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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

Individual Assignment one

Q1.writes in detail about the history of human resource management and School of human
resource management.your literature should include:the time period,major contributors,and
trends in approach.

Q2.what are unethical HRM practice that frequently happen in organization?what do you think
about the couses?If you are a manger of such organization,how deal with them?

Answer for Q1.

HRM: is the a) planning, b) organizing, c) directing, and d) controlling of the procurement,

development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of human resources to the
end that individual, organizational, and social objectives are accomplished. (Edwin B. Flippo)

Human resource management is defined as a strategic and coherent approach to the management
of an organization’s most valued assets – the people working there who individually and
collectively contribute to the achievement of its objectives.

The objectives of human resourse management

Help establish adequate compensation systems and administer them in an efficient and timely

• Foster a safe, healthy and productive work environment

• Ensure compliance with all legal requirements in so far as they relate to management of
workforce ………………

Objectives of HR-Management

• Help maintain a harmonious working relationship

Help maintain a harmonious working relationship with employees and unions where present

• Foster a work environment which facilitates high employee performance, and

• Establish disciplinary and counseling proced

Detail introduction of HRM An Organization is

1. made up of four resources men,material,money non living and is the human that
make use of non human resources.
2.L.F.Urwick had remarked that"Business houses are made or broken in to long run not by
markets or capital patent or equipments,but by men"As F.Drucker also says "men of all the
resources available to man,can grow and develop". the effective management of people at work .The goal;make workers more satisfied and
productive.When an organization is concerned about people,its total philosopy,culture,and
orientation reflect it every manager must be concerned with people,whether or not there is a
human resources department

4.It is important to remember that the people who do the work and create the ideas allow the
organization to survive

5.Change expriance by organization:Growing global competition,rapidly expanding

technology,increased denand for individual,team,and organizational competence,fast cycle
times.Increasing legal and compliance scrutiny,higer customer expectations.The
mechanized,routine-oriented workforce is giving way to a knowledge-based workforce.

6.HRM is process of making the efficient and effective use of human resource so that the set
goals are achieved.Acc to Flippo "personal management or say HRM is the
planning,organizing,directing or controlling of the
procurement,development,compensation,integration,maintenance &separation of HR to the end
that individual,orgnl&social objectives are achieved".

7. Acc.To Decenzo&Robbins"HRM is concerned with the PEOPLE DIMENSION in

management.since every orgn is made up of people,acquiring their service,developing their
skills,motivating them to since every orgn is made up of people,acquiring their
service,developing their skills,motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that
they continue to maintain their commitment to the
organization,government,business,education,health,recreation,or social action." Leon C.Meggions "From the national point of view,human resources are
knowledge,skills,creative abilities,talents and attitude obtained in the population".Where as
"From the view point of individual enterprise,the represent the total of the inherent
abilities,acquired knowledge and skills as exemplified in the talents and aptitude of its

9.Now human resources are considered as HUMAN CAPITAL,which can be classified in to

three categories 1.Intelectual Capital 2.Social Capital 3. Emotional Capital consists of
specialized knowledge,tacit knowledge and skills,cognitive complexity,and learning capacity.

10.Social capital is made up of network of relationship,socialility and trustworthiness.Emotional

capital consists of self confidence,ambition &courage,risk bearing ability &resilience.In the
way,HR refer to both QUALITATIVE &QUANTITATIVE aspects of employees working in an

11.Function of HRM –planning-organizing-directing-controlling operative function p/HRM

managerial function:procurement job Analysis HR planning Recruitment Selection Placement
Induction internal mobility Development:Training Executive development Career planning
Succession planning human resources development strategies motivation and compensation:Job
design work scheduling motivation job evaluation performance and potential appraisal
Compensation administration Incentives benefits and services Maintenance:Health safety
Welfare Social security Integration:Grievances Discipline TEAM and team work Collective
bargaining participation Empowerment Trade unions Employers'associations Industrial relations
Emerging Issues:Personnel records personnel audit personnel research HR accounting DRIS job
stress Mentoring International HRM

12.HRM as a centeral subsystem in an organization product subsystem HR sub system

procurement training compensation appraisal rewards marketing subsystem finance subsystem
technical subsystem.

Objective of HRM

1.Objectives of HRM function:-Increasing employees'job satisfaction and self-

actuaization.Employees must feel that the job is right for their abilities and that they are being
treated equitably,satisfied employees are automatically more productive .How ever,unsatisfied
employees tend to be absent and quit more often and produce lower-quality work.Both satisfied
and unsatisfied employees can perform equally in quantitative terms.

