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Young Married And Betrayed

Essence BlaQue

    aturday morning Spirit went into work, she smoked a cigarette before heading into the
building. She worked at a small insurance company as a receptionist for almost a year now. Her
boss, Lance Withers, who had a thing for her, was young and attractive. He was twenty-eight but
had a birthday coming up in June which was just a few months from now.  Spirit was…well a
very young and should I say…a sexy looking forty-four year old diva. 

As she walked in the building she said good morning to her co-workers and in her peripheral
vision she could see Lance starring at her as usual. He starred as if she was a t-bone steak.

He must have imagined what she might taste like because he licked his lips like he was savoring
the flavor. She just smiled and snickered a little, signed her time sheet and went to the breakfast
bar to pour her a cup of coffee.

At times she tried not pay attention to Lance’s flirtation, but the way he looked at her made her a
little curious as well. But who wouldn’t be, he was dark-skinned, kind of like the coffee she was
drinking without the added cream. His complexion was so smooth looking, he was tall, about 6ft.
tall, slender with a muscular build, very well dressed and he smelled…Ummm. He was a little
cocky too, like he knew he was the shit. But just to see him had her panties wet every time.  She
sometimes imagined fucking him but-- she knew better to mix business with pleasure, which was
definitely off limits, especially with someone in the same place of business. But as they say -
curiosity is a MUTHA!!!

   “Hey Spirit” said Chynah, who was one of her co-workers who worked part time. Spirit was
what everyone called her because they said she was always happy go lucky. “Hey, what’s going
on Chynah?” she said with a smile. Chynah was fairly new there and was still on ninety day
probation. She was Dominican with shoulder length silky wavy hair, short in height with a curvy
shape, she was very attractive.

“Do you know where I can find the forms for all the new clients,” she asked.

“Yeah, hold on I’ll get it.”

Spirit sipped a few more sips of her coffee and sat it on the table. She walked pass Lance to get
the forms for Chynah. Lance was on a business call but still seemed to have his attention on her.
Spirit thought to herself, why did I feel the need to walk pass Lance to get the forms, when I
could’ve just told Chynah where they were.
They had quite a busy day, so after work hours she hung around the office to catch up on a little

Lance left a little earlier and everyone else was gone the usual time. It was about 9:30 pm and
she was still there typing up their new client’s insurance information that Chynah was working
on earlier. Their security guard, Davis, who was Lance’s cousin, was getting ready to leave.

“Alright Spirit, I’ll catch you later.”

“Will you be okay here alone?”

“Yes, don’t worry I’ll be fine.”

“Drive safe.” she said as she waved goodbye.

    Spirit was left alone, so she thought.  She heard someone whistling a tune down the hall and it
grew louder as they got closer towards the office door. 

“Oh, hey Spirit I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“What are you doing here,” said Lance.

“I decided to stay late because I wanted to catch up on some paper work.” 

“Oh-okay, that’s fine. I left a folder here that I meant to take with me.”

She just nodded her head and continued to do her work while he ruffled through his un-organized
desk.  Lance started whistling a tune by Brian McKnight, she tried to continue doing her work
but he had her distracted. She stopped typing on the computer and swirled around in her
swiveled desk chair. In the midst of whistling he looked over at her.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No-no, actually I love that tune, it’s one of my favorite songs- ‘I believe’ by Brian McKnight--

“Yes.” said Lance.

She had on a mid-length skirt with a slit on the side, so she crossed her left leg over to her right--
showing a little thigh. He starred her up and down, slowly with those Smokey dark brown
almond shaped eyes and she stared back. In her mind she wanted him to throw her up on top of
the desk, pull her skirt up and pull her thongs to the side and fuck her --just the way I’m sure he
imagined doing. Ummm…just the thought of that had her temperature rising.

   She never did finish working. Lance and she talked all night. She looked up at the clock and it
was going on midnight.
“Wow… I didn’t realize it was so late. I need to get out of here. It’s a good thing I have off from
work tomorrow.”

“Do you need a ride home,” said Lance

“Yes, actually I do, because I missed the last bus going into town over an hour ago.”

They gathered up all of their paper work, turned off the lights and locked the doors. She walked
ahead of him…and she knew he was watching her as she walked towards his Jeep Durango, so
she swayed her thick hips a little harder for him.

Spirit reached to open the car door-- “No-no-no, let me.”

He insisted. “By all means.”

“Wow… what a gentleman, you don’t find that often these days,” she thought.

“I could sure use a drink.” “Do you drink,” she asked.

  “Really?”  “I might be young but I am old enough to drink you know,” he said in a deep
baritone voice. 

“I’m sure you’re old enough for a lot of things,” she snickered. “ am I old enough for

She let that question ride right on by me.

