmotordrivenaccessories,arenot
evaluatedto assure thatthe reactions to momentary included in the enclosed drive efficiency estirnate.
overloads do not result in excessive misalignment
causinglocalizedhigh stress concentrationsor
effects of external loads such as overhung, trans- 5 Rating criteria
verse and thrust loads must be evaluated.
The pitting resistance power rating and the bending
4.5 Efficiency estimate
strength power rating for each meshthe in unit must
There are certain applications where the efficiency of be calculated and the lowest value obtained shall be
an enclosed drive must be estimated andits thermal usedasthepowerratingof thegearset. Itis
rating determined. permissibleto use more conservative values.

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services


5.1 Pitting resistance power rating,PaC conservativeapproachsuchascurves 1 or 2 is

allowed. If assembledqualitylevel is unknown,
Thepitting ofgearteeth isconsidered to bea
curve 1 should be used.
Hertzian contact fatigue phenomenon. Initial pitting
and destructive pitting are illustrated and discussed Stress cycle factor,ZN
in ANWAGMA 1010-E95,Appearance of Gear
Teeth - Terminology of Wear and Failure.
elements based on the relative number of subjected
The purpose of the pitting resistance formula is to stress cycles. This does not in anyway imply a fixed
determine a load rating at which destructive pittinglife.ofIt adjusts each gear element rating based on the
the teeth does not occur during their design life. Therelative number of cycles. The number of cycles
ratingsforpittingresistancearebased onthe corresponding to 10 O00 hours should be used to
formulas developed by Hertz for contact pressure determine theZN factor.
between two curved surfaces, modified for the effect In figure 17 of ANSI/AGMA 2001 -C95,for stress
of load sharing between adjacent teeth.
cycle factors above 1 x lo7 cycles, use the upper
5.1.1 Pitting resistanceof spur and helical gears curve for pitting.
The pitting resistance power rating shall be per the 5.1.2 Pitting resistance of bevel gears
ratingproceduresandformulasofANWAGMA The pitting resistance power rating for bevel gears
2001 The following factors for enclosed drivesshall be per the rating procedures and formulas of
shall be used: ANWAGMA 2003486. The following factors for
KT = 1 .O, temperature factor; enclosed drives shall be used:
Cf = 1.O, surface condition factor; C, = 1 .O, sizefactor;
= 1.0, reliability factor; Cf = 1 .O, surface condition factor;
SH = 1 .O, safetyfactor; C, = 1 .O, external dynamic factor;
& is the dynamic factor (see 5.1.1.l); = 0.735,stress adjustment factor;

K, Is the load distribution factor (see; CL = 1 .O, life adjustment factor;

K, = 1 .O, overloadfactor; C, is the dynamic factor (see;

ZN is the stress cycle factor (see C, is the load distribution factor (see; Dynamic factor, K,, CT = 1 .O, temperature factor.
K,, is to be determined by clause8 of ANWAGMA 'C Life factor (stress cycle factor),
2001 with the exception that values
-C95, K,, shall
of Thisfactoradjuststherating of individualgear
not be based on a transmission accuracy number elementsbasedontherelativenumberofload
greater thanQ,, = 11. cycles.Thenumberofcyclescorresponding to
Transmission accuracy number(e,) shall be based 1 O O00 hours should be used
to determine C'. See
of the gearing produced. In the figure 1 in ANSI/AGMA2003-A86. The upper curve
upon the quality level
absence of a known specific quality level, the curve should be used.
for Q,,
= 6 shall be used. Dynamic factor,C,,,&
Figure 1 of ANWAGMA2001 -C95limits values for C, and & are to be determined by clause 8.5 in
the dynamic factor as a function of pitch line velocity.
ANSVAGMA 2003486, withtheexceptionthat
Thesecurvescannotbeextrapolatedtoobtain values of C, and K,, shallnotbebasedona
values beyond the limits given. transmission accuracy number greater than Q,,= 11. Load distribution factor,gm S, is set
to the smaller of the gear or pinion allowable
stress numbers,Sal.
TheempiricalmethodofANWAGMA 2001-C95
shall be used in determining the load distribution Load distribution factor,C, &
the mesh C, and K, are to bedeterminedby 10.1 of
alignment factor,Cm, shall be obtained from curve 3 ANWAGMA 2003486 bysettingdesignpinion
offigure 7 inANWAGMA 2001-C95. Amore torque, TD,equal to operating pinion torque,

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.
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5.2 Bending strength power rating,Pot is the dynamic factor (see;
Bending strength of gear teeth is a measure ofthe K~ = 1.O, temperature factor;
resistance to fatigue cracking at the tooth root fillet. & is the stress cyclefactor (see;
Typical cracks and fractures are illustrated
in ANSI/ & is the load distribution factor (see
AGMA 1010-E95. Life factor (stress cycle factor),&
The intent of the AGMA strength rating formula to is
determine the load which can be transmitted for the
designlifeof the teeth without causing root fillet
cracking or failure.
1O O 0 0 hours should be used to determine & . See
wear, figure 2 in ANWAGMA20O3-A86. The lower curve
surfacefatigue or plasticflowmaylimitbending shall be used.
strength due to stress concentration around large, Momentary starting loads
sharpcornered pits orwear steps on thetooth
surface. Since the bending strength rating practice for bevel
gears of ANWAGMA 2003486 does not account
52.1 Bending strength of spur and helical gears for momentary peak loads as encountered during
The bending strength rating for gearing within the starting,aloadspectrumanalysis,suchaswith
scope of this standard shall be determined by the Miner’sRule, is required to
ratingmethodsandproceduresofANWAGMA permissible starting and operating peak load cycles.
2001-C%. The followingfactorsfor enclosed drives 5.3 Allowable stressnumbers for
shall be used: resistance and bending strength
KT = 1.O,temperature factor; As defined in the gear tooth rating standards, the
& = 1.O,reliability factor; allowable stress numbers for gear materials vary
SF = 1.O, safetyfactor; ment and processing practices. Unless justified by
K, is the dynamic factor (see 5.1.1 .l); testing, do not use the allowable stress numbers for
K, is the load distribution factor (see; Grade 3 material. Use the allowable stress numbers
for Grades 1 or 2 in accordance with ANWAGMA
& = 1.O, overload factor; 2001-C95 clause 16, or ANSVAGMA 2003-A86,
YN is the s t r e s s cycle factor (see clause 20. Stress cycle factor, YN
Thisfactoradjuststheratingofindividualgear 6 Thermal power rating
elements based on the relative number of subjected
stress cycles. This does not in anyway imply a fixed The following thermal model has been established
life. Itadjusts each gear element rating based theon using empirical factors. Itis based on the experience
relative number of cycles. The number of cycles of several gear manufacturers. The model has been
corresponding to 10 O00 hours should be used to validated by extensive testing of concentric shaft,
determine theYN factor. base mounted reducers with shafts mounted in a
In figure 18 of ANSVAGMA 2001 -CS, for stress
parallel shaft gear units has also been performed to
cycle factors above 3 x 106 cycles, use the upper
spot check the adequacy (validity) of the model.
curve for bending.
Values of somevariablessuch as arrangement
5.2.2 Bending strength of bevel gears constant, heat transfer coefficient and coefficient of
The bending strength rating of bevel gears shall be friction may not adequately address other enclosed
determined bythe rating methods and procedures of drive
ANWAGMA 2003486. The following factors for These configurationsor conditions may necessitate
enclosed drives shall beused: modificationsofthesevariables.Changingany
variable requires care and testing to insure that the
= 1.O, external dynamic factor; principles of the heat balance formulation are not
& = (2.8 - Pd0.25)/1.2,size factor; violated.

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Maintaininganacceptabletemperatureintheoil 6.2 Service conditions

sump of a gear driveis criticalto its life. Therefore, 6.2.1Intermittentservice
the selection of a gear drive must consider not only
the mechanical rating but also the thermal rating. For intermittent service, the input power may exceed
the manufacturer's thermal power rating provided
Thermal rating is defined as the maximum power the oil sump temperature does not exceed 200"F.
that can be continuously transmitted through a gear
6.2.2 Adverse conditions
drive without
temperature.Thethermalratingmustequalor The abilrty of a gear drive to operate within its thermal
exceed the transmitted power. Service factors are power rating may be reduced when adverse condi-
not used when determining thermal requirements. tions
The thermal rating depends upon the specifics of environmental
the conditions are:
drive, operating conditions, the maximum allowable - anenclosedspace;
sump temperature, as well as the type of cooling
employed. - a buildup of material that may cover the gear
drive and reduce heat dissipation;
6.1 Rating criteria - ahighambienttemperature,suchasboiler,
machinery or turbine rooms, or in conjunction with
The primary thermal rating criterion is the maximum
hot processing equipment;
allowable oil sump temperature. Unacceptably high
oil sump temperatures
drive - high altitudes;
operation by increasing the oxidation rateof the oil - the presence of solar energy or radiant heat.
6.2.3 Favorable conditions
translates into reduced oil film thickness on the gear
teeth and bearing contacting surfaces which may The thermal power rating may be enhanced when
resultinreducingthelifeoftheseelements. To operating
achieve the required life and performance of a gear movement or a low ambient temperature.
drive, the operating oil sump temperatures must be 6.2.4 Auxiliary cooling
evaluated and limited.
Auxiliary cooling should be used when the thermal
Thermal ratings of gear drives rated by this standard rating is insufficient for operating conditions. The oil
arelimitedto a maximumallowableoilsump may be cooled by a number of means, some of which
temperature of 200"F. However, based on the gear are:
manufacturer'sexperienceorapplicationrequire- - Fancooling.Thefanshallmaintainthe fan
ments, selection
made for
sump cooled thermal power rating;
temperatures above or below 200°F (see 6.6).
- Heatexchanger.Theheatexchangerused
Additional criteria that mustbe applied in establish- shall be capable of absorbing generated heat that
ing the thermal rating for a specific gear drive with cannot
a bedissipatedbythegeardriveby
given type of cooling are related to the operating convection and radiation.
conditions of the drive. The basic thermal rating,PT, 6.3 Methods for determining the thermal rating
is established by test (Method A) or by calculation
(Method B) under the following conditions: Thermal rating may be determined by one of two
methods: Method - A test,
Method B -
- oil sump temperature at 200°F; calculation.
- ambient air temperature of 75°F; 6.3.1Method A Test

- ambientairvelocrtyof ~ 2 7 5fpminalarge Test offull scale gear drives at operating conditions

indoor space; is the most accurate method for establishing the
thermal rating of the gear drive. See6.4.
- air density at sea level; and
6.3.2 Method B: Heat balance calculation
- continuous
The thermal rating of a gear drive be
Modifyingfactors for deviation from these criteria are
using the heat balance equation which equates heat
given in 6.6. generatedwithheatdissipated.Themethodfor

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.
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calculating the thermal rating is given in 6.5. The The basis of the thermal rating is when the losses,
PQ,of the
method for calculating heat generation is discussed Pv,a t a , are equalto the heat dissipation,
in 6.5.1 and for heat dissipation 6.5.2.
in gear drive.

6.4 Method A - Test PQ= h ...(2)

When this is satisfied under the conditions of 6.1,
A test of a specific gear drive at its design operating input power,fi is equal to the thermal power rating,
conditions is the most reliable means to establish PT. the
thermal rating. Thermal testing involves measuring The heat generation ain gear drive comes from both
the steady state bulk oil sump temperature of the loaddependent, PL, and non-load dependent
gear drive operating its atrated speed at no load and losses, PN.
at least one or two increments of load. Preferably
one test should be at 200°F sump temperature.
&=PL +PN ...(3)
PL is a functionof the input power,f i .
While no load testing cannot yield athermal rating, itPL
maybeused to approximatetheheattransfer
=Ra) ...(4)
Using equation 2 and rearranging terms, we can
coefficient for comparison purposes, if the power
write the basic heat balance equation as follows:
required to operate the drive at no load is measured.
PQ PN PA) = O ...(5)
Some guidelines for acceptable thermal testing are To determine the basic thermal rating, PT,vary fi
as follows: until equation 5 is satisfied. This can be done by
recalculatingtheloaddependentlosses, PL, at
- Theambientairtemperatureandveloclty
different input powers, pA. If PQs PN,the gear drive
must be stabilized and measured for the duration
of the test;
design mustbe changed to increasePQor auxiliary
- The time required for the gear drive to reach a cooling methods must be used.
steady state sump temperature depends upon Whenequation 5 issatisfied,theoverallunit
the drive size and the type of cooling; efficiency, 9,is calculatedas follows:
- Steady state conditions can be approximated
when the change in oil sump temperature is 2°F or 9 = 100-
" pN
x loo
less per hour.
The thermal rating of the gear drive can be related to
The oil temperature in the sump at various locations efficiency as follows:
canvaryasmuch as 27°F.Thelocationofthe pQ
temperaturemeasurementshouldrepresentthe P, = - ...(7)
" 9
bulk oil temperature. Outer surface temperatures 100
can vary substantially from thesump temperature. 6.5.1 Heat generation
Theoppositedirection ofrotationcancreatea The heat generated a
in gear drive comes from both
different sump temperature. load
dependent, PL, andnon-load
During thermal testing the housing outer surface losses, PN.
temperature can be surveyed if detailed analysis of The load dependent losses are comprised of the
the heat transfer coefficient and effective housing bearing losses,PB,and the gear mesh losses, PM:
surface area is desired.Also, with fan cooling, the air
velocrty distribution over the housing surfacebecan
measured. The non-load dependent losses consist of the oil
6.5 Method B Calculationsfor determining the
seal losses,PS,the internal windage and
losses, pw and h,
oil churning
and the oil pump power, PP,
thermal power rating, PT
process due to the load dependency of the coeffi-
cient of friction for the gear mesh and the bearing These losses must be summed for each Occurrence
power loss. in the gear drive.


