Facultad de Contabilidad y Administración

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Facultad de Contabilidad y Administración

Modalidad a Distancia

Materia: Inglés 5

Actividad: Article

Profesor: Adaena Cid González

Alumna: América Yazmin Guadarrama Sánchez

Grupo: D1

Toluca, Estado de México a 24 de mayo de 2020.

Illiteracy in Mexico

Researchers found that the seriousness of the figures on illiteracy that affects Mexico,
but above all, the elderly, and among them women and indigenous people, is rooted in
the mechanisms of reproduction of the structures of our society. It is stated that
government strategies to eradicate illiteracy have not had the expected success given
the resources invested and the current technological advances. The evolution of this
problem is analyzed from different perspectives leading to the conclusion that illiteracy
amounts to one of the greatest debts of Mexican society and that its resolution will be
difficult to attain if the social context of illiterates is not changed, if their
socioeconomic conditions are not modified and if the efforts to teach them to read and
write are not complemented by measures to cut down the conditions of poverty and
inequality in which they live. In my community, Santa María del Monte, there are still a
large number of indigenous people who do not have access to education and it mainly
affects people with limited resources regardless of their age.

People think that they need a lot of resources, both financial and technological, in
order to receive an education, however I think that people can be oriented to
approach the INEA program in order to complete their basic education.

In conclusion, this condition generates marginalization; In addition, it focuses on

vulnerable populations, such as women, indigenous people, or the economically
disadvantaged. Mexico could do much more and faster in favor of those living in
illiteracy. According to official information, between 1999 and 2013, progress has been
made in reducing illiteracy by only 3.5 percentage points; that is, if in the first
reference year 9.6% of those over 15 years of age had such a condition, in 2013 the
indicator stood at 6%.  "The vision has to be much broader, because actually people
are left without learning to read or write on the poverty, and while the poverty there
will continue to be Mexicans who will not be able to really have access to education ”

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