RGUHS Physio & Biochem

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- FIRST YEAR B.D.S DEGREE EXAMINATION, os HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY. Time ‘Three Hours. Maximum:70 Marks ‘Your answer shall be specific to the question asked Draw sieat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary. ‘Answer the questions completely in one place only. ‘Answer Section A and B in separate answer books. Seetion A [Human Physiology] [0 Marks} Long Essay: - 1, Enumerate the adrenal cortical hormones, Describe briefly the actions of glucocuriiotds {10 Marks! Short Essays{any four) 2. What are the physiological changes that occur inthe body when exposed to high temperature. 3. What is Juxia-glomerular apparatus, Draw a neat diagram of it and label its parts. Whit are its functions? 4, Describe the neuromuscular junction NMI] with the help of diagrarn and explain the mechanism of transmission of nerve impulse across NMJ. 5, What are the contents and functions of middle ear. Explain tympanic reflex. 6. Explain origin and spread of cardiac impulse. [4X 5=20 Marks} Short Answers: ‘ 7. Name any four mechano receptors. 8 List four functions of liver. 9. Explain the role of surfactant. 10.List any four methods of contraceptives in females. LL.What are the structural and functional difference between adult and foetal haemoglobin? [2X $= 10 Marks} sc—1sia FIRST YEAR B.D S DEGREE EXAMINATION HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Your answer shall be specific tothe question asked. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. “Answer the questions completely in ose place only. ‘Answer sections A & B in separate answer-books Section B (Biochemistry) [30 Marks} Long essays | Witte the ditary sources, factors influencing absorption, biochemical functions and daly ‘requirements of calcium, (8 matks) Short essays (Any three) 2. Briefly give the pathway of ketogenesis. How isthe presence of ketone bodies in urine erected? 3. Explain the role of kidney in acid base balance. 5 4. Write briefly about electron transport chain. 5. Oral glucose tolerance test, (@x4=12 marks) Short answers 6.Unsaiurated fatty acids 7, Enumerate two biochemical functions of vitamin C. 8: Importance of iodine, 9, Pellagra 10. Name four mucopolysaccharides inthe body. (5-10 mas) | rages) sc—osis > FIRST YEAR B.D.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2000 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY ‘Maxim: 70 Marks Tine Hows Instructions to Candidates ?*" (1) Ansar Secs nd 8 in eprom eas. in igo where nes. (0, Arius shone specif th esti eke onto sent (6 Section A Gms Phyiology)its os mie) 6) “wo iaéhsy °° “SOR Sse“ oes he nes of thytoid gland, State thee functions; mech 6 reuling from hyposecrexon infarc” ae eveemnoa Fautaeagot o> Omar : a2 Oia tee: +62 a ela idle nd! ha rang eve ith du ak setae yt ple ee of ssc tne emi | fil plain and sighs. (5 = 20a) 18ers tr rn age ects x2=10marks) ca Stetion B Biochenisty), ange ae senses so, Omar) Oudioe the steps of TCA eyele and comple te eneBC% sot us 1, Shey any a) Oh som Sohn. 09 ome @ Gh lepine bn eitimsty 0 ong pai an Ge4= 12a) ti tat saa yor 9 ase a es lactacin ora ee ti be ndings oPMn acne Dro ASE aes abl ae cal Wp uel at ee ness erifestaton of AsconBi i Vag nt eae wo ii = 10 mar Se ee Suse in bm ete» | eae Sb ved meh 6 ania WERE SC—1508 FIRST YEAR B.D.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2001 é HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Tine: Three Hours Maximum :70 Mate bur mor te act ptos se ae iO cas arse” «Anno he eo pce Annee toe A ond Bonpnts oS ‘Section A (Human Physiology) : : (mari) 1 Lang Bessy: 2 1._What isthe normal blood calcium level ? Wie in detail how itis regulate. (1x10 = 10 maa) Mh. Sherk Basaye (any four) 2 Blood groups. 23 “Actions of testosterone. " Desctibe the Second stage of degli. 15 Auitl espration. 4x5 = 20 marks) 10 Mention the four rfactiveerors of eye an how itis cotecte. AL_ Four functions of cerebellum. x5 10 marks) | ‘Section B (Bicchemisty) a @0marks) 5A Taig Rey: 1, Descbe the beta oxidation of fatty acids and its energetic, TL. Short Essays (Any tre): "2 Regulation of calcium in our body: 3. Classieaton of enzymes. 4 Vitamin *K, 5 Functions of albumin. (@ marks) (x42 12 marks) Tum over Bins g 2 sc—15i8 ML Shoe anwar 5, anne segs cote 6 Name too dlnily mpportant transaminases or axnno tartcrases. suis Noman oon ae iasenars ten * (626 50 markay 2 atta ste 2 oh © en td an abies OE =e eo Hee ss too Renn 2c Yo at graben alla to ae bation 34! ou tae aes o mone sea es or selina eine 0 (gosto) nota oh tigpy Hi Hoe ae, maa tA anit ene Sid son ara Ya “aru oes 4, RC—2105 FIRST YEAR B.DS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2002 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY ros alt so baa jt eae Mane ‘Your ansurrs sll be specific tothe questions asked. Ly Demo nat and labeled diagrams whereer mice. answer te gusto inane place nly. Ansar Seton A ind Section Bin separate wes B00B. oo Section aman Physilomyha ni: (Go mated Ws enone: : alin sii vod Bee tae he ons ot i. ysiope anges ht car hen te ay epee eo ingerte? “ ; Sma) p diagram of ton pote lode from serve fore ancl explain its foie basis. : (Q+3=5 marks) © mans) x5 =20mats) 62610 mark) ‘Turn ovr © 2 af Rea | Site ion P Pinchot a 5 enY . aa PE ANC AGM SRS: we oO HAM Bs aathal isis, Enumerate the reactions of the pathiviay tan a ae EES eat ne atv ome kainiwh omer qa +atm sea ce Son oetsemat {Biwnies noe a= ar lo ilies remin 9, eos ete eae 8) ae? reg Yo wags oA ik go Limba 8 tala nsenaenigg gd oan pobim ee 2 sie . ec Keone Re—2452 FIRST YEAR BDS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, fous HUMAN PHP'SIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY ‘Tine: Thee Hons Maxima: 70 Maks Your answer salle spectc othe question asked ‘Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever neces, “Answer he questions completely i one place only ‘Anower Section and B inseparate answer books ‘Scevion A Human Prsiology] (0 Maces) ong Bay 01 0 Marks} "Baie Cerdie coe. Een the mechanical cing da adic ce wi tly of Sagan Te OF a Gideon ‘Shor Easy: (5 20 Maes] sity Hypoxs.Expsin each ype of Hypoia wth example, What rte contents and ncn of Mid ar Ppa he Tymparieretec? (165 Nas) 625 Mans) (23 =5Maris) $ Givea bir acoun of Ertrbastss Foti, Gai) ‘Short Answers: (2x 5 10 Maris} © Litto tineons of ie, 5. Whats ipeti nd estore conracton? 10.Draw labeled diagram af EG Section B (Blochemisy) (BoMarts} Long Bssays (8 Marks) |. Describe beta-oxidation of fatty acid and its energetics (543 =8) : Ste say 194% 12} 5 Sissitcaion of pid with two example foreach ls. 1s3q) 3: Biological finetone of vitamin A ; tq ‘ Sinictir and biomedical imporace of iscchaides io) ‘Short Answers (5X2 10) 5 Vitamin D decency & Sianiicance of glycols, 2. Primary stitute of protein, 5 Dental Mucrsis 9 Four funtion of calcium, Section G Biochemistry : { Marts: 30) : Long Essay (8) 1) Describe urea cycle and listtwo disorders of urea cycle. -_(6-+2=8} Short Esseys (3412) 2) Regulation of serum esleium, : i 3) Classification of enzymes with-one exatiple for each class. [1 +3 =4] 4) What are conjugated proteins? Give thre® examples. Short Answets. 5) What is Ketosis? List two causes of Kétosis? 6) How inany ATP molecules produced in “TL Aerobie Giycolysis. 2, Anaerobic Glyedtysis: 7), What is milk sugar? Mention its composition? 25 «js. 00¢ 8)! List four examples of mucopolysaccharidesc::8!¥°9 1 9): List four features of vitamin A deficieney: 5 9° 30495 eee RO2TIN2 PBT Foal No.of Pages : 2] Code No.RC-2778/2 FIRST YEAR B.D, DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2003, HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIO-CHEMISTRY (Old Scheme) Time : 3 Hows} (Max. Marks : 70 Your anower shall be specif to the uestons asked Dra neat and abled dagrans wherever necessary. Ancierthe questions compleey i oe place ony. “Answer Section A and B in Separate arwer book toe ‘Section A. suman Physiology (Marks: 40] Lage Essay x10= 10) 1) Name the hormones of Anterior Pituitary, Describe the functioris of Growth Hormone, List two features of Gigantism. (354-26 10h Short Essaxs See (4x5220, 2) Draw a diagram showing Brosman's Copebral Cortical Areas. Mention theit respective functions. 