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Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174

The Fe(CN)3 6 /Fe(CN)6

charge transfer reaction on Au(111)
revisited in the presence and absence of a two-dimensional, condensed
organic film
Julia Oslonovitch a, Yong-Jun Li a, Constanze Donner b, Katharina Krischer a,*
Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Faradayweg 4-6, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
Institut für Chemie, Freie Universität Berlin, Takustr. 3, D-14195 Berlin, Germany

Received 18 July 2002; received in revised form 5 November 2002; accepted 20 November 2002


We present studies on the electron transfer rate (etr) of the Fe(CN)3/4

6 redox reaction on Au(111) electrodes in the presence and
absence of a condensed two-dimensional camphor layer in NaClO4 electrolytes of different ionic strength. The experiments were
carried out employing cyclic voltammetry, capacitance measurements and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements. The
interaction between the two-dimensional organic film and the Fe(CN)3/4 6 redox couple depended strongly on the most positive
potential of the experiment. If U was kept negative of a threshold potential Uth //0.2 V vs. Hg j Hg2SO4, the camphor adlayer
slowed down the charge transfer rate, and the effect was more pronounced the smaller was the conductivity of the electrolyte. For
potentials larger than Uth the camphor film was initially replaced by a polymeric hexacyanoferrate adsorbate that transformed after
longer reaction times to a Prussian-white/Prussian-blue film, respectively. The initial destruction of the camphor film could be
followed sensitively from changes in the cyclic voltammogram and in the capacitance and occurred within the first voltage cycle.
SPR measurements allowed the transformation of the ‘precursor’ hexacyanoferrate film to a Prussian-white/Prussian-blue film to be
monitored. Moreover, SPR measurements in solutions without camphor provided evidence that in a neutral NaClO4 supporting
electroyte a bare Au surface does not exist in the presence of small amounts of Fe(CN)36 or Fe(CN)4
6 ions in most of the potential
ranges usually employed.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Adsorption; Camphor; Prussian-blue film; Two-dimensional phase transition; Hexacyanoferrate(II/III) redox reaction; Surface plasmon

1. Introduction effect is distributed between changes in the probability

of the electron transition and the activation energy of an
The impact of organic films on the rate of electron etr. More applied points include the protective proper-
transfer reactions (etr) has been of considerable interest ties of organic films against corrosion or the utilization
during past decades not only because of fundamental of condensed films in studies of biologically relevant
questions but also owing to the practical aspects. electron exchange processes between redox centers
Among the basic questions are the mechanism of which occur across large segments of organic molecules,
electron tunneling across the film, which may be elastic such as cytochromes.
or resonant, the effect of the film on the potential The majority of the early studies was carried out with
distribution close to the electrode, or how an inhibiting mercury electrodes. Most of the organic films (e.g.
thymine [1], coumarin [2,3], quinolines [4], and camphor
[5,6]) were found to inhibit etr considerably. These
* Corresponding author. Permanent address: Physics Department,
studies also revealed that the details of the inhibition
E19, Technische Universitat München, James-Franck-Str. 1, D-85748
Garching bei München, Germany. depended crucially on the structure of the film, the type
E-mail address: (K. Krischer). of electrode process and even more subtle properties of
0022-0728/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
164 J. Oslonovitch et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174

