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Funds Management — Budget Availability and Control: Work Orders FI-FM-004 November 13, 2008 LaGOV Version 1.0 Last updated: Nov 12,2008 Agenda » Logistics, Ground Rules & Introduction = Project Timeline = Workshop Objectives = Business Process Review — Process overview — AS-IS process flow — Current system alignment — Process improvement opportunities — SAP terms Glossary — SAP concepts & functionality — Business process flow — Leading practices — Enterprise readiness challenges = Next Steps — Action items = Questions © Logistics ge OC X Before we get started ... @ & Ground Rules Has everybody signed in? Everybody participates — Blueprint is not a spectator sport Silence means agreement Focus is key — please turn off cell phones and close laptops Challenge existing processes and mindsets Offer suggestions and ideas Think Enterprise & Integration Ask questions at any time One person at a time please Timeliness — returning from break Creativity, Cooperation and Compromise Introduction = Roles > Process Analyst and Functional Consultant — lead and facilitate the discussions, and drive design decisions > Documenter — take detailed notes to support formal meeting minutes to be sent by the Process Analyst to all participants for review and feedback > Team Members — provide additional support for process discussions, address key integration touch points > Subject Matter Experts — advise project team members on the detailed business processes and participate in the decisions required to design the future business process of the State Round the Room Introductions Name Position Agency Project Phases ml Five Key Phases BPP? + Strategy & Approach Defined Development & Unit Testing + Go-Live Support + Project Team Training Integration Testing + Performance Tuning End-User Training Materials Ot Business Process Definition Development Requirements, User Acceptance Technical Testing End-User Training Conversion Finance Leads Beverly Hodges — Finance Lead Drew Thigpen — Finance Lead ud — Consulting Lead Project Organization - Functional Teams Logistics Leads Linear Assets Leads Belinda Rogers — Logistics Lead Jack Ladhur — Logistics Lead Brad Denham — Consulting Lead General Ledger Accounts Payable Accts Receivable Cash Management Cost Accounting Grants Mgt Project Systems Asset Accounting Budget Prep Grantor Real Estate Mgt Mark Suarez — Agile Assets Lead Charles Pilson — Consulting Lead Blueprint Objectives Review and discuss the Current or AS-IS business processes Which helps to drive out the Business requirements As well as the integration points with other processes Define Master Data Address key integration points ‘Support organizational requirements Consistent and appropriate use of data fields Define Future or TO-BE business processes based on: Best Practices inherent in SAP Intellectual capital from other SAP implementations State business requirements Identify development requirements Which could result in the need for a Form, Report, Interface, Conversion, Enhancement, or Workflow (FRICE-W) Understand and communicate any organizational impacts / Enterprise Readiness challenges Gather system security authorizations and district-wide training requirements © Work Session Objectives > Review As is budget control for DOTD and Non-DOTD maintenance work orders in scope > Define posting, budget and budget control addresses in FM for work orders > Review expense types and reach budget control decision for each, including exemptions from budget control > Describe the timing of budget consumption and control for work orders FM Sessions Fo rae datas al be teed. The us, mapping lgaey, nang convertion and FLEM-O01 Ndays T-Aug | FA Master Data, maintenance process will be determined. ‘Need cordate Budget Pep design wih Od, GTRandPSin EC 0 or budget Peary ad tpt rund Deine ibid foci ng Dept trp | Budoet Preparation, | Con: Suge Tpesbrocesses (Onl Cary Forward. Supeiemeniry.Tanshrs rveu.oo2 | aden | '%'® | Amercners and” | Retin) Budget & Posing ates (Budget Stucires), Budget Doc pes, sues optons ° Integration for Budget Amendments/Adjustments (AS-IS & TO-BE). Determine the fequency of “Plan’ Reracon to She 9 (FM. Od, PS HAL FBO) agape equeny oF Soa dt eo BW cubes, fm EOC and tet sens (en get corto! ll (AV adresse) Fi fr eprientsfgencis capa projets rvu.cca | aday | 2222 | Budget Avabity | and grrtbzets by AaMaser aaby nd andexpeae ype Orin srcopone _— Oct ‘and Control - General | budget control. Define the Flv standard and budget tolerance profies used by SBBC. Review ther Fu tinal atch maybe vee bgt ae det Avalablty | Defoe budget onl adress work orders fom PM ad Ale ests, Otermine use of rreu.oos | tday | t0tov | andGortrcl-Wox | aomateressnatonsattine of oer ceaon Deen proses resing ated FA Greere trader dt and cordnaton wth Pag assets maser dt, Fi Bade Process wich Fl ets upated fr acta expends sing