7 (3+2=5] 3) _ Explain Bisoreceptor (Sino: Aortic» Methane” n sf 4) Describe the fate of Haemoglobin following hemolysis.: °. (5F 5) Describe the actions of Oestrogen, + (SI Short Answers (2x5=10) 6) Define the following giving their rofl values: ) Inspiratory seserve volume b) Vital capacity 7) What is Bobr's effect? 8) Mention the receptors for Vision and its functions. 9) List four functions of Saliva 10) What are the permaneat family planning methods in males and females? Pro, Section B BIOCHEMISTRY (Marks: 30] Long Essay: (8) 1) Explain the steps of glycolysis in an actively exercising muscle. Add ainote ‘on energetics. [5+3= 8] Short Essays: Bx4=12] 2) Transfer RNA. : a 3) Balanced diet, 2 4). Metabolic acidosis. ShortAnswers: (5x2=10) 5) Mention four fanctions of plasma proteins,” © Hyper ammonemia type 7) Petinicious Anaemia 8) Natie'3astioxidants.« 9) Lactosusia, : eeee RezEY2 O40 tral No.of Pages: 2} Code No.RC-2781/2 FIRST YEAR B.DS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2003, HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY & BIO-CHEMISTRY (Revised Scheme) Time : 3 Hours) (Max. Marks : 90 Answer Section A and B in Separate answer-books. Your answers should be specific 1o the questions asked. OL Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary ‘ eee ‘ 8 cone ‘Human Physiology IMarks: 60] Long Essay: 0} 1). -Namé the hormones affecting serum calcium level. Deseribe themeshanissi. bby which they regulate serum calcium level. Add a note on tetany. Short Essays: 7 f7x5=35) 2) Nam the types of synapse. Explain any three plopérties of a sympse 3) Give the composition and function of saliva 4) What re the contents and functions of Middle Ear? Explain Tympanic reflex. 5). Explain the fate of haemoglobin after haemolysis. 6) Write a note on diferent hang volumes and cépactes withthe help of a ae we 1) Deseibe exciton contraction coping. {Explain baroreceptor mechanism of regulation of bloodpressure. Short Answers © tsx3-15) 9) Acromegaly: 10) Spematogenesis, 11 Kortkoff sound, 12) Cyanoss. 13) Erythroblastosis fetalis Pen. ST agar RC—1152/1153 fe x bs Z HUMAN FH jrocueuistRx ‘Time + Theee Hours Maxim + 100 Marks Your answers shall be specif fo the questions asked Bon oti labled dingrans slerorenrssry Um sepacnte anmuer-ooks for Sections A a8 Section A (Human Physiology) (60 marks) 1 Long tsssy 1 Define Blood pressure. What # the normal Dood pressure ? Describe the regulation of = blood pressure (14148 10 mats) [i x 10 10 marks] Hi Short Eases ‘L2 Mention the functions of plasma proteins 5. Mention the difteot. types of Hypoxia and explain with suigble examples «4 Explnin the yeguon of secretions of Thyroid honors. 55 explain ection cole, “6 Descibe Ut sual Intestinal moverronts. 17 Trace the pathway for tste"with the help of a ding. Mention the names of ascending tects. What are the sensations catied by them ? And 2 Saheee they will terminate? . @ «5 = 35 marks) LL, Short Answers : . 9) Beythroblastoss Foetalis: 10 Sallatory conduction © 12 Functions of cerebellum, "3 Coepus.tuteum. (43.615 marks) IST YEAR B.D, DEGREE EXAMINATION, MARCH - 2004 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY (PAPER 1-A) (05) Time : 3 Hotirs} [Max Marks :70 Your answer shalt be specific to the questions asked. Draw teat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary Answer the questions completely in one place only. Answer Section A and B in separate answer books | + Oat me of age 1) Code No. 1102 | i | | i | | ‘Section A (Human Physiology) (40 Marks) Long Essay: {1x 10= 10} 1) Mention the clotting factors in proper order. Explain the Intrinsic ‘mechanism of Blood Clotting. Add a note on Haemophilia, (34443 =10) Short Essays: * xs=20) 2)- Define cardiac output. Explain any one method of measuring it (1+4=5) 3). Name errors of Refraction snd expialn the Corectons withthe help of diagrams. 2+3=5) 4) "Give the composition and functions of Pancreatic Juice. * (3 » 5) Namé Pregnancy ests, Explain the immunological test of Pegnancy +325) Short Answers: 2x5=10) 6) Name any two hormones aeting on Reml Tubules 7) List any four family planning methods in female. 8) Name four ascending tracts of Spinal Cord 9) List four funetions of Hypothalamus, 10) Define Starting’s Law of muscle contraction Se. Total No. of Pages : 1) Code No. 1103 IST YEAR B.D.S, DEGREE EXAMINATION, MARCH - 2004 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY (OS) PAPER 1-B Your answer shall be specific o the questions asked. Draw neat and labelted diagrams wherever necessary Answer the questions completely in one place only. Answer Section A and B in separate answer books. Section B (Biochemistry) (30 Marks) Long Essays: (x8=8] 1) Describe citric acid eycle and its energetics. (5+3=8] ‘Short Essays: Bx4=12) 2) . Primary and secondary structure of proteins. 24+2=4) 3) Funetions and deficiency of vitamin C. R+2=4) 4) Features and examples for competitive and feed back inhibition, Short Answers: 5). Coenzymes of niacin and pyridoxine, 6) "Fou functions of plasma proteins 7) Transamination, 8) Four functions of calcium, 9) Composition and functions of two homopolysaccharides, res © tal No. of Pages : 1) Code No. 1152 I B.D.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MARCH - 2005 PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY (RS) PAPER LA [Max. Marks : 60 Your Answers shall be specific 1 the questions asked. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessar). Long Essays: [1x10 = 10] 0 Define arterial blood pressure, give its normal value. Briefly describe short term mechanisms by which itis regulated. ‘Short Essays: (1%5=351 2) Mention the various blood group systems and the basis of the classification. 3) Deseribe pain pathway, what is referred pain? 4) Give an aconunt of respiratory chemoreceptors. 5) Name the hormones of sdrenal cortex, inention their functions in brief. (6) raw a well labelled normal ECG arid mention the importance of P-R interval. 7) Mention the functions of hypothalamus and explain any two fanctions 8) Write briefly ci the factors required for erythiopoiesis. Short Answers: (x3=15] 9) Orgin of cont 10) Milk Ejection reflex. 11) Chloride shift 12) Peristalsis 13) Bile salts © Totat No. of Pages : 1) Code No. 1153 1 B.D.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MARCH - 2004 PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY (RS) (PAPERL-B) (Max. Marks : 40 Your Answers shall be specific tothe questions asked. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. Long Essays: [1x 10 = 10) 1) Deseribe the regulation of blood glucose. Add a note on disorders of blood glucose regulation. Short Essays: x5=15) 2) Digestion and absorption of triacylglyceros 3) Functions of calciuin, 4) Functions and deficiency of ascorbic acid, ‘Short Answers: (5x3=15) 5). Name three conjugated proteins and their significance, 6) What is emlorie? Mention the caloric value of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, 7D) Describe the features of genetic opde.. 8) Describe the funetions and deficiency of fluorine. 9)” Deseribe the features of Vitamin A deficierey eee z RC—1102/1103 FIRST YEAR B.D.