Lesson Plan - First Line of Defense

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Name: Dana Hijazi Global University

Practice Teaching II Education Department

If someone said:
Lesson Plan
Grade Level: Eight Date: 14th of April,2020
Subject Matter: Biology Term:
Time: 50 minutes
Title: First Line of Defense in immune system
Pre-requisites: Recognize function of immune system and white blood cells.

Rationale: Students will know the importance of the first line immune system in their bodies,
and how it protects our body from the invasion of pathogens.

General objectives:
Get to know the first line of defense.
Know the natural barriers.
Specific objectives:
 Knowledge: List the natural barriers of the first line of defense
 Comprehension: Recognize first line of defense of immune system
Identify Non-specific immune system
Recognize function of the cilia
 Application: Differentiate in the usage of six action verbs (identify, show, justify,
analyze and deduce)
 Analyze: Classify different barriers into physical, chemical and biological
Analyze a table
Bodies of information

Materials needed:
- PowerPoint

Instructional Procedures:
Planned beginning:
 Start by reviewing in brief about immune system, white blood cells, pathogen, self and
 Define the specific immune system in brief and discuss in more detail the non-specific
immune response, and tell them the differences between the two responses.
 Display a “concept check”, about a person that injured his finger and white blood cells
come to the injured area. Then to engage students ask them to identify the immune
system response in the above case. Students have to mention that the immune system
response is non-specific, using what I had explained for them in the previous slide.
 Explain the first line of defense of the immune system.
 Mention the three kinds of natural barriers of the first line of defense.
 Classify different barriers of the immune system into biological, physical, and
 Explain each of the physical barriers (skin, mucus, nasal hair, and ear wax).
 Display a short video that shows the movement of the cilia. And explain that cilia,
which is a hair-like structure, make a movement in order to expel inhaled particles
outside the body.
 Explain each of the chemical barriers (lysozyme, digestive juices, sweat, vaginal
secretions, and semen).
 Again, to ensure the engagement of students, display a “concept check” that represents
the definition and function of mucus. Then ask students to show that mucus is
considered as a physical and chemical barrier. So, students have to represent the reason
why mucus is a physical and chemical barrier.
 Explain that the biological barrier represents normal flora which is harmless bacteria.
 Display a “concept check” for students to choose one of the given examples (lysozyme,
hydrochloric acid, cilia, and white blood cells) which is not an example of the first line
of defense of the immune response. Then ask then to justify their answers.
 Display a table that represents the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes for two
 Ask one of the students to analyze the table, then explain the procedure that could be
done through analyzing (using suitable transitional words while showing the
differences or similarities of the values of erythrocytes and leukocytes for each
 Ask another student to deduce the infected individual, then explain that we have to
write a significance (specific conclusion) as well as a general conclusion to answer a
deduction question.
 Watch a video about first line of defense.
 Recap what you have explained about first line of defense of immune response.
 Ask three “concept check” questions including one of these three action verbs (show,
identify, and justify) in each question.
 Include an exercise for students to analyze a table and make a deduction, in addition, in
each question tell the students if they can use their acquired knowledge or not.
 Give the students a worksheet as an assignment about “Non-Specific Immune

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