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AMERICAN NATIONALSTANDARD ANSIIAGMA 6010-F97 Bearing power loss, PB churning effects have often been combined with the
assumed friction values. Ideally, the coefficient of
Rollingcontactbearingpowerloss, PB, maybe
friction depends onthe lubricant properties, surface
estimated by using equationsO1and 11. Values for
conditions and sliding veloctty. It also changes with
thebearingcoefficientoffriction, fb, may be
contact load factor,K.
approximatedusingthevaluesfromtable 2 111.
When more exact values are known, they should be6. Mesh power loss, PM,spur and helical
used. For more detailed information see[l],[2], [3] gears
and [4]. For spur and helical gears, the following equation
can be used to estimate the gear tooth mesh losses
Tb "b ..(lo)
= aöz 111, El, [SI and VI:
where ..(12)
P , = fmT'p cos2
Tb is the rolling bearing friction torque, Ib in;
...(11) fm is themesh coefficient of friction at mesh oil
4 isbearingshaftspeed,rpm; v, is 400 < v c 5000 fpm and
If thepitch line velocity,
fb isbearingcoefficientoffriction(table 2); the contact load factor,K, is 1O0 < K < 2000 Ib/in2
and IS0 VG is between 46 and 460, fmthen can be
W is bearingload,Ib;
estimatedbyequation 13. Outside these limits
d, isbearingoutsidediameter,in; the mesh coefficient
4 isbearingbore,in. experimentally.

Table 2 - Bearing coefficientof friction,fb
Type of bearing of frictionl),fb Tp is the torque on the pinion, Ib in;
Radial ball bearing np is the rpm of the pinion;
(single-row deep groove) 0.0015
Self-aligning ball bearing 0.001o istheoperatinghelixangleatoperating
pitch diameter, deg;
Angular-contact ball bearing 0.0013
Thrust ball bearing 0.0013 M isthemeshmechanicaladvantage;
Cylindrical roller bearing 0.0011 C1 is lubricant factor (see table 3);
Spherical roller bearing2) 0.0018 V ispitchlinevelocity,fpm.
Tapered roller bearing2) 0.0018
Table 3 - Lubricant factor,Cl,at 200°F sump
1) Variation inj, depends on speed and load. temperature')
2) j, is greater on tapered and spherical roller bearings
due to rubbing on the roller ends. AGMA IS0 VG C1
1 46 101.8 Mesh power loss, PM 2 68 95.3
4 150 84.6
Mesh losses are a function of the mechanicsof tooth 5 220 80.1
action and the coefficient of friction. Tooth action 76.3
6 320
involves some sliding
meshing teeth
7 460 72.6
separated by an oil film.
The mesh efficiency is expressed as a function of the These values approximated
can by
C1 = 172.85 x ( I S 0 VG)-0.142.
specificslidingvelocitiesandthecoefficient of
K is given by the equation:
Thecoefficientoffrictionisdifficult to assess.
Reliable published data is rather limited, especially K=
TP (Np
+ NG)
at high pitch line velocities. Inthe past, windage and (rd2 NG


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where where
Np is the number of pinion teeth; TS is the oil seal torque, Ib in (figure 1);
NG is the number of gear teeth; n istheshaftspeed,rpm.

F isthefacewidthincontactwithmating
element, in;
r, is the pinion operating pitch radius, in.
The equation for the mesh mechanical advantage


@,,, is the operating transverse pressure angle,
deg; O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Shaft diameter, D,, in
H, is the sliding ratio at start of approach; -
Figure 1 Seal frictiontorque
Hf is the sliding ratio at end of recess. loss, Gear windage and churning power
The values forH, and Ht are: pw
For gear drives covered by this standard, windage
and churning losses are generally combinedinto a
single loss. This loss, Pw, for each gear andpinion
can be estimated from equation 19 and 20 for spur or
...(16) helical gears, and equations 21 and 22 for bevel
gears.Theempiricalarrangementconstant, A,
varies with the arrangement the of gears in the gear
drive, the degree of contact with the oil and the oil
viscosity. The same arrangement constant can be
where drives covered by this standard, the arrangement
constant is given by equation 23.
is the gear ratio,
is the gear outside radius, in;
d2, n2 Ft cos3
= 126 O00 P,, A
R, is the gear operating pitch radius, in; d2, n2 Ft cos3 9,
, =
r,, is thepinionoutsideradius,in. 126 O00 Pn A
6.5.1 9 . 2 Mesh powerloss, PM,bevel gears ...(21)
A method for determining bevel gear mesh power
loss is shown in annexF. ...(22) Oil seal powerloss, PS
Contact lip oil seal losses are a function of shaft PWG is the windageloss for gear;
speed, shaft size, oil sump temperature,oil viscosrty,
depth of submersion of the oil seal in the oil and oil Pwp is the windage loss for pinion;
seal design. Oil seal power losses can be estimated 4 istheoperatingpitchdiameterofgearor
from equation 18. Figure1 can be used to estimate pinion, in;
oil sealfrictionaltorqueasa function of shaft n is the shaft speed (gear or pinion), rpm;
diameter for oil seals typically used in gear drives,
see [8]. Ft is the total face width of gear or pinion, in;
Q is themeanspiralangle,degrees;
...(18) is the mean reference radius, in;

S T D - A G M A bOLO-F77-ENGL L997 Ob87575 000572b B T 5
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P, is thenormaldiametralpitch,in-’; required power is a function of the oil flow and oil

pressure at a given pump speed.
Pmn is the mean normal diametral pitch, in-’;
A is the arrangementconstant. PP = PPS+ PPm ...(27)
For an oil pump driven by one of the reducer shafts,
A = - 22 440 ...(23) the oil pump loss, PP,, can be estimated by equation
C, 28.
- QP ...
Cp is the
sump -q
temperature, cP. where Bearingwindageandchurningpower Q is oilflow,gal/min;
loss, PwB p is operatingoilpressure,Ib/in2;
For gear drives covered by this standard, windage + is oil pump efficiency, usually around 85%.
and churning losses are generally combined into a
For an oil pump driven by an electric motor, the oil
single loss. For bearings other than tapered roller
pump losses,Ppm,can be estimated using equation
29, which considers the electric power consumed
included in PB. This is asimplifiedapproach
and the efficiencies of both the electric motor and the
combining no load and load dependent losses.
oil pump.
For tapered roller bearings, this loss, P,, can be
estimated for each bearing from equation 24. PPm = E P ( 2 ) ..(29)
For tapered roller bearings only: where
d2, n2 B COS3 aB DR ...(24) Ep is electricpowerconsumed,hp;
P, =
126 O00 n (0.78) A em is electricmotorefficiency, %.
PP,,,should be includedin the thermal calculations,
is mean bearing diameter (1/2 (bearing cup but should not be included in the enclosed gear unit
outerdiameter + bearing cone
bore efficiency. See 4.5.
diameter)), of the tapered roller bearing, in; 6.5.2 Heat dissipation, PQ
n is shaftspeed(eachbearing),rpm; The heat dissipated from a gear drive is influenced
B is lengththruboreofbearing,in; by the surface of
area the gear drive, the air velocity
across the surface, the temperature differential, M,
DR is the mean roller diameter, in; between the oil sump and the ambient air, the heat
is cup angle of a tapered roller bearing. transfer rate from the oil to the gear case and the
aB = tan-I(&) ...(25) ambientair.Theheatdissipation is givenby
equation 30.
The value of e is determined from the bearing
manufacturer for the specific bearing number, or pQ=&kAT ...(30)
when e is not provided, where
A, is the gear case surface area, ft2;
...(26) k is the heat transfer coefficient, hp/ft2 “F (see
table 4or 5 ) ;
AT is the temperature differential, “F.
K5 is the ratio ofbasicdynamicradialload
NOTE: 4 isthe gear case surface area exposed to am-
rating to basic dynamic thrust load rating. bient air, not including fins, bolts, bosses or mounting
Thevalueof K5 is availablefromthebearing surfaces.
manufacturer for the specific bearing number. CAUTION: The lubricant mustbe selected to accom-
modate the extremeconditions of the temperature Oil pump power loss, PP differential. See clause 9.
The required power and capacity of most lubrication
The heat transfer coefficient, k, is defined as the
oil pumps vary directly with the speed. Thus, the averagevalueovertheentiregeardriveouter


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~~~ -~ _ _ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~


surface.Theheattransfercoefficientwillvary 6.6 Corrections for

non-standard operating
depending upon the material of the gear case, the conditions
cleanliness of the external surface, the extent of
wetting of the internal surfaces by the hot oil, the When the actual operating conditions for a specific
configuration of the gear drive and the air velocity application are different from
the standard conditions
across the external surface. For gear drives covered defined in 6.1,and the thermal rating is calculated for
by this standard, typical values for k can be found in the conditions of 6.1, the thermal ratingmaybe
table 4. See [9]. modified for the application as follows:

PT^ = PT Bref& BA BT BD ...(31)

Bref and BA may be applied to natural or shaft fan
cooling. BV may be applied onlyto natural cooling.
Table 4 Heat transfer coefficient,k, for gear
drives without auxiliary cooling The gear drive manufacturer should be consulted
when the conditions exceed the limits given in tables
Air Heat transfer 6 thru 10 or when correction factors are required for
velocity, coefficient, kt)
Condition hpm2 "F any type of cooling other than natural or shaft fan.
Small confined e275 -
0.0007 0.0010 When the ambient air temperature is below 75"F,
allows an increase in the thermal rating. Conversely,
Large indoor 5275 0.001 1 - 0.0014
space withanambientairtemperatureabove75"F,the
Large indoor >275 -
0.0012 0.0015 thermal ratingis reduced. See table 6.
Outdoors >725 0.0014 - 0.0017
Table 6 Ambient temperature modifier,
1) The choice of Ævalues within each rangeis affected
by the items listed in 6.5.2. Use of the high values in
Ambient temperature,"F 4ef
each ranae should be iustifiedby test. 50 1.15
65 1.O7
75 1.o0
85 0.93
1O0 O. 83
The heat transfer coefficient for a shaft fan cooled 110 0.75
gear driveis a function of fan design, shroud design 120 0.67
and fan speed. It w i l l vary substantially depending
upon the effectiveness of the fanand the proportion
of the exterior surface cooled by the resulting air When flow. the surrounding air has a steady velocity in
The air velocity is defined to be the average air excess of 275 fpm due to natural or operational wind
velocity over60% of the surface area,&, of the gear fields, the increased convection heat transfer allows
drive. The effect of using multiple fans on a gear
the thermal rating to be increased by applying Bv.
drive could increase the average air velocity, thereby
Conversely, with an ambient air velocity of 1100
resulting in a higher heat transfer coefficient.5 Table
fpm, the thermal ratingis reduced. See table 7.
provides values for k for fan cooled gear drives.

Table 5 - Heat transfer coefficient,k,for gear

Air velocity
drives with fan cooling

Heat transfer coefficient,k

hpm2 "F
p -
Table 7 Ambient air velocity modifier,
Ambient air velocity, fpm

> 100 s 275

> 275 c 725
2 725

1O00 0.0017
2000 0.0029 At high altitudes the decrease in air density results in
3000 0.0040 the derating factor,BA. See table 8.

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Table 8 Altitude modifier,BA 7 Component design
Altitude, ft BA
O - Sea level 1.o0 The components of a gear drivemust be designed
2500 O.95 with consideration for all loads likely to be encoun-
5000 0.90 teredduringoperation.Theseincludethetorque
7500 O. 85 loadsimposedonthecomponentsthroughthe
1o O00 0.81 gearing, and the external loads, such as overhung
500 0.76 12 loads,externalthrustloadsanddynamicloads.
O00 0.72 15 Components must also be designed to withstand
17 500 0.68 anyassemblyforceswhichmightexceedthe
operating loads must be considered to occur in the
The standard maximum allowable oil sump tempera- worst possible direction and loading combinations.
ture is200°F.A lower sump temperature requires a All components shall allow for peak loads of 200
reduction in the thermal rating using&. See table 9. percent of the unit rating, considering both internal
A maximum allowable sump temperature in excess andexternalloads,inaccordancewith3.1.User
of 200°F will increase the thermal rating and can requirementsorspecificationsdictatingdifferent
provide acceptable gear drive performance in some design criteria must be by contractual agreement.
applications. However, it must be recognized that
7.1 Housing
operating above 200°F may reduce lubricant and
contact seal life and increase the surface deteriora- Refertoclause7ofANWAGMA6001-D97for
tion on the gears and bearings with a subsequent design guidance.
increase in the frequency of maintenance. The gear
7.2 Bearings
manufacturer should be consulted when a maximum
allowable oil sump temperature in excess 200°Fofis Shafts may be mounted in sleeve or rolling element
being considered. bearings, of a size, type and capacity to carry the
Table 9 Maximum allowable oil sump formation,
clause 6 of ANWAGMA
temperature modifier, & 6001 -D97.
oil Sleeve
bearing pressures of 750 Ib/in2 on projected area.
1.o0 Journal velocities shall not exceed the values given
below: 1.13

- 1500fpmwithlubricantsuppliednotunder
Whenageardrive sees lessthancontinuous pressure;
operation with periods of zero speed, the resulting - 7200 fpm with lubricant supplied under grav-
“cool-off timeallowsthethermalratingtobe ity with the oil inlet fully flooded.
increased byBo. See table 1O. 7.2.2 Roller and ball bearings
Roller and ball bearings shallbe selected to provide
Table 10 Operation time modifier,Bo a minimum L10 bearing life of5000 hours based on
unitratingascalculatedbythemethods of the
Operation time per bearing manufacturers, with considerations given to
each hour
lubrication, temperature, load zone, alignment and
100% (continuous)
bearing material.
60% 1.15 7.3 Shafting
40% 1.35 Shaftingshouldbedesignedinaccordancewith
20% 1.80 clause 4 of ANWAGMA 6001 -D97.

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7.4 Keys 7.6.1 Types

Refer to clause 5 of ANWAGMA 6001-D97. See Backstops are a variety of clutch. This discussion is
annex B. limited to cam or "sprag" type clutches. However,
7.4.1 External keyways generally used for three distinct operational modes:
Keyways in external shaft extensions on the gear overrunning, indexing and backstopping. This dis-
driveshouldconform to ANSI B17"commercial cussion is further limited to the backstopping mode
class" or IS0 R773- 1969(E)"free fit". of operation.

