TOPNOTCH Parasitology-Supertable-by-Yns-Pereyra-Cocoy-Calderon-Troy-Soberano-UPDATED-NOVEMBER-2017

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Description Morphology & Epidemiology Infective & Diagnostic Transmission, Diagnosis & Treatment Pathogenesis Remarks
Parasite stage ; Host

1. Intestinal Amoeba
Cysts have 4 nuclei that characteristically locomotion: pseudopodia Infective: Cyst , Transmission: fecal-oral, via enema equipment majority is Asx ; most invasive among the Entamoeba family and
have centrally-located karyosomes and Diagnostic: the only member to cause colitis and liver
fine, uniformly distributed peripheral lacks mitochondria, no RER and GA Trophozoite ; Diagnosis: trophozoite and cyst in the stool, saline Amebic dysenstery: bloody diarrhea, fish odor stool, (+) Charcot- abscess, the cyst is resistant to gastric acidity
chromatin. Intermediate : None ; and methylene blue stain, PCR and ELISA (for Leyden crystals ; and dessication and can survive in a moist
prevalent in the tropics, placing Definitive: human differentiation from other Entamoeba sp., serum environment for several weeks ; lasts for weeks
Cytoplasm containing RBC second to malaria in terms of antibodies (DxOC for ALA), UTZ (round or oval amoebic colitis: abdominal pain and diarrhea +/- blood and and may return after remission, infection persist
(pathognomonic) mortality caused by protozoans, hypoechoic area with wall echoes, usually in the R mucus for years
equal prvalence among men and lobe), CT Scan, MRI
Trophozoites: single nucleus and tending women but ALA is 3-10x more Amoebic liver abscess (ALA) is the most common extra-intestinal Factors that determine invasion
to be more elongated in diarrheal stool. commmon in men Treatment: DOC is Metronidazole for invasive form of amebiasis (fever, RUQ pain, "Anchovy paste") ; -number of amoeba ingested
amebiasis, Diloxanide furoate for asymptomatic -pathogenic capacity of the strain
cyst carriers, Percutaneous drainage of liver Amoeboma: inflammatory or granulomatous tumor-like mass -host factors: gut motility & immune
abscess if not responding to metronidazole or for that may obstruct the lumen competence
prompt relief of pain or for left lobe abscess that -+/- of suitable enteric bacteria that enhances
may rupture into the pericardium 3 virulence factors: Lectin (for adherence to cells) , Amebapore amoebic growth
(form pores on host cell memb) and Cysteine proteinases
(cytopathic for host cell) ;

mechanism of immunity: cell-mediated immunity ; Flask-

shaped ulcer (usually in the cecum, asceding colon and sigmoid)

complications: perforation, secondary bacterial peritonitis,

rupture of the pericardium, intraperitoneal
rupturesecondaryamoebic meningoencephalitis
a. Entamoeba Histolytica
2. The Commensal Amoeba: are non-invasive and do not cause disease ; reproduce by binary fission ; cysts pass through the acidic stomach unscathed, protected by their cyst wall, excystation occur in the SI
a. Entamoeba dispar: morpholigacally similar to E. histolytica but their DNA and ribosomal RNA are different

b. Entamoeba hartmanni: similar to E. histolytica but is much smaller and does not ingest RBC, sluggish
c. Entamoeba coli: cosmopolitan in distribution, harmless inhabitant of colon, has a larger cyst and greater number of nuclei than E. histolytica
d. Entamoeba polecki: parasite of pigs and monkey, cyst is uninucleated
e. Entamoeba gingivalis: has no cyst stage and does not inhabit the intestines, found in the mouth, moves quickly and has numerous blunt pseudopodia, transmission is via kissing or droplet spray
f. Endolimax nana: small size, sluggish movement
g. Iodamoeba butschlii: no peripheral chromatin granules on the nuclear membrane