adres) Eonauion Preencrbraoes a ncioranoes fom Mad FEFA-O05 Nday Oct | Expenses and FM Earmarked funds ~type, use and liquidation process Encumbrances | Useofno-onamabl budge pes bresenatone Reew Month End Actes nln Opening /Cesing FM Peiads and Tnstring : £1 Ptiod End Cantera FLGL Ren Pana FM Yes Aches ning Contes and FLFM008 | 1Ddays | 0c | processing associated budget balance carry-forwards, Residual Budget Carry-Forwards and Fund Balance Canyorearee Rew regimens orbudgel base poring rvewcor | tday | serov | Satay esis | Raven comet eps ve Determine To Be reports framework we SAP Glossary — FM module FM BUDGET AVAILABILITY CONTROL (AFS / DOTD Budget Control) - Component in FM which controls budget according to FM dimensions of fund, fund center, commitment item, funded program, functional area and grant FUND (FUND, MOF (TBD))- 4 fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts which are segregated for specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. Represent the lowest level of funding used for tracking, controlling and reporting on available financial resources. FUND CENTER (AGENCY, APPROP EXPENSE PROGRAM, AFS DIVISECTION, DOTD DISTRICT or SECTIONIDIVIGANG) - lowest level areas of responsibility for budgetary monitoring and control. COMMITMENT ITEMS (BAL.SHEET ACCOUNT, OBJECT, SUB-OBJECT, REVENUE SOURCE)- represent balance sheet, revenue and expenses accounts in FM 'UNDED PROGRAM (CAPITAL PROJECTS, GRANT PROGRAMS) - lower level internal programs or initiatives, such as capital projects, grant funded programs, grantor programs, expense projects or maintenance orders, used for budgetary control & reporting in FM SAP Glossary — FM module FUNCTIONAL AREA (ACTIVITIES, FUNCTIONS)- Cross-organization FM object used to divide organizational costs according to functional aspects, activities or programs to meet legal or internal reporting requirements GRANT (REPORTING CATEGORY) - Lower-level funding instruments used to document, control and report on the results of an agreement between a sponsor and an organization. Represents externally funded grants. As ls: Budget Control - DOTD Work Orders = Work Orders are entered into SAP HR and interfaced to DOTD accounting system: — Salaries/Benefits: Recorded against home organization and are not allocated or charged to the organization where the work order is being performed — Equipment usage: Cost of equipment usage is charged to the work order but no budget is checked at work order. The equipment expense is charged to the organization that purchased it at the time purchase — Inventory/materials: Like equipment, inventory is charged to work orders but is not budget checked. Inventory is budget checked when it is purchased. There is no budget check when inventory is consumed except when the consumption is by another district or section than the issuing district As Is: Budget Control - DPS Work Orders = Actual costs are recorded in AFS as follows: — Salaries/Benefits: Recorded against Facilities Management organization and are not allocated or charged to the organization where the work order is being performed. — Equipment usage: Like salaries, cost of equipment usage is not charged to the work order. The equipment expense is charged to the organization that purchased it at the time purchase. — Inventory/Materials: May be charged directly to the organization ‘specifically for that work order. In some cases, inventory may be issued from a central warehouse and charged to the work order organization at that time, if different. © As Is: Budget Control - DPS Work Orders = Work is often performed and material issued even if there is no sufficient budget at the program and object category level. Budget transfers is done before expenses post. = May have some Capital Project related work orders (although rare). As Is: Budget Control - OSB Work Orders = Actual costs are recorded in AFS as follows: — Salaries/Benefits: Recorded against home organization and are not allocated or charged to the organization/ reporting category (building) where the work order is being performed, unless the salaries & benefits is part of that organization (i. e. superintendents salaries for each building) — Equipment usage: Like salaries, cost of equipment usage is not charged to the work order. The equipment expense is charged to the organization that purchased it at the time purchase. — Inventory/Materials: May be charged directly to the organization ‘specifically for that work order. In some cases, inventory may be issued from a central warehouse and charged to the work order organization at that time, if different © As Is: Budget Control - OSB Work Orders = Reporting Category is used to track actual expenses for individual buildings. = Capital project related maintenance work orders are not applicable. As Is Availability Control — Work Orders DOTD, Dept of Public Safety and OSB = No tracking of actual costs