LAW784 - DISCUSSION Eric Chia Case

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CLJ Bulletin, Vol 2007, Issue 07

2 March 2007
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New This Week - 1. CLJ February (Part 4) 2007

2. CLJ Supp February (Part 2) 2007

1. CLJ February (Part 4) 2007



Tan Sri Eric Chia Eng Hock v. PP

(Appeal to Federal Court - Competency - High Court exercising revisionary power
- Whether exercising original jurisdiction) [2007] 1 CLJ 565

Tan Sri Eric Chia Eng Hock v. PP

(Federal Court - Exercise of power of review - Whether unfettered - Rule
137) [2007] 1 CLJ 565

Tan Sri Eric Chia Eng Hock v. PP

(Federal Constitution - Articles 121(2)(a) & 128(3) - Whether in conflict with each
other - Harmonious interpretation thereof) [2007] 1 CLJ 565


Lew Pa Leong v. Chi Shen Lan

(Trust - Property registered in wife's name - Presumption of advancement -
Whether resulting trust created thereof) [2007] 1 CLJ 603

Sony Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd v. Direct Interest Sdn Bhd

(Damages - Assessment - Grant of nominal damages - Principle) [2007] 1 CLJ 611


Damages - Assessment of damages - Appeal - Whether trial judge justified in

setting aside nominal damages granted by senior assistant registrar - Whether
damages for loss of profits and capital supported by evidence
Sony Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd v. Direct Interest Sdn Bhd
(James Foong, Zaleha Zahari & Zainun Ali JJCA) [2007] 1 CLJ 611 [CA]


Constitution - Interpretation - Appellate jurisdiction of Federal Court - Articles

121(2)(a) and 128(3) - Whether in conflict with each other - Word "jurisdiction" in
Articles - Whether importing same meaning - Whether art. 128(3) a proviso to art.
Tan Sri Eric Chia Eng Hock v. PP
(Ahmad Fairuz CJ, Richard Malanjum CJ (Sabah & Sarawak), Alauddin Mohd
Sheriff, Nik Hashim & Augustine Paul FCJJ) [2007] 1 CLJ 565 [FC]


Appeal - Appeal to Federal Court - Competency - Appeal against decision of Court

of Appeal affirming decision of High Court reversing decision of Sessions Court in
revisionary capacity - Whether incompetent - Whether High Court not exercising
original jurisdiction - Right of appeal to Federal Court - Whether qualified and
restricted by constitutional provisions - Courts of Judicature Act 1987, ss. 22-25,
31, 87 - Federal Constitution, arts. 121(2)(a), 128(3)
Tan Sri Eric Chia Eng Hock v. PP
(Ahmad Fairuz CJ, Richard Malanjum CJ (Sabah & Sarawak), Alauddin Mohd
Sheriff, Nik Hashim & Augustine Paul FCJJ) [2007] 1 CLJ 565 [FC]

Jurisdiction of court - Federal Court - Exercise of power of review - Power to

prevent injustice or abuse of process - Scope and ambit - Validity of enabling rule
thereof - Rules of the Federal Court 1995, r. 137 - Courts of Judicature Act 1964, s.
16(a) - Civil Law Act 1956, s. 3(1)(a)
Tan Sri Eric Chia Eng Hock v. PP
(Ahmad Fairuz CJ, Richard Malanjum CJ (Sabah & Sarawak), Alauddin Mohd
Sheriff, Nik Hashim & Augustine Paul FCJJ) [2007] 1 CLJ 565 [FC]

Jurisdiction of court - High Court - Exercise of original jurisdiction - High court

exercising power of revision to disturb finding of subordinate court - Whether
exercising original jurisdiction - Revisionary power thereof - Whether could be
equated with supervisory power - Courts of Judicature Act 1964, ss. 22 – 25, 31,
87 - Criminal Procedure Code, s. 323
Tan Sri Eric Chia Eng Hock v. PP
(Ahmad Fairuz CJ, Richard Malanjum CJ (Sabah & Sarawak), Alauddin Mohd
Sheriff, Nik Hashim & Augustine Paul FCJJ) [2007] 1 CLJ 565 [FC]


Ownership - Beneficial ownership - Plaintiff and defendant husband and wife -

Purchase and registration of subject property by plaintiff husband in defendant
wife's name - Whether defendant beneficial owner of property - Whether resulting
trust created in her favour
Lew Pa Leong v. Chi Shen Lan
(Gopal Sri Ram, Zainun Ali & Hasan Lah JJCA) [2007] 1 CLJ 603 [CA]


Resulting trust - Presumption of advancement - Plaintiff and defendant husband

and wife - Purchase and registration of subject property by plaintiff husband in
defendant wife's name - Whether defendant beneficial owner of property - Whether
presumption of advancement operated in her favour
Lew Pa Leong v. Chi Shen Lan
(Gopal Sri Ram, Zainun Ali & Hasan Lah JJCA) [2007] 1 CLJ 603 [CA]