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3. Free-living Pathogenic amoeba
Cysts: wrinkled fibrous outer wall (exocyst) has acanthopodia for locomotion, active trophozoite route of invasion of CNS is via blood ; trophozoite or Granulomatous Amoebic Encephalitis (GAE): feeds on G(-) bacteria, blue-green algae or
and an inner wall (endocyst) that may be sluggish and polydirectional stage and dormant cyst cyst in tissues and CSF ; 5-Fluorocytosine, - poorly chlorinated pools yeasts ; reproduce by binary fission , most
hexagonal, spherical, star-shaped or movement, ubiquitous ; high stage Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Pentamidine, - immunocompromised patients affeacted areas of the brain are posterior fossa,
polygonal. Cysts contain only one nucleus incidence among AIDS Px and contact Amphotericin B, surgical excision of infected cornea - manifests as destructive encephalopathy and meningeal diencephalon, thalamus and brainstem
with a large karyosome lens wearers with corneal transplantation ; Avoid use of topical irritation (confusion, somnolence, hallucinations, seizures, cranial
corticosteroids ; Boiling water is the best possible nerve palsies, visual disturbances, increased ICP)
Trophozoites: pleomorphic, often produce way of killing trophozoites and cysts - Amoebic keratitis: contact lens infection corneal ulceration,
many spine-like processes called infiltration and clouding, iritis, slceritis, loss of vision; found in
acanthapodia. Large nucleus with a large, nasal cavity, throat and intestines
centrally-located karyosome but no
peripheral chromatin. There is no
flagellated trophozoite stage in
Acanthamoeba spp.

a. Acanthamoeba
Cysts in the environment and culture are Naegleria trophozoites readily forms I: Cyst Transmission: oral and intranasal routes while Primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM): a free-iving amebo-flagellate because it can
spherical, and have a smooth, single- a pair of flagella originating from the D: trophozoite swimming in contaminated pools, lakes and rivers, - manifested as fever, headache, signs of meningeal irritation, exist as an amoeba (trophozoite from) and as a
layered wall. Cysts have a single nucleus tip of a pear-shaped cell body inhalataion of the dust-borne cyst could lead to vomiting and encephalitis with progression to coma and death, flagellate (swimming form) ; is able to survive in
(transforms from an ameba into a N. fowleri is only infection, most often isolated from thermal has degenerative or cytopathic effects in mammalian cell cultures elevated temp up to 46C and in
Trophozoites: cytoplasm is granular and biflagellated organism) ; soil is the pathogenic to humans, effluents, hot springs and water with elevated temp hyperchlorinated water ; N fowleri does not
contains many vacuoles. The single nucleus preferred habitat, run-off from heavy others are ; tolerate temp higher than 100C and lower than
is large and has a large, dense karyosome rains result in introduction of ameba opportunistic 65C, its growth is inhibited by 0.2% NaCl and
and lacks peripheral chromatin. from soil into lakes and ponds pathogens. trophozoites in the brain and CSF, PCR, ELISA ; KCl, dehydration is lethal to trophozoites but
cysts remain viable if rehydrated within 23
DOC is Amphotericin B, Clotrimazole, months.
Azithromycin, Iodine, Chlorine

b. Naegleria : N. gruberi (non-

pathogenic), N. fowleri

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4. Ciliates and Flagellates
Cysts are seen less frequently has a cytosome through which it I: Cyst, D: both cyst and Transmission: ingestion of food/water capable of attacking the intestinal epithelium resulting in ulcer the largest protozoan parasite and is the only
acquires food and a cytopyge through trophozoite ; primarily contaminated with fecal material containing cysts with a rounded base and wide neck which in turn causes ciliate known to cause human disease ;
Trophozoites: characterized by their large which it excretes waste, has a macro associated with pigs ; bloody diarrhea, ulceration is caused by hyaluronidase ; bloody unlike ameba, encystation does not result in an
size, the presence of cilia on the cell and micronucleus and two contractile Diagnosis: Trophozoites and cysts in feces ; and mucoid stoool around 6-15x a day, complications include increase in number of nuclei ; reproduce by
surface, a cytostome, and a bean shaped vacuoles ; common in pigs intestinal perforation and acute appendicitis ; ingested cysts binary fission ; easily inactivated by heat and 1%
macronucleus which is often visible and a throughout the tropics Treatment: Tetracycline, Metronidazole, Iodoquinol excyst in the SI and become trophozoites. Trophozoites inhabit bleach, ordinary chlorination of water may not
smaller, less conspicuous micronucleus. the lumen, mucosa and submucosa of the large intestines be as effective
primarily the cecal region, also blood vessels and lymphatics