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2004 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY (Old Scheme) time | Three Hours Manin : 70 Masks ‘our asters sll! be spec 1 the questions eked Toto tant oe abel ngrams wherever necessary. TE separ answer boos for Sections & and B Section A (Guman Physiology) (40 marks) Long Bay: 1 Mention the hormones ofthe Adrenal Crt with ts assation, Describe the actions Menton Ueisias, How ls the secretion of Zoe Glomeruoas replated? (e542 10 marks), [1 10 = 10 masts) ‘Short Essays 11 Give the daly secretory sae of gastric Juice. Name Jour important componens in going ther funtlons (4425 masks) 43 Draw a neat élagram of structural and functional unt of the Kidney and abe part Nanton the nomexcrtory functions of Kidney +225 marks) 4 hay nd are he fet Lari. Gv fe physiologial variations in their (426225 mas) 15 “Define Cardiac impulse. Where docs it originate and how is it conducted? e129 5 mas) e (4x 5 = 20 marks] HL, Shor Answers 6 Menton the diferent types of Haemoglobin and its functional difference, 7 Name the ascending tacts conducting (@) Crude tcuch (©) Fine touch 8 Mention the furtions of middle e ‘Tum over 9970 13 +O Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences ce cane: 1302/1303, FIRST YEAR 8.0.6, OFGREE ExAMINATIONAUguct-2008 ; HUNAN PavstoLoGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 4 (ou ser Teme : 3 hours 2 ‘Maximum Marks :70 Marks “ou ave sol be spect Quests Akad Drow Weston Labeled Dans wre ter Necy tee Sets Awe bole or seco ard ‘Stes (amen Pwo ‘con tons teaye 1 Bete neal od pres. Gena lie fr sb, dal nde ess rea esis (1330 soma Shor Eye 2 ae he ws dos fh toni Neos Stem, anit th acon one he. Bowe we uncon of ech ae §itewn ne names seen by he eer uty gan, Wt ene Noe Ce ee 5.Dscis me aaearooes on oppo present GSR ana Gl gan tons (1x5 noms) Shor Anewere (Sve te vole of wine exe oe a. Mone ve mechan nada i oman onion teu Rete Ens ose oe {Menton he Pra presses ef yg Crone nari and venus bee Sat sent desu, tare Sates oes so tha sean ocr ungo od sve roaster. Gon exo [5x2 ° 10 mors) Section® (Biochomistry ) ‘eomens) tong Essays : ‘Give on scout of beta oxidation of fet als and give the eneraecs on oxidation of one molecule of ‘amie al. [1x8 8m] Short Essays 12 Babee ncn ot yn, 1S. memes tame a (cy) Ge hil prance. ‘none Get nia at 8 Dc Wer unos 3846 temas ‘Short Answers ‘ : Ti orate? Hanon he roma ea es oc ie. idem pre ace 18.Gre iene re csc nen aaa enn, {bina veaenonr ‘3. ote dons nse by tet} tami 812 (abso) 1552 19mats) Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences ‘op coos :1isayaiss. FIRST YEAR 8.0.S, DEGREE EXAMIANTIONAugust-2005 we HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AnD BLOcHEMISTIOY eised Scheme). ‘me : THREE HOURS agimum Mors :100 Marks ‘nse Sacto A and Bn saprate answer books. Yur ans shal be spec othe questions asked. Draw neat and abel dgrams wherever necessory ‘Section (Human Physiology ) (Orman) Long Essays 1, Merion the various respatory canes ad ts lca. Ge 2n account ofthe nervous control ot + respon, [1110+ 10 mars} Short Eesays 2, Define Ethyrocje Sadmentation Rate. Whites sigatfcance with normal values for male and female “3. Mention the causes of diferent hear sounds ants portance. ‘4. Menton the hommones Secrets by the amar Pultary Gland and the eultion of any ane them. 'S. Compare and contrast corteal and Jada medtay nephrons. 75 ator the rtons oe are tet. 7, hat meat by accomadation rfiee Whol ae the cheraes that takes place i the eyes ding accomadation refleg ‘8. Gre the ongin and Vemnation of sprcerebeter wats. Ad @ note ons func 5 [745 = 35 mis] Short Answers 9" Satter conduction 20, Funesons of ana 11. Immunological est for pregnancy 12. Myastena grav. = 13 Gmoteeres {5x3 = 15mans} ‘Sectlon (Blochemietry) ‘edmans) tong tsaye a bh pay i sagen eythane vm ne yA etn eS [1 10 10 marks} short esenye rea. Compettve inbiton and Yon compative nhbton 46, nat te norma ph of the Blood? xa the varios mechanisms by whch equated. = 47. Vaual oe. oc (2x5 = 15 mars] ‘Short answers 1B. What are nucleosides and nucenties? Give examples of each one. 49. Explain the ole of thane. : = 20. Fors, 21, What or lectins neti the physiological importance oft Name the Indo ears of metabolam i penystanitepatway and mention the ena whichis missing i each ase eon 1102.2006_1_s02 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka year BDS Degree Examination sre: 3 Hours ax Marks: 70 Maver Human Physiology and Biochemistry (Old scheme) QP Code - 1102 [40 Mert] ‘Your enswer shall be specific to question asked. Oraw neat and labelled diagrems wherever ‘ecessary. Use separate answor books for section A and seclion Section A-Human Physiology 40 marks Long Essay = 110 = 20 marke 4. Draw a labelled diagram of parasympathetic nerve supply tothe salivary sland. Describe regulation of satvary secretion in detak. ‘Short Essay 4x = 20 marke 2 Whet is the normal percentage of nevrotrpiln dtferential count. Discuss ts function. 3 Ust the testures ofa) Aeromegaiy |b) Thyrtoniosis 4 Enumerate aay three factors influencing venous return to the heart Explain any one of 5 What isthe source of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Explain the role of ADH In the regulation of body water. 6 Ustewo functions of middle ear. : 1, Ust two contraceptive methods in male, Explain eny one 8, Name the muscles of inspiration 9. Draw a labeled diagram of structure and functional unit of keney: 10.Draw and label the components ofa reflex are. 1¢ answered in a separate answer book. ire QP coae on the bookies proper] Section ~ B (BIOCHEMISTRY) QP Code ~ 1103 Lon essay eee 1x8 = 8 Marks 13, Deserie Gio. Adda note on te Energetics, 212 Morks ‘short essay 12, Ascorbie Acid = Functions 13, Oxidative Prosphorylacor 14. Exayme changes fiver dees SHORT ANSWERS 45." Endoplasmic retiulum functions, 46. ile Homant formation. i” oe 18. ame Hemopoletc Vitamine 439. Dietary sources of essential amino acids, 152.2006 2.511 doe Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 18.0.5 Degree Exemination ~ August 2006 ; me: 3 Hes {tex Mors: 100 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY (RS & RSZ) QP Code: 1152 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [60 Marks] 1 Deserbe te aur dvnts na cardiac oe SHORT ESSAY 7x5 95 Marke 3. Deze eon potent ns neve re Resiatry Coes Sno arte chomersceptore QP Code: 1153 - Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY [40 Marks] ‘Use snare answer book 2. Define essary acs. Give eames wie he tons 3. Ge an acnun of eogen storage deases 4 Sila thet f Vtamin Ai ial eye Defer the ek 8 Ywe 5 wnat ieabiner 2. Sere (cause & symtoms) 5, What jaune? Wat ae te arnt yes? 1152 2006.1 501 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka Seton = Aina PYSIOLOGH (as 8 ns2) ‘QP Code ~ 1152 {foo [rox nares: 100) ae aE rumert any re cis fuecng ven rm fothe Neer: Brn aon hem, 2. Gee normal pre oymphoete mere! ccs ur Expl the eof Fionn ey 4 Montano neon age arse. seb bey ay te the &Drawandtonela anole tora Homa ur eles, 7. bet dass) eal cpectyD) vraen 9. Enumart te fcr acing Gomer ration Rte (GFR. Gv the oma le 4. Manure anions escent, ‘ome thee asceng acs a sont what sane cai by ech tem, tae yes of muse tre: Wite ay on soreomer [Sheba "ata coe one banat propery} ‘leon 8 fstocaen tetany ‘QP Code ~ 1153, veo Sas 1 esrbe Ghose rl f homanes im jcopenai and uta sgiicanc of acon 4 Comcast gore 1192 2005_1.802 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka’ = T year BOS Degree Examination ~ August 2006 Tene: 3 Hows Nox Maks £70 Marks Human Physiology and Biochemistry (Old scheme) ‘Your answer shal be specific to question asked. Oraw neat and labeled diagrams wherever QP Code : 1192 - Section A : Human Physiology [40 marks} Lone essay 3x10 = 10 Marks |, Déscrve the origin and conduction ofthe cardiac impulse. Indicate which special properties of cardiac muscle are important fr ths funcion SHORT ESSAY 4x5 a 20 marks 2, Discuss blood grup 3. Discuse artical epiration 4. Deseribe the vain patsy trom face [5 Menon the names and actions af sotterorptukaryhermenes SHORT ANSWERS 5x2" 10 Marke 7. Role of rennin inthe regulation of bned pressure 8. Describe the tate pathiay 9. Discuss the eompeson and mode of actan a the female contraceptive pil 10. Mention the proteolytic raymes present in he pancreatic QP Code : 1103 - Section B: LONG essay 1X8 + @ Marke 1 Desenbe B- oxdaton of pale aed ants energies. io-Chemistry [30 marks] ‘stoRT ESSAY 3x4 = 12 Hon 2, Cassy prong based on functions with bw examples fr each, Add a note on Tooele ph of 3. te the nutritional importance of dietary fiber. Explain bey aboutsalaneed det 4 Wrte the sources, requirement, functions and deficiency manifestations of wtorin O ‘stone ANSWERS, 5x2 = 10 Mads Foros Enzymes lose their biological activity on baling. Explain Write the reactions by whieh avmani is formes ire two reactions in which nlacn in used 268 coenzyme Name any to disaccharides ond thei compaston e 1152_2007_2.531 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka 1B.D.S. Degree Examination - August 2007 Time: 3 Hrs (Max. Marks : 100) HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY (RS & RS2) Your answer shal be specific to question aske: QP Code :1152 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [60 Marks] LONG essay 4X10 = 10 Marke 1. Name the hormones released by adrenal cortex, Discuss tht sctions of cortisol. How ists Secretion regulated? 