7.4.2 Allowancefor interference fit 7.6.2 Selection and application

Backstopping load is permitted to pass through all
components between the load and the backstop.
ANSI/AGMA 6001-D97 are basedon the assump-
This may render the backstop function ineffective in
tion that an interference fitis not used and thatthe
case of component failure betweenthe backstop and
key carries the entire torque load, When an interfer-
the driven load.
ence fit is used in conjunction with akey, the actual
compressive or shear stress may be reduced by The
the maximum allowable
effect of the interference fit at maximum operating speedmustbegreaterthan themaximumshaft
temperature as follows: speed attainable in all operating conditions.
The backstop should be selected based upon the
Sc0 = Sc x
(100- ~f X Ksa)
...(32) numberofbackstoppingcyclesandtheapplied
100 torque.
(100- T, x Ksa) ...(33) 7.6.3 Installation
A backstop is installed with the outer race of the
backstop anchored a to stationary member while the
is the adjusted compressive stress, Ib/in2; inner members can overrun freely in one direction of
rotation. A backstop witha separate inner race must
is the adjusted shear stress, Ib/in2;
have the race secured to the rotating shaft.
is the calculated key compressive stress, Installation of built in types
A backstop can be built into the gear drive and the
is the calculated key shear stress, Ib/in2;
inner race eliminated by having the cams engaging
is the allowable percentage of torque capac- directly on the supporting shaft. In this case, the
ity obtained due to the interference fit (by inner race surface mustbe capable of sustaining a
calculation or test); Hertzian contact stress as required by the backstop
is the shrink adjustment factorto compen- design.
sate for less than100 percent engagement The following items concerningthe shaft must also
(determined bytest or experience). be addressed:
The productOf Tfk& I100. - surface
7.5 Threaded fasteners - casedepth;

Refer to clause 8 of ANWAGMA 6001-D97. - taper of the supporting cam contact area;
- concentriclty with backstop outer race.
7.6 Backstops
The shaft that the backstopis mounted on must be
Backstops are designed to prevent reverse rotation supported by bearings. The backstop is not intended
of drivenequipmentthat is intendedforuni- to withstandreactionloadsimposedbygearsor
directional rotation only. They allow free, unimpeded other sources.
rotation in onedirection, while preventing rotation in Source of installation
the opposite direction. Specified torque limit and
rotationalspeed will varydependingupon the Some manufacturers chooseship to gear drives with
manufacturer. backstops internal to the gear drive while others

= Ob87575 0005730 2 2 b
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makethemexternal. In eithercase,specialcare Duringtheselectionprocess,thefollowingitems

must be taken to identifytheproperdirectionof should be considered:
rotation. Manufacturers usually identify the backstop
- hollowshaftanddriveshaftyieldpoint of
housing with a marking to indicate the appropriate material;
shaft rotation to prevent damage to the backstop.
The installation should take the added precaution
of - coefficient of friction between the hollow shaft
manuallyrotatingtheinputshaftwiththemotor and the drive shaft;
installed to insure the proper operation
of the clutch. - tolerance and fits of the mating surfaces;
7.6.4 Lubrication - effectofdiameterchangewhentheshrink
disc is applied;
The backstop, much like other elements of the gear
drive, must have proper lubrication that is free of - surface finishes of the hollow shaft and drive
contaminants, and the lubricant should be drained, shaft;
flushed,andchangedonaregularmaintenance - axial forces applied to the assembly;
- startingandpeakloadstransmittedthrough
the drive system.
The backstop may be lubricated by grease or oil The that shrink disc should be selected according to the
is appropriatelyselected
application manufacturer’s recommendations.
considering the environment in which it will operate.
7.9 Other components
WARNING: Do not use extreme pressure lubricants or
lubricantswith formulations including sulphur, chlorine, See clause 9 of ANWAGMA 6001-D97 for brief
lead and phosphorous derivatives, as well as graphite discussions on the following components:
and molybdenum disulfide in gear drives equipped with
an internal backstop unless approved by the gear drive- shims, 9.1;
manufacturer or the backstop manufacturer.
- gaskets, 9.2;
WARNING: Some synthetic gear lubricants adversely
affect the operation of internal backstops. Special au- - oil seals, 9.3 (see note below);
thorization is required from the gear drive manufacturer - breathers,9.4(seenotebelow);
equipped withan internal backstop. - expansion chambers, 9.5 (see note below);
7.7 Balancing - oillevelindicators,9.6;
The purpose of balancing is to minimize or eliminate - bearingretainers,9.7;
vibration in a rotating element due to unbalance. The - greaseretainers, 9.8;
importance of proper balancing increases directly in
proportion to the pitch line velocity of the rotating
- dowelsandpins,9.9;
part. Excessive unbalance can result in premature - spacers,9.1 O;
bearing, gear or other component failure. - sealretainers,9.11 ;
It is the responsibility
of the manufacturerof the drive - locking devices for fasteners, 9.12;
components to determine the need for balancing
- tolerance and fits of mating surfaces.
andassurethat it is donewithoutaffectingthe
structural integrityof the rotating mass. NOTE: It is recognizedthatgeardrivesapplied in
7.8 Shrink discs conditions should be equipped with special seals and
breathers designed for those conditions. Examples are
Shrink disks are one option to connect a hollow shaft units installedin the dusty or corrosive atmospheres of
gear drive to the drive shaft. The shrink discis an chemical plants, cement mills and taconite processing
external locking device installed over a hollow shaft plants. It is also recommended that units which are to
projection. By tighteningthelockingscrews,the beexposedtoseveremoistureandvaporladen
locking collars exert radial forces on the tapered atmospheres be equippedwith moisture barrier seals
innerringandthehub.Afterbridgingthe fit andbreathers.Someapplicationsinwetlocations
subject to direct or indirect wash down may preclude
clearances, radial clamping pressure is generated the use of breathers, such as in the paper and food
betweenthedriveshaftandthehollowshaft industries. In these cases, expansion chambers may
establishing a solid, frictional connection. be used.

S T D - A G H A bOLU-F77-ENGL L777 17
COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc. 0 b 8 7 5 7 5 0005731, Lb2
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8 Service factors -Type of prime mover. Different types of prime

steam or gas turbines, and internal combustion
8.1 Selection of service factors
engines having single or multiple cylinders.
Before an enclosed gear drive can be selected for an
- Starting conditions. Starting conditions where
application, an "equivalent power rating" must be
peak loads exceed 200 percent of rated load and
determined. This is done by multiplying the specified
frequency or duration as defined in 3.1. Rated
load is defined as the unit rating with a servicefac-
servicefactorsrepresentthenormalrelationship tor of 1.O.
betweengear unit designpowerratingandthe
maximumpotentialtransmittedpower,itissug- When a soft start coupling is used between the
gestedthat theservicefactorbeappliedtothe prime mover and the gear drive, the selectionof
nameplate rating of the driven machine or prime service factors can be based on the gear drive
mover, as applicable. manufacturer's analysis for the application.
Manufacturerandusermustagreeuponwhich - Overloads. Loads which are in excess of the
machine rated load are considered overloads. Overloads
requirements,shoulddictatetheselectionof the can be of momentary duration, periodic, quasi-
geardrive. It isnecessarythatthegeardrive steady
or in nature.
selected have a rated load capacity equal to or in magnitudeandthenumberofstresscycles
excess of this "equivalent power rating". requirespecialanalysis to preventlowcycle
fatigue or yieldstress failure.
Servicefactorhasbeenused to includethe
combined effects
of ZN,YN,& and in
an Applications such as high torque motors, extreme
empirically determined single factor. The mathemat- repetitive shock, or where high energy loads must
ical contribution of each of these factors has not beabsorbed,aswhenstalling,requirespecial
beenestablished. SeeANSVAGMA2001 -CH, consideration.
clause 1O. In the absence of more specific load data,
a service factor, &, shown in table A.2 of annex A,
Overspeeds.Overspeedscontributing to ex-
ternal transmitted loads and dynamic loads re-
may be used. quire special analysis.
8.2 Listing of service factors
- Brakeequippedapplications.Whenagear
The table of "Service Factors", shown in annex A, drive is equipped with a %orking" brake that is
has been developedfrom the experience of manu- used to decelerate the motion of the system,
facturers and users of gear drives for in common
use select the drive based on the brake ratingor the
applications and has been found to be generally transmittedpower,whichever is greater.Ifthe
satisfactory for the listed industries when gears are brake is used for holding only, and
is applied after
rated using AGMA standards. It is suggested that the motion of the system has come to rest, the
service factors for special applications be agreed brake rating should be less than 200 percent of
upon by the user and the gear manufacturer when the base unit rating. the
If brake ratingis greater
variations ofthe tabulated value may be necessary. than 200 percent of the unit rating,
or the brake is
located on the output shaft of the geardrive,
This standardis based on the premise that the user special analysisis required.
is defining a catalog rating.
- Reliability and life requirement.Applications
8.3 Determining senrice factors requiring a high degree of dependability or unusu-
Servicefactorsmay be selectedfromannex A orally longlife shouldbe givencarefulconsideration
may be determined by an analytical method. Listed by the user and the gear manufacturer before
below are some of the more important factors to be assigning a service factor.
considered. 8.3.2 System conditions
An essential phase in the design of a systemof
Some of the operational characteristics that could rotating machinery is the analysis of the dynamic
affect an increase or decrease in service factors are:
(vibratory) response ofa systemto excitation forces.


COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

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AMERICAN 601&F97 - Lubrication.Anylubricantnot in accordance

with manufacturer's recommendations;
Any vibration analysis must consider the complete
systemincludingprimemover,geardrive,driven - Misalignmentanddistortions;
equipment,couplingsandfoundations.Thedy- - Reversing
namic loads imposed upon agear drive are the result High risk applications involving human safety.
of the dynamic behavior of the total system and not of
the gear drive alone. Dynamic response 9 Lubrication and lubricants

Thedynamicresponseofasystemresultsin 9.1 Lubrication

additional loads imposed on the system and relative
These lubrication recommendations apply only to
motion between adjacent elements in the system.
enclosed gear drives which are designed and rated
Thevibratoryloadsaresuperimposeduponthe in
accordance with
AGMA standards.
mean running load in the system and, depending Additionalrecommendationsarecontainedwithin
upon the dynamic behavior of the system, could ANWAGMA lead 9005-D94. These recommendations
to failure of the system components. are not intended to replace any specific lubrication
recommendations made
by the gear drive System induced failure manufacturer.
In a gear drive, system induced failures could occur The lubricant must be selected to provide adequate
as tooth breakage or severe surface deterioration ofoil film thickness at all operating conditions. This
the gear elements, shaft breakage, bearing failure ormayrequireseasonalchangeoflubricant,oil
failure of other component parts. heaters for cold starting conditions, or oil cooler for Special system considerations highambienttemperatures.Oilfilmthickness is
critical to limit wear of gears and bearings.
It should be pointed out that synchronous motors,
9.1.1 Ambient temperature
certain types of high torque induction motors and
generatordrivesrequirespecialcareinsystem The ambient temperature range is -40" to 130°F and
design. is defined as the air temperature in the immediate
vicinity ofthe gear drive. Gear drives exposed to the
Synchronousmotorshavehightransienttorques direct rays of the sun or other radiant heat sources
during starting and when they momentarily trip-out will run hotter and must therefore be given special
and restart. consideration.
Inductionmotorsofspecialhighslipdesigncan 9.1.2 Other considerations
produce extremelyhighstarting torques.Also,when
Gear drives operating outside of these temperature
the motor trips out for a very short time and then theranges,orthoseoperating in extremelyhumid,
trip re-closes, high torque loads are produced. chemicalordustladenatmospheresshould be
Generators have extremely high loads when they referred to the gear drive manufacturer.
areoutofphasewiththemainsystem. Also, 9.1-3 Oil sump temperatures
across-the-line shorts can produce torque loads up
to twenty times the normal running torque. Themaximumoilsumptemperatureformineral
based oils is limited to 200°F. This sump tempera-
All special torque conditions should be considered ture is considered maximum because many
when determininga service factor. lubricants are unstable above the stated maximum
8.3.3 Special considerations
CAUTION: Sump temperatures in excess of 200°F
Adjustments to thegeardriveselectionmaybe mayrequire
necessarywhenoneormoreofthefollowing components such as oil seals and shims.
conditions exists: 9.1.4 Food and drug
- Ambient conditions. Extremes of temperature The lubricants recommended in this standard are
and environment; not
recommended for

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uct being
manufactured occurs.
which is low
enough to allowthe
oil to flow
the start-up temperature but high enough to carry
NOTE: The user must assume the responsibility for
selecting the proper lubricant for all food and drug in- the load at operating temperature.
dustry applications.
refer to
9.1.5Mountingposition ANSI/AGMA 9005-DW.
A l l geardrivesareconsidered to operate in the 9.4.3 Sump heaters
manufacturer's specified mounting position. If a suitable, low temperature oil gear
is not available,
9.2 Lubricant viscosity the gear drive must be provided with a sump heater
to bring the oil up to a temperature at which it will
Lubricant viscosity recommendations are specified
circulate freely for starting. The heater should be
AGMA lubricantnumbers' The so as to avoid
ranges shown
are in which
result in rapid
9005-094, table 4.
9.3 Lubrication recommendations
9.5 Lubricant types
Recommended lubricants are shown
in ANWAGMA Refer to ANWAGMA 9005-D94, clause3.
9005-D94, table5.
9.5.1 Rust
9.3.1Externalcooling lubricants
If the drive lubrication system is equipped with a These lubricants are commonly referred to as R&O
cooler which limits the oil supply temperature to gear oils. They are petroleum base liquids which
125"F,the lubricant grade recommended for 15" to have been formulatedto include chemical additives
50°F in ANWAGMA 9005-D94, table5 may be also which are more resistantto rust and oxidation than
used at the higher temperature range. oil without these special features.
9.3.2 Gearing considerations 9.5.2 Anti-scuff (extreme pressure) lubricants
When thereis a large differencein pitch line velocity Anti-scuff (extreme pressure (EP)) gear lubricants
between the high and low speed gear stages, the are petroleum based lubricants containing special
useofalowerviscositylubricantmaybemore chemical
desirable than that recommended in ANWAGMA recommended for enclosed gear drives are those
9005-D94, table 5 . Also a lower viscosity lubricant containingsulphur,phosphorousorsimilartype
may be desirable when there is a combination of additives. EP gear lubricants should be used only
sleeve and roller element bearings. when specified by the gear drive manufacturer (see
9.4 Cold temperature starting ANWAGMA 9005-D94, table 5).

9.4.1 Low temperature conditions NOTE: Theleadnaphthenatetype is no longer

recommended because of limited availability and poor
Gear unit lubrication, either by splash or pump, muststabilrty in comparison to the more modem types of
be given special attention if theis to unit
be started or lubricants.
operated at temperatures below whichoilthe can be WARNING: Do not use extreme pressure lubricantor
effectively splashed or pumped. Preheating the oil lubricantswith formulations including sulphur, chlorine,
may be necessary under these low ambient tem- lead and phosphorous derivatives, as well as graphite
and molybdenum disulfide in gear drives equipped with
perature conditions. The gear manufacturer must aninternalbackstop,unlessapprovedbythegear
always be informed when units toare operate under manufacturer orthe backstopmanufacturer.
these conditions.
9.5.3 Synthetic gear lubricants
9.4.2 Low temperature gearoils
Gear drives operating in cold areas must be provided(polyalphaolefms) have been used in enclosed gear
with oil that circulates freely and does not cause drives high forspecialoperatingconditions.Synthetic
startingtorques. An acceptable low temperature lubricants can be advantageous over mineral in oils
gear oil,in addition to meeting AGMA specifications, that they generally are more stable, have a longer
must have a pour point at least 10°F below the life, and operate over a wider temperature range.