the experiments, such as the nature and, in some cases, 2. Experimental

even the conductivity of the base electrolyte.
More recent studies focused on the inhibiting features The cyclic voltammetric (CV) experiments were
of solid electrodes covered by organic films, in particular performed with a Au(111) single crystal (MaTeck) in
of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on Au electrodes the hanging-meniscus geometry. The mounting of the
[7 /15]. If the monomers which form the film are single-crystal allowed the electrode to be rotated in the
sufficiently large, such as octadecanethiol, the films hanging-mensicus geometry with a variable rotation rate
provide effective blocking of the electrochemical reac- and the height of the meniscus to be adjusted repro-
tivity [15,16]. Thus, the degree of the inhibition of an etr ducibly (Fig. 1a). The construction of the mounting was
is frequently used as a measure for structural defects of similar to that described by Cahan and Villullas [34].
SAMs [16,17]. The single crystal was flame-annealed (butane flame)
In many of these studies, the Fe(CN)3/4 6 redox prior to each measurement and cooled in air. This
couple was used to probe the extent of the inhibition of procedure yielded a clean and reconstructed surface.
the electron transfer by an organic monomolecular film. The quality of all crystals employed was controlled by
Yet, a few indications can be found in the literature, that cyclic voltammetry in 0.1 M H2SO4 and by capacitance
the Fe(CN)3/4
6 reaction causes some destruction of measurement in 0.1 M HClO4. The PT peaks of sulfate
the organic film [18]. As far as the reaction of the [35] were observed. Before each experiment, we tested
hexacyanoferrate(III)/hexacyanoferrate(II) redox couple the surface conditions in a camphor/NaClO4 solution
on bare Au electrodes is concerned, it is known to and continued with the measurements only when the
depend sensitively on the composition and concentra- sharp PT peaks of camphor were obtained. A platinum
tion of the electrolyte [19 /23]. Furthermore, despite wire served as the counter electrode and a
extensive studies, there is still some dispute over whether Hg j Hg2SO4 j K2SO4(sat.) electrode (Radiometer, Co-
there is some adsorption of a hexacyanoferrate species penhagen) as the reference electrode. All potentials are
[24] as well as over the nature of the adsorbate, which given with respect to this reference electrode. The
was considered to be either one or both of the redox potentiostat was home built (FHI) with an implemented
species Fe(CN)3/4
6 [25,26] itself or a more complex lock-in amplifier card for the capacitance measure-
‘reaction product’ formed from these species [21,27 /31]. ments. The alternating voltage had a frequency of 80
In this paper we study the hexacyanoferrate redox Hz and an amplitude of 2.5 mV. Prior to and in the
reaction on a Au(111) electrode covered by a condensed course of the measurements, the solutions and cell
physisorbed camphor film. The camphor film was compartments were deaerated with highly pure argon.
shown effectively to inhibit the reduction of IO4 [32], To minimize changes of the camphor concentration in
i.e. a reaction in which the electron transfer is accom-
panied by the transfer of a proton.
The ability of camphor to form a physisorbed two-
dimensional film on Au(111) over a large potential
interval was first reported by Kolb and coworkers [33].
Negative to this potential interval, the Au surface is
nearly adsorbate free, the transition between both
regions being accompanied by a first-order phase
transition (PT), which manifests itself in a needle-like
peak pair in the cyclic voltammogram. We demonstrate
that this signature of the PT represents a very sensitive
probe for the intactness of the camphor film and allows
the detection of traces of a polymeric hexacyanoferrate
complex that replaces camphor. This hexacyanoferrate
adsorbate is further investigated by employing SPR
measurements in the presence and absence of camphor.
The studies show clear limitations on the use of the
6 redox reaction in the characterization of
organic surface films with respect to their capability to
inhibit etrs. Furthermore, they allow conclusions to be
Fig. 1. (a) Mounting of a single crystal that allows its use as a rotating
drawn on the type of hexacyanoferrate adsorbate that electrode in the hanging meniscus geometry. (b) Kretschmann config-
forms on the electrode in neutral perchlorate electro- uration with the laser beam focused on the Au-film electrode for
lytes. simultaneous recording of the entire resonance curve.
J. Oslonovitch et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174 165

the electrolyte during the course of the experiment, the

gas was conducted through a wash bottle filled either
with 5 mM camphor solution or with saturated com-
phor solution before it entered the cell. Solutions were
prepared with high purity water (Milli-Q, Millipore) and
p.a. grade chemicals (camphor: Sigma approximately
99%; K3[Fe(CN)6]/99%, Aldrich; K4[Fe(CN)6]/99%,
Aldrich; NaClO4, Merck, GR for analysis).
The SPR measurements were accomplished in the
Kretschmann configuration with a HeNe laser (Fig. 1b).
The working electrode was a 50 nm thick gold film
evaporated onto a glass plate (B270, Schott, Germany)
with a 4 Å thick Cr layer beneath the gold for better
adherence. The film was flame annealed in a gentle
butane flame immediately before the experiment. The
glass plate was brought into optical contact with a glass
hemisphere (BK7, Schott, Germany). The coherence of
the laser light was destroyed by passing it through two
rotating glass plates that held a sheet of greaseproof
paper. Behind them a polarizer reestablished linear
polarization and a l /2 plate allowed an easy switching
between s- and p-polarization. With several lenses the
laser beam was first broadened and then focused onto
the electrode. In this way, the reflected light contained
the resonance curve around the minimum position Fig. 2. (a) Current /potential characteristic of an Au(111) electrode in
a camphor/NaClO4 electrolyte (5 mM camphor, 50 mM NaClO4,
which was made visible by putting a screen in the stationary electrode, scan rate 50 mV s 1); (b, c) Current /potential
optical path of the reflected beam. The intensity profile and capacitance /potential curves of a rotating Au(111) electrode in a
on the screen was recorded with a Line Scan Camera camphor/NaClO4 electrolyte (solid line) and the pure supporting
(703 E, Vistek) in which the standard 8 bit ADC was electrolyte (dashed line) (5 mM camphor, 0.1 M NaClO4 (solid line);
exchanged for a 12 bit ADC. The optical data were 0.1 M NaClO4 (dashed line); scan rate 50 mV s 1, rotation frequency
33 rps).
stored simultaneously with current and potential during
a potentio-dynamic experiment. To correct for the
the sharp current peaks at the transition between region
Gaussian intensity profile and any other inhomogene-
I and II are accompanied by a satellite peak pair at
ities in the laser beam, the intensity profiles obtained
with p-polarized light were normalized to those obtained slightly more positive potentials. As first deduced by
with s-polarization. The minimum position of the Striegler et al. [33] from electrochemical experiments and
resulting resonance curve was obtained from a poly- later confirmed in SHG experiments by Pettinger et al.
nomial fit of 5th degree around the minimum. The [36], the splitting of the peaks is due to an incomplete
relative angle shift could be determined with a precision reformation of the reconstructed Au(111) surface, which
of about 0.018. is the energetically favorable surface structure in region
II, while in region III the reconstruction is lifted and the
thermodynamically stable Au 1/1 phase forms.
3. Results and discussion The situation can be kept simpler when the potential
is always restricted to potentials negative to region III
3.1. Camphor adsorption [33,36]. Then the Au(111) surface remains reconstructed,
and a single PT peak marks the formation and dissolu-
Fig. 2a represents a cyclic voltammogram (CV) of tion of the condensed camphor film (Fig. 2b, solid
Au(111) in 50 mM NaClO4 and 5 mM camphor solution curve). The dashed curve in Fig. 2b shows a CV of the
in a potential region between /1.0 and 0.2 V. The two supporting electrolyte (0.1 M NaClO4) for comparison.
characteristic sharp peak pairs encompass the potential It is evident that in region II the capacitive current is
region (region II) in which camphor forms a condensed, larger in the pure perchlorate solution than in the
physisorbed film on the electrode surface. The needle- camphor containing system. This difference can be
like peaks are a manifestation of a first-order PT of the seen even more clearly in capacitance/potential curves
camphor film. In region I, the camphor coverage is of the two systems (Fig. 2c). Moreover, negative to the
negligible, while in region III a chemisorbed camphor PT, the capacitance /potential curves are undistinguish-
phase exists. Upon closer examination, it is striking that able in the two electrolytes, suggesting that in potential
166 J. Oslonovitch et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174

