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Canary Hill Road, Mariamtoli, Hazaribagh -825301

Full Marks : 20

I. Answer the following questions :-

1. What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have? 1

2) Why did Margie’s mother send for County Inspector? 1
3) Why did Margie hate school? Why did she think the old kind of school must have been fun? 2
4) “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, 2
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth”

a) Why did the poet feel like travelling both the roads?
b) Why did the poet choose the other road?
c) What was the doubt in poet’s mind?
d) Name the Poem an the Poet.

Word meaning : ½x4=2

a) attic b) scornful c) loftily d) nonchalantly

1. What were the things that the boy wanted to possess when he was with his parents? 2

I. Re-arrange to form meaningful sentences :- ½x4=2

a) respect / said / that / demanded / it / but / is / given / that /is not

b) one of / Saudi Arabia / largest / the / petroleum / producer / is / world / in / the / of
c) has / Saudi Arabia / lifestyle / discovery / changed / of / of the people / the / petroleum / in / the
d) petroleum / world / all / in / over / great / is / demand / the

II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the verb in the simple present or present continuous tense :- ½ x 6 =3

1. _______________ (bake) cakes takes time but I ____________ (make) them every Sunday.
2. These days, I ____________ (wake) up early because I enjoy ______________ (go) for a morning walk.
3. It ___________ (be) the sports day today and students ____________ (participate) with great enthusiasm.

III. Fill in the Blanks with verb in the present perfect tense :- ½x4=2

1. Nikhil ___________ (join) English coaching classes.

2. I ___________ (read) the novel which father bought last week.
3. Mother ____________ (cook) delicious food for dinner.
4. The teacher ___________ (distribute) the question papers.

IV. Which of these are Transitive and Intransitive ½x4=2

1. I received a letter the other day.

2. She was weeping bitterly.
3. The sun shines brightly during the day.
4. You do not care for me at all.

V. Identify the given statements (imperative / declarative / exclamatory / interrogative) ½x2=1

1. What on earth are you doing !

2. He was born in 1506 at Bahat in Gwalior.

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