a. Balantidium coli
Cysts binucleated flagellated trophozoite I: Cyst Transmission: ingestion of food/water lives in the duodenum, jejunum and upper ileum of humans, also known as G. intestinalis, G. duodenalis,
- oval to ellipsoid and measure 8-19 µm and quadrinucleated cyst, pyriform D: trophozoite and cyst contaminated with fecal material containing cysts excyst in the duodenum and develops into trophozoites which Lamblia duodenalis or L. intestinalis, discovered
(average 10-14 µm). or tear-drop shaped, pointed ; rapidly multiply and attach to the intestinal villi causing by Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek in his own stool
- Mature cysts have 4 nuclei, while posteriorly with a pair of ovoidal host: Human Diagnosis: trophozoites and cysts in feces, pathologic changes (villous flattening & crypt hypertrophy) that but was described by Lambl ; attachment to villi
immature cysts have two. nuclei, dorsal side of the organism is aspiration biopsy, Enterotest, antigen detection leads to a decrease in eletrolyte, glucose and fluid absorption, was observed to be maximal at body temp and
- Nuclei and fibrils are visible convex while ventral side is concave tests causes mechanical irritation in the affected tissues, secretes stable at a pH of 7.8 to 8.2 ; floating leaf-like
with a large adhesive disc used for - immunofluorescence test, direct fluorescent motility ; "Old Man's glasses" ; minimal
Trophozoites: attachment, bilaterally symmetrical antibody is considered to be the Gold standard Lectin which enables attachment to intestinal epithelium, causes infective dose of 1-10 cysts suggests that it
- pear-/heart-shaped and measure 10-20 with distinct medial line called in diagnosis ; rearrangement of cytoskeleton in human colonic and duodenal could easily be transmitted by fecally
micrometers in length. axostyle ; with erratic tumbling monolayers --> structural disintegration --> enterocyte apoptosis contaminated food ; Important Risk Factors
- 2 large nuclei are usually visible. motion by four pairs of flagella ; high Treatment: Metronidazole, Tinidazole, ; also causes increased epithelial permeability leading to loss of include overcrowding, immunodeficiency
- large concave sucking disks on ventral prevalence among homosexuals due Furazolidone, Alternatives: Paromomycin & epithelial barrier function ; 50% of cases may be asymptomatic, and homosexual practices ; shown to be
surface (used for attaching to the host's to oro-anal practices Quinacrine abdominal pain described as cramping with diarrhea, excessive related to the "gay bowel syndrome",
normal water chlorination will not affect cyst
mucosal epithelium), flatus with an odor of hydrogen sulfide "rotten egg" odor ;
but usual water treatment modalities should
- median bodies, and 4 pairs of flagella
be adequate
chronic infection is chracterized by steatorrhea (passage of
greasy, frothy stools that float on toilet water) ; spontaneous
recovery occurs within 6weeks

b. Giardia lamblia

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5. Coccidians: characterized by an alternation of generations - 1 sexual & 1 asexual - occuring in the same host. Asexual reproduction is schizogony while the Sexual cycle is sporogony
Oocysts of I. belli are large (25 to 30 µm) oocyst has two sporocysts with each I: oocyt, D: oocyst ingestion of food/water contaminated with fecal Often Asymptomatic, diarrhea occurs intermittently for months, dissemination of parasite into other organs
and have a typical ellipsoidal. containing four sporozoites ; more material containing cysts ; oocysts in feces by direct fever, flatulence, malabsorption syndome ; mucosal lesions of happen in AIDS Px, prognosis is good but
common in children and male microscopy or after formalin-ethyl acetate shortened villi, hypertrophied crypts and infiltration of the infections may last for months ; cases of
homosexuals esp those with AIDS concentration, Acid-fast stain, Iodine staining, lamina propria with polymorphonuclear leukocytes esp acalculous cholecystitis has been noted after I.
Entero-test, duodenal aspirate ; bed rest and bland eosinophils belli infection
diet for asymptomatic patients, Co-trimoxazole or
Pyrimethamine-Sulfadiazine for symptomatic Px