by individual work orders in AFS = The following expenses are not subject to budget control for work order activities: — Salaries and Benefits — Inventory issues/usage from a central warehouse that is within the same program and object category — Usage of equipment (i.e. 5 hours x rate) = The following expenses are subject to budget control for work order activities against the appropriated program and object category: — Inventory (usage) issued from an organization in a different program (from a central warehouse). — Direct purchases of inventory, materials or equipment to support work orders. © SAP PM Work Order Process - Overview Plant Maintenance Work Order Current Scope: DOTD, DPS and OSB, including Fleet Maintenance Individual PM work orders will be used to track labor, equipment usage and materials (both stock and non-stock) at the individual work order level within the one system — SAP will support both operational and financial details — Costs may be coded directly to the work order or may be allocated to it through CO allocations (e.g. equipment usage) Four types of work orders will be defined in PM with different number ranges: — Internally assigned numeric number + Preventative + Repair * Capital Project — Externally assigned number + Agile Upon completion of the work order, costs will be settled or closed out the responsible cost center (organization) or Capital Projects through the use of Secondary Cost Elements Agile Assets / SAP DOTD Work Order Process - Overview Inserts and Updates Agile Projects —prnbs cements SAPPS open Projects) ¥ Inserts and Updates ‘Of Agile Work Agile Work Orders ‘Orders. =| ————(Fallistofreevant >) SAPP ‘open WOs) Inserts i of agile 4 Day Cards Labor (wth atached wo 420" _§ Sapa ‘Agile Day {To connectwith Pur PaVPRTAS Cards WOT Equipment ‘SAPPM | _ pL actuate Materials SAP PAT [__Matenials_p a Goods ksues Final costed ‘transactions IN SAPECC © Agile Assets Scope: DOTD (both Capital and non-Capital) © Funds Management Fund Accounting Budgetary Controls Budget Execution Budgetary Basis Reporting Commitment Accounting © FM Master Data = The following master data is created in FM for the purposes of budgeting, budgetary accounting, statutory reporting, and/or budgetary control: — Fund — Fund Center — Functional Area — Funded Program — Commitment Item = In addition, the Grant field created in Grants Management (GM) is also available in FM MASTER DATA INTEGRATION FI Financial Accounting (extemal accounting: ex: bal sheet & PL by Fund open item mgmt oe ARand AP) co Controlling (onanagerilicost accounting) FM Funds Management idgetary accounting) GM Grantee Management (sponsor's view reporting requirements) Goneral Ledger Cost Element Commitment Im Sponsor Class Puna und Fund Fund Cost Center Business Arca (omg structure: Fund Ceater eet adisin dept) Internal Order Work Breakdown Stricture (project: ox: uadoshow, capital project) oe Funded Program J sponsored Program Functional Area Funetional Area (program; ox: publi safety, education) Functional Area al Geant Grant Grant Grant Fiscal Vear Fiscal Vear Fiscal Year Badger Vali Period ox: sponsorigrant FY) © Draft Funds - Numbering Convention (1) (2) (3) (4)_—(5)_— (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Operating Funds: (1}(4) = CAFR Classifications (Fund Group / Fund Type / Fund Class) (5}(7) = CAFR / Agency Fund (8}(10) = MOF or zero filled Capital Funds: (1}(4) = CAFR Classifications (Fund Group / Fund Type / Fund Class) (5}(7) = Capital Outlay Fund Number (8}(10) = Funding Source (LOC, Bond Series, Other) Cost Centers: DOTD Proposed Numbering Scheme (1) (2) (3) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (4) (5) @-@) (4)-(5) (6)-(7) ‘Agency = Program POTD District (9) bo) Business Area or Section 1. Crew (Old Gang #’s) will be renumbered (from 3 digits to 2); will be left as old where ever possible. 2. At this time, Digit # 8 (Unit) is not used. Will be populated with “0” for now. Can be used in future. Notes: 25 © Cost Centers: Non-DOTD Proposed Numbering Scheme (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) © Standard SAP Numbering Convention (1) (2) (3)_(4)_—(5)_— (6) (7)_—(8)_—(9)— (10) Common Public Sector Presentation: = Assets: 1000000-1999999 = Liabilities: 2000000-2999999 = Fund Balance: 3000000-3999999 = Revenues: 4000000-4999999 = Expenses: 5000000-5999999 = Secondary Costs: 9000000-9999999 Commitment Items will have a 1:1 relationship with GL accounts and cost elements, with some possible exceptions (assets and inventory) © Draft Funded Program Proposal (1) = The funded program will be used where budget control for discrete, non-organizational activities = Funded Program will be have a 1:1 relationship at the level where discrete budget is entered for: — Capital Project Phases (WBS elements) — Grant Funded Programs (WBS elements), if necessary — Discrete Temporary Expenditures (CO Internal Orders) = Funded Program may be created at a roll-up level for groups of maintenance orders (Agile and SAP PM) © Functional Area - Numbering Convention @_ @) @) @ (6) ©- (16) (1)-(2) = CAFR Level Function/Program (3)-(5) = AFS Activity (RITA, KATR, TECH) or DOTD function (6)-(16) = Zero Filled (future use if required) ee FM Budget Addresses Three addresses” exist in Funds Management: 1. Budget Address + FM account assignment on which budget and budget entries are entered or can be entered in FM. May be at same level or higher than posting address. 