Recall and Warranty Processing: Business Process Procedure

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Recall and Warranty

Business Process Procedure
Recall and Warranty Processing _BBP


1 Purpose............................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Prerequisites..................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Preliminary Steps.............................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Assigning User Profiles in R/3.................................................................................................... 4
4 Basic Business Process.................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Creating Vehicle with VIN in VMS.............................................................................................. 5
4.2 Editing Recall............................................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Checking and Applying the recall in the Portal by Dealer...........................................................9
4.4 Checking the Recall by the Warranty Office.............................................................................12
4.5 Checking the Recall Claim in the Portal by Dealer...................................................................13
4.6 Create To Claimant Version..................................................................................................... 14
4.7 Release To Claimant Version................................................................................................... 15
4.8 Post OC Version to FI.............................................................................................................. 16
4.9 Displaying Credit Memo .......................................................................................................... 16
4.10 Completing the Recall Claim.................................................................................................. 17
4.11 Dealer check the status of the claim in Portal........................................................................18
4.12 Creating Credit Memo List...................................................................................................... 18

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Recall and Warranty Processing _BBP

Recall and Warranty Processing

1 Purpose
General Information and Target User
This documentation gives an instruction on how the scenario (A76 – Warranty Processing for Recall)
is processed from business point of view. It also gives a step-by-step operation guide, which the
users can follow to finish the process of this scenario.
The target user of this documentation:
• Partners
• Customers


Business Role Description:

• Dealer: The dealer mainly focuses on service and vehicle maintenance for the end customer.
• Warranty Process Office: This role can be the importer, or the sales office of the OEM who is
in charge of the warranty processing. The warranty process office clerk logs on to the SAP
back end system to finish the routine warranty processing. Within the warranty process office,
we have different roles for warranty manager and the warranty clerk who are in charge of
different process in the scenario.

Process Overview:
• The reimburser provides the importer with a recall number with the relevant data, for example
the validity period of the campaign, the affected objects, and the materials and labor values
that are incurred in the course of the recall.
• The importer enters the recall data in the system in the form of a warranty claim with the
special claim type for recall claims.
• The importer releases the recall.
• The dealer, checks which of the affected objects have been sold to which customers/claimants,
and then sends them the appropriate information.
• The dealer inspects the object, evaluates the recall items, and sends the claim information to
the importer. The warranty clerk enters the claim information in the SAP system with reference
to the recall.
• The claim is automatically checked against the recall data. The system checks whether the
object in the claim is contained in the recall and whether the reference date is within the recall
validity period.
• Monthly credit memo list is issued.

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Recall and Warranty Processing _BBP

2 Prerequisites
You have entered the master data required to go through the procedures of this scenario. Ensure
that the following scenario-specific master data exists before you test this scenario:

Master Data
Master Master Data Description
Plant BP01 Production Plant
Sales Organization BP01 Sales Org. BP01
Distribution 01 Direct Sales
Material A76-1000_SAL Window Screen Handle
A76-1101_SAL Service outside plant
Customer 7601 Dealer76

3 Preliminary Steps
3.1 Assigning User Profiles in R/3
Before starting the scenario, it is required to assign the test user to the user profile.

If you have already assigned user profile SWTY to your user ID, skip this step.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance
→ Work Scheduling → Environment → Engineering →
Environment → Technical Objects → Environment →
Warranty Claim Processing → Master Data → Assign User
Transaction code WTY_UPROF

2. On the Change View “Assign User Profile”: Overview screen, choose New Entries.
3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries Screen, make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
User Your user ID user ID you used to log on
Profile SWTY System standard profile

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4. Choose Save.
5. In the Prompt for workbench Request dialog box, choose Create Request. Make the following
Field name User action and values Comment
Short Description Warranty Processing Profile

6. Choose Save. A new workbench request is created.

7. Choose Continue.
8. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

4 Basic Business Process

This BPP only runs in Sales client.

4.1 Creating Vehicle with VIN in VMS

The purpose of this activity is to create a vehicle; the VIN (Vehicle identification number) is assigned
to the vehicle.

The Vehicle identification number (VIN) is a 17-character number that identifies a

vehicle and is created when the vehicle is assembled, for example, during the assembly
process in the manufacturer’s production system. The VIN is an international standard.

