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Environmental Pollution 154 (2008) 254e263

Heavy metal (Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) contamination of vegetables

in urban India: A case study in Varanasi
Rajesh Kumar Sharma a, Madhoolika Agrawal a,*, Fiona M. Marshall b
Ecology Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India
SPRU, Freeman Centre, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QE, United Kingdom
Received 12 January 2007; received in revised form 26 September 2007; accepted 7 October 2007

Atmospheric depositions can significantly increase the heavy metal concentrations in vegetables during marketing.


The contributions of heavy metals in selected vegetables through atmospheric deposition were quantified in an urban area of India. Depo-
sition rate of Zn was recorded maximum followed by Cu, Cd and Pb. The concentrations of Zn and Cu were highest in Brassica oleracea, Cd in
Abelmoschus esculentus and B. oleracea, while Pb was highest in Beta vulgaris. Heavy metal pollution index showed that B. oleracea was max-
imally contaminated with heavy metals followed by A. esculentus and then B. vulgaris. The results of washing showed that atmospheric depo-
sition has contributed to the increased levels of heavy metals in vegetables. Both Cu and Cd posed health risk to local population via test
vegetables consumption, whereas Pb posed the same only through B. oleracea. The study concludes that atmospheric depositions can elevate
the levels of heavy metals in vegetables during marketing having potential health hazards to consumers.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Atmospheric depositions; Heavy metals; Vegetables; Health risk; Heavy metal pollution index

1. Introduction The uptake and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in vegeta-

bles are influenced by a number of factors such as climate, at-
The contamination of vegetables with heavy metals due to mospheric depositions, the concentrations of heavy metals in
soil and atmospheric contamination poses a threat to its quality soil, the nature of soil on which the vegetables are grown
and safety. Dietary intake of heavy metals also poses risk to and the degree of maturity of the plants at the time of harvest
animals and human health. Heavy metals such as Cd and Pb (Lake et al., 1984; Scott et al., 1996; Voutsa et al., 1996). Air
have been shown to have carcinogenic effects (Trichopoulos, pollution may pose a threat to post-harvest vegetables during
1997). High concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Cd and Pb) transportation and marketing, causing elevated levels of heavy
in fruits and vegetables were related to high prevalence of up- metals in vegetables (Agrawal, 2003). Elevated levels of heavy
per gastrointerestinal cancer (Turkdogan et al., 2002). For metals in vegetables are reported from the areas having long-
most of the people, the main route of exposure to heavy metals term uses of treated or untreated wastewater (Sinha et al.,
is through the diet except occupational exposures at related in- 2004, 2005; Sharma et al., 2006, 2007). Other anthropogenic
dustries. Regulations have been set up in many countries and sources of heavy metals include the addition of manures, sew-
for different industrial set up to control the emission of heavy age sludge, fertilizers and pesticides, which may affect the up-
metals. take of heavy metals by modifying the physico-chemical
properties of the soil such as pH, organic matter and bioavail-
ability of heavy metals in the soil. Whatmuff (2002) and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 542 2368156; fax: þ91 542 2368174. McBride (2003) found that increasing concentrations of heavy
E-mail address: (M. Agrawal). metals in soil increased the crop uptake.

0269-7491/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.K. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 154 (2008) 254e263 255