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Syntheticsarenot"cure-alls".Eachtypehas six months, whichever comes first. Conditions that

differentcharacteristics,andmanyofthemhave mayrequiremorefrequentoilchangeperiods
distinct disadvantages. Such things as compatibility include:
with gear drive and other lube system components,
- ambientconditionsofextremedust,dirt,
behavior in thepresence of moisture,lubricating moisture and chemical particles or fumes;
qualities, overall economics and compatibility with
internal coatings should be carefully analyzed for - sustained lubricant
each type of synthetic lubricant under consideration. approaching 200°F;
In the absence of field experience in similar applica- - dutycycleorambientconditionscausing
tions, the use ofasyntheticlubricantshouldbe large and rapid sump temperature changes;
manufacturer and the lubricant supplier.
- seasonalambient
temperature changes
causing changes in recommended lubricant.
CAUTION: Special authorization is required fromthe
Extending the change period recommended may be
manufacturer prior to using a synthetic lubricant in a
unit equipped with an internal backstop. preferredbasedontypeoflubricant,amountof
9.5.4 Synthetic lubricant selection impact of used oil. This can be done through proper
The recommendations for synthetic lubricants are implementation of a comprehensive lubricant testing
based on gear drive manufacturers' experience with program. As a minimum, the program should include
synthetic hydrocarbons of the polyalphaolefin type. testing for:
While other types of synthetic lubricants may be - changes in appearance and odor;
used, lack of experience prevents their recommen-
- lubricantviscostty(oxidation);
used as a guide in selection of these other types of - waterconcentration;
lubricants along with the considerations of 9.1.2. - contaminant
9.6 Maintenanceof lubrication system - sedimentandsludge;
Lubricants must be free of solid contaminants such - additiveconcentrationandcondition.
as dirt and wear particles, free of water, and contain
In the absenceof more specific limits, the guidelines
additives to maintaintheir
listed as follows may be used to indicate when to
performance. The best way to maintain lubricant
change oil:
performance is by regularoil changes.
- water content greater than0.05% (500 pprn);
Refer to ANWAGMA 9005-D94,clause 6.
- ironcontentexceeds 150 ppm;
9.6.1 Initial lubricant maintenance
- silicon(dust/dirt)exceeds 25 ppm;
The lubricant in a new gear drive should be drained - viscosity changes more than 15%.
after 500 hoursorfour (4) weeksofoperation,
whichever occurs first. The gear case should be These tests shouldbeperformedontheinitial
thoroughlycleanedwithacommercialgradeof charge of the gear unit to establish a base line for
flushing oil that is compatible with the seals and comparison.Subsequent test intervalsshouldbe
operating lubricant. established based on the unit manufacturer's and
lubricant supplier's recommendations.
The original lubricant can be used for refillingit has
been filtered through a filter of
30 microns or less,
it is 9.6.3 Cleaning and flushing
free of water, and the original additive strength is The lubricant should be drained while the gear drive
maintained; otherwise, new lubricant must be used. is at operating temperature. The drive should be
Lubricantsshouldnotbefilteredthroughfuller's cleaned with a flushing oil.
earth or any filters which remove lubricant additives.
9.6.4 Used lubricants
9.6.2 Subsequent oil change interval
Used lubricant and flushing oil should be completely
Undernormaloperatingconditions,thelubricant removed from the system to avoid contaminating the
should be changed every 2500 operating hours or new charge.

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

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9.6.5 Cleaning with solvents viewing a specified shaft from a specified free end
position. Designation of shaft rotation on drawings
The use of a solvent should be avoided unless the
or in tables may be shown by letter abbreviations or
gear drive contained deposits of oxidizedor contami-
circular arrows as shown in figure 2.
flushing oil. When persistent deposits necessitate 10.2 Assembly designations
the use of a solvent, a flushing oil should then be Standard assembly designations
are shown in
used to remove all traces of solvent from the system. figures 3 , 4 and 5.
9.6.6 Inspection
possible, and all traces of foreign material removed. Clockwise
The new charge of lubricant should be added and rotation
circulated to coatall internal parts.

1O Assembly and rotation Counter-

10.1 Shaft rotation direction rotation

Rotationaldirection of bothhighandlowspeed Side End

shafts is either clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise views views
(CCW). Direction of shaft rotation is determined by -
Figure 2 Shaft rotation

t t t t

Plan views

1. Code:L = Left; R = Right

U t
Plan views

2. Arrows indicate line of sight

to determine direction of shaft extensions.
3. Letters preceding the hyphen referto number and direction of high speed shaft extensions.
4. Letters followingthe hyphen refer to number and directionlowof speed shaft extensions.

Figure 3 - Parallel shaftspur, helical and herringbone gear drives, single or multiple stage

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

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f 3

t t t t
Plan views

t t Jj"
I Front views
Plan views
1. Code: U = Up position-low speed shaft;
1. Code: L = Left; R = Right
D = Down position-low speed shaft.
2. Arrows indicate line of sight to determine direction
2. Arrows indicate line of sightto determine direction
of shaft extensions.
of shaft extensions.
3. Numerals preceding the hyphen refer to number
3. Numerals preceding the hyphen referto number
of high speed shaft extensions.
of high speed shaft extensions.
4. Letters following the hyphen refer
to number and
4. Letters followingthe hyphen referto number and
direction of low speed shaft extensions.
direction oflow speed shaft extensions.

Figure 4 Horizontal bevel gear drives, -
Figure 5 Vertical bevel gear drives,
single stage; horizontal bevel-helical single stage; vertical bevel-helical
drives, multiple stage drives, multiple stage

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11 Ratios 13 Storage

13.1 General
Thestandardratiosarebaseduponthe (1.5)Oe5
geometric numerical progression. These general storage recommendations should be
used when specific manufacturer’s instructions are
This progression is a modificationof the ANSI “10 not available. They apply to gear designs in which
Series”. The standard ratios are listed in table 11. the rotating elements are contained in a suitable
obtained from the enclosed housing. See annex E.
Proper protection, storage and inspection of gear
drives is considered to be the responsibilityof the
Table 11 Nominal ratios owner. It is recommended that reducers be stored in
a dry, temperature controlled environment. Within
Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio this environment, the ambient temperature change
1 .225 9.330 70.62 536.3 should not be allowed to pass through the dew point
1.500 11.39 86.50 656.8 since this would cause moisture condensation on
1.837 13.95 105.9 804.5 gear drive surfaces.
2.250 17.09 129.7 985.3
13.2 Normal storage
2.756 20.93 158.9 1207
3.375 25.63 194.6 1478 During manufacture and for intervals of storage to up
4.134 238.4 31.39
1810 fourmonths,internalcomponents of gear drives
5.062 38.44 291.9 221 7 shouldbecoatedwithasuitable oil basedrust
6.200 357.5 2715
47.08 preventative. This rust preventative should contain
7.594 57.67 waterdisplacementand fingerprintsuppressant
437.9 3325
manufacture. A suitable petroleum base rust
preventative should be applied to external surfaces
before the drives are placed in storage. Such coating
12 Marking should be self-healing and contain water displace-
ment and fingerprint suppressant additives suitable
for protecting the surfaces against rust for a period of
12.1 Nameplate data up to 12 months.
A suitable nameplate should be attachedto the gear External and internal inspection of the gear drive
drive with the following minimum information: should be made monthly. Any moisture observed
should be removedthis at time and components and
- size;
with rust preventative as
- ratio; necessary.
- servicepowerrating; Drives should be inspected prior to charging with
lubricant to ensure that no condensate is present
- highspeedshaftrpm;
the oil sump.
- service
factor; 13.3 Adverse conditions or long term storage
- lubrication
specification. In conditions of long periods of storage or storage in
122 AGMA monogram environments subjecttohighhumidity,
temperature change, or exposure to an oxidation
Use of the AGMAmonogramcertifiesthat the enhancingatmosphere,geardrivesshouldbe
manufacturer of thegeardriveis a member of completely filledto overflowing with a high quallty oil
AGMA,anddoesnot in anywayindicatethe base rust inhibmng lubricant. In cases where it is
manufacturer’s compliance with AGMAstandards orimpractical to fill the gear drive to overflowing, the
practices. lubricantshouldbecirculated to coat all internal


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componentsandthegeardrivesealed to helpunit is notmounted in thepositionforwhich it is

condensation. Care
taken to designed. It may be
desirable to elevate
ensure that all enclosed areas are properly vented
to foundation to facilitate oil drainage.
prevent the entrapment of moist air. 14.1.2 Concrete foundation
All external r ~ ' ~ a c h ~ ~should
~ ~ be coated Ifaconcretefoundation is used, steel mounting pads
with a Solvent based rust inhibiting undercoating and
and bolts of sufficient size to distribute the stress into
top coated with an asphalt base rust preventative.the concrete should be grouted into the foundation.
inspection ofthe gear drive should be performed on
If astructuralsteelfoundation is used (Le.,wide
a weekly basis. The sump drain shouldbe opened
flange beams or channels), a base plate or sole plate
and a small amount of oil removed along with any
ofsuitablethicknessshould be used and should
extend under the entire unit.
shouldberefilled to overflowingandresealed.
Outsidesurfacesshouldberecoatedasnecessary. 14.2 Footmountedunits
CAUTION: Some gear drives contain features where Use shims under the feet of the unit to align the
overfill with lubricant is not feasible or practical. These output shaftto the driven equipment. Make sure that
features include such items as drywells on verticalshaft all feet are supported so that the housing will not
units and labyrinth seals on shaft extensions. Forthese
distort when it is bolted down. Improper shimming
drives, add the appropriatetype and amount of vapor
phase rust inhibitor and seal any openings. lnspectthe will reduce the life of the unit and may cause failure.
gear drive on a weekly basis and add the required Install dowel pins as instructed by the manufactur-
amount of lubricant. Drives fitted with labyrinth seals er's installation manual to prevent misalignment and
cannot be filled with oil or have a vapor phase rust ensure proper realignmentif removed for service.
inhibitor installed as bothwil leak from the unit.
14.3 Shaft mounted units
Shaft mounted drives should be mounted asto close
14 Installation the driven equipment bearing support as possibleto
minimizebearingloadsdue to overhungload.
Design of the joint connection between the torque
To ensure long service and dependable perform-
arm andthe foundationis the user's responsibility.
ance,anenclosedgeardrivemust berigidly
following describes the precautions Both the hollow shaft and the driven shaft should be
required to accomplish this end* The gear reducer liberally lubricated before assembly. The unit must
manufacturer's installation
freely onto the driven
shaft. Do not hammeror
followed, as it may include more detailed procedures force the unit into place.
appear in this
see E. retention
14.1 Foundation Followthemanufacturer'sinstructionsforaxial
retention of the unit on the driven shaft.
The responsibility for the design and construction of
the foundation lies with the user. The foundation
must be adequate to withstand normal operating If set screws are used for axial retention, they should
loadsandpossibleoverloadswhichmayoccur be tightened evenly. Flats may be filed on the driven
withoutdamage to itselforanyofthesystem shaft and a thread locking adhesive used for more
componentsand to maintainalignmentofthe positive retention.
components under such loads. Thrust plate
In applications which are subject to high vibratory
Unlessaunit is specificallyorderedforinclined loads, athrust plate will provide greater resistance
mounting, the foundationmust be level and flat. The axial
lubrication system may not operate properly if the recommendations for assembly.

S T D - A G M A b010-F97-ENGL
COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.
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ANWAGMA 6010-F97 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Shrink disc mounting. Pinions, sprockets and sheaves should

be mountedas close as possible to the unit housing
If a shrink discis used to secure the hollow shaftto
to minimize bearing loads and shaft deflection.
manufacturer's assembly procedure. If the shrink 14.5.3 Coupling alignment
disc manufacturer's procedures are not available, Shaft couplings should be installed accordingthe to
the following may be used: gear manufacturer'srecommendationsforgap,
a)Anyprotectivespacersbetweenthelocking angularandparallelalignment.Inmanyinstalla-
collars should be removed; tions,itisnecessarytoallowforthermaland
b)Tightenslightlyanythreeequallyspaced mechanical shaft movement when determining shaft
lockingboltsuntiltheinnerringcanjustbe alignment. The gear manufacturer's recommenda-
rotated. Overtightening at this time can damage should
tions followed.
the inner ring. Measure the gap between the lock- aremadebythegeardrive
at points aroundthe manufacturer, follow thecouplingmanufacturer's
circumference to ensure that they are parallel; recommendations.
c) Slidetheshrinkdiscoverthehollowshaft. Axial displacement
Tighten the bolts in gradual increments following
The gap between shaft ends should be the same as
a circumferential pattern until all bolts are tight-
enedtothespecifiedtorque.Check the gap
mountingof the couplinghub is specified.The
between the locking collarsto be sure that they
coupling gap and shaft gap must be sufficient to
are parallel.
any thermalor
14.3.3 Torque arm mechanical axial movement.
The torque arm should always be mounted within the Angular alignment
angular limits specified by the manufacturer. The
preferred mounting position is perpendicular to a line Insert a spacer or shim stock equal tothe required
through the output shaft center and the point of coupling gap between the coupling hub faces and
attachment of the torque armto the unit housing.In measure the clearance using feeler gauges. Repeat
this position the minimum load on the torque will armthis at the same depth at 90 degree intervals to
beexperienced.Design of thejointconnection determine the amountof angular misalignment.
betweenthe torque arm and foundationthe is user's Parallel alignment
Mount adia1 indicator to one coupling hub, and rotate
14.4 Prime mover mounting this hub, sweeping the outside diameter of the other
hub. The parallel misalignmentis equal to one-half
Align the prime mover to the unit input shaft using
of the total indicator reading. Another methodis to
shims under the feet. Make sure that the feet are
rest a straight edge squarely the outside
on diameter
supported. Dowel the prime mover to itsfoundation.
of the hubs at 90 degree intervals and measure any
14.5 Shaft connections gapswith
maximum gap
14.5.1 Fits measurement is the parallel misalignment.

