Using Oracle Erp Cloud Adapter

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Oracle® Cloud

Using the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter

Release 18.3
September 2019
Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter, Release 18.3


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Primary Author: Mark Kennedy

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Audience vi
Documentation Accessibility vi
Related Resources vi
Conventions vi

1 Getting Started with the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter

Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Capabilities 1-1
Supported Business Events 1-3
What Application Version Is Supported? 1-8
About Oracle Integration Cloud Service 1-9
About Oracle Integration Cloud Service Connections 1-9
About Oracle Integration Cloud Service Integrations 1-9
About Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Use Cases 1-10
FTP Adapter to Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Integration 1-10
Typical Workflow for Creating and Including an Adapter Connection in an Integration

2 Creating an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Connection

Prerequisites for Creating a Connection 2-1
Obtaining the Oracle ERP Cloud Service Catalog Service WSDL or Event
Catalog URL 2-2
For Fusion Applications Releases 10 Through 12 2-2
For Fusion Applications Releases 13 and Later 2-6
Assigning Required Roles to an Integration User 2-7
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud for Event Subscriptions 2-8
Uploading Files in Bulk and Inserting Data into Oracle ERP Cloud Application
Tables 2-10
Uploading an SSL Certificate 2-11
Creating a Connection 2-13
Adding a Contact Email 2-14
Configuring Connection Properties 2-14

Configuring Connection Security 2-14
Testing the Connection 2-14
Editing a Connection 2-15
Cloning a Connection 2-16
Deleting a Connection 2-16
Refreshing Integration Metadata 2-17

3 Creating an Integration

4 Adding the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Connection to an Integration

Configuring Basic Information Properties 4-1
What You Can Do from the Basic Info Page 4-1
What You See on the Basic Info Page 4-2
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Request Properties 4-3
What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Request Page 4-3
What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Request Page 4-4
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Properties 4-5
What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Page 4-5
What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Page 4-6
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Operation Properties 4-8
What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Operations Page 4-8
What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Operations Page 4-9
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Response Properties 4-10
What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Response Page 4-10
What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Response Page 4-11
Reviewing Configuration Values on the Summary Page 4-12
What You Can Do from the Summary Page 4-12
What You See on the Summary Page 4-12

5 Creating Mappings and Lookups in Integrations

6 Administering Integrations

7 Troubleshooting Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter

Reactivate Integrations when the Connection URL is Modified 7-1
Troubleshooting Event Subscription Errors 7-1

Import Payables Invoice Report Job is Not Triggered from an Import Payables
Invoice 7-2
Data Uploaded in the Oracle ERP Cloud Interface Tables Is Not Uploaded in the
Base Tables 7-2
Oracle ERP Cloud Callback About the Bulk Import Issue 7-2
Jobs Not Appearing in the Import Jobs List on the Operations Page 7-3
Oracle ERP Cloud Callback Not Received in Oracle Integration Cloud Service 7-3
Business Events Being Sent to Deactivated Integrations 7-6


Using the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter describes how to configure the Oracle ERP
Cloud Adapter as a connection in an integration in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

• Audience
• Documentation Accessibility
• Related Resources
• Conventions

Using the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter is intended for developers who want to use the
Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter in integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

Related Resources
See these Oracle resources:
• Oracle Cloud
• Using Oracle Integration Cloud Service
• Using the Oracle Mapper

The following text conventions are used in this document:


Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Getting Started with the Oracle ERP Cloud
Review the following conceptual topics to learn about the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter
and how to use it as a connection in integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud Service. A
typical workflow of adapter and integration tasks is also provided.

• Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Capabilities
• What Application Version Is Supported?
• About Oracle Integration Cloud Service
• About Oracle Integration Cloud Service Connections
• About Oracle Integration Cloud Service Integrations
• About Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Use Cases
• Typical Workflow for Creating and Including an Adapter Connection in an

Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Capabilities

The Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter enables you to create an integration with Oracle
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications.

Ensure that you have reviewed the Oracle HCM Cloud Adapter Capabilities
for supported SOAP services in Oracle HCM Cloud.

The Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter enables you to easily integrate on-premises or SaaS
applications with Oracle ERP Cloud without having to know about the specific details
involved in the integration. The Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter provides the following
• Integrates easily with the Oracle ERP Cloud application’s WSDL file to produce a
simplified, integration-centric WSDL.
• Generates automatic mapping to the exposed business object or event
subscription that you select during adapter configuration:
– Business object: Represents a self-contained business document that can be
acted upon by the integration. An integration can send requests to create a
new record for that business object. They can send a request either to update
or delete an existing record for a business object. Integrations can also send
requests to retrieve information about one or more records representing that
business object.

Chapter 1
Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Capabilities

– Event subscription: Represents an event document to which you subscribe.

The event subscription is raised by the Oracle ERP Cloud application. The
product inventory module (PIM) exposes public APIs and events in release 11
and release 12 for Oracle ERP Cloud. See Supported Business Events.
• Automatically handles security policy details required to connect to the Oracle
ERP Cloud application.
• Provides standard error handling capabilities.
• Exposes Supply Chain Management (SCM) Cloud events and web services.
• Enables you to upload a file to a secure FTP location. The file is identified and
provided to Oracle ERP Cloud so that the data can be uploaded in the Oracle ERP
Cloud business tables. In the invoke (outbound to Oracle ERP Cloud) direction,
files can be uploaded in the following formats:
– BASE64 format: Files uploaded in this format are embedded in the SOAP
– MTOM format: This is the default upload format. Files uploaded in this format
are sent as an attachment in the SOAP message. If there are errors during
MTOM upload, the file is uploaded in BASE64 format.
As a part of the file upload configuration process in the invoke direction (outbound
to Oracle ERP Cloud), you specify the integration name, identifier, and version
details to receive a callback. The callback provides detailed status about the
outbound request. The inbound integration flow handles the callbacks from Oracle
ERP Cloud. When the callback response is received, the log files can be
downloaded in BASE64 format or the default MTOM format. If there is any error
during MTOM download, the file is downloaded in BASE64 format.
During runtime, the Oracle ERP Cloud file upload occurs:
– The file is picked up.
– In the invoke (outbound to Oracle ERP Cloud) direction, Oracle ERP Cloud
receives the file as an attachment object.
– The file is first uploaded in MTOM format to UCM. After uploading the
document to UCM, a request is sent to Oracle ERP Cloud to process the file.
– If the document upload to MTOM fails, the file is uploaded in BASE64 format
by providing the files as BASE64 content directly to Oracle ERP Cloud.
– Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter invokes the importBulkData API and provides the
information configured during the design time.

Create the UCM URL by appending the host and port of the service
catalog with the following URI: /idcws/GenericSoapPort.

During runtime, the callback is received.

– ERP sends the callback on the callback endpoint.
– The callback contains the following information:
* Overall status.
* Document ID of the file that contains all the log data.

Chapter 1
Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Capabilities

* List of all jobs, their child jobs, and their statuses.

– The file is first downloaded in MTOM format. If the download fails, the file is
downloaded in BASE64 format.
– The file is stored in the attachment store. The reference of the file is provided
as an output in the XML document.


• During bidirectional account and contact synchronization, echoes are

generated. Oracle Integration Cloud Service-based integrations use
echo suppression to prevent unwanted update or create events (the
echoes) from returning to the source application.
• You cannot write database SQL queries with the Oracle ERP Cloud
Adapter. Instead, you must write a Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP)
report in Oracle Fusion Applications and invoke it from the Oracle ERP
Cloud Adapter. See this blog.


Supported Business Events

The following business events are supported. You can subscribe to these events
during adapter configuration in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard.