region I the state of the Au electrode is very similar in in the presence of Fe(CN)3 6 under the chosen experi-
both systems. Hence, a convenient way to examine the mental conditions. Around the PT, the reduction rate of
impact of the condensed camphor film upon the rate of Fe(CN)3 6 has attained already a mass transport limited
an electrochemical reaction in a qualitative way is to value and the current density is not noticeably affected
monitor the change in the reaction current concomitant by the formation or dissolution of the camphor film.
with the formation or dissolution of the film. The picture changes at a lower concentration of the
base electrolyte. The CVs in Fig. 3b and c were obtained
3.2. Inhibition of the Fe(CN)3/4
6 charge transfer in solutions containing 0.1 and 0.02 M NaClO4,
reaction through the camphor film at negative electrode respectively. Again, the solid curves were recorded in
potentials camphor containing solutions and the dashed curves
without camphor. In both cases it is evident that
3.2.1. Results Fe(CN)3 6 reduction is considerably inhibited by the
When using Fe(CN)3 6 or Fe(CN)46 as electroactive presence of the film. However, the inhibition is not
species the influence of the camphor film on the etr complete. Furthermore, the reaction current at a given
depended strongly on the most positive turning point in potential is clearly significantly larger in the 0.1 M than
the potentio-dynamic experiments. First, we consider in the 0.02 M NaClO4 solution. Note that the concen-
CVs obtained when restricting the potential region to tration of the supporting electrolyte also has a consider-
values negative of /0.3 V. The solid curve in Fig. 3a able effect on the existence range, and thus the stability,
shows a CV of a rotating Au(111) electrode in an of the camphor film. Compared with the 0.8 M NaClO4
electrolyte containing 0.8 M NaClO4, 0.2 mM base electrolyte, in the 0.02 M solution the PT of
Fe(CN)36 , and 5 mM camphor. For comparison, the
camphor is shifted by approximately 150 mV to the
CV in the same solution, but without camphor, is negative direction, for the 0.1 M solution it occurs at an
displayed (dashed curve). The peak pair slightly negative intermediate value.
to /0.6 V stems from the adsorption of camphor; its It is well established also that in the absence of a
existence suggests strongly that the PT takes place also surfactant the rate of Fe(CN)3 6 reduction depends on
the concentration of the supporting electrolyte (see, e.g.
Ref. [23] and Refs. therein), the reaction being more
irreversible for lower electrolyte conductivity. In Fig. 3b
(dashed curve), i.e. in 0.1 M perchlorate solution, the
reaction rate is in a mass transfer dominated regime in
the whole potential range shown, such that the decrease
in the reaction rate compared with the 0.8 M solution is
not apparent in these experiments. In contrast, in the
0.02 M solution the more irreversible character of
Fe(CN)3 6 reduction is clearly discernable.
The irreversibility of Fe(CN)3 6 reduction in diluted
electrolyte solutions can be lifted by adding small
amounts of a salt with a multiply charged cation, such
as Ba2, Ca2, La3 or Th4 [22,23]. Adding a small
amount of Ba(ClO4)2 to a camphor containing diluted
electrolyte also changes the reaction current in the
presence of the camphor film considerably. This can
be seen in Fig. 4 where the current /voltage character-
istics of Fe(CN)36 reduction on the Au(111)/camphor
electrode in 0.02 M NaClO4 solution before (dashed)
and after the addition of Ba2 ions are reproduced.