Clearance or interferencefitsforcouplinghubs Checking alignment

in with
ANWAGMA After both angular and parallel alignments are within
9002486. Outboard pinion and sprocket fitsshould specified limits, tightenall foundation bolts securely
beasrecommendedby thepinion or sprocket and repeat the above procedure to check alignment.
manufacturer. Coupling hubs, pinions and sprock- If any of thespecifiedlimitsforalignmentare
ets with interference
fits should be heated according exceeded, realign the coupling.
to the manufacturer's recommendations, generally
14.5.4 Sprocket or sheave alignment
250°F to 300"F, before assemblingto the shaft.
Align the sheavesor sprockets square and parallel
14.5.2 Location byplacing astraightedgeacrosstheirfaces.
Coupling hubs should be mounted flush with the Alignment of bushed sheaves and sprockets should
shaft ends, unless specifically ordered for overhung becheckedafterbushingshavebeentightened.


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Licensed by Information Handling Services

Check horizontal shaft alignment by placing a level contact.Thefoundationboltsmayhaveto be

vertically against the face
of the sheaveor sprocket. loosened and the unit moved slightlyto obtain this
Adjust belt or chain tension per the manufacturer’s contact. When the unit is moved to correct tooth
specified procedure. contact, the prime mover should be realigned.
14.5.5 Outboard pinion alignment 14.5.6 Recheck alignment
by adjusting the gear tooth clearance
Align the pinion
according to the manufacturer’s recommendations After a period of operation, recheck alignment and
and checking for acceptable outboard pinion tooth adjust as required.

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COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

Annex A
Service factors

[The foreword, footnotes and annexes,

if any, are provided for informational purposes only and should not be as
part of ANWAGMA 6010-F97, Standard for Spur, Helical, Herringbone and Bewl Enclosed Drives.]

A.l Purpose applications be agreed upon by the user and the

gear manufacturer when variations of the valuesin
This annex provides a detailed guide for determining the table may be required.
service factors for enclosed gear drives.
A.3 Determining senrice factors
A.l.l Selection of service factors
In addition to the tables, an analytical approach may
Before an enclosed speed reducer or increaser can be used to determine See 8.3for
the service factor.
be selected for any application, an equivalent unit the important factors to be considered.
power rating (service factor = 1 .O) must be deter-
mined.Thisisdonebymultiplyingthespecified A4 Senrice factor tables
power by the service factor. Since the service factor Service factors have served industry well when the
represents the normal relationship between the gear applicationhasbeenidentifiedbyknowledgeable
unit rating and the required application power, it is and experienced gear design engineers. The tables
suggested that the service factor be appliedto the areprovidedforinformationpurposesonlyand
nameplaterating of theprimemoverordriven should be used only after taking into account allof
machine rating, as applicable. the
operation of the enclosed gear drive.
power,prime moverrating
machine A.4.1 Use of tables
requirements,shoulddictatetheselection of the
geardrive.Itisnecessarythatthegeardrive Service factors shown in tableA.2 arefor gear drives
selected have a rated unit capacity equal to or in driven by motors (electric or hydraulic) and turbines
excess of this "equivalent unit power rating". (steam or gas).

All service factors listed are .O

1 or greater. Service A.4.2 Driver influence
factors less than 1.0 can be used in some applica-
When the driver is a single cylinder or multi-cylinder
tions when specified by the user andtoagreed by the
engine, the service factors from table A.2 must be
convertedtothevaluesfromtable A.l forthe
appropriate type of prime mover.
Table A.2 should be used with caution, since much
higher values have occurred in some applications. A5 Example
Values as high as ten have been used. On some
applicationsup to sixtimesnominaltorquecan If the application is a centrifugal blower, the service
occur,suchas:Turbine/Generatordrives,Heavy factor from tableA 2 is 1.25 for a motor or turbine.
Plate and Billet rolling mills. Table A.l converts this value to 1.50 for a muti-
cylinder engine and 1.75 for a single cylinder engine.
A2 Listing of service factors
CAUTION: Any user of enclosed gear drives should
make sure hehas the latest available data on the fac-
The table of service factors has been developed
tors affecting the selection of a gear drive.
When better
from the experienceof manufacturers and users of load intensity information is available on the driving or
gear drives for use in common applications. It is driven equipment, this should be considered when a
for service factor is selected.

S T D - A G H A bOLO-F77-ENGL L777
COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc. Ob87575 0005743 q o q œ
Licensed by Information Handling Services

Table A.1 - Conversion tablefor single or multi-cylinder enginesto find eqUiValeM SingleOr
multi-cylinder servicefactor
Steam and gas turbines,
hydraulic or electric motor Single cylinder engines Multi-cylinder engines
1.o0 1.25
1.25 1.75 1.50
1.50 2.00 1.75
1.75 2.25 2.00
2.00 2.50 2.25
2.25 2.75 2.50
2.50 3.00 2.75
2.75 3.25 3.00
3.00 3.50 3.25

- or electric) or
Table A2 Service factorsfor enclosed gear drives driven by motors (hydraulic
turbines (steamor gas)
T Load duration 1
Application Up to 3 hours 3 to 10 hours Over 10 hours
per day per day per day
Agitators (mixers)
Pure liquids 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Liquids and solids 1.o0 1.25 1.50
Liquids - variable density 1 .o0 1.25
Centrifugal 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Lobe 1.o0 1.25
Vane 1.o0 1.25 1.50
Brewing and distilling
Bottling machinery 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Brew kettles- continuous duly 1.25 1.25 1.25
Cookers - continuous duty 1.25 1.25 1.25
Mash tubs- continuous duty 1.25 1.25 1.25
Scale hopper frequent starts 1.25 1.25 1.50
San filling machines 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Car dumpers 1.50 1.75 2.00
Car pullers 1.o0 1.25 1.50
Clarifiers 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Slassifiers 1.o0 1.25 1S O
Clay working machinery
Brick press 1.50 1.75 2.00
Briquette machine 1.50 1.75 2.00
Pug mill 1.o0 1.25 1.50
Compactors 2.00 2.00 2.00
Centrifugal 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Lobe 1.o0 1.25 1.50
Reciprocating, multi-cylinder 1.50 1.50 1.75
Reciprocating, single-cylinder 1.75 1.75 2.00


COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

Table A.2 (continued)

Load duration
Application Ip to 3 hours B to 10 hours )ver10 hours
per day per day per day
Dry dock
Main hoist 2.50 2.50 2.50
Auxiliary hoist 2.50 2.50 3.00
Boom hoist 2.50 2.50 3.00
Slewing drive 2.50 2.50 3.00
Traction drive 3.00 3.00 3.00
Main hoist 3.00 3.00 3.00
Boom hoist 2.00 2.00 2.00
Trolley drive
Gantry drive 3.00 3.00 3.00
Traction drive 2.00 2.00 2.00
Mill duty
Main hoist 3.50 3.50 3.50
Auxiliary 3.50 3.50 3.50
Bridge 2.50 3.00 3.00
Trolley travei 2.50 3.00 3.00
Industrial duty
Main 2.50 2.50 3.00
Auxiliary 2.50 2.50 3.00
Bridge 2.50 3.00 3.00
Trolley travel 2.50 3.00 3.00
Stone or ore 1.75 1.75 2.00
Cable reels 1.25 1.25 1.50
Conveyors 1.25 1.25 1.50
Cutter head drives 2.00 2.00 2.00
Pumps 2.00 2.00 2.00
Screen drives 1.75 1.75 2.00
Stackers 1.25 1.25 1.50
Winches 1.25 1.25 1.50
Bucket 1.o0 1.25 1.50
Centrifugal discharge 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Escalators 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
freight 1.o0 1.25 1.50
Gravity discharge 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
General 1.50 1.50 1.50
Variable speed drive 1.50 1.50
Fixed speed drive 1.75 1.75 1.75
Continuous screw operation 1.75 1.75 1.75
Intermittent screw oDeration 1.75 1.75 1.75

S T D - A G H A bO2O-F97-ENGL 2777 O b 0 7 5 7 5 00057'45 7 5 7
COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
~ ~

ANSI/AGMA 6010-F97

Table A-2 (continued)

Load duration
Application Up to 3 hours 3 to 10 hours Over 10 hours
per day per day per day
Centrifugal 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Cooling towers 2.00 2.00 2.00
Forced draft 1.25 1.25 1.25
Induced draft 1S O 1.50 1.50
Industrial & mine 1.50 1S O 1S O
Apron 1.o0 1.25 1.50
Belt 1.o0 1.25 1.50
Disc 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Reciprocating 1.50 1.75 2.00
Screw 1.o0 1.25 1S O
=ood industry
Cereal cooker 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Dough mixer 1.25 1.25 1.50
Meat grinders 1.25 1.25 1.50
Slicers 1.25 1.25 1.50
Senerators and exciters 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Hammer mills 1.75 1.75 2.00
Heavy duty 1.75 1.75 2.00
Medium duty 1.25 1.25 1S O
Skip hoist 1.25 1.25 1S O
Tumblers 1.25 1.25 1.50
Washers 1.50 1.50 2.00
Lumber industry
Barkers - spindle feed 1.25 1.25 1S O
Main drive 1.75 1.75 1.75
Conveyors - burner 1.25 1.25 1.50
Main or heavy duty 1S O 1.50 1.50
Main log 1.75 1.75 2.00
Re-saw, merry-go-round 1.25 1.25 1.50
Slab 1.75 1.75 2.00
Transfer 1.25 1.25 1.50
Floor 1.50 1S O 1.50
Green 1.50 1.50 1.75
Cut-off saws
Chain 1.50 1S O 1.75
Drag 1.50 1.50 1.75
Debarking drums 1.75 1.75 2.00
Edger 1.25 1.25 1.50
Gang 1.75 1.75 1.75
Trimmer 1.25 1.25 1S O

S T D - A G H A b010-F77-ENGL
COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.
17’77 O b 8 7 5 7 5 000574b h 9 3
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Table A-2 (continued)

Load duration 1
Application Ip t o 3 hours I to 10 hours lver 10 hours
per day per day per day
Lumber industry(continued)
Log deck 1.75 1.75 1.75
Log hauls- incline well type 1.75 1.75 1.75
Log turning devices 1.75 1.75 1.75
Planer feed 1.25 1.25 1.50
Planer tilting hoists 1.50 1.50 1.50
Rolls - live-off bearing - roll cases 1.75 1.75 1.75
Sorting table 1.25 1.25 1.50
Tipple hoist 1.25 1.25 1.50
Chain 1.50 1.50 1.75
Craneway 1.50 1.50 1.75
Tray drives 1.25 1.25 1.50
Veneer lathe drives 1.25 1.25 1.50
Metal mills
Draw bench carriage and main drive 1.25 1.25 1.50
Runout table
Group drives 1.50 1.50 1.50
Individual drives 2.00 2.00 2.00
Reversing 2.00 2.00 2.00
Slab pushers 1.50 1.50 1.50
Shears 2.00 2.00 2.00
Wire drawing 1.25 1.25 1.50
Wire winding machine 1.25 1.50 1.50
Metal strip processing machinery
Bridles 1.25 1.25 1.50
Coilers & uncoilers 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Edge trimmers 1.o0 1.25 1.50
Flatteners 1.25 1.25 1.SO
Loopers (accumulators) 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Pinch rolls 1.25 1.25
Scrap choppers 1.25 1.25 1.50
Shears 2.00 2.00 2.00
Slitters 1.o0 1.25 1.50
Mills, rotary type
Ball & rod
Spur ring gear 2.00 2.00 2.00
Helical ring gear 1.50 1.50 1.50
Direct connected 2.00 2.00 2.00
Cement kilns 1.50 1.50
Dryers & coolers 1S O 1.50 1.50
Concrete 1.25 1.25 1.50
Paper mills2)
Agitator (mixer) 1.50 1.50 1.50
Agitator for pure liquors 1.25 1.25 1.25
Barking drums 2.00 2.00 2.00


COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

Table A-2 (continued)

T Load duration 1
Application Up to 3 hours 3 to 10 hours h e r 10 hours
per day per day per day
'aper millsz) (continued)
Barkers - mechanical 2.00 2.00
Beater 1.50 1.50 1.50
Breaker stack 1.25 1.25 1.25
Calende$) 1.25 1.25 1.25
Chipper 2.00 2.00 2.00
Chip feeder 1.50 1.50 1.50
Coating rolls 1.25 1.25
Chip, bark, chemical 1.25 1.25
Log (including slab) 2.00 2.00
Couch rolls 1.25 1.25
Cutter 2.00 2.00 2.00
Cylinder molds 1.25 1.25 1.25
Paper machine 1.25 1.25
Conveyor type 1.25 1.25
Embosser 1.25 1.25 1.25
Extruder 1.50 1.50
Fourdrinier rolls (includes lump breaker, dandy roll, 1.25
1.25 1.25
wire turning, and return rolls) 1.50
1.50 1.50
Jordan 1.50 1.50
Kiln drive 1.25 1.25
Mt. Hope roll 1.25 1.25
Paper rolls 1.50 1.50
Platter 1.25 1.25
Presses - felt & suction 2.00 2.00 2.00
Pulper 1.50 1.50
1S O
Pumps - vacuum 1.25 1.25
Reel (surface type)
Screens 1S O 1.50
Chip 1S O 1.50
2.00 2.00 2.00
1.25 1.25 1.25
Size press 1.25
1.25 1.25
Super calende+)
1S O 1.50 1.50
Thickener(ACmotor) 1.25 1.25
(DC motor)
1.50 1.50 1S O
1.25 1.25 1.25
(DC motor)
1.o0 1 .o0 1.o0
Wind and unwind stand
1.25 1.25 1.25
Winders (surface type) 1.25 1.25
Yankee dryers3)
%sties industry
Primary processing
Intensive internal mixers
Batch mixers 1.75 1.75 1.75
Continuous mixers 1.50 1.50 1.50


COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services


Table A-2 (confinueu)

r Load duration 1
Up to 3 hours 3 to 10 hours h e r 10 hours
per day per day per day
'lastics industry (continued)
Batch drop mill - 2 smooth rolls 1.25 1.25 1.25
Continuous feed, holding& blend mill 1.25 1.25 1.25
Compounding mill 1.25 1.25 1.25
Calenders 1.50 1.50 150
Secondary processing
Blow molders 1.50 1.50 1S O
Coating 1.25 1.25 1.25
Film 1.25 1.25 1.25
Pipe 1.25 1.25 1.25
Pre-plasticizers 1.50 1.50 1.50
Rods 1.25 1.25 1.25
Sheet 1.25 1.25 1.25
Tubing 1.25 1.25 1.50
'ullers barge haul 1.25 1.25 1.50
Centrifugal 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Proportioning 1.25 1.25 1.50
Single acting, 3 or more cylinders 1.25 1.25 1.50
Double acting, 2 or more cylinders 1.25 1.25 1.50
Gear type 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Lobe 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Vane 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
qubber industry
Intensive internal mixers
Batch mixers 1.75 1.75 1.75
Continuous mixers 1.50 1.50 1.50
Mixing mill- 2 smooth rolls(it corrugated rolls are
used, then use the same service factors that 1.50 1.50 1.50
are used for a cracker warmer)
Batch drop mill 2 smooth rolls 1.50 1.50 1.50
Cracker warmer - 2 rolls; 1 corrugated roll 1.75 1.75 1.75
Cracker - 2 corrugated rolls 2.00 2.00 2.00
Holding, feed& blend mill- 2 rolls 1.25 1.25 1.25
Refiner - 2 rolls 1.50 1.50 1.50
Calenders 1.50 1.50 1.50
Sand muller 1.25 1.25 1.50
Sewage disposal equipment
Bar screens 1.25 1.25 1.25
Chemical feeders 1.25 1.25 1.25
Dewatering screens 1.50 1.50 1.50
Scum breakers 1S O 1.50 1.50
Slow or rapid mixers 1.50 1.50 1.50
Sludge collectors 1.25 1.25 1.25
Thickeners 1.50 1.50 1.50
Vacuum filters 1.50 1.50 1.50

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services

Table A-2 (condud&)

Load duration
Application Up to 3 hours 3 to 10 hours 3ver 10 hours
per day per day per day
Air washing 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Rotary - stone or gravel 1.25 1.25 1.50
Traveling water intake 1.o0 1.o0 1.25
Sugar industry
Beet slicer 2.00 2.00 2.00
Cane knives 1.50 1.50 1.50
Crushers 1.50 1.50 1S O
Mills (low speed end) 1.75 1.75 1.75
rextile industry
Batchers 1.25 1.25 1.50
Calenders 1.25 1.25 1S O
Cards 1.25 1.25 1.50
Dry cans 1.25 1.25 1.50
Dryers 1.25 1.25 1S O
Dyeing machinery 1.25 1.25 1.50
Looms 1.25 1.25
Mangles 1.25 1.25 1.50
Nappers 1.25 1.25 1.50
Pads 1.25 1.25
Slashers 1.25 1.25 1.50
Soapers 1.25 1.25 1.50
Spinners 1.25 1.25 1S O
Tenter frames 1.25 1.25 1.50
Washers 1.25 1.25 1.50
Winders 1.25 1.25 1.50
Crane drives are to be selected based on gear tooth bending strength. Contact gear manufacturer for strength
atings. Service factorin durability shouldbe a minimumof 1.O.
9 Service factors for paper mill applications are applied to the nameplate rating of the electric drive motor at the
notor rated based speed.
Anti-friction bearings only. Use1.5 for sleeve bearings.
I) A service factorof 1.O0 may be applied at base speed of a super calender operating over-speed range of part
ange constant horsepower, part range constant torque where the constant horsepower speed range is greater than
I .5 to 1. A service factorof 1.25 is applicableto super calenders operating over the entire speed range
at constant
orque or where the constant horsepower speed range lessis
than 1.5 to 1.


S T Manufacturers
COPYRIGHT American Gear D D A G M A b O LAssociation,
O - F 7 7 - E N GInc.
L L777 m O b 8 7 5 7 5 0005750 OL'l W
Licensed by Information Handling Services

Annex B
Keys and keywaysfor shaft extensions

if any, are provided for informational purposes and

r h e foreword, footnotes and annexes, onlyshould not be construed asa
part of ANSIIAGMA 601O-F97, Standard for Spur, Helical, Herringboneand Bevel EnclosedDrives.]

B.l Purpose B.2Keys

Thepurposeofthisannex is to presentrecom- Recommended key sizes are shown in table B.l.
mended standard sizes of keys and keywaysto be Square keys are preferred through 6.5 inches shaft
used on shaft extensions of standard gear reducers.diameter. Rectangular keys are preferred over 6.5
This annexis in conformance with ANSI B I 7.1-1 967 inches shaft diameter.
and ANWAGMA 9002486.
The intent of the recommended standardization to is determines the key size.
simplify the accommodationof power transmission
8.3 Keyways
accessories on these gear drives. These accesso-
ries typically include shaft couplings, sheaves and Keyway sizes should normallybe selectedto resutl
sprockets. in a commercialfit with thekey. A commercial fit will
result in a clearancefit with the sides of a key.
While it is recognizedthatthereareoccasional
reasons to deviate from these recommendations, Under certain circumstances, it may be necessaryto
general conformance will eliminate confusion and provide a radius in the keyway. The recommenda-
misinterpretation between vendor or supplier and tions for keyway radii and key chamfer are shown in
user as well as ensure compatibili. table 8.2.

Table B.l - Key sizes and tolerances for square and rectangular keys (inches)
Nominal shaft Recommended key size r Recommended key width
& height tolerance 1
- Commercial class Precision class 1
Over To Square Rectangular Square Rectangular Square Rectangular
Width & hgt. Width & hgt. Width & hgt. Width Height
3.3125 0.4375 0.0937~0.0937 "
+0.0001-0.002 t0.000/-0.003 ~0.001/-0.000+0.001/-0.000+0.005/-0.005
3.4375 0.5625 0.1250~0.0937 +0.000/-0.002 t0.000/-0.003
0.1250~0.1250 t0.001/-0.000 tO.OO1~-O.OOO +0.005/-0.005
3.5625 0.8750 0.1875~0.1250 +o.OOo/-0.002
0.1875~0.1875tO.000/-0.003 to.o01/-0.000 +O.OO11-O.OOO +0.005/-0.005
3.8750 1.2500 0.25OOXO.2500 0.2500x0.1875 tO.OOO/-0.003 t0.001/-0.000 +0.001/-0.000 +0.005/-0.005
1.2500 1 ,3750 0.3125x0.3125 t0.001/-0.000
0.3125x0.2500 +0.001/-0.000 +0.005/-0.005
1.3750 1.7500 0.3750x0.2500
0.3750X0.3750 t0.000/-0.003 t0.001/-0.000 +0.001/-0.000 +0.005/-0.005
1.7500 2.2500 0.5oOOxO.5OOO 0.5000~0.3750 +0.000/-0.002 +0.000/-0.003 t0.001/-0.000 +0.005/-0.005 +0.001/-0.000
2.2500 2.7500 0.6250~0.4375
0.6250~0.6250+0.000/-0.003 tO.OOl/-0.000 +0.001/-0.000 +0.005/-0.005
2.7500 3.2500 0.750OxO.5OOO +0.000/-0.002
0.75OOx0.7500 tO.000/-0.003 to.D01/-0.000 +0.001/-0.000+0.005/-0.005
3.2500 3.7500 0.8750~0.6250 +O.OOO/-0.003
0.8750~0.8750+0.000/-0.004 +0.001/-0.000 +0.001/-0.000 +0.005/-0.005
3.7500 4.5000 1.ooooxl.oooo l . m x o . m +O.OOo/-0.003 +0.000/-0.004 +O.ool/-0.000 +0.001/-0.000 +0.005/-0.005
4.5000 5.5000 1.2500xo.8750 +O.OOO/-0.003
1.25ooxl.2500 +0.001/-0.000 +0.001/-0.000 +0.005/-0.005
5.5000 6.5000 1.5oooxl.5oM3 1.5000x1.m +O.000/-0.003 +0.002/-0.000 +0.002/-0.000+0.005/-0.005
6.5000 7.5000 1 . 7 5 0 0 ~ 1 . ~1.7500~1.5000 +0.000/-0.004+O.OOO/-0.005+0.002/-0.000 +0.002/-0.000 +0.005/-0.005
7.5000 9.0000 2.mx2.m 2.mx1.5000 +0.000/-0.004+0.000/-0.005 to.002/-0.o00 +0.002/-0.000 +0.005/-0.005
817.1 -1967,Reaffirmed 1989.
Tolerances agree with ANSI

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

Table 8.2 - Values for keywayfillet radius and

suggested key chamfer

Keyway depth
To Keyway fillet Suggested
Over (incl.) radius
118 1164 1/32 x 45"
118 114 1/32 3/64 x 45"
114 112 3/32 5/64 x 45"
112 718 5/32 5/32 x 45"
71a 1-114 7/32

S T D - A G M A bOLO-F7?-ENGL L797 Ob87575 0005752 9 9 7
COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services

Annex C
Illustrative examples

r h eforeword, footnotes and annexes, if any, are provided for informational purposes only and should nota be construed
part of ANSIIAGMA 601O-F97, Standard for Spur, Helical, Herringbone and Bevel Enclosed Drives.]

Introduction np =870 rpm

F = 2.00 in
The examples shown in this annex are based on the
assumption that the gear setis the minimum rated I =0.192
component. In practice all component ratings must
be calculatedto determine the lowest rated compo-
d = 20 = 4.001 in
nents. Tables, figures and equation references are &
= i.25 (see 2001, Eq. 23; vf = 911 Wmin and
takenfromANSllAGMA2001-C95andANSI/ Q"=8)
AGMA 2003-A86. K , = 1.30 (see 2001, Eq.36)
C.l Uniformloading C, = 2300[lb/in2]0.5
g, = 180 O00 Ib/in2 (see 2001, table 3)
Calculate the application horsepower for the gears Nof = 870cycles/min(60min/hr) (5000hr)
asinglereductionhelicalspeedreducerusedto = 2.61 X lo8 cycles
drive a uniformly loaded conveyor belt. The input ZN = 1.4488(2.61 X 108)-0.023
shaft and pinion are driven by an 870 rpm motor. The = 0.9277 (see 2001, figure 17)
gear set is represented by the following data:
CH = 1.O since gears are surface hardened
- Item I Pinion Gear 1 870(2.00) 0.192
= 126 O00 (1.30)(1.25)
Number of teeth
31 93
Diametral pitch, normal 8 4.001(180 000)(0.9277)]"
x[ 2300
Pressure angle, normal 20"
Helix angle 15" = 138 hp
Face width, inch 2.00 Bending allowable power at unity service factor for
Material Grade 1 the pinionis calculated as follows:
Carburized Steel
Hardness 60 HRC Pam = - nP d -F -J SatYN
126 O00 K v K m Pd
(see 2001, Eq. 28)
Center distance, inch 8.0015
Lyy = 1.25
Both gear and pinion are standard addendum, cut K , = 1.30
with standard pre-shave hobs, and shaved. Heat
Jp = 0.5226
treat distortion is controlled
to produce both gearsas
AGMA Quality Level 8. Pd = 8 COS 15" = 7.7274
= 55 O00 Ib/in2 (see 2001, table 4)
The allowable horsepower of the gear set will be
YN = 1.3558(2.61 X 108)-0-0178
determined for both surface pitting strength and root = 0.9602 (see 2001, figure 18)
bending strength. The application horsepower, Pa ,
of the gear setwill be the lesserof these allowable
= 126 o00 (1.25)(1.30) 7.7274 (55 O0o)
horsepowers. x (0.9602) = 121 hp '
Surfacepittingallowablepoweratunltyservice Bending allowable power at unity service factor for
factor: the gear is calculatedas follows:
JG = 0.5664

N = 2.61 x 1O8 cycles

(see 2001, Eq. 27) = 8.7 x 1O7 cycles

S T D * A G M A bOLO-F97-ENGL L977 Ob87575 0005753 823
COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services

YN = 1.3558 (8.7 X 107)-0-0178

= 0.9792 parts.
figure 17 of ANWAGMA
2001-C95 the life cycles for of each
the three stress
(55000) levelscanbe found. These lifecyclesmustbe
126 O00 (1.25)(1.30) 7.7274
X (0.9792) = '134 hp combined using Miner's Ruleto determine the total
life hoursof the pinion and gear for pitting resistance.
This gearset is limited by the root bending allowable
power of the pinion, 121 horsepower. To include the
1.10 safety factor in bending (see 5.2), increase the
service factor by 10%. Therefore:
. s C = C p 1 Wt K0 K V K' --
K m cf
d F I
(see 2001, Eq. 1)

&F = 1.25 x 1.1O = 1.375 (see 2001, annex A, C, = 2300[lb/in2]0.5

table A.2) & = 1.0

Pa = - 121 = 88 hp & = 1.14 QV=8 and vt = 380 fpm)

1.375 & = 1.0
C.2 Variable loading
&, = 1.25
It is desired to usea gearset of existing design in a c) = 1.0
new application which requires a life of 2000 hours.
This gear set will be usedin an installation which has d = 2(5.5015)
an overload factor of 1.O by agreement between the
userandthemanufacturer. The gearsetwillbe I = 0.1995
subjected to the multi-load cycleof:

time used
divided by
100, xi
power, n Pinion

42 720 rph I
2 0.05 38.7 hp 712 rpm =
42 720 rph
3 0.05 54.0 hp 712 rpm =
42 720rDh

Since this is an existing gearset, the following gear

data is given:

Item Pinion Gear

Number ofteeth 15 66 As this is grade 2 carburized steel, kc = 225 O00
Diametral pitch, normal 8 Ibhn2 (see 2001, table 3).
Pressure angle, normal 20"
- - 0.5750
129 381 -
Helix angle 20" 225 o00
Outside diameter, inch 2.350
9.1 35
Face width, inch 1.750 1.750
z m = 674
m =0.8386
Material Grade 2
Carburized steel
Hardness 60 HRC ZN = 1.M88 N-0.023 for N;
Solving the equation
Center distance, inch 5.5015

Both gears are AGMA quality level

Nl= - = 2.87 x 1017cycles

Nz= (i:g:)
This gear set must be analyzed for both surface - = 2.13 X 10focyCles
strength wil becheckedfirstbycalculatingthe
(1.4488) = 1.52 x 107cyc1es
contact stress value for each of the three duty cycle N3= 0.9906


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The total number of hours of pitting resistance life for 49 - 0.7566

y m = m -

the pinion is:
-1 Y m 68
= 635
m = 1.0559
Life = + +3 1 Solving the equationYN = 1.3558N-0.0178for N;
N2 N3
0.90(42 720)
Life = (2.87 X
(2.13 X 1O1O) 56.2
= 4.48 x 1032 cycles