Cloud Product Supported Description First Release Callback

Business Available Service
Inventory Advance Signals that an R12 SOAP Service:
Management Shipment Notice advance ShipmentService
shipment notice Operation:
can be sent to an getAdvancedShip
external customer mentNoticeData
for the shipment.
Inventory ASN Cancellation Notifies that an R13 18B SOAP Service:
Management ASN/ASBN line InboundShipment
has been Service
cancelled in Operation:
Oracle Fusion findShipment
Receiving Cloud.
Inventory ASN Creation Notifies that an R11 SOAP Service:
Management ASN/ASBN line InboundShipment
has been created Service
in Oracle Fusion Operation:
Receiving Cloud. findShipment

Chapter 1
Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Capabilities

Cloud Product Supported Description First Release Callback

Business Available Service
Inventory Backorder Line Signals that a R13 17B SOAP Service:
Management shipment line has ShipmentLineSer
been back vice
ordered. Operation:
Inventory Create Correction Notifies that a R11 SOAP Service:
Management Transaction correction ReceivingTransac
transaction is tionService
created in Oracle Operation:
Fusion Receiving findTransaction
Inventory Create Deliver Notifies that a R11 SOAP Service:
Management Transaction deliver ReceivingTransac
transaction is tionService
created in Oracle Operation:
Fusion Receiving findTransaction
Inventory Create Receiving Notifies that a R11 SOAP Service:
Management Receipt receipt is created ReceiptService
in Oracle Fusion Operation:
Receiving Cloud. findReceipt
Inventory Create Return Notifies that a R11 SOAP Service:
Management Transaction return (to ReceivingTransac
supplier, tionService
customer, Operation:
organization) findTransaction
transaction is
created in Oracle
Fusion Receiving
Inventory Manifest Request Signals that R11 SOAP Service:
Management shipment Shipment Service
information can Operation:
be sent to the getManifestRequ
carrier estData
system to
determine rate,
freight cost, and
labels for the
Inventory Receipt Advice Notifies that a R13 17B SOAP Service:
Management Event Notification receipt advice ReceiptAdviceSer
is generated in vice
Oracle Fusion Operation:
Receiving Cloud getReceiptAdvice
and available for Details
external systems
to process.

Chapter 1
Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Capabilities

Cloud Product Supported Description First Release Callback

Business Available Service
Inventory Shipment Advice Signals that the R13 17B SOAP Service:
Management shipment is ShipmentService
shipped and is Operation:
ready for getShipmentAdvi
informing the ceData
source system
with the shipped
Inventory Shipment Signals that R11 SOAP Service:
Management Request shipment line ShipmentLineSer
Generate selection criteria vice
is published for Operation:
external systems GenerateShipme
to process the ntRequest
Inventory Standard Cost Signals that a R13 17C NA
Management Exported Event standard cost is
exported for a
Inventory Standard Cost Signals that the R13 17C NA
Management Published standard cost is
published for a
Inventory Trade Screening Signals to request R13 17B SOAP Service:
Management Request trade screening ShipmentLineSer
for a shipment vice
line. Operation:
Inventory Transfer Price Signals that the R13 17C NA
Management Published transfer price is
published for a
sales order
fulfillment line.
Maintenance Customer Asset Signals that a R13 17C SOAP Service:
Created customer asset is AssetService
created. Operation:
Maintenance Customer Asset Signals that a R13 17C SOAP Service:
Relationship customer asset AssetRelationship
Created relationship is Service
created. Operation:
Maintenance Customer Asset Signals that an R13 17C SOAP Service:
Relationship asset relationship AssetRelationship
Deleted is deleted. Service

Chapter 1
Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Capabilities

Cloud Product Supported Description First Release Callback

Business Available Service
Maintenance Customer Asset Signals that a R13 17C SOAP Service:
Updated customer asset is AssetService
updated. Operation:
Maintenance Maintenance Signals that a R13 17D SOAP Service:
Asset Created maintenance AssetService
asset is created. Operation:
Maintenance Maintenance Signals that a R13 17D SOAP Service:
Asset Updated maintenance AssetService
asset is updated. Operation:
Manufacturing Print Product Signals that a R13 18B NA
Label print product label
is triggered
Manufacturing Work Order Signals that a R13 17B SOAP Service:
Create work order is WorkOrderEnrich
created. Service
Manufacturing Work Order Signals that a R13 17B SOAP Service:
Update work order is WorkOrderEnrich
updated. Service
Order Order Status Informs a R12 SOAP Service:
Management Updated subscriber that an EventEnrichment
order status or Service
status of a Operation:
fulfillment line that getEnrichmentDet
is part of an order ails
was updated.
Order Sales Order Informs a R13 17B SOAP Service:
Management Notification subscriber about DocumentService
a significant Operation:
development on a getSalesOrderNot
sales order. This ificationDetails
event occurs
when the order
status changes,
the line status
changes, the
value of an
attribute changes,
a fulfillment line
splits, or an
exception occurs,
such as a
jeopardy or hold.

Chapter 1
Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Capabilities

Cloud Product Supported Description First Release Callback

Business Available Service
Order Sales Order Communicates R13 17B SOAP Service:
Management Trade screening OrderFulfillmentR
Compliance requests to a equestService
Screening system that Operation:
manages trade getOrderFulfillme
compliance. ntRequestDetails
Order Sales Order Communicates R13 17B SOAP Service:
Management Transportation fulfillment OrderFulfillmentR
Planning requests to a equestService
transportation Operation:
planning system. getOrderFulfillme
Purchasing Purchase Order Published when a R13 17B SOAP Service:
Event purchase order is PurchaseOrderSe
created, changed, rvice
finally closed, or Operation:
reopened. getPurchaseOrde
Product Lifecycle Change Order Signals that a R13 18B SOAP Service:
Management Approval Event change order is in ChangeOrderSer
approval. vice
Product Lifecycle Change Order Signals that a R13 18B SOAP Service:
Management Completed Event change order is ChangeOrderSer
completed. vice
Product Lifecycle Change Order Signals that a R13 18B SOAP Service:
Management Interim Approval change order is in ChangeOrderSer
Event interim approval. vice
Product Lifecycle Change Order Signals that a R13 18B SOAP Service:
Management Open Event change order is ChangeOrderSer
open. vice
Product Lifecycle Item Structure Signals that an R12 SOAP Service:
Management Component item structure StructureService
Create component is Operation:
created. findStructure
Product Lifecycle Item Structure Signals that an R12 SOAP Service:
Management Component item structure StructureService
Update component is Operation:
updated. findStructure

Chapter 1
What Application Version Is Supported?

Cloud Product Supported Description First Release Callback

Business Available Service
Product Lifecycle Item Structure Signals that an R12 SOAP Service:
Management Create item structure is StructureService
created. Operation:
Product Lifecycle Item Structure Signals that an R12 SOAP Service:
Management Update item structure is StructureService
updated. Operation:
Product Master Change Order Signals that a R13 17B SOAP Service:
Data Scheduled change order is ProductDesignCh
Management scheduled. angeOrderServic
Product Master Item Bulk Load Signals that items R11 NA
Data are imported.
Product Master Item Catalog Signals a change R11 SOAP Service:
Data Category in the item ItemService
Management Assignment catalog category Operation:
Change assignment. findItem
Product Master Item Create Signals that an R11 SOAP Service:
Data item is created. ItemService
Management Operation:
Product Master Item Publication Signals that items R13 17C NA
Data Event are published.
Product Master Item Update Signals that an R13 17B SOAP Service:
Data Event item is updated. ItemService
Management Operation:
Product Master Product Upload Signals a status R11 NA
Data Status Change change in a
Management product upload.

What Application Version Is Supported?

For information about which application version is supported by this adapter, see the
Oracle Integration Adapters Certification Matrix under section Oracle Integration
Adapters Certification at the top of the page:
Oracle Integration Adapters Certification Matrix

Chapter 1
About Oracle Integration Cloud Service

About Oracle Integration Cloud Service

Oracle Integration Cloud Service is a complete, secure, but lightweight integration
solution that enables you to connect your applications in the cloud. It simplifies
connectivity between your applications and connects both your applications that live in
the cloud and your applications that still live on premises. Oracle Integration Cloud
Service provides secure, enterprise-grade connectivity regardless of the applications
you are connecting or where they reside.
Oracle Integration Cloud Service provides native connectivity to Oracle Software as a
Service (SaaS) applications, such as Oracle Sales Cloud, Oracle RightNow Cloud,
and so on. Oracle Integration Cloud Service adapters simplify connectivity by handling
the underlying complexities of connecting to applications using industry-wide best
practices. You only need to create a connection that provides minimal connectivity
information for each system. Oracle Integration Cloud Service lookups map the
different codes or terms used by the applications you are integrating to describe
similar items (such as country or gender codes). Finally, the visual data mapper
enables you to quickly create direct mappings between the trigger and invoke data
structures. From the mapper, you can also access lookup tables and use standard
XPath functions to map data between your applications.
Once you integrate your applications and activate the integrations to the runtime
environment, the dashboard displays information about the running integrations so you
can monitor the status and processing statistics for each integration. The dashboard
measures and tracks the performance of your transactions by capturing and reporting
key information, such as throughput, the number of messages processed successfully,
and the number of messages that failed processing. You can also manage business
identifiers that track fields in messages and manage errors by integrations,
connections, or specific integration instances.