Cultivation areas near highways are also exposed to atmo- infrequent premonsoon rains. Rainy season starts with onset of heavy monsoon
spheric pollution in the form of metal containing aerosols. towards the end of June and continue till mid October, ending up with 90%
annual rainfall within 4 months. During rainy season, the temperature varies
These aerosols can be deposited on soil and are absorbed by from a minimum of 24  C to a maximum of 36  C and relative humidity
vegetables, or alternatively deposited on leaves and fruits from 70 to 95%. During winter, the temperature ranges between 10 and
and then absorbed. Voutsa et al. (1996) have reported high ac- 25  C, relative humidity between 40 and 79% and occasional light rains are
cumulation of Pb, Cr and Cd in leafy vegetables due to atmo- received from retreating monsoons. January and June are the coldest and hot-
spheric depositions. Field studies have found positive test month, respectively, of the year. The predominant wind direction during
the study period was WeNW and the wind speed varied from 0.8 to
relationships between atmospheric metal deposition and ele- 8.8 km hr1 during the study period.
vated concentrations of heavy metals in plants and top soil Varanasi is one of the most densely populated cities of India. There are sev-
(Larsen et al., 1992; Sanchez-Camazano et al., 1994). The eral small scale industries dispersed in industrial areas of Shivpur, Chandpur,
levels of heavy metals in vegetables collected from peri-urban Maruadih, Lahartara and Diesel Locomotive Works. A number of brick indus-
areas of New Delhi were found to be high due to atmospheric tries are also located at the periphery of the city. Heavy traffic on narrow roads
leading to frequent traffic congestion is of common occurrence within the city.
deposition as well as due to use of contaminated water. The A reconnaissance survey was conducted to evaluate the land use, types of
magnitude of heavy metal deposition on vegetable surfaces market, traffic flow and consumption of vegetables grown locally prior to site
varied with morpho-physiological nature of the vegetables selection for collections of atmospheric bulk deposition and vegetable sam-
(Singh and Kumar, 2006). Jassir et al. (2005) have shown ples. The city was divided into 40 grids of 1 km2 and then 20 sampling loca-
that unwashed leafy vegetables sold on roadside of Riyadh tions were selected where vegetables grown in nearby peri-urban production
sites, are sold. These sampling locations were categorized into three groups
city, Saudi Arabia had higher levels of heavy metals as com- based on the types of market i.e. wholesale, retailer and vender. In the present
pared to washed leafy vegetables. Demirezen and Aksoy study, 55, 25 and 20% of the sampling locations represent retailer, wholesale
(2006) have reported higher concentrations of Pb, Cd and and vender markets, respectively. The magnitude of urban activities such as
Cu in Abelmoschus esculentus collected from urban areas of industrial, residential and commercial and vehicular density also varied be-
Kayseri, Turkey as compared to those from rural areas. The tween the sampling locations. The characteristics and relative position of sam-
pling locations are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1, respectively.
partitioning of heavy metals is well known, with accumulation The common vegetables grown in the peri-urban areas of Varanasi and sold
of greater concentrations in the edible portions of leafy or root to the local markets exclusively are palak (Beta vulgaris L. var benghalensis cv
crops than the storage organs or fruits (Jinadasa et al., 1997; all green H1 Family: Chenopodiaceae), lady’s finger (A. esculentus L. Family:
Lehoczky et al., 1998; Sharma and Agrawal, 2006). Malvaceae), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var botrytis Family: Brassicaceae),
Urban activities may significantly contribute to elevated cabbage (B. oleracea var capitata Family: Brassicaceae), tomato (Lycopersicon
esculentum Miller Family: Solanaceae) and radish (Raphanus sativus L. Fam-
heavy metal loads in atmospheric deposits and consequently ily: Brassicaceae). Other vegetables are mostly supplied from other areas of
in the edible portion of the vegetables. Thus the present study the country. These vegetables are covered with polyethylene sheets during
was conducted with the objectives (1) to quantify the levels of the transport from the production to market sites, but are exposed to urban
heavy metal (Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) contamination in edible por-
tions of vegetables; (2) deposition rates of heavy metals Table 1
Characteristics of market sampling sites located in the urban area of Varanasi
through atmosphere; (3) to assess the health risk in urban in-
habitants via consumption of vegetables; (4) to assess the Serial no. Study sites Type of markets Land uses
heavy metal pollution index for comparison of total heavy 1 ShiD4 Retailer DPRA, HT, NIA
metal load at different sampling locations and (5) computation 2 LalG4 Wholesale DPRA, HT, NIA
3 NadF6 Retailer DPRA, HT
of relationships between the deposition rates and the concen-
4 AnaG7 Vender DPRA, HT, CA
trations of heavy metals in the vegetables to find out the con- 5 VisI7 Wholesale DPRA, HT, CA
tribution of atmospheric depositions to the levels of heavy 6 KasK7 Retailer SPRA, LT
metal contamination. A community acceptable technique of 7 LahE8 Vender DPRA, HT, NIA
washing the vegetables was also explored to quantify the at- 8 KabH8 Vender DPRA, HT, CA
9 ChanC9 Retailer DPRA, HT, CA, IIA
mospheric input of heavy metals through depositions. Pro-
10 RatG9 Retailer DPRA, HT, CA
duced data from this study would be helpful in formulation 11 DasI9 Wholesale DPRA, LT
of policies and programmes, in which food quality and its 12 MdcE10 Retailer DPRA, LT, NIA
safety could be prevented from the threats of heavy metal 13 KamG10 Retailer DPRA, HT, CA
contamination. 14 LakE11 Retailer DPRA, LT, NIA
15 SunF12 Wholesale DPRA, HT, CA
16 DlwC12 Retailer SPRA, LT, IIA
2. Materials and methods 17 KndG12 Retailer DPRA, HT, CA
18 KarF13 Retailer DPRA, LT, CA
2.1. Study area and sampling locations 19 ChaF8 Wholesale DPRA, HT
20 LanH12 Vender DPRA, HT
The present study was carried out from March 2003 to February 2004 in DPRA ¼ densely populated residential area.
the urban areas of Varanasi, located (lat 25 180 N, long 83 010 E and alt NIA ¼ near industrial area.
76.19 m) in the eastern Gangetic plains of India. The climate of the region HT ¼ heavy traffic.
is dry tropical with three distinct seasons i.e. summer, rainy and winter. The CA ¼ commercial area.
summer season (MarcheJune) in Varanasi is usually dry, associated with SPRA ¼ sparsely populated residential area.
strong hot winds, high temperature during the day ranging from a minimum LT ¼ low traffic.
of 30  C to a maximum of 45  C, relative humidity from 25 to 45% and IIA ¼ in industrial area.
256 R.K. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 154 (2008) 254e263

