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What Could You Do to Generate Full Time Income While Focusing on Your Craft? 
I’m so glad that this copy of “Producer Money Making Secrets” has reached 
you and now it’s ready to be revealed. But before you dive your head into the 47 
opportunities, I want to share a little story of how the idea of this book came out 
and what inspired me to make it. 
You probably already know who I am… If not… I’m the guy on the internet 
who geek out marketing and music all day long and helps music producers to reach 
their goals. No matter if it’s financially, mentally or spiritually… Helping you to 
become the best version of yourself is my duty! 
So… After talking with hundreds of music producers (the power of social 
media!) one strong pattern occurred. Most of them have no clue how to actually 
make money from their skills and abilities so they have to apply for low pay 
unrelated jobs just to sustain their passion of being a music producer… and that’s 
the saddest part. Music producers are the one of the most creative people in the 
entire world with many different skills and talents, however, many fail to fully 
utilize it. 
My goal with this E-Book to show you how many opportunities there are 
around you and how you could take advantage of them. Hopefully after reading this 
book you see that there are countless of money-making opportunities while still 
focusing on your craft. Generating full time income is not a dream. In fact, it’s a 
reality which is more than attainable.  
I hope you will find a lot of value in this E-Book and it will help you to see 
that there are a lot more opportunities to make money while focusing on your craft 
than you imagine. 
Thank you once again for getting your copy of “Producer Money Making 
Let’s dive into it! 
1. Sell Beats  26. Instagram Services 
2. Ghost Producing  27. Affiliate Marketing 
3. Spotify Playlist Placements  28. Become an Artist Manager 
4. Sell Mixing Services  29. Promote Events 
5. Sell Mastering Services  30.Kickstarter (Start Something 
6. Edit Podcasts For  New) 
Entrepreneurs  31. Become a VA For Another Music 
7. Sell Sample Packs  Producer 
8. Paid Promotions on Instagram  32. Provide Recording Services 
9. Royalties  33. Start an Event 
10. Sell Project Files  34. Sell a Course 
11. Mentor Someone   35. Platform to Connect 
12. Start A Record Label  36. Patreon  
13. Sell Merchandise  37. Email Marketing 
14. Play Live Shows  38. Manage Ads For Music 
15. Create A Plugin & Sell  Producers 
Subscription  39. Dropshipping 
16. Teach Online  40.Sell Track Artworks 
17. Start A Blog  41. Edit Music Videos 
18. Become Sound Designer  42. Start A Podcast 
19. Content Creation For Artists  43. Publish A Book/E-book 
20.Audio Editing Services  44. Sponsorships 
21. Become a Foley Artist  45. Create Producer Tags 
22. Become a Composer  46. Write Melodies For Others 
23. Become a Vocalist  47. Create Websites For Other 
24. DJing  Artists
25. Start a Youtube Channel 

First of them all is selling beats. 
Beat selling game is fun, exciting and very lucrative. You can start with $5 per beat 
to $10,000 (no joke). There are platforms like Beatstars, Airbit, Soundgine which 
provide you with tons of artists who already looking to buy beats. You only need to 
create professional beats consistently so you build an authority and position 
yourself as a leader in beat making world. 
Using those platforms has many benefits as you don’t need to have a huge fanbase 
or be a celebrity. All you need to do is create amazing beats consistently and put 
them out on a platform.  
If you’re a beat maker and looking for a way to earn money with your craft, 
definitely give this a shot.  
Even if you have a 
following you can 
use those platforms 
to provide as a safe 
place to get paid. 
Downside of using 
platforms like these 
is that there is a 
kind of set price 
which you would 
expect to pay so you’re not in control of the pricing and those platforms take a fee 
so you’re not making the full amount of the beat you sell.  
Other than that, I think you should definitely give it a shot if you’re interested in 
making money with your beats.   
This has a kind of negative name for it in the music producer world but it’s a serious 
money maker. 
Imagine you would get paid $150 - $900 per track you make when STARTING OUT. 
You don’t need any fans, no content creating and marketing stuff. Just creating 
music and getting paid for it. 
Well, of course your music has to be good otherwise no one would buy it but still 
it’s worth to give it a shot. 
Best part about it that there are tons of artists in various genres so you can create 
music you like. Doesn’t matter if you’re a big room or trance producer. You can do 
them all! If you’re interested in that kind of stuff popular platforms are 
Of course you can create music 
for other artists specifically and 
make it exclusive for them but 
you have to have a name for 
yourself in order for this to work. 
Advantage of this is that you set 
the price and can charge 
thousands of dollars for your 
I also think that it’s kind of ridiculous when using someone else's music in beat 
making world is cool and all but in dance music it’s has a negative name for it… 
I personally never tried to make money ghost producing but I want to give it a shot 
(maybe it will work out, right?) If you’ve tried it send me a DM! I would love to hear 
your experience!   
This is a kind of new way to make money with Spotify by leveraging your playlists 
followers. It’s actually against Spotify Terms of Service but I had to include it here. 
Basically all you do is you provide a chance for artists to be featured on your 
playlists for a fee. So if you have a solid fan base around your Spotify playlists you 
can use websites like SubmitHub or PlaylistPush to monetize your playlist. 
People send you their music and pay a small fee for it. You receive that fee and have 
to decide if you want to put their music on your playlist or not. 
This method won’t make you rich but it could be an additional cash flow to fund 
your music career. I know a few people who do that and they earn $50-$200 per 
month with it! Not bad for just a playlist! 
Best part of it is that you only need like 500 playlists followers to start monetizing. 
So if you have a playlists with already existing fanbase or you think you can grow it 
give it a shot! It might work for you! 

