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2 Design for Shear and Torsion Michael P. Collins, Ph.D.* 2.1 INTRODUCTION A member subjected to transverse shear and/or torsion may develop diagonal cracks. If such a member does not contain an appropriate amount of properly detailed transverse reinforcement these diagonal cracks can result in the premature and perhaps sudden failure of the member. Avoiding such failures is the objective of shear and torsion design. 2.2 SHEAR DESIGN OF BEAMS AND COLUMNS The adequate shear capacity of such members is provided by ensuring that at all critical sections the reliable shear capacity is greater than the applied design shear force. The applied design shear force, V,, at each section is determined from the usual elastic frame analysis procedures. Such an analysis will typically reveal that the highest shear force in a member will occur at the face of the support. However, if the support is such that it produces transverse compression in the end region of the member the shear ¥ Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario capacity in that region will be increased. In such cases, CSA Standard CAN3-A23.3-M77** permits sections located less than a distance d from the face of the support to be designed for the same shear as that computed for the section at a distance d. Ilustration 1, below, shows a number of typical support conditions and indicates whether it is appropriate to design for the shear at the face of the support or at d away from the support. In addition to the cases shown, the design shear, V,, should be calculated at the face of the support if this value differs drastically from the value d out from the support. This would be the case if, for example, large concentrated loads were applied close to the support. The shear capacity of a reinforced concrete member is assumed to be the sum of the shear capacities provided by two different sets of resisting mechanisms. The mechanism of the first set relies primarily on the tensile strength of the concrete and its contribution, V., is assumed, for typical sections, to be equal to the shear required to cause diagonal cracking. The mechanism of the second set relies on the tensile strength of the shear reinforcement and the compressive strength of the cracked concrete. Its contribution, V,, for typical menbers, is assumed to be given by the equations of the traditional truss analogy,* where the concrete compression diagonals are assumed to be inclined at an angle of approximately 45°. 2.2.1 Nominal Shear Carried by Concrete A23.3-M expresses V, in terms of the nominal stress “carried by the concrete", v,. That ist ‘F*CK Standard CAN3-A23.3-M77 "Code For the Design of Concrete Structures For Buildings". From here on referred to as A23.3-M. * The traditional truss analogy: the longitudinal tensile steeT and the flexural compressive zone comprise the parallel chords of the truss, the shear reinforcement acts as tension ties between the chords, while the diagonally cracked concrete acts as diagonal struts. 2-2 | ufo Ww vu > d Ae Uu Beam supported by bearing below Beams framing into column below ney a Vie rt Vu 2 Ls Beam framing into deep beam (dg 2 2d) | ds 4 Beam framing into shallow beam (dg< 2d) Ae Wu | Vu e = Vu Beam framing into tension member Wr Column framing into beam Illustration: 1 Critical Shear Sections for Typical Support Conditions 2-3 Ve = Ve byd (2-1) where the stress v, is assumed to depend on the tensile strength of the concrete (taken as proportional to vfZ), the moment to shear ratio, the reinforcement ratio, and the magnitude and sense of the axial stress. Fig 2.1 gives the nominal shear stress carried by the concrete, Ves for beams not subjected to axial stress. It gives values for the equation: vd = 0.16 VE + 17 9, (A23.3-M Eq. 31) luv The lower limits for v_ are shown in Fig. 2.1 and set at 0.17 VFT as permitted by Clause 9.5.1 of A23.3-M. For menbers subjected to axial stress, v, is based on the following equations which are illustrated in Fig 2.2. Compression: c= O17 (1 + 0.07 Nyy/Ag) FE (A23.3-M Eq. 33) Tension: Ve = O17 (1 + 0.3 Nyy/Ag) FT (A23.3-M Eq. 35) 2.2.2 Design of Shear Reinforcement For a typical member with stirrups perpendicular to the member axis, the 45° truss contribution, V., is given by: v= +a (2-2) where A, is the cross-sectional area of the stirrup leg times the number of stirrup legs and s is the stirrup spacing. 24 If the design shear force at the section is V\, and the capacity reduction factor is ® the objective of the shear design is to ensure that: Wy Soy + VQ) (2-3) By substituting for V, and V, from Equations (2-1) and (2-2), Equation (2-3) can be expressed as: Af ae ; 5, 2 aba Yc (2-4) Calling Mu ‘ws aha (2-5) The area of shear reinforcement required to satisfy Equation (2-3) can be expressed as: A/S 2 (Vy-Ve) b/fy (2-6) When the shear varies along the span a satisfactory sequence of stirrup spacing can be obtained from Fig. 2.3. The required spacing is given by: 1 (vy 7 Me) : c) Pw 5° Rf, (ine Feasay (A23.3-M Eq.41) By plotting the required value of 4 at a nunber of points along the length of the beam in Fig. 2.3, the required sequence of stirrups can be counted off. Minimum and Maximum Shear Reinforcement A23.3-M places limits on both the minimum and the maximum amounts of shear reinforcement that may be used. In general, all members should contain a minimum amount of shear reinforcement so that any 2-5 diagonal cracks which may occur (perhaps due to unexpected tensile stresses) will be restrained and hence will not result in a sudden failure. Certain types of construction with inherent ductility are exempted from this requirement, as are sections where the applied shear is less than one half of the shear required to cause diagonal cracking (v,< 0.5 v,). This last exemption, however, should be applied with caution, particularly in the case of members of major structural importance. It is apparent that difficulties are involved in accurately assessing all of the factors which possibly contribute to the formation of an inclined crack. The upper limit on the amount of web steel that can be used (expressed as v, - V< 0.67 VFI) is intended to ensure that the concrete diagonals do not crush prior to the yielding of the stirrup steel. This restriction will also serve to limit the amount of diagonal cracking that will be experienced at service loading. Finally, after having determined the amount of shear reinforcement required to provide adequate shear strength, and having checked the limits on the maximum and minimum permissible amounts of reinforcement, the engineer must ensure that the shear reinforcement is properly detailed. This involves checking the anchorage of the shear reinforcement and ensuring that the reinforcement is not so widely spaced that it becomes ineffective. Table 2.1 is provided to give the minimum effective beam depths required to anchor vertical stirrups that terminate in a standard hook. Coefficients for design of inclined web reinforcement are given in Table 2.2. 