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A Survey of Ad Hoc Network Simulators

Mahua Dasgupta
TCS Innovation Labs
Ph.: +91 978749903

ABSTRACT depending on their needs: either using one of the simulators made
In distributed ad hoc networks, the main challenge of developing available to the community or developing a custom simulator
a protocol is its evaluation and verification in all the network tailored to their purpose.
scenarios for network tear-up, traffic conditions and network tear- Network simulators are used by people from different areas such
down. This paper discusses about the various network simulators as academic researchers, industrial developers, and Quality
available and most popular among protocol developers for Assurance (QA) to design, simulate, verify, and analyze the
wireless distributed ad hoc network. performance of different networks protocols. They can also be
used to evaluate the effect of the different parameters on the
1. INTRODUCTION protocols being studied. Generally a network simulator will
In ad hoc networks, end-to-end connectivity cannot be comprise of a wide range of networking technologies and
guaranteed. Indeed mobile ad hoc networks may be partitioned protocols and help users to build complex networks from basic
and nodes may be sporadically present in the network. In addition, building blocks like clusters of nodes and links. With their help,
the topology of the network changes over time because of the one can design different network topologies using various types of
mobility of the stations. Then, the way the communication nodes such as end-hosts, hubs, network bridges, routers, optical
primitives were implemented in the context of wired networks is link-layer devices, and mobile units.
no longer applicable. It was hence necessary to propose new
algorithms to take those primitives into account. The design and 2. RELATED WORKS
implementation of such communication schemes, and more The world of simulators is largely dominated by ns-2. ns was
generally of mobile ad hoc network applications, can be achieved originally targeted at the simulation of wired networks. Its
using two different ways: either by building a real network, or by subsequent versions, ns-2, came with an extension for mobile ad
resorting to modelling and simulation. hoc networks. Less popular, simulators like GloMoSim or
Theoretical approaches failed at modeling the inherent complexity Qualnet have advantages like the possibility to distribute the
of mobile ad hoc networks in a comprehensive manner. Indeed, ad simulation over a cluster or to provide commercial support.
hoc networks are decentralised systems which are ruled by a
variety of elements including radio signal, network traffic, 3. SIMULATORS
mobility, collaborative behavior, etc. If theoretical approaches The few network simulators that are widely used for simulation of
certainly are useful for represent one or the other elements, they mobile ad hoc networks are detailed below.
do not suit the modelling of a system as a whole.
3.1 Ns-2
In the situation today, real mobile ad hoc networks are not yet
developed at a city-scale, conducting research on mobile ad hoc 3.1.1 Features
networks is achievable either by using experimentation networks Ns-2 is the de facto standard for network simulation. Its behavior
(called “testbeds”) or by resorting to software simulation, of is highly trusted within the networking community. ns-2 is a
which simulators are more popular due to the expense incurred on discrete-event simulator organized according to the OSI model
testbeds. Ad hoc protocol designer can then follow two directions, and primarily designed to simulate wired networks. The core of
ns-2 is a monolithic piece of C++ code. It is extendable by adding
C++ modules. The configuration relies on OTCL [REF] scripts.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for Ns-2 then appears to the user as an OTCL interpreter. More
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are precisely, it reads scenarios files written in OTCL and produces a
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that trace file in its own format. This trace needs to be processed by
copies bear this notice. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on user scripts or converted and rendered using the NAM tool [REF].
servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission This simulator is best if a protocol requires a high precision
and/or a fee.
physical layer.
TACTiCS – TCS Technical Architects’ Conference’10

