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The prostitution in colombia is a problem that has been seen for some years;
people who sell their bodies for money. Many of them are forced to practice,
some even from a very young age. This produces psychological and emotional
damage, which will destroy the lives of many, however, a large part of those
who exercise it do so for enjoyment; others do it out of necessity. In this
assignment, an attempt will be made to address everything that the exercise of
prostitution entails and some factors in the Colombian reality.

To begin with, it should be clarified that prostitution is a very old custom that
began around the 8th century BC in the south of the Iberian peninsula. Women
are said to have offered sexual services to obtain a donation so that they could
continue their religious worship, but it should also be borne in mind that
prostitution was practiced in ancient Greece, both by men and women where
male prostitution was more common.

Secondly, it should be borne in mind that prostitution in terms of legality varies

by country, since it is not the same situation in the Nordic countries, the
Netherlands or in America; on the contrary, each one has his legal situation

According to the dictionary of the Spanish language, there can be several

meanings of the word prostitution, for example: "dishonoring or degrading
something or someone abjectly abusing them to obtain a benefit” it could also
resemble a person who does things that are censored or are not morally

Likewise, the etymology of this term can be highlighted. It comes from the Latin
"prostituere", which means to demonstrate for sale, although there are many
more definitions.

In Colombia prostitution is not illegal, nor is it penalized, because sentence T-

629 of 2010 says so. Furthermore, there is no legal framework that can protect
the rights of people who do this. [ CITATION GRU13 \l 3082 ].
In the previous fragment, the point of view taken regarding whether prostitution
is legal or not in Colombia that came out in 2013 and since then has been valid
for the entire country is exposed. It is proof that practicing prostitution in
Colombia does not require punishment; on the contrary, it can be a job like any
other as long as crimes such as child abuse or white trafficking are not

There are other bills that govern the process of this practice, for instance, Law
079 of 2014, which seeks to give more attention to those commercial
establishments that are practiced. It is another way to recognize legality.

On the other hand, there is diversity of sexual services and many times it is not
possible to estimate the average number of people who practice it. There is also
a diversity of sexual services and it is often not possible to estimate the average
number of people who practice it. So there has been a discussion between
prostitution and sex work from a socio-legal perspective and public policy, for
which they say:

In addition, Mauricio Rubio, proposes in his book an estimated number of sex

workers within the current Colombian legal framework:

"A sample of 347 prostitutes who serve in premises with similar characteristics in 6
relatively homogeneous neighborhoods of Bogotá, reported in 2007, as an average of
what they received for each client, figures that varied between US $ 4 and US $ 250, or
be a difference of one to sixty” [ CITATION Mau10 \p 37 \l 3082 ] .

Taking these figures into account, it can be inferred that back then the practice
of prostitution was quite associated, and even the charge for services was not
bad at all.

But nowadays, the numbers have increased, because sex today is quite seen.
Looking for money by handing over his body has become very common. In
Colombia there are pages where users create their ads and wait to receive a
call. Social networks are also used to offer the service.

In recent years, this practice has become a source of subsistence for those who
need to solve their lives. Nevertheless, they know the problems that this entails,
since there are many diseases. Condom use is often not safe enough. Diseases
like AIDS, HIV, gonorrhea, can appear.

It must be said that many cases of contagion and venereal diseases have been
reported, knowing that some are fatal and disturbing, so it can damage the skin.
Good hygiene could prevent these things. A sex worker knows that a client will
be expecting good service.

Furthermore, taking into account the above, it is highlighted that this activity is
high risk, because it is not known with certainty what the intentions of the
person with whom the meeting will be held will be. It is a difficult environment
where there are drugs, alcohol, among others.

Albeit, not everything is so bad. It is a very well paid activity. You have to have
mental strength and concentration to be able to deal with clients, as many do
not give much to work.

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