2. Posting Address + FM account assignment on which actual / commitment postings are received and allowed in FM. + Typically is the lowest or most detailed level of the FM account assignments 3. Availability Control Address + FM account assignment on which budget control takes place. + Typically takes place at higher roll-up level than budget address to prevent unnecessary budget transfers (highest possible legal level) “Addresses refer to combinations of FM account assignments or dimensions, either individually or at roll-up levels Deriving and Updating AVC Data ontrol object AB Control address —— i eudgetadiress aga @heriina bude Gbaitesses Posting address At A2 Lette B4 B2 Availability control object Budgd address FP ceting creas Proposal: Posting Address — Preventative, Regular & Agile Work Orders = FUND (1) ~The fund from the posting will be used = FUND CENTER (2) — When posting to a work order, a cost center will not be entered however the related FM fund center will be derived from the work order master record. — The cost center (fund center) in the work order will be cost center where the work order is being performed + COMMITMENT ITEM (3) The commitment item will be derived from the GL expense account used to record the work order expense = FUNCTIONAL AREA (1) — Will be transferred from the actual posting. The functional area used in the posting should match the functional area in the work order master. * FUNDED PROGRAM (2) — One high level, roll-up funded program by agency will be derived in FM for all work orders to summarize actual costs for all work orders to segregate these costs from regular operating fund center costs: — The individual work order number will also be recorded in FM = GRANT (1) - Will default to "Not Relevant’ value : Value may be inf luring posting, where possible alue will be derived in FM only. Work order will be entered by user. 8) Will be entered by user. Proposal: Budget Address — Preventative, Regular & Agile Work Orders FUND — The operating fund used to record the work order expense FUND CENTER — A higher level fund center where the work order is being performed — For AFS Agencies, the budget will be entered in a fund center represent agency, program, division and section (no unit) — For DOTD, the budget will be entered in a higher level fund center representing agency, program, DOTD district or section (no unit or gang) COMMITMENT ITEM - The individual commitment items that will incur the expense FUNCTIONAL AREA - “Not Relevant” value (TBD) FUNDED PROGRAM — ‘Not Relevant’ value since work order and non-work expenses share the same budget at the appropriated program level. Any expenses subject to budget control coded directly to work orders will consume the responsible fund center budget. Question: Do we want to separate work order relevant budget in total from non- work relevant budget for the appropriated program and organization? GRANT (1) — ‘Not Relevant’ value In summary, similar to the current practice, the budget to support work orders will reside at the operating fund, fund center (appropriation program and organization) and commitment item (object code) where the work is being carried. Salary budget will reside in the fund center whose carries out the work order, which may be different! Proposal: Posting Address — Capital Project Work Orders = FUND (1)— The Capital Fund for the Capital Project from the posting will be used = FUND CENTER (2) — When posting to a work order, a cost center will not be entered however the related FM fund center will be derived from the work order master record. — The cost center (fund center) in the work order will be the one responsible for the Capital Project + COMMITMENT ITEM (3) The commitment item will be derived from the GL expense account used to record the work order expense = FUNCTIONAL AREA (1) — Will be transferred from the actual posting. The functional area used in the posting should match the functional area in the work order master. * FUNDED PROGRAM (2) — Will be derived from the WBS element (Capital Project phase) from the Work Order master record — The individual work order number will also be recorded in FM = GRANT (1) - Will default to "Not Relevant’ value |: Value may be inferred during posting, where possible eh Value will be derived in FM only. Work order will be entered by user. 8) Will be entered by