3.2.2. Discussion
The results presented thus far show clearly that (a) the
formation of the condensed camphor film occurs also in
the presence of Fe(CN)3/4
6 if the potential is kept
Fig. 3. Influence of the camphor film on hexacyanoferrate (III) negative to /0.3 V and (b) that at least at low ionic
reduction on Au(111) for different perchlorate concentrations in the
strength the redox reaction rate is slowed down due to
negative potential region; (a) 0.8 M, (b) 0.1 M, and (c) 0.02 M NaClO4,
(electrolyte, 0.2 mM K3[Fe(CN)6] / x mM NaClO4, and 5 mM the presence of the condensed film. It is not the objective
camphor (solid curves); dashed curves, without camphor; rotation of this paper to evaluate quantitatively the effect of the
frequency 28 rps; scan rate 50 mV s 1). camphor film on the rate constant of the etr. However, it
J. Oslonovitch et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174 167

Fig. 5 displays j(h ) as calculated from Eq. (1) as a

function of h for different values of k0() and the other
parameters adopted to the experiment of Fig. 3. Curve
(a) was obtained for k0 /k0 /0.05 cm s 1, which is
reported for the Fe(CN)3/4
6 redox reaction at Pt in
0.5 M K2SO4 [37] and is of the same order of magnitude
as the value determined on Au in 0.5 M K2SO4 [38].
Hence, curve (a) corresponds roughly to the camphor
free system in concentrated base electrolyte (cf. Fig. 3a,
dashed curve). Curves (b) to (f) result when reducing the
rate constants successively by a factor of 10. The vertical
lines indicate the potential region between the positive
turning point and the potential at which the PTs occur
Fig. 4. Cyclic voltammograms of a rotating Au(111) electrode in 5
mM camphor, 0.2 mM K3[Fe(CN)6], 0.2 mM K4[Fe(CN)6], 20 mM in Fig. 3(a, c), respectively, for easier comparison.
NaClO4 (dashed line), and in the same electrolyte after addition of 2 Assuming that we can neglect the contribution of the
mM Ba(ClO4)2 (solid line) (rotation frequency 28 rps, scan rate 50 mV reaction current at ‘holes’ or ‘defects’ in the camphor
s 1). film, a comparison between the experimental and
calculated current /potential curves of Figs. 3 and 5
seems to be worthwhile to estimate roughly the influence suggests that the camphor film slows down the reaction
of the condensed film. rate two to three orders of magnitude for the two lower
The reaction current density of a simple electron- base electrolyte concentrations (Fig. 3b, c) but not more
transfer reaction (neglecting double layer effects) at a than one order of magnitude in the case of the
rotating disk electrode as a function of the overpotential concentrated supporting electrolyte. Considering the
h is given by the following formula [37]: fact that we can estimate the thickness of the camphor
     layer roughly by 6.6 Å [39]1, this comparatively small
1 1 k Ared k Aox 1
 1  pffiffiffiffi (1) decrease of the reaction rate appears to be reasonable.
j(h) jD (h) Dred Dox v
However, it is remarkable that on Hg [5] a condensed
with camphor layer was found to inhibit the charge transfer
considerably more strongly than we observed it on Au.
jD nF (k c0red k c0ox ); k k0 exp(anF h=RT ); This drastic difference cannot be attributed to the
k k0 exp((1a)nF h=RT); and inevitable presence of some defects in the condensed
1=3 camphor layer on Au. At present it remains unclear
Ared(ox)  1:61n1=6 Dred(ox)
where from the difference results.
where v is the rotation frequency, k0(), Dred(ox) are The assumption that the current density at holes can
the rate constants and diffusion constant of the reduced be neglected is the worse, the faster the reaction rate,
(oxidized) species, respectively, and c0red(ox) their bulk and thus in our case, worst for the concentrated
concentrations. n is the kinematic viscosity and a , n, F , electrolyte. However, for the parameters of the experi-
R and T have their usual meanings. ments, the current density at defects should still not
dominate the current density in the potential regions
shown: in Fig. 3a, b the current on the bare Au electrode
just enters the mass transport limited region at the
positive turning point (note that in Fig. 3a it was chosen
100 mV more positive than in Fig. 3b); in Fig. 3c the
current is in a region of mixed reaction and transport
control in the entire potential region of interest. This
strongly suggests that the camphor film indeed slows
down the reaction rate more effectively at low con-
Fig. 5. According to Eq. (1) calculated current /overpotential curves ductivity than at high conductivity.
for different values of k0(). From right to left k0() was successively The reduction of anions sensitively depends on the
decreased by a factor of 10. The dashed lines indicate the range of
overpotential in Fig. 3 in which hexacyanoferrate(III) reduction
double layer structure. Thus, a plausible interpretation
proceeds on a camphor-covered electrode if the formal redox potential of the increased inhibition at low base electrolyte
is taken to be /0.24 V vs. Hg j Hg2SO4 (this was determined in
independent experiments, see also Fig. 6b). Most right curve, k0 /
k0 /0.05 s 1. Other parameters, c0red /0.2 mM, c0ox /0 mM, anF / 1
The estimation of the size of a camphor molecule was done with
RT/(1/a )nF /RT /19.46 V 1, Dred /Dox /6/10 6 cm2 s 1, n / the program ‘CERIUS 2’ and resulted in a spherical molecule with a
0.01, v /2p 30 s 1. radius of 3.3 Å.
168 J. Oslonovitch et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174

