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TED Talk: ‘ How To Speak So that People Want To Listen’

(Listening / Speaking Activity)

Name: _____________________ Grade: VIII Section: __________ Date: _____________

Ted-Talk video link:

Q. Listen to the Ted-Talk in the attached video carefully and answer the following

1. Why do you think human voice is probably the most powerful sound in the world?

It helps us to share our feelings and express ourselves.

2. What term did the speaker use for the assembled habits?

The term that speaker used was called 7 deadly sins of speaking.

3. Recall and write down, in your own words, the brief example which the speaker related
when he was talking about negativity.

When the orator said to her mother its October 1 today and her mother replied I know.
4. According to the speaker, what is another form of ‘negativity’?

Complaining is another form of negativity,

5. ‘Sometimes exaggeration becomes lying’. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your
stance with reasons.

Yes, because sometimes people exaggerate a statement more better than it is so they can
gain attention or appear interesting in front of others.

pg. 1
TED Talk: ‘ How To Speak So that People Want To Listen’
(Listening / Speaking Activity)

6. How does the speaker explain dogmatism?


7. According to the speaker:

H stands for: honest

A stands for: authenticity
I stands for: integrity
L stands for: love
According to the speaker, in what two ways can we wish ‘love’ to people?
a. Wishing people well
b. Tempered with love

8. List down the three things by which the ‘timbre’ of your voice can be improved.
a. Breathing
b. Posture
c. Exercises

9. What does ‘Sodcasting” mean:

Some people broadcast the whole time, try not to do that it is called sodcasting.

10. Why do you think it is important to warm up your voice before speaking?

We need to practice before we give a speech because if we do not practice we will not give a
perfect speech so we need to warm up our voices before a speech.

11. What is prosody?

Prosody is the pattern of rhythm and sound used tin poetry.

pg. 2
TED Talk: ‘ How To Speak So that People Want To Listen’
(Listening / Speaking Activity)

12. How many tools were there in the ‘Tool-Box’? Which tool do you find to be the most
important? Why? Also, say how you can use it to improve your communication.
There were six tools in the tool box. The most important tool is pitch because when we
get angry we increase our pitch and it makes the listen angry.

pg. 3

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