+ ( 1.52 x 107 )I 7111 hours N2= (0.7566

As Y N ~> 1.O, solve the equation
The total number of hours of pitting resistance life for
= 1.73 x 1014 cycles
YN = 6.1 514N-0.11g2

the gear is: 8.39

(6'1514) = 3.96 x lo6 cycles
N 3 = 1.0059
[( ) + ( 2.13 x 1O1O
0.05(9709) )
Life= 0.90(9709)
2.87 X lOI7
4.48 X 1032
) + ( 1.73 X 1014
" o.050
(1.52 X lo7)]
= 31 311 hours -1 -I

Both gearswill exceed the required 2000 hours in life

pitting resistance. They must next be checked for As can be seen, this gear wset i l l not reach the
bending strength by calculating the bending stress hoursliferequirement,asthepinionteethwill
for each of the three duty cycle parts. The life cycles theoretically fracture at 1854 hours.
for each of the three stress levels can be found. C.3 Overload conditions
These life cycles must be combined using Miner's
A pinion stand drive of the characteristics shown is
Rule to determine the total lifeof hoursthe pinion and
expected to be subjected to infrequent (less than
gear for root bending strength.
st = W ,K O K yKs 5 (see2001,Eq. 1O) mum peak momentary overload to which the gear
F J set may be subjected without the teeth yielding.
= 1.0
say K y 2 Wma- - (see2001,Eq.45)
& =1.14 F JKf
Pd = 8 COS 20" = 7.5175
& =1.0 I$ = 1.6
K, = 1.25 in-' Pd =3
Jp = 0.4182 F = 9.0 in
JG = 0.4360 d = 9.375 in
Jp = 0.517
= 1.0
Material: Steel, 340 HB min, therefore:
The stresses and total numberof bending strength
are: say= 131 080 Ib/in2
= 0.75(industrialpractice)
1580(7.5175)(1.25)(1.14) = 23 127 Ib/in2
St1 = (1.75)(0.4182) G,,=0.0144(9) + 1.07 = 1.1996 (see 2001, Eq. 46)

As this isgrade 2 carburized steel,

Gr = 65 O00 lbfin* The maximum momentary peak overload allowable
(see 2001, table 4). is 203 373 Ibs. Converting this load
to torque yields:

T =W
f =d (203372)(9.375) = 953 310 Ib in
YNl = -= 0.3558
2 2

S T D -Gear
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C.4 Uniform loading

Calculate the application horsepower for a spiral
c, = K, = [1.2 + (F)](1.32) = 1.584

bevel gear set, with the following data, used in a NOTE: TD = Tp ...(see 2003,Eq. 10.1)
single reduction right angle reducer used to drive a
(3.75) 0.132 (0.846)
uniform load at870 rpm input, driving a uniform load: "
'= 126 O00 l(l.584) (1)(1)(1.45)
Item Pinion
Number of teeth 59 18 2290(0.735) l(1)
Diametral pitch 2.1
Bending allowable power at unity service factor for
Pitch diameter, inch 8.571
the pinion is calculated as
Face width, inch 3.75
Pressure angle 20"
Spiral angle 35"
Mean cone distance, inch 12.811 ...(see 2003,Eq. 5.8)
Cutter radius, inch 9.0
J = 0.271 (see 2003,appendix C)
Tooth taper Standard
Tool edge radius 1 2!pd & = C, = 0.846
Hardness (C&H) min. 55 HRC 55 HRC & = c, = 1.584
Design life 10 O 0 0 hrs Sat = 55 O00 Ib/in2
The application is considered to be "general com- & = 0.88 (see 2003,figure 2)
mercial".Thegearsetismanufactured to AGMA K, = K T = & = 1.0
quality 8 tolerances and is lapped. The gears are
crowned. One member is straddle mounted. ' = loglO(sin35")
= -1.156
...(see 2003,clause 12)
The surface pitting allowable power at unity service -1.156
factor is calculatedas follows: K, = 0211(--8)
+ 0.789 = 1.107
...(see 2003,Eq. 12.1)
(2.8 - 2.10.25)
Ks = = 1.330
...(see 2003,Eq. 5.4) 1.2
870 (3.75) 0.271 (1.107) (0.846)
np =870 rpm pat = 126 O00 1.330(1.584)(1)
vf =1950 fpm
I = 0.132 (see 2003,appendixC)
Cs=Cf=Ca=C~=C~=C~=l.O C.5 Thermal example

Cmf = 1.32 (see 2003,table 2) Calculate the thermal rating of a two stage helical
gearreduceroperatingat 1780 rpminputina
C, = 1.5 (see 2003,clause 11)
counterclockwise direction of rotation. The ambient
Sa, = 180 O00 Ib/in2 air temperature is amaximum of 100°F andthe
C, = 2290 reducer sump temperature shall be limited to 200°F.
The unit w i l l be operated in a large indoor space,
cb = 0.735

p=20.5(8)- 55000( 30 x1O6+3Ox106 = 0.385 ) exceed 275 FPM.Thegearreducer issplash

lubricated with IS0 220 weight mineral oil, and is
...(see 2003,Eq. 8.4) subjected to continuousoperation.Thestarting
K, = 85 - lO(0.385) = 81.146 point depends upon experience. The final iterative
...(see 2003,Eq. 8.2) solution is shown for this example.
, 0.385
cv= ( 81.146 = 0.846
...(see 2003,Eq. 8.1)
The solution for the thermal rating of a gear reducer
involves balancing the heat generated under operat-
ing conditions with the heat dissipation capability


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thegearcase.Sincetheheatgeneratedunder Table C.l - Bearinggeörnetry

operating conditions and
operating conditions consists of both load depen-
dent and non-load dependent losses, the solution iput shaft
becomes iterative. Shaft speed, rpm (Q) 780
Bearing #1
The final iterative value for this example is based on Outside diameter (4) i.875 in
105 hp. Bore diameter(4) 1.000in
Bearing "K-factor" (K5) .61
C 5 1 Calculate heat generation Bearing length through bore(B) !.135 in
Mean roller diameter( D R ) 1.66 in
C.5.1.1 Bearing power losses, pW and pwB Equivalent radial load(W) 182 Ib
Bearing #2
The reduceris equipped with tapered roller bearings Outside diameter (4) 1.063in
on each shaft. The forceson each bearing must be Bore diameter(4) .938 in
calculated based on the assumed thermal rating of Bearing "K-factor" (KS) .97
105 hp. Using simple beam equations, the forces on Bearing length through bore(B) ,.751in
each bearing can be solved. Please note that the Mean roller diameter(DR) 1.48 in
forceslistedaretheequivalentradialloads and Equivalent radial load(W) I008 Ib
include the combined effects of both radial and thrust ntermediate shaft
loads on each shaft. Shaft speed, rpm(%) I483
Bearing #3
Table C.l gives both the operating and geometric
Outside diameter (4) 5.000in
characteristics for each bearing that is necessary for
Bore diameter(4) 2.125 in
calculating bearing powerlosses.
Bearing "K-factor" (Ks) I .96
Bearing length through bore(B) 2.063in
The bearing power losses must be calculated for
Mean roller diameter(DR) 1.66 in
each bearing individually and then summed for the
Equivalent radial load(W) 2367 Ib
total bearing powerloss.
Bearing #4
The load dependent power losses for each bearing Outside diameter(4) 1.813 in
are calculated using equations 1O and 11. The load Bore diameter(4) 2.625 in
dependent losses for bearing #1 follows: Bearing "K-factor" (Ks) 1.73
Bearing length through bore(B) 1.51O in
Calculate rolling torque,4 , using equation 11. The Mean roller diameter(DR) 3.58 in
coefficient of friction, f b , comes from table 2. Equivalent radial load(W) 1477 Ib
3utput shaft
fb + di) Shaft speed, rpm(Q) 349
Tb = 4 Bearing #5
Outside diameter (4) 8.375 in
Tb = (
0.0018) (1182) (5.875 + 3.000) Bore diameter(4) 4.500 in
Bearing "K-factor" (K5) 1.79
Bearing length through bore(B) 2.625 in
Mean roller diameter(DR) 0.92 in
Next calculate the power loss, PB, for bearing #1 Equivalent radial load(W) 2433 Ib
using equation 10.
Bearing #6
Outside diameter (4) 6.375 in
Bore diameter(4) 3.000 in
Bearing "K-factor" ( K 5 ) 1.46
(4.72) (1780) Bearing length through bore(B) 2.1 69in
PB =
63025 Mean roller diameter(DR) 0.66in
PB 0.133 hp Equivalent radial load(W 1618 Ib


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In a like fashion the torques and power losses can be solve for the non-load dependent (windage and
calculated for bearings #2 through #6. churning) losses,PWB,for bearing #1 using equation
I Torques (4) &n2 B cos3 a B D R
Bearing #2 2.72 Ib in ...(24)
= 126 O00 x (0.78)A
Bearing #3 7.59 Ib in
Bearing #4 4.94 Ibin
Bearing #5 14.1O Ib in
Bearing #6 6.82 Ib in
Power losses (PB)
Bearing #2 0.077 hp
Bearing #3 0.179 hp
Bearing #4 0.116 hp (126 000)(n)(0.78)(1403)
Bearing #5 0.078 hp P, = 0.186 hp
Bearing #6 0.038 hp
In a like fashion the non-load dependent losses,
The total load dependent poweris the
losssum of the p w ~can, be calculated for bearings #2 through #6.
six individual bearing load dependent power losses. Power losses (Pm)
6 Bearing #2 0.052 hp
2 (Pg),= 0.133 + 0.077 + 0.179 + 0.116 Bearing #3 0.083 hp
n = l #M 0.057 hp Bearing
+ 0.078 + 0.038 = 0.621 hp Bearing #5 0.026 hp
The non-load dependent losses for bearings are Bearing #6 0.008hp
calculated only for tapered roller bearings. For all The total non-load dependent power is loss
the sum
other styles of bearings, the non-load dependent of the six individual bearing non-load dependent
lossesareincludedintheloaddependentloss power losses.
The non-load dependent losses for each bearing
are calculated using equations 23, 24 and 25 or 26.
(Pw),= 0.186 + 0.052 0.083 + 0.0 +
The non-load dependent losses for bearing #1 are
=1 0.026 + +
0.008 = 0.412 hp
C.5.1.2 Gearing power losses, PM and
calculated as follows:

A = -22440 The gearing power l o s s e s must be calculated for

,.(23) each mesh individually and then summed for the
total gear power loss.
The load dependent power losses for each mesh are
Next solve for the cup angle, %, for the bearing. calculated using equation 12. Equations 13 through
Since the cup angle was expressed in this example 17 are also required
to calculate some of the factors
as a X-factor", Ks,use equation 26. used in equation 12.
The load dependent losses for the
first stage follow:
The first step is to calculate the mesh mechanical
advantage, M,using equation 15. This calculation
aB = tan-l 0.389 requires the solution of the sliding ratio at the start of
( 1.61 ) ..,
approach,& equation 16, andthe sliding ratio at the
ag = 13.58' end of recess,Ht, equation 17.


COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers L977
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Table C.2 - Gear geometry characteristics Sliding ratio at startof approach:

First stage
Pinion teeth Vp = 30
Gear teeth VG = 36
Gear ratio = 1.20
Center distance = 7.250 in - ~0~~24.62721"
Transverse operating b = 24.62721" L
pressure angle
- sin24.62721"] = 0.242 ...(16)
Pinion outside radius = 3.509 in
Gear outside radius G =4.155in Sliding ratio at end of recess:
Pinion operating pitch radius ,P = 3.295 in
Gear operating pitch radius '2y = 3.955 in
Pinion speed, rprn % = 1780
Pinion torque rp = 3718 Ib in
Effective face Fe = 1.750 in
Pitch line veloclty v = 3071fprn
Operating helix angle $, = 19.77250"
Pinion operating pitch & = 6.591 in
- ~in24.62721"]= 0.253 ...(17)
Mesh mechanical advantage:
Gear operating pitch D, = 7.909 in
M = 2COs+, (Hs+ 4 )
Pinion total face Fr = 2.125 in H! +
M = 2 cos 24.62721" (0.242+ 0.253)
Gear total face Fr = 1.750 in
Normal diametral pitch P, = 5 0.2422 + 0.2532
Second stage M = 7.342
Pinion teeth Np = 12 The second step to is calculate the mesh coefficient
Gear teeth Nc = 51 of friction, fml using equation 13. This calculation
Gear ratio = 4.25 also requires the solution of the contact load factor,
Center distance = 7.250 in K,using equation 14.
Transverse operating =, 23.74476"
pressure angle Contact load factor:
Pinion outside radius r, = 1.670 in
Gear outside radius = 6.040 in
Pinion operating pitch radius r, = 1.381in
Gear operating pitch radius R, = 5.869 in K =
3718(30 + 36)
Pinion speed, rpm "p = 1483
Pinion torque Tp = 4372 Ib in K = 179.3 lb/in2
Effective face Fe = 5.000 in Mesh coefficient of friction:
Pitch line velocity v = 1073fpm fi.35
Operating helix angle = 8.30276" fm = -
c, $23
Pinion operating pitch C&= 2.762 in
diameter 17930.35
fm = ...(13)
Gear operating pitch D, = 11.738 in (80.1)(3071)0.23
fm = 0.012
Pinion total face F, = 6.040 in
Gear total face F, = 5.000 in where:
Normal diametral pitch Pn = 4.5 C1 (from table3) = 80.1

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Now calculate the load dependent mesh power loss: The total non-load dependent power loss for the
gears and pinions:
fm T p n p
P, = 4
63 025 M
PM =
(0.012)(3718)(1780) cos2 19.72250' 2 (PWG), = 0.276 + 0.227 + 0.124 + 0.102
025(7.342) 63 n = l
P, = 0.152 hp ...(12) 4
In a like fashion, using the same equations, the load n = l
(PWG), 0.729 hp

dependent losses for the second stage of gearing

be power
Oil seal loss, PS
Thegearreducer in thisexamplehasasingle
= 0.356
H* = 0.479 diameter BUNA-N oil seal and a single extended
M = 4.292 output shaft with a single 4.500 inch BUNA-N oil
K = 283 Ib/in2 seal. The input shaft rotates at 1780 rpm and the
fm = 0.018 output shaft rotates at 349 rpm.
PM = 0.425 hp
Equation 18is used to calculate the oil seal power
The total load dependent powerloss is the sumof the losses.
two individualgearstageloaddependentpower
Input shaft oil seal power loss:
P, = - Ts n
2 63025
2 (P,) = 0.152 + 0.425 T, (from figure 1) = (0.536)(3)
n = l
Ts = 1.608 lb in ...(18)
2 1.608)(1780)
2 (PM), = 0.577 hp PS = (
63 025
n = l PS = 0.045 hp
Thenon-loaddependentlosses(windageand In a like fashion the oil seal power
loss for the output
churning), +G, for the gearing are calculated for shaft can be calculated to be:
each gear and pinion individually using equationsP,19= 0.013 hp
and 20 and then summed for the total non-load The total oil seal power loss for the gear reducer is:
constant, A , equation 23,is the same valueas was 2
previously calculated for the bearings. 2
(P,), = 0.045 + 0.013
n = l
Non-load dependentloss for the first stage pinion:

P, =
d2,n2 Ft mo33 vW 2
(P,), = 0.058 hp
126 O00 P,A n = l
C.5.1.4 Total heat generated,PV
(6.591)2(1780)2(2.12!j) cos3 19.77250"
P, =
000)(5)(1403) The
generated, Pv, in the
drive is the
P, = 0.276 hp ...(2~) total of the
dependent losses, PL, andthe
non-load dependentlosses,PN. Use equations2,3,
In a like fashion,the non-load dependentlosses can 8 and 9 to total the heat generated,Pv, as follows:
and in the 6 2
gear train:
n = ln = l
c ('B), "c ('M),
Second stage pinion O. 124 hp PL = 0.621 + 0577 ...(8)
stage PL = 1.198 hp


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p L = C p B+ z p M and additional assumptions

P , = 0.058 + 0.729 + 0.412 +O ...(9) madeforthethermalratinguntilsuchtime as
PN = 1.199 hp PV = PQ.
PV=PL +PN C.5.3 Efficiency, 7
f i = 1.198 t 1.199 ...(3)
P v = 2.397 hp The efficiencyis calculated using equation6.
C.5.2 Heat dissipation,PQ
q = 100 - PL + P N xool
The gear reducer has a cast iron gear case with a PA
surface available for heat transfer of21.8 ft2 . The q = 100- 1.198 + 1.199 x ...(6)
heat dissipation is calculated using equation 30. 105
q = 97.717%
PQ = A , kAT ...(30)
A, = 21.8ft2 The thermal capacityof the gear drive is calculated
k (from table4) = 0.0011 hp/(ft2O F ) using equation7.
AT = 100°F
PQ = (21.8) (0.0011) (100)
PQ = 2.398 hp
Sincethegeardriveis in thermalequilibrium, 2.398
P, =
PQ = Pv,theassumedthermalrating of 105 hp 1" 97.717
becomesthecalculatedthermalcapacity, PT. If 100
throughthiscalculationmethod, PV # PQ then PT = 105 hp
another assumption must be made for the thermal Note that the calculated thermal power rating,
rating.Thisnewassumptionmustbeusedto the samevalue as the assumed thermal power rating
the losses, under conditionsof thermal equilibrium.


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Annex D
Test and inspection procedures
rhe foreword, footnotes and
annexes, if any, are providedfor informational purposes only and
should not be construed as a
part of ANSIIAGMA 601O-F97,Standard for Spur, Helical, Hemnghne and Bevel Enclosed Drives.]

D.l Purpose Racks only as Unassembled Gears, 1980, Part I II,

Section 9, “Tooth Contact Pattern” and ANWAGMA
This annex covers the testing and inspection proce-
2000488, Gear Classificationand
dures for assembled gear drives. Individual compo-
Handbook - Tolerances and Measuring Methods for
nent inspection and process control are beyond the
Unassembled Spur andHelicalGears(Including
scope of this standard.
Metric Equivalents), 1988,Appendix D, ”Contact
When testing of the gear driveis required, the drive Pattern Check”.
should be properly mounted for running the test in The percentage of tooth contact will vary depending
the intended operating position to ensure that all upontheloadingofthegears,butthepattern
facets of the assembly are correct. Undertest normal obtained even under a no load condition w i l l provide
conditions the gear drive is connected by couplingtheormanufacturer with important information.
belt drive to an electric motor that is available for the
purposeatthemanufacturer’stestfacility.The D.2.2Backlash
following applies to only those gear drives which are Backlash in gears is the clearance or play between
lubricated in accordance with manufacturer’s rec- matingtoothsurfaces.Thebacklashwillbea
ommendations and testedin a system of connected function of the tolerances on tooth thickness, runout,
rotating parts. During testing, the system should be lead, profile, center distance, and by the tempera-
free from critical speeds, torsional vibrations and ture differences between the housing and the gears.
overloads as tested at the gear drive manufacturer’s Functional backlash is the backlash at the tightest
facility. point of mesh on the pitch circle in a direction normal
D.2 Inspection of the assembled gear drive to the tooth surfaces when the gears are mounted in
their assembled positions.
The correct mating of a gear set depends not only on
theaccuracyofthegearteeth,butalsoonthe Backlash is typically measured with feeler gauges or
position and the alignment of the gear axes relative dial indicators normal to the gear tooth for a given
to each other. The components, having been fully mesh.
approvedpriortoassembly,areassembled,and Circumferential backlash ofthe assembled unit with
proper tooth contact, backlash and bearing settings gears other than spur gears should take into account
are verified. the axial floatof the shafts involved.
D.2.1 Tooth contact inspection D.2.3 Rolling element bearings
Checking the tooth contact pattern (tooth bearing When rolling element bearings are used, the manu-
facturer, based on his experience, the application,
area) is frequently an important test of the gear drive
and is ofspecialvaluewhengearshavebeen and the recommendations of his bearing supplier,
will determine the type of bearings and their settings.
mounted in a housing, because the test will ifindicate
the helix and pressure angles and the resultant base Assembly procedures normally require a tolerance
pitch of the mating gears meet the specified require-to beestablishedforthedesiredsetting. An
ments and achieve optimal gear performance. The incorrectly set bearing can be asource of damage for
pinion profiles are generally coated with a marking the gear drive. Bearing end play may be set one
compound and then rotated in mesh with the mating shaft at a time and finally checked when both end
gear, and the resulting tooth pattern can be docu- cover plates are bolted in place with the required
mented. See AGMA 390.03a, AGMA Handbook - shims.Endplayshouldbechecked to ensure
Gear Classification, Materials and Measuring Meth- compliance with the specification. Full end play is
ods forBevel, Hypoid, Fine Pitch Wormgearing and typically measured with the shaft moved all the way


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in one direction and then moved fully in the other Features suchas oil tightness, noise level, tempera-
direction. Total movement is the end play. ture rise, axial and radial play of input and output
D.3 Testing procedure
lubrication system may be checked and recorded at
For thepurposeofarunningtestthefollowing this time.
conditions would apply.
CAUTION: It'is recommended that gear drives not be
D.3.1Speed tested with loads in excess of gear unit rating, since
such practicewill reduce the designlife of the unit.
A gear drive intended for service at a single speed
shallbetestedatthatspeedunlessotherwise D.3.4 Lubrication system performance
agreed uponbetween gear
The lube system must be checked for adequacy at
purchaser. The test speeds of a gear unit intended
certified speed or at both ends of speed range if the
for service over a range of operating speeds shall
speed is variable:
span the range of operating speeds, unless other-
wise negotiated between the manufacturer and the - On splash systems, the oil level must be high
purchaser. The direction of rotation during the test enough It must not be
to lubricate all components.
shallbethesame as thatintendedinservice, if unnecessarily high because sound and heat will
known. be generated;
D.3.2 Loading - On pressure lube systems, oil lines, troughs,
gauges, pumps, filters, etc., must be checked for
Gear drives may be operated with or without load at performanceandanyleakage.Flow,pressure,
the gear manufacturer's discretion unless specific and temperature are to be recorded at regular
test loads are agreed upon and included as a part ofintervals.
thepurchasecontract. In individualcases,espe-
cially where unusually high speeds orpower are D.3.5General
involved,alternateoperatingconditionsmaybe - Any deviations from any applicable specifica-
negotiated. tions on the certified print will be noted on the test
CAUTION: It is recommended that gear drives not be report;
tested with loads in excess of unit rating, since such - All deficienciessuchasoilleaks,excessive
practice will reduce the designoflife the unit.
D.3.3 Test requirements rise,andinsufficienttoothcontactmustbe
The duration of the running test will be decided by the corrected before the gear drive is shipped;
drive manufacturer unless a specific time has been - The ratio shouldbe verified along with the as-
contractuallyagreeduponbetweenmanufacturer sembly, shaft extension details, and direction of
and purchaser. rotation.

S T D * A G M A bOLO-F77-ENGL L777 Ob87575 00057bLI bo7 D
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Annex E
Owner responsibilities
rheforeword, footnotes and annexes, if any, are provided
for informational purposes only
and should not be construed
as a
part of ANSllAGMA 6010-F97, Standard for Spur, Helical, Herringbone andBevel Enclosed Drives.]

Thisannexlistswhichapplicableitemsmustbe - Furnish and

considered and properly provided for by the owner. guards as needed to protect operating personnel
and as required by the applicable standards of the
Manydifferenttypesofunitsforwidelyvarying Occupational Safety and Health Administration
applicationsarecoveredbythisstandard.This (OSHA),
and by other
section, which is arranged as a checklist,is intended regulations;
to act as a guide. Specific items should be applied as
appropriate for the particular unit for the specific
- Ensurethatdrivingequipmentisrunningin
the correct direction before coupling
to gear drive
application. designed to operatein a specific direction.
E.l Specifications E.4 Start-up
Ownerhastheresponsibilitytospecify to the - Ensurethatswitches,alarms,heaters,cool-
manufacturer such items as the required loads and ers and other safety and protection devices are
the operating environment. installed and operational for their intended pur-
E.2 Storage and handling
- On a unit equipped with a separately driven
- Proper storage of unit until installed; lubrication pump, run the pump and check out the
- Properpreservation of theunituntil it is lubrication system prior
to starting the unit;
placed into service; - Filltheunit orsump to properlevelwith
- Proper handling of the unit: correct lubricant before starting drive. Refill as
necessary immediately after starting the unit;
- safety of personnel comes first;
- Ensurethatallgreasepointshavereceived
- lift only at adequate lifting points; the proper amount of grease.
- protect
from E S Operation and maintenance
- Operate the equipment as it was intended to
E.3 Installation be operated:
- Properinstallationofunitonanadequate - donotoverload;
- runatcorrectspeed.
- adequately
supported; - Maintainlubricant in goodconditionandat
- securelyboltedintoplace; proper level;
- properly leveled so as nottodistortthe - Dispose of used lubricant in accordance with
gear case. applicable laws and regulations;
- Properlyinstallcouplingssuitableforthe - Applyproperamountofgreasetospecified
application and connected equipment; locations at prescribed intervals;
- Ensure
other - Performperiodicmaintenance of thegear
equipment; drive as recommended by the manufacturer.


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Annex F
Gear tooth mesh losses for bevel gears

rheforeword, footnotes and annexes, if any, are providedfor informational purposes only and notshould
be construed asa
part of ANSIIAGMA 601O-F97, Standard for Spur, Helical, Herringbone and Bevel Enclosed Drives.]

The following procedure for determining the heat

generatedbybevelgears is anewprocedure;
therefore, itis recommended that testing be included
to verify results.
The following equations can be used to estimate the
gear tooth mesh losses, P m , for bevel gears. See
figures F.1 and F.2 for either taper or uniform depth

Figure F.2 Taper depth tooth

is transverse pressure angle.

QI = tan-* -(2%)
Q isnormalpressureangle.
Figure F.l - Uniform depth tooth Forbevelgearing,pitchlinevelocrty, v, used in
equation 13, is calculated at large end of tooth.
fm T p np ms29 ...(F.l)
P, = The K-factor is given by the equation:
63 025 M
K = TP (NP i- NG) .(F.2)
fm is coefficient of friction (see equation 13); 2F r$ NG
wherein; Tp Ibtorque,
is pinion
"p is pinionspeed,rpm; Np is the number of pinion teeth;
is mean spiral angle, degrees;
NG is the number of gear teeth;
M ismeshmechanicaladvantage.
F is face widthin contact with mating element,
2 cos 9t (H. + H,) in;
M =
%+H: in. r,,,
is mean

S T D - A L M A bOLO-F'l7-ENGL L997 W Ob87575 0 0 0 5 7 b 7 318 E
COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.
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The values forH, and Ht are: r ispitchradius,in;

& is mean cone distance, in;
A, is outerconedistance,in;
y is referenceconeangle.
...(F.3) as:
The equivalent gear ratio can be calculated


reom = rem + %n ...(F.7)

...(F.4) where

where a, is meanaddendum,atmid-face,in.

is equivalent gear ratio; If the addendum at outer end and the face angle are
known, the addendum at mid-face can be calculated
r e d is equivalent mean reference radius, pinion,
remG is equivalent mean reference radius, gear,
read is equivalent tip radius at mid-face width,
pinion, in; F isfacewidth,in;
reomGis equivalent tip radius at mid-face width, a is addendumatouterend,in;
gear, in.
yo is face angle; for uniform depth teeth yo = y;
The equation for equivalent mean reference radius y isreferenceconeangle.
is given by:
Equations F.5, F.7 and F.8 are to be calculated for
,..(FS) both pinion and gear member using respective pitch
radius, r; pitch angle, y; mean addendum, h;and
where face angle,yo.


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r h e foreword, footnotes and annexes, construed as a
if any, are provided for informational purposes only and shouldbenot
part of ANSIIAGMA 6010-F97, Standard for Spur, Helical, Herringbone and Bevel Enclosed Drives.]

1. Townsend,DennisP., Dudley’sGearHand- 5.ANWAGMA 6032488, Standard for Marine

book, Second
New York, Gear Units:
1992. 6. Winter, H. andMichaelis, K., ScoringLoad
Capacity of Gears Lubricated with EP-Oils,
2. The Tmken Company: Bearing Torque, Heat
AGMA Technical Paper P217.9.1
Generation and Operating Temperature.
7. Dudley,Darle E.: SolarTestReport, byM.
3. Palmgren,Dr.Eng.: Ball
Engi- Dunn(alsoANWAGMA 6032494, equation
9). Edition.
neering, Third
8. RubberManufacturersAssociation:Techni-
4. Eschrnann,HasbargenandWeigand, Ball
cal Bulletin OS-15.
Roller Bearings,7Reory, Desjgn and Application,
Secondedition,JohnWileyandSons,Ltd., Chi- 9.McAdams,William H., “HeatTransmission”,
Third 1985. chester,

COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
~ ~~



COPYRIGHT American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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