1nd labelled disgrams wherever raw nea ‘SHORT ESSAY 7X5 = 35 Marks 2 What i sltatory conduction? Describe the classification of nerve fibres according to the rate of nerve conduction 3. Describe the stages and regulation ot erythropoiesis 4 Compare effects of sympathetic stimulation on the heart with parasympathetic stimulaon 5. Chemical regulation of respiretion ©. Pain pathway fom face 7. Giucose reabsorption inthe kidneys in health and in diabetes melitus 8. Digestion ana absorption of carbohydrates ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5X3 = 15 Marke 3. ll ection retox 10, Garoreceptor reflex 11. Surfactant 12, Functions of bil <3. Human chorionic gonadotropin QP Code :1153 - Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY [40 Marks] Use separate answer book LONG essay 4X10 = 10 Marks 4. Define lipoproteins. Classify lipoprtelns and explain thelr functions ‘SHORT ESSAY 3X5 = 35 Marks 2 Define compettve inition. How competitive inibitors are usad as pharmacological agents? Give two examples 3. Classify proteins based on thelr structure 4. Describe alycogenolysis & giycogenesis ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5X3=15 Marks 5. Name the mucopoly saccharies. Mention the importance of hyaluronic acid 6. What is Alkaptoungé 2. Functions of cyanacobelemine 5. Name the Ketone bodies. Mention the tests used for deection of Ketone bodies 1152207 1 sthdee Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences TBO Degree Exarinaton - Febery 207 Tine 3H (te, ar: 100 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY (RS & RS2) 7 QP Code :1152 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [60 Marks] toe ssn 1x10 1omate 1 Hae the nyogicenschamone of he bay laisse ace, ren ot ks Seren ed stra eee of ie ames, SHORT essay 78 235 mone 8, tae esc, 5. Yt ae pars athe jst lamer operas? cnet ton. ve an acount oe facto sang sac eying Deseret visual aetna wth the hel 2 est Saga ‘esrb the propaga Sear eats Sionr answers 5x2 = 18 Marke 1. spastien Gove 12 Hoehanim of acon of oa consacepies QP Code :1153 - Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY [40 Marks] Use senate answac hak Lona essay x10" 10 Marke ‘str’ ana any re 7 2 Reston of ood Gucose 3. Dire type of Ease ion and the sites 4. Abvorpten na wnctions orn 9. Fortuny of scum, 1302_2006_1_502 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka” | year BDS Degree Examination - February 2007 Time #3 Hours Max Maras : 70 Marks Human Physiology and Biochemistry (Old scheme) Your answer shal be specitc to question asked. Oraw neat and fabelied diagrams wherever QP Code : 1102 - Section A: Human Physiology [40 marks] LONG Essay 41X10 = 10 Marke Erythrapcesis, st the various changes occurring at diferent stapes af Eomhvenseels Nome the factors Intuencing Ertnvopelesin SHORT ESSAY 4x5 = 20 Marks 2. List three properties of cardiac muscle. Explain any one of then, 3. Mention the functions of large intestine, Briefly describe eny two af whem, 4. Explain the role of parathormone in the regulation ef blood calcum lve 5. Draw a labeled diagram of Neuromuscular junction (Ni) In skeletal muscle. List the ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5x 2=s0 Mares 6. Define referred pain and give two examples. 2. wnat are the advantages of condom es a contraceptive device 8. Define vital capacity ana give ts normal valve, 9. Enumerate the heat gain mechanism occurring in the Body when the body Is exposed to 20, Draw a diagram of pathway fr pain sensation trom the face. QP Code : 1103 - Section B : Bio-Chemistry [30 marks] LONG essay 1x02 0 Marks 1. Deserbe Gyclysis. Add note on its Emerges sHoRT ESSAY 3x45 12 Marke 2. Ascorbic Aci ~ Functions. - 3. Oxidative Phosshoryaion. 44 Enzyme changes in ver disease ‘SHORT ANSWERS . Endoplasmic reticulum fanctons. Ble Pigment formation, roy Dietary sourees of essen! amin acids, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Kamataka°*-"-*°? 1 year BDS Degree Examination ~ August 2007 Tre: 3 Hours 4 Max Marks: 70 Marks Lone essay 1x20 Human Physiology and Biochemistry (Old scheme) ‘Your answer shall be specific to question asked. Oraw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. Use separate answer books far saction A and section 8 QP Code : 1102 - Section A : Human Physiology [40 marks) Describe the physiology of regulation of Blood glucose lave. Add 2 nate on the hormones Involved inte process? ention the sles of Rad Blood Corpuscle (RBC) formation In Infants and adults. Explain the role of hypexta en RAC. formation? 3, What isthe normal platelet (thrombocyte) count? Explain thelr function Detine Blood Pressure (BP). What is normal systole an diastole blood pressure? 5. Describe the process of digestion of fat ‘SHORT ANSWERS. 5X 2=10 Marks 1, Ust four errors af retraction, 2. Name the hormones in 9 normsl menstaal cyte. Name the afferent types of hypoxia. Enumerate the factors influencing Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR), 40, Denne: a) parapegia 6) Hemipiegia QP Code : 1103 - Section B : Blo-Chemistry [30 marks] LONG Essay Ax e= 9 Marke 1. Describe Giycolyts, Add» note on ts Energetics Shorr essay 3x42 12 Mars 2, Ascorbic Ac ~ Functions, 3. Oxidative Posphoryistion 4. Emayme changes ver distase ‘SHORT ANSWERS. 5X2 10 Marks 5. Endoplasmic retiulum anctions. 16. Bie Poment formation. 9. Dietary sources of essential amino acids, 1952 2000.1 s42.40e Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences _ 1808 DepmeBarinton a OR HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY (ns & RS) abi QP Code: 1152 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [60 Marks] Lone essay 2x10 = 10 marie Bene Wosd coguion. Deseret tsi mechanism of lod enaguton Desebe the compas an uns sae Deserve e mechanism of scaten aH! by the Saste mucosa ‘roa agama glomandar appara a dese is fnebons Desibe the prepertes ef carae mune Name the hormones ote pester lua gland. Desc the actons sy Oe ofthe ee SHORT ANSWERS 10. ornate 1. Bead group 12. le women QP Code: 1153 - Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY [40 Marks] ‘Une anata angie book 1. We he eacions ote ical yl. How pyruvate convert te aah on 3. assy enaynes wth are expe for Each ey ‘Shorr ANsWens 5x90 15 Hanke {What thera eum calcu level Ust to metons fem 8 Discs the maton importance fet ne 5. Us oo fincons af phan and ge to expe of posPhld ste Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 18.0.5 Degree Examination = July 2008, Tine! 3s, [hte Mars: 100) HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY (RS & RS2) ‘Your answer shal be specie to question ase. Orem QP Code: 1152 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [60 Marks] 1. Diss the comostion, actin and repueteno oat je Fumctons of ta glare apparatus wth dara tse for: epusingEtvepaat cromerecitoe os oguoto of crac ouput Dferences between