About Oracle Integration Cloud Service Connections

Connections define information about the instances of each configuration you are
integrating. Oracle Integration Cloud Service includes a set of predefined adapters,
which are the types of applications on which you can base your connections, such as
Oracle Sales Cloud, Oracle Eloqua Cloud, Oracle RightNow Cloud, and others. A
connection is based on an adapter. For example, to create a connection to a specific
RightNow Cloud application instance, you must select the Oracle RightNow adapter
and then specify the WSDL URL, security policy, and security credentials to connect to


About Oracle Integration Cloud Service Integrations

Integrations are the main ingredient of Oracle Integration Cloud Service. An integration
includes at the least a trigger (source) connection (for requests sent to Oracle
Integration Cloud Service) and invoke (target) connection (for requests sent from
Oracle Integration Cloud Service to the target) and the field mapping between those
two connections.
When you create your integrations, you build on the connections you already created
by defining how to process the data for the trigger (source) and invoke (target)

Chapter 1
About Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Use Cases

connections. This can include defining the type of operations to perform on the data,
the business objects and fields against which to perform those operations, required
schemas, and so on. To make this easier, the most complex configuration tasks are
handled by Oracle Integration Cloud Service. Once your trigger (source) and invoke
(target) connections are configured, the mappers between the two are enabled so you
can define how the information is transferred between the trigger (source) and invoke
(target) data structures for both the request and response messages.


About Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Use Cases

The Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter can be used in scenarios such as the following.
• FTP Adapter to Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Integration

FTP Adapter to Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Integration

This use case describes how to load data from a secure FTP location to Oracle ERP
Cloud by using a trigger file mechanism. The data is sent to Oracle Integration Cloud
Service for orchestration. Oracle Integration Cloud Service schedules the integration
flow for polling the trigger file.


• Create an orchestrated integration that is triggered by a schedule.

• From the Invoke palette, drag an FTP Adapter into the integration canvas.
• Configure the FTP Adapter to perform the following tasks:
– Specify a name of readTriggerFile.
– Specify a file name pattern of *.TRG.
– Specify an input directory from which to read a trigger file.
– Define a schema from a CSV file as the trigger file format.
• From the Actions panel, add an Assign action below the FTP Adapter to declare
the set of variables.
– Specify a name of ExtactFileName.
– In the Expression Builder, configure variables, such as extracting the ZIP file
name of *.TRG from a relative path.
• Add a second invoke FTP Adapter below the Assign action to download and stage
the file temporarily in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
• Configure the FTP Adapter to perform the following tasks:
– Specify a name of DownloadFile.
– Select the Download to ICS operation.
– Specify the input directory and download directory path.
– Select the Unzip the File option.

Chapter 1
About Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Use Cases

A mapper is automatically added to the integration whenever a Stage File

action or new endpoints such as the FTP Adapter are added to the integration.
The mapper appears between the Assign action and the DownloadFile FTP
• In the mapper, map the source extracted ZIP file to the target DownloadFileToICS
filename element.
• Because the ZIP file may contain multiple files, drag a For-Each action below the
DownloadFIle FTP Adapter in the integration. This action enables iteration over a
repeated element.
• Specify the repeating element and current element name.
• To read each file from the input directory, add a Stage File action below the For-
Each action and configure it as follows:
– In the Expression Builder, specify the file name and directory from which to
read the file.
– Specify the schema file by loading a CSV file that contains the data structure.
• When a file is staged in Oracle Integration Cloud Service, add a second For-Each
action below the Stage File action to iterate through each record.
– Add the repeating element and current element name.
• Add a second Stage File action to write each record into a new file.
– Specify a name of WriteRecordToFile.
– In the Expression Builder, set the name and the output directory. All the
enriched data is appended to the staged file. The schema file for the new ERP
file uses the same structure as the source file.
• Perform the data mapping and transformation in the automatically added mapper.
Functions, operators, and XSLs are useful to enrich and transform the new file for
• Add a Stage File action below the WriteRecordToFile Stage File action to write a
manifest file with the business data details.
– Specify a name of CreateManifest.
– In the Expression Builder, select the Write File option and Append to
Existing File.
• In the mapper that is automatically created above the CreateManifest Stage File
action, define the manifest file content.
• Add a Stage File action below the CreateManifest Stage File action to rezip the
file before sending it to the ERP cloud endpoint.
– In the Expression Builder, select the ZIP Files option.
– Select the zip file name to concatenate and the directory to zip.
• Add an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter at the end of the integration to import the data
into the ERP Financial application.
– Select the Import Payable Invoices operation.
Once the data loading and processing are complete, an email notification must
be triggered.
– Select Email Notification.

Chapter 1
Typical Workflow for Creating and Including an Adapter Connection in an Integration

– Define a callback to retrieve any details about failed records.

• In the mapper above the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter, define the file references for
the endpoint so that the ERP system processes the rezipped file accordingly.
• Activate the integration and monitor the activity stream from the Runtime Health
page. The activity stream and diagnostic logs are available for download.
• Save and activate your integration.
• Invoke the integration.
• Monitor the activity stream and the diagnostics log.

Typical Workflow for Creating and Including an Adapter

Connection in an Integration
You follow a very simple workflow to create a connection with an adapter and include
the connection in an integration in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Step Description More Information

1 Create the adapter connections Creating an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Connection
for the applications you want to
integrate. The connections can
be reused in multiple
integrations and are typically
created by the administrator.
2 Create the integration. When Creating an Integration and Adding the Oracle ERP
you do this, you add trigger and Cloud Adapter Connection to an Integration
invoke connections to the
integration. For a trigger, you
select to include either a
business object or event in your
3 Map data between the trigger Mapping Data of Using Oracle Integration Cloud
connection data structure and Service
the invoke connection data
4 (Optional) Create lookups that Creating Lookups of Using Oracle Integration Cloud
map the different values used by Service
those applications to identify the
same type of object (such as
gender codes or country codes).
5 Activate the integration. Managing Integrations of Using Oracle Integration
Cloud Service
6 Monitor the integration on the Monitoring Integrations of Using Oracle Integration
dashboard. Cloud Service
7 Track payload fields in Assigning Business Identifiers for Tracking Fields in
messages during runtime. Messages and Managing Business Identifiers for
Tracking Fields in Messages of Using Oracle
Integration Cloud Service
8 Manage errors at the integration Managing Errors of Using Oracle Integration Cloud
level, connection level, or Service
specific integration instance

Creating an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter
A connection is based on an adapter. You define connections to the specific cloud
applications that you want to integrate. The following topics describe how to define

• Prerequisites for Creating a Connection
• Uploading an SSL Certificate
• Creating a Connection
• Editing a Connection
• Cloning a Connection
• Deleting a Connection
• Refreshing Integration Metadata

Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

You must satisfy the following prerequisites to create a connection with the Oracle
ERP Cloud Adapter:

Prerequisite Description For More Information

Subscribe to Oracle ERP This action enables you to See Oracle ERP Cloud.
Cloud. create an Oracle ERP Cloud
user account with the correct
privileges. You specify this
user account when creating an
Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter
connection on the
Connections page. See
Configuring Connection
Obtain the necessary Oracle You must specify a mandatory See Obtaining the Oracle ERP
ERP Cloud service catalog Oracle ERP Cloud service Cloud Service Catalog Service
service WSDL URL or event catalog service WSDL (for WSDL or Event Catalog URL.
catalog URL. accessing business objects)
and optionally an event
catalog URL (for subscribing
to events).
Assign roles to the user. Ensure that the Fusion See Assigning Required Roles
Applications user has the to an Integration User.
required roles These roles are
required for enabling event
subscriptions or selecting
business objects.

Chapter 2
Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

Prerequisite Description For More Information

Subscribe to events in Oracle To subscribe to Oracle ERP See Configuring Oracle ERP
ERP Cloud Cloud events in an integration, Cloud for Event Subscriptions.
you must create a CSF key.
Create the CSF key from the
Oracle SOA Composer
instance located in the Oracle
Fusion Applications Supply
Chain Management (SCM)
Upload files in bulk and insert The Oracle ERP Cloud See Uploading Files in Bulk
data into Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter supports the loading and Inserting Data into Oracle
application tables. of bulk data into Oracle ERP ERP Cloud Application
Cloud through integration with Tables.
the Universal Content
Management (UCM) system.
UCM enables you to perform
bulk upload of files and
insertion of data into Oracle
ERP Cloud application tables.