Fig. 1. Map showing the relative position of sampling locations.

atmosphere at the time of marketing. The selected vegetables (B. vulgaris, A. of each sampling location were separately divided into two groups. First group
esculentus and B. oleracea) for the present study are morphologically different was kept as such for oven drying, whereas other group was washed with clean
from each other. B. vulgaris is a leafy vegetable with large leaf area, smooth tap water according to the normal household technique. After draining the ex-
leaf surface and sold in the market in the form of compact bundles, therefore cess water samples were chopped into small pieces and oven dried at 80  C till
less chances of post-harvest contamination. A. esculentus is a fruit vegetable the constant weight was achieved. The dry vegetable samples were powdered
having hairy ridged and rough surface area more vulnerable to particulate de- with a stainless steel blender and passed through a 2 mm size sieve. The sam-
position. B. oleracea is an inflorescence having large exposed rough surface ples were then kept at room temperature for further analysis.
area. Both A. esculentus and B. oleracea are kept open in big baskets during Bulk atmospheric depositions (wet þ dry) were collected on monthly basis
marketing, therefore more in contact with urban atmospheric depositions. using a stainless steel funnel of 30 cm diameter fitted on polyethylene bottle
previously rinsed with deionised water from March 2003 to February 2004
from 18 market sampling locations (Serial no.: 1e18; Table 1) using the
2.2. Sampling and pre-treatment method described by Singh and Agrawal (2005). At locations LanH12 and
ChaF8, bulk deposition measurements could not be performed due to spoilage
Samples of edible portions of vegetables (2 kg each of B. vulgaris and of collection units.
A. esculentus and 1 unit of B. oleracea) were collected from three different
outlets in each market locations. The samples were collected once in a month
between March 2003 and February 2004 for B. vulgaris, between March and 2.3. Analytical procedure for heavy metal analysis
November 2003 for A. esculentus and between October 2003 and February
2004 for B. oleracea. Samples were kept in pre-distilled water rinsed polyeth- Tri-acid mixture, 15 ml (70% high purity HNO3, 65% HClO4 and 70%
ylene bags and pined up to avoid the excess deposition. Then the samples were H2SO4; 5:1:1) were added to the beaker containing atmospheric deposits and
brought back to laboratory, chopped into small pieces and oven dried at 80  C heated at 80  C till the solution became transparent (Allen et al., 1986). The re-
till the constant weight was achieved. sulting solution was cooled and filtered through Whatman no. 42 filter paper. The
To assess the effects of washings on the removal of heavy metals from the filtered solution was finally maintained to 50 ml using deionised water and kept
vegetable surfaces, samples of vegetables (4 kg each of B. vulgaris and at room temperature for further analysis of heavy metals. For the heavy metal
A. esculentus and 2 units of B. oleracea) were collected from selected sam- analysis of dry vegetable, 1 g sample was taken into a 100 ml acid washed beaker
pling locations (KabH8, ChanC9, RatG9, LanH12 and ChaF8). The samples and 15 ml of tri-acid mixture was added (Allen et al., 1986). The mixture was
R.K. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 154 (2008) 254e263 257

then digested at 80  C till the transparent solution was achieved. After cooling, 2.5.4. Heavy metal pollution index (HPI)
the digested samples were filtered using Whatman no. 42 filter paper and the To compare the total heavy metal load through vegetables or atmospheric
filtrate was diluted to 50 ml with deionised water. depositions at different sampling locations, heavy metal pollution index (HPI)
Determination of the heavy metals such as Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in the filtrate was calculated using the equation given by Usero et al. (1997).
of vegetables and atmospheric deposits was achieved by atomic absorption
spectrophotometer (Model 2380 PerkineElmer Inc., Norwalk, CT, USA).
The instrument was calibrated using manually prepared standard solution of HPI ¼ ðCf 1  Cf 2  Cf 3  /  Cf n Þ1=n
respective heavy metals. General purpose reagent cadmium nitrate of a mini-
mum purity of 99% was used in the preparation of the solution used to spike where Cf is the concentration of n heavy metals in vegetable samples or atmo-
the samples for Cd. An analytical grade of a nitrate salt of Pb and granules of spheric depositions.
Cu and Zn were used in the preparation of solutions used in the spiking of
samples for Pb, Cu and Zn. Acetylene gas was used as the fuel and air as
the support. An oxidizing flame was used in all cases. Table 2 shows different
parameters at which the instrument was set for each metal.
2.6. Statistical analyses