concentration would be that the decreased etr results

from a change of surface charge and potential due to the
adsorption of the camphor layer. This picture is
supported by the fact that the addition of multivalent
cations has the same effect on the reduction rate of
Fe(CN)3 6 in diluted electrolyte in the presence and
absence of camphor (cf. Fig. 4). A decrease in the etr
with decreasing concentration of the base-electrolyte
was also reported for S2O2 8 and Fe(CN)3 6 reduction
on Hg in the presence of camphor [5], where the same
conclusions were derived. However, in experiments with
the camphor /IO4 system we also obtained evidence
that the camphor film is less stable in electrolytes with
high ionic strength than in those with low ionic strength
[40]. Thus, it is conceivable that at high conductivity the
two-dimensional camphor film is more mobile or
flexible such that hydrated ions or water can tempora-
rily penetrate the film and facilitate the electron transfer.
In this case, there would be two different reaction
pathways, electron transfer through the camphor film
and electron transfer at the dynamically formed ‘holes’
in the film which are occupied by electrolyte species. The
observed dependence of the reaction rate on the
conductivity is most likely a combination of both double
layer effects and the different flexibility of the condensed
camphor phase at different base electrolyte conductivity. Fig. 6. Cyclic voltammograms of the K3[Fe(CN)6]/K4[Fe(CN)6] redox
system on a rotating Au (111) electrode in the potential region from /
1.0 to /0.2 V and different electrolytes. (a) 0.2 mM K3[Fe(CN)6]/0.1
3.3. Replacement of the camphor film by a polymeric M NaClO4 with (solid line) and without 5 mM camphor (dashed line);
hexacyanoferrate film at positive potentials (b) 5 mM camphor, 0.2 mM K3[Fe(CN)6], 0.2 mM K4[Fe(CN)6], 20
mM NaClO4, 2 mM Ba(ClO4)2. In (a) and (b) the rotation frequency
was 28 rps and the scan rate 50 mV s 1.
3.3.1. Cyclic voltammetry and capacitance measurements
on bulk Au(111) electrodes Carrying out the reaction under reversible conditions,
e.g. in electrolytes containing small amounts of multi- Results. Next we consider the properties of the valent cations, the CVs in camphor containing and
camphor/hexacyanoferrate system at more positive camphor free solutions are practically identical. Such an
potentials. Fig. 6a displays CVs obtained when sweeping example is shown in Fig. 6b, where the only hint on the
the applied voltage between /1 and 0.2 V in a solution presence of camphor is a minor hump in the positive
containing 0.1 M NaClO4 and 5 mM Fe(CN)3 6
scan at the potential at which camphor alone exhibits a
whereby the solid curve were obtained in a camphor- PT due to the formation of the condensed layer. Hence,
containing solution, the dashed curve in a camphor-free we conclude that when the potential is cycled between
electrolyte. Both CVs display a hysteresis between /1.0 and /0.2 V the formation of the condensed
positive and negative scans. (In the camphor-free system camphor layer does not occur any more.
the hysteresis is a consequence of the electrostatic More evidence of this qualitative change in behavior
interaction between the multiply charged hexacyanofer- is shown in Fig. 7, where a series of four cyclic
rate species and the surface charge of the electrode voltammograms of the Au(111) j Fe(CN)4 6 , camphor,
around the pzc. In the presence of camphor it is due to a ClO4 system are depicted together with simultaneously
mixture of these double layer effects and adsorbed recorded capacitance /voltage curves for different posi-
camphor molecules.) Moreover, the reaction current in tive turning points, Up. Since the oxidation current is
the camphor containing system is larger than in the negligible in the potential range of interest, the capaci-
camphor free system on the negative scan, indicating tance was calculated under the assumption that the
that the extent of adsorption of camphor on the double layer behaves like an ideal capacitor. (Note that
electrode is minimal. This conclusion is also supported this implies that the capacitance data are not reliable for
by the most striking difference between the CVs U //0.2 V). If Up is chosen negative to /0.3 V the
displayed here and those displayed in Fig. 3, namely camphor film forms and dissolves as discussed above.
that the PT peak of the camphor adlayer is absent. However, when setting Up to a value positive of /0.2 V,
J. Oslonovitch et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174 169