user. Proposal: Budget Address — Capital Project Work Orders FUND - The Capital Fund for the Capital Project FUND CENTER - The fund center responsible for the Capital Project. COMMITMENT ITEM - The individual commitment items that will incur the expense FUNCTIONAL AREA - “Not Relevant” value (TBD) FUNDED PROGRAM - The Capital Project WBS Element(s) representing the phase(s) of the project. Any expenses subject to budget control coded directly to work orders will consume the budget of the appropriate Capital Project phase. — Question: Are maintenance work order expenses budgeted for separately in Capital Projects? GRANT (1) — Relevant only if it is a non-FHWA, grant funded capital project; otherwise ill budget will be assigned to “Not Relevant’ value In summary, the budget to support Capital Project work orders will reside in the appropriate phase of the Capital Project by Capital Funds and Commitment Item (abject category) SAP Key Design Considerations There is no functionality in PM for budget control (hard stops) at the work order level or rolled-up level Any budget control relating to work orders would need to be accommodated in Funds Management (FM) Native SAP provides no budget control on settlements, including PM work order settlement and activity allocations No budget control on salaries and salary related costs (State decision) SAP Best Practice: Budget control should be used to satisfy legal requirements, not to manage a business — Control budget at a level that gives enough flexibility to reduce non-value added budget transfers, but still gives controls required for effectively managing operations — i.e. Do Not budget check at too low a level (individual work orders). Proposal: SAP Budget Control No major change to the current practice will take place for budget control by types of expenses — No separate budgeting or budget control will take place at the individual work order or work order groups — Budget will be consumed and checked, where necessary, at the fund center or the Capital Project for which the work order is performed Work Order Expenses Exempt from Budget Control: — Salaries and benefits coded to the work order — Inventory usage from warehouses in the same program and current two digit object category (first three digits of commitment items in SAP) + Inthe case of DOTD, no budget control if the inventory for the work order is from the same district or section as the work order — Activity allocations for Equipment usage Work Order Expenses Subject to Budget Control: — Inventory usage from warehouses in a different appropriated program and current two digit object category or different district or section — Direct purchases of inventory, materials or equipment to support work orders For expenses subject to budget control, this will take place at the time of the expense or commitment po: to the work order. No budget control takes place on settlement of work order costs. Summary Decision: Budget Control — Expense Categories Per Commissioner's direction, all funds subject to budget control will be budget checked according to current AFS level commitment item rollups: bject Categories using high NO SAP BUDGET CONTROL SAP BUDGET CONTROL Salary Related Expenses — 21 Salaries (511) — 35 Other Compensation (512) — 40 Related Benefits (513) Other Legacy Object Categories: — Transfers - 62,64,71-74,76,77 & 84 — Warrants Drawn — WD & WN Non-Salary Expenses 30 Unallotted 45 Travel and Training (520) 50 Operating Services (530) 55 Supplies (540) 60 Professional Services (550) 65 Other Charges (560) 70 Capital Outlay (570) 75 Major Repairs (580) 80 Debt Services (590) 85 IAT * (990) 90 Auxiliary Program (TBD) Capital Funds will also control budget according to the above expense category Proposal: Budget Consumption and Control — Preventative, Regular & Agile Work Orders FUND - By operating fund FUND CENTER -— Higher level Fund center where the work order is being performed. Fund center derived from the Cost Center in work order master. — For DPS and OSB, budget controlled to the first five characters, representing legacy Agency and Appropriated Expense Unit. — For DOTD, budget controlled to the first seven characters, representing legacy Agency, Program, District or Section COMMITMENT ITEM — Commitment Item roll-up equivalent to the current two digit object category or DOTD ISIS group. FUNCTIONAL AREA — Not Applicable (ignored) FUNDED PROGRAMS - Not Applicable (ignored) GRANT - Not applicable (ignored) PM Work Order Requirement: In the header of the work order, the fund and cost center who requested the work order must be entered. Functional area will also be entered but currently does not form part of budget control. Proposal: Budget Consumption and Control — Capital Project Work Orders FUND — Budget will be by individual Capital Fund FUND CENTER - Not Applicable (ignored) COMMITMENT ITEM — Commitment Item roll-up equivalent to the