a. Isospora belli
Oocysts are rounded and measure 4.2 to oocyst will appear as a red-pink I: oocyst, oocyst; C. Transmission: Ingestion of food/water sporozoites which attach to the surface of epithelial cells of the Varying degrees of malabsorption and excessive
5.4 µm in diameter. Sporozoites are doughnut-shaped circular organisms parvum is now contaminated with fecal material containing oocysts GIT --> sporozoites develop into trophozoites and become fluid loss
sometimes visible inside the oocysts, in a blue-background in Kinyoun acid considered a parasite ; intracellular but extracytoplasmic and attach to the brush
indicating that sporulation has occurred. fast stain of bovines which can borders ; Most epidemics are associated with water
infect humans while C. Diagnosis: Sheather's sugar flotation or formalin- contaminated with calf feces ; chlorination does
hominis will infect only ethyl-acetate concentration technique or acid fast Immunocompetent: manifest as self-limiting diarrhea of 2- not affect the parasite, multiple disinfectants
humans staining (cheapest and quickest), Indirect 3weeks and combined water treatment processes may
fluorescent antibody, enzyme immunoassay and Immunocompromised: diarrhea becomes more severe, reduce C. hominis oocyst in drinking water
DNA probes ; progressively worse and life-threatening

Treatment: Presently no acceptable treatment for Gangrenous cholecystitis due to heavy infection of bile duct and
Cryptosporidiosis, Nitazoxanide however has been gallbladder
reported effective, Bovine colostrum,
paromomycin, claritromycin and azithromycin have Respiratory infections lead to chronic coughing, dyspnea,
shown promise as treatment bronchiolitis and pneumonia ;

Villi of the intestines become blunted and there is infiltration of

inflammatory cells into the lamina propria and elongated crypts
b. Cryptosporidium parvum,
C. hominis
Oocysts are spherical, 7.5-10 µm in has cyanobacteria-like body, oocysts I: oocyst, D: oocyst ; ingestion of food (leafy vegetables) /water chronic and intermittent watery diarrhea (6-7 weeks) with >6 D-xylose malabsorption has been found to
diameter. Sporulation in the environment are autofluorescent and under host: human only contaminated with fecal material containing oocysts stools per day, infections are usually self-limiting and immunity develop in some patients ; There is no alternate
is temperature-dependent and may take fluorescent microscopy, would ; Direct microscopic examination of fecal smears may result with repeated infections treatment if patients are unable to tolerate
one to several weeks for an infective appear as blue or green circles under high magnification (400x), acid fast staining, sulfamethoxazole, boiling of water seems to be
oocyst to contain two sporocysts, each safranin staining, microwave heating, PCR ; disease the best method since chlorination is not
containing two sporozoites. is self-limiting and treament is not necessary, if effective
pharmacologic treatment is warranted, Co-
trimoxozole may be given

c. Cyclospora cayatensis

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Cysts of Toxoplasma gondii usually range in trophozoite is crescent-shaped with a I: tachyzoite, ingestion of food/water contaminated with cat fecal an intracellular parasite which infects different kinds of nucleated The complete life cycle only occurs in the
size from 5-50 µm in diameter. Cysts are pointed anterior and a rounded bradyzoite and oocyst, material containing oocysts, eating of meat of cells including macrophages ; usually asymptomatic as long as the members of the cat family ; Asexual
usually spherical in the brain but more posterior D: tachyzoite / infected animals, blood transfusion, placental immune system of the Px is well functioning ; once stimulated the multiplication is by a variation of binary fission
elongated in cardiac and skeletal muscles. ; bradyzoite ; I: human transfer (1st trimester), organ transplantation esp immune system quickly responds to the parasites which, in turn, called endodyogeny (characterized by
Tachyzoites (trophozoites) of Toxoplasma and other animals bone marrow ; examination of tissue imprints adapt by transforming into bradyzoites that are proctected by a formation of plasma membrane by the two new
gondii are approximately 4-8 µm long by 2- (rodents, pigs), D: cat stained with Giemsa, hematoxylin or eosin, serum cyst wall ; Clinical manifestations become apparent when daughter parasites, even before the division of
3 µm wide, with a tapered anterior end, a antibodies, Sabin-Feldman methylene blue dye test, immune system is suppressed (old age, drug-induced, AIDS etc): the nucleus) ; follows a typical coccidian life
blunt posterior end and a large nucleus. indirect hemmaglutination, indirect fluorescent encephalitis, myocarditis, focal pneumonia, retinochorioditis, cycle consisting of schizogony, gametogony and
antibody test, ELISA, latex agglutination, PCR ; lymphoreticular hyperplasia with enlargement of the posterior sporogony in the intestinal epithelium , the
pyrimethamine-sulfadiazine (rescue agent for cervical lymph node, hepatitis, splenomegaly, failure to gain extraintestinal stages are the asexual stages:
pyrimethamine: Leucovorin), if with sulfa allergy, weight ; In pediatric Px it may be manifested as stillbirth, tachyzoites and bradyzoites ; only the
use Clindamycin, alternative drugs: spiramycin, abortion, chorioretinitis, epileptic seizure, jaundice, tachyzoite and bradyzoite stages are present in
azithromycin, clarithromycin, dapsone, atovaquone hydrocephalus, microcephaly, anemia, pneumonia ; humans ; Food should be protected from
; Prophylaxis for immunocompromised: Co- combination by cat feces, pregnant women
trimoxazole should avoid contact with cats