Fig. 7. Successive current / and capacitance /voltage measurements of the system Au(111) /5 mM camphor, 0.2 mM K4[Fe(CN)6], 0.1 M NaClO4
with various positive turning points, Up, (a) /0.35 V; (b)/0.15 V; (c) /0.10 V; (d) /0.35 V (rotation frequency 29 rps, scan rate 50 mV s 1).
170 J. Oslonovitch et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174

the PT peaks disappear in the current /potential curves. Discussion. The results from Figs. 7 and 8
As can be seen in the capacitance /voltage plots, in the suggest that at potentials positive to /0.2 V the
positive scan some adsorption of camphor still takes electrode surface is irreversibly modified through an
place around /0.6 V, which still leads in the case of adsorbate, which does not desorb reversibly negative to
Up //0.15 V to a slight decrease of the capacitance /0.2 V. Furthermore, as evident from Fig. 8, the
(Fig. 7b). For Up /0.1 V the amount adsorbed is adsorbate lifts the inhibition of the oxidation of
obviously so small that a decrease of the capacitance is Fe(CN)4 6 and reduction of Fe(CN)3 6 by the con-
not visible any more (Fig. 7c). In the negative voltage densed camphor film. This observation together with the
scan, the capacitance /voltage curves in Fig. 7b and c do capacitance measurements (Fig. 7) point to the fact that
not exhibit a pseudo-capacitive peak which would arise the adsorbate displaces the adsorbed camphor molecules
rather than that it adsorbs on top of the camphor layer.
from desorption of camphor. When restricting Up again
Furthermore, the slow decrease of the PT peak presents
to /0.35 V, the PT peaks reappear after some time (Fig.
evidence that during a transition time a mixed adlayer of
7d). The sharpness of the peaks and the time needed to
camphor and some type of hexacyanoferrate adsorbates
recover them depended on the time in which the
electrode was cycled to potentials more positive than
Concerning the nature of the adsorbate, the most
/0.2 V as well as on the most positive value of Up. obvious candidates would be Fe(CN)4 6 , or, since the
Obviously, at U //0.2 V a process takes place that displacement occurs at potentials at which the oxidation
changes the electrode surface and is not reversible on the sets in, the reaction product Fe(CN)3 6 . However, one
time scale of the cyclic voltammogram. can expect that these anions would desorb reversibly,
This slow time constant with which the adsorption and thus neither the reduced amount of adsorbed
behavior of camphor is modified can be seen better in camphor on the positive scans nor the slow and only
Fig. 8 where five consecutive CVs that were obtained partial recovery of the PT peaks appear to be consistent
when setting the positive turning point from /0.4 to with this assumption. Rather, it is much more likely that
/0.2 V (thin solid lines) are displayed. In this case, both polymeric hexacyanoferrate complexes form on the
hexacyanoferrate species were in the solution and the electrode. This conjecture was further investigated
electrode was not rotated. For comparison, the CVs of employing SPR measurements.
the camphor free electrolyte (long /short dashed line)
and the camphor containing electrolyte in the negative 3.3.2. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements
reference scan region (/1.0 to /0.4 V) are also shown. on Au(111) film electrodes
Clearly, after setting Up to /0.2 V, the PT peak
decreases from scan to scan whereas the reaction current Results and discussion. In Fig. 9 a CV of a Au
gradually increases, though it has not yet reached the film electrode in a 5 mM camphor solution is shown
value of the camphor free system in the last scan shown. together with the simultaneously recorded dependence
Furthermore, a peak at about /0.3 V develops. of the angular shift of the SP resonance on the applied
voltage. A comparison of the CVs obtained with the film
electrode and the massive Au single crystal (Fig. 2b)
reveals that the surface of the Au film has a predominant
(111) orientation, yet the somewhat less sharp PT peaks
indicate that the surface of the film electrode is less ideal
than the bulk Au(111) electrode, i.e. it contains more
defects and probably smaller (111) terraces. Concomi-
tant to the formation of the condensed camphor layer a
shift of the SP resonance angle of about 0.158 is
observed, which allows a clear detection of the forma-
tion of the camphor film.
In Fig. 10A a sequence of CVs and SPR curves is
displayed. The curves were obtained after adding
K4Fe(CN)6 to the camphor containing electrolyte at a
fixed potential of /0.8 V. Subsequently, the applied
voltage was cycled between /0.9 and /0.45 V for 15
Fig. 8. Successive cyclic voltammograms in the potential range [/1, / min to allow a complete mixing of the electrolyte.
0.2 V] of the system Au(111) /5 mM camphor, 0.2 mM K3[Fe(CN)6],
Upon addition of ferrocyanide, the SP resonance
0.2mM K4[Fe(CN)6], 0.1 M NaClO4 (thin solid lines) in comparison
with a cyclic voltammogram of the same system in a potential range
angle shifted to slightly larger angles due to the changed
[/1, /0.4 V] (dashed line), and the system without camphor (long / dielectric constant of the electrolyte after addition of
short dashed line) (stationary electrode; scan rate 50 mV s 1). ferrocyanide. Already after about 1 min the SPR signal
J. Oslonovitch et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174 171

