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THIS PAPER IS NOT TO BE REMOVED FROM THE EXAMINATION HALLS UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 603310 ZA BSc Examination ‘COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, CREATIVE COMPUTING ‘and COMBINED DEGREE SCHEME Artificial inteligence Monday 11 May 2015 : 14.30 ~ 16.45 Duration: 2 hours 18 minutes ‘There are SIX questions on this paper. Candidates should answer FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marke and full marks can be obtained for ‘Complete answers to FOUR questions. The marks for each part of a question are indicated atthe end ofthe partin [] brackets, (Only your fst FOUR answers, in the order that they appear in your answer ‘book, will be marked. ‘There are 80 marks available on this paper. ‘A hand held calculator may be used when answering questions on this paper but it must not be pre-programmed or able to display graphics, text or algebraic equations. The make and type of machine must be stated clearly on the front cover ofthe answer book. © University of London 2015 UL 15/0096 page tof age 1 of 7 QUESTION 1 Search and Problem Solving ) Explain the terms complete and optimal with regard to search strategies. Why might we prefer to use a strategy which is neither ‘optimal nor complete? cl ) Describe the potential consequences for the AY algorithm for tree search ifthe path cost to the goal is 1. over-estimated i underestimated Justify your answer. 181 ) The following table shows the (feitious) distances between a number of towns, From To Distance Smaltown Midway 5 Smaitovn Buffalo 10 Smalilown Clarkvile 15 Midway Albany 4 Albany Gotham 12 Buffalo Clarkia 4 Buffalo Gotham Clarkvile Gotham 3 Draw a éiagram representing this information, and show how a path {rom Smaliiown to Gotham would be ealeulated by unform-cost search, 119) UL15/0096 Page 2 of7 QUESTION2 —_Logic and Reasoning (@) Explain what is meant by soundness and completeness of a logic, with particular reference to Propositional Logic 6 (©) Give the meaning of each the following formulas of Predicate Caleulus in ordinary English: 8] i. ~Bx(Swims(e) & Bird()) ii, Vx(Feathered( & Flies() & Bird(x) ii, ~Bx(Birdy) & >Fly (a) (©) Suppose there is a test for an lness called Galen's Disease, which shows, postive in 90% of patients who have the disease and in 2% of patients ‘who do not have the disease. Suppose 30000 out of a population of 6 milion have Galen's Disease at any given time. Whatis the probabiity that someone who tests positive forthe disease actually has i? Explain ‘your answer with reference to Bayes’ Rule, 10) UL15/0096 Page 3 of 7 QUESTION 3 Natural Language (2) Give examples of three different ways that natural language expressions can be ambiguous. (b) Explain the following terms, inthe context of natura language processing Augmented grammar ii Context-sensitve grammar fi, Pragmatic interpretation 16) (©) A natural language system has the folowing grammatical and lexical rules: s—npw det = [the] Np —= np conjnp det ~» [a] np det n= (eal) Ap — pro n= [60g] pvp conj vp» mouse] vp—vnp n= [sparrow] wry pro ft) > feaw) v- [chased] v— [barked] v= ffiew) con) — [and ‘The start symbols 's' which represents a sentence. Using the above grammar, draw as many syntax rees as you can for the sentences: i. The dog chased a cat and a mouse and a spatrow. li. The dog saw a cat and barked and chased t Explain how the grammar can be modified so that istil generates examples () and (i) above but not the starred (i) and (h): li, “The dog barked'a cat. Iv. “The cat saw a sparrow and chased. 8 UL15/0096 Page 40f7 QUESTION 4 Planning 2) What are the particular characteristics of planning as a search problem? Describe the extra assumptions that need to be made, vi ) Explain what ie meant by relaxation ofa planning problem, and why this ‘can be useful. Give an example of a technique for defining a relaxed problem, 16] ©) Assume a configuration ofthe blocks world defined by the PDDL statements: On, C), Ontable(C), Ontable(A), On(B.A), Clear(B), Clear(0). 1. Define a set of actions in PDDL to move a single block onto another block (which may have blocks beneath i), or move a block onto the table. |i. Using these actions, write down a solution tothe problem of ‘achieving the goal stato, showing the affects of each action: GOAL: Ontable(D), On(©,D), On(B,C), On(A.B), Clear’), m uL1s/0086 Page 5 of 7 QUESTION § Machine Learning @ |. Explain the diference between supervised and unsupervised learning |i, Which technique would be more appropriate for learning how to classify movie reviews as positive or negative? Briefly deserbe the kind of inputs that could be used to rain the learning system. @ (©) Explain what is meant by overfiting in the context of machine learning. How do analysts generally aim to avoid overfiting? (6) Make a Ist of factors that computing graduates will normally consider in deciding whether to seek employment in industry or continue with postgraduate study. Discuss how machine learning techniques could be used to construct a decision tree to assist graduates in this choice UL15/0096 Page 6 of 7 QUESTION 6 Philosophy of Al and Social Iseues ® |. Describe Alan Turing’ “Imitation Game” (known to posterity as the “Turing Test) and John Searle's "Chinese Room” thought experiment, with particular reference to the notion of strong Al" ii. Which of these ines of argument do you find more convincing on the {question of whether digital computers can “thik” and have conscious mental states? Justiy your answer 12) (©) A.common business model for social media and news websites involves targetted content, employing machine leering techniques to build up "profes" of individual users in order to select suitable advertisements or news items. Discuss the social and ethical implications of these techniques, with particular reference to privacy. 18) END OF PAPER uL15/0096 Page 7 of 7

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