current two digit object category or DOTD ISIS group. FUNCTIONAL AREA -— Not Applicable (ignored) FUNDED PROGRAM - Funded Program representing the Capital Project Phase for which the work order is being performed GRANT - Not applicable (ignored) PM Work Order Requirement: In the header of the work order, the Capital fund and WBS Element (project phase) will need must be entered. The Cost Center responsible for the Capital Outlay and the Functional area will also be entered but won't be applicable for budget control. © Process Improvement Opportunities > No major improvements as it relates to budgeting and budget controlling for work orders > Are capital related work orders checked against the Capital Budget directly? > Individual PM work orders will be used to track labor, equipment usage and materials (both stock and non-stock) at the individual work order level within the one system — SAP will support both operational and financial details - Costs may be coded directly to the work order or may be allocated to it through CO allocations (e.g. equipment usage) > Vv Organizational Impacts Since there are no major changes to the budgeting for work orders, thus no major organizational impacts > For expenses subject to budget control, if any, budget will be checked at the fund center or Capital project where the work order is being performed Major organizational impact will be the actual coding of expenses to individual work orders for labor, materials and equipment and set-up of work order masters Training on understanding budget and budget control for work orders according to the new FM dimensions Training on reading the budget control error messages to determine the amount of budget transfer required to continue © Next Steps = Prepare and send out Minutes of this Meeting to all Invitees = Commence incorporation of details into draft Design document (PDD) = Follow-up on Action Items identified during this Workshop = Schedule off-line meeting(s) to discuss areas of special concern, if any = Plan follow on Workshops, as required = Review overall design in the Validation Workshop = Ensure all To-Do’s are appropriately documented Questions? v FM Budget Control System (BCS) - Overview FM-BCS is the sub-component of FM where budget control is configured. Availability Control (AVC) is a flexible tool used to monitor the availability of funds (consumable budget against consumed amounts) in the Budget Control System of FM Budget control can take place at any combination of the following FM dimensions: Fund, Fund Center, Commitment Item, Funded Program, Functional Area, Grant > Budget control can occur at the individual master data level (lowest level) or higher “level” or roll-up of the FM dimensions > ‘Not Relevant’ value will be used where dimension is not required, e.g. Funded Program and Grant When a budget consuming document is updated or completed, the associated encumbrance or expenditure document is also updated online in the Budgetary (9A-standard Payment Budget) and the Control ledger (9H-standard Payment Budget AVC Ledger). FM Budget Control System (BCS) - Overview » Tolerance profiles (and related derivation strategies) are used to determined: > What type of message is issued when insufficient budget exists or nearly exhausted (error, warning, information messages) > What FM dimensions or expense types, if any, are budget controlled and budget control exempt >» Derivations Strategy is used to determined the FM Availability Control Address (AVC) > The budget control address summarizes the budget and actual expenses / commitments that roll up to it to determine the available budget left for spending > The FM AVC ledger (9H) calculates the Consumed Amount (expenses/commitments) and the Consumable Amount (available budget) > The Budget Control Addresses determined where budget control takes place. It works together together with the tolerance profiles to determine the reaction for the budget consuming document being entered © Overview of AVC Functionality FM acct assignments Active availability control Control object Tolerance profile ET "Consumption || [amount oid “leva in hk Budget Execution and Control —- Summary Decisions = Non-payroll related costs will consume budget and be subject to budget control unless otherwise noted (general rule) + FM integration with Purchasing — Will consume budget and be subject to budget control for all stages of the purchasing cycle. If the value of follow-on documents are greater than the previous document in the chain, a budget check is triggered at that stage. Budget is retumed ifno further activity is expected and purchasing document is updated — Purchase requisitions - Pre-encumbrance against budget — Purchase orders — Encumbrance established; will reduce the referenced purchase requisition’s pre-encumbrance for the lesser of the value of purchase order or purchase requisition — Goods receipts — Expenditure established against budget; Will reduce the referenced purchase order's encumbrance for the lesser of the value of good receipt or purchase order — Invoice receipts — Expenditures established (with Invoice status); will reduce the referenced goods receipt’s expenditure for the lesser of the value of invoice receipt or goods receipt + Payroll and Payroll Related Costs will consume budget (real FM postings) but AVC will be configured not to hard stop on budget overruns M Budget Control — Budget Tolerance Profiles Decision: As a starting point, the Standard Tolerance for the State will incorporate the following: > For expenses subject to budget control > No waming message issued to end user when budget nears consumption > An error message issued to end users when budget consumption exceeds 100% > No email messages to fund center owner > No use of absolute tolerances (amounts) > Payroll postings will be excluded from budget control in tolerance profile > Standard Tolerance Profile will be used for all agencies and funds, including capital outlay and grants > Alternative Tolerances will be defined and will be used to override the Standard Tolerance when necessary. > Warning Message at 100% Consumption > No Message at 100% Consumption > Use of Alternative Tolerances, if necessary, and fine tuning of Standard Tolerance or creation of additional tolerances to be determined during Realization Budget Consumption There are two options for when work order costs consume budget: = Consume budget for stock and non-stock expenses at the time of the expense or commitment posting — Purchase Requisitions / Orders, Goods Issue or FI/CO expense postings directly to the work order = Consume budget for stock and non-stock expenses at the time of the work order release. Budget control would take — Automatic creation of purchase requisition(s) for non-stock items. Purchase orders would reference the purchase requisition(s) — Automatic creation of material reservations for stock items. Material reservations would be referenced in the good issue transaction. — Creation of these documents would creation funds commitment documents in FM to reserve the budget. Funds commitment status is updated throughout the process (commitment to expense, etc). + Subsequent budget check performed if subsequent transaction value is greater than initial commitments = Decision:?? = Note: Budget consumption and control to occur at the time of work order postings. No budget control takes place on settlement of work order costs. FM Addresses: Proposal For regular (non-capital project) PM maintenance work orders (both Agile and SAP): = Posting Address: Actual expenses and commitments will be updated in FM from other modules (MM, HR, Fl, CO) at the individual / lowest level FM dimensions" - — The operating Fund, Fund center responsible for the work order, and Functional Area will be derived from the work master record — One high level funded program by agency will be used to summarize actual costs for all wark orders to segregate these costs from regular gperating fund center costs, ‘The individual work arder number will also be recorded in FM — The commitment item will be derived from the GL account used in the posting — Grant will equal “Not Relevant’ value. — FM Derivation rules will be used to derive the FM master data objects + Budget Address: Budget will be entered at and adjusted at the individual / lowest level FM dimensions* . Possible Exception: Budget to reside at a higher level Fund Center, depending on how on the level of budgeting within the new Fund Genter (cost center) number — Similar to current practice, any budget that supports maintenance work arders will reside in the respective fund center that carries aut the work, in additian to the fund and commitment item for that fund center budget — Functional area will also be budgeted for if appropriation program (and possibly sub- program) will be mapped to the functional area in SAP (tod) — Funded Program will equal the capital project phase. Any costs subject to budget control will consume the project phase budget. — Grant = Not Relevant * FM dimensions include Fund, Fund Center, Functional Area, Funded Programs, Commitment tem and Grant FM Addresses: Proposal For Capital project relevant PM maintenance work orders (both Agile and SAP): + Posting Address: Actual expenses and commitments will be updated in FM fram other modules (MM, HR, Fl, CO) at the individual / lowest level FM dimensians* - rolled up funded program far all work’ orders? By arder types? Capital Fund, Funded Program (Project phase), Functional Area and Fund Center (responsible for the capital project) will be derived from the master data in the work order Feetindicual work eer nurrber wl ico be vesordea EM The commitment item will be derived from the GL account used in the posting Grant will equal “Nat Relevant” value. FM Derivation rules will