Fig. 9. Current /potential curve (top) and SPR anlge /voltage curve (bottom) in the system Au film electrode /5 mM camphor, 0.1 M NaClO4 (scan
rate 50 mV s 1).

was constant. The resulting SPR-voltage characteristic is /0.2 V the difference in the two scan directions
curve 1 in Fig. 10A (b). As evident from both the CV becomes more pronounced and the angle shift of the
(see inset of Fig. 10A (a)) and the SPR measurement, as entire curve with time becomes still faster.
long as the applied voltage is lower than /0.4 V, the PT For values of Up //0.2 V a second hysteresis
remained essentially unaffected by the presence of develops in the SPR angle curves. On the positive scan
ferrocyanide. the resonance angle starts to decreases at about /0.25 V
Curves 2 /10 in Fig. 10A show how the SP resonance until it reaches a plateau at about /0.1 V. On the
angle and the CV change when subsequently increasing negative scan the SPR angle is constant until about
the positive turning point in steps of 50 mV. At positive /0.25 V from whence it starts to increase again. The
turning points of /0.4 and /0.35 V the PT peak is still more positive Up, the more pronounced is the hysteresis
present in the CV, though its height is reduced (Fig. 10A in the potential range between /0.3 and /0.1 V and the
(a), inset). In accordance with this observation, the SPR- more drastic the shift of the entire SPR angle /voltage
voltage curve still exhibits the step that indicates the curve toward more positive angles.
formation of the camphor film, but its height is reduced The CVs corresponding to the experiments with Up /
compared with the curve 1. However, there is another /0.2 V approach a form characteristic for quasi-
striking feature of the SPR-voltage curve: the entire reversible redox-reactions in stagnant solution. In con-
curve is shifted towards larger angles. When cycling the trast to the SPR angle /voltage curves, these curves do
potential for an extended time in these potential ranges, not exhibit any sign of a continuous change of the
a stationary situation never establishes. Rather, the SPR electrode surface.
curves continue to shift gradually toward more positive The continuous shift of the SPR angle /voltage curves
angles accompanied by a decrease of the height of the strongly supports the conjecture derived above from the
PT peak in the CVs. single crystal experiments, namely that positive to a
When setting the positive turning point to /0.3 V, the threshold potential the camphor film is gradually
picture changes qualitatively: the PT peak has disap- replaced by polymeric hexacyanoferrate complexes.
peared after the first cycle and the SPR curve lacks the These complexes can be regarded as a precursor of
step that originates from the adsorption of camphor. Prussian white /blue-type films which form at more
Instead, it exhibits a hysteresis in the forward and positive potentials and after longer reaction times. The
backward scan with a nearly linear decrease of the angle hysteresis in the SPR angle /voltage curves at positive
shift with the potential in the negative scan. Again, with potentials (i.e. between /0.25 and /0.1 V) is due to the
time, a shift of the entire curve toward larger resonance oxidation /reduction of Prussian white and Prussian
angles is observed, the shift being faster than for curves blue, respectively. The difference in the (complex)
2 and 3. Setting the positive turning point to /0.25 and dielectric constants of these two film compositions gives
172 J. Oslonovitch et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174

Fig. 10. Cyclic voltammograms (a) and simultaneously recorded SPR angle /voltage curves (b) of the Fe(CN)3/4 6 redox reaction on a Au film
electrode in (A) camphor containing and (B) camphor free electrolyte for different positive turning points, Up. Up was increased in steps of 50 mV
from (A) /0.45 V and (B) /0.5 V (scan rate 50 mV s 1; electrolyte: (A) 5 mM camphor, 5 mM K4[Fe(CN)6], 0.1 M NaClO4, (B) 5 mM
K4[Fe(CN)6], 0.1 M NaClO4).