Honestly, she has never been with a younger man before, but one could only imagine.

“So where’s a spot to get a couple of drinks,” she asked.

“There’s a bar that closes late about 5 blocks from here.” It started raining really hard while
they were driving down the boulevard. Lance popped in a jazz music CD, which was perfect
with the rain that patted against the window shield, it was kind of romantic too.

Finally we reached our destination and the rain slowed down a little. They made their way into
the dim lit bar that had soft mellow music playing, and had a nice little crowd inside drinking
and chatting amongst one another too.

“You want to sit at the bar?”

“No,” she said as she looked around for another area to sit.

“Let’s sit over there?” She pointed out a little booth near the back of the bar away from the
“What would you like to drink sexy,” he asked as she sat down.

“How about some NUVO and a Corona with a twist of lemon?” “Okay, I got chu sexy.”

She gave Lance a wink before he headed to the bar to get their drinks. As he walked away she
had the opportunity to get a good look at him in those jeans he wore. They were black denims
that hung a little low off his waist and he wore a light pink polo Aristotle shirt. “He’s the only
dark-skinned brotha I’ve seen that looked good in pink,” she thought. Now she’s watching him
walk towards the booth with our drinks in his hands and imagining how big his dick must be. As
she looked him from head to toe she thought, “Hmm…tall…big feet!”

She smiled from the moment he left the bar.

“What are you smiling about,” he asked while placing our drinks on the table. “Oh--- nothing,
just listening to the music, that’s all.” 

For some reason I am being a very naughty girl tonight… maybe it’s the rain and the atmosphere
that was putting me the mood to be bad. But then again-- being bad can be good sometimes.” She

Lance sat on the opposite side of the booth facing her. He starred as she sipped on her NUVO.
“Ummm…this is so good!” she said as she pressed her glossy lips together. He smiled and said
“I’m sure it is!”

“Now is he flirting with me?” she thought.

  So she flirted back. “Do you want some?”

“Sure do,” he replied.

So he got up to sit next to her and he reached over and kissed her and while doing so, he licked
her lips. She was caught off guard a little, but she returned the kiss and gave him some tongue
action as well. The drink along with his lips had her feeling warm inside. Her pussy was wet and
was doing somersaults in her panties, almost non-stop. She had to stop him.

“What are we doing here,” she whispered.

He still had her lips pressed against his.

He responded “We’re doing what we always wanted to do since the moment we met”

She had no rebuttal for that, because he was right. She always wanted this and more, she just
thought messing around with her boss was wrong; but hell if it’s wrong…I don’t wanna be right.
So they continued kissing which led to fondling and caressing. It started to get hot and heavy in
that bar. They were so turned on and didn’t care if anyone saw. Lance brushed his finger tips
against her cheek and she trembled inside and she knew he felt it. She tried to keep her composer
but she couldn’t resist him.

She wanted more, so she said “Let’s take this to my place.”

“Okay,” he whispered.

They finished their drinks and left the bar. Spirit was tipsy and turned on even more.

   She gave Lance directions to her condo, which was in the suburban part of Delaware. It was
quiet where she lived, the only thing you could hear were crickets that chirped along the bushes.
They drove into the parking space and started kissing again. She was wondering if they were
even going to make it inside. Lance unsnapped her bra in the front, cupped her “C” cup breasts
together and pulled on each nipple through her silk chiffon blouse. She moaned as she tilted her
head back. She let him take control of her body. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head with
pleasure and she wanted to reciprocate but he just took her hands and pressed them against the
back of the seat where she was sitting.

“Shouldn’t we take this inside,” she moaned.

In a panting voice he replied. “But I want you right now.”

She had to gain a little control of the situation.

“Come on…let’s go inside.”

“Okay,” he said.

So she buttoned her blouse half way and they went inside the condo. As she started to walk up
the stairs, she turned on the night light that led to the hall. Unexpectedly, Lance grabs her by her
waist and pulls her into him. He strokes and kisses the back of her neck as his hands made its
way down between my breasts. Immediately her nipples were hardened just from his touch. It
got so hot and steamy, her pussy was thumping and juices were flowing. She was ready for him
to take her to the next level.

Lance slid her skirt down to her knees and then she kicked them off completely. As she spread
her legs apart he kneeled down between them, he then licked her belly over and over while
keeping within the same rhythm of every thrust from her hips. He kissed and pulled on her pussy
through her already dampened panties. GOD…the intensity! He was taking her places she’s
never been before. 

“Damn…that feels nice,” she said through her trembling lips.

“Is it good baby-how does it feel--- tell me,” he insisted.