Obtaining the Oracle ERP Cloud Service Catalog Service WSDL or

Event Catalog URL
You must obtain a required service catalog service WSDL (for accessing and
configuring the inbound and outbound adapter to use either business objects or
business services) and optionally an event catalog URL (for accessing and configuring
the inbound adapter to use event subscriptions).

The following sections describe how to obtain the service catalog service WSDL and
event catalog URL:
• For Fusion Applications Releases 10 Through 12
• For Fusion Applications Releases 13 and Later

For Fusion Applications Releases 10 Through 12

Obtain the Oracle Fusion Applications Releases 10 through 12 service catalog service
WSDLs and event catalog URLs through the following methods.

• Obtaining the Service Catalog Service WSDL for Releases 10 Through 11

• Obtaining the Service Catalog Service WSDL for Release 12
• Obtaining the Event Catalog URL

Chapter 2
Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

Obtaining the Service Catalog Service WSDL for Releases 10 Through 11

WSDL Requirements Where Do You Get the WSDL?

The URL must be that of a service catalog The developer creating an Oracle ERP Cloud
service WSDL. The service catalog service is connection must work with the Oracle ERP
a Fusion Application service that returns a list Cloud service administrator to get the concrete
of external services available for integration. It WSDL URL for the service catalog service
allows clients to retrieve information about all provisioned for the specific SaaS application.
public Fusion Application service endpoints
available for that instance.
The service catalog service enables clients to
retrieve information about all public Oracle
Fusion Application service endpoints available
for that instance. The information it returns is
specific to the particular cloud instance and
also reflects the new services that may have
been introduced in patches applied to the
instance. This service is used to
programmatically discover the SOAP services
available on the cloud instance and retrieve
the necessary metadata to invoke the SOAP
services to manage business objects.

This section describes how to derive the external virtual host and port for a tokenized
service catalog service WSDL. The topology information in the Topology Registration
setup task contains the external virtual host and port for the domains and applications.
The following instructions describe the steps for deriving the values using the service
catalog service WSDL URL as an example: https://atf_server:port/

To access the Review Topology page, the

ASM_REVIEW_TOPOLOGY_HIERARCHY_PRIV entitlement must be granted to the
user’s job role. The entitlement is granted to the
ASM_APPLICATION_DEPLOYER_DUTY duty role, which is inherited by the duty
If the menu items and tasks described in the following procedure are not available in
your cloud instance, your user account is missing the required role. Contact your cloud
instance security administrator for assistance.
1. Log in to the cloud instance.
2. Click the Navigator icon in the global area in the top part of the window, then
chose Setup and Maintenance under the Tools heading.
3. Select Review Topology under the Topology Registration section in the Tasks
regional area on the left side of the window.
4. Click the Detailed tab in the middle of the window.
The tab shows the list of domains configured in the cloud instance.

Chapter 2
Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

5. Map the token name for the service path value to the domain name in the
Topology Manager:

Token Name in Service Path Domain Name

atf_server CommonDomain
crm_server CRMDomain
fin_server FinancialDomain
hcm_server HCMDomain
ic_server ICDomain
prc_server ProcurementDomain
prj_server ProjectsDomain
scm_server SCMDomain

6. Expand the domain name and select any external virtual host and port for the
J2EE applications that are deployed on the domain. In the sample window, the
values for this particular instance are fs-your-cloud-hostname and 443,

Chapter 2
Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

7. Replace the domainName_server:PortNumber with the external virtual host and

port identified in the previous step. For example:

Obtaining the Service Catalog Service WSDL For Release 12

To obtain the physical endpoint of your instance, perform the following steps:
1. Log in to the Fusion Applications home page. For example:

Where acme is the system name and fs is a Fusion Applications domain.

2. Copy and append
fndAppCoreServices/ServiceCatalogService?WSDL to it.

Obtaining the Event Catalog URL

You must know the customer relationship management (CRM) URL format to access
the CRM application user interface. Follow the URL format to determine the event
catalog URL. For example:
1. Copy the following URL and replace fs with the respective domain, such as fin,
scm, crm, and so on.

Chapter 2
Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

The event catalog URL to use is:

The event catalog URL https://host/soa-infra is a partial URL and must only be
provided on the Connections page. Do not open this URL with a browser. If you do,
you receive a Page not found error. The adapter does not access this URL directly.
Instead, it automatically appends the required resource path to make the URL fully
valid (when it needs to access the event catalog).
To check the public events defined in the catalog, enter the following complete URL in
a browser:


For Fusion Applications Releases 13 and Later

Obtain the Oracle Fusion Applications Release 13 and later service catalog service
WSDLs and event catalog URLs through the following methods.

• Obtaining the Service Catalog Service WSDL

• Obtaining the Event Catalog URL

Obtaining the Service Catalog Service WSDL

To obtain the physical endpoint of your instance, perform the following steps:
1. Log in to the Fusion Applications home page. For example:

Where acme is the system name and us6 is the data center.
2. Copy and append it with fscmService/
ServiceCatalogService?WSDL. For example:

Obtaining the Event Catalog URL

Starting in Release 13, you access all Fusion Applications URLs using a consolidated
endpoint. You must switch to the new consolidated endpoint that conforms to the
following naming pattern:

You must switch to the consolidated endpoint immediately after upgrading to Release
13. Newly provisioned instances using Release 13 only have the consolidated
endpoint available. In Release 13, multiple domains are consolidated. You must
specify the domain in the URL. For example, if specifying the fa domain, the URL
looks as follows:

Chapter 2
Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

1. Copy the following URL:

2. Append soa-infra to the end of the URL:

Assigning Required Roles to an Integration User

To use the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter in an integration, you must assign specific roles
to an integration user.

Associating the Integration User with the Following Roles and Privileges
You associate the user with the following roles and privileges.

Role Description
ALL_INTEGRATION_POINTS_ALL_DATA Starting with release 12, this role is no longer
supported. When existing customers upgrade
to release 12, users with this role continue
using it, although it is hidden from the Security
Console. If you create a new integration user
in release 12 or later, you cannot assign this
Integration Specialist This is a job role and does not include data
roles. Assign the Integration Specialist role
that inherits Oracle ERP Cloud roles. This role
applies to Releases 12 and 13.
Oracle ERP Cloud-specific data access to You must specify the specific data access
the integration user roles based on the objects you want to
integrate. This role applies to Releases 12 and
13. See Managing Data Access for Users:
Explained of Cloud Securing Oracle ERP
AttachmentsUser Provides access to the Attachments security
group to download the log file or the output file
with the ERP Integration Service. Starting with
Release 12, this role is automatically shipped.
You must verify that this role is automatically
assigned to the user.
SOAOperator The SOA operator role.
FND_MANAGE_CATALOG_SERVICE_PRIV The role to manage the web services catalog.
Customer Relationship Management See Job Role: Customer Relationship
Application Administrator (for Oracle CRM Management Application Administrator of
Cloud implementations) Cloud Security Reference for Oracle Sales

Additional roles may be required as per each interface requirements.

See the Oracle Integration Cloud - Fusion Applications Security Requirements blog for
additional details.

Chapter 2
Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

Using the Security Console

Use the Security Console to manage application security such as roles, users,
certificates, and administration tasks. Access to the Security Console is provided by
the predefined Security Manager role. Access the Security Console in the following
• Use the Manage Job Roles or Manage Duties tasks in the Setup and Maintenance
work area.
• Select Navigator > Tools > Security Console.

See Using the Security Console of Cloud Securing Oracle ERP Cloud.

Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud for Event Subscriptions

You must create a CSF key to subscribe to events in Oracle ERP Cloud. This key is
required by the event handler framework when it invokes the integration. The
credentials of the integration are managed by the CSF key. Create the CSF key in
Oracle SOA Composer.


• There is only one SOA instance in Release 13.

• The Oracle Integration Cloud Service password may expire periodically.
Your application administrator must contact the Oracle Integration Cloud
Service administrator to get the refreshed user credentials. The
application administrator must update the CSF key when this password
is refreshed.

Ensure that you specify the following information correctly when creating the CSF key:
• Create the CSF key with a key name that matches the identity domain of the
Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance.
• Create the CSF key with the Oracle Integration Cloud Service user account with
which you log in to Oracle Integration Cloud Service and not the user name
created when you subscribed to Oracle ERP Cloud.
• Ensure that the CSF key password has not expired.