Mean, median and range were calculated using statistical package, SPSS
2.4. Quality assurance 11.0 (SPSS USA). Linear regression analysis was used to compute the rela-
tionships between the deposition rate and the concentrations of heavy metals
Blanks (5% tri-acid mixture) and quality control standards were measured in edible portions of different vegetables.
at every five samples to detect contamination and drift. The elemental concen-
trations of procedural blanks were generally <5% of the mean analyte concen-
trations for all the metals. Precision and accuracy of analyses were also 3. Results
ensured through replicate analyses of samples against standards reference ma-
terial (SRM-1570) of National Institute of Standard and Technology for all the
3.1. Deposition rate of heavy metals
heavy metals. The results were found to be within 2% of certified values.

2.5. Data analyses

Site wise variations in deposition rates of heavy metals
along with heavy metal pollution index (HPI) are presented
2.5.1. Calculation of atmospheric deposition rate of heavy metals in Table 3. The deposition rate of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb
To calculate the daily atmospheric depositions of heavy metals per unit area (mg m2 d1) ranged from 4.19 to 38.93, 20.0 to 372.0, 0.32
(mg m2 d1), the measured heavy metal concentrations in the solution (HM) in to 11.33 and not detected to 11.67, respectively, during the
mg l1 was divided by the number of sampling days (n), exposed to the ambient
study period. HPI showed maximum value at ChanC9 (3.84)
environment and cross sectional sampling area of the jar [A (pr2)] in m2.
and minimum at LakE11 and KndG12 (2.64). The deposition
 HM rate of Zn was highest followed by Cu, Cd and Pb.
Deposition rat mg m2 d1 ¼
½A  n

2.5.2. Calculation of daily intake of heavy metals from vegetable surfaces Table 3
deposits Atmospheric deposition rates of heavy metals (mg m2 d1) and heavy metal
The daily intake of heavy metals from vegetable surface atmospheric de- pollution index (HPI)
posits via consumption of unwashed vegetables was calculated by multiplying Sites ID Heavy metals HPI
daily vegetable consumption rate (mg person1 d1) with mean atmospheric
Cu Zn Cd Pb
depositions on vegetable surfaces. Daily vegetable consumption was obtained
from survey conducted in the study area. Mean atmospheric deposits on veg- ShiD4a 18.80 159.06 4.13 4.80 3.63
etable surfaces were obtained by subtracting mean concentrations of heavy LalG4 18.54 74.12 3.54 5.22 3.35
metals in washed from that of unwashed vegetables. NadF6 19.30 227.62 3.36 2.75 3.50
AnaG7 15.88 219.27 5.34 2.37 3.53
2.5.3. Calculation of health risk index of heavy metal contamination VisI7 20.70 185.80 4.31 2.18 3.46
The health risk index was calculated as the ratio of estimated exposure due KasK7 18.71 169.67 4.68 2.35 3.45
to daily heavy metal intake through vegetables and reference dose oral (RfDo, LahE8 20.51 169.94 5.39 2.69 3.57
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2002; Cui et al., 2004). Es- KabH8 23.37 207.31 5.24 3.29 3.74
timated exposure is obtained by dividing vegetable consumption rate  mean ChanC9 25.38 225.01 5.91 3.40 3.84
heavy metal concentrations in unwashed vegetables by safe limit of heavy RatG9 18.29 213.58 5.48 2.95 3.65
metals (Indian standard; Awashthi, 2000). An index more than 1 is considered DasI9 17.63 222.35 3.60 2.27 3.42
as not safe for human health. MdcE10 15.05 90.23 4.87 2.55 3.21
KamG10 14.74 89.09 3.24 2.19 3.02
LakE11 11.27 68.09 2.23 1.59 2.61
Table 2
SunF12 18.19 111.23 2.12 2.77 3.10
Wavelength and detection limits of each heavy metal measured by Atomic
DlwC12 19.39 59.96 1.73 2.17 2.77
Absorption Spectrophotometers (Model 2380 PerkineElmer Inc., Norwalk,
KndG12 15.99 44.15 1.91 2.00 2.61
KarF13 20.47 59.63 1.92 1.27 2.64
Element Wavelength (nm) Detection limits
Meanb 18.45 144.23 3.83 2.17
(mg ml1)
Median 18.65 138.71 3.55 2.26
Cadmium 288.8 0.0005 Range 4.19e38.93 20.00e372.00 0.32e11.33 nde11.67
Copper 324.8 0.001
nd ¼ Not detected.
Lead 213.3 0.01 a
Number of samples collected from each site in a year (n ¼ 12).
Zinc 213.9 0.0008 b
Total number of samples (n ¼ 216).
258 R.K. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 154 (2008) 254e263

