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Practice progression test 2

(1 hour 10 minutes)

Disclaimer: Please note that this practice progression test has not been produced by Cambridge International Examinations and it
should not be assumed that Cambridge progression tests will follow this exact pattern.

Section A: Reading – Fiction (25 marks)

Spend 30 minutes on this section.
Read the text in the Insert and then answer questions 1–13.

1 What is Vatanen’s new job?


2 ‘Before the snow set in ... ’ (line 1)

What effect does the writer create by beginning the story with this phrase?


3 Describe in your own words the place that Vatanen has come to live and work in.


4 a ‘He lived in a lean-to canvas bivouac reinforced with a covering of spruce

branches.’ (lines 7–8)

Give one way these lines emphasise how primitive Vatanen’s shelter is.


b Look at the phrase ‘and he wasn’t weighed down by the thought of having to do
this work till the end of his life.’ (lines 10–11)

i Write one quotation from the text that shows the work was difficult.


© Cambridge University Press 2017 Cambridge Checkpoint English 8: The Wider World 1

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Practice progression test 2 (1 hour 10 minutes)

ii Write one quotation from the text that shows the work was beneficial.


5 ‘... at night slept with his ears pricked like a wild animal.’ (line 14). What does this
quotation suggest about Vatanen’s character?


6 How does the writer show how Vatanen feels about the raven at first (lines 20–21)?


7 ‘Everything showed that the poor, ill-shaped fowl had not been having a very
cheerful time of it recently’ (lines 21–22). What is the underlined phrase an
example of?

Tick () one box.




personification [1]

8 Choose and explain quotations which show that the thefts by the raven were
aggressive and impossible to stop.


© Cambridge University Press 2017 Cambridge Checkpoint English 8: The Wider World 2

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Practice progression test 2 (1 hour 10 minutes)

9 Which two features from this text suggest that it is from an adventure story?

Tick () two boxes.

the character is alone

it is set in a remote place

it is set in winter

there are wild animals

there is a challenge to overcome


10 Explain in your own words how Vatanen’s feelings towards the raven changed
(lines 27–28).

Support your answer with examples from the text.


11 What two things do we learn about the relationship between Vatanen and the hare?


© Cambridge University Press 2017 Cambridge Checkpoint English 8: The Wider World 3

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Practice progression test 2 (1 hour 10 minutes)

12 Write one quotation from the text which tells us that the raven was becoming more


13 Explain in your own words the reasons why Vatanen decided that he had to get rid
of the raven.

Support your answer with examples from the whole text.


© Cambridge University Press 2017 Cambridge Checkpoint English 8: The Wider World 4

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Practice progression test 2 (1 hour 10 minutes)

Section B: Writing – Fiction (25 marks)

Spend 30 minutes on this section.

14 Write a story in which the main character has to battle with an animal of some kind.

You should consider:

• the character – who are they and how did they get into this position?
• the setting − where is this battle taking place?
• what happens during the battle and what is the outcome?

Space for your plan:

Write your article on the next pages. [25 marks]

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Practice progression test 2 (1 hour 10 minutes)

© Cambridge University Press 2017 Cambridge Checkpoint English 8: The Wider World 6

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Practice progression test 2 (1 hour 10 minutes)

© Cambridge University Press 2017 Cambridge Checkpoint English 8: The Wider World 7

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