Chapter 2
Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

1. Log in to Oracle SOA Composer with a user that has the SOA administrator role.
Obtain the hostname and port from your administrator.
For example, in Release 12:


For example, in Release 13:

2. Click Manage Security.

3. Add the CSF key name. The name must be the same as the identity domain of the
Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance. (Oracle Integration Cloud Service
subscription identity domain).
4. Provide the username and password that you enter to log in to Oracle Integration
Cloud Service. Do not enter the username and password created when you
subscribed to Oracle ERP Cloud.
The Oracle Integration Cloud Service user must exist in Oracle Integration Cloud
Service and have been assigned the IntegrationServiceRuntime role. The CSF key
entry in the Oracle ERP Cloud infrastructure stores the Oracle Integration Cloud
Service credentials used by Oracle ERP Cloud. When Oracle Fusion Applications
send outbound requests to Oracle Integration Cloud Service (at runtime), it sends
the credentials (username and password) of this account for authentication.

5. Click Register.

Chapter 2
Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

Uploading Files in Bulk and Inserting Data into Oracle ERP Cloud
Application Tables
You must satisfy the following prerequisites for the upload of files in bulk and the
insertion of data into Oracle ERP Cloud application tables.

Only file-based data import (FBDI)-compliant jobs are supported for

• Satisfy the following prerequisites for the bulk upload of files and the insertion of
data into Oracle ERP Cloud application tables. This is only required for an ERP
Cloud callback upon job completion.
1. Create a user similar to the ERP Cloud Adapter connection user in the My
Service Page. This user is linked to the Oracle Integration Cloud Service
WebLogic security realm. The user name must exactly match the Oracle ERP
Cloud user name. The password and email address can be anything. Ensure
that you select the correct roles for the Oracle ERP Cloud user in the Oracle
ERP Cloud application. The user must have the SOAOperator and Integration
2. Import the following certificates:
– In your browser, enter Service Catalog URL:
For Release 12:


For Release 13:


– In the WSDL, navigate to X509 certificates section:

– Copy the first certificate string to a file.

Chapter 2
Uploading an SSL Certificate

– Copy the second certificate to a file. You have two certificate files (for
example, erp_cert1.cer and erp_cert2.cer).
– In the Upload Certificate dialog in Oracle Integration Cloud Service, import
both certificates as Message Protection Certificate types and enter
unique alias names. See Uploading an SSL Certificate.
– Satisfy the following manifest file recommendations (that is, the properties
file in the zip file that must be uploaded to Universal Content Management
* The manifest file expects import process details in the following

<job package name>,<job def name>,<Manifest file name>,<job

parameters (comma separated)>

For example:


* The manifest file name can be any file name. However, the third value
in the manifest must be the manifest file name.
* Only one job is supported per invoke. You can have multiple entries in
the manifest property file to import data from the interface table to the
applications tables in batches of up to 10 for sequential or up to 5 for
parallel processing. For example, the journal import data file has
records of 10 ledgers. The property file has 10 entries with the unique
ledger name as a parameter. After the data file is loaded in the
interface table, the import process has 10 subprocesses for each
• Satisfy the following prerequisites to configure the integration that uses the bulk
import feature:
1. Map the following parameters to the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter.
– Map parameter ICSFileReference to the File Reference parameter from
the other adapter (for example, the FTP Adapter, the REST Adapter, or
whichever adapter you used that has the ICSFileReference parameter).
– Map the FileName parameter from the source schema to the target
schema (the target schema is the Oracle ERP Cloud bulk import schema).
The FileName must be unique for every request.

Uploading an SSL Certificate

Certificates are used to validate outbound SSL connections. If you make an SSL
connection in which the root certificate does not exist in Oracle Integration Cloud
Service, an exception is thrown. In that case, you must upload the appropriate
certificate. A certificate enables Oracle Integration Cloud Service to connect with
external services. If the external endpoint requires a specific certificate, request the
certificate and then upload it into Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
To upload an SSL certificate:

Chapter 2
Uploading an SSL Certificate

1. From the Oracle Integration Cloud Service home page, click the

menu in the upper left corner.

2. Click Settings > Certificates.
All certificates currently uploaded to the trust store are displayed in the Certificates
dialog. The Filter By > Type list displays the following details:
• Preinstalled: Displays the certificates automatically installed in Oracle
Integration Cloud Service. These certificates cannot be deleted.
• Uploaded: Displays the certificates uploaded by individual users. These
certificates can be deleted and updated.
You can also search for certificates in the Search field. The search results are
limited to a maximum of ten records sorted by name for performance and usability
reasons. To ensure that your search results are more granular, enter as much of
the certificate name as possible.
3. Click Upload at the top of the page.
4. In the Upload Certificate dialog box, select the certificate type. Each certificate
type enables Oracle Integration Cloud Service to connect with external services.
• Trust Certificate: Use this option to upload a trust certificate.
a. Enter a unique alias for the certificate.
b. Click Browse, then select the trust file (for example, .cer or .crt) to
• Message Protection Certificate: Use this option to upload a keystore
certificate with SAML token support. Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD)
operations are supported on this type of certificate.
a. Enter a unique alias for the certificate.
b. Click Browse, then select the certificate file (.cer or .crt) to upload.
• Identity Certificate: Use this option to upload a certificate for two-way SSL
a. Click Browse, then select the keystore file (.jks) to upload.
b. Enter the password of the keystore being imported.
c. Enter the comma-separated list of aliases from the keystore being
d. Enter the comma-separated list of passwords corresponding to key
e. If you want to display the passwords in clear text, select Show Key
Password(s). This enables you to ensure that you are correctly entering a
list of keystore passwords.
5. Click Upload.
6. Click the certificate name to view details such as the subject of the certificate, the
issuer of the certificate, the date the certificate was issued, and the date the
certificate expires.

Chapter 2
Creating a Connection

Creating a Connection
The first step in creating an integration is to create the connections to the applications
with which you want to share data.
1. In the Oracle Integration Cloud Service home page, click Connections.
2. Click Create.
The Create Connection — Select Adapter dialog is displayed.
3. Select an adapter from the dialog. You can also search for the type of adapter to
use by entering a partial or full name in the Search field, and clicking Search.
The Create New Connection dialog is displayed.
4. Enter the information to describe the connection.
• Enter a meaningful name to help others find your connection when they begin
to create their own integrations. The name you enter is automatically added in
capital letters to the Identifier field. If you modify the identifier name, do not
include a blank space (for example, Sales Opportunity).
• Select the role (direction) in which to use this connection (trigger, invoke, or
both). Only the roles supported by this adapter are displayed for selection.
When you select a role, only the connection properties and security policies
appropriate to that role are displayed on the Connections page. If you select
an adapter that supports both invoke and trigger, but select only one of those
roles, then try to drag the adapter into the section you did not select, you
receive an error (for example, configure an Oracle RightNow Cloud Adapter as
only an invoke, but drag the adapter to the trigger section).
• Enter an optional description of the connection.

Chapter 2
Creating a Connection

5. Click Create.
Your connection is created and you are now ready to configure connection details,
such as email contact, connection properties, security policies, connection login
credentials, and (for certain connections) agent group.

Adding a Contact Email

From the Connection Administrator section of the connection, you can add a contact
email address for notifications.
1. In the Email Address field, enter an email address to receive email notifications
when problems occur.
2. In the upper right corner, click Save.

Configuring Connection Properties

Enter connection information so your application can process requests.
1. Click Configure Connectivity.
The Connection Properties dialog is displayed.
2. In the WSDL URL field, specify the URL to use in this integration.
• ERP Services Catalog WSDL URL
• ERP Events Catalog URL (optional)
For information about obtaining the URL, see Obtaining the Oracle ERP Cloud
Service Catalog Service WSDL or Event Catalog URL.
3. Click OK.
4. Configure connection security.

Configuring Connection Security

Configure security for your Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter connection by selecting the
security policy and security token.
1. Click Configure Credentials.
2. Enter your login credentials:
a. Select the security policy. Only the Username Password Token policy is
supported. It cannot be deselected.
b. Enter a username and password. You received this username and password
when subscribing to Oracle ERP Cloud.
c. Reenter the password a second time.
3. Click OK.

Testing the Connection

Test your connection to ensure that it is successfully configured.
1. In the upper right corner of the page, click Test.