crea nd junta medryneheons 8. Candutn of ps in mots re fe 10, Cassy ansama, Give ewarmles 11. et of vluary hyper vettion QP Cod 1153 - Section 8 - BIOCHEMISTRY [40 Marks] ‘Use sunarais ausier bask 1 Dest es yc; dus cn snicance of aed ure ee 2 Osc aout we cnc impartance of eye wth ter normal values and nes sgntcanee 3 Expo the separations of arma protein by Gecroohorest 4. assy pds wil stable examples 5. Bein enon 2. exam the prown sparing salon of carbohydrates na are proeraynes? xpi with enamels, 8. wnte boas! mpotance caterer 102 2008.2 $19 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1 year BOS Degree Examination ~ July 2008 Time: 3 Hours Max Marks : 70 Marks Human Physiology and Biochemistry (Old scheme) Your answer shal be specific to question asked. Oraw neat and labelled diagrams wherever QP Code : 1102 - Section A : Human Physiology [40 marks] LONG ESSAY 2X102 10 Marks 2. Name the hormones of entero pituitary gland. Describe the ations and regulation of secretion ot ‘romth hermone| short essay 4X52 20 Marke 2. Name the psa protein end describe thei functlons 3. Name the ba sats ane describe thelr functions 4 Describe te retactory errors ofthe aye and how they are corected 5: Name the descending tract ofthe spinal cord, Trace the course of ertco spinal rack SHORT ANSWERS 5X22 10 Marks ‘5. Manton the enzymes of pancrestl juice 7. Mention to tests done in persons with haemorrhage disorder 8. Neme the speciaized conducting tissue of the hear, 3. Name two gastrointestinal hormones acting on pancreas 20. Nome the lng volumes and expacties QP Code : 1103 - Section B : Bio-Chemistry [30 marks] Lone essay axe 1 Deserbe ures cycle Marks snort essay 3X05 12 Marks 2. Cassy amino cis with exemple SHORT ANSWeRs 5X2=10 Marks 5. What are the hormones whlch increases the blood sugar level? {whats ftty iver and give example for notopie substances 2. Nome the suphur containing amino acids 5 What are Isoeneymes? Give two example 3. Name the various ATP ses inthe respiratory chain ‘ Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1 B.D.S Degree Examination ~ January 2009 ‘Time: 3 Hrs Max, Marks : 100) HUMAN PHYSTOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY (RS & RS2) ‘Your answer shall be specific to question asked. Oraw neat and labelled diagrams wherever QP Code: 1152 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [60 Marks] LONG Essay 1x10 = 10 Marks 4 Describe the ongn, course, termination and functions of pyramidal tract Shorr essay 7x8 535 marks 2, Differences between upper motor neuron and lower motor neuro lesion 3. Types and tests for deafness 5. Oxygen dlsociaton curve 7. Functions of salva 8, Mecnanism of urine concentration SHORT ANSWERS 5X22 15 Marke 9. Diabetes insipidus 11. Functions of le QP Code: 1153 - Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY [40 Marks] ‘Use separate answer book tone essay 1X10 © 10 Marke 4. White the sources, requirement and metabote functions of amin D SHORT ESSAY 3X5 = 15 Marke 2. Describe ealum metaboiem with regulation 3. Explain enzyme isin in ta 4 Explain aicose tolerance test. With reference to normal and mi gucose tolerance test curves SHORT ANSWERS 5x35 15 Marne 6. Disess the inca importance of skaine hophatase 15. Define Gvconabpeness 9. Olscss the cna mportance of ack phatphatase with ks normal ranges ust Rajiv Gandhi University of Heaith Sciences 1 B.D.S Degree Examination ~ June/iuly 2009 ime: 3 Hrs {tfax. Marks : 100) HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY (RS & RS2) ‘Your answer shall be specific to question asked. Oraw seat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary: Usa sapatate answer books for section A and action B. QP Code: 1152 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [60 Marks] LONG Essay 1X 10 = 10 Marke 1 Define Erthroplesls, Deseret celular changes volved and factors repulstng i ‘SHORT ESSAY 7x5 = 95 Marke "2. What Intrapleural pressure? Give ts nocmal value. What sits role In respiration? 3. Ghe the actions of sulin ad adrenaline on bood suger level 44. raw and label the parts of a taste bua 5. Ut the stimulants of HC secretion. Give ther mode of action 6. what are hear sounds? Describe ther ause 7. Mow is cardiac outovt measured using ek’ rnp? Compare refractory period in skelete! and cardiac muscle ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5x32 15 Marks 9. Serou cas 10, Juxta medulary nephrons 32, Seuetn 13. Axon retex QP Code: 1153 - Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY [40 Marks} ‘ss separate answer book Lon essay 1x 10 = 20 Marke 1 Describe the hexose monophosphate shunt pathnay. What i ts importance? SHORT ESSAY 2x52 as Mars oP Name four fctrs which atfect.an enzyme catalyzed reston. Discuss any one in dell 43 Name the essential fatty aids, What s tel lta importance? 44. White briey onthe structure and funeion of hemoglobin. Name one abnormal MD SHORT ANSWERS 5x2 = 15 Mares '5, Name the ft soluble vtmins 6. Hom dees starch citer rom glycogen? 7. whatis te normal serum evel of ay ees ) Glucose ©) Cholesterol 8, What aloncea diet? 9. What f the importance of uride in dentstiy? i Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences : 18.0.5 Degree Examination ~ December 2009 Time: 3 Hrs. [Max. Marks : 109 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY (RS & RS2) Your answar sh necessary, on QP Code: 1152 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [60 Marks] 1X10 = 10 Marks be specific to question asked, Oraw neat and labelled diagrams wherever Lon essay 1, Describe the composition, functions and regulation of secretion of pancreatic juice SHORT ESSAY 7X5 = 35 Marks 2. What ls Erythropoiesis? Describe the stages of erythropoiesis 3, What is GFR? Describe the factors influencing it 4, Name the Baroreceptors. Where are they situated? Describe thelr mechanism of action 5. Describe the heart sounds 6. Describe the movernents of small intestine 7. Mention the functions of hypothalamus 8, Craw a diagram of vsual pathway and describe the effects of lesions at different levels SHORT ANSWERS 5x3 sis: 9 Functions of platelets 40, Vital pacity 11, Aeromegaly 12, Tetany 13, Saltatory conduction QP Code: 1153 - Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY [40 Marks] ‘Use separate answer book - Lone essay 1X10 = 10 Marte 1. White the reactions of B-oxidation of fatty acids. Write the energetics of B-oxidation of palmitic acl SHORT ESSAY 2X5 = 15 Marke 2. Write the resctions ofthe urea cycle 3. Define Basal metabolic rate (EMR). List any four factors affecting EMR. 44. What Is the normal serum calelum level? Describe the hormonal regulation of serum calcium level ‘SHORT ANSWERS SxX3=15 Mane 5. Wite@ brief note on importance of fluorine in nutrition Classify amino acids based on nutitional importance and give two examples for each [Enumerate the differences between starch and glycogen Classify lipoproteins ard describe the function of any two lipoproteins Describe ONA structure o : i _ A & Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Seiencés | Tyee" BOS Beores Examination -Cenerber $068 + pe 3 Hous vv 70 noes Human Physiology and Biochemistry (Old scheme} Your enswer shall be specific to question asked. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. Use separate answer books for section Aand section 8. QP Code : 1102 - Section A : Human Physiology [40 marks] oNg ESSAY 14010 marks Describe the diferent phaseé of gostric secretion and their regulation 20 Marks 40RT ESSAY 4x Classify laucooytes and désribe thelr functions What are chemoreceptors? Where are they situated?: How are they stimulated? Draw # diagram of juxta-olonierular apparatus and describe ts Function ‘race the pathway for taste with the help ofa suitable diagram 10 Marks HORT ANSWERS Mention the functions of platelets [Name the hormares regulating biood calcium level What is surfactant? What its function? Define 6.2.8; Vina ists normal value? 