"Jurisdiction" - Articles 121(2)(a) & 128(3), Federal Constitution - Meaning and

Tan Sri Eric Chia Eng Hock v. PP
(Ahmad Fairuz CJ, Richard Malanjum CJ (Sabah & Sarawak), Alauddin Mohd
Sheriff, Nik Hashim & Augustine Paul FCJJ) [2007] 1 CLJ 565 [FC]


2. CLJ Supp February (Part 2) 2007



Azlan Maidin & Anor v. Pentadbir Tanah Melaka Tengah & Anor
(Land law - Caveat - Private caveat) [2007] 7 CLJ 237

PP v. Marwan Ismail
(Criminal procedure - Jurisdiction of court - Magistrate's court - Transmission of
case to High Court) [2007] 7 CLJ 243
PP lwn. Roslan Abdullah
(Keterangan - Maklumat menjurus kepada penemuan - Akta Keterangan 1950, s.
27) [2007] 7 CLJ 249

Re Tan Sri Kishu Tirathrai; Ex p Affin Bank Bhd

(Bankruptcy - Receiving and adjudication orders) [2007] 7 CLJ 270

Sakyo Corporation & Anor v. Dow Jones & Company Inc & Ors
(Civil procedure - Service - Out of jurisdiction) [2007] 7 CLJ 283

Yayasan Melaka v. Photran Corporation Sdn Bhd & Anor

(Contract - Loan agreement - Breach of) [2007] 7 CLJ 308



Petition - Creditor's petition - Proof of debt - Requirement of - Whether manifestly

absent - Whether court satisfied with proof of petitioning creditor's debt - Whether
petition should stand dismissed - Whether decision of SAR could not be upheld or
endorsed - Whether receiving and adjudication orders set aside - Bankruptcy Act
1967, s. 6(2), (3) - Bankruptcy Rules 1969, r. 122
Re Tan Sri Kishu Tirathrai; Ex p Affin Bank Bhd
(Abdul Alim Abdullah jc) [2007] 7 CLJ 270 [HC]

Receiving and adjudication orders - Appeal against - Proof of debt - Requirement

of - Whether manifestly absent - Whether court satisfied with proof of petitioning
creditor's debt - Whether petition should stand dismissed - Whether decision of
SAR could not be upheld or endorsed - Whether receiving and adjudication orders
set aside - Bankruptcy Act 1967, s. 6(2), (3) - Bankruptcy Rules 1969, r. 122
Re Tan Sri Kishu Tirathrai; Ex p Affin Bank Bhd
(Abdul Alim Abdullah jc) [2007] 7 CLJ 270 [HC]


Service - Out of jurisdiction - Setting aside - Grounds of application - Whether

sufficient - Conditional appearance - Whether valid - Application for leave -
Whether proper - Course of action taken under O. 12 r. 6 RHC 1980 - Whether
appropriate - Rules of the High Court 1980, O. 12 rr. 6, 7, O. 18 r. 19(1)(a), O. 32
r. 1
Sakyo Corporation & Anor v. Dow Jones & Company Inc & Ors
(Hishamudin Yunus J) [2007] 7 CLJ 283 [HC]

Summary judgment - Loan - Claim for - Appeal against - Coercion and undue
influence - Allegations of - Whether second defendant showed consent to
agreement caused by coercion - Contracts Act 1950, s. 15 - Whether alleged undue
influence caused to first defendant irrelevant to second defendant - Contracts Act
1950, s. 19 - Whether defence mere bare allegations - Whether unfounded and
could not stand in law - Whether plainly contrary to contemporary documentary
evidence - Triable issues - Whether raised
Yayasan Melaka v. Photran Corporation Sdn Bhd & Anor
(Abdul Wahab Said J) [2007] 7 CLJ 308 [HC]


Loan agreement - Breach of - Debt - Claim for - Defence of coercion and undue
influence - Whether proved - Whether second defendant showed consent to
agreement caused by coercion - Contracts Act 1950, s. 15 - Whether alleged undue
influence caused to first defendant irrelevant to second defendant - Contracts Act
1950, s. 19 - Whether defence mere bare allegations - Whether unfounded and
could not stand in law - Whether plainly contrary to contemporary documentary
evidence - Triable issues - Whether raised
Yayasan Melaka v. Photran Corporation Sdn Bhd & Anor
(Abdul Wahab Said J) [2007] 7 CLJ 308 [HC]


Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Section 39B(1) - Trafficking in dangerous drugs -

