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How to use your book to gather traction & grow internationally with Brittany A


(00:00) Purvi: Hi everyone. I'm here with Brittany from Indiana and the United States of America.
Welcome Brittany. How are you today?

(00:07) Brittany: Hi, thank you for having me. I’m doing wonderful. How about yourself?

(00:10) Purvi: I’m good, dude. Thank you so much. And I'm so delighted to share with everybody here
that Brittany is going to tell us how her book helped her get International clients. She's been based out
of the US, but she has more International clients in Europe and in Asia, and this is really amazing. So
Brittany tell us your journey with How you go to your look book launch in 2018 and so technically had
like one whole year of living with your book and how exactly it has been helping and what is making you
so credible internationally

(00:45) Brittany: definitely. So as you mentioned I did I watched my book in 2019 late 2018, very early
2019. And so from there I started using my social media pages to post messages about Taj and about

(01:00) how it shows up in the different forms for people and so I made sure to constantly be
referencing things that were in the book or just everyday things that I noticed people and especially
women entrepreneurs doing in terms of self-sabotage. And so I use that the book and then me speaking
about it on like I said social media either through videos or post so I use that to kind of draw attention to
and Ring lighting and interact with women all over the world to be able to help them work on not self-
sabotaging themselves.

(01:37) Purvi: Awesome. So I think one important point that I can really say is it's not all about just
launching a book and leaving it out there. It's also about engaging with your own book on your social
media feeds keep referencing to it. So that people really recognize you through that particular book and
that's when they would possibly want to come to you because of the book.

(02:00) So and I think I would possibly want to accept this on the stage that I launched my first book on
Amazon. It got literally sold in many many countries and I got messages from people saying he will be
already a book and it was really helpful, but I didn't engage with my content like the way you're saying
and I think I can genuinely feel that that could have genuinely help me get more International clients
because they were liking the content but I didn't really promote it actively on my social fear. So Amazon
would do it in their search engine, but I would not do it. So like completely get your point when you say
write a book get it published and still engage with your own content continuously and you will see
International clients coming in and I

(02:41) Brittany: definitely

(02:43) Purvi: Brittany. How do you really see the clients Journey from being a prospect to climb? Do you
really recommend your book to the clients or either automatically go online and they buy it

(02:56) Brittany: shockingly. Most of my clients had the book first and then just kind of wanted some
(03:00) Or I did have a few clients who are very honest, which led me to kind of get this idea about
seven interactions. So I had a lot of people tell me that they came to my page on a minimum of seven
times to see what content I was putting out and as it resonated with them, then they would go and
purchase the book and then they would kind of reach out like like kind of like you got messages saying,
oh my goodness. I bought your book, you know, I've learned so much from it. And so from there we
would develop kind of This business relationship where I would just give them kind of additional tips to
try and ditional additional things that were in the book, but they just kind of wanted more clarification.

(03:40) Purvi: Yeah, which is amazing. I think it's so important to really develop that connection like the
know like and Trust Factor before they can really buy and the rule of seven is like amazing that you just
shared and I'm sure everybody watching this can actually implement it and treating me because I'm not
a social media. Junkie and I'm possibly going to ensure that I learned from all of your names and

(04:00) As well, but it's really important to have your social media feed talking about your content your
thought process and create that thought leadership over there and a lot of the women in them starting
watching this Summit are apprehensive of writing a book because they think it's a big project. It's like so
huge and humongous and with time out of the family life and work life and other priorities we have how
did you really find out time to write the book and what would you suggest? I jest could be like an action
plan for women who want more clients and how they can really write it publish it and then use it to get
more International clients.

