ESTJ Characteristics: Extraversion Introversion

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ESTJ Characteristics

The MBTI looks at personality preferences in four key areas: 1) Extraversion vs Introversion, 2)

Sensing vs Intuition, 3) Thinking vs Feeling and 4) Judging vs Perceiving.

As you've probably already guessed, the acronym ESTJ

represents Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking and Judging.

 Extraversion: ESTJs are outgoing and enjoy leading and supervising other people.
 Sensing: ESTJs enjoy concrete facts as opposed to abstract information.
 Thinking: ESTJs rely on objective information and logic to make decisions rather than
personal feelings.
 Judging: ESTJs like control and order, so they like to plan things well in advance.

Some common ESTJ characteristics include:

 Practical and realistic

 Dependable
 Self-confidence
 Hard-working
 Traditional
 Enjoys leading
 Very structured and organized
 Sticks to their standards
 Strongly dislikes inefficiency and disorganization
 Seeks out like-minded individuals

ESTJs Are Practical

People with ESTJ personality types tend to be very practical. They enjoy learning about things
that they can see an immediate, real-world use for but tend to lose interest in things that are
abstract or theoretical.

ESTJs are also focused on the here and now and don't spend a great deal of time worrying about
events in the past or what might happen in the future.

Individuals with this personality type tend to place a high value on tradition, rules, and
security. Maintaining the status quo is important to ESTJs and they often become involved in
civics, government and community organizations.

Because they appreciate order and organization, they frequently do well in supervisory roles.
When in such positions, they are committed to making sure that members of the group follow
rules and traditions and law established by higher authorities.

ESTJs Are Confident

Because of their orthodox approach to life, they can sometimes be seen as rigid, stubborn and
unyielding. Their take-charge attitude makes it easy for ESTJs to assume leadership positions.
Their self-confidence and strong convictions help them excel at putting plans into action, but they
can at times appear critical and overly aggressive, particular when other people fail to live up to
their high standards.

In school and work situations, ESTJs are very hard-working and dependable. They strive to
follow directions to the letter and show a great deal of respect and deference for authority figures.
They are thorough and punctual about completing their work and rarely question or complain
about the work.

ESTJs Are Extroverted

As extroverts, ESTJs are very outgoing and enjoy spending time in the company of others. They
can be very boisterous and funny in social situations and often enjoy being at the center of

Family is also of the utmost importance to ESTJs.

They put a great deal of effort into fulfilling their family obligations. Social events are also
important and they are good at remembering important events such as birthdays and
anniversaries. They look forward to attending weddings, family reunions, holiday parties, class
reunions and other occasions.

Famous People with ESTJ Personalities

Some experts have suggested that a number of famous individuals exhibit characteristics of the
ESTJ personality type. These people include:

 James Monroe, U.S. President

 Harry S. Truman, U.S. President
 George W. Bush, U.S. President
 Sam Walton, businessman
 John D. Rockefeller, philanthropist and industrialist

 Billy Graham, evangelist

 Bette Davis, actress

A few famous fiction ESTJs include:

 Lucy, Peanuts comic strip character

 Tony Soprano, The Sopranos
 Princess Leia, Star Wars
 Mrs. Rachel Lynde, Anne of Green Gables

Best Career Choices for ESTJs

ESTJs have a wide range of personality characteristics that help them excel at a number of
different careers. Their emphasis on rules and procedures make them well-suited to supervisory
and management positions, while their respect for laws, authority, and order help them excel in
law enforcement roles.
The following are just a few of the best career choices for ESTJs:

 Police officer
 Military
 Judge
 Teacher
 School administrator
 Business manager
 Accountant
 Banker


Butt, J. (2005). Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging. 

Keirsey, D. (n.d.). Guardian: Portrait of the Supervisor (ESTJ). 

Myers, I. B. (1998). Introduction to Type: A Guide to Understanding your Results on the Myers-
Briggs Type Indicator. Mountain View, CA: CPP, Inc.


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