d. Toxoplasma gondii
Oocysts of Sarcocystis in human feces simplest form is called a zoite, which I: oocyst D: oocyst ; I: Transmission: ingestion of uncooked or 2 types: Macrocysts (seen by naked eye), Microcysts (seen under causes Sarcosporidiosis or Sarcosystosis,
measure 15-20 µm long by 15-20 µm wide. is banana-shaped, sporocysts are cattle, pig D: Human & undercooked meat of an intermediate host ; the microscope), penetrate intestinal epithelial tissue and spead infectivity is prolonged during the cooler
Oocysts sporulate in the intestinal composed of 4zoites other primates, dogs, hematogenously to various areas of the body, including the brain months of the year
epithelium and contain two sporocysts, cats Diagnosis: Western Blot, IFA, ELISA
each of which contains four sporozoites SSx include diarrhea, eosinophilic enteritis, myalgia, weakness
and a refractile residual body. Treatment: NO EFFECTIVE TREATMENT IS KNOWN, and mild increase of creatine kinase
Corticosteroids for muscular inflammation, Co-
Trimoxazole for intestinal infections

e. Sarcocystis hominis, S.

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6. Other Intestinal Protozoans
Blastocystis hominis appear as spherical to lacks cell wall but has a I: cyst D: cyst Transmission: fecal-oral route abdominal cramps, IBS, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea without inhabitant of the lower GIT of humans and
oval cyst-like structures. They vary widely mitochondrion with protozoan (vacuolated form) ; D: fecal leukocytes or blood, nausea, vomiting, low grade fever, other animals ; reproduction is asexual by
in size (5 to 30 µm; usual range 8 to 10 morphology, capable of pseudopodial human, dogs, chicken, Diagnosis: direct fecal smear, hematoxylin, malaise binary fission or sporulation under strict
µm), and typically consist of a central body, extension and retraction ; has 4 ostrich, macaques trichrome stain, Boeck and Drbohlay's media, anaerobic conditions, optimal growth is at 37
or "vacuole," surrounded by a thin rim of morphological forms - vacuolated, Nelson and Jones media Blastocystis is hard to eradicate because it hides in the intestinal celsius in the presence of bacteria does not
cytoplasm containing up to six nuclei. amoeba-like, granular and mutliple mucus, sticks and holds on to intestinal membranes grow on fungal medium ; the vacuolar form is
fission ; more common in children Treatment: DOC is metronidazole, iodoquinol, if the main type that causes diarrhea ; is resistant
and immunocompromised individuals metronidazole-resistant, give co-trimoxazole to chlorine at standard concentrations

a. Blastocystic hominis
Dientamoeba fragilis has no cyst stage, and rossette-shaped nuclei ; resembles I: trophozoites D: Trasmission: fecal-oral route, transmission of lives in the mucosal crypts of the cecum and upper colon, does flagellate with only the trophozoite stage
its trophozoites measure 5 to 15 µm. The Trichomonas except for the absence trophozoites ; D: helminth eggs particularly Enterobius vermicularis not invade tissues but produces irritation of the mucosa with known ; no cyst stage has been identified ; is
flagella is not usually evident and the of flagellum ; together with human, pigs secretion of excess mucus and hypermotility not detected by stool concetration methods,
pseudopodia are angular to broad-lobed Enterobius, has high prevalence Diagnosis: fecal smear prompt fixation with polyvinyl alcohol,
and transparent. While most trophozoites among pre-school children and Infections are usually asymptomatic, if symptomatic: colicky Schaudinn's fixative is helpful
are typically binucleate, some have only mental institutions Treatment: Iodoquinol, tetracycline, metronidazole abdominal pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea with excess mucus,
one nucleus. abdominal tenderness, bloating and flatulence, anal pruritus (due
to co-infection with Enterobius), may be found in the egg or
lumen of E. vermicularis

