Create Category: Catalogues and Specifications User Guide 12 Series

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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide 12 Series

Chapter: Working With PARAGON Applications

Create Category
A Category (CATE element) must be created below a section (SECT element). Depending on the purpose of a Category the appropriate
element will be created in the Catalogue DB (CATE for piping and STCA for Steelwork).
To open the Create Category form select Create > Category from the main window drop-down.

Enter the Name to be assigned to the new Category.

Select OK to create the new Category and open the following Category Creation form:

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Parameter Definitions
Parameters define the size, geometry and other characteristics of Components. They are used in setting the attributes of the Pointsets,
Geomsets and Datasets to which Component elements refer.
All classes of Component can use component parameters, design parameters and insulation parameters. Structural Components
can also use attached and owning design parameters. Component parameters are defined in the Catalogue; the other classes of
parameters allow characteristics to be set during the design process.

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To add a parameter, do the following:

1. Type a description for the parameter in the Description input field.
2. Click New. This will append a numbered row to the Parameter Definitions list. A new parameter with value set to zero will be added
to any component found that uses this parameter definition.
To modify a parameter description, do the following:
1. Highlight the parameter.
2. Modify the description in the Description input field and click Apply.
To delete a parameter definition, do the following:
1. Highlighting the last parameter entry.
2. Click the red cross to delete the parameter.

Note Only the last parameter in the parameter list can be deleted. Warnings will be issued because deleting a parameter definition
does not change any component geometry or component property expressions that are dependent on the deleted parameter. The
corresponding parameter value is removed from any component found that uses this parameter definition.

Create Components
To create a component highlight Category in the Model Operations group:

This will display the following sub form:

This sub form contains a grid listing all component elements currently below the Category.

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The following tools are available:

New Create a new component entry

Copy Make a duplicate of the currently selected component

Import Import a spreadsheet containing a list of pre-defined components

Export Export the current list of components to a spreadsheet

Highlight a row and click the red cross to delete a component.

Click Category Attributes to allow edits to be made to the attributes of the owning Category element.
The grid will also contain a column for each parameter created in the previous section.
The parameters can be populated by clicking within a cell and entering a desired value.
To edit the properties of the component, highlight an entry in the list and click Element in the Model Operations group to display the
following form:

The References form allows the attributes of the component to be edited.

Change the component name by typing a new value over the Name field.
A GTYPE must be set be selecting a value from the Generic Type drop-down.
The following values can be changed by using the Catalogue Explorer to select an appropriate element:
P-Point Set
Geometry Set
Data Set
Bolt Holes
Click Apply to commit the changes
Click Back to return to the previous form.
Create P-Points
Depending on the type of component it may be necessary to create a series of p-points.
1. Select Point Ref: on the Model Operations Pane.

2. In the bottom part of the form choose a point type from the drop-down shown below:

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Possible values are as follows:

Axial P-Point (PTAX)
Cartesian P-Point (PTCA)
Mixed Type P-Point (PTMI)
Position Type P-Point (PTPOS)
Depending on the selection made, a set of input fields will appear allowing the Point Reference to be populated as below:

3. Click the Copy option to create a duplicate of the Point Ref.

4. Click the Red Cross to delete the Point Ref
5. Click Apply to commit the changes.
6. Click All Attributes to open a popup window allowing all attributes of the Point Ref to be edited as follows:

Click picture to enlarge

Display the P-points
To display an axis in the 3D view pane check the Axes Radio option at the top of the Category form:

The 3D view will display an axis as follows:

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Click the Representation option to change the way the 3D view draws the geometry of the element (when geometry is associated, see

Create Geometry
To reference geometry begin by selecting Geometry Ref. on the Model Operations Pane:

The Geometry References sub form will be displayed.

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Click picture to enlarge

From the Positive drop-down select a 3D primitive. The following options are available:

BOXI Boxing

LCYL Cylinder


LPYR Pyramid

LSNO Snout



SCTO Circular Torus

SCYL Cylinder defined by the distance to the bottom face from the origin and the



SEXT User defined extrusion

SLINE Alternative line

SREV Solid of revolution

SRTO Rectangular Torus

SSLC Slope bottomed cylinder

SSPH Sphere


If required select a Negative Primitive from the Negative drop-down.

Note For a full list of available Positive and Negative Primitives in PARAGON refer to the Catalogues and Specifications Reference

Check the Show Geometry Plot to display the primitive in the 3D view.

The Napp drop-down is only available when using a Negative Primitive. Possible selections are as follows:
Nothing Removed From Attached
Removed From Owner
Removed From Item
Removed From All
Removed From Attached and Owner
Removed From Attached and Item
Removed From Owner and Item

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For a full explanation of Negative Primitives refer to the Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual.

Select from the Representation drop-down a value from the following choices:
Profile Obstruction
Profile Centreline
Profile Obstruction
Piping Reserved
Piping Detail
Piping Centre Line
Detail With No Obst
Detail Volume
Obstruction Volume
Insulation Volume
Reserved Volume
To define the obstruction level of the primitive when in DESIGN’s clash checking facility select from one of the following:

None The primitive will not clash with anything (used for symbols and negative

Soft Used for insulation, access volumes, penalty volumes, etc

Hard DESIGN’s clash checking facility will report hard interference.

Whether a primitive is drawn or not depends on setting the following values:

If the PARAGON LEVEL setting is within the LEVEL range specified for the primitive (as its LEVEL attribute) then the primitive will be
considered for drawing, otherwise it will not be. If the level condition is satisfied, then whether a primitive is displayed or not in
PARAGON depends upon the settings of its Tube Flag and Centre Line Flag.
Depending on the type of Primitive selected the Geometry Ref form will also provide an input area to specify the appropriate dimensions
of the component, the following is an example input area for an snout (LSNO).

Click Copy to create a copy of the highlighted element.

After populating the form click Apply to commit the changes.
In Model Operations select Data Ref to create Data Set references.
Similar functionality is available for Bolting References.
Close the form by clicking the X on the top right.
To return to the Category form select Modify > Category from the main window drop-down.

Copyright 1974 to current year. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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