2. Define Cortiae cycle. What is its narmal duration? QP Code : 1103 - Section B : Bio-Chemistry [30 marks] ONG Essay ake=s marks Define Gluconogeresis & explain its pstiway 3 MoRT ESSAY 3x42 12 Marks ‘Adg a note on efostero Competitive inhibitors & its clinical significance 1h. Glycogenotysis HORT ANSWERS: sx2= 10 Marks 5. who are hy sis or ortein? 5. What are the deficiency. symptoins ef vitamin 0? "what are theioneions of caloum? 2. no is eauieiimin? 2. ame te components of starch Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1 yeer BDS Degree Examination - June/July 2009 Time : 3 Hours Max Marks 70 Marks Human Physiology and Biochemistry (Old scheme) led diagrams wherever ‘Your answer shall be spectc ta question asked. Draw 1 QP Code : 1102 - Section A : Human Physiology [40 marks] LONG essay 1X 10 = 20 Marke 4 Describe the mechenism of urine formation wth diagram short essay 4X5 = 20 Marks 2, Describe the stages of enythropolests with diagram 3. Gipiain the properties of cardiac muscle 4. Describe tie pysciogial changes in artic respiration 5. What is a condtioned refx? Expisin with example ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5X2 = 10 Marks 6. Mention the antigens present ABO and Rh blood group 2 Detine puis pressure and mean artera pressure 8. What is Bone etect? 9. Menton the ciniea features of acromegaly 10. Orem the aisgram of Oactory pathway QP Code : 1103 - Section B : Bio-Chemistry [30 marks] LONG essay axe 4. Name te Mucoposacchardes& thei signicance Marks shor essay 3X4 = 22 Marke 2. Plasma proteins andits functions 3. Define phoseholbis. Meaton their functions “4 We the normal pla cholestrol level and add @ nate on Atherosclerosis SHORT ANSWERS 5. Name some biologically active peptses 6. What is Galactasemia? 7. Why sucrose called an invert sugar? Name essential amino acide 6 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1.B.D-S Degree Examination ~ December 2009 ‘Time: 34s. Max, Marks : 10¢ HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY (RS & RS2) sour answer shall be specific to question asked. Draw neat and labelled diggrams wherever ‘necessary. QP Code: 1152 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [60 Marks] LONG essay 41x10 = 20 Mark: oe mare the composition, funetions and regulation of secretion of pancreatic juice ‘SHORTESSAY 7x5 = 35 Marte 2, Whats Enthropoieste? escibe the stages of erythropoiesis Wats GF:R? Desetbe the factors infiencing it 3 “4. Name the Baroreceptors. Where oe they situated? Describe their mechanism of action 5. Desribe the heart sounds (6. Dexrbe the movements of small intestine 7. exion the functons of hypothelamus 2 oma dagcam of visual pathway ond describe the effets of lesions at diferent levels ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5X3 = 15 Marke ‘9, Foutions of platelets 10, Vea eapacty 1, Aaamegaly 12, Teomy 13, Satatory conduction QP Code: 1153 = Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY [40 Marks] ‘Use separate answer book: Lonc essay . 41X10 = 10 Marks sere rae tne reactions of f-oxilaton of faty eds. Write the energetics of f-oxidation of politic acid ‘SHORT ESSAY 3x5 = 15 Marks 2, Wee the reactions of the urea cycle 13 Deine Basal metabolic rate (BMR). List any four factors affecting EMR «AL Wom is the cormal serum calcium leve? Describe the hormonal regulation of serum calcium level ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5X3 -= 35 Marks Weta brief note on importance of fluorine In nutrition ‘Csity amino acids based on atrtional importance and give two exémples for each aumerae the citferances between starch end glycogen ‘Comtyipopréteins ond describe the function of any two lipoproteins esate ONA structure oe Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences T year 80S Degree Examination ~ envy 2008 Time: 3 Hours Max Mars 70 Mare Human Physiology and Biochemistry (Old scheme) Your ansmar shal be specific to question asked, Draw nest and labelled diagrams wherever QP Code : 1102 - Section A : Human Physiology [40 marks] 4. What is entropolesis? Describe the afore stages of enthropeieie with sutable ceoram shonr essay 4X5 © 20 Marks 2, Describe the repulation of salivary sereton 3: Name the blood groups. Wat are erect of mismatched blood transfusion? 4. Describe the movements of smal intestine 5. Enumerate the functions of hypothlamus ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5X20 10Marke 6. What is med via eapcty? How is expressed? 7. Define bloodpressure, Give the normal values 8. Name the hormones of thyroid gland 9. Define candac cycle. What fis norma duration? 10, Name the visual ceptor. Mention thelr functions QP Code : 1103 - Section 8 : Bio-Chemistry [30 marks] tone essay 2x82 8 Marks 1 What isthe normal senim ealcum tevel? Add 2 note on ts regulation SHORT ESSAY 3x 0212 Marke 2, Describe Brondation of fatty acs : 3. Whats Pheny ketonura & Albin 4. Describe rtein Denaturation , SHORT ANSWERS 5X20 10 Marke 5. Why sucrose fe non-reducing suger? mat is te sgicance of HMP shunt pathway? What ae at slble vitamins? nat is muta rotation? Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 78.0.5 Degree Examination ~June/ly 2008 Time: 3 Hs {Moe Marks: 7) GENEAL HUMAN PHYSTOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY, NUTRITION & DIETICS 1179 & 1180 (RS3) Your answer shal be specific to question asked. Draw nest and labelled iagrems wherever weceseary. 7 QP Code: 1179 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [35 Marks} LONG ESSAY 1X10 = 10 marks 4. Define blood pressure? Describe the role of baroreceptors and hormones In regulating, Sood SHORT ESSAY , 2X5 15 Marks 2. Describe the Carbon dlodde anspor inthe blond Ade ¢ note on Haldane’ eect. 3. st five functions of Hypothalamus? Expain any ane af ram 4. oscrive the synthesis and functions of Thyroid Hormone ‘SHORT ANSWERS. 5x25 10 Marks 5, Name the contract proteins of the skeletal muscle What ise normal range of sperm count? What i teity Vat ace the ortons of Justa glomerular apparatus ofthe Kiy Detine val or none law” neuron Name fur errors of etaction QP Code: 1180 - Section 8 - BIOCHEMISTRY, NUTRITION & DIETICS [35 Marks] use seoarata answer beak Lone essay 230 = 10 Marks 1. What are ketone bodies? Explain now they are formed and tized. Add» neon ketoaclds SHORT ESSAY 3X52 48 Marks 2. Explain the cigastion and absorption of ferent itary carsohyrates 5. Give an account of camistry. Seurces, etry requirements and nations of Flic sid n or body 44. What are enzymes? Classify nem aiving one reaction with ame of the enzyme for each cass SHORT ANSWERS 5X2 10 Marks 5. ver function teste {6 What fs phenyketonura? Wate the important features of phenykotonura 7. Name any four special compounds derives trom Tyrosine 18. Gwe an account of absoepion of Ion from dietary sources 49, Whats Nitrogen balance? Give one example each for postive ad negative trogen balance 1179_2010,2 S225 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1 B.D.S Degree Examination ~ December 2010 Time: 3 Hrs (Max. Marks: 70) GENERAL HUMAN PHYSTOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY, NUTRITION & DIETICS 1179 & 1180 (RS3) Your answer shal be speciic to question asked, Oraw neat end labelled diagrams wherever QP Code: 1179 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [35 Marks] LONG EssaY 1X10 = 10 Marks 1. State the name an location of respiratory anters, Describe thelr role in norma breathing. sont essay 3X52 15 Maree 2, Deseribe withthe help of legram the lnc basis of action potenti 3. _iferentite between upper mator neuron and lower motor neuron type of paralysis. 4. Desenbe the function of lige intestine. SHORT ANSWERS. 3x2 10 Marks 5. Name any two factors tat regulate erthropoiess 5 Name any two factors that alter the hese rate, 2. Enumerate any two functions of glucocorticoids, 5 _Detine GFR, State the norma value 9, Name the tna types of sweat glands, QP Code: 1180 - Section 8 - BIOCHEMISTRY, NUTRITION & DIETICS [35 Marks] Use aenarate answer book Lone essay 1x 10 = 10 Marke! 