As he stiffened his tongue and teased her between her lips, preparing for her clit to be sucked on.
Her clit began to stiffen as he sat her on top on the table that sat by the long length wall mirror.
He pulls her panties off and leaving only her 2-1/2 inch heels on. As he moves in position, she
raised her thick full shapely legs up high in the air so that he can gain full control. Her pussy was
sopping wet, juices were dripping down between her ass and Lance licked it all up!

“Ummm… you nasty boy,” she moaned as she watched him through the mirror. It turned her on
so much to see him devour her.

She unbuckled his pants and pulled down his boxers to set his man hood free. He held it by the
shaft and guided it into her warm watery mouth. She teased his head with her tongue going in
circular motion and sucking gently at the same time. He bites down on his bottom lip as he
watches her. His dick got harder and harder as his balls began to loosen as she massaged them.

“Wow girl…what the fuck,” he moans.

His legs began to feel like jello, so he holds onto the wall trying to keep his balance. After
twenty minutes of fore-play, she led Lance into her bedroom. There were two large bay
windows, and in the center of the floor, was her king sized water bed. She had red satin sheets on
it and it shimmered in the light through the night sky.

Lance finally took her to that next level that she so longed and ached for.  As her body floated on
the bed, he made his way on top of her; with his dick still erect… he inserts it inside of her
pussy. He pumped slowly then vigorous and she thrusted her pelvis to keep up with the rhythm.
He rode her in the waves to total orgasmic.

      For the past couple of weeks, Lance and Spirit were together. He showed her things and did
things she never thought someone his age knew. He was very adventurous and very open-
minded. Lance had her ass turned out and she was falling for him. They did some things that she
never did in all her adult life.

Several weeks later, she was sitting at her desk at work recollecting the moments she had with
Lance. He wasn’t in yet and Chynah was doing work on the computer. She couldn’t get him out
my mind, she smiled as she rewind they’re last night together.

“So what got you grinning?” asked Chynah.

Spirit didn’t think Chynah saw her smiling.

“Oh nothing really-just thinking.”

“Must be something good, the way it had you --” She cut Chynah off in mid sentence.

She wished that Chynah weren’t her co-worker because she would’ve liked to been able to share
with her what she really was smiling about.
“So what are you doing?” she asked.

“Just typing up some insurance information for Lance,” said Chynah.

“Oh okay then, let me know if you need any help.”

“Will do,” Chynah said as she bit into her breakfast burrito.

The phone rings, “Hello…better insurance!” said Spirit.

“Good morning, is Lance in?”

“No he isn‘t, may I asked who’s calling?”

“This is his wife”

Spirits’ face grew numb, her heart started to race and hair on the back of her neck stood up.
“Ma--May I take a message?” she asked nervously.

“No just have him call me when he gets in.”

“Okay I will.”

“Bye,” she said.

“Good-bye,” Spirit slowly hung up the telephone.

Boy how quickly her smile turned into a frown. How he dare not tell me that he’s married, she
thought. She wanted to call him and curse his ass out, but partially she felt she was the blame
because she never asked if he was seeing anyone.

Despite of that…. SHE WAS STILL PISSED!!! 

It has been about three months since she’s had sex and she let lust take over her common sense.
As most of us do. She should’ve known better. But then again -- you would’ve thought he would
have told her.

“I can’t believe he’s married,” she said over and over as she rubbed her head.

The thought of her fucking another woman’s husband gave her a headache.

Lance finally came into the office. “Good morning everyone!” He said.

“Good morning,” said Chynah.

Spirit didn’t say anything she just looked at him with disgust and he noticed it too. She knew he
wondered why she looked at him that way. She wanted to keep her encounter with Lance on the
hush… so she decided not to make a scene. 

“Did I get any calls,” he said

“Yeah, just one… from your WIFE!” said Spirit.

Chynah didn’t know what was up but he knew Spirit was being sarcastic. She took a deep breath.

“I’m going outside to take a cigarette break,” she said with an attitude. As she walked towards
the front door, he whispered, “I’ll explain to you later.”

 She grabbed a cigarette from her pack and with fire in my eyes she said “You sure will

She leans against the brick wall on the side of the building and she felt like she wanted to leave.
She just wasn’t in the mood to work around Lance today. He had her so MAD. But then she
decided that she wasn’t going to run from the situation and that she would listen to what he had
to say. She plucked her cigarette toward the curb, took a deep breath to collect her composer and
headed back into the office. Chynah looked up at her.

“Are you okay,” she asked.

“Yes…yes I am fine.” She said, while trying not to show her anger.

Spirit started thinking that maybe Chynah did know something was up, but was just keeping
quiet about it. Lance had just come out of the men’s room; he went to pour himself a cup of
coffee then headed straight to his office and shut the door. Probably to call his wife.

Lance and Spirit didn’t have any ties to each other except for work but she was still furious about
him not telling her about his situation. She tried to do some work but she couldn’t focus.

