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Emily Hulse

Lesson Plan Form

Diabetes Center course — Low to No Carbohydrate Foods

• Target Audience: Participants of the Diabetes education course at Self Regional

Healthcare on February 13, 2020

• Audience Characteristics:
• Educational level: Varies, typically lower literacy level overall and
particularly low health literacy level; audience will include adults who have
been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus recently

• Concerns: Patients may not care about the implications of their diabetes
mellitus or may be unwilling to change their dietary habits. The intern may
not be able to explain the low-to-no list at the correct literacy level or may be
unable to answer participant questions.

• Advance arrangements/contacts: Therese Moore, the dietetic preceptor, has

observed the making of the presentation and supports it. She will be available and
present during the class to provide feedback and help if necessary. The class will take
place at the Diabetes Center at Self Regional Healthcare, arrangements have been

• Behavioral Objectives: Participants will be able to identify the whole grain stamp
provided by the Whole Grains Council on provided food packages to choose from.
Participants will be able to identify when a food is not a whole grain, when provided
food packages to choose from. Participants will be able to name 1 or more protein/fat
foods, and 1 or more carbohydrate foods. Participants will be able to quickly count
the carbohydrates on a sample plate of food. If this is too difficult, participants will be
able to identify the carbohydrate foods on the plate.

• Visuals: Hand-outs (see attached)

• Literature and Source (*materials normally used by the facility): Materials come
from a variety of sources including the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Diabetic
Exchange List, and American Diabetes Association. Some areas, such as the whole
grains page, come from the Whole Grains Council. These are commonly used sources
at Self Regional Healthcare.

• Pre- and post-test (Use creative approaches; plan method of administering the
pre- and post-test that is appropriate to the audience.): The pre-test will include 5
questions in which participants are asked to match the food to its macronutrient
(carbohydrate, protein, and fat). The post-test will include the 5 same questions in
which participants are asked to match the food to its macronutrient. Participants will
be expected to improve on the post-test as a result of the group education provided.

• Schedule: How long each item will take?: The intern introduction will take 1
minute. Participants will be provided only 2-3 minutes to complete the pre-test as it is
very short (only 5 questions). Next, the body of the presentation will last
approximately 30 minutes. This includes stopping at the end of every topic for quick
questions and answers. The conclusion/wrap up will last approximately 5 minutes.
Finally, the post-test will be provided for only 2-3 minutes. Answers will be given for
the post-test afterward for approximately 2-3 minutes. In total, the presentation
should last approximately 45 minutes.

Introduction: myself, my career (student status), and the topic of my presentation

Pre-test: Distribute pre-test and provide adequate time for participants
Introduction to macronutrients: Overview of carbohydrate-providing foods, fats, and
proteins. Overview of the effects of carbohydrate on blood glucose levels compared to
fats and proteins.
Introduction to whole grains: Provide information of whole-grains and the importance
of whole grain food products. Show participants food labels and have them practice
finding if a product is a whole grain or not.
Introduction to food labels: Provide an in-depth example of Jiffy corn bread mix.
Explain how we find the total carbohydrates in the package, carbohydrates per serving,
and carbohydrates per serving if we change servings.
Build-a-breakfast-sandwich exercise: Provide overview of Hardees, Chick-Fil-A, and
Bojangles breakfast sandwich nutrition information. Demonstrate how to make a
breakfast sandwich at home using a whole grain product and the difference in total
Post-test: Administer post-test to participants.
Conclusion: Thank participants for their time and provide contact information if

Note - will allow time for questions/answers after each topic is explained

• Attendance / distribution of literature, etc.: All participants will have signed up for
the course from the Diabetes Center at Self Regional healthcare. Participants will be
provided all educational handouts as they arrive to the classroom.

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