Configurable material (Vehicles model), class and configuration profile must exit.

1. In this procedure, use user: 7601 and password: initial to log on system. Change the password
of 7601 to shanghai.
2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Logistics → Logistics Execution → Vehicle Management
System Vehicle Manager
Transaction code VELO

3. On the Vehicle Manager: Vehicle Search for Vehicle Model screen, in the tab Find, select the
Vehicle model A76 Mini Cooper by clicking.
4. Choose the Action tab.
5. In the Actions and Individual Search area, select the action CRE1 Create Planned Vehicle
(Unconfigurable) and choose Execute action.

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6. On the Vehicle Manager: Create Planned Vehicle (Unconfigurable) for VEHICLE M screen,
make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Plant BP01
Number of You can create any 10
Vehicles number of vehicles at
Production Planned production Today
Date date.

7. Choose Execute action at the bottom of the window, you may need to scroll down.
8. The message: Action Created Planned Vehicle (Unconfigurable) executed, is
displayed.Ten vehicles with the internal vehicle numbers are listed.
9. In the Actions and Individual Search area, select the action SMOD Change Vehicle and choose
the button beside the field Execute action.
10. Choose the first vehicle by clicking the internal vehicle number in 10 Vehicles for Modes.
11. On the Action Tab, make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Vehicle ID Assign a VIN to your A7600000000000001
No. vehicle

12. Repeat step 10 to 11 for all the 10 vehicles. Using A7600000000000002 ~ A7600000000000010
for the VIN number.
13. Choose Execute Action (located at the bottom of the screen).
14. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
15. Log off R/3 by user 7601.

Ten vehicles with the VIN number are created.

4.2 Editing Recall

The reimburser gives the warranty office an external recall number with the appropriate data, for
example the validity period of the recall, the affected objects, and the materials and labor values that
are incurred in the course of the recall. The warranty clerk enters the recall information in the SAP

1. Use your own user ID to log on R/3.
2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

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SAP menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance

→ Work Scheduling → Environment → Engineering →
Environment → Technical Objects → Environment →
Warranty Claim Processing → Master Data → Edit Recall
Transaction code WTYRCL

3. On the Warranty Claim Processing: Maintain Recalls screen, make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Recall Type Recall Editor YP05

4. Choose Create (F5).

5. On the Warranty Claim Processing: Maintain Recalls screen, make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and Comment
Recall for
Warranty Claim
Ext. Recall No. EXT-001 This number is used
later to create the
claims. You need to
add 1 to the last
sequence number
every time you run the
scenario again.
RecallValidFrom Today’s date
RecallValidTo The end of the year For example:
Info Recall broken Window
Screen Handle
Partner 7601

6. Choose the Item Overview tab and choose Append Row. In the row of new item, make the
following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Control Item Type MAT (F4) help to select.
Material A76-1000_SAL
Key A76-1000_SAL
Quantity 1
Unit of Meas PC

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7. Choose drill down (F4) to select the field Defect Code.

8. On the Display Catalog Structure screen, WTY1 is the default value in field Catalog code.
Choose Execute (F8).
9. Select 002-001 Not yet broken.
10. Select Choose Entry.
11. Maintain another item of labor hour. On the Item Overview area, choose Append Row. In the
row of the new item, make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Control Item Type FR (F4) help to select.
Quantity 2
Unit of Meas. H Hour

12. Choose drill down (F4) to select the field Key.

Pay attention here, the field is Key, not Defect Code. If you run this step using the field
Defect Code, a short dump occurs.
13. On the Display Catalog Structure screen, WTY2 is the default value in field Catalog code.
Choose Execute (F8).
14. Select 006 Recall Service outside plant.

You can display the detailed information by double-clicking each line.

15. Select Choose Entry.
16. On the Warranty Claim Processing: Maintain Recalls screen, check if the material A76-
1101_SAL has been automatically assigned to the labor (FR) item.
17. Choose the Objects tab, and choose Append Row. In the row of the new item, make the
following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Object Type Vehicle VELO
ID Type Object ID Type Blank
Incl./Excl. I Include
Object From: A7600000000000001 Vehicle Identify
Number for recall
Object To: A7600000000000010 Vehicle Identify
Number for recall

18. Choose Enter.

19. Choose Save.
20. Write down the recall claim number displayed in the status bar _____________.
21. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

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The importer has now defined all the elements of the recall and informed the dealer accordingly.