    Later at home Spirit decided to call Lance on his cell. She just needed to hear what he had to
say. “He’s probably going to give me some lame ass story about how they live together but don’t
share the same bed or some shit like that,” she thought.

Before she could pick up the phone and dial his number, her phone rang. She hesitated about
answering as butter flies fluttered in her belly.  But she picked it up before it could go to her

“Hello.” it was quiet for a few seconds.

“HEL...LOOO,” she repeated.

“Ah…hey, this is Lance,” he says as he clears his throat.

“I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for not telling you that I was married.”

“Yeah, well why didn’t you Lance,” she said with an attitude.

“Listen---listen, can you please let me finish?”

After he verified his marital status, she kept quiet to hear what else he had to say.

“Well, I and my wife have only been married for a couple years and we only got married
because she had become pregnant and I thought marrying her was the honorable thing to do.
But then a couple of months after our son was born -- he passed away and then I found out that I
couldn’t have any more children.” At that moment Spirit went from being angry to being

  “Oh my god…I’m so sorry to hear that, how are you handling it.”

“Day by day,” he said.

“So Lance, let me ask you another question.” “Do you still love her?”

“I did love Charmaine at one time, that‘s her name.” “But I didn’t love her enough to stay.”

“So why didn’t you get a divorce or an annulment?”

“I don’t know. I do plan on divorcing her though, I just didn’t think about it after our

The conversation muted for a minute. “So…where do I stand with you Lance? I know it’s a little
awkward with you being my boss and everything but I’m feeling you.”

“And I’m feeling you too, but you’re right it will be awkward, especially at work.” We will have
to keep it discreet a little longer, don‘t you think?”

“I didn’t have a problem with it, so I agreed that we should keep things on the DL for awhile.”

     After her conversation with Lance she did feel a little better, but at the same time she felt
sorry for him. She couldn’t imagine going through what he’d went through. To loss a child…that
would’ve driven parent crazy.

It was late and Spirit was feeling lonely. She laid there in bed starring at the ceiling unable to fall
asleep. She thought about her prior conversation with Lance…thinking that would drift her off to
la la land. But that didn’t work. So she started thinking about all the evenings Lance and her had
uninhibited sex. But all that did was get her horny.  She gently squeezed her perky nipples just
the way Lance would’ve done it. She didn’t have on any panties under her short red tee shirt that
came just below her voluptuous butt cheeks. While still squeezing her nipples, she gently spread
her legs apart to expose her slightly hairy pussy. She lowered her left hand and caressed her
fingertips around her belly button in circular motion. She was aroused by the thought of Lance
touching and teasing me. Slowly, as she slid two of her fingers inside her snatch, the warm walls
quickly grasped onto my fingers and clinching on tightly.

She massaged her clit while stroking herself -- letting every bitter sweet juice flow and make its
way out. A stream of warm juice slid between her thighs--soaking up her inner cheeks. She
wanted to cum but she held back to build it up even more.

“Aagh… shi…shit,” She moaned loudly.

She began trembling and panting heavily as if she was having a seizer. Suddenly her body grew
stiff, legs started to tremble, toes curled and she had NO control over her nerves that led her to an
explosive orgasm. Her body floated on the bed lifeless as she laid there taking it all in and
waiting for her pussy to calm down before she started again.

   The next morning she woke up curled in a fetal position. She was running late for work so she
rushed to take a quick shower, got dressed and caught a taxi into town.  She rushed in the
building and Davis was standing by the door.

“Good morning Spirit, how are you today?”

“Good morning, I am doing fine,” she said as she rushed by him.

Chynah had just got there moments ago and Lance was in his office on the computer with the
door slightly closed.

“Hi Chynah!”

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Nothing much girl, just need to get some coffee in me so I can wake up.”

“Long night huh..?”

“I guess you could say that. I could hardly get to sleep last night. I guess I had a lot on my

After drinking a cup of coffee she was feeling very much awake and not to mention-- very
energetic. She was ready to start her day.

She caught a glimpse of Lance peeking his head out the door. He nodded his head signaling for
Spirit to come here. She walked into the office and he closed the door behind her. Before she
could get in good, he grabs her hand, twirls her around and kissed her. She was stunned. He was
being very daring and naughty.
“You're not nervous are you?” he said as he stands behind me and squeezes both of my boobs.

“No... No I’m not nervous.”

She didn’t want to admit she was a bit nervous but only because they were at work and their co-
workers where on the other end of the door.

She loved the fact that he was aggressive and adventurous and was willing to try just about
anything.  Lance looked at her with lust flowing all through his eyes…immediately she grew
even more nervous. She knew he was up to something. Lance bent her over his desk and raises
her mid- length skirt just enough to show her thick beautiful ass that jiggled in his hands.