b. Dientamoeba fragilis

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7. Plasmodium
pigment producers, amoeboid in I: sporozoites from Transmission: bite of a female Anopheles mosquito Symptoms include paroxysms of fever with asymptomatic Asexual life cycle: human and other vertebrate
shape, gametocyte is banana shaped, mosquito D: intervals, weakness, desire to stretch and yawn, aching bones Sexual life cycle: mosquito
microgamete cytoplasm is light blue trophozoites ; I: human Diagnosis: Giemsa or Wright stain remains to and limbs, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, chills ; Symptoms
in color while macrogamete is darker D: mosquito be the Gold Standard (obtain smears evry 6- composed of cold stage (shivering, peripheral vasoconstriction) total duration of a typical attack is 8-12hrs ; has
blue, trophozoite is ring-shaped with 8hrs) and hot stage (fever, headache, palpitations, tachypnea, GPI (Glycosylphosphatidyl Inositol) act like
a red chromatin dot and a small blue - Thick smear +/- of organism epigastric discomfort, thirst, nausea vomiting) endotoxin of gram-negative bacteria
cytoplams in Giemsa or Wright stain, - Thin smear: species identification Lipopolysaccharide, they stimulate the
; 1.5 to 2.7M deaths annually, 2.3B Cerebral malaria is manifested at symmetrical encephalopathy, monocytes to release TNF or cachexin which is
are at risk of being infected, Quantitative Buffy Coat, Malaria rapid diagnostic retina hemorrhages , bruxism, neck stiffness; (+) Durck implicated as the cause of Malarial fever ;
falciparum and vivax are tests such as Histidine-rich protein, Plasmodium granuloma; and (+) pout reflex, the ff SSx happen to severe history of cough and convulsions are very
responsible for 90% of cases of LDH (can distinguish between falciparum and non- malaria: Acute renal failure, ARDS, hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia common ; Chloroquine has the best safety
human malaria ; most important falciparum) ; profile among all antimalarials, it is commonly
parasitic disease affecting man, combined with Sulfadoxine+Pyrimethamine to
considered to be one of the three reduce resistance, Tetracycline and Doxycycline
major infectious disease threats along are effective but cannot be used alone because
with HIV and TB, it kills more people the kill parasites slowly ; Anopheles is night
than any other communicable disease biter, breeding in slow flowing partly shaded
except TB, kills 1.5-2.7M people each streams ; prevention include wearing of light-
year ; In the Philippines, 65 out of 78 Drug Prophylactic use colored clothing which cover most of the body,
provinces are endemic to malaria, use of insect repellants and insecticides
70% of malaria in the Philippines is Chloroquine Areas without resistant P. falciparum
caused by P. falciparum while <30% is Malarone Areas with chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum Chemoprophylaxis with Chloroquine,
P. vivax, <1% is due to P. malariae Mefloquine, Doxycycline or Atovaquone-
Mefloquine Areas with chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum Proguanil (Take during the entire duration of
Doxycycline Areas with multidrug-resistant P. falciparum stay and up to 4weeks after the last possible
exposure to infection - since parasites may still
Primaquine Terminal prophylaxis of P. vivax and P. ovale infections; emerge from the liver),
alternative for primary prevention

Plasmodium falciparum,
Plasmodium vivax,
Plasmodium ovale,
Plasmodium malariae
P. falciparum P. vivax P. malariae P.ovale

Pre-patent period 11-14 days 11-15 days 3-4 weeks 14-26 days

Incubation period 8-15days 12-20 days 18-40 days 11-16 days

Asexual cycle 48hrs 48hrs 72hrs 48hrs

Periodicity Malignant tertian Benign tertian Benign quartan Benign tertian

RBC preference All ages Young RBC Old RBC Young RBC

Parasitemia Highest Low Lowest Low

Merozoites 0 12-24 6-12 8

Ring trophozoite Thin; 2 chromatin dots Thick; 1Page 7 of 25 dot

chromatin Thicker than falciparum; Compact with little
1 chromatin dot vacuolation
Gametocytes Banana-shaped Large round Compact Small round
P. falciparum P. vivax P. malariae P.ovale may induce uterine contractions in pregnant Px