4.3 Checking and Applying the recall in the Portal by

The dealer uses their own user to log on to the dealer portal, from which they can check the updated
information from the warranty processing department. When the dealer sees the newly created
recall, they can create the relevant claims with reference to this recall.

Setting Up the HTTP Server (Protocol and Port)

To allow the Warranty Web Application Server to communicate with your browser and display
content, you must first set up a HTTP service.
For detailed information about the SAP Web Application Server, refer to the documentation in the
SAP Library.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Tools → Administration → Monitor → System Monitoring
→ Internet Communication Manager
Transaction code SMICM

2. Choose Goto → Services. The ICM Monitor – Service Display screen appears.
3. Check the ICM monitor, and get information about active HTTP or HTTPS service.
4. Record the following information for the first active HTTP or HTTPS service:
Protocol _____________
Port _____________
Host Name _____________
This information is used in URL.

For example,
Protocol : HTTP
Port : 8050
Host Name:
5. Go Back to SAP easy access screen.


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Recall and Warranty Processing _BBP

A HTTP or HTTPS service that enables the WAS to communicate with your Web browser is now

1. Open your Internet Explorer; in the address field enter the portal URL you set up in the step:
Setting up the HTTP Server.
Protocol ://<Host Name>:<Port>/sap/bc/bsp/sapdii/wty_ui/
client=<Client Number>
For example:


3. On the Connect to dialog box, enter your warranty portal user ID and
password to log on.

Field name Description R/O/C User action and values Comment

User Name 7601
Password R shanghai

Layout Overview of the Dealer Portal Home Page:

The home page is the central initial access page in the dealer portal application. It
consists of the following areas:

Header Area

Navigation Path

Messages Area

Working Area

Header Area: All the warranty relevant processes which can be performed by a dealer
are listed in this area. For example, claim processing, and recall processing.
Navigation Path: The last four navigated paths is displayed in this area.
Messages Area: All the system response messages is displayed in this area. For
example: information, warning message, and the document number.
Working Area: Application objects which are in process currently are listed in this area,
the detail information of an specific application object is also displayed in this area.

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4. Choose OK.

If this is the first time you log on to the Dealer Portal, you need to set up your
personalized settings. The following steps are for your reference:
a.From the tool bar choose Personalize.
b.Make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and Commen
values t
Status In Process Select
the item
Created last 90 Days
Validity Within Next 90 Days
For Claim created In 90 Days
Financials for last 3 Months
Statistics for last 3 Months
Overview List Rows 10
Result List Rows 10
c.In the other fields keep the default values.
d.Choose Save in the Action area.
e. Choose Overview to return to the portal page, the warning messages disappear.
5. Under Navigation path: Overview, choose the Recalls Tab.
6. All the recalls valid within the period is displayed.
7. Choose the recall you created in the back end system by selecting the button before the line,
then choose Transfer.
8. In the Recall Details area, you can check all the recall relevant information.
9. In the Action area, choose Create Claim.
10. The message Recall XXXXXX applied is displayed.
11. In the Claim Details area, choose the Header tab, and make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Claim Type BP AUTO RECALL Use the drill down button
to select
Object Vehicle Use the drill down button
to select
Object Enter the VIN number The VIN number should
Reference be included in the recall
scope. For example:

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Ref. Date System default date The system will take

current date as the
default date, you can
change the date if
Recall Ref. EXT-001 The External Recall No.
for example: EXT-001 is
automatically copied in
this field.

12. In the Claim Details area, choose the Item tab; you can see the two default items, which were
maintained in the recall, are automatically copied here. If necessary, you can also delete, or add
rows here for your own claim items.
13. In Actions area, choose Simulate.
14. In the Actions area, choose Submit. In the Messages area the claim number is displayed. Make
a note of the claim number____________.
15. Choose Log off to close the portal.

The dealer has executed the recall, and applied the recall in the portal, a new claim is created.

