Bring Yiuwiaitiuove, Success and Happiness: Slenderizing Silhouette

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by Norman P.

Sewing Corqer
By Rosalyn
Today Abrcvaya
Did you know yuut holttiiope could mean
the difference b-lsveeit tij^plttfit of Borrow.
Iliu war as Iktlin Inirncd .ironml him.
More on avoiding disaMet, came ihuse stories
fiom a rccunt arliclc in the Miami Herald news-
The What family wouldn't love this delightful Easter
between MII*. ess of failure"
fit lure .1 Untg fount with doon Ji each end
lit this fount there h money, attractive pcfwn\
aiter I he arlietc tells the story ol Mary
elly, a Miami computer proyramnn;r, who
heeded the -advice of her horoscope which
Slenderizing cake? And it's surprisingly easy.
of tin. opiH.«iu? «."». book< (tut lell vou the
M;U«.'{ of fuppDKU and many ulhcf valuable
iiflkU"s. But, also in thi< room ate botiomtew
warned her of a wrung mrdiuil diagnosis She
avoided an iinneeessary uporaliun that uiiutd
have It'll her a cripple.
pit*, Ifafts. hiwlile pvtwfn ami daiigeuun be<ttl«
ihaiticd ift various [>laci-< jfound (lie fooiu You 'lite Miami Herald also tells the stur> ol
astrologer Clifford MxMiillcn, who is George