One of the oldest and most popular ways to earn money as a music producer - 
selling mixing services.  
I bet you’re familiar with what it is… basically you make someones track sound 
good. You adjust the volume and use various techniques with effects to make 
separate sounds work together. 
Your main goal is to make track as flat as possible so it distributes well on all types 
of speakers. 
Entry point mixing engineer usually earn somewhat $50 per song (really beginner) 
and top ones can go up to $5,000 per song! Insane! 

Basically the same as selling mixing services, however, your goal is to make already 
well mixed track sound loud and commercial ready. 
You just give an extra little push for existing mix to really top it off. 
A lot of people who do this type of service also offer mixing services together as 
they really correlate.   

With mastering you usually earn a bit less as you have to do less work. As I know 
$35 per song is standard rate.
You won’t believe the opportunity right here… What seems like a simple task for a 
producer is a huge problems for others…  
As you may know podcasts are really catching up the momentum right now. A lot of 
influencers and brands started podcasts. Why? 
They are literally are in your ear! It’s so effective for marketing and building a 
relationship with your audience. Many entrepreneurs started a podcast, however 
their audio simply sucks… And you know what happens when audio sucks, right? 
People turn it off. 
Entrepreneurs have a problem. You have a solution. Offer them it and get paid 
especially when most of them have the funds to do so. 
Also, most of the stuff you have to do is set audio levels correct, put-desser, remove 
hum or other unnecessary noise and that’s it! They will be grateful for it. Trust me. 
If you want to try it out, find podcast which have a low quality audio and tell them 
that a lot of people turn it off since it’s not pleasing to hear their podcast in low 
quality. Offer them to edit a one podcast for free to hear the results for themselves 
and then ask if they would want to get professional sounding podcast every time. 
There are a lot of places where you can find them. SoundCloud, Spotify, Anchor, 
Lybsin, Buzzsprout, Podbean and many more. Just google “platforms for podcasts” 
and you will get tons of results! 
Also, entrepreneurs are great audience to target since they have a different kind of 
mindset than others and they know that it would be better to hire someone else to 
do it professionally rather than themselves.   
Many music producers dream to make money by selling sample packs but only few 
attain it. I mean you basically sell sound and get paid haha. Sounds like a dream to 
me! You create unique samples. Make them sound professional. Organize 
everything and present them to other producers. If they like it, they buy it. Simple 
as that. 
Especially I love the fact that it’s a digital product and cost of distributing it 
practically ZERO (except some fees) 
Disadvantage of selling sample packs that is that the competition is VERY high. You 
would have to compete with sample pack giants like Vengeance, KSHMR, Cymatics 
and many more… and don’t forget about Splice too… 
If you never made money as music producer I would not recommend you to start 
with this one as you have to be really good understanding of the business side of 
this world.  
Knowing your competition, their strong and weak sides, your advantages, excellent 
customer research… tons of stuff. 
I’m not saying that you won’t make money with it. In fact it’s really doable. I’m 
saying that you probably won’t be the top player in this niche (that’s your goal 
should be with everything). 
However, if you still want to do it, please 
pick a exact genre. Do not make “sounds 
for everyone”, it will not work for you. The 
more specific the better! 
Also, sample pack is great thing to 
giveaway to your audience for free! People 
love them if it’s quality stuff and you give 
more value to your audience. More value = 
more trust = more money for you.   
This is probably the easiest way how you can earn money on Instagram. You simply 
leverage your audience size and offer other people to promote something, 
whenever it’s their product, music or an event, on your page. 
How much do you earn? It all depends on how big is your Instagram page, are you 
more like reposting page or personal brand. Also how engaged your audience is also 
plays a big factor. Roughly with 10,000 followers you can expect to earn $10-$50 
per story or post promotion. (Btw I sold my first shoutout on my profile when I was 
only 700 followers haha. It was $10!) 
You might think it’s not that great money maker. Well, it only takes a couple 
seconds to post that story so $50 in few seconds is not bad in my opinion. 
Considering the fact that you keep 100% of it (except some transaction fees which 
The only downside of this method is that you have to have a following already or 
ready to grow it. 
Honestly, it’s not that hard to grow a page on Instagram. You can create a page 
geared towards music producers and simply repost other people content (make 
sure to credit the original creator!) On my page I grew my first 1,000 followers in 14 
days so it’s definitely not that hard. Let’s say if you repost 4 posts a day (reposting is 
easy, trust me) you could get 1,000 followers four times faster, assuming that you 
know what you’re doing. So it’s definitely attainable. 
Bonus tip for those who already have a decent following and want to earn some 
money NOW. Go into similar pages as yours and look if they are already promoting 
something on their stories or posts. If they do, DM who they are promoting and 
offer your promotion too. If they are already spending money on promotion, there 
is a high chance that they will buy your promotion too.   
One of the oldest ways to earn money directly with your music. You release your 
music on different platforms and collect royalties for the streams.  
Each platform pay different amounts per stream but in general you earn less than a 
cent per stream. 
I did a little bit of research, however, I don’t know how true it is but according to 
Google: “​Spotify​ pays about $0.006 to $0.0084 ​per stream”. 
So if we do a little math and get the best case scenario, you need to get around 
12,000 streams to earn $100. Well it’s not that bad if you release music 
independently, however, a lot of artists cannot get this amounts by themselves so 
labels take a hefty cut too. 
Anyway it could be serious money maker if you get TONS of streams and release 
independently. However, I would not rely on this method only since it’s not that 
“stable” as you may say. There are much more sustainable and easier ways to make 
money as a music producer but royalties could be a great addition to your main 
income stream, considering the fact that you earn it by doing what you love. 