Chapter 2
Editing a Connection

2. Select the type of connection testing to perform:

• Validate and Test: Performs a full validation of the WSDL, including
processing of the imported schemas and WSDLs. Complete validation can
take several minutes depending on the number of imported schemas and
WSDLs. No requests are sent to the operations exposed in the WSDL.
• Test: Connects to the WSDL URL and performs a syntax check on the WSDL.
No requests are sent to the operations exposed in the WSDL.
If successful, the following message is displayed and the progress indicator shows
Connection connection_name was tested successfully.
3. If your connection was unsuccessful, an error message is displayed with details.
Verify that the configuration details you entered are correct.
4. When complete, click Save, then click Close.

Editing a Connection
You can edit connection settings after creating a new connection.

1. On the Oracle Integration Cloud Service home page, click Connections.

2. On the Connections page, search for the connection name.
3. Select Edit from the connection Actions menu or click the connection name.

The Connection page is displayed.

4. Make any necessary edits.
If you edit a connection currently used by an active integration, a dialog is
displayed indicating that you must re-activate the integration for the connection
updates to take effect.

Chapter 2
Cloning a Connection

Cloning a Connection
You can clone a copy of an existing connection, even if the connection is locked. This
provides a quick way to create a new connection.
1. On the Oracle Integration Cloud Service home page, click Connections.
2. On the Connections page, search for the connection name.
3. Select Clone from the connection Actions menu.

The Clone Connection dialog is displayed.

4. Enter the connection information.
5. Click Clone.
6. Click Edit to configure the credentials of your cloned connection. Cloning a
connection does not copy the credentials.
See Editing a Connection for instructions.

Deleting a Connection
You can delete a connection from the connection menu.
1. On the Oracle Integration Cloud Service home page, click Connections.
2. On the Connections page, search for the connection name.
3. Click Delete from the connection Actions menu.

Chapter 2
Refreshing Integration Metadata

The Delete Connection dialog is displayed if the connection is not used in an

4. Click Yes to confirm deletion.

Refreshing Integration Metadata

You can manually refresh the currently-cached metadata available to adapters that
have implemented metadata caching. Metadata changes typically relate to
customizations of integrations, such as adding custom objects and attributes to
integrations. There may also be cases in which integrations have been patched, which
results in additional custom objects and attributes being added. This option is similar to
clearing the cache in your browser. Without a manual refresh, a staleness check is
only performed when you drag a connection into an integration. This is typically
sufficient, but in some cases you may know that a refresh is required. For these cases,
the Refresh Metadata menu option is provided.
To refresh integration metadata:

The Refresh Metadata menu option is only available with adapters that have
implemented metadata caching.

1. On the Oracle Integration Cloud Service home page, click Connections.

2. Locate the connection to refresh.
3. From the menu at the right, select Refresh Metadata.

A message is displayed indicating that the refresh was successful.

Metadata refresh for connection "connection_type" has been initiated


Creating an Integration
Integrations use the adapter connections you created to your applications, and define
how information is shared between those applications. You can create, import, modify,
or delete integrations; create integrations to publish or subscribe to messages; add
and remove request and response enrichment triggers; and create routing paths for
different invoke endpoints in integrations. Click the following topic for more information:

• Creating Integrations (in Using Oracle Integration Cloud Service)

Adding the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter
Connection to an Integration
When you drag the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter into the trigger and invoke areas of an
integration, the Cloud Endpoint Configuration Wizard is invoked. This wizard guides
you through configuration of the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter endpoint properties.
The following sections describe the wizard pages that guide you through configuration
of the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter as a trigger or invoke in an integration.

• Configuring Basic Information Properties
• Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Request Properties
• Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Properties
• Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Operation Properties
• Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Response Properties
• Reviewing Configuration Values on the Summary Page

Configuring Basic Information Properties

You can enter a name and description on the Basic Info page of each adapter in your

• What You Can Do from the Basic Info Page
• What You See on the Basic Info Page

What You Can Do from the Basic Info Page

You can specify the following values on the Basic Info page. The Basic Info page is
the initial wizard page that is displayed whenever you drag an adapter to the section of
the integration canvas supported by your adapter.
• Specify a meaningful name.
• Specify a description of the responsibilities.
• Select to be part of a scenario for loading and orchestrating data from a secure
FTP location to Oracle ERP Cloud.

Chapter 4
Configuring Basic Information Properties

What You See on the Basic Info Page

The following table describes the key information on the Basic Info page.

Element Description
What do you want to call your endpoint? Provide a meaningful name so that others can
understand the responsibilities of this
connection. You can include English
alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores,
and dashes in the name. You cannot include
the following:
• Blank spaces (for example, My Inbound
• Special characters (for example, #;83&
or righ(t)now4)
• Multibyte characters
What does this endpoint do? Enter an optional description of the
connection’s responsibilities. For example:
This connection receives an inbound
request to synchronize account
information with the cloud

Chapter 4
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Request Properties

Element Description
What actions would you want to perform on Select the action to perform. These options
this endpoint? are only displayed when you are configuring
the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter as an invoke
connection in an integration.
• Create, Update, Delete, Read Business
Object: Provides the standard
configuration path for selecting a business
object or service. This option displays the
standard Operations and Response
pages. This is the default selection.
• Import Data into Financials Cloud
Application: Provides a scenario for
loading and orchestrating data from a
secure FTP location to Oracle ERP Cloud.
Data is loaded into a selected product
interface table and then imported into the
related main product application tables. A
callback notification may also be
configured to send when the data import
completes. This option also shows a
modified Operations page and a unique
Response page in the Adapter Endpoint
Configuration Wizard for importing data.

Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Request Properties

Enter the Oracle ERP Cloud connection trigger request values for your integration.
The values you specify start the integration.

• What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Request Page
• What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Request Page

What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Request Page
You can select the following trigger request values for the Oracle ERP Cloud
Select the specific type to receive as a request from Oracle ERP Cloud. Your ability to
select either a business object or event subscription is based on the content of the
WSDL file (for business objects) or event catalog URL (for event subscriptions) you
specified during Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter configuration.
• Select to receive a business object as a request from the Oracle ERP Cloud
application. This selection invokes the integration.
• Select to receive an event subscription raised by the Oracle ERP Cloud
application as a request from Oracle ERP Cloud. This selection invokes the
• Select to configure a callback notification response.

Chapter 4
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Request Properties

If the options for selecting business objects and events are missing, that
indicates that the event catalog URL was not supplied on the Connection

What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Request Page
The following table describes the key information on the Oracle ERP Cloud trigger
Request page.

Element Description
Configure a Request Select the request type appropriate to your
integration. The fields that are displayed below
are based on the request type that you select.
• With Business Objects: Select to display
a list of business objects.
• With Business Events: Select to display
a list of business events.
• As a Callback: Select to configure a
callback notification response to send
upon completion of the data import into
the Oracle ERP Cloud application.
Select a Business Object Select the business object from the Oracle
(is displayed if With Business Objects is ERP Cloud application to receive as a request
selected) that starts the integration.

Business Event For Subscription Select the event subscription from the Oracle
(is displayed if With Business Events is ERP Cloud application. This event is received
selected) as a request that starts the integration. Only
events that can be subscribed to are

Chapter 4
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Properties

Element Description
Filter Expr for Business_Event_Name Enter an event condition filter expression. A
(is displayed if With Business Events is filter expression specifies that the contents
selected) (payload or headers) of a message be
analyzed before any event is sent. For
example, you can apply a filter expression that
specifies that an event be sent only if the
message includes a customer ID. When the
expression logic is satisfied, the event is
accepted for delivery to the integration.
Filter by object name or Filter By Event Type the initial letters of the name to filter the
Name display of business objects or event
Download Options (is displayed if As a Specify when to download the log files that
Callback is selected) describe the overall status of the Oracle ERP
Cloud import job.
• Always: Always download the logs,
regardless of import job failure or
• On Failure: Only download the logs if the
import job is a failure.
• On Success: Only download the logs if
the import job is successful.
• Never: Never download the logs.

Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Properties

Enter the Oracle ERP Cloud trigger response values for your integration.

• What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Page
• What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Page

What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Page
You can configure the operation and business object that comprise the response type
for the Oracle ERP Cloud application.
• Immediate (synchronous) response: A response business object is immediately
returned as output. You select Immediate as the response type on the Response
page and select the business object as part of the response to the client.
• Delayed (asynchronous) response: A callback service to which to route the
callback is exposed. You select Delayed as the response type on the Response
page and select the operation and business object that comprise a successful
callback response, a failed callback response, or both.
• No response is required: You select None on the Response page because a
response is not required.
The Response page looks as follows:

Chapter 4
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Properties

What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Page
Select the business object for the integration to send as a response document to the
Oracle ERP Cloud application. The following types of responses are available.
Select the type of response appropriate to your business requirements:
• Immediate: A synchronous response is required (See Table 4-1 for instructions)
• Delayed: An asynchronous response is required (See Table 4-2 for instructions)
• None: No response is required (See Table 4-3 for instructions)
The following table describes the fields available if an immediate (synchronous)
response is required.