2.Objective of the HRM Function:-quality of work life(QWL) is a general concept that refers to
several aspects of the job,including:-management and supervisory style,freedom and autonomy
to make decision on the job,satisfactoryphysical surrounding,job safety,satisfactory working
hours,meaningful tasks,the job and work environment should be structured to meet as many
workers'needa as possible.

3.Objective of the HRM Function:-Communicating HRM policies to all employees:HRM

policies,programs,and procedures must be communicated fully and effectively.The must be
represented to outsiders,top-level managers must understand with HRM can offer.

4.Objective of the HRM Function:-Maintaining ethical policies and socially responsible

behavior:HRM managers must show by example that HRM activities are fair,truthful,and
honorable.people must not be discriminated against,their basic rights must be protected.These
principle should apply to all activities in the HRM area.

5. HRM'S place in management:-The HR department must be a proactive,integral part of

management and strategic planning.Ascertain specific organizational needs for the use of its
competence,evaluate the use and satisfaction among other departments,educate management and
employees about the availability and use of HRM service.HRM strategic plans must build on the
firm's strengths.

6. HRM ACQUISITION HRP,Recruitment,Selection ,Placement ,Maintanance, Remuneration,

Motivation, Health&safety ,social security, IR performance, appraisal, development, training
,career development organizational dev internal mobility, control HR, audit, accounting and

 Schools of HRM

• HRM is really personnel management: HRM is based on integrated and coherent recruitment,
assessment and development programs

• HRM is a strategic model: It employs the techniques of strategic management for the
utilization of human resources. Best Fit Model by Michigan University

• HRM is people management: HRM is a new generic label for all the techniques and tactics
available to manage people. Best Practice Model by Harvard Business School.

A Brief History of HRM

The Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA) program at WWU`s Haworth college of

Business offers a HRM major.The program prepares students for careers as human resources
generalist(compensation,benefits,training),or management trainer (staffing
specialist/supervisor,labor recruiter),or management trainer(sales trainer,executive team
leader)The program also prepares students for graduate studies and certification program.

2.The Universirty of Texas at Arlington

The college of Business at the University of Texas Arlington offers a master of science(MS)in
HRM program that is designed to give students a broad-based foundation in business as wellas
specialized knowledge in HRM.Student take a wide variety of courses that include employee
selection,talent management,compensation and benefits,training and development,HR Law,and
analytics.Students admitted to the program can choose a thesis track or a non-thesis track.MS-
HRM students have the option of concurrently earning a master of business
administration(MBA)degree through the dual degree program offered by the department.

3.University of North Texas

The University of North Texas offers a Bachelor of Business Administration in organizational

Behavior and HRM.Student who graduate from this program often go on to work in human
resources.Also,they often pursue positions as compensation managers,recruiters,industrial
relation managers,education or training managers,human resource generalist,and equal
employement opportunity officers.Courses in the program focus on employees and labor
relations,legal aspects of employment benefits,workplace health and
safety,recruitment,selection,and placement,and compensation and benefits
administration.Students may participate in the student chapter of the society for human resource
management and the professional leadership program for additional support in the field

 Brief History of HRM and the time period and major contributors
 HRM can be traced to England, where craftspeople organized guilds – They used unity to
improve working conditions • The Industrial Revolution in the 18th century laid the basis
for a new, complex industrial society – Changing work conditions, social patterns, and
labor created a gap between workers and owners • During the world wars era, scientific
management, welfare work, and industrial psychology merged

• Frederick W. Taylor, the father of scientific management, summarized scientific management

as: – Science – Harmony – Cooperation – Maximum output • Industrial psychology, initiated in
1913, focused on: – The worker – Individual differences – The maximum well being of the

• Personnel departments were created to deal with: – Drastic changes in technology –

Organizational growth – The rise of unions – Government intervention concerning working
people • Around the 1920s, more organizations noticed and acted on employee-management

• The Hawthorne studies (1924 to 1933): – Were to determine the effects of

illumination/lighting on workers and their output – Rather, it pointed out the importance of
social interaction on output and satisfaction • Until the 1960s, the personnel function was
concerned only with blue-collar employees – File clerk, house-keeper, social worker, fire fighter,
and union trouble diffuser