Honestly, I genuinely think this is an excellent way to earn your fist money online. 
You improve your production skills and make money at the same time.  
All you have to to basically is to produce music, which you do anyway, and offer 
people to buy your project so they could learn from you. 
Of course, you track and project must be really good, otherwise no one would buy 
it but still… Improving your producing skills and earning money at the same time?  
Yes, please! 
This method is pretty popular on YouTube. People make templates of different 
genres and/or styles and set up a website where their audience could buy it 

Downside of this is that if you’re probably bound to one DAW. So it you’re selling 
your Fl Studio project files, people who use other DAW won’t be able to use it. 
How much do you earn? It all depends on you but standard is $5 - $40 per generic 
project file.  
Awesome part about this method is that you’re selling digital product and your 
distribution cost is zero. Which means all profit to you.   
Commonly overlooked but one of the lowest hanging fruits out there. If you have 
something achieved really cool definitely use this one. You don’ t need to create a 
product or whatever it may be. You’re selling your time. 
Mentoring is different than just teaching online or selling courses since it usually 
have a specific training period. Usually it’s from one to six weeks for training. You 
work specifically with someone one on one to help him/her to get the results. Not 
just broad information or one specific topic. You help with every decision so he or 
she could reach their goals fast and do not make the same mistakes as you do. 
You can easily charge from $1,000 to $12,000 or beyond for mentoring. If you 
provide enough value and have achieved something really cool people will be 
willing to pay that amount. 


