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3rd Monthly Test

Academic Year: 2019-2020

Name:__________________________ Date:_____________
Grade/Section: II- Patience Science 2
Parent Signature: ________
Teacher: Ms. Deborrah N. Lazaro

I. True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement

is false.
____ 1. Humans are not the only one that can
apply force.
____ 2. The wind can move light object.
____ 3. The strong wind can pull umbrella.
____ 4. Water has downward force that makes the boat float.
____ 5. Water can give electric energy.
____ 6. An objects motion is constant if it change.
____ 7. All kinds of object can be affected by magnets.
____ 8. Rubbing two objects can produce heat.
____ 9. North pole of the magnet attract the north pole of
another object.
____ 10. Sun is the major source of heat.
II. Matching Type: Match column A with the correct answer on column B.
Write only the letter of your answer on the space provided.

A. B.
____ 1. It is the second fastest a. Magnet
____ 2. It is a change in position b. Ruler
of objects.
____ 3. It is an instrument used to c. Motion
measure lengths
____ 4. It is the fastest animals. d. Pronghorn
____ 5. It is an object that can e.Cheetah
attract or repel another
III. Identification: Identify the following if it is fast moving objects or slow
moving objects. Write FM for the fast moving objecst and SM for the slow
moving objects.
____ 1. Snail ____ 6. Motorcycle
____ 2. Airplane ____ 7. Cheetah
____ 3. Train ____ 8. Clock
____ 4. Turtles ____ 9. Lion
____ 5. Bicycle ____ 10. Pronghorn
IV. Enumeration: List down at least five (5) object that can attract or repel another
1. 4.
2. 5.
V. Explain briefly.
Why do objects move? Do they move by magic?
5 4 3 2 1
Answers the Answers the Answers the The answer is Answer is
question question question but not clear and not related to
clearly and completely incomplete incomplete the question

Good Luck and God Bless You!!!

3rd Monthly Test

AcademicScience 3
Year: 2019-202
Name:__________________________ Date:_____________
Grade/Section: III- Patience Parent Signature: ________
Teacher: Ms. Deborrah N. Lazaro

I. True or False: Read the following sentences. Write True if the statement is
correct and write False if not. Write your answer on the space provided.
_____ 1. Force causes objects to move
_____ 2. Water can also make objects move.
_____ 3. Magnets can only pull objects that are magnetic.
_____ 4. Gravity is the force that pull objects toward the center
of Earth.
_____ 5. You exert force when you push and pull.
_____ 6. Heat comes from one source.
_____ 7. Heat is used to keep things warm.
_____ 8. Microwave oven helps make your food warm.
_____ 9. Light comes from many sources.
_____ 10. Most of electricity supply in the Phlippines comes from
the forces of water.
II. Multiple Choice: Read the statement below. Encircle the letter of your
1. It is the force that pulls objects made of iron and steel towards a magnet.
a. iron c. magnetism
b. magnet d. steel
2. It is a heat can reach you even without a medium.
a. conduction c. radiation
b. convection d. insulators
3. It is used to transfer heat from one object to another.
a. conduction c. radiation
b. convection d. insulators
4. It is a bioluminescent animal.
a. flies c. firefly
b. mosquito d. Butterfly
5. It is a device that uses the energy from pressurized steam.
a. solar panel c. windmills
b. steam turbine d. generators
III. Modified true or false. Write True if the statement is correct and if not
change the underlined word to make the statement correct.
___________ 1. Most magnetic objects are made of metals.
___________ 2. A bonfire is used to keep campers warm during
the cold night.
___________ 3. Bioluminescent animals can produce electricity.
___________ 4. Maria Cristina Falls generate 40% of the electricity
in Mindanao.
___________ 5. Electricity is used to power up all devices and
IV. Identify the following sources of light. Write N for natural sources of light
and A for artificial sources of light. Write your answer before the number.

______1. firefly _____ 6. fluorescent lamp

______2. Candles _____ 7. Jelly fish
______3. sun _____ 8. stars
_____ 4. Moon _____ 9. Flash light
_____ 5. Electric bulb _____ 10. Matche
V. Analyze and explain the question. ( 5 pts).
How do you safely use electricity at home?
5 4 3 2 1
Answers the Answers the Answers the The answer is Answer is
question question question but not clear and not related to
clearly and completely incomplete incomplete the question

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