 HRM can be traced to England,where craftspeople organized quilds:-They used unity to

improve working condition,the industrial revolution in the 18 th century laid the basis for
a new,complex industrial society,changing work condition,social patterns,and labor
created a gap between workers and owners.During the world wars era,scientific
management,welfare work,and industrial psychology merged.
 Frederick W.taylor,the father of scientific management,summarized scientific
management as:-science,harmony,cooperation,maximum output,industrial
psychology,initiated in1913,focused on:-the worker,Individual difference,The maximum
well being of the worker
 Personnel departments were created to deal with:-Drastic change in
technology,organizational growth,the rise of unions,government intervation concering
workplace,Around the 1920s,more organizational noticed and acted on employee-
management conflict.
 The Hawthorne studies(1924 to 1933):-Were to determine the effect of illumination on
workers and their output.Rather,it pointed out the importance of social interaction on
output and satisfaction.Until the 1960s,the personnel function was concerned only with
blue-collar employees,file clerk,house-keeper,social worker,firefighter,and union trouble
 Evolution of the personnel function concept what is it all about?The commodity concept
Labour was regarded as a commodity to be bought and sold.Wages were based on
demand and supply.Government did very little to protect workers.The factor of
production concept Labour is like any other factor of
production,viz,money,materials,land ,etc.
 The Humanitarian concept to improve productivity,physical,social and psychological
needs of workers must be met.As Mayo and others stated,money is less a factor in
determining output,than group standars,group incentives and security.The organization is
a social system that has both ecomomic and social dimension.The HR concept
employees are the most valuable assets of an organization.
 Personnel Function in India;Changing scenario period Emphasis Status Roles 1920-30
welfare management clerical welfare paternalistics administrator 1990s-Incremental
productivity proactive,Developer onwards gains through human growth-oreinted
Counsellor assets Coach Mentor problem solver 1964-60 Expanding the role to cover
Adiministrative Appraiser Labour,welfare,industrial Advisor Relation and personnel
mediator Adiministrative Legal advisor fire fighting 1970-80 Efficiency,effectiveness
Development change agent dimensions added integrator Emphasis on human Trainer
 Dimensions personnel mgmt.HRM a.Nature of relation pluralist Unitary b.perception of
conflict.Conflict is institutionalized conflict is pathological c.contract Emphasis on
compliance Beyond contract commitment d.Role of procedures Rules dominated
acaulture &value dominated


What are unethical HRM practice that frequently happen in organization?

The five most common unethical behaviors in the work place are:-

1.Misusing campany time:-whether it is covering for some one who shows up late or altering a
time sheet,misuing campany time tops the list.This category includes knowing that one of your
co-workers is conducting personal business on campany time.

2.abusive behavior
3.employee theft

4.lying to employee

5.violating campany internet polices

The root couse of unethical behavior

Business literature is replate with stories of unethical behavior in executive suites and board
rooms,yet everyone is potentially capable of falling in to the same traps.with a little insight into
the psychological traps that increase the probablitity that individuals will behave
unethicaly,perhabs such behavior can be date,the authors have delineated a total of 45
traps,including obedience ot authority,need for closure, The false consensus effect lost in the
group,self inhancement,and they fully expect more to be discovered.

Dealing with unethical behavior in the work place what to do as a manager?

Most people will have to deal with issues of ethics at some point in their working lives.they
may find themselves being asked to do something they disagree with,or they might come up
against someone in the campany who is behaving unethically.Dealing with these issues can
be difficult,and knowing what to do is tough.In some cases,you might make a report to
your boss or even an outside organization. But there are other times when the unethical
behavior might be widely accepted,or you are encouraged to look away.If someone is
behaving unethically,what shoud you do

1.Don’t take action with out evidence

Before you do anything,you need to make sure you know the might suspect
something,but you cant go around accusing people of things without evidence.First of
all,you need to check that the behavior you suspect is unethical.It might be against industry
practice or perhaps campany policy.Secondly,you need to know that the person is doing
it.You will then have evidence you can bring to the person or authority you to report it to.

2.Follow campany procedure

If you can,you shoud follow company procedure on reporting unethical might
have had training in dealing with these issues.or you have might have an emoloyee hand
book you can look you can look at for advice.If you want to report the behaviorof a
colleaque,you shoud go to to your supervisor.However,if it is your supervisor behaving
unethically,you shoud report to someone above them.If you feel that you aren’t getting
anywhere,before escalating,to make sure you are clear on company policy.

3.When the issue goes beyond being unethical

Sometimes,the issue might go further than being unethical;it could also be illegal.In these
cases,you might need to deal with things differently.Perhabs the people behaving illegally
are higher-ups in the company.If you raise the alarm,this is known as whistleblowing.If you
decide to take action,it’s a good idea tohave legal representation .You can find an attorney
specialzing in whistleblowers and fraud w how to ho can give you the protection you need.

4.Consider going elsewhere

Occasionally,it might turn out that the job just for you.The company might not be willing
to do anything about unethical behavior. It might just be that the behavior goes against
your personal morals.The best thing to do in this situation might be tomove on and find
another job.If you want to stay with the company,swiching departments could also be an
option.It is not easy to know how to deal with unethical behavior. You might have to
confront some heavy issues or deal with difficult people.But if you think its worth it,you
shoud consider taking action.

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