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3.1.2 Weakness interacting with each others. It can then perfectly be used for
Unfortunately it suffers from its lack of modularity as well as from MANETs simulation.
its inherent complexity. Indeed, adding components/protocols or
modifying existing ones is not as straightforward as it should be.
3.4.2 Weakness
The mobility extension for OMNeT++ [DSH+03] is intended to
ns-2 is also infamous for its high consumption of computational
support wireless and mobile simulations. This support is said to
resources. A harmful consequence is that ns-2 lacks scalability,
be fairly incomplete. OMNet++ is used in the context of academic
which impedes the simulation of large networks. The wireless ad
research and education.
hoc version of ns-2 can handle a few hundred nodes, but the
simulation time grows at least quadratically so at most 50 nodes
can be tested with more accuracy. 3.5 GTNets
3.2 GloMoSim 3.5.1 Features
3.2.1 Features GTNetS [Ril03] is developed at GeorgiaTech institute (Atlanta,
USA). According to its authors, the design philosophy of GTNetS
GloMoSim [REF] was developed at UCLA. GloMoSim is written
is to create a simulation environment that is structured much like
in Parsec and hence a benefit from the latter’s ability to run on
actual networks are structured. More precisely, in GTNetS, there
shared-memory symmetric processor (SMP) computers. New
is clear and distinct separation of protocol stack layers and the
protocols and modules for GloMoSim must be written in Parsec
network programming interface used by applications use function
too. GloMoSim respects the OSI standard. GloMoSim uses a
calls similar to the ubiquitous POSIX standard. Another benefit of
message-based approach to discrete-event simulation. More
GTNetS is that the simulator gathers statistics regarding its own
precisely, network layers are represented as objects called
“entities”. Events are represented as timestamped messages
handled by entities. A java-based visualization tool is provided. 3.5.2 Weakness
3.2.2 Weakness It does not support changing network topology.
GloMoSim is said to suffer from a lack of a good and in-depth 3.6 NAB
documentation. The language also makes it more difficult to add
customized modules into the simulator code. 3.6.1 Features
NAB (Network in A Box) [ISI04]is a discrete event simulator
3.3 OpNET developed at EPFL (Lausanne,Switzerland). NAB is dedicated to
MANETs simulation. According to its author, NAB was born out
3.3.1 Features of the inability to simulate large ad hoc networks with existing
Optimized Network Engineering Tools [REF] is a discrete-event tools, and some impatience in dealing with their internal
network simulator first proposed by MIT in 1986. It is a well- complexity, which tended to make implementing new
established and professional commercial suite for network functionality a lengthy and bug-ridden task. NAB’s design is
simulation. OpNET Modeler features an interactive development node-oriented (as well as object-oriented); that is each node is
environment allowing the design and study of networks, devices, represented by an object. It is written in OCaml and is actually the
protocols, and applications. OPNet is written in C++. OPNET only simulator written in a language whose syntax is not derived
offers relatively much powerful visual or graphical support for the from C.
users. The graphical editor interface can be used to build network
topology and entities from the application layer to the physical 3.6.2 Weakness
layer. When the number of nodes increases beyond 50, NAB
experiences performance degradation.
3.3.2 Weakness
In spite of its wide adoption, some doubts remain regarding the
dependability of its MANETs simulation engine. More precisely, 3.7 SWANS
Cavin and al. [CSS02b] simulated a broadcasting process on the
OPNet, ns-2 and GloMoSim simulators (each of them is detailed 3.7.1 Features
in this section). It came out that the results obtained using OPNet SWANS [Bar04], is a Java-based wireless network simulator built
were barely comparable to those harvested out of ns-2 and atop the JiST discrete event platform. SWANS boasts a highly
GloMoSim, which exhibited similar behaviors. The divergences efficient sequential simulation engine. It has been compared to
were quantitative but also qualitative (not the same general GloMoSiM, in terms of quality. JiST relies on the concept of
behavior). virtual-machine simulation. SWANS appears to the user as a
framework. It must be programmed in plain Java, using an
application programming interface. SWANS is developed in Java.
3.4 OMNET++
3.7.2 Weakness
3.4.1 Features This simulator suffers less modularization and hence the
OMNet++ [REF SI01] is a well-designed simulation package granularity is very low. Due to this, integrating this simulator with
written in C++. OMNET++ is actually a general-purpose a test protocol becomes fairly difficult.
simulator capable of simulating any system composed of devices

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3.8 J-Sim numerical and graphical representations of the effectively helps
the development of ad hoc applications, by allowing the user to
3.8.1 Features have precise views of what happens within the simulated
J-Sim [CL] (formerly known as JavaSim) is a component-based, applications.
compositional simulation environment. Initially designed for  Provide sufficient statistics
wired network simulation, its Wireless Extension proposes an
implementation of the IEEE802.11 MAC—which is the only  Provide proper data from the application layer without loss
MAC supported so far. This extension turns J-Sim to a viable of data which would make tracing layer-specific errors more
MANETs simulator. J-Sim is written in Java. difficult.
 Should be able to accommodate physical layer variations in
3.8.2 Weakness power, sensitivity or as per the need of the protocol being
This is more suitable for wired networks than wireless networks. verified.

3.9 Jane 5. Verification of Protocol Using Simulator

A network simulator usually has the different layers following the
3.9.1 Features OSI model. The simulators described above can be modularized
Jane [FGLS03, LGFS04] consists of both a simulation with the figure below.
environment and an execution platform. Its main interestingness is
that it allows the simulation code to be migrated to the real
devices without any modification. Jane also features an emulation
mode that allows real devices to participate to simulations. In
addition to that, Jane features high-level concepts (such as the Application
notions of service, message, etc) that are suitable to the simulation
of applications-level services. It also makes use of GPS
information, what turns it to an appealing tool for the simulation Transport
location-based services. Jane is written in Java.

3.9.2 Weakness IP
This simulator provides only application level granularity.
3.10 DIANEmu
Network Layer
3.10.1 Features
DIANEmu [Kle03] is a discrete-event simulator developed at
Karlsruhe University (Germany). It aims to enable the simulation MAC
of ad hoc applications in realistic contexts. So far, most simulators
have been designed to permit simulations at a protocol-level.
DIANEmu’s approach is different: it assumes that the lowest PHY
network layers (up to the fourth one) are available. DIANEmu
then focuses on the application model. DIANEmu belongs to a Physical Channel
new class of simulators which allow the large-scale simulation of
high-level applications such as gaming and e-business. DIANEmu
provides a complete environment for application design. Its Fig 1: Simulator Protocol Stack
simulation engine is closely coupled to its graphical interface.
DIANEmu is written in Java.
When we require the simulator to test our network, we have to
3.10.2 Weakness identify the layer where we require inserting our code. A typical
This does not support mobility of nodes. example for verification of a MAC protocol is provided below.
This shows that when we require verifying the MAC layer of our
product, we will typically use the other layers from the simulator
4. Decisive factors and will integrate our MAC layer with the simulator. The rest of
A proper simulator is supposed to: the layers need to be used and configured for the type of traffic we
 Simulate large populations require like bursty data or continuous streaming data, the type of
 Provide models for heterogeneous PHY layers transmission we require like unicast, multicast or broadcast, the
 Provide a programming model for ad hoc applications type of routing we require like AODV/DSDV or whatever may be
including modularity of code making it comfortable for the available with the simulator and so on. The configuration
researcher or developer to introduce his protocol layer in the parameters will include a lot more and will be specific as provided
protocol stack of the simulator by the simulator that we choose.

 Provide mobility models allowing the representing the nodes

 Propose a graphical user interface which provides geometric
views of the simulated networks and applications, and both
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