Many producers dream about it but usually don’t start. Why? 
All the bulsh*t excuses keep them from starting. No money, no connections, no one 
will like our label, I have a different taste than majority and many more. 
Well, if you’re one of those just listen… With the power of social media you don’t 
need any of those basically. You have YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud, Instagram and 
other platforms to distribute music for free, you can network for free there too, no 
one like the artist until it pops, the more unique you are the better. Stop those 
excuses! Just do it!  
Honestly, if you want to have your own label. Just start. Don’t overthink. You will 
figure out things as you go. You earn by getting a cut on artist royalties and sold 
tracks. Bigger labels organize their events too, so serious money here.   
This one will probably work for those who already have an established audience 
and have true fans. 
If you have true fans, who will buy anything you present to them, this is a serious 
money maker and can really create nice cashflow for you. 
T-Shirts, hoodies, caps, mugs, pillows… You name it.  
It may sound like simple unnecessary expense for you but if people truly love the 
artist those pillows with their logo mean much for them and it doesn’t matter if it's 
$30 or $100.  
It has an emotional value attached to it. People buy because of the emotions, not 
Also, with the possibilities we have today you don’t even need to have an inventory 
of your merchandise. There is a business 
model called Print On Demand (POD) so 
you only create your merchandise when 
you get an order. No upfront cost, no risk 
involved. Awesome, right? 
There are even websites which offer you to 
make a free mockups for you so your fans 
could see how your merchandise would 
No need for photographers or even having 
a merchandise item yourself! We live in a 
golden era! 

All you need is a computer and access to 
the internet.
This one applies to more established artists too but it’s definitely possible for 
people who are less known. 
If you produce really good music, have a raving fanbase, strong branding, venues 
are looking for you. 
Doesn’t matter which type of music do you produce, whenever it’s EDM or hip hop, 
there are tons of places which are looking for new artists to play.  
If you already have an audience, brand and produce great music but never played 
life shows and want to try it out. Find venues which play similar music as you. Offer 
them to play for free at first. If you like it and they are satisfied, ask for a pay next 

If you’re a real nerd or have a lot of money, start doing this. There are so many 
opportunities in this field and if you really into that technical side of music 
production definitely take this into consideration. 
Audio geeks are always looking for new, slick plugins to try out. If you can make life 
easier with a plugin for a producers, they will buy. Do not believe? 
Endless Smile by Dada Life is a prime example. What does this plugin do? 
Adds filter, eq, reverb and stereo separation effect on your track with one knob. 
You can definitely do that with default plugins with come native with your DAW but 
Endless Smile saves tons of time. Especially when it comes to automating all these 
You can sell plugins for couple hundred dollars with one time fee but what I would 
do is create a monthly fee for using this plugin. Few bucks. More people can afford 
that and feel more confident about buying it. 
Also awesome 
thing is that it 
is a recurring 
Which means 
that you sell 
once and 
many times.   
It’s really similar to mentorship but usually you teach one specific topic for a short 
period of time and it cost way less. 
Let’s say you’re good at mixing. 
Offer people to get an hour consultation about exact process how to mix tracks and 
make them sound the best. Or maybe you’re good and creating marketing plan from 
artists, or a genius at music theory. You name it... The possibilities are endless. 
You’re saving them a lot of time since you cram your countless years of experience 
and failures and present them directly so they could succeed fast. 
Usually consultations start from $50 - $200 per hour but it totally depends on your 
skill level and how much you 
value yourself. Even if you 
have 4 consultations per 
month for $50, extra $200 is 
not bad. 
Also, if you ever wanted to 
create and sell a course, I 
would suggest you to do 1 on 
1 consultations first. 
You will have a better 
understanding of what are 
people struggling with so 
you could create a better 
course and help more later 
If you don’t like to talk to the camera, or you feel like you can express yourself 
better than words then blogging is what you need… 
Personally, I like to write (well I wrote this whole book myself haha) even though it’s 
not my passion. 
I can completely zone out from reality, press those buttons on my keyboard and it 
write for hours. For some reason it makes me feel relaxed. 
Also, if you’re not naitive English speaker I would highly recommend to write at 
least a few articles about the topics you love. You will improve your English skills by 
a lot! (if you want to of course). 
There are many different platforms which let you do this for free. My favorite one is 
Medium. You don’t need to make a website or any of that stuff, just register and 
start writing. People are already there so if your articles are good it has a chance to 
blow up. 
In terms of monetization, the possibilities are endless! 
You can sell courses, beats, your services or simply promote your song and make 
money with royalties. 
If you choose to have your own website 
you can also earn with AdSense, however, 
your blog has to be pretty big to earn 
reasonable amount this way.   
If you like being in the studio for hours and tweak knobs you may consider 
becoming a sound designer. In terms of earning money, you either create sounds 
and sell it to your audience or simply someone hire you to create sounds for them. 
Creating your own sounds and selling them yourself can an advantage that you can 
scale infinitely as your product is digital. Disadvantage is that you have to market it 
properly and test until you become profitable. 
If you don’t want to be really entrepreneurial and just want to earn some money 
doing what you love creating sounds may be the right fit for you. People who sell 
soundbanks are constantly looking for new sound designers to take their packs to 
the next level! 
Also, learning sound design will improve your production skills a lot! 
Lowest hanging fruit out there. There are tons of pages on Instagram and Facebook 
who has thousands of followers but they just simply repost other people content. 
What you would do is you reach out to them and offer your content creation 
services. You would pitch them the idea that having your own branded content is 
way better since you position yourself as an authority, leader and it’s better for long 
term success. Most of them already know that, they are just too lazy to create it. 
Branding yourself also helps you to get more sales indirectly, network and create 
more opportunities since that content is YOURS, not just someone else. 
If you don’t believe just open Instagram and click on someone’s repost page around 
music niche. Well, it has tons of content but that’s just it. Now open someone else's 
page which posts their original content. It feels more natural and you have a better 
connection with the content creator. What I would do is reach out to music 
producer pages which post like infographics n stuff and offer them that. 