Table 4 Table 5
Heavy metal concentrations (mg g1 dry weight) and heavy metal pollution Heavy metal concentrations (mg g1 dry weight) and heavy metal pollution
index (HPI) of B. vulgaris index (HPI) of A. esculentus
Sites ID Heavy metals HPI Sites ID Heavy metals HPI
Cu Zn Cd Pb Cu Zn Cd Pb
ShiD4a 34.32 59.51 2.50 1.69 2.99 ShiD4a 55.90 93.62 1.71 1.52 3.14
LalG4 34.64 59.35 1.83 1.60 2.87 LalG4 41.19 76.59 3.02 1.49 3.16
NadF6 35.08 64.87 1.72 1.24 2.80 NadF6 34.28 68.43 1.46 1.23 2.75
AnaG7 29.15 58.40 3.13 1.42 2.95 AnaG7 27.02 58.98 2.18 1.23 2.76
VisI7 28.82 55.70 1.49 1.63 2.73 VisI7 26.67 94.39 2.41 1.11 2.91
KasK7 29.14 53.58 2.03 1.54 2.80 KasK7 28.44 79.80 2.64 1.25 2.94
LahE8 37.09 73.86 1.94 1.74 3.01 LahE8 37.67 70.40 2.07 1.19 2.90
KabH8 27.08 51.05 1.92 1.52 2.74 KabH8 42.24 84.34 3.30 1.59 3.25
ChanC9 34.90 77.88 3.67 1.58 3.19 ChanC9 23.91 51.77 3.90 1.72 2.98
RatG9 27.68 56.88 1.93 1.43 2.76 RatG9 31.11 55.73 2.86 1.73 2.99
DasI9 35.25 55.01 1.58 1.30 2.73 DasI9 21.03 91.39 1.82 1.28 2.77
MdcE10 35.25 71.57 1.87 1.54 2.93 MdcE10 43.76 74.40 1.84 1.51 3.01
KamG10 42.18 49.68 1.63 1.55 2.83 KamG10 55.90 74.09 1.24 1.19 2.88
LakE11 27.65 50.48 1.63 1.50 2.68 LakE11 25.87 86.03 1.64 1.22 2.77
SunF12 26.45 63.42 1.46 1.36 2.68 SunF12 31.32 81.76 1.60 1.48 2.87
DlwC12 23.58 61.57 1.68 1.69 2.75 DlwC12 20.40 72.79 1.67 1.31 2.67
KndG12 22.66 56.55 1.71 1.58 2.69 KndG12 22.90 95.99 1.24 1.27 2.69
KarF13 20.64 54.38 1.45 1.67 2.61 KarF13 19.78 79.66 1.00 1.15 2.48
Meanb 30.64 59.61 1.95 1.53 2.82 Meanb 32.74 77.20 2.08 1.36 2.88
Median 27.80 51.20 1.60 1.40 Median 24.95 65.25 1.60 1.20
Range 15.20e96.20 30.10e163.20 0.10e11.20 0.80e2.90 Range 10.00e111.20 29.20e189.10 0.40e9.20 0.50e3.10
Safe limitc 30 50 1.5 2.5 Safe limitc 30 50 1.5 2.5
Safe limitd 40 60 0.3 5 Safe limitd 40 60 0.3 5
a a
Number of samples collected from each site in a year (n ¼ 36). Number of samples collected from each site in a year (n ¼ 27).
b b
Total number of samples (n ¼ 648). Total number of samples (n ¼ 486).
c c
Indian standard (Awashthi, 2000). Indian standard (Awashthi, 2000).
d d
FAO/WHO standard (Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1984). FAO/WHO standard (Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1984).