!(ui*l walk. thH'UjjIi ihi< room, but vou IH.IV ake the A-linesilhouette, out of il any thing you c,uft. MetiovetnS persomil astrologer. He warned
Ni>\v if vuu had J i (mice, would vou Utoovj MefJovern if he ran lor president, Ihul he acid a scries, of vertical
to I ) (to thtough the loom blindfolded of 1) go would win the democratic nuniination, hut he tucks, and the result
Ihfough the foom with vouf eyetopen add with would lose badly lo President Nixon in the
wiillcti HnlrticlKxi* on which places ami people Noveml)vr eluctlun. could be a more streamlined
to vhit of avoid Your horoscope tan b'lng >ou weallh I «• figure. This ch.mncr features
Of lotine. all of u* would pick the tteond inous business tycoon, J.I'. Morgan, used as-
choice lit « C.KC *uih a« lh(» IMI'I It rldkulotlv trology to acquite his lorlune. Morgan did noi ;i zip front, .short sleeves and
then, that we would choc«e tu go thaulgh life make a rinaneial inuve ^ i t h o u i checking his a neckline to be filled in with
MI (he viiuc situation. blindfolded' t veil when natal horoscope fbicust.
I he 10 it a nieatu to go through life with a map from im article in the Miinni Herald came your Invorite scarf or jewelry.
and out vvo« wide ovxn' ttii' HIIMIW (Kovided it this story; Make it in linen, jersey or
the IIM|> I* out a*ltulo£ical hoto* "Slofkbrokentin Wall Street are atllkclv
lo mil an uitmln^vr In this liecatl? cii /lolly- cotton Start with two 9" layers you've baked from scratch
wottil film itan wiulj Citll a piyclimtrltl In Sue 12 takes apptoxitrutely
How doe* tt work ' Natufe' the tan Datltt WlUlamt, a 7J \eariM rettmt ot lit at the time ol blfth when (lie /tnanitiil expert v»/i« live* In Clfurwitter. Inn 3 yards ol 44-inch material. or from your favorite cake mix. Cut according to
umbilical cold i» tut We then bee ome otmelm inatle flSU.IWO from ttit \ttn'k market In
Until the cotd i< uit, we ate pan of uiu mother IJ yean t»v inlnif attrnhnfv at an imettimni Standard body measurements diagram. Arrange bunny on a tray. And top with
Whv of how He- pie*enllv do Mot know the itiiltle." foi si?e 12 arc: Bust 34, Waist
movement ol the large <olat bodies then times Your horoscope can show >on Hie «.i> lo
stittcM and hiijipmess in love and marriage 25H, Hips 36
fluffy-white frosting.
(H'lenllaH fof events III out lives Astrology sloes
not cause events hut it is tuning of evenlv Hut, It is titinutttt
1 1
that t>tiv WX- o} rich anil Horoscopes ol Grave Kelly and J.ukie Kenned)
predkted their uirienl sun-csslul marriages
Sprinkle lavishly with Baker's" Angel Flake"
it's not foftutie telling tl s a pfedtcHon of famotii /nil/ '** w** iistmhwn this include*
potentiaU (fee will can ovefflde (vlttital letii/t-n. flint f/dft. hustnetsmnH ami Ciraic Kelly lo I'nnie Rainier and laekie Coconut. Tint a small amount of coconut pink for
What does i natal ttc«lostot>e anatvsu b\ a sttentliti Mttat htiwnoivs of draw Kelly ami Kennedy lo Aristotle Onasiis
miahfied jxltole'jiif mitt nt>' \ natal horoscope Mnif Kittnler H>ietiiml utxnt) ptMetiJ thtlr Pniltess Grace Jtld Prince Haiinei have re- his ears by adding a few drops of red food
analysis contains the txM (>\viholoj!icat anatviK fttnti>ui nantitge I'hty both iiinm hi Aimrita cenlly had Iheir horosiopes done logether l>> coloring diluted in water. Decorate with gumdrops
of yoiusetf that vou can get today tle'catise, in ttt.tntlv to htt\t ihtlfiwrtnt lmtuscof>c» dont American astrologer, Keith C'la>ton As w i t h
these fintious people, your Horoscope can help
a eonttoltid e\t<vtmu.nt in t l '(>0. astrologers hvasimtwet ketth Clavton >ou I'lild and keep a lasting and meanin|;lul for eyes, nose and polka dots on tie. Licorice for
beat psychologists in predicting ease histories
Yuut horou'upe uin help you tx; in the love telationship
In addition, a natal hoto'iope analvsn in
eludes discussions on the lotto* ing rmainlit fight plate at the tight tune Nou and thtuugli the ages a good natal mouth and whiskers.
Yout huio^ope tail Iwlp > ou avoid tlivi<le« hoiosiope>sis has meant success l u r m j r i )
outlook, and inherit uiee's. i.irlv home
eitvifoninent. iilations-hips with faniilv, ic-tatives while gutding vou lo youi IvnelWial opporlun- IK'opIc1 In oilier cases many men have missed Once you serve this delicious
and patents, lovetifi and tit image, children, 11 KM their opportunity; some w i l l i tragic conse-
cateet ind e>e<.ut>,itioti, hopes, wi«tn« and goals, Old vou know that a«liologv Ivelped the i|uerues. Mich as Adoll Hitler. Easter treat, you'll be glad you
Will you miss your success opportunities'
and <uKon^vious attctudet In a niajor .ui.ilyviv jllic» win Moild W a i I I ' the allies emphiyed
a oni v* it fofii j<! I* aUo itkludtd jstiolojjefi the a\i» powei* Mailed oitl em- Wilt son stumble into pit Tills vou could have didn't settle for anything
Vaiiy people (hink that a^lfologv only ip- ploying .ntfotogen Hnl. Hit* wai teawd eatly
j*eal« to "w-ay out" ufmientifk people Nothing tlte laniou\.i«tMlogtt. Katl I tn«t K t a f l l , l u d a ) , right this moment, >ou can have less than tender,
>.iur natal horov.ope cast and anal>/ed You
loulil be tafther fa«iu the tuilh t« f a t , »ludte<t ptednted the e\.ut time and plaie
<how that a-stloli-gy ippvah nioit to intelligent allentpt on Ilillet's tile in l>M«l Miller tlumghl
of an
can gel H for onl> the cost to make your moist Baker's
duplicate copy. You get the expensive casting
and peopk I amou\ xiit'titnu liatlk'o. the a\ttolnget» weie loiiipitnig agjin^l him.
C a l l lung lohantie* kipkf, Ko&f I'aion, MI thev wefe intptlMined .mil analy/ing procevs 1 Rl I The article IK- Angel Flake
low will tell >ou how I he means i r e a v nlablc
Ivi'io I'.Khe and -\IKrt l-ln«tetn all Ivheted In
Hitlei lutneil Inivk ID a^ltolog> loo lale
lie read UK lumtuope in the ta<t moiiienlt of but I ho dunce is yours Coconut After
.ottimlty, simply flit out the teseireh eom
Send me vout etatl tuite anil place ot btfih, SLINl>^Y. with Lireuhilion ot over 50 best desserts
''U ea*l .«td anatvce ynuf hot\i«eo|M fin putei foim to the right and null to the address iiullioi) lit addition it has alio run in tcMiltii);
ie««atih putpovtc Wu itiav haw ttupticute given on the form. Inelude the $.1.00 copy eost masannc-i sueh as t ADI1J. MOMI J O U R N A I , deserve. Ask
ivf>k'< of vc«ut horou-cipe fot oltl> $'.TO-the for each hoto«ev>pe or eharge your eiedii eard, Mc'CAl US. ete The response Ins been ire-
n.«l U> miki vouf iiipio* plu« |»c«M «c inj ntere is j limit of two per family. If you don I nic-ndous therefore. »c hase been able to any bunny.
haiuilmt n'ltt lou set the e\f*nti*e ta^lliiu know vout cutt ttme of huth. ml hi 12.00 I'M. aequire a great amount til new tecearch know
jiul analvfinc pfvKK* I Kl I K's m^c c«f1 tin' tills research ,ul has tun in just about c»er\ loilftt- that will somi' help maitkuul
f.ii( thai s*c nni'if |<K'ttuie vcnir Kofixci'jH for newspaper in the eounits It has also run In the If you hjvc any tMieitluns, eall me, John I
wean It invlu'.* UaJing newspawr Siindas I'onl, pietidcnt. t h e international \ctrologtcal
Youf natal hoto«cot<c will «>n«M of rtute inassa/lnes I'ARAltl . 1 A M H Y Acjociation, at (l\t>) -t ( M42S2 'thank
atut c>wr t.lHH1 »c<iit». Vout tulal holc»-
will contain vour t'V»ihoU>)iiial analysis
j-tu« a ilticuwn'rt of the following vour kwelife,
financial outlook, mairiaie, f • *ul» ami children '^^^PM* 1^