We have talked a bit around that topic in “Editing Podcasts for Entrepreneurs” 
section but there is more to that. 
There are a lot of people who start their companies, products, singers who have no 
idea how to deal with audio. So they desperately looking for someone who knows 
how to deal with that since it can be tricky. Not everyone knows about clipping 
issues or why their audio sucks compared to other people. That’s where you help 
You can find gigs for yourself on websites like Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork and many 
If you don’t know what foley artist is, it’s basically a person who create sounds for 
When you see a horse running in the film and hear the “horse sounds”, it’s the job of 
the foley artist to create them. Yes, movies usually do not record sound when they 
shoot it. It happens afterwards. 
You can earn money with it in two ways. Get hired by some company or freelance. I 
would choose to freelance since it’s more fun but the downside of this is that you 
have to have a huge collections of random items. I mean TONS of them. 
I look at also as a pretty fun and interesting full time job opportunity if you don’t 
want to follow entrepreneurial journey. 

Technically speaking, composer is the musician who is an author of music in any 
Usually when we hear the word “composer” we think about a musician who writes 
music and scores for films. 
And that’s true! 
If you’re into film scoring ( those orchestral type music like Hans Zimmer) 
definitely look into this one. 
As the previous one, you can earn by either freelancing and making orchestral 
scores for smaller projects on websites like Fiverr, Upwork or get a job in this type 
of field and work for big companies.   

I know this probably will not apply for 90% of you since you can't sing like me but 
there are producers which actually know how to do that (yes, they exist lol). 
Most of the time they use those abilities for their own productions which is 
amazing but why not earn some money too? 
There is a huge demand for vocalists so it would be stupid not to take an advantage. 
If you haven't done this before here is how I would do that. 
First find 10-30 producers which you like and ask if they need a vocal for their 
tracks. Do it for free of course. Most of them would agree on this. I would haha. 
By doing it for free you get credibility, trust and position yourself as a leader. 
After that, ask if they 
would want to collab 
again but this time 
you ask for a small 

DJing is tightly connected with producing. Before you start screaming that it's 
However, a lot of producers want to play live shows with their music and tour so 
they want to do that anyway. 
If you're good at producing DJing shouldn't be hard. All you need to do is to feel the 
music, rhythm and pick the right song. 
Basic DJing knowledge is required to DJ at clubs. People here don't really care 
about fancy tricks, all they want is good music and smooth transitions so music is 
playing without breaks. 
Also you may DJ at 
weddings, birthdays 
and other special 
occasions but that's a 
different story. 
If you're a beginner 
you usually may earn 
from $0 to $200 per 
night. All depends on 
the location, venue 
and your 
communication skills. 

This is an excellent way to earn money, learn more and network. 
By having a YouTube channel with solid fan base you can earn from AdSense itself, 
take brand deals, promote your own or somebody else's products for a commission. 
I would suggest to post tutorials and teach other producers. This way you create a 
lot of value for them and they will remember you. More recognition = bigger brand. 
But most importantly by teaching others will improve your own skills as you learn 
for two. 
Of course you could post funny meme videos and I think you should but do not 
really on them. 
Earnings completely 
depend on how you're 
going to monetize. 
If you want to get from 
views itself (AdSense) it 
would be $0.5 - $1 per 1000 
views. Or you could 
promote your own 
products. All depends on 

Ohhh I love this one! 
Imagine getting paid for using Instagram. Dream haha. 
Well, not just using brainlessly but with a strategy to help other people gain 
I've been doing this for a while and I'm happy with this method! 
You could consult others artists in terms of a strategy to gain followers, do it for 
them or offer some sort of software service (SaaS). 
Many artists do not get enough exposure for their art so you would offer it to them. 
I've done it many times and it works (as long as your offer is really good) 
All you need is to have some knowledge on Instagram and few thousand followers 
for proof (preferably) 
Easiest would be to 
do a consulting. 
From one hour 
consultation you 
can expect to get 
$50-$300 and more 
depending on your 
skill level. 

