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II, §1 The Space of Matrices

1. Let A = (1 23) and B (-I 5-2). Find

-I 0 2
2 2 -I
A+B, 3B, -2B, A+2B
2A-B, A-2B, B-A.

SOLUTION. A+B=(~ ~;). 3B=(~ I: ~}

-2B=( 2 -10 4),
-4 -4 2
3 4
12 -I),
2A-B=( 3 -I 8)
-4 -2 5 '

A _ 2B = (3 -8 7),
-5 -4 4
B_ A= (-2 3-5).
3 2 -3

2. Let A=(l
2 2
and B=(-I
0 -3
I). Find A+B, 3B, -2B, A+2B,

A-B, B-A.

SOLUTION. A+B=(~ ~I)' 3B=(~ ~9} -2B=(~ ~2).

A+2B=(~1 ~} A-B=G -;). B-A=(=~ ~5}
3. In Exercise 1, find IA and lB.

R. Shakarchi, Solutions Manual for Lang's Linear Algebra

© Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 1996

4. In Exercise 2, find 'A and 'B.

SOLUTION. 'A=( 1 2),

-1 2
1 -3'
5. If A, B are arbitrary m x n matrices, show that


SOLUTION. The matrix A + B is also m x n. Suppose A = (a ij ) and

B = (b ij ), then the ii-entry of '(A + B) is a ij + bij and the ii-entries of 'A
and 'B are, respectively, aij and bij' so we have the formula
'(A + B)='A+'B.

6. If c is a number show that


SOLUTION. If A=(aij ) and bji=aij then by definition we have

'(cA) = (cb ji ); so c'A=c(bji)=(cbji)='(cA).

7. If A = (aij) is a square matrix, then the elements ai' are called the diagonal
elements. How do the diagonal elements of A and 'A differ?

SOLUTION. The diagonal elements of A and 'A are the same because if
i = i, then aij = aji .

8. Find '(A + B) and 'A+'B in Exercise 2.

SOLUTION. '(A + B) = (0°2)


9. Find A+'A and B+'B in Exercise 2.

SOLUTION. A+'A = (~ ~). B+'B = (~2 ~6).

10. Show that for any square matrix A, the matrix A+'A is symmetric.

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