2.3 TORSION DESIGN To understand the A23.3-M procedures for torsion design, it is necessary to have some knowledge of the behaviour of reinforced concrete members in torsion. 2-6 Prior to the formation of diagonal cracks, a reinforced concrete beam in torsion essentially behaves as an elastic beam. At this stage, the reinforcement makes no contribution to resisting the torque; hence it is ‘the dimensions and properties of the concrete alone which determine the response, While the sectional properties in the uncracked stage can be determined from the elastic theory (in particular St. Venant's theory), it is more convenient, and accurate enough for design purposes, to use the equivalent tube approach. This approach replaces the bean’s actual cross-section by an equivalent thin walled tube (see illustration 2 below). te=0.75 Ac/p, Actual cross-section Equivalent tube Illustration: 2. The Equivalent Tube Concept for Uncracked Members in Torsion This tube has the same external dimensions as the actual cross-section and has a constant wall thickness of t, = 0.75 AL/p, (2-7) where p, is the external perimeter of the actual cross-section and A, is the area enclosed within this perimeter. 2-7 Using the well known expressions for the response of a thin-walled tube in torsion, the shear stress, v4, produced by torsion, T, is given by: 5 = (2-8) t © 2A te where A,, is the area enclosed by the mid-wall perimeter of the tube. While Aj, can be calculated from the external dimensions and the wall thickness t,, @ reasonable approximation for Ay. is: A= oc A (2-9) c Assuming that diagonal cracks will occur when the shear stress reaches 0.33 VFE the torque required to crack the menber will be given by: Trop = Pho te x 0633 VEZ = 0.44 AL te VEE (2-10) A23.3-M specifies that if the torque in the member can be shown to be less than ® 0,1 A.t, Ff the torsion can be neglected. Torques of this magnitude (less than one quarter of the cracking torque), will not cause a significant reduction in either flexural or shear strength. For the purpose of checking against this provision, the magnitude of the torque in the member should be determined by an elastic analysis in which uncracked stiffness values are employed. The equivalent thin-walled tube may be used to determine the uncracked torsional stiffness Ky,ggs of the menber. Tube theory gives: 4 Age +, Gk = mee (2-11) gross C Poe where G. is the shear modulus of the concrete (which can be taken as 0.5 ,) and Pog 5 the perimeter of Aye (Poe can be taken as py - Mtc)+ After diagonal cracks form, the torsional resisting mechanism of the member changes completely. The torsional shear stresses are now provided Solely by the diagonal compressive stresses in the diagonally cracked concrete. This diagonally compressed concrete is held in equilibrium by tensile stresses in the longitudinal and the transverse steel. Because the transverse steel cannot "hold" the concrete cover in equilibrium without generating high concrete tensile stresses, at higher loads this concrete cover will spall off. Hence in the cracked state it is the dimensions of the reinforcing cage which governs the behaviour and not the exterior dimensions of the concrete. The possibility of spalling is also the reason why closed stirrups for torsion are required to be anchored with 135° hooks. In the cracked state the beam is again idealized as a thin-walled tube, but this time the mid-wall perimeter, pg, 1s assumed to pass through the centres of the longitudinal bars in the corners of the closed stirrups, and the concrete wall thickness, ty, is assumed to be: 19 7 0475 Ag/Py (2-12) where A, is the area enclosed by Pg To check against crushing of the concrete due to the diagonal compression, the nominal torsional shear stress (magnified by dividing by ®) is calculated from: T r (2-13) oe ‘tu > BZASES The sum of this torsional shear stress and the flexural shear stress, Vys 8 then limited to 0.22 FZ, (The value of 0.22 f¢ is a conserva: tive approximation to the values predicted for different menbers by the compression field theory.) For properly designed beams the torsional strength will be governed by yielding of the reinforcement rather than by crushing of the concrete. 2-9 When checking the capacity of the reinforcement the thin-walled tube concept can again be employed but now the wall thickness of the equivalent tube should be taken as: (2-14) where A, is the cross-sectional area of one leg of the closed stirrup, s is the spacing of the closed stirrups, and A, is the area of Jongitudinal steel assumed to be symmetrically distributed around the cross-section (same centroid as p,). The reliable torsional capacity can thus be taken as: to (2-15) 2A, t, fy =o 2Ay fy For design it is convenient to choose the ratio of longitudinal reinforcement to transverse reinforcement so that the term A,/s equals the term A,/p,. The design equations for the required amount of torsional reinforcement then become T, eon sar 2-16 2, F, and Ty P = uo Ke ORF, (2-17) The torsional stiffness of the cracked member is only a very small fraction of the uncracked torsional stiffness. The cracked torsional stiffness is primarily determined by the deformations of the reinforcement; its value GK. can be found from the stiffness of the equivalent thin-walled tube. This is: 6K, 7 (2-18) where E, is the Young's modulus of the reinforcing steel. For typical beans it will be found that