Amazing opportunity if you don't have your own product but have an audience. 
If you're not familiar with affiliate marketing here is a brief explanation. 
You promote someone else's products and get a commission for it. You don't have 
to deliver that product or service. All you have to do is sell. 
This is an amazing opportunity if you want get start earning money fast and have an 
audience for it. 
All you have to be good at is selling. Honestly if you want to learn how to sell start 
with affiliate marketing. You don't have to focus on delivering anything, just selling. 
In terms of earnings it totally depends on the affiliate program you're promoting. 
Most affiliate programs offer 10%-40% of the sale. 
Yes, you earn less than 
your own products but 
the beauty of it is that 
you don't have to have a 
product and can test 
many different ones fast. 
If you’re more into the business side of the music industry and/or you have great 
connections with many different people you should consider becoming an artist. 
Your job would be to develop an artist and meet his goals. Whenever it’s playing 
live, reaching millions of people or simply making a living out of his music. 
I think it’s a great way to develop yourself as an artist too since you’re getting all of 
that valuable experience which you can implement on your future career. 
In terms of earnings, 15%-20% of artists earnings is typical range for your fee. Of 
course it completely depends on the contract. Some may ask a flat fee some a 

Promoting events could be a great opportunity for you to learn more about the 
whole structure of them (if you want to play live), network and get some valuable 
life experience. 
Some may think that this is unrelated job which has nothing to do with music but if 
your goal is to play live at different kinds of venues, becoming a promoter puts you 
really close to the organizer of that event. You learn the whole infrastructure of 
music events, how they operate, gain valuable contacts and most of the time get 
free tickets too (which you can you to network too) 
There are events which offer you a fee per sale but they often require to have a 
contract with them.   

Have you ever felt that there is something missing in the music producer 
environment? Something that could help you and others to produce music faster? 
Easier? Or maybe you’ve been facing some kind of issue lately and found a new 
solution for it? 
If so… Present it to the world! 
We live in a world where you can create a product and distribute it the next day. All 
you need is a phone/laptop and internet access. 
Nobody knew about Subpac few years ago… A device which you put on your back or 
a chair so you could feel the bass instead of hearing it. It helps you to mix low 
frequencies better since you’re mixing based on how does is feel. Also, it's common 
to have problematic low end in your mix. Subpac helps you to solve this problem. 


Let’s say you really want to work with particular artist… But there is no way you he 
would agree since your production skills are low or you don’t have a strong brand 
(whatever it might be). 
What you could do is to become a VA (Virtual Assistant). Basically you would do 
stuff that he or she is too lazy/busy to do. Most of the times it’s monotonous tasks. 
This is not a huge money maker but it’s really strategic play if you manage to pull it 
If you want to take it a step further and improve your chances drastically offer to 
do it for free. You won’t earn any money but you will get closer to him and maybe 
one day this will lead to making a song together. Who knows. There are tons of 