3.2. Heavy metal concentrations in vegetables 3.4. The risk index for local population

The concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb and HPI of B. Estimated exposure and risk index due to heavy metal con-
vulgaris, A. esculentus and B. oleracea are given in Tables tamination of vegetables to local population were given in
4e6, respectively. The mean concentrations of heavy metals Table 8. Cd and Cu contamination posed risk to local popula-
were highest for Zn, followed by Cu, Cd and Pb. Among the tion through vegetable consumption. The risks from Cd
vegetables, mean concentrations of Zn and Cu were highest and Cu due to consumption of vegetables were higher for
in B. oleracea but mean Cd concentration was highest both B. oleracea followed by A. esculentus and least for B. vulgaris.
in A. esculentus and B. oleracea. Mean Pb concentration Intake of Pb through consumption of B. oleracea also posed
was highest in B. vulgaris. The maximum value of HPI risk to local population. Zn intake through these vegetables,
was recorded at ChanC9 for B. vulgaris, at KabH8 for A. es- however, did not pose any risk to local population.
culentus and at VisI7 for B. oleracea, whereas minimum
values of HPI for all the vegetables were observed at
4. Discussion
KarF13 (Tables 4e6).
Peri-urban and urban areas of developing countries often
3.3. Human exposure to heavy metals through receive atmospheric depositions of heavy metals resulted in
atmospheric deposition on vegetable surfaces contamination of fresh vegetables at the time of transportation
and marketing. Consumption of contaminated vegetables may
Washing of vegetables reduced the concentrations of heavy pose risk to human health. Heavy metals determined in differ-
metals (Table 7). Concentrations of Cu and Pb reduced maxi- ent vegetables showed that the concentrations of Cu, Zn and
mally due to washing in B. oleracea, whereas concentrations Cd have often exceeded the safe limits of both Indian (Awash-
of Zn and Cd reduced maximally in A. esculentus among the thi, 2000) and FAO/WHO (Codex Alimentarius Commission,
vegetables. Daily intake of heavy metals through atmospheric 1984) standards. Pb concentration, however, did not exceed
deposition via consumption of vegetables was found maxi- the safe limit in any of the test vegetable. Exceedence of
mum for B. oleracea followed by A. esculentus and then safe limits was highest for B. oleracea, where 89% of the sam-
B. vulgaris (Fig. 2). pling locations showed Cd safe limit exceedence of Indian and
R.K. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 154 (2008) 254e263 259

Table 6 concentrations of all the heavy metals in vegetables were re-

Heavy metal concentrations (mg g1 dry weight) and heavy metal pollution corded maximum at the sampling locations which are located ei-
index (HPI) of B. oleracea
ther in or near industrial areas such as ChanC9, ShiD4, LahE8
Sites ID Heavy metals HPI and LakE11 and at densely populated residential areas having
Cu Zn Cd Pb heavy traffic load i.e. KamG10, KabH8 and RatG9. The concen-
ShiD4a 46.86 86.76 2.08 1.30 3.07 tration of Cu (mg g1 dry weight) was found maximum in A. es-
LalG4 34.24 67.26 1.98 1.30 2.87 culentus (55.90) followed by B. oleracea (53.34) and B. vulgaris
NadF6 35.66 72.68 2.18 1.54 2.99 (42.18) at KamG10 which a retailer market situated in an area is
AnaG7 32.10 63.20 1.96 1.54 2.88
VisI7 44.26 100.68 2.50 1.30 3.16
having high population density and heavy traffic load.
KasK7 29.56 96.66 2.50 1.50 3.06 The results of linear regression analysis further showed that