“What are you doing Lance,” she moaned as she squirmed in his desired position.

  “What if someone’s hear us?”

“Shhh…No one will hear us.”

He kisses the arch of her back and motions for her to spread her legs apart, so she did just what
he wanted. She leaned further on to the desk and he UN buckles his pants slowly so that no one
could hear. He unzips his khakis, then releases his swollen bulge and she moaned before he
could even slide it inside of her. As he grabs hold of her love handles, he guides his dick inside
of her ready snatch.

“Aagh…yes, just what I wanted--some early morning pussy.” He moaned as he thrust deeper into
her. She had to prevent herself from moaning too loud so she held her mouth with both hands.
She began sweating and panting as he pumps and grinds his dick deep inside. She felt his dick
throb and become harder as he came inside of her. Lance had the control she just didn’t have, he
was able to cum without making any noises.

That was one hot moment of passion, “I can’t believe we just did that,” She thought to herself as
she pulled up her panties. She smiled and kissed Lance.

“Thank you.”

He said while zipping up his pants.

“You are something else.”

She uttered. “Ha-ha… so are you.”

She had to get herself together before heading out the office. Lance played it off like they were
discussing business as she walked out the door.

He said, “Oh and Spirit, can you organize these folders for me and I need you to fax a few forms
for me as well.”
She giggled inside. He did that like he was a pro or something--like this wasn’t his first time.

Spirit felt a little paranoid walk out the front- thinking she would get stares. But she didn’t.
Chynah was on the phone and Davis was still standing at the door and talking to one of their
clients. She could feel Lance’s juices swimming all up inside her so while everyone was pre-
occupied she made her way to the ladies room to freshen up a bit.

Several minutes later, Chynah walks into the ladies room and sees Spirit by the sink with her
skirt raised and panties down washing up. “Oops… I am so sorry,” Chynah said with her hand
covering her mouth as she closes the door. 

Chynah was so embarrassed and so was she.

 Spirit thought, “Oh-my-God!”

“What is she thinking?”

Spirit was afraid to go back out because it was obvious that Chynah knew something must’ve
happened between me and Lance while we were in the office. She was in there for awhile. But
she knew that if she didn’t come out the bathroom that would look obvious too. Either way eye
brows would be raised. So after she freshened up she looked in the mirror and combed her hair
with her fingers to look a little more presentable. When she came out Chynah looked at her, she
could tell something was going on through her head. But she wasn’t sure what.

Chynah and Spirit ate lunch together; over small talk she found out that Chynah lived a couple of
miles from where she did. She was relieved that Chynah hadn‘t said anything about earlier. But
she was hoping secretly she wouldn’t tell Davis what she had suspected, since the two of them
are pretty tight.

She was feeling stressed and thinking all sorts of things in her head. Should she tell Lance or
shouldn’t she? She thought.

She decided not to say anything, she figured as long as Chynah wasn’t questioning or gossiping
about it, then things was alright. It was almost time to leave and as usual Lance left early, he said
that he had some business to take care of and that he may come by her house later tonight. 
Chynah and Spirit completed up the paper work they had accumulated earlier. They didn’t live
that far from each other so Chynah gave Spirit a ride home. In the car they shared small talk.
Spirit asked her how she likes working for the company so far. Chynah stated that she likes
working there and that she especially like working with us. Spirit nodded her head.

“So how long have you been working there,” Chynah asked.

“About a year now,” she said.

Even though she was the one who initiated the conversation about work, Spirit kindly eased off
the topic.  She didn‘t want her to get curious and start asking questions. “I had no idea that we
didn’t live far from each other.” Said Spirit.

“Yeah…me neither. I like the neighborhood though, it’s pretty quiet.” 

“Yeah and I like the fact that you don’t have to worry about hearing bullets in the middle of the
night or seeing dudes hanging on the corners late night.”  After Chynah dropped Spirit off she
went in to her condo and sat her brief case down. “Whew…boy what a day,” She said as she
flopped on to the sofa and kicked off her heels.

     It’s 10pm and Spirit hasn’t heard from Lance, he didn’t call, text or anything. She wondered if
he was coming over. With him not calling her, it began to bring on some insecurities. She didn’t
where he was or who he’s with. She had to grab a hold of herself; she thought, “I am way too
old to be going through this. Maybe if we weren’t being so secretive about our relationship then
I wouldn’t feel this way.” She fell asleep sitting up waiting for Lance and she woke up to the
sound of her alarm clock. She yawned and rubbed her eyes to focus. It was 3:00 AM. She picked
up her cell and checked her house phone, still no call or text. She let out a sigh and got up off the
sofa, went to her bedroom to put on her night clothes and climbed into bed. She must’ve been
more tired than she thought because she fell right back asleep.

