Mining Engineering Englesh V: Monitoring in The Company PROMAC Lda

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Topic: Assessment of environmental effects caused by the lack of noise

monitoring in the company PROMAC Lda.


Calton António Raúl


MSs. David Colaço

Tete, April , 2020


The focus of this article is to address the Assessment of environmental effects caused by lack of
monitoring of noise in the gravel exploration at PROMAC, located in community of Silivo
District of Nhamatanda- Sofala.

Mining is a great source of raw material for construction as well as for the economy of a
country. The impacts or effects of noise mining and gravel processing, taking into account the
impotence of the monitoring of environmental risks. At PROMAC it was found that working
conditions in the internal environment of the quarry, the use of equipment such as drill rigs,
Bulldozer this in front dismantling, trucks transporting the material to the processing plant are
great source noise productions.

This noise is also felt in the external environment of the quarry, adverse effects of noise from
mining and improvement operations reach negatively affect the non-occupational population.
Outside the quarry, the noise generated was below the hearing comfort level of the surrounding
population and animal diversity. Exposure to noise can in turn increase the risk of
cardiovascular disease and psychiatric disorders, noise leads to disturbance of irritability and
stress depending in part on the psychophysiological characteristics of the migration of animals.

Noise impacts are directly verified in the air pollution characterized as a physical risk with their
own characteristics that can cause discomfort to humans. Noise pollution is associated with the
operation of equipment and explosions, minimizing its effects are of great need to guarantee the
preservation of nature. The use of equipment and techniques that cause less noise, creating
barriers so as to limit the propagation of minimal noise from this the health impacts caused by
noise pollution, among other negative aspects in the environment.

Keywords: PROMAC. Noise. Environmental protection.

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