LahE8 36.92 67.44 2.56 1.52 3.03 the deposition rate of Cu significantly influenced the level of
KabH8 39.00 67.64 3.08 1.30 3.06 Cu in B. vulgaris and A. esculentus, whereas the relationship
ChanC9 35.00 62.06 3.04 1.96 3.12 was insignificant in B. oleracea (Fig. 3). This indicated that
RatG9 30.02 57.88 2.34 1.68 2.91
DasI9 47.94 98.90 2.00 1.58 3.17
the increased level of Cu in B. oleracea may also be resulted
MdcE10 37.62 94.32 1.80 1.50 3.03 due to soil contamination, whereas atmospheric depositions
KamG10 53.34 70.28 1.48 1.30 2.93 have a major contribution to the elevated levels of Cu in
LakE11 43.04 102.06 1.60 1.18 2.98 A. esculentus and B. vulgaris. The positive and significant
SunF12 32.02 93.08 1.78 1.24 2.90 relationship between Zn deposition rate and concentration in
DlwC12 28.18 84.80 1.62 1.22 2.79
KndG12 24.90 75.76 1.46 1.38 2.72
B. vulgaris suggests a major contribution of aerial Zn deposi-
KarF13 24.78 68.98 1.52 1.16 2.64 tion in elevating concentrations of Zn in B. vulgaris, whereas
in A. esculentus and B. oleracea elevated Zn levels may have
Meanb 36.41 79.46 2.08 1.42 2.96
Median 34.85 73.20 1.95 1.40 a major contribution from production sites (Fig. 3). Atmo-
Range 20.50e71.20 45.30e141.30 1.10e4.50 0.90e2.20 spheric deposition rate of Cd showed a significant positive
Safe limitc 30 50 1.5 2.5 relationship with Cd concentration in B. vulgaris and B. oler-
Safe limitd 40 60 0.3 5 acea, which suggests that urban atmospheric deposits may be
Number of samples collected from each site in a year (n ¼ 15). the major source of Cd contamination in vegetables (Fig. 4).
Total number of samples (n ¼ 270). The atmospheric deposition rate of Pb showed a significant
Indian standard (Awashthi, 2000).
d negative and positive relationship with its concentration in
FAO/WHO standard (Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1984).
B. vulgaris and A. esculentus, respectively (Fig. 4). This sug-
gests that aerial deposition did not contribute to the Pb concen-
100% of FAO/WHO standards, whereas Cu and Zn showed ex- tration in B. vulgaris, but contributed to A. esculentus.
ceedence at 78 and 28% and 100 and 94% of the sampling lo- Heavy metal pollution index (HPI) was also found maxi-
cations. Cu, Zn and Cd concentrations were above the Indian mum for B. oleracea (HPI ¼ 2.96) followed by A. esculentus
and FAO/WHO standards at 45 and 6%, 94 and 28% and 83 (HPI ¼ 2.88) and B. vulgaris (HPI ¼ 2.82). Highest value of
and 100% of the sampling locations, respectively, in B. vulga- correlation coefficient (R2 ¼ 0.45; p < 0.01) for the relation-
ris, 50 and 28%, 100 and 83% and 78 and 100% of the sam- ship between HPI of deposition rate and B. oleracea suggests
pling locations, respectively, in A. esculentus. that among the test vegetables B. oleracea received maximum
The variations in the concentrations of the heavy metals in heavy metals through urban atmospheric depositions (Fig. 5).
vegetables may be ascribed to the heavy metals concentrations This may be due to higher surface area and direct exposure to
of soil, air and irrigation water of their production sites and urban atmosphere during the marketing. The lowest value of
also to the adsorption of heavy metals from aerial depositions correlation coefficient (R2 ¼ 0.39; p < 0.01) observed between
during transportation and marketing. The data produced in the HPI of deposition rate and B. vulgaris clearly showed lower
present study clearly showed that both the deposition rates and deposition of heavy metals on this plant. B. vulgaris is