Table 4-1 Response Type — Immediate (Synchronous) Response is Required

Element Description
Response Type Select Immediate for the Oracle ERP Cloud
application to wait until a response is received
from the integration. This is also known as the
request and response message exchange
pattern. This is the default selection.
Filter by object name Enter the initial letters to filter the display of
business objects.
Select a Business Object Select the business object to receive from the
Oracle ERP Cloud application as a response.
A description of the selected business object is
displayed below this list.
Name Displays the name of the selected business
Description Displays the description of the selected
business object.

Chapter 4
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Trigger Response Properties

The following table describes the fields available if a delayed (asynchronous) callback
response is required. You can configure a successful callback response, a failed
callback response, or both.

Table 4-2 Response Type — Delayed (Asynchronous) Response is Required

Element Description
Response Type Select Delayed to configure a successful
callback response, a failed callback response,
or both.
This enables you to configure the operation
and business objects that you want the Oracle
ERP Cloud application to process as part of a
successful callback response, failed callback
response, or both.
Successful Response/Failed Response Select the type of callback to configure. After
configuring one type of callback (for example,
successful), you can configure the other type
(for example, failed).
• Successful Response: Select to
configure the operation and business
objects that you want the Oracle ERP
Cloud application to process as part of a
successful callback response sent by the
• Failed Response: Select to configure the
operation and business objects that you
want the Oracle ERP Cloud application to
process as part of a failed callback
response sent by the integration.
Select the operation to perform on the Select the operation to perform on the
business object business object.
Life Cycle Displays the current state of the selected
business document. Active indicates the
business document is available for use.
Deprecated indicates the business document
is nearing the end of use and must be used
with caution.
Name Displays the name of the selected business
Description Displays the description of the selected
business object.

The following table describes the fields available if no response is required.

Table 4-3 Response Type — None

Element Description
Response Type Select None.
Select a Business Object If you select None, this section is hidden.

Chapter 4
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Operation Properties

Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Operation Properties

Enter the Oracle ERP Cloud invoke operation values for your integration.

• What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Operations Page
• What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Operations Page

What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Operations
You can configure one of the following invoke operation options for the Oracle ERP
• Select the business object or service and the operation to perform on the selected
business object or service.
• Select the job name to import, the job property name, and the type of log data for
Oracle ERP Cloud to extract.

Chapter 4
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Operation Properties

What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Operations Page
The following table describes the key information on the Oracle ERP Cloud invoke
Operations page.
If you selected Create, Update, Delete, Read Business Object on the Basic Info
page, then provide the following information:

Element Description
Browse by Select to browse by business object or
service. There is a one-to-one correspondence
between the business object and service. The
service acts on the business document.
• Business Objects: Select to browse a list
of available business objects.
• Services: Select to browse a list of
available services.
Filter by object name Type the initial letters to filter the display of
(displayed if Business Objects is selected) business objects or select a specific category:
• All
• Active
• Custom
• Deprecated
• Standard
Select a Business Object Select the business object to use.
(displayed if Business Objects is selected)
Filter by service Type the initial letters to filter the display of
(displayed if Services is selected) services.

Select a Service Select the service to use.

(displayed if Services is selected)
Select the operation to perform on the Select the operation to perform on the
business object or service selected business object or service.
Life Cycle Displays the state of the selected business
object or service. Deprecated indicates the
business document is nearing the end of use
and must be used with caution.
Name Displays the name of the selected business
object or service.
Description Displays the description of the selected
business object or service.

If you selected Import Data into Financials Cloud Application on the Basic Info
page, then provide the following information:

Chapter 4
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Response Properties

Element Description
Import Job Name Select the job name to import. Import jobs are
the background jobs that run on Oracle ERP
Cloud to perform data upload operations. The
job name you select is used to import data.
The list of import jobs is obtained by invoking
ErpIcsIntegrationService in the service
catalog service WSDL. The following
information is obtained with each job:
• Job display name: To be displayed in the
user interface.
• Interface ID: The import job key.
• UCM account: The account with which to
upload the file.
Reuse job property file uploaded Select this check box, then enter the job
separately in respective UCM account property file name (without an extension) that
Oracle ERP Cloud can obtain from the
respective UCM account.
Extract File Select the type of log data for Oracle ERP
Cloud to extract while processing the data file:
• All: All failed records with supporting load
and import process files.
• Error: Records that failed to load and
• Log: Log files for load and import
• Out: Output files for load and import
• None: None.
Additional Import Options This field is not currently supported.

Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Response Properties

Enter the Oracle ERP Cloud invoke response values for your integration.

• What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Response Page
• What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Response Page

What You Can Do from the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Response Page
You can configure the following invoke operation values for the Oracle ERP Cloud.
• Select an option for being notified of data import completion status.
• Select when to receive a notification about data import status.
• Specify a callback integration in which to receive details about the status of the
outbound Oracle ERP Cloud request flow.

Chapter 4
Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Response Properties

What You See on the Oracle ERP Cloud Invoke Response Page
The following table describes the key information on the Oracle ERP Cloud invoke
Response page.

Element Description
Notification Mode Select an option for being notified of data
import completion status:
• Email & Bell Notification: Select to
receive both email and bell notifications.
• Email notification: Select to receive only
an email notification.
• Bell Notification: Select to receive only a
bell notification.
Occurrence Select when to receive a notification about
data import status:
• Send in any case
• Send on import success
• Send on import failure
Integration Flow Identifier Optionally specify a callback integration in
which to receive details about the status of the
outbound Oracle ERP Cloud request flow
(failed records) (for example, enter
01.00.0000). This is a completely separate
integration that handles callbacks. The name
of the integration is not required. The inbound
integration is expected to handle callbacks
from Oracle ERP Cloud. The integration must
have an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter configured
in the trigger (inbound) direction. You select
As a Callback on the Request page in the
trigger direction.
Version Enter the integration version in two digits. For
example, enter 01 if the identifier version is

Chapter 4
Reviewing Configuration Values on the Summary Page

Reviewing Configuration Values on the Summary Page

You can review the specified adapter configuration values on the Summary page.

• What You Can Do from the Summary Page
• What You See on the Summary Page

What You Can Do from the Summary Page

You can review configuration details from the Summary page. The Summary page is
the final wizard page for each adapter after you have completed your configuration.
• View the configuration details you defined for the adapter. For example, if you
have defined an inbound trigger (source) adapter with a request business object
and immediate response business object, specific details about this configuration
are displayed on the Summary page.
• Click Done if you want to save your configuration details.
• Click a specific tab in the left panel or click Back to access a specific page to
update your configuration definitions.
• Click Cancel to cancel your configuration details.

What You See on the Summary Page

The following table describes the key information on the Summary page.

Element Description
Summary Displays a summary of the configuration
values you defined on previous pages of the
The information that is displayed can vary by
adapter. For some adapters, the selected
business objects and operation name are
displayed. For adapters for which a generated
XSD file is provided, click the XSD link to view
a read-only version of the file.
To return to a previous page to update any
values, click the appropriate tab in the left
panel or click Back.

Creating Mappings and Lookups in
You must map data between trigger (source) connections and invoke (target)
connections in integrations. You can also optionally create lookups in integrations.

• Mapping Data (in Using Oracle Integration Cloud Service)
• Creating Lookups (in Using Oracle Integration Cloud Service)

Administering Integrations
Oracle Integration Cloud Service provides you with the information and tools required
to activate, monitor, and manage your integrations in the runtime environment.

• Administering Oracle Integration Cloud Service (in Using Oracle Integration Cloud

Troubleshooting Oracle ERP Cloud
Review the following topics to learn about troubleshooting issues with the Oracle ERP
Cloud Adapter.