   A month later, Spirit called out from work because she wasn’t feeling well. She thought that
maybe she was coming down with the flu, so she made a doctor’s appointment for this coming
Wednesday, which was in two days. Chynah called to see how she was feeling and Lance came
by after work. He bought her roses, some soup and crackers. She thought that was really sweet of
him. She was wrapped up in her robe with her comfy slippers on, she felt like shit! She couldn’t
even keep something as light as soup down without throwing it up.

Finally the day of her appointment she called Lance at work to let him know that she was on her
way to see the doctor.

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, you handle things there and I’ll let you know how it went when I get back.”

It seem like she was waiting for hours on the nurse to come out for her. She took her in the back,
weighed her on the scale, and took her temperature and blood pressure. She noticed she gained a
few pounds but that was normal for her. Her weight was always up and down.

“So what brings you here today,” asked the nurse.

“Well for the past few days I haven’t been feeling well…I’ve been getting headaches, feeling
sluggish and have been unable to keep food down.”

“Ok what was the last thing you had to eat or drink?” “This morning I had crackers and tea.”
As the nurse jotted every detail in her medical folder she asked her when her last period was.

She didn’t really think about it but as she counted from today’s date back to early last month, she
noticed that she have missed a cycle.

“How could that be,” she thought.

Lance was the only person I’ve been with and from our last conversation, he said he was
sterile.” she thought.

“Do you think you could be pregnant,” the nurse asked as she continues to write.


“No…I don’t think so,” she nervously said

“Well we’ll give you a urine test to see.” The nurse reaches into the cabinet and grabbed a small
cup and wrote my name on the top. “Take this into the bathroom and pee in the cup, after your
done take it in the lab three doors down on your left.”

Spirit was nervous and confused. “I can’t be pregnant… that’s impossible. Unless Lance lied to
me.” She thought. After she handled her business in the rest room, she took her urine specimen
to the lab and went back to her room to wait on her test results. She waited anxiously, the doctor
walked pass her room twice until he finally came in to see her.

  “Hello, Ms. Moore. How are you today,” said Doctor Cartwright. “I’m okay I guess.”

He saw the nervousness her my body language when she spoke, so he didn’t waste any time
letting her know that she was in fact pregnant…six weeks to be exact. She couldn’t believe what
she was hearing. “Me pregnant!”

    She thought, in all her adult years she’s never been pregnant until now. Part of her was happy. 
“Wow…PREGNANT!!”She said.

  She kept saying in her head over and over again. It was like she had death ears when the doctor
was telling her what she needed to do next as far as caring for her unborn baby.

After she left she went straight home and called Lance. She told him that she needed to talk to
him. He tried to get me to tell him over the phone but she told him that she wanted to talk to him
in person. So he came over that afternoon and as soon as she shut the door behind him, she
blurted out to him that she was pregnant. It got quiet, all he did was stare with confusion, sort of
like the look she had earlier.

“Well?” she said “But I… I thought you had the flu?”

“Yeah that’s what I thought too but the doctor confirmed to me after a urine sample, that I was
pregnant. But I’m confused Lance, you told me that you were sterile.”

“I am sterile.”

She sucked her teeth. “How can you be if I’m pregnant, Lance?”

“I don’t know... Something’s off here.”

“I hope you don’t think I cheated on you.”

He shakes his head. “NO…no…I’m not thinking that!” 

“Then what are you thinking?”

“I don’t know!!” he shouted!

“Why are you raising your voice? It seem like you don’t know much of anything right now!”

Lance puts his face into his hands and shakes his head.

“How far long are you,” he muffled.

“The doctor says I‘m six weeks.”

He mumbled under his breath. “What the fuck!”

He then takes a deep breath to calm down.

“So what are you gonna do,” he asked.

“What do you mean what am I gonna do? I want to keep our baby.”

“Huh….Okay.” He calmly said. She didn’t say anymore about him not being sterile because she
has heard many guys say that before after trying to get their girlfriend or wife pregnant and was
unsuccessful, but come to find out later, they weren’t sterile at all. Lance hugs her and said,
“Everything is going to be alright.” 

And she believed him. She was so in love with him, she believed anything he said.

They made love that night; it was extra special because they shared something so wonderful. He
passionately caressed her from head to toe, kissing her inner thighs while grabbing hold to her
hips. She reached down and pulls open her pussy lips and held it open for him. He slurped on her
clit and he made it nice and wet. She was making humming noises as he continued to suck and
lick. Within minutes she was creaming all in his mouth. She tried to push him off slowly but he
still had her clit between his lips sucking on it gently while pinning her hands down on the bed
and making it impossible for her to move.