the cracked torsional stiffness as given by Equation (2-18) is less than 10% of the uncracked torsional stiffness as given by Equation (2-11). As torsional reinforcement is only stressed in the cracked state, it is appropriate to design it for the torsional loads the member will experience in the cracked state. For a statically indeterminate structure, these loads could be determined by performing an elastic analysis using cracked stiffness values. As in going from uncracked to cracked values, the flexural stiffnesses will be divided by about 2 while the torsional stiffnesses will be divided by about 10. Approximately correct stiffness ratios will be obtained if the uncracked flexural stiffness values are used along with the torsional stiffnesses obtained by dividing the uncracked torsional stiffnesses by 5. Members designed to resist torsions, the magnitudes of which have been determined from a cracked stiffness analysis, will certainly behave in a satisfactory manner. The analysis, however, may involve considerable work. If the torsion on the member arises only because the member must twist to maintain compatibility, thé magnitude of the torsion will be almost directly proportional to the torsional stiffness. This is demonstrated in Illustration 3 where the torsion in the spandrel is caused by the need for the spandrel to rotate with the end of the floor beam, Thus decreasing the amount of torsional steel will decrease the stiffness and as a result the applied torque will be reduced. Minimum flexural steel required in floor beam ‘Spandrel must twist and hence must contain minimum torsional reinforcement lilustration:3 A Structure in which Torsion Arises Because of Compatibility Requirements In such cases (that is, where torsion is not needed to maintain equilibrium) A23.3-M allows the engineer to provide a minimum amount of properly detailed torsional steel and then assume that the torsional stiffness of the member, and hence the torsion in the member, is zero. In reality, there will be some torsion in the member, and the presence of this torsion must be allowed for when detailing adjacent members. For example, minimum negative flexural reinforcement should be placed in the Floor beam shown in Illustration 3. An additional effect of the small torsion will be to somewhat reduce the shear required to produce first yielding of the web reinforcement. However, if the member has been properly designed for shear (that is, designed to fail in a ductile manner in flexure rather than suffering a brittle failure in shear), the smal1 torsion should have no significant effect on the failure load of the member. If a member contains too little torsional reinforcement it will fail ina brittle manner upon the formation of the first torsional crack. If more than one torsional crack is to form, the post-cracking torsional strength of the menber must be equal to or greater than the cracking torque. Equating the ultimate torque from Equation (2-15) with the cracking torque from Equation (2-10) gives the following expression for minimum torsional reinforcement: © 2A, fy (2-19) A23.3-M reduces this equation to: A ® 15 Ke te Vea 2 ha (2-20) To ensure the effective response of the torsional steel A23.3-M requires that the closed stirrups be closely spaced and that reasonably sized longitudinal bars be placed in each corner of the closed stirrups. The torsional web steel determined from Equation (2-16) is to be added to the web steel required to resist the shear axial force acting in combination with the torsion, while the torsional longitudinal steel, from Equation (2-17), is to be added to the longitudinal steel required to resist the flexure and axial force acting in combination with the torsion. In some cases the loading patterns which produce the maximum torsion will be quite different from those which produce the maximum flexure and shear. In these cases the reinforcement provided for the maximum flexure and shear may alone prove to be adequate to resist the maximum torsion in combination with the smaller flexure and shear. Fig. 2.4 provides the required quantity of stirrup reinforcement for a member subjected to combined torsion and shear. It is assumed that a closed stirrup similar to that shown is to be used, so that in shear two legs of the stirrup are effective. The web reinforcing ratio, p,, is taken as the area of two legs of the stirrups divided by the product of the beam width and the stirrup spacing. From A23.3-M, Equations (40), (43) and (44) the required value of p, is given by: Py fy = (yr Ve) # 2 Vey to/by (2-21) Also plotted on the chart are the stress limits Vy * Mey S 0.22 FE (In plotting this limit it was assumed that v, = 0.17 VFz) and (wy ¥) < 0.67 VFE 2.4 SHEAR DESIGN OF DEEP BEAMS Deep beams are beams with clear span less than 5 times their effective depth and loaded on their top face. From A23.3-M Equation 46, the value of v_ for deep beams can be expressed ast Ye = Kp 4 where M 7p, Vid Ky) = (3.5 - 2.5 744) (0.16 +——* QL) (2-22) DL v9 ve except M luv (3.5 - 2.5 v0) < 2.5 and O17 < Ky < 05 2-14 A23,3-M Clauses 9.10.6 and 9.10.7 state that the maximum value of v, can be expressed as: Yunax * Ko2 YF (2-23) where Kyg = 0.056 (10 +8,/4) except Kyo 2 0.67 From A23.3-M Clause 9.10.8 it can be seen that shear stresses in excess of v, can be resisted either by the shear reinforcement perpendicular to the main flexural reinforcement (A\/S) or by the shear reinforcement parallel to the main flexural reinforcement (A\,/Sp). If we assume that: Equation 48 in A23.3-M can be expressed as: A (vy = ¥e) by Ve fu = %c) Pw st = kp a (2-24) 12 where og ° Tre ayal +r Tit =e, Table 2.3 can be used to design deep beams for shear. Ky, values are given for a chosen value of r of 5/3 in this table. 