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The first step is to apply for the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons.

In the first year of Lesson study

at home, students learn three basic techniques of meditation (described above) and Paramahansaji’s
principles of balanced spiritual living.
This gradual introduction has a purpose. A mountain climber seeking to scale the Himalayas must
first acclimatize and condition himself before ascending the peaks. So the seeker needs this initial
period to acclimatize his or her habits and thoughts, condition the mind with concentration and
devotion, and practice directing the body's life energy. Then the yogi is prepared to ascend the
spinal highway of realization. After one year of preparation and practice, students are eligible to
apply for initiation in the technique of Kriya Yoga, and formally establish the time-honored guru-
disciple relationship with Paramahansa Yogananda and his lineage of enlightened masters.

Kriya Yoga is the diksha (initiation) or spiritual baptism of Self-Realization Fellowship. By

receiving Kriya initiation, students enter into the sacred guru-disciple relationship, accepting
Paramahansa Yogananda as their guru (spiritual guide).

Learn more about the guru-disciple relationship.

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