1, Wee an essay on ayclyts. dda net onthe Bloeneies of the pathway ‘SHORT ESSAY 3x52 15 Mans 2 Types of RA 3. Functions of vitamin © SHORT ANSWERS 5x2 10 Marks 5. Essential faty ais 5 Upotrope Factors 7. Basal metabo rate 8. Blood butters uo2_2010_2.853 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1 year BDS Degree Examination -December 2010 Time : 3 Hours Max Marks : 70 Marks Human Physiology and Biochemistry (Old scheme) QP Code : 1102 - Section A: Human Physiology [40 marks} LONG essay 4x10 = 20 Marke 1 What meant by bod coagulation? Deserbe the Extrinsic mechanism of blood etna ‘SHORT ESSAY 4x5 = 20 Marke 2. Explain the stages of Deglstiton 13. Name the tract forthe sensatlon of fine touch. Outing Rs curse and termination ‘4. Give the normal volume of urine excreted per day and the role of A..H on the same 5. Define and explain Vagal Tone SHORT ANSWERS 5X26 10 Marke 6, Name the receptors in the Reine. Which one is neece for dylan vison? 7. whe are the seertory products of the Oxyntc cls of the geste glans? 18. What ar te eiet muscles of inspiration? 9. What ie meant by E.87_Give the norma value for infonts 10, Where the Apex Beat located? QP Code : 1103 - Section B : Bio-Chemistry [30 marks] LONG essay 1x82 8 Marke 1, What ie Seta oxidation? Explain Beta oxidation of ftty acid n deta ‘SHORT ESSAY 3x42 12 Marks 2. Enzyme Inibion “ 44 wnat ace Homopolvsaccharides? Give examples SHORT ANSWERS 5x2 10 Marks Sphingomyeteins Wiha are Semi extant amino acids? Give examples Prenyiketoneuria Diabetes Melitus 1152_2010,2 $50 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1B.D.S Degree Examination ~ December 2010 Time: 3 rs; (Max. Marke + 100) HUMAN PHYSTOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY (RS & RS2) ‘Your answer shall be speciic to question asked. Oraw nest and labeled disgrams wherever QP Code: 1152 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [60 Marks] LONG Essay 1X 10 = 10 Marke 1 Deserta the stricture of the Adrenal cortex. Name the hormones secreted by it. Dscust the funeton ony one of there SHORT ESSAY 7X5 = 35 Marks 2. Trae the patway for eude touch 3. Discuss the role of vagus on the heart, 41s Eupnea voluntary or involuntary? How ist brought about? 5. Give the functions ofpatets 65. Define reflex action and derrbe Bans in 2. Describe entero hepatic ckeuation of ie salts 1. Name the three main protein racions of plasma. Give the function of any ene of them SHORT ANSWERS 5X30 15 Marke 10. Gystomeragram 1, PR interval 12 Mareys tae 13, Cheltig agents QP Code: 1153 - Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY [40 Marks] LONG essay 2x10 = 10 Marks 4. Descibe Felden of psitc acid. How many ATPS are prosced by te complete oxdation? SHORT ESSAY 35215 Marks 2. Whats '-Adenasy methionine (SAM)? How ist formed and whats ts mportance?| 3: Wet the normal serum calc fevel? Wie brity on the role of eal inthe Body SHORT ANSWERS 5X30 15 Marks 5. What are essential amino acids? Classy Lipids, ving one example each nati calorie value? Name the viamin which have antionident properties is. 200 soe Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 8.0.5 Degree Examination = June / July 2011 “Time! 3 es [ox, Mars 100 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY (RS & RS2) Yor noe ec i a op nl nina gras where QP Code: 1153 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [60 Marks) Wt amet eagram exe he ate patny, lan trent reacve errs. How do you cores hese ere? na retard pan? Exon wo threo refered pln ‘Ge 9 simp clsticston aaa based oon the couse and exiin ech typeof emia rn net eosram extant acto potent SHORT ANSWERS 5x3 215 mares 9, Drow ad abel hectocnetogra (C5) cr in at 12. ram a sagrm of ta Gomera spprats and mena ts Atos 15, name tee cleats of esa Ganga QP Code: 1153 - Section 8 - BIOCHEMISTRY [40 Marks] ‘Use senarsic ansyar book Long essay 30 = 10 Make Nora aus of (a) Sera eat 6) Serum creating () hod wea 1102 2001 1 so4a Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1 year BDS Degree Examination ~ June / July 2011 ‘Time : 3 Hours Max Marks : 70 Marks Human Physiology and Biochemistry (Old scheme) Your answer shal be speciic to question asked. Oraw neat and labelled diegrams wherever QP Code : 1102 - Section A : Human Physiology (40 marks] Lone essay 1X10 = 20 Marke |. Ust the hormones ofthe postarior pituitary an daseibe their actions SshoRT ESSAY 4x5 = 20 Marks 2. What 2 synapse? Describe the stricture ofa neyron with sisgram 3. xion pacemaker potenti 4 Describe the movements ofthe stomach 5. Explain the gestion and absoroton of fats ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5X 2m 10 Marke 6. st the functions of oestrogen 7. Whats visual area and austory area? 18. What are the permanent methods of family planning? 8. Us te mode of action of hormones 10. wnat myopia? QP Code : 1103 - Section 8 : Bio-Chemistry [30 marks] Lone essay ax 1 Describe Giyconeness and fctrs influencing bod super eve Mares ‘SHORT Essay 3x40 12 Marke 2. Emyme inhibition 3. Structure and cnc sgnieance of ehoestera 4. Detelency manifestation of vitamin ‘A SHORT ANSWERS. 5x22 10 Marke 5. Whatare csaccharses? Give examples 65. Whats mean by tranzaminaton? Give examples 7. Name the vitamins whieh are defiant in 2)Pelagra—b) Beri Bert) Angular Stomatitis 4) Scurvy 8. nat is Trlycride? Where is it stored in the 803)? 3. Classty protein, with examples m0 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences TB.0.S Degree Examination = une / July 2012 me: 3 Hes, i, Maks : 70) ‘GENERAL HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMSITRY, NUTRITION & DIETICS 1179 & 1180 (RS3) ‘Your anamer shal be spac o question asked, raw neat and labeled sagrems wherever QP Code: 1179 - Section A - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [35 Marks] ‘ese te fnctons and etn of sereton of growth horn, Adds note on hermes, 2. Dest ate of haemedibin faving Keema 2. Brsce wt hb a agra the presse &vlume changes in verde rng ere eve ‘Wher are pertheral chemoreceptors reset? i thea segunton a respon What yop Hw ek coreted hats te pstogc bas or rognancy ts ome theatesen types of movement at #a nesting Define te tems Rabite ad Cena QP Code: 1180 - Section 8 - BIOCHEMISTRY, NUTRITION & DIETICS [35 Marks) ‘ Use-seoarais anster book tong essar 1x10 = 10 Marke 2 Glassy eneymes ng stable examples fr ech cs. ad a ot on encyme sect 3. Enna tl gestion. ‘SHony answers 5x2 = so Marts 5. Enumerate he generous of gente ade Dette and mento lhe eset aos ‘oeicallyimporane derivatives of chose ‘apna ~ ete: and ache ehn 1180 2013_1_$403, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1 B.D.S Degree Examination ~ Dec 2012 ‘Time: 3H. Max. Marks 35) BIOCHEMISTRY, NUTRITION & DIETICS QP Code: 1180 {Mote : Both OP Codes 1479 and 1160 are to be answered within total duration of 3 hours) LONG ESSAY 2x20 = 10 Marks 41, Deseribe the following aspects of anaerobic glycolysis 3) Reeetions 1b) Energetics )Subsrate level phosphorylation ‘SHORT ESSAY 3X5 = 35 Marks 2. Write briey on digestion and absorption of iplds in GIT. ~~ 13. Discuss the role of vitamin © In gerum calelum homeestass. Add a note on deficiency of Vitamin D. 44. Describe reactions of - oxidation of faty acids in mitochondria [SHORT ANSWERS: 5X2 10 Marks 5, Write two examples each for nucleosides and nucletides 6 © Give an example for competitive enzyme inhibition. 7. Write a note on dlatary fibres. 