Table 7
Effects of washings on heavy metals concentrations in vegetables
Heavy metals Vegetables (mg g1 dry weight)
B. vulgaris A. esculentus B. oleracea
Cu 38.29  0.94 29.50  0.61 23 13.80  0.30 9.18  0.62 33 41.13  1.33 20.27  0.44 51
Zn 75.23  2.52 47.70  0.75 37 59.05  2.89 28.10  1.99 52 76.89  1.39 54.33  1.08 30
Cd 2.68  0.21 1.53  0.05 43 3.23  0.15 1.01  0.16 68 3.31  0.17 1.31  0.06 60
Pb 2.00  0.04 1.31  0.03 35 1.71  0.06 1.21  0.03 30 1.75  0.05 0.91  0.04 48
UW ¼ unwashed.
W ¼ washed.
PR ¼ percent reduction.
260 R.K. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 154 (2008) 254e263

Fig. 2. Daily intake of heavy metals via atmospheric deposits through vegetables.

commonly sold in form of compact bundles hence lower sur- metal concentrations due to washing was Cd > Zn > Pb > Cu
face area is available for heavy metal deposition (Fig. 5). in B. vulgaris and A. esculentus and Cd > Cu > Pb > Zn in
Reduction in heavy metal concentrations in vegetables due B. oleracea, which suggests that maximum contribution
to washing further suggests that atmospheric depositions on of Cd through atmospheric depositions. Singh and Kumar
vegetables during marketing are a major source of heavy metal (2006) also found that Cu concentrations reduced minimally
contamination in urban areas. The percent reductions in heavy upon washing of B. vulgaris and A. esculentus in Delhi. B. vul-
metal concentrations in vegetables at production sites were garis and A. esculentus showed highest adsorption efficiency
less than 10% (data not shown; Agrawal, 2003), whereas the for Cu, however, B. oleracea showed highest adsorption effi-
same at market sites varied from 23 to 68%. The higher mag- ciency for Zn. Singh and Kumar (2006), however, reported
nitude of reductions in heavy metal concentrations at market the highest adsorption efficiency for Cd.
sites as compared to production sites clearly depicts that In the present study, the mean concentrations of Cu and Pb
post-harvest processes such as transportation and marketing (9.18 and 1.21 mg g1, respectively) in A. esculentus were found
can elevate the levels of heavy metals in vegetables. The per- lower than the concentrations reported in A. esculentus (37.54
cent reductions in heavy metal concentrations due to washing and 10.7 mg g1, respectively for Cu and Pb) collected from
of vegetables recorded during the present study were lower urban areas of Kayseri, Turkey (Demirezen and Aksoy, 2006).
than those reported by Singh and Kumar (2006). This can be The levels of Cd and Zn (1.01 and 28.10 mg g1, respectively)
attributed to higher levels of atmospheric depositions of heavy were, however, higher in the present study as compared to those
metals in peri-urban areas of Delhi, which is highly industrial- reported in A. esculentus (0.58 and 15.54 mg g1, respectively)
ized as compared to Varanasi. by Demirezen and Aksoy (2006). When the concentrations of
The percent reductions in heavy metal concentrations due heavy metals in the washed vegetable samples of the present
to washing were found highest for Zn and Cd in A. esculentus study were compared with the values of Singh and Kumar
and Cu and Pb in B. oleracea. Unwashed samples of B. oler- (2006) from Delhi for the same heavy metals in same vegeta-
acea, however, showed maximum concentrations of Cu, Zn bles, it was observed that the concentrations of all the heavy
and Cd (Table 7). The order of percent reductions in heavy metals were higher in Varanasi as compared to Delhi. This

Table 8
Risk index for daily exposure to heavy metals via vegetables
Heavy metals RfDoa (mg person1 d1) Vegetables
B. vulgaris A. esculentus B. oleracea
Estimated exposure Risk index Estimated exposure Risk index Estimated exposure Risk index
(mg person1 d1) (mg person1 d1) (mg person1 d1)
Cu 4.00E02 4.17E02 1.04Eþ00 1.07E01 2.68Eþ00 2.99E01 7.49Eþ00
Zn 3.00E01 1.60E03 5.40E03 5.00E03 1.86E02 1.31E02 4.36E02
Cd 5.00E04 1.80E03 3.54Eþ00 4.50E03 9.07Eþ00 1.14E02 2.28Eþ01
Pb 3.50E03b 8.00E03 2.36E01 1.80E03 5.08E01 4.40E03 1.33Eþ00
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2002.
JECFA (1993).
R.K. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 154 (2008) 254e263 261

Fig. 3. Relationships between deposition rates of Cu and Zn and their concentrations in vegetables. (Bv ¼ B. vulgaris, Ae ¼ A. esculentus, Bo ¼ B. oleracea and
Dr ¼ deposition rates, NS ¼ not significant).

suggests that contribution of heavy metals through soils were have any risk to the local population through consumption
higher in Varanasi as compared to Delhi. of these vegetables. Cui et al. (2004) have reported that local
To assess the health risk associated with heavy metal con- residents of an area near a smelter in Nanning, China have
tamination of vegetables grown locally, estimated exposure been exposed to Cd and Pb through consumption of vegetables
and risk index were calculated. The results showed that both but no risk was found for Cu and Zn. From Fig. 2 it is clear
Cu and Cd contamination in vegetables had potential to pose that B. oleracea posed a higher magnitude of threat to the local
health risk to the local population. Pb, however, may only population as heavy metal deposition on vegetable surfaces
pose risk through consumption of B. oleracea. Zn may not was higher as compared to B. vulgaris and A. esculentus.
262 R.K. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 154 (2008) 254e263

Fig. 4. Relationships between deposition rates of Cd and Pb and their concentrations in vegetables. (Bv ¼ B. vulgaris, Ae ¼ A. esculentus, Bo ¼ B. oleracea and
Dr ¼ deposition rates, NS ¼ not significant).

5. Conclusions healthy and fresh, may pose a risk to human health particularly
due to Cu and Cd contamination. Based on HPI data it is clear
From this study, it can be concluded that urban activities in that B. oleracea is maximally contaminated with heavy metals
Varanasi have elevated the levels of heavy metals in urban at- followed by A. esculentus and then B. vulgaris. Among the test
mospheric deposits, which consequently increased the concen- vegetables, B. oleracea can be used to monitor the contribution
trations of heavy metals in test vegetables during marketing. of heavy metals through atmosphere. The study suggests that
Variations in the magnitude of reductions in heavy metal con- washing technique can be used as a tool to assess the heavy
tamination due to washings of vegetables also depicted the metals load in vegetables through atmospheric depositions.
variations in heavy metal depositions at various market sites. The present study further suggested that to reduce the health
Vegetables sold in local markets of the city still looking risk, vegetables should be washed properly before consumption
R.K. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 154 (2008) 254e263 263

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