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Bronsted Lowry Definition

In 1923 J.N. Bronsted and T.M Lowry independently suggested that that the acid are proton donors and
the bases are the proton acceptors. This included substances like SO3, p2O5, H3bo3 amongst acids and
CaO, Na2Co3 amongst bases. It is not much different from the Arrhenius’s theory in aqueous media, but
possesses some advantages in the nonaqueous solvents.

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Bronsted Lowry Definition

In 1923 J.N. Bronsted and T.M Lowry independently suggested that the acid are proton donors and the
bases are the proton acceptors. This included substances like SO3, p2O5, H3bo3 amongst acids and CaO,
Na2Co3 amongst bases. It is not much different from the Arrhenius’s theory in aqueous media, but
possesses some advantages in the nonaqueous solvents.

Definisi Bronsted Lowry

Pada 1923 J.N. Bronsted dan T.M Lowry secara independen menyarankan bahwa asam adalah donor
proton dan basa adalah akseptor proton. Ini termasuk zat-zat seperti SO3, p2O5, H3bo3 di antara asam
dan CaO, Na2Co3 di antara basa. Ini tidak jauh berbeda dari teori Arrhenius di media berair, tetapi
memiliki beberapa keunggulan dalam pelarut tak berair.

An acid-base titration consists of a proton transfer from an acid HA to base B. This result in the
production of another acid BH+, called the conjugate acid of the original base and another base A- called
the conjugate base of the original acid.

Titrasi asam-basa terdiri dari transfer proton dari asam HA ke basa B. Ini menghasilkan asam BH +
lainnya, yang disebut asam konjugat dari basa asli dan basa lain A- disebut basa konjugat dari asam asli.

HA + B = BH+ + A-

HCl + NH3+ NH4+ + Cl-

Acid 1 base2 asam konjugasi2 basa konjugasi1

The species that differ from each other by one proton only, are termed conjugate base and acid
respectively. If the acid is strong, its conjugate base will be weak and have a poor tendency to combine
with the protons and vice versa (table 1).

Spesies yang berbeda satu sama lain oleh satu proton saja, masing-masing disebut basa konjugat dan
asam. Jika asam kuat, basa konjugasinya akan lemah dan memiliki kecenderungan yang buruk untuk
bergabung dengan proton dan sebaliknya (tabel 1).
Tabel 1. Asam dan Basa Konjugasi on the basic of Bronsted-lowry concept

Asam1 + Basa2  Asam 2 + Basa2

HCl H2O H3O+ Cl-
HNO3 H2O H3O+ NO3-
H2SO4 H2O H3O+ HSO4-
HSO4- H2O H3O+ SO42-
NH4+ H2O H3O+ NH3
NH4+ S2- HS- NO3-
H2O CO32- HCO3- OH-

The usefulness of the Bronsted-lowry concept is that

1. Any protonic solvent like ammonia or h2so4 can be handled

NH3 + NH3 = NH4+ + NH2-
H2so4 + h2so4 = h2so4+ hso4-
Asam konjugasi basa konjugasi
2. All proton transfer reactions (not usually called acid-base reaction) can be treated as such:
Nh4+ +s2-  NH3 + Hs-
Acid 1 basa2 basa1 asam2

However, the Bronsted-lowry definition fails for nonprotic solvents like SO2, PoCl3 or BrF3.

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