Allegation of - Failure of magistrate to transmit case to High Court - Dangerous
Drugs Act 1952, s. 41A - Fixing case for re-mention in magistrate's court -
Whether justified - Detention at ‘pleasure of prosecution' - Whether there was an
abuse of the process of the law - Warrant of remand and mention date for accused
to appear before magistrate again - Whether set aside - Whether magistrate directed
to reconsider whether to transmit case - Criminal Procedure Code, s. 259 - Whether
applicable - Criminal Procedure Code, ss. 29, 117, 323
PP v. Marwan Ismail
(KN Segara J) [2007] 7 CLJ 243 [HC]


Jurisdiction of court - Magistrate's court - Transmission of case to High Court -

Failure of - Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, s. 41A - Fixing case for re-mention in
magistrate's court - Whether justified - Detention at ‘pleasure of prosecution' -
Whether there was an abuse of the process of the law - Warrant of remand and
mention date for accused to appear before magistrate again - Whether set aside -
Whether magistrate directed to reconsider whether to transmit case - Criminal
Procedure Code, s. 259 - Whether applicable - Criminal Procedure Code, ss. 29,
117, 323
PP v. Marwan Ismail
(KN Segara J) [2007] 7 CLJ 243 [HC]
Revision - Criminal Procedure Code, s. 323 - Trafficking in dangerous drugs -
Allegation of - Failure of magistrate to transmit case to High Court - Dangerous
Drugs Act 1952, s. 41A - Fixing case for re-mention in magistrate's court -
Whether justified - Detention at ‘pleasure of prosecution' - Whether there was an
abuse of the process of the law - Warrant of remand and mention date for accused
to appear before magistrate again - Whether set aside - Whether magistrate directed
to reconsider whether to transmit case - Criminal Procedure Code, s. 259 - Whether
applicable - Criminal Procedure Code, ss. 29, 117, 323
PP v. Marwan Ismail
(KN Segara J) [2007] 7 CLJ 243 [HC]


Caveat - Private caveat - Locus standi - Whether private caveats have lapsed -
Whether plaintiffs entitled to decree of specific performance - Whether plaintiffs
had locus standi to commence application
Azlan Maidin & Anor v. Pentadbir Tanah Melaka Tengah & Anor
(Low Hop Bing J) [2007] 7 CLJ 237 [HC]



Keterangan secara bersumpah dari kandang saksi - Penafian semata -

Penggantungan kepada bentuk pembelaan berupa ‘bare denial' - Sama ada
mencukupi - Milikan dan pengetahuan - Sama ada dibuktikan - Elemen
pengetahuan terhadap keujudan dadah - Sama ada boleh diketepikan - Skop
pemakaian s. 27 Akta Keterangan 1950 - Sama ada menepati definasi - Sama ada
pihak pembelaan gagal menimbulkan sebarang keraguan munasabah terhadap
kesahihan kes pendakwaan - Sama ada OKT bersalah dan disabitkan di atas
pertuduhan tersebut
PP lwn. Roslan Abdullah
(Abd Halim Aman PK) [2007] 7 CLJ 249 [HC]

Maklumat menjurus kepada penemuan - Akta Keterangan 1950, s. 27 - Sama ada

skop menepati definasi - Sama ada berpandukan kepada maklumat yang diberikan
OKT telah membawa kepada perjumpaan dadah tersebut - Milikan dan
pengetahuan - Sama ada dibuktikan - Elemen pengetahuan terhadap keujudan
dadah - Sama ada boleh diketepikan - Sama ada pihak pembelaan gagal
menimbulkan sebarang keraguan munasabah terhadap kesahihan kes pendakwaan -
Sama ada OKT bersalah dan disabitkan di atas pertuduhan tersebut
PP lwn. Roslan Abdullah
(Abd Halim Aman PK) [2007] 7 CLJ 249 [HC]

Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - Seksyen 39B(1)(a) - Mengedar 416 gram dadah
jenis ganja - Akhir kes pembelaan - Sama ada keterangan dari pihak pembelaan
boleh mengenepikan kes pendakwaan yang diputuskan prima facie - Asas
pembelaan menjurus kepada penafian semata - Penggantungan kepada bentuk
pembelaan berupa ‘bare denial' - Sama ada mencukupi - Milikan dan pengetahuan
- Sama ada dibuktikan - Elemen pengetahuan terhadap keujudan dadah - Sama ada
boleh diketepikan - Skop pemakaian s. 27 Akta Keterangan 1950 - Sama ada
menepati definasi - Sama ada pihak pembelaan gagal menimbulkan sebarang
keraguan munasabah terhadap kesahihan kes pendakwaan - Sama ada OKT
bersalah dan disabitkan di atas pertuduhan tersebut
PP lwn. Roslan Abdullah
(Abd Halim Aman PK) [2007] 7 CLJ 249 [HC]

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