4.4 Checking the Recall by the Warranty Office

The warranty office clerk can check if the recall is valid for the chosen object, that is whether the
reference date in the warranty claim lies within the recall interval or not, and whether this recall can
be used or not.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance
→ Work Scheduling → Environment → Engineering →
Environment → Technical Objects → Environment →
Warranty Claim Processing → Warranty Claim Processing
→ Process Warranty Claim
Transaction code WTY

2. On the Process Warranty Claim Screen, make the following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Comment
Claim Claim number created before

If you cannot remember the claim number, you can use search function, to show all the
newly created claims:

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1)Choose F4. On the Dynamic Search Help Warranty Claim screen, make the following
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Warranty YP01
Claim type
Partner 7601
2)Choose Execute (F8).
3)Select the claim by double clicking the claim number.
3. Choose Open (F6).
4. Choose Display ↔ Change (F7).
5. Choose Check Recall. If the check is OK, the status of this claim is updated to B095 Recall
Checked. Otherwise, the Recall for Warranty Claim Object VELO XXXXXXXXX Screen is
displayed. The recall check result, recall number, and the other relevant information are
6. Choose Save.
7. On the Change Warranty Claim screen, Choose Copy IC Version.
8. A new version under From Claimant Category is now created for the processor to do the further
9. Choose Save.
10. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

Choose Yes if message appears.

4.5 Checking the Recall Claim in the Portal by Dealer

Dealer can log on to the portal using their own user, to trace the claims and check the updated

1. Open your Internet Explorer, in the address field enter the portal URL you set up in the step
Setting up the HTTP Server.
For example:
2. On the dialog box Connect to window, enter your warranty portal user
name and password to log on.
Field name Description User action and values Comment
User Name 7601
Password shanghai

3. Choose OK.

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4. Choose Overview.
5. On the Claims tab, the claim is displayed.
6. Select the claim by choosing the box at the beginning of the line, and choose Transfer to check
the detailed information and the updated status.

If the claim you are looking for is not in the list, choose Claims. In the Search field, using
the drill down button to select Claim Number, enter the claim number you are looking for
in the next field, and then choose GO, the claim detail is displayed.
7. Choose Log Off to leave the portal.

4.6 Create To Claimant Version

Copy the incoming customer version to a new version to send to the claimant.

A version is part of a warranty claim with entitlements to reimbursement and that is

directed at or has been made by a specific partner. A version can contain more than one
When you enter a warranty claim, exactly one version is created; this version is
assigned to the category Versions from Claimant (see below). During the further claim
processing procedure, more versions are created manually or automatically in different
categories and sent to the appropriate business partner.
A category is a subdivision within a warranty claim that defines a specific part process. There are
four different categories:
1. Versions from Claimant: category for versions sent by the claimant
2. Versions to Reimburser: category for versions that have already been forwarded to the
3. Versions from Reimburser: category for versions that have been returned by the reimburser
4. Versions to Claimant: category for versions that have been returned to the claimant.
The reimburser is not considered in this scenario; therefore only two versions are used: Versions
from Claimant and Versions to Claimant.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance
→ Work Scheduling → Environment → Engineering →
Environment → Technical Objects → Environment →
Warranty Claim Processing → Warranty Claim Processing
→ Process Warranty Claim
Transaction code WTY

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2. On the Process Warranty Claim Screen, make the following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Comment
Claim Claim number created before

3. Choose Open (F6).

4. Choose Display ↔ Change (F7).
5. Choose To Claimant.
6. A new version 0003 under To Claimant category is created; select the new version by double
7. On the Change Warranty Claim Screen, check the information in the Version Detail tab.
8. Check and change the price in the Item Detail tab if necessary.
9. Choose Save.
10. Choose Back to return to the Change Warranty Claim Screen.

Choose yes if message appears.

4.7 Release To Claimant Version

After the final decision making, warranty clerk releases the To Claimant version.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance

→ Work Scheduling → Environment → Engineering →
Environment → Technical Objects → Environment →
Warranty Claim Processing → Warranty Claim Processing
→ Process Warranty Claim
Transaction code WTY

2. On the Process Warranty Claim Screen, make the following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Comment
Claim Type
Claim Claim number created before

3. Choose Open (F6).

4. Choose Display ↔ Change (F7).
5. Choose Release. Then on the Version Detail tab, field Shipping Version is checked.
6. Choose Save.