celationthkM. caicer JIK} occutMtic»rt«, ho(.-e«, itn J»l« tor TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER NOW
wi«he< 4IW goalv and «ubci'lt<cku»« attldliliM.
A hofo'Cvipe of this Uf* would eo«t up lo
$ UX> if done bv an a«lrolc*pcf.
t im m>« rilrt-tt to piompllx recrtot
mv J.OOO vvihl ntlil hiWKVt* (ot only
i JA 00etui tu mtk< my Juj'llciie copy.
Otvc ot two narmt ftom my ho UK ho id
Send to
Dopl 5089 a.500 N W 135thSt,
t will ca«l vow horo<tvpe with Ih* help of nuy b( HibmlU»J. (Limit of i Miami, Fta 33054
our .'60 • 65 LB.M. cviflt>u«i, whuh Cotiiatn* ifftK'dt) ciet STOken or otr.erj rrta ttt not
PLEASE PRINT MR GROCER- General F«odi Cor- leUil Sistributori ol aw meroao
over *•! mitlion bH« of Information. <Nour hv^to- Be sure to give ZIP Coda pwrslion will tKietm Bin coupsn
«4\n<e will no I b< (he worlftlevi t»( < found lit lor It plus y lot hsmJIIne if yw dive or ipetltlciUy »uB«rutfl tej
ilailv <tew«^ip«M< \c>ut natal hoto«cc>rx wtllK- teceive It on the Mle of in? p»ct us to pre-tent coupors *or r«Jersp-
C.KI Horn vouf e^act lime and plate of htflh »S« or slrt ol B»kffj« Coconut bor Fof itas-nptton o! trop*r!j
NAME- rKti»e« a™] htndlei: coupon
for vim and vou alon«, ind, il. upon request you ii&mlt
evWenct thereof utisfietory to mail to GtNCJUU. FOODS CORPORA
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rtuy not be isi!p>*o' or tram OFFICE, P O Boi 101 Kinl»k*e,
««.Miih. t am looking ft-t cctuin ftljiwl eoitfttt CITY UHncn 6<0>30!
uiatHOiv, If vou ate cfiovn a« a tewanh vibtecl. ttrrfti Cuitomer must p»r »nj
STATE_ _ZIP_ olts t»i Void where prohibited COWMN OVtUS Mvt* 31, \%n
t will itiait to vou a to«fanh ^ucMtjoniuuc. If t»ied er restricts br Uw Good
vou fill oui and return ihi< i)ue«(K>ritiaue. vou Coos o-.lj opal pre«-.Utx>r to
Send $1 25 plus 25 cents' lor post- only In U SJk C«h vitue 1/2CX jroc« on pi'thitt 0) knr
will be emitted to eitta botiuo.1*. Coupor will not be honored If of &»*5 Coconut. AJIJ
Vhcle i« no ne*d lo worr* atn-ut fltidinjj cut age and handling cash, check or presented •*• oujh outline Jjfn- UM
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chait \« mentioned, a<ltok-jLv ileah in poten Th« Intwnxkm*) Aitrotoftetl (now siting)
Halt Youf ftee will eai« o*c'ftide (vteeittaU if QFFtR LIMITED TO ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE
vou know aK>ul Ihem (ft anv ia»e. the pobct Re»»rch Oiv , Opt B 03 F-1975
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(hue n vMiKlhm^ m-^atue in vour ihait vou Canton, Ohio 44720
an1 U'td what vi>u can do lo mak.- it |^<ili»*
to #el vout runo<cvp« t h r u thi« ^pesUl ot> FAMIL-I WEbKLY, March 31. IBM

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