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Name : Isti Oktaviani

Nim : 191041024

Prodi : Sarjana Terapan Gizi & Dietetika

Task : complaints conversation

Complaints about food ordered

In the conversation below, a restaurant visitor complains about the fish he ordered. The restaurant
waiter responded well, and replaced the fish.

Budi : “Excuse me, waiter!”

Waitress : “Yes Sir, how may I help you?”

Budi : “I think there is something about my order. My fish has a good seasoning, but it’s a little dry. I
don’t really enjoy it. Can you give me another one?”

Waitress : “Oh I’m so sorry about that. I think I should let the cook know about this meal. Would you
please just wait for a moment?”

Budi: “Okay”

A few minutes later

Waitress : “Excuse me Sir, Here is your fish. How about this one?”

Budi : “Well, this is just exactly what I want.”

Waitress : “Surely. Would you have more drinks, Sir?”

Budi : “No thanks, that’s enough. By the way, do I have to pay the first fish?”

Waitress : “I don’t think so Sir, I do apologize. That was our mistake.”

Budi : “That’s fair. Thank you.”

Waitress : “You’re welcome”

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