I think this is pretty straightforward. Songwriters, businesses, entrepreneurs and 
even other music producers have a particular project in mind and to execute it they 
need a professional gear and trained people. 
You would provide this type of service for a pay (of course). It all depends on the 
clients needs what exactly you would do but most of the time you would come to 
their place to record something or help to set-up their gear.  
Also you could rent your studio if you have one. This will create a nice cashflow for 
you and tons of networking opportunities. 
This requires a lot of investments for gear and years of experience to really be good 
at it but I know a lot of producers who already have both of those boxes checked.   
I know it’s not that easy as it sounds but I you’re really passionate about that it will 
It doesn’t have to be a massive event with thousand people. Start with 10 close 
friends and your house. Next time invite 10 more people. Ask if they have friends 
who would like to join too. 
Later on you can rent a place and invite even more people. Make it awesome and 
people will join. Word of mouth is a powerful tool. 
When you have quite a few people going to your event look for sponsors. 
Beverages, food all that type of stuff (email hundreds off them). I know friends who 
do this type of events and energy drink companies sponsor them really often. 
Google Tomorrowland first year and you will see that everybody starts low. Don’t 
be afraid to do. It sounds intimidating until you start doing.   
If you’re skilled music producer or have one specific skill which you’re really good 
at why not teach others at scale? 
I’ve talked about teaching others previously (and still recommend to do that before 
creating a course) but when you see that people get great results with your help 
you could create a course and help an infinite amount of people. 
You put all your knowledge into one course and sell it to people. If people trust you 
and see your results they will buy since they want to achieve it too. 
Courses start from $5 to $5,000 or even more. All depends on your level of 
influence. So it’s definitely an amazing money maker. 
Most beautiful part about it is that you create it once and can distribute it as many 
times as you want. 
This is especially good for producers since we want to spend as much time 
producing. Imagine producing and get those dollars rolling in! 
What you could do is to create a platform for other producers where they can 
connect, network and get value from. There are quite a few of them already. SKIO, 
Spinnin Records, etc… 
They host remix contests, a place where you can show your tracks and get 
feedback, look for DJ’s and many more! 
It doesn’t need to be a brand new app or website. You could literally use something 
like discord and invite other producers here. Later on create some kind of premium 
subscription where they will get access to even more amazing limited edition stuff. 
It literally could cost like $2-$9 per month but think about this way. If you can make 
100 people pay only $2 per month for something really cool… That’s $200 for you 
passively. Now imagine 1000 people. Great! 

I bet you already know about this one. If not, Patreon it’s a platform where creators 
such as (producers, artists, videographers, etc…) sell exclusive access to their 
newest piece of work, video, song or something like that. 
It’s especially popular among YouTubers so if you decided to make a YouTube 
channel where you would teach others about music producing or whatever it may 
be, Patreon would be an amazing addition to that. 
You set up your own rates but usually starting point subscription costs a few bucks. 
It may not sound a lot but remember previous method? What if you could get 100 
patrons? 1,000? 10,000?   
Email is one of the biggest assets of online world. With email you have the power to 
connect with people directly. Companies had been successfully using emails to 
drive traffic to their platforms where they sell their products. 
Even if all the social media platforms collapse tomorrow you will keep your email 
list because it’s YOURS. 
That’s why it’s so valuable nowadays. Also you can use it an infinite amount of 
There are companies which are ready to pay around $1-$4 per email (depending on 
your quality of traffic) so they could use it to sell their own products. 
What you could do is to create something amazing (like this ebook) and ask people 
for an email address in return so you could sell it for companies which are looking 
for that. 
Make sure to have a consent stating that their email will be used by other 
companies since otherwise it’s illegal to do so. 
If you know how to successfully run a campaign on Facebook Ad platform, you’re 
This is a really high income skill which really has high demand right now. It’s 
nowhere close to being easy but that’s why it’s so valuable. 
Offer this service for artists so you could see how people react to different kinds of 
music and creatives so you could implement it to yourself. Also, this is an amazing 
opportunity to network. 
To get your first clients offer to do your work for free and they would only cover 
the ad budget. 
What you could also do is to reach out to other producers and offer your service. 
Show them your results and ask if they would want to try it for one month. If you 
manage to bring results for them and you price yourself accordingly they will hire 
Quick little tip: Look for those who sell some kind of service or a product. It will be 
much easier since they can get a return on their investment and make money. 
This makes both sides happy. They get sales and make money, you provide amazing 
service and get paid. 
I have a ton of friends who offer this type of service and their price starts from 
$400 to $2000 per month. 
So it’s definitely a huge money maker if you’re into analytical side of it.   
Okay that the hell does it have to do with music? 
Well, if you’re trying to create your own brand and make money on the side and 
don’t want to sell any other service you could sell other people products and put 
your own branding on it. 
Let’s say you’re hip hop artist and really into chain type of necklaces. You could 
easily create online store around that. 
People would see you wearing it and would want it too. That's why branding is 
Or to make it even more awesome, they would get a free CD with your album (yes, 
people still use that) 
Just make it really personal and with a “touch of you”.  
With the possibilities we have today it’s so easy to do that. You don’t even need to 
hold an inventory to pull it off. 
People order on your website, you fulfill the order and your suppliers ships it out to 
your customer. 
Just make it really personal and with a 
“touch of you”.    
If you’re good at graphics and want to earn money I don’t know what you’re doing. 
Creating art is in your blood anyways, so monetize it! 
You could easily get paid around $20 - $100 per track artwork! Especially if you’re 
good at it. 
There are websites like Fiverr, Upowork, Freelancer where you could sell your 
service and people are ALREADY here or you could simply message people and 
offer it. 
Plus you will create amazing track artworks for yourself since you will master 
making it! 