rise to the observed drastic changes in the resonance Obviously, the film formation is faster the more positive
angle (see, e.g. curve 10), the continuous shift in the Up is. Furthermore, the fact that the threshold potential
resonance angle being due to the growth of the films. is more negative for the film electrode than in the case of
J. Oslonovitch et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174 173

the single crystal is in favor of the interpretation that the electrolyte close to the surface is large compared with
camphor layer is replaced by the hexacyanoferrate film. the refractive index change due to the initial film
formation and thus the film formation could not be
3.4. Formation of a polymeric hexacyanoferrate detected in the SPR angle /voltage curve for short
adsorbate on the Au film electrode in the absence of experimental times.
camphor: SPR measurements There is ample experimental evidence in the literature
that Prussian blue modified electrode surfaces can be
3.4.1. Results and discussion formed electrochemically starting with a solution con-
In order to investigate how far the adsorbed camphor taining Fe(CN)4/3
6 [27,42 /49]. However, in these
layer influences and possibly catalyzes the Prussian-blue studies much more drastic conditions are used, such as
type film formation, we performed the same experiment larger concentrations of hexacyanoferrate, Cl -ion
in the camphor-free electrolyte. Fig. 10B (a) displays the containing electrolytes, and, more importantly, more
CVs obtained and Fig. 10B (b) the corresponding SPR positive potentials and longer reaction times are applied.
angle /voltage curves. Owing to the absence of camphor, The novel insight into the Fe(CN)4/3 6 redox reaction
the SPR angle /voltage curves do not exhibit a step-like in this study is that even in neutral perchlorate solutions
increase in the resonance angle at the potential at which with only a low concentration of Fe(CN)4/3 6 and at
the PT occurs in the curves with the most negative potentials about 150 mV negative to the formal redox
turning points (curves 1 /3). Except for this difference, potential, polymeric hexacyanoferrate complexes, which
the series of SPR angle /voltage curves exhibits the same can be regarded as a precursor of the Prussian blue-type
qualitative features as those in Fig. 10A. In particular, film, adsorb on the electrode.
firstly, a shift of the entire curve with time is observed, We conclude that it is impossible to study the etr of
which is faster the more positive Up is, and secondly, for Fe(CN)4 6 oxidation or Fe(CN)3 6 reduction at the bare
Up //0.25 V a significant decrease of the resonance Au j electrolyte interface, except for very negative
angle occurs at positive potentials and a pronounced potentials. Rather, around the equilibrium potential of
hysteresis develops. The threshold potential of Up from the reaction, a Prussian blue-type film always covers the
which on the SPR angle curve starts to shift is /0.45 V electrode. Changes of the electrode surface due to the
and thus more negative without camphor than with formation of a polymeric hexacyanoferrate film occur
camphor. This indicates that camphor protects the Au already on a time scale that is short compared with the
surface at these negative potential against the formation time in which a typical CV is recorded. Furthermore, the
of polymeric hexacyanoferrate complexes on the elec- interaction between the polymeric adsorbate and the Au
trode surface, which constitutes further evidence that electrode is so strong that condensed organic films may
camphor is replaced by the polymeric film rather than be replaced.
that the film forms on top of the condensed camphor
We should note that SPR angle measurements during 4. Conclusions
the oxidation and reduction of Fe(CN)4/3 6 on Au
were also reported in Ref. [41]. In this study, the The PT peaks in the CV of camphor on Au(111)
potential was cycled about 300 mV around the formal proved to be a sensitive probe for the interaction
redox potential of the reaction. The authors observed between the two-dimensional physisorbed film and a
SPR angle /voltage curves that exhibited a hysteresis redox couple. CVs and capacitance measurements of the
around the formal redox potential (similar to our curves Au(111) j camphor, Fe(CN)3(4)
6 , ClO4-system re-
at Up //0.2 V). They attribute the change in the vealed that camphor inhibits the reaction as long as
resonance angle to a refractive index change within the the electrode potential is more negative than 0.2 V
diffusion layer due to changed ratios of the concentra- versus Hg j Hg2SO4, the decrease in the reaction rate
tions Fe(CN)3 6 and Fe(CN)4 6 . This seems to be in being more pronounced in electrolytes of low ionic
contrast to our interpretation, that from the beginning, strength (0.1 and 0.02 M) than in those of high ionic
the dependence of the SPR signal is dominated by the strength (0.8 M).
formation of a surface film. Our measurements with As soon as this threshold is exceeded, adsorption of a
camphor leave no doubt that some polymeric adsorbate polymeric hexacyanoferrate film causes the destruction
covers the electrode surface even during the first of the camphor film. SPR measurements allowed the
potential cycle if Up /Uth ( ://0.3 V for the film detection of the initial adsorption of the hexacyanofer-
electrode and /0.2 V for the single crystal electrode) rate complexes in the submonolayer region and to
and this should be also the case under the conditions follow their transformation to Prussian-white/Prussian-
used in Ref. [41]. However, it might be that for 15 to 150 blue films at longer reaction times and more positive
times larger concentrations of Fe(CN)4/3 6 as were potentials. Furthermore, it could be shown that also in
used in Ref. [41] the change in the refractive index in the the absence of camphor the Au electrode is covered by
174 J. Oslonovitch et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 541 (2003) 163 /174

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