• Reactivate Integrations when the Connection URL is Modified
• Troubleshooting Event Subscription Errors
• Import Payables Invoice Report Job is Not Triggered from an Import Payables
• Data Uploaded in the Oracle ERP Cloud Interface Tables Is Not Uploaded in the
Base Tables
• Oracle ERP Cloud Callback About the Bulk Import Issue
• Jobs Not Appearing in the Import Jobs List on the Operations Page
• Oracle ERP Cloud Callback Not Received in Oracle Integration Cloud Service
• Business Events Being Sent to Deactivated Integrations

Reactivate Integrations when the Connection URL is

Reactivate an integration when callbacks fail because subscriptions are not present in
Oracle ERP Cloud or there are misdirected callbacks from Oracle ERP Cloud to
Oracle Integration Cloud Service due to a change in the Oracle ERP Cloud URL used
in the Oracle Integration Cloud Service connection. During reactivation, Oracle
Integration Cloud Service resubscribes to the Oracle ERP Cloud application.

Troubleshooting Event Subscription Errors

To subscribe to Oracle ERP Cloud events in an integration, you must create a CSF
key. Failure to correctly create the CSF key results in event subscription errors.
Common CSF key errors are as follows:
• The CSF key was never created.
• The CSF key was created with the wrong key name.
• The CSF key was created with the wrong user name: the Oracle ERP Cloud user
account created when you subscribed to Oracle ERP Cloud was incorrectly
specified instead of the Oracle Integration Cloud Service user account.
• The CSF key was created correctly but the password had expired.

Chapter 7
Import Payables Invoice Report Job is Not Triggered from an Import Payables Invoice

Ensure that you carefully following the instructions in Configuring Oracle ERP Cloud
for Event Subscriptions to correctly create the CSF key.

Import Payables Invoice Report Job is Not Triggered from

an Import Payables Invoice
If the import payables invoice report job is not triggered from the import payables
invoice, check the status of the import payables invoice job. Depending on the status
of the import payables invoice job, the import payables invoice report gets triggered.

Data Uploaded in the Oracle ERP Cloud Interface Tables Is

Not Uploaded in the Base Tables
If data is uploaded in the Oracle ERP Cloud interface tables, but not in the base
tables, do the following.
The zip file name and the manifest filename should be the same. The manifest file
expects import process details in the following format:

<job package name>,<job def name>,<Manifest file name>,<job parameters

(comma separated)>

For example:


The manifest file name should be a prefix of the actual zip file name if it contains _.
Otherwise, it should just be the name. For example:
• If the zip file name is, the manifest file name should be
and the third value in the manifest should be the manifest file name.
• If the zip file name is, the manifest file name should be and
the third value in the manifest should be the manifest file name.
See Creating a Job Property File for the ImportBulkData Operation of Using External
Data Integration Services for Oracle ERP Cloud, Release 11 for additional details.

Oracle ERP Cloud Callback About the Bulk Import Issue

If Oracle Integration Cloud Service does not receive an Oracle ERP Cloud callback
about the bulk import, it is likely due to an incomplete prerequisite to using the adapter.
See Uploading Files in Bulk and Inserting Data into Oracle ERP Cloud Application

Chapter 7
Jobs Not Appearing in the Import Jobs List on the Operations Page

Jobs Not Appearing in the Import Jobs List on the

Operations Page
If a job does not appear in the import jobs list on the Operations page of the Adapter
Endpoint Configuration Wizard, the causes may be as follows:
• Only File-Based Data Imports (FBDI)-compliant jobs are visible. FBDI jobs are
described in File-Based Data Imports of Cloud File Based Data Import for Oracle
Financials Cloud.
• Your user account may not have the correct roles. See Assigning Required Roles
to an Integration User.

Oracle ERP Cloud Callback Not Received in Oracle

Integration Cloud Service
If you have configured a callback for FBDI-compliant import jobs, after the import job
completes processing, the Oracle ERP Cloud application should invoke the Oracle
Integration Cloud Service endpoint that has the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter in the
trigger. This is the callback that Oracle Integration Cloud Service receives from the
Oracle ERP Cloud application.
If this callback is not received, verify the following steps.
• Verify the callback integration details in the integration where the import job is
invoked. See the Response page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard.
Also ensure that the callback integration is activated.

• Review the Oracle Integration Cloud Service server diagnostic logs exceptions.
– Security exception related to certificates

Caused by: WSM-00138 : The


Chapter 7
Oracle ERP Cloud Callback Not Received in Oracle Integration Cloud Service

to the certificate is invalid

Validation failed for the certificate "Subject DN:- CN=service,
DC=oracle, DC=com, Serial Number:- 1456606801892, Issuer DN:-
OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, O=MyOrganization, L=MyTown, ST=MyState, C=US"
... 42 more
Caused by: Path does
not chain with any of the trust anchors
... 44 more

Solution: Import the certificates as message protection certificates. See

Uploading an SSL Certificate.
– Security exception related to user authentication.
The following exception is shown.

Caused by:

[Security:090304]Authentication Failed: User CASEY.BROWN [Security:090302]
Authentication Failed: User CASEY.BROWN denied

Solution: The user has not been created in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
See Uploading Files in Bulk and Inserting Data into Oracle ERP Cloud
Application Tables.
– Exception-related to non-FBDI jobs.

Chapter 7
Oracle ERP Cloud Callback Not Received in Oracle Integration Cloud Service

Only FBDI-compliant jobs are supported. If you selected any non-FBDI

compliant job such as submitJobWithOutput, there is an exception in the
server diagnostic logs. This is a JSON parsing exception.

[2017-06-15T07:47:56.108+00:00] [ics_server2] [ERROR] []

[oracle.soa.adapter] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '30' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>]
271d2252-d7d9-4763-8ddf-542eb528a062-000c07b6,0] [APP: Cloud Adapter
Inbound Http App] Unexpected char=R[[ Unexpected char=R

Solution: Only FBDI-compliant jobs are supported for bulk import. The FBDI-
complaint jobs are described in File-Based Data Import for Oracle Financials
– No exception in the server diagnostic logs
If there is no exception in the Oracle Integration Cloud Service server
diagnostic logs, verify the following:
1. If the environment is for development, then the certificate must be
imported in the Oracle ERP Cloud application.
2. Verify the certificate. It should be CA authorized as VeriSign Class 3
Public Primary Certification Authority - G5.

3. Check for a connectivity issue between the Oracle ERP Cloud application
and Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Chapter 7
Business Events Being Sent to Deactivated Integrations

Download the Oracle ERP Cloud logs or raise a service request to obtain
the logs and look for exceptions such as the following.

[2017-11-17T17:17:38.813+00:00] [FinancialCommonServer_1]
[ERROR] []
[oracle.webservices.jaxws] [tid: pool-34-thread-1] [userId:
[ecid: 005NZ3JJuRhA9T3_RlP5id0002yy000005,1:56507] [APP:

[FlowId: 0000LzAxe0DFc5g_pDL6iY1PzJyH00000v] Error while

integration/flowsvc/erp/RECVFEEDBACK/v01/" from client;
Subject: HGV_FIN

Raise a service request. Some pointers where the issue may be are as
* Execute wget endpoint URL from the primary and secondary FIN
common servers and open a CX ticket if needed to troubleshoot.
Check the proxy settings.

$ wget https://icsprod-

--2017-10-17 10:49:39-- https://icsprod-
Resolving marlicsdev-
Connecting to marlicsdev-||:443...

If the output of the command only says connecting to, open a

service request to resolve the issue.

Business Events Being Sent to Deactivated Integrations

Oracle ERP Cloud business events to which you are subscribed in an integration are
not removed when the integration is deactivated/removed. Events continue to be sent
to the integration instance. Use the FApps API to remove the subscriptions. You must
identify the subscriptions related to integrations that are no longer active before you
can remove them.

• To get subscriptions, use the REST URL and the GET HTTP method:


Chapter 7
Business Events Being Sent to Deactivated Integrations

Sample response:

"subscriptions": [
"id": 101,
"filter": "<xpathExpr
service/'>$eventPayload/ns_2:SourceOrderSystem = &apos;LEG&apos;</
"id": 102,
"filter": "<xpathExpr
ns2:a/ns2:b < 200</xpathExpr>",
"endpointURL": ""

• To get a specific subscription, use the REST URL and the GET HTTP method:


For example:


Sample output:

"id": 102,
"filter": "/ns2:a/ns2:b < 200",
"endpointURL": ""

Chapter 7
Business Events Being Sent to Deactivated Integrations

• To manually delete subscriptions, use the REST URL and the DELETE HTTP


Sample input:

curl -X DELETE --user weblogic:password


• To update and activate/deactivate the subscriptions, use the REST URL and the
PUT HTTP method:


Sample input:

"id": 102,
"filter": "/ns2:a/ns2:b < 200",
"endpointURL": "",
"state" : true

• To activate/deactivate the subscription, use "state" : true/false.


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