2.5 Special Provisions for Slabs In determining the shear capacity of slabs two potential modes of failure must be checked. It is possible for the slab to fail as a wide beam with a diagonal crack extending in a plane across the entire width of the slab. The capacity of the slab in this mode can be determined from the usual procedure for beams in shear. The second possibility is for the slab to suffer a punching shear failure in which a diagonal crack will form in the shape of a truncated cone or pyramid around a concentrated load or reaction. For square or circular reaction areas, a diagonal tension crack will form at about one half of the collapse load, at mid-depth of the slab, at approximately half the slab depth from the periphery of the loaded area. This diagonal crack is stable and seldom apparent on the surface of the slab. Thus, the shear capacity of such slabs is taken as the shear at failure rather than the shear at inclined cracking. If shear reinforcement consisting of bent bars or stirrups is added, that reinforcement begins to be stressed as soon as inclined cracks form. Therefore, for a slab with shear reinforcement, the contribution of concrete is limited to the shear at inclined cracking. For very long narrow loaded areas, the slab on the long side will essentially be subjected to one way action, and hence the shear stress carried by the concrete should not exceed 0.17 VF. For other shapes of loaded areas the value of v, will lie between the one-way value of 0.17 VT and the two-way value of 0.33 VFo. When the slab must transmit a moment to the column, in addition to the shear, a certain fraction of the moment must be considered as being transmitted by eccentricity of the shear the rest will be transmitted by flexural reinforcement in or very close to the column. The shear stresses resulting from this eccentric shear are to be taken as varying linearly about the centroid of the critical section with a maximum value not exceeding 0.33 VF. For more detailed information on shear due to unbalanced moments and combined effect with punching shear see Chapter 4 "Two Way Slab Systems". 2.6 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR BRACKETS, CORBELS AND WALLS Empirical procedures are given for the design of brackets and corbels in which the span-to-depth ratio is unity or less. 2-16 Table 2.4 enables the shear capacity of such a corbel to be determined. From A23.3-M Equations (53) and (29), the shear capacity of a corbel can be expressed as: Vy = obd (1 - 0.5 a/d) Ky VFE (2-25) Ny Ny. 3 = 0,083 [+ + 5.1 qT, 1+ (« + 160 vA Pp Empirical procedures are also given for determining the amount of horizontal and vertical shear reinforcement required by walls. where For walls resisting in-plane shear forces Table 2.5 enables the shear stress carried by the concrete, v,, to be conveniently determined. Equations (57) and (58) of A23.3-M Clause 9.17.4, can be expressed as: Ve = Ky YE (2-26) N (0.1 + 0.2 —4) Run VPC where K, = 0.05 + —-g——*—= " HR - 0.5 View but Ky, < 0.27 + 42 nF Furthermore, for walls not subjected to axial tension, K, need not be taken less than 0.17 and for members subjected to axial tension K,, need not be taken less than: N uv K, 20.17 (1+ 0.3 zn) This limit is only conservatively represented in Table 2.5. The minimum values given in the table should be a function of f¢ as shown below: Minimum Values of K,, lay Value of f, (MPa) 2 ne 20 A 30 35 40 -0.6 0.03 | 0,02 o | oO 0 -0.4 0.08 | 0.07 | 0.06 0.05 0.04 -0.2 0.12 | 0.12 | 0.11 0.11 0.11 However, in Table 2.5 the most conservative values of this limit irrespective of the concrete strength, were used. 2.7 SHEAR FRICTION For situations where it is inappropriate to consider shear as a measure of diagonal tension A23.3-M permits the shear-friction design procedure to be used. The approach is based on the observation that before a critical crack can undergo an appreciable shear displacement it must open significantly, It is assumed that as the crack opens all reinforcement crossing the crack will yield in tension, giving rise to a clamping force across the crack. The shear force required to cause shear displacement across the crack is then assumed to be the product of a coefficient of friction times the clamping force. 2-18 2.8 21 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 REFERENCES ACI-ASCE Conmittee 426 “The Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Members - Chapters 1 to 4", Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 99, No. ST6, June 1973, pp. 1091-1187; "Chapter 5 - Slabs", Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Volume 100, No. ST8, August, 1974, pp. 1543-1591. An authoritative state-of-the-art report on shear summarizing the findings of many hundreds of research papers. ACI Committee 318 "Commentary on Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-71)", American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1971, 96pp. Explains the ACI code provisions for shear which form the basis of the CSA A23.3 requirements. Comite’ Europeén du Béton, Commission V, Manual de calcul, "Effort Tranchant-Torsion", CEB Bulletin No. 92, Paris, June, 1973, 278 pp. A state-of-the-art report on shear and torsion from a European perspective. The part on shear is in French while that on torsion is in English. Collins, Michael P., "The Torque-Twist Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Beams". Inelasticity and Non-Linearity in Structural Concrete, SM Study No. 8, University of Waterloo Press, Waterloo, 1972, pp. 211-232. Explains the equivalent tube concept for both uncracked and cracked reinforced concrete members in torsion. Collins, Michael P. and Lampert, Paul, "Designing for Torsion", Structural Concrete Symposium, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, 1971, pp. 38-79. Explains the torsion design philosophy used in CSA A23.3-M, 2.6 2.7 2.8 Mitchell, Denis and Collins, Michael P., "Diagonal Compression Field Theory - A Rational Model for Structural Concrete in Pure Torsion", ACI Journal, V.71, August 1974, pp. 396-408. The theory explained in this paper was used to evaluate the maximum permissible torsional shear stress given in CSA A23.3-M. Park, R. and Paulay, T., "Reinforced Concrete Structures", Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1975, 769 pp. An excellent textbook on the behaviour of reinforced concrete with particularly good chapters on the response of members in shear and torsion. The deep beam detailing procedures used in Example 2.6 are based on information presented in this book. Portland Cement Association "Notes on ACI 318-71 Building Code Requirements with Design Applications", Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 1972, 550 pp. This manual provides practical examples of the application of the 1971 ACI Code and is useful in interpreting those CSA A23.3-M clauses which are directly based on the ACI Code. 2-20 2.9 EXAMPLE PROBLEMS EXANPLE 2.1 - Shear Reinforcement in a Rectangular Beam At the critical section, d, from the face of the support (Clause 9.3.2), the actions bw=350mm on the rectangular normal density concrete beam shown are: Vy = 340. KN 0M, = 190 KNem A E 3 Determine the required spacing of vertical 8 #10 U-stirrups at this location. 