After they made love, they laid there exhausted and sweaty. As she layed her head on to his fine
hairy chest, his heart was beating to the rhythm of my own. Lance was staring at the ceiling and
very pensive.

“Lance, do you love me?”

He didn’t respond.

“Lance,” she said, as she looked up at him to get his attention.

“What did you say,” he asked.

She him asked him again, “Do you love me?”

“Yes…yes I love you.”

By the way he responded he seemed unsure about how he felt. So again she ignored it.

Lance’s cell phone rang but he didn’t answer it, after the last ring he grabs it off the table that sat
on the side of the bed and turns it on vibrate. Five minutes later the phone vibrates and he ignores
it again. “Why don’t you just answer your phone, it could be something important.”

He finally decides to answer the call the last time. Spirit could hear someone yelling on the other
end of the receiver and she assumed he didn’t respond back because she was laying right there.
So he gets up and leaves the bedroom. All she could hear was Lance yelling back but in a soft
tone, trying not to let her hear.

     Only minutes later, he comes back in the room with his face frowned, he grabs his clothes off
the floor and sits on the edge of the bed.

“Are you okay... Is anything wrong?”

Yeah… everything is okay.” “I have to leave right now because I have to take care of something,
but I’ll call you later.”

Spirits’ face went blank. She had a gut feeling everything wasn’t okay like he said it was. Lance
leans over and kisses her good bye and headed out the door. She lay there thinking, “Something
is very wrong here. Because I love him so much it seems like I’m ignoring things, ignoring the
things that are so obvious. But what could it be?” she thought. She started wondering. Is he
cheating on me? Is he gay or some shit like that? She didn’t want to assume too much,
however--- she was determined to find out what was actually going on.
   The next day at work, Davis was looking at her strangely as he says good morning to her.
Chynah was sitting at the breakfast bar eating. “Hey Spirit, how are you feeling today,” she

“I’m much better thank you.” “Is Lance here?”

“No…he called in earlier and said he wasn’t coming in today.” 

“Oh, alright,” said Spirit.

She immediately got suspicious. He has been acting very strange lately as a matter of fact, for
awhile. And now he’s not coming in to work today, that’s not like him and not to mention she
just saw him yesterday and he never said he wasn’t coming in today. Spirit went to pour a cup of
coffee but the smell just made her nauseous, so she just made a cup of lemon tea instead.  She
wasn’t very much in a talkative mood so she sat at her desk, to do some work, while listening to
some music. She was listening to one of John Legends’ songs that played, didn’t really know the
lyrics so she just hummed along.

She heard another song playing faintly in the background but then she realized it was her cell
phone going off, she had forgot to put it on vibrate. Since Lance wasn’t in today she answered it.


“Hello” the voice on the other end said.



“Why aren’t you coming to work today?”

“I have a lot on my mind right now and wasn’t in the mood to work.”

“What is going on?” She whispered into the phone.

“Don’t worry about it Spirit, its personal.”

“What can be so personal that you can’t share it with me?”

“Spirit, it’s family issues, that’s all.”

“I guess whenever you’re ready to discuss you’ll let me know.”

Lance skips the subject, “How are you feeling today, any morning sickness?”

“I’m okay,” she replied.

She didn’t want to mention about her feeling nauseous or mention how Davis looked at her
funny, and to tell you the truth she felt some kind of way about it too.

“What is everyone doing?” “Duh…working,” she said sarcastically. “Ha ha”…that was the first
laughter she got from him in awhile.

“Is Davis around?”

“Yeah I think he just came out of the break room. Do you want to speak to him?”

“Yeah…but I’ll call him on his cell.” “


“Listen I will call you later okay?”

“Alright, talk to you later.”

“Why didn’t I ask him the questions that I needed to ask him?” she thought as she hung up the
phone. “Every time he’s in my face or in my ear I get like butter and just melt.” She had to
question herself. “Do I just love him or do I love myself more?”  She saw Davis reaching into his
pocket for his cell phone. “Hey cuz what’s up?” he said as he walks to get a bottled water out the
vendor machine. Davis talks loud so she didn’t have to break her neck to hear his conversation
with Lance. All she could hear was, “No…I don’t think she knows anything and how’s he

But who was he referring too?  “Well…talk to ya later cuz okay?” Davis hangs up his phone and
puts it back into his pocket. Now Spirit is very suspicious even more than she was before.

She thought about how Lance never wanted to make their relationship public. How every time
they got together it was either at her house or a hotel. “What does this nigga have to hide?” she

Never once did they ever go to his place.

With him being so secretive – that’s a dead giveaway right there.

So that can only mean one thing …this nigga is definitely cheating!

They say follow your gut feeling and that a woman’s intuition is never wrong. That may be true.