18, Wee the enzyme defect and the matabolteexcrated in the urine of following disorders: 2) Phenylketonuria 1b) Alkaptonuria 19, Wire the clinical signfeance of Alkaline phosphatase and Acid phosphatase level In blood. le | Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 18.0.5 Degree Examination - June / July 2012 Time: 3 Hrs. OMex. Marks ; 35) IOCHEMISTRY, NUT} IN & DIE’ QP Code: 1180 ‘Mote: feth-a8 Codes 1479 and 1280 reo bs ansced within total duration a3 hours) LONG essay 3X10» 10 marks 1 Wte an essay en classitcation of tds, with sutabe examples ‘sort essay 3X5 = 15 Marks 2. Functions of pasma proteins 3. Oxidative phasphorystion Differences uetween DNA ond ANA ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5x2 = 10 Marks Specie eynamic action of fds ‘Trahsominases and ther diagnostic Importance Metabolic acisis Enzyme defetin (a) von glerke'scsease (b) Phenyketonunia sn 7 rennet enn 179_2012.2, $022 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Degree Exemination ~ June / July 2012 Fieve: 3s {Mx Marks: 38) HUMAN PHYSTOLOGY QP Code: 1179 ‘iste oth OP Codes 1179 and 1480 are to ba ancsiered within tata dation at 3 hous) LONG essay 1X10 = 10 Marke 1 escibe the location of respiratory center end the regulation of respiration v~ SHORT ESSAY 2X8 © 15 Marke 2. Name the importont constituents of penereeic juice and Describe then functions “race the taste patina 4 Contraception in fembies : sHORY AKSWERS 52 © 20 Marks 5. Wetton any TWO functions of Mypotnalames 6 Use TWO fates of RBC ta Iron detctancy anaemia 7. Give the couees of frst and encond Meare sounds, 8. Uist ery TWO important furetions ef Giawocoriceids 9. brew @ wll labeles electron microscopic diagram ofthe Glomerular Mernbrane 1179 2013_1_s404" Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1 B.D.S Degree Examination - Dec 2012 Time: 3 Hrs. [Max, Marks : 35) HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY QP Code: 1179 ‘(Nota : Hoth OP Codes 1179 and 1160 are to be answered within total duration of 3 hours) Lone Essay 1X10 = 10 Marks 41. Describe the stages of erthropotesis. What are the factors required for erythropolesis? SHORT ESSAY 3X5 = 15 Marks 2, Describe the functions of pancreate fulce, 3. What is aldosterone? Describe the regulation of synthesis of aldosterone. 4. Describe the conducting systom of the heart. SHORT ANSWERS 5x2= 10 Marke Whats clonus and tetanus? LUst any four functions ofthe stomech, Define vital capacity and give normal values. Ls four functions of juxtaglemerular apparatus, List four signs of Parkinson's disease. 79-2013.2_s401 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences e 1B.D.S Degree Examination ~ jun 2013 Time: 3 brs. (Max. Marks : 35] HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY QP Code: 1179 ‘Mite Roth OP Codes 1479 and 1480 are to be answered within otal duration of 3 hours) tons essay , 1X10 = 10 Marks 4+ fing Haemostasis. Explain the intrndie and extrinsic mechanism of coagulation, Name any 2 arth coagulants ‘SHORT Essay 9X5 215 Marks 2. What are the functional divisions of cerebellum? Give the Funetions of each divin, 3. erin angiotensin mechanism 4. Action of parathormone ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5. Name the muscle proteins 5 Name the types af Hypoxia 7. What is Gigantsm? Give two features ofthe seme. 8 Give four functions of Cerebrospinal ul Nome the conduction tssues of the heart. —— 1B.D.S Degree Examination - Jun 2013 tf v1 201. 502 : ow Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Time: 3 Hrs. (Max. Marks : 35) BIOCHEMISTRY, NUTRITION & DIETICS QP Code: 1180 LONG Essay 1x10 10 Marks 1, Describe the following aspects of etre acid cycle 8) Reacuons 5) Eneroatics «) Regulation 8) Functions ‘SHORT Essay axs 2. Classy lipids giving an example for each clas, 3. Write coenayme form, one function and ene defcleny disorder ofthe following vitamins: (0) Thiamine (b) Niacin (c) Ascorble acid (4) Fote acid (e) Riboflavin 4. Describe digestion 8 absorption of proteins in GT. SHORT ANSWERS 5x2 10 Maree 5. Write a note on absorgtion of calcium fram GIT. : 6 Define transamination sive an example, 7. What ls BHR? Write two factors affecting BMR, Give the range for normal blood pi. List out two conditions leading to respiratory acidosis. What is ketoacidosis? Name two conditions leading toi Time: 3 Hrs Lone essay 1 152.2013. s044 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1B.D.S Degree Examination ~ Jun 2013, HUMAN PHYSI iY QP Code: 1152 * ” Max. Marks : 60] (Note : Roth OP Codes 1152 and 1153 are to be answered within total duration of 3 hours) 41X10 = 10 Marks Describe the origin, course, termination an functions of pain pathway with a neat labeled diearam ‘SHORT ESSAY 2. How are reflexes classified? What are the properties ofa reflex? 3. Draw aneat labelled diagram of visual pathway 44. Discuss the physiologiea changes during pregnancy 5. Describe excitation - contraction coupling 6. what is Asphyxia? What are the stages and symptoms of Asphyxia? 7. Describe the compositor, function and regulation of succus enters 8. Explain the cause, symptoms, prevention and treatment of erythrabastosi foetal SHORT ANSWERS 5x3 ‘2. Uist any sx functions of hypothalamus 10. What s the normal vaiue of PCV, MCH and colour index 11, Gastrin 412, Structure of cardiee musce 433, _Depiet the innervation af urinary bladder with 9 neat labelled diagram 7X5 = 35 Marks 1132.2013,2.8 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences“ Degree Examination ~ Jun 2023 ~ Time: 3 Hes: {Max. Marks : 60] HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY QP Code: 1152 (ata Gath O° Codes 3452 and 4459 are to be answered within total duration of 3 hows) LONG ESSAY 1x10 = 10 Marks 1, Describe the origin, course, termination and functions of pain pathway with @ neat fabaled diagram ‘sHoRT ESSAY 7X5 = 35 Marks How are reflexes classified? What are the proper ofa refex? Draw a.neat labeled diagram of visual pathway Discuss the physiological charges during pregnancy Deserbe excitation - contraction coupling What is Asphyia? What are the stages and symptoms of Asphyxa? Deseroe the composition, function and regulation of succus entenicus Explain the couse, symptoms, prevention end trestment af erthroblastoss foetals SHORT ANSWERS SKS= 15 Marks, 9, _Ust eny sh functions of hypothalamus 10. What isthe normal value of PCV, MH and colour index AL Gastein 22, Structure of cardiac muscle 23. Depiet the innervation of urinary biedder with neat labeled dlagram 1152, 9999, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences TB.D.S Degree Exernination ~ June 2014 Time: 3 Hrs. [Max. Marks : 60: JUMAN PHYSIOL QP Code: 1152 {Note : Both OP Codes 1152 and 1153 are to be answared within total duration of 3 hoscs). LONG Essay 4x10 = 10 Marks 1. Name the hormones of pancreas. Describe the actions of insulin ‘SHORT ESSAY 7x5 2. Describe the stages of erythropolesis& what is the role of macuration factors +. Cutline the role of ile in aigestion & absorption of fat Describe reabsorption of glucose in renal tubule. Give normal values of renal threshold and tubular maxim? for glucose Describe factors regulating cardiac output How is cos transported in te blood “Trace pain pathway from right hand ‘Content and functions of middle ear 15 Marke SHORT ANSWERS: 5X3 = a5 Marks 19, Define the termes chronaxle & rheobase 10, Define menarche & menopause 411, What efoss matching? What are the types 32. Mary's aw 13, Give normel values of (A) Taal volume (2) Meximum voluntary ventilation ° . 1179 9909968 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1B.D.S Degree Examination ~ June 2014 Time: 3 Hes. [Max. Marks : 35, HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY QP Code: 1179 ‘iota : Both OP Codes 1179 and 1180 are to be answered within total duration of 3 hours) LONG essay 110 = 10 Mates 1 Describe the compesiton, functions and regulation of salivary secretion. SHORT ESSAY 2.” Describe the intrinsic pathway of coagulation. 13. Describe the nerve supply to the urinary bladder with neat ciagram. What is micturion reflex? 4. Describe stages of spermatoienesis, 3X5 = 15 Marks ‘SHORT ANSWERS 5. State Landsteiner’s laws, Define blood pressure. ive normal values. LUst he hormones synthesized by the anterior pituitary. Rinne’ test Draw an label the sarcomere 5x2 = 10 Marks

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