2 ° #10 = 25 MPa fy = 300 MPa 4-#35 Calculations & Discussion Tae aecor 1. Determine nominal shear stress, v, (= 0.85): 7.3.2 3 = 340 x 10) : = 558 x 350 x oO LO MPa 2. Determine shear stress carried by the concrete, v¢ a) By the simplified method: Ve = 0017 VEE = 0.17 V25 9.5.1 b) By the detailed method: A, _ As. 4x 10000. Ow" Bad 7 Ox 580 = 0,020 Vut 340 x 0.580 as greater than pi = Mog B-S82 = 1.04 28 9 9.5.3 =| lw b 1.00 take as 1.00 Unless otherwise indicated, Standard refers to CSA Standard CAN3-A23.3-M77. 2-21 EXAMPLE 2.1 - Continued Calculations & Discussion Reference standard | Handbook 3. vd u! Pp qe = 0.020 x 1.00 = 0.020 wy vd Ve = 0.16 VFL + 17 py Ry 1.14 MPa Compute (v,-v_): a) (vy-¥_) = 1.97 - 0.85 = b) 1.97 - 1.14 Check size of cross-section: (Vy-Vo)max = 0°67 FE = 3.35 MPa as (Vue) < (Vy-Ye)max Size adequate. Determine spacing required to provide v,: Af v = 2x100x 300 _ _171 S* Wpvelby ~ (yrv)3500 Wve ue! ue 2 _ im, b) os qa ~ 206mm Check minimum shear reinforcement: as (vy-V,) > 0.35 MPa more than minimum shear reinforcement has been provided Check maximum spacing requirements: as (v-V_) < 0.33 vy 1.65 MPa Sax < 0-5d = 0.5 x 580 = 290 mm s, x 3b, = 3 x 350 = 1050 mm Sin ma) Smax = 290m ass dain 90° or 135° standard hook 0.K. Select convenient spacing satisfying all: requirements a) Use s = 150 mm b) Use s = 200 m 10.14.1 |Table 2.1 2-23 EXAMPLE 2.2 - Check on Shear Capacity of a Tied Compression Member The ties in the ground floor columns of a high rise building have been dimensioned to satisfy the column detailing requirements (Clause 5.13.3). Under the design wind loading, one of these columns is subjected to the actions shown below. Check the shear capacity of this column and if necessary, adjust the tie spacing. € | Nwr0001e }-—-s00mm_15 Vyel25kN ¥ Tr | Muy #2000 kN eo TE #10 type A ses at 500mm ce, Fa | b a Ale 1000mm. #10 type B 8 seo E at 500 mm ce. ccna tk My #10 type C HE vse E at 500mm cc. ef Be Ag < Is Nov = - i 14-#45 longitudinal bars E °° ® Reference Calculations & Discussion tandard | Handbook 1. Determine d, that is distance from compression face to centroid of longitudinal tension rein- forcement. Assume steel in bottom half is ten- sion steel. g= 5% 1500 x 920 + es 1500 x 640 x 840_mm 2. Determine nominal shear stress, vy: Mu as x0? Bod * UB x B00 x MPa | 2-24 EXAMPLE 2.2 - Continued Calculations & Discussion Reference Eandard | Handbook 5. Determine axial compressive stress: Nuv _ 6000 x 10° Ay ~ 800 x 1000 MPa Determine shear stress carried by the concrete, voi N v. = 0.17(1 + 0.07 YY ) VF = 1.71 MPa c Ry c 7 4a If using Eq. (33) for v., Eq. (34) will only be critical if Nyy/Ag is larger than 165 MPa. Compute (v,-v,): (vur¥_) = 2.63 - 1.71 Determine area of shear reinforcement, Ay: The type A ties [] and the type C ties J are full depth while the type B ties [3 are only partial depth. Assume that effectiveness of ties as shear reinforcement is proportional to their depth. 280 Bap 200 Hence A, = 2x 100 +1 x 100+ 367 me Determine spacing required to provide V,: Af - wv = 367 x 350 S* Tiwye, * 0.92 x 600 ~ 238.00 Hence, use #10 ties at 225 mm c.c or alternatively use #15 ties at 450 mm c.c. 9.5.4 Fig. 2.2 Eq. (33) 2-25 EXANPLE 2.2 - Continued Calculations & Discussion Reference ‘Standard | Handbook 8. Check other requirements: (Vy-Ve)nax = 0°67 VEZ = 3.96 MPa> 0.92 MPa ‘c!max (u-Ve)nin 7 0-35 MPa < 0.92 MPa Smax = 4/2 = 420 mm > 225 mm <450 mn 380 mm for #10 < 840 mm 505 mm for #15 < 840 mm 4 min 9. Conclusion: Use #10 ties at 225 mm c.c. 9.7.5 Table 2.1 10.14.1 2-26 EXAMPLE 2.3 - Design of Shear Reinforcement for a Continuous Beam From a frame analysis the shear force envelope has been determined for the continuous beam shown. Assuming that #10 U-stirrups are to be used, determine the number and placement of the stirrups required for this beam. 9.05m 450 m d= 730 mm 25 MPa at 5.25m tet 300 MPa ae shear force envelope Ul] a ; Reference Calculations & Discussion “sean seak 1. Determine shear stress carried by the concrete, v,. Use simplified method. V_ = 0.17 JFE = 0.85 MPa 9.5.1 2. Determine values of nominal shear stress, v,, along beam: , \, TER BOKTH ~ Hoh | eF1t xO x 279 x 10 2-27 EXAMPLE 2.3 - Continued Calculations & Discussion Reference Eandard | Handbook 3. At face of column - V, = 850 KN vy At d from face of column - = 5250 - 730 : YW SOE 850 = 732 KN vy At centre of beam - = 5250 - 9500/2 : Vi 5250 850 = BL KN v, = 0.29 MPa 62 MPa Plot v, and v, and hence (v,-v,): 2.62 MPa 1.77MPo 20.85 MPa" (Vu-Ve) shaded T(Vu-Velmin#0.35 MPa Ve/2=0.42 MPa tirrups not needed in this 232mm 2-28 EXAMPLE 2.3 - Continued ; secucei Reference Calculations & Discussion aa Heedbook 4. Determine maximum stirrup spacing: 9.7.4 0.33 Ft = 1.65 MPa (vy-Ve) > 1.65 Smax 7 Gee = 182 mm (WyrWg) $ 1:65. Spay = O+5d = 730/2 = 365 mm | 5. Plot (vy-¥e)by/ (BAY y) using tracing paper over Figure 2.3 and read off sequence of stirrups. (vyrWe)by/(BYAyfy) = (Yyr¥_)450/(1 x 60000) rig. 28 _ (ye) 133 Sequence: 20 @ 75 mm, 4 @ 100 nm, 3 @ 125 m, 2 @ 150 mm, 1 @ 200 mm, 6 @ 300 mm For ease of placement we may prefer to use: 32 8 75 mm, 4 @ 150 mm, 5 @ 300 mm 6. Check other requirements: (VyVe)max = 0-87 YEE = 3.35 MPa > 1.77 MPa 9.7.5 pin = 3245. mm < 730 mm 10.14.1 | Table 2.1 2-29 EXAMPLE 2.4 - Inclined Shear Reinforcement Rework Example 2.1 using #10 U-stirrups inclined at 45 degrees. b, = 350 mn d = 580 m L Vy = 340 kN ° fi = 25 MPa 245° 300 MPa Ar _Reference Calculations & Discussion | Standard | Handbook | 1. Determine nominal shear stress, v,: ye tue 340 x10? u ob 0.85 x 350 x 580 Determine shear stress carried by the concrete, Vos Use simplified method. = 0.17 VFp = Pa 3. Determine stirrup spacing required to provide VW: (sin @ + cos @)AFy _ 1.41 x 200 x 300 se = = Chars 0.85) 350 We. by 9 0.85)350 4. Check maximum spacing of stirrups: Smax = (0-5 + 0.5 cot a)d = 1 x 580 9.5.1 9.7.2 | Table 2.2 | Table 2.2 2-30 EXAMPLE 2.4 - Continued Calculations & Discussion Reference ‘Standard | Handbook Note: Check minimum amount of shear reinforcement: Af . fy. 200 x 300 Snax ~ 0,356, * 0.35 x 350 ~ 420m Check minimum depth of beam: dyin = 345 x 0.71 + 23 = 268 mm Select spacing of 200 mm. Inclined stirrups are not practical if reversals in the direction of the shear force are possible. 