She hurried out of the office and ran to the rest room. The thoughts of him cheating zoomed
through her and head had her feeling very nauseous. Chynah’s eyes bugged out when she saw
her running to the rest room. She rushed to the toilet and started vomiting and choking! Tears fell
from her eyes as the thoughts continued to run through her head. Chynah stood outside the door
until she thought it was okay to come in. She taps on the door twice.
“Yes… come on in,” said Spirit as she cleared her voice and wipes the tears from her eyes.

“Are you okay?”

Chynah was so concerned and so attentive. She ran some cool water to wet a towel for her to put
on my face. She felt so vulnerable and hurt because she knew Lance was deceiving her… she
knew it deep down inside.

Chynah strokes Spirits’ hair back waiting for her to tell her what was going on, so finally she
opened up and told her everything about her and Lance--- she even told her that she was
pregnant. She was surprised about the pregnancy and she told me that she was aware of what was
going on a month ago in the office, but felt it wasn’t her place to say anything. Spirit thanked her
for that. She was being such a good friend, the kind of friend that she never had in a man or
anyone else.

“So are you going to bring this to his attention,” asked Chynah.

“Yes, I am. I have to say something because this is eating at me too much and I have to think
about my baby.”

Chynah shook her head as she agreed with her.

“I will give you my number in case you’d like to talk later, okay?”

I felt my eyes starting to tear up again so I took a breath to stop the tears from falling.

“Okay, I will.  Thanks Chynah.”

“No problem girl…we women have to stick together.”

Chynah smiled and Spirit smiled too as she walked back out of the rest room. Davis asked was
she feeling okay. Chynah just told him that she got sick from something she had eaten. But she
was pretty sure he knew what was going on, the only person that was in the dark about things,
was her.

That afternoon, she left early from work because she still wasn’t feeling good so she stopped to
the super market to get a few healthy things that the doctor suggested she start eating. She got a
shopping cart and loaded it with fruits, vegetables and juices and she got a pack of cookies that
she was craving for.

She walked toward checkout and heard someone that sound like Lance at the end of the aisle
where she was.

“That couldn’t be him,” she thought.

She pushed her cart faster to see if it was him, but she had a glimpse of a little boy she guessed
he was around 3 years old trying to push the shopping cart loaded with food. She didn’t see who
he was with because of the crowd that was around.

“Honey, can you get a gallon of milk,” a voice says.

That’s when she saw him, Lance.

Spirit started to have a panic attack when he turned around and saw her standing there. He
looked like he wanted to run far out of the store because of the awkward situation he was now in.
The woman held on to the little boy who was pushing the cart. It was obvious that they were a

“Do you two know each other?” the lady asked.

Spirit stood waiting for him to answer but he didn’t say anything. So she blurted out--- “So, do
we know each other…Lance,” she said as she bit down on her bottom lip and rolled her teary

“Yeah we know each other,” He said.

“Where do you two know each other from?” asked Charmaine. She turned around waiting for a
response from Lance.

“She works for me,” he said.

Spirit squinted and raised her eye brows; she wanted to slap the shit out of him. He wasn’t telling
her what he needed to tell her. 

“I not only work for him, but I’m supposed to be his woman.”

Charmaine snapped and yells at Lance. “What does she mean she’s supposed to be your fucking
woman, Lance…huh?”She said as she gets all in his face.

Before he could answer Spirit asked her who was she to him.

“I’m his wife and this is his son,” she said in an angry tone.

Spirit didn’t blame her for being angry because he betrayed them both. Lance tried to rush Spirit
out of the aisle, but she shrugged his hands off of her because she wanted his wife to know

Suddenly they drew attention with the hollering back and forth.

“So this is your wife?!” she asked.

“The one you told me about?!”

“The one you said you didn’t love or lived with?!”

“The one you said that you were divorcing?!”

“And the one you said you only married because she was pregnant but then your son died?!
Apparently he’s alive and well because he’s standing right over there. I guess you didn’t tell her
that we’re having a baby too huh, Lance?”

Charmaine was furious, her eyes were flaming red with tears; she couldn’t take anymore of the
humiliation so she rushes out of the store with their son, leaving Lance there with Spirit. 

Lance didn’t even try to stop her. He knew he was dead wrong.

“Why did you do this,” she asked.

“Did you actually think that the truth would never come out?”

“Yeah…yeah I was blinded for awhile, but now I see that you’re a piece of shit on the bottom of
my shoe?”

She slapped him and walked away in tears.

Five months later, Spirit was now 6-½ months pregnant and showing. After all the drama in the
super market with Lance and his wife she decided to quit her job. Lance signed over his parental
rights to her and from what she heard; Lance is still at the insurance company but is no longer
with his wife. Davis, his cousin, is still working there too. And Chynah, well let’s just say, her
and Spirit couldn’t be happier!!

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