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7. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

4.8 Post OC Version to FI

The purpose of this activity is to post the version to FI to create the credit memo.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance
→ Work Scheduling → Environment → Engineering →
Environment → Technical Objects → Environment →
Warranty Claim Processing → Warranty Claim Processing
→ Process Warranty Claim
Transaction code WTY

2. On the Process Warranty Claim Screen, make the following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Comment
Claim Type
Claim Claim number created

3. Choose Open (F6).

4. Choose Display ↔ Change (F7).
5. Choose Post to FI.
6. Choose Save.
7. On the appearing Finish Warranty Claim Processing screen with the message Notes have been
issued. Do you want to save? Choose Yes.
8. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

4.9 Displaying Credit Memo

The purpose of this activity is to display the credit and memo and check it.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

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SAP menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance

→ Work Scheduling → Environment → Engineering →
Environment → Technical Objects → Environment →
Warranty Claim Processing → Warranty Claim Processing
→ Process Warranty Claim
Transaction code WTY

2. On the Process Warranty Claim Screen, make the following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Comment
Claim Type
Claim Claim number created before

3. Choose Open (F6).

4. Choose Document Flow (Shift + F4).
5. In the Documents for Warranty Claim dialog box. You can check the credit memo detail by
choosing the accounting document number.
6. Choose Back to return, and choose Continue to return to the warranty screen.
7. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

4.10 Completing the Recall Claim

When the recall is opened and all the relevant objects are claimed, the reimburser decides to
complete the recall. The warranty clerk completes the recall in the system to avoid further
processing on this claim.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance
→ Work Scheduling → Environment → Engineering →
Environment → Technical Objects → Environment →
Warranty Claim Processing → Warranty Claim Processing
→ Process Warranty Claim
Transaction code WTY

2. On the Process Warranty Claim Screen, make the following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Comment
Claim Type
Claim Claim number created before

3. Choose Open (F6).

4. Choose Display ↔ Change (F7).

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5. Choose Complete Claim (F9).

6. On the appearing Finish Warranty Claim Processing screen with the message Notes have been
issued. Do you want to save? Choose Yes.
7. The status of this warranty claim is set to B060 Claim Closed.
8. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

4.11 Dealer check the status of the claim in Portal

Dealer can log on to portal using their own user to check the final result of the claim.

1. Open your Internet Explorer, in the address field; enter the portal URL you set up in the step:
Setting Up the HTTP Server.
For example:
3. On the dialog box Connect to window, enter your warranty portal use ID
and password to log on.
Field name Description R/O/C User action and values Comment
User Name 7601
Password R shanghai

4. Choose OK.
5. Choose Claims.
6. In Search field, use the drill down button to select Claim Number, enter the claim number you
are looking for in the next field, then choose GO, the claim detail will be displayed On the Claims
tab, check the detail information and the updated status - COMPLETE, and the updated
reimbursed amount.
7. Choose Log Off to leave the portal.

4.12 Creating Credit Memo List

At the end of the Month, or year, the warranty clerk groups all the credit memos by customer, and
creates the credit memo list, and sends it to the customer.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

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SAP menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance

→ Work Scheduling → Environment → Engineering →
Environment → Technical Objects → Environment →
Warranty Claim Processing → Warranty Claim Processing
→ Subsequent Process → Create Credit Memo List
Transaction code WTYCL

2. On the Create Credit Memo Lists for Warranty Credit Memos Screen, make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Sales BP01
Distribution 01
Division 01
Customer 7601
Open items at Enter the current date
key date
Test Run Deselect

3. Choose Execute (F8).

4. You can see detail items by selecting the * before the customer.
5. Choose from the menu: List → Export → Local file. In the pop up Save List in file Screen,
choose Spreadsheet. Choose Enter.
6. In the dialog box Create Credit Memo Lists for Warranty Credit memos Screen, enter the
directory and the file name, for example, directory D:\, file name A76.xls. Then choose
7. The data is exported to the excel file.
8. You can print out the credit memo list, and send to the dealer via fax.
9. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

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