10.14.1 |Table 2.1 Table 2.2 2-31 EXAMPLE 2.5 - Design of the Reinforcement for a Section Subjected to Torsion, Moment and Shear At the critical section, d, from the face of the supporting column (Clauses 9.3.2 and 9.8.3) the actions on an eccentrically loaded transfer girder are: Te 400mm Flexural tension side-f— 55 kN-m — u M, = 500. kN-m iS 300 kN él | 3 =| > Q Design the reinforcement required at this section. 30 MPa fy = 400 MPa Reference Calculations & Discussion ‘Standard | Handbook 1, Estimate dimensions of reinforcing cage and calculate required geometric terms. Concrete cover = 40 mm, Assume #10 hoops. Assume distance from concrete surface to centre of top bars = 70 mn and distance from concrete surface to centre of bottom bars = 60 mm. Hence: d= 700 - 70 = 630 nm hg = 700 - 70 - 60 Take b, as the average width between the centres of the corner longitudinal bars. by 400 - 2 x 70) + (400 - 2x 60) ~ 979 mm 70_mm EXAMPLE 2.5 - Continued Calculations & Discussion Reference ‘Eandard | Handbook > 8 A 2 : c bah = 153900 m= p, = 2(b +h.) = 1680_nm > 2. Determine longitudinal steel required to resist flexure as shown below or see Chapter 1, “Flexure", for design aids. Agf, = ‘sf PAsphy (d - LTH ) where A.- is the steel required to resist flexure. Solving the quadratic for A., gives: M, lu [ 7 0.85 f! bd a= fr- fp- ——wy— Joetere aa 17 bd? F 1.7 x 0.9 x 400 x 630° x 30 0.85 x 30 x 400 x 630 400 2381 me 3. Determine web steel required to resist shear: 3 : 300 x 103 ue 0.85 x 400 x 630 * Af MPa Vo = 0.17 VFL = 0.17 v80 = 0.93 MPa 9.8.6 Eq. (2-12) Eq. (2-7) 8.3 | Eq. (2-5) 9.5.1 2-33 EXAMPLE 2.5 - Continued Calculations & Discussion Reference ‘Standard | Handbook (vyrV_) = 1-40 - 0.93 Ay WuYe)Pw 0487 x 400 3 i “200 | 4. Determine web steel required to resist torsion: Me y 55 x 10° us 5 DAF, © 0.85 x2 x 153900 x 400 5. Determine longitudinal steel required to resist torsion: Ty Ae A= BO X Py = Ge X Py = 0653 x 1680 oy = 890_me 6. Determine spacing of web steel required to resist shear plus torsion. Web steel will consist of #10 closed stirrups. Hence, the outside leg of web steel must provide 1/2 of the shear steel (2 legs are effective) plus the torsional steel. That is: area of outside leq _ (a/s) at stirrup spacing junber of Tags * 5 = 9587 + 0,53 = 0.77 mm? /nm s= 200, = 130m - Use 125 mm spacing 9.7.2 | Eq. (2-6) Eq. 9.9.3 | (grt) Eq. 9.9.4 | (999) 9.9.1 2-34 EXAMPLE 2.5 - Continued ; ; Reference Calculations & Discussion ee 7. Determine longitudinal steel required to resist flexure plus torsion. 9.9.1 Top steel (flexural tension side): : : - 2 Ag = Age + Ay/2 = 2381 + 890/2 = 2826 om Use_3 = #35 = 3000 mm’. Bottom steel (Flexural compression side): Ag 4 6 lu. 890 500 x 10 AS" 27 OBarL * ~ OF x 630 x A0 | 2-9-5 -1760 mn? The required A! being less than zero means that the compression due to flexure is larger than the tension due to torsion. Hence, only minimum bottom longitudinal bars are required. Use 2 = #10 = 200 mm? Note that longitudinal bar diameter > s/16 \ Also, requirements of A23.3-M Clause 10.3 } must be satisfied. | | 8. Check spacing of longitudinal steel. Maximum | spacing allowed is 300 mm, | Need additional bars on side faces. 2. 1 in middle | of each side 9. Check maximum spacing of stirrups: s, ¢ = 830 = 315 am ‘max = 2 eo ieee Po _ 1680 Smax< 2 7 = 210 mm 2-35 b EXAMPLE 2.5 - Continued Calculations & Discussion Reference. standard | Handbook 10. ue 12. 13. Check minimum amount of torsional steel: 100 _ bet 3000 + 200 + 200) _ 2 Té80 2.02 mm* /nm 280mm? /mm Ole le = 7x 0.80 = 5.6 mé/mm 0.K. A 7 A A 2 st x of = 0,80 x 2.02 = 1.27 mm?/nm 1.5A.t, cic, 1.5 x 280000 x 95 2 9.65 2 /mm 1,27 > 0.65 0.K. Check maximum amount of longitudinal steel: AeoAs S? max ss _ 3000-200 _ br * MOGI * 0-01 Pp. = 0.0244 0.0111 < 0.0244 0.K. Check maximum value of (vy-V.)! (Vy-Ve) max = 0°67 VFL = 3.67 MPa> 0.47 Check maximum value of v,, + Vyyt ty 55 x 10° ee ee oto «(0-85 2 x 153900 x 69 “tu “@2A, = 3.05 MPa 0.K. 8.4.2 | Table 1.1 9.7.5 Eq. 9.8.4 | (oti) 2-36 EXAMPLE 2.5 - Continued Calculations & Discussion Reference ‘Standard | Handbook Vy + Vey = 1-40 + 3.05 = 4.45 MPa = 0.22 (vy + Veu)max 60 MPa 0.K. 14. Check assumed cage dimensions: d= 700 - 40 - 10 - $ = 633 mm 630 mm : 38 _ 10 hy = 700-2 40-2x10- F - F = 577 mm % 570 mm b= 400-2x40-2x10- $ (35+ 10) 277 mm % 270 mm Design is satisfactory Alternate Procedure Steps 3, 4, 6, 12, and 13 can be replaced by: Calculate (vy-v,) and viyto/d, and plot on Figure 2.4. (vy-Ve) = Qe47Z MPa ty/b,, = 69/400 = 0.17 Veuto/Dy 7 3-05 x 0-17 = 0.52 Pa Read pyfy = L.51 MPa off Figure 2.4 Af _ Avfy 200x400 S* pp, 7 TSE x 400 oy Use 125 mm spacing Note that pyfy = (Yy-¥o) + Veyto/Py: Advantage of plot is that upper limits are checked. 