I know that music producers are very versatile and have a lot of skills. Also, I know 
that they do not realize that and take advantage of it. 
There is a high chance is you’re creating music you’re making music videos too. 
Why not offer it to other producers? 
It would work better if you could film too but it’s definitely doable without it. As 
mentioned previously there are websites where you could sell your services. Make 
sure to niche it down since there are tons of “video editors” but there are not many 
people who focus let’s say on editing music videos for hip hop artists. 
If you focus on specific niche people know that you’re serious about it and you’re 
the right fit for them.   
Podcasts are on the rise right now. Many producers, entrepreneurs and other 
influential people realise the power of it and the market is really moving towards 
audio content (YAY!) 
It’s really convenient since you can do other stuff while listening to a podcast and 
get a lot of value from it. 
You’re literally in the ear other person. It’s as close as it can get in the online world. 
Also people started using things like Alexa, Siri and other voice things more. So it's 
definitely a good move to start a podcast. 
Similar to YouTube you could earn from sponsors, promoting your own or other 
people's products. 
Also, you can invite other bigger artists for an interview and leverage their audience 
to get attention for yourself. 
It’s a win - win 
situation for both. 
If you have expertise in a subject why not write a book? Of course you kind of have 
to like writing but if you do, go for it! 
There are many different places where you could sell your book/e-book. Most 
popular of them Amazon, Google Play or simply do it manually. 
By writing a book you put yourself as an authority too. This could mean more 
exposure for your brand and your music. 
Books are usually in $9-$30 range and if you have an e-book you can sell them an 
infinite amount of times. 
Also by writing you learn more since you’re basically re-learning everything from 
the scratch.  

If you have an amazing brand and loyal follower base reach out to the sponsors you 
want to collaborate with! 
Sponsors are definitely looking for ways to reach more people and get more 
awareness and sales to their products. Just make sure you’re actually have the right 
type of audience for their products. 
Also many people make a mistake where they just wait and hope sponsors will find 
them. Sadly, we live in a world where there is too much noise to be noticed so it’s 
smarter to reach out to them by yourself.   
Honestly, this is so easy to sell and make and if you want money tomorrow try this! 
Producer tags is little snippet of sound which usually I like to call “audio logo”. 
Usually it’s a few seconds of someone shouting your name or something like that. 
It’s extremely popular in hip hop/rap scene. Most producers can create one by 
themselves but most of the rappers don’t. So there is an opportunity right here. 
What you could do is to DM a bunch of rappers and offer them to create one for 
like $5. Sell few of them a day and that’s a nice little cashflow for you! 
Also, if you’re a beatmaker, you can create one for free to put your name out there 
and have a higher chance of rappers actually buying a beat from you since you 
provided them value upfront. 


Another not so common way you could earn money is by creating melodies for 
other producers.  
We all know that sometimes we hit a roadblock and just can’t get anything done. 
What you would do is to help with that. You could work personally or create a huge 
collection of melodies and sell them. 
Make sure to niche it down as much as possible because you don’t want to sell 
hardstyle melodies to tropical house artists… (or maybe that’s a new genre?)   

You won’t believe how many artists want to have their websites. I mean it’s cool to 
have one and could be a great way to showcase your work. 
Some want to sell beats through it, some show their music, some sell merchandise. 
Everyone has their needs so help them! 
You might be wondering that you could not do it since you have zero experience 
with coding websites but don’t worry about that. If you know how to drag and drop 
elements you’re good to go. 
There are platforms like Wix, Wordpress, Shopify, Clickfunnels and many others 
which offer you to create a website without any coding knowledge. 
You just select what you want to have on your website and drag it where it should 
be placed. That’s it. 
If you have an eye for a good design you could literally crush this one. 
So why don’t they create websites themselves? 
Most people overcomplicate things and think that it’s really hard to do so, others 
just don’t want to do it so they would rather hire someone to do it for them. 
You could easily sell a simple website for $100 (which is pretty low for a website 
creation) and move your pricing up later as you progress. 
If you look at other artists who are successful all of them have a website where they 
show their work, have contact information and maybe even sell something. So it’s 
definitely in demand.   
If you came this far I’m really proud of you! I hope you got a lot of value from this 
e-book and learned at least a few methods how you could potentially create a 
cashflow as a music producer. There are many more opportunities in the music 
industry than most people believe!  
Luckily, now you’re ahead of the game :)  

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