be used to read the master data off the work order master header and derive the equivalent FM master data + Budget Address: Budget will be entered at and adjusted at the individual / lowest level FM dimensions* . Possible Exception: Budget to reside a higher level Fund Center, depending on how on the level of budgeting within the new Fund Center (cost center) number Similar to current practice, budget that supports capital project relevant maintenance work orders will reside in the respective Capital Fund, Fund Center and Capital Project funded program (WBS element — project phase) that requested the maintenance work. In addition, the budget will be entered in the Capital Projects by Commitment Items. Functional area will also be budgeted for if appropriation pragram (and possibly sub- program) will be mapped to the functional area in SAP (tod) Funded Program will equal Not Relevant since no budget control is carried aut for work orders. Any miscellaneaus costs subject to budget control caded directly to work arders will consume the responsible fund center budget. Grant = Not Relevant * FM dimensions include Fund, Fund Center, Functional Area, Funded Programs, Commitment tem and Grant © As-ls Process Flow Fund Code Structure in ISIS As-Is Process Flow . Fund Group FIDUCIARY = GOVERNMENTAL = PROPRIETARY «COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES «SUSPENSE CLASSIFICATION = DISCRETE As-Is Process Flow . Fund Type CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS ~ DEBT SERVICE FUNDS « ENTERPRISE FUNDS «GEN FIXED ASSET GROUP = GENERAL FUND = INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: - GEN LONG TERM DEBT GROUP = NON-EXPENDABLE TRUST/AGY FUNDS REVENUE SHARING FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS EXPENDABLE TRUSTIAGENCY FUNDS, COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY FUNDS INVESTMENT POOL FUNDS SUSPENSE CLASSIFICATION FUNDS DISCRETE FUNDS © As-Is Process Flow = Fund Category = Original = Fund Class AGRICULTURE BOND SECURITY AND REDEMPTION CONSTITUTIONALLY CREATED CORRECTIONS CULTURE RECREATION 6 TOURISM CusToDiaL DEPT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DEPT OF HEALTH AND HOSPITALS DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DEPT OF REVENUE AND TAXATION DEBT SERVICE DEBT SERVICE RESERVE DEPT OF SOCIAL SERVICES DEPT OF EDUCATION. ESCROW FREE SCHOOL, GAMING OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR DEPT OF HIGHWAYS DEPT OF INSURANCE As-Is Process Flow supicary DEPT OF Justice DEPT OF LABOR, LEVEE DISTRICTS PARISH & MUNICIPAL, PAYROLL CLEARING PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ROCKEFELLER RUSSELL SAGE SECRETARY OF STATE STATE TREASURER’S OFFICE TRAVEL CLEARING ‘TRANSPORTATION TRUST DEPT OF WILDLIFE 4 FISHERIES GENERAL FUND (CAPITAL OUTLAY (77) CAPITAL OUTLAY (78) ENTERPRISENTERNAL SERVICE AGENCY OPERATING COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY OPERATION NONGENERAL FUND OPERATING INTERFACE FUNDS Funds - Numbering Convention (2) (1)-(2) = Fund Group/Fund Type 11= Governmental - General 12= Governmental — Special Revenue 13= Governmental — Debt Service 14= Governmental — Capital roprietary — Enterprise 22= Proprietary — Internal Service 31= Fiduciary = Expendable Trust Etc (3)-(4) Legacy Fund Class (renumbered) Funds - Numbering Convention (3) Operating Fund Examples: = 1101.000.000 General Fund = 1103.141.001 Office of Attorney Gen. — General Fund = 1103.141.002 Office of Attorney Gen. — Self-Gen = 1103.141.100 Office of Attorney Gen. — Stat Ded #1 = 1103.141.101 Office of Attorney Gen. — Stat Ded#2 = 1102.258.000 LA Economic Development Corp Capital Fund Examples: = 1320.075.001 Fac. Cap Proj funded by 2000 (00) seriesA(1) bond = 1320.075.052 Fac. Cap.Proj funded by 2005 (05) seriesB(2) bond = 1320.075.000 Fac. Cap.Proj funded by Line of Credit (000) Fund Class and MOF may be renumbered. Fund # will be kept, where possible Note: No periods will be part of the fund number;used for ease of segregation only FM Budget Control — Budget Tolerance Profiles > Work in conjunction with FM Availability Control, which determined the Budget Control Address > For each tolerance profile, the following can be defined: > > vv v Posting activities (e.g. purchase orders, invoices) subject to budget control Exempt activities (e.g. payroll postings) not subject to budget control Staged tolerances based on percentage or absolute tolerances Type of message to be received by end user at the time of entry for each stage of consumption (information, warning or error) Ability to send email to SAP mail to budget analyst or person with budgetary responsibility when AVC events (warning or errors) occur and to determine frequency of such emails (once, each time, etc) > Standard Tolerance is defined with ability to define and derive alternative tolerance rules where necessary

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