9.8.7 Fig. 2.4 2-37 EXAMPLE 2.6 - Design of a Deep Beam ——————— | shown below. WLLL Wu I100 kN/m by=400mm— Design the reinforcement for the laterally supported transfer girder Calculations & Discussion € E— f=25 MPa g 2 | fy=350 MPa $| | z 1,00m: 880m . Reference Standard | Handbook 1, Calculate support reaction and check bearing stress. The support reaction R= $ [1100 x (8.800 + 2 x 1.000)} = 5940 kN Bearing stress = 5940 x 10°/(400 x 1000) = 14,85 MPa Allowable bearing stress = 0.85 ® f¢ = 0.85 x 0.7 x 25 Estimate the effective depth of the beam, d. For deep beams the flexural reinforcement will be 8.15.1 2-38 EXAMPLE 2.6 - Continued Calculations & Discussion Reterenes ‘Standard | Handbook spread over a significant portion of the depth. Assume 8 a= $(n-c+ @) where ¢ is the cover plus the stirrup bar diameter. Assume #10 stirrups and 40 mm cover. Hence, c= 50 m. d= $ (4000 - 50 + $699 ) = 3707 mm 3. Design the flexural reinforcement. The internal flexural lever arm, z, for deep beams is, in proportion, less than that for slender beams. Take 5 an godt a) = 3 x 3707+ 9890 = 2500 mm The span of the beam, L, is the distance from centre to centre of supports. L = 8800 + 1000 = 9800 mm The maximum moment at midspan is 2 Wyl" = 1100 x 9.8% = 13206 kN-m Mr 8 The required area of flexural steel is " 6 ~ Mu, 13206 x10 2 As" ote * 0.9 x 350 x 2500 16769 mnt Because a deep beam acts as a tied arch, the ten- sion in the main flexural steel stays high through- 2-39 EXAMPLE 2.6 - Continued . : Reference Calculations & Discussion = out the length of the span. Hence, all longitu- dinal steel should continue throughout the length of the beam and should be well anchored at the supports. To alleviate anchorage J] [Feomm problems and to provide good crack control, pro- | vide Ay as a well dis- | tributed array of smaller Ce50mm | bars. Take the distance over which the flexural steel is distributed, dys as | 2 | - 4. n . 3707 _ 8800 _ a= 2 > 7 ET ag 487 mm Use 6 layers of 4 - #30 bars with 60 mn spacing between layers. Ag = 6 x4 x 700 = hed = 50 + 3.x 30 + 2.5 x 60 = 290 mm 4 = 4000 - 290 = 3710 mm Design the shear reinforcement for the beam. 100 N/m ae 7 0-15e,, = O15 x 8800 nti Xerit en i UAL = 1320 nm Mw | 9.10.4 | Table 2.3 j R- myXonge * Lp) = 5940 - 1100(1.32 + 1.00) 7 = 3388_kN — 2-40 EXAMPLE 2.6 - Continued Reference Calculations & Discussion Standard Handbook = Rrenie * Ry/2) = MyMense * &)/2 5940(1.32 + 0.50) ~ 1100(1.32 + 1.00)*/2 7850_kN luv = 2.37 <5 3388x109 0.85 x 400 x 3710 VEE = 0.69 v25 Yumax * oz Muy 7850 ao Vid * 38x 5.77 16800 = 0.0023 Fe 400 x 3710 x v2 VFq = 0.43 V25 = 2.15 MPa (yr¥e)w 3 Fy = 0.68 {2:69 = 2-15) x 400 = 9.42 mm2/nm 350 Kor A (4) = 0.00156, = 0.0015 x 400 = 0.60 mn2/nm a (governs) Use #10 stirrups - 2 legs - A, = 200 mm’. Pa —4— + 0.58 * @ bk VEE vo 443 x 10° 0.85 x 350 x 0.57 x V35 > 479 mm Iv + 0.5 x 75 Select the main reinforcement: Ag = pbd = 0.010 x 350 x 479 = 1677 mm? Use 4 - #25 bars = 2000 mn? Select the ties: -i1 = - 2 Ay = 3 Ag = 065 x 1677 = 839 mm Use #10 ties with two legs. Each tie provides 200 mn Need 5 ties = 1000 m? Ties spaced over $ d = 0,667 x 488 = 325 mm 9.15.3 |Table 2.4 9.15.6 |Table 2.4 2-46 EXAMPLE 2.7 - Continued ; a Reference Calculations & Discussion Standard | Handbook 6. Describe details of design: | 350 x 75x25 mm | bearing plote : Seman | gs#26 prs steel | #25 bar to “stiffen” bend #25 anchor 4 | bar welded E| to main steel S| §| a v #10 framing ba! - #10 ties at 6Omm spacing Main steel must be developed by welding to the anchor bar and the bearing plate in the corbel and by extending into the column a distance at least equal to the development length of the bars. The exterior dimension (175 mm) was chosen so that the depth of the corbel at the outside edge of the | 9.15.2 | Table 2.4 bearing plate exceeds 4/2. 2-47 EXAMPLE 2.8 - Design of a Corbel by the Shear-Friction Provi: ions Redesign the reinforcement of the corbel of Example 2.7 by means of the shear-friction provisions. Calculations & Discussion Reference ‘Standard | Handbook 1. Calculate the forces acting on the critical shear plane at the face of the column: Assume that the z tension is directly 3 ism § g resist — esisted by the — 170KN = ‘rox main steel. ¢ ) El g 3 3 Me M, = 443 x 0.075 + 170 x 0.040 40.0_kN-m 2. Calculate the area of main stee1 required to resist the axial Toad and moment, Age? N Age git + Nw sf ety a tye 170 x10? , 40.0 x 10° 0.9% 300 * O.Fx 300% 0.5% AO 3. Calculate the area of steel required to resist the shear, Aye: 9.16 Example 2.7 9.16.5 9.16.7 2-48 EXAMPLE 2.8 - Continued Calculations & Discussion Reference Standard | Handbook 4. Check maximum shear stress: \ 443 x 10° = us ‘u “bd ~ 085 x 350 x 480 S 0.2 VFE = 7.0 MPa = 3.1 MPa < 5.5 upa Arrange steel so area of ties A, = 1/2 area of main steel, A.: = 2 Agog + Ay = 973 + 1261 = 2214 mm Hence: 2 A, + O.5A, = 2214 mn” and 2 9.16.4 9.15.6 2-49 EXAMPLE 2.9 - Shear Design for a Wall Design the shear reinforcement required at the base of the simple cantilever wall for the Nyy=!000 kN Vy =1000kN Toadings shown. h = 200 mm (wall thickness) FL = 25 MPa fy = 350 MPa Reference Calculations & Discussion Canend | Hendbook 1, Calculate v,: 3 : 1000 x 10 © 0.85 x 200 x 0.8 x 2400 See 2. Check Wimax? Vumax = 9-8 vp = 4.0 MPa > 3.06 MPa 9.17.8 3. Determine My: Compute at £,/2 up from base 9.17.5 Myy = 1000(3.6 - 2.4/2) = 2-50 EXAMPLE 2.9 - Continued ; secussi Reference Calculations & Discussion SHE eascak 4. Determine vg: Muy | __2400 VY, ~ Torx 7a * 200 Ny | __1000 x 10° 2, hVFE 2400 x 200 x Y25° Ve Ky ¥Fg = 0-375 V25 = 1.88 MPa Table 2.5 5. Determine horizontal shear steel: We ppt Be = 206 188 = 0.00397 > 0.0025 | 9.17.6 fa) Aa/Sh 9.176 Use - #10 each face at 300 m c.c. 6. Determine vertical shear steel: h P= 0.0025 + 0.5(2.5 - “)(p, - 0.0025) 9.17.6 > oer (a) > 0,002 = 9.00294 < 9.00337 : 2 AY/sy = 39mm /mm Use - #10 each face at 325 mm c.c. 2-51 2-52 2.10 DESIGN AIDS TABLE 2.1 - Minimum Effective Depths of Beams for Embedment of Vertical Hooked Stirrups (mm) de 6dg or 6Omm min Q »| vi 4| 3 BAR 10 15 20 fy (MPa) fz 220 NPa > 20 wpa |] fi = 20 mPa | fF. > 25 WPa 300 345 455 600 560 350 380 505 685 635 400 410 550 750 695, Notes: 1. Table values are for d, = 40 mm; for other values of cover add 2(d, - 40) to Table values. 2. When web reinforcement is inclined. Min. d= Table value x sina + 2d/(1 - sina). 2-53 TABLE 2.2 - Coefficients for Design of Inclined Web Reinforcement al y 3 g 3 d/2 j-d/2 cote max. § Angle between a: tensile and 90°} 85°} 80°) 75°) 70°! 65°! 60°) 55°! 50°) 45°) 40°] 35°] 30° web bars By = sina+ cosa — |1,00/1.08/1.16]1.22]1.28]1.33]1.37)1.39]1.41] 1.41]1.41|1.39|1.37 sing 1,00|1.00] 0.98]0.97|0.94]0.91]0.87|0.82|0.77] 0.71|0.64[0.57|0.50 80(1 - sina) of of 1] 3] 5] 8] i]s] 19] 23] 29] 30] 40 0.5 + 0.5 cot @ 0.50|0.54/0.59|0.63]0.680.73|0.79[0.85|0.92|1.00] - | -| - 0.75(0.5 + 0.5 cota)/0.38|0.41|0.44|0.48]0.51] 0.55|0.59|0.64|0.69| 0.75] 0.82]0.91|1.02 Notes: 1. Coefficient By = sina + cos @ as used in equation: 1, Myr¥e)by s vfy 2. Minimum effective depth when cover is 40 mm equals value from Table 2.1 times sina plus 80(1 - sina). 