(04:40) Brittany: Definitely. So I'm going to I'm going to just be transparent here and say that I was one
of those people initially I am a mom. I'm a wife I'm a business owner and so I was like, there is no time to
write a book. There's no time to find a publisher. And so what I actually did was I downloaded a writing
app to be

(05:00) On my cell phone and any free moment, I could find whether my kids were just kind of playing at
the park or they were doing some activity and I was waiting on them. I'd go ahead and do a little bit of
writing and then I set myself kind of a goal to get you know, so many words written within a week. And
so that was kind of how I did my book and I wrote my book in 30 days. So it took me 30 days to kind of
write my book and I do want to make sure that I mentioned to people your book doesn't have to be
long. Long now, you don't want a really short book that's like 10 pages, but your book doesn't have to be
a novel, you know where you know people especially in today's world. Everyone is kind of moving very
very quickly. And so most people don't have time to read it three or four hundred page book. So what I
found was people will digest something that's you know, between fifty and a hundred pages. And so if
you keep that kind of in mind too that your book doesn't have to be very very long.

(06:00) In order for it to be impactful and Powerful that can kind of help you with writing it. So again, I
use an app there's several of them out there. So you can kind of go through and find the one that you
like so download an app to your phone that feeds to your computer and then set yourself a goal of how
many words you would like to get written in a day or a week and then just start working that way and I
do not edit as you go. That's my other number one tip. Do not edit as you go just right. Right.

(06:30) Purvi: Yeah and this app did you use if you want to just recommend people if this is a child
tested app,
(06:36) Brittany: I use it's called scrivener. That's pretty popular, you know, it's in multiple languages. So
I think it's pretty compatible across, you know the world but it's an app that you can put on your phone
but it also can be a program on your computer. So it would feed back and forth. So if I was at my laptop I
could do it or if I was on my phone I could do it as well.

(06:59) Purvi: Awesome.

(07:00) And also I would like to highlight here to the ribbon and Consulting was watching this that
publishing a book is not that big a task that we really think like I remember my first book. I just published
it on Amazon like it was quick and easy you have something called Amazon KDP Kindle Direct publishing
which is available. Globally. You just have to upload your file. They give you easy to have less to do the
cover. They also give you a like a format to really put in and there you go. They would actually upload
everything and you also have an option where they will print the book to the people who want to buy it
and send it across to them. So yes, the task is not on you to publish it in terms of really going to a printer
or getting it filled. Although you can get it done. Like I got it done for my third book, but for the first
book to initially start, it's absolutely alright to use the power of Amazon go online put the book there
wait for 24 to 48 hours with crossed fingers with the review the book which if everything.

(08:00) Sign and then they make it available on Amazon.

(08:02) Brittany: That's the way I did my book. I went that self-published route and and it's exactly as
you said, they gave me the parameters for what the cover needed to be. They told you how to upload
the PDF file and I mean it was very very simple they gave you tips on pricing everything is just kind of
right there. And yes, they will even print the book for you. They will send you author copies of your
book. So if you are writing a book and you You don't have the budget to have a publisher and go that
route self-publishing can be done and can be professional.

(08:37) Purvi: Absolutely that is amazing. So, I think they have a powerful tool that I had as a man
Consultants, but we can delete it right our thoughts feeling action experiences stories in a book format
from the perspective of the audience like most of the times I think one of the biggest mistake that we do
as authors is right about ourselves, so don't write about yourself you can Load

(09:00) your stories, but the person who's reading it would want to improve his or her life. So right from
the perspective of the audience and you will have a beautiful book coming in. It's not about how much
content you can give as Britney rightly said it's not about how detailed you can go because shorter is
better nowadays. You have let less attention span less time in hand and it's important to just Empower
people with your thoughts and you will have a beautiful book in their hand.

(09:28) Brittany: Definitely

(09:29) Purvi: awesome. Thank you so much Brittany. I'm gonna actually put Brittany social link below
this video. So if at all you want to approach her you can do that, and So if at all you want to approach
her you can do that, and she'll be more than happy to help. She helped women get out of their own way
in order to reach the success that they have defined for themselves. So, I'm sure you're doing an
amazing job, Brittany and all the women here are definitely inspired by you. So thank you so much for
being a part of this song

(09:54) Brittany: Thank you for having me.

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