3. Maximum spacing s* in terms of d is given for: (a) Inclined stirrups with hooks max. s/d = 0.5 + 0.5 cot a (b) Bent bars continuous with longitudinal reinf. max. s/d = 0.75(0.5 + 0.5 cota) * When (v,-v,) exceeds 0.33 vf! max. s shall be one-half the value given by the equations in note 3. 2-54 TABLE 2.3 - Shear Design of Deep Beams <6/5 bw. twa | ri Ay Ayn TH 1 { |_[sesd/3 _-x In <5d) Vu = shear ot x=%erit Myy= moment ot x=Xerit vu “a Foed ve= Koi/fe Values of Kp; | Value of My/(V,4) by vfe <0 0.5 0.6 o7 | 08 | 09 | 1.0 0. | 0.40 | 0.36 | 0.32 | 0.28 | 0.24 | 0.20 | 0.17 0.001 |) 0:50 | 0.44 | 0.38 | 0.32 | 0.27 | 0.22 | 0.18 0.002 |) 0:80 | 0-50 | 0-43 | 0.37 | 0.30 | 0:25 | o.19 01003 | 0:50 | 0:50 | 0:49 | 0.41 | 0.34 | 0.27 | 0.21 0:04 | 0:50 | 0.50 | 0:50 | 0.45 | 0.37 | 0.29 | 0.23 01005 | 0:50 | 0:50 | 0.60 | 0.49 | 9.40 | 0.32 | 0.25 0.006 |} 0750 ) 0.50 | 0:50 | 0.50 | 0.43 | 0.34 | 0.26 0.007 | 0:50 | 0:50 | 0:50 | 0.50 | 0.46 | 0.37 | 0.28 0.008 | 0:50 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0:50 | 0.50 | 0.39 | 9.30 0.009 | 0750 | 0:50 | 0:50 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0.81 | 0.31 0.010 |} 0:50 | 0:50 | 0.50 | 0:50 | 0-50 | 0.44 | 0.33 Ny, Cute MeN s ‘D3 y Sp s > 0.0015b,, > 0.0025, Values of Kpy and Kp af J 0.8 [1.0] 1.5 [2.0 [2.5 [3.0 [3.5 ]4.o [4.5 [5.0 x 0.67 | 0.67| 0.67 | 0.67| 0.70| 0.73] 0.76 | 0.78 | 0.81] 0.84 D2 | pg |] 0-63] 0.64] 0.65 | 0.67 0.68 | 0.69/ 0.71 | 0.72] 0.73] 0.75 | a} 2-55 TABLE 2.4 - Design Coefficients for Brackets and Corbels Details of Corbe: oe Bearing plate ‘Ag(main reint) dza Anchor bar, same Ny diameter as main reinforcement t do205d 3 An (closed stirrups or ties uniformly An=0.5A, distributed within 2/34 273d Framing bar, same Ny 20.2 Vu diameter as stirrups] person unless special provisions a we made to avoid tension Ly ae Pmox-004 Prin =0.13 Past mox*004E nin 20.135 Vu $ $bd (I-0.5.a/d) Ky/fe Values of Ky Value of N/V, ° 0 0.2 }0.3 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.7 | 0.8 | 0.9 | 1.0 0.002 0,30} 0.27] 0. 0.17 0.003 0.33 | 0.30] 0. 0.19 0.004 0.36 | 0.33] 0. 0.22 0.005 0.38 | 0.36| 0. 0.25 0.006 0.41 | 0.39] 0, 0.27 0.007 0.44 | 0.42] 0, 0.30 0.008 0.47 | 0.45 | 0. 0.32 0.009 0.50 | 0.48 | 0. 0.35 0.010 0.53 | 0.50 | 0. 0.38 0.011 0.56 | 0.53| 0. 0.40 0.012 0.59 | 0.56 | 0. 0.43 0.013 0.62 | 0.59] 0. 0.45 0.014 0.65 | 0.62 | 0. 0.48 0.015 0.67 | 0.65 | 0. 0.51 0.016 0.70 | 0.68 | 0, 0.53 0.017 0.73 | 0.71] 0. 0.56 0.018 0.76 | 0.74 | 0. 0.58 2-56 TABLE 2.5 - Shear Design of Walls hw Slw/5 <3h Vy = design shear at section < 500mm lyy 7 moment at section acting with shear Nyy = axial compression acting with shear (tension -ve) Mu Mu fe Wr ond % u* HOB, Vy S068 ve A vey, Slw/5 Py RE PE 2 0.0025 [sn < 3h h y < 500mm N moe b hsy un —"—_1 = 0.0025+0.5(2.5- ¢ )(p,-0-0025) w but 0.0025 =0.56 for str. low density conc] + =0.72 for str. semi-low density conc. 1,30 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 Mg is in kNem 0.80 0.70 if Wu is in kN and d isinm 0.60 Mud May < 1.0 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 Pw Yud/Muy Fig. 2.1 Permissible Shear Values for Concrete 1.80 2.20 2.00 Ye (MPa) 74 For normal density concrete A=L0 For structural low-density concrete: D¥3.24fer/f¢ =LO — .40 or =0.56 for str. low-density conc] .20 D=0772 for str. semi-low density cone. Tension [Compression] 4-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Nuy /Ag (MPa) Fig.2.2 Permissible Shear Values for Concrete Members with Axial Stress 2-59 p+ls=ww ul eounjsip dnuys pasinbey 000g 0002 wofos a 5 = a Oo o £ 6 3 a n 3 5 5 s © non rm Nn a ic a Sees aye es Spereeeeret eo] Cee ba spun pans "woibop wo aro | ov | ose | Oe ‘OaWN UI PA" suosop sen 01 72 0 G sdamys 20) 4*y 30 semen [Toy mun 47 | Ay =2x cross-sectional Vt area of stirrup bar. 2A oto ee) . v= Obyd Ao= Doho ~ por2(hotbo) to=O75Ao/Po Wine (MPa) Fig. 2.4 Design of Stirrup Reinforcement for Members in Shear and Torsion | 2-61 2-62 2.11 FLOW CHARTS Subjected to M, N and V. Flow Chart 2.1—The Determination of Required Stirrup ‘Spacing for Members STEPS DETAILS Input: fe(MPa), f, (MPa), by(mm), dimm), A,(mm*), Afmm?), A(mm?), hmm) Madi), NudKN), Vi(KN) No Femen09 (TH | Yes Myy0 z Yes! £ No wJicei7 Ae ud soifie Ae Yes Gotot Gotot 2-63 Ld Myo Positive \V., postive Nu, compression if positive tension if negative | [L ‘A,=area of shear reinforcement be— bw ‘A,= area of flexural tension reinforcement ross area of section ru Calculation of shear stress carried by concrete 9., in accordance with clause 95, Flow Chart 2.1—Continued STEPS DETAILS 1 | 2,= 1000V, / (0.85b,d) Yes No Minimum steet clause 4 {09 = 035 - [ = Ay ‘Spacing required by (y= %)Dw clause 9.7.2 Calculation of oa maximum spacing a by clause and clause 9.7.4. c a imax = 600 |Yes. Smax> 600, No. If s=0 section is too small. Clause 9.7.5 6 1 Sra = 0.50 [em No Yes. No Il=2 maximum spacing controls. 8 Possible to use smaller A,. akg 2-64 Members Subjected to M, T and V Flow Chart 2.2—The Determination of Required Steel Areas for Rectangular STEPS DETAILS Input: hmm), dimm), hmm), b(mm), mm), | AE(MPa), f(MPa), A(mm?), | MukNm), TukNm), Vi(kN) | (960 le-w)=0 No! Print | = Ay tA Goto2 2-65 rea of long. reinf. on flexural tension side rea of long. reinf. on flexural comp. side. ‘A,=area of one leg of closed stirrup M,Ty and V, all positive 4=0.9 with My $=0.85 with T, or Vy If |=1 section is too small. Clause 9.7.5 If 1=3 section Is too small. Clause 9.8.7 5 required by clauses 9.9.3 and 9.7.2 A, required by clauses 9.9.4 and 8.3 Flow Chart 2.2—Continued Yes No bras 4 Yes No ¥y Snax =Po/8 5 3= Snax Go to7 Goto7}— DETAILS (clause Eq. 28 clause becomes: 3(bh)? “Bb +h) Thus: AcAit(b +h) Sn 921300) When 1=4 maximum spacing independent of A, controls. 2-66 Flow Chart 2.; STEPS DETAILS 15] | Determination of max. and min. long. = Aanin (A+ AS AAr= Atnn(As+ 85)! | reinforcement Eq. 28 clause Yes. No 8Po/1.5A.t.\? Aan = RR Clause 9.9.5, If A; = 0 use minimum corner bars on comp. side. | Clause 9.2.55 Yes No 9 Yes , No 2<90 Clause 8.3.7(¢) B,=0.85 — 0.008(f;— 30) 10 e00f; (A, — A! nox = 0.6388, — 0002 _bd ane (600+, Hf, If 1=5 section is too small. Clause 8.4.2 Print s 2-67 2-68

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