Pre-patent period 11-14 days 11-15 days 3-4 weeks 14-26 days

Incubation period 8-15days 12-20 days 18-40 days 11-16 days

Asexual cycle 48hrs 48hrs 72hrs 48hrs

Periodicity Malignant tertian Benign tertian Benign quartan Benign tertian

RBC preference All ages Young RBC Old RBC Young RBC

Parasitemia Highest Low Lowest Low

Merozoites 0 12-24 6-12 8

Ring trophozoite Thin; 2 chromatin dots Thick; 1 chromatin dot Thicker than falciparum; Compact with little
1 chromatin dot vacuolation
Gametocytes Banana-shaped Large round Compact Small round

Peripheral blood Rings and crescents All forms All forms All forms
Cerebral Malaria Yes No No No

P. falciparum Recrudescence Yes No Yes No

pre-patent period: 11-15 days ; Incubation period: 12-20 days ;
Relapse No Yes Noinfect young RBC ; has relapse Yes

Drug resistance Many Few Few Few

Dots Maurer dots Schuffner dots Ziemann dots Schuffner dots

P. vivax
Clinical setting Drug Therapy Alternative drug
Chloroquine-sensitive uncomplicated P. Chloroquine
P. vivax and P. ovale infections Chloroquine + Primaquine
Uncomplicated chloroquine-resistant P. Quinine+Doxycycline/Clindamycin Quinine + Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine or
falciparum Or Quinine + Tetracycline or Clindamycin OR
Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine Malarone (Atovaquone-Proguanil) OR
Mefloquine OR
Pregnancy Quinine
Severe or complicated P. falciparum infections Artesunate+Doxycycline/Clindamycin or Artemether+Doxycycline/Clindamycin
Mefloquine/Malarone OR
OR Mefloquine/Malarone
Quinidine gluconate Page 8 of 25 OR
MDR malaria Mefloquine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, halofantrine,
artemisinin and family can be given
Clinical setting Drug Therapy Alternative drug
Chloroquine-sensitive uncomplicated P. Chloroquine
P. vivax and P. ovale infections Chloroquine + Primaquine
Uncomplicated chloroquine-resistant P. Quinine+Doxycycline/Clindamycin Quinine + Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine or
falciparum Or Quinine + Tetracycline or Clindamycin OR
Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine Malarone (Atovaquone-Proguanil) OR
Mefloquine OR
Pregnancy Quinine
P. ovale Severe or complicated P. falciparum infections Artesunate+Doxycycline/Clindamycin or Artemether+Doxycycline/Clindamycin
Mefloquine/Malarone OR
OR Mefloquine/Malarone
Quinidine gluconate OR
MDR malaria Mefloquine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, halofantrine,
artemisinin and family can be given

Mefloquine + Artesunate is the DOC for SE Asian


P. malariae

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8. Babesia cause malaria like infection most are asymptomatic
a. B. divergens cattle parasite
Babesia parasites resemble Plasmodium single or paired, amoeboid, I: sporozoite D: Transmission: bite from and infected black-legged The larval form of the tick attaches to the white-footed mouse for Most human infection occur in summer of
falciparum, however Babesia has several oval/spherical/bizaare-shaped bodies trophozoite ; I: tick tick, Ixodes scapularis (also known to carry Borrelia a blood meal and picks up the parasite from the host. After spring (May to July) because of abundance of
distinguishing features: the parasites are ; intraerythrocytic parasites look D:dogs, cattles, horses, burgdoferi), vertical transmission from an infected feeding, the larva molts to an infective nymphal stage which grass and bushes ; prevention include wearing
pleomorphic (vary in shape and size), can "teardrop-shaped" rats mother to fetus, blood transfusion attaches to grass leaves and other vegetation, waiting to bite a of light-colored pants, avoidance of places
be vacuolated, and do not produce bigger vertebrate host (usually deer or human). The infected where ticks are found, use of insect repellants
pigment. trophozoites in tetrads: "Maltese Diagnosis: Immunofluorescent assay (IFA), PCR is nymph takes a blood meal in the new vertebrate host then
Cross" the DxOC ; emerges as an infective adult which will need another blood meal
to lay eggs, now infected with Babesia ; causes an increase in the
Treatment: Clindamycin +/- Quinine release of TNF, SSx include headache, fever, chills, altered mental
status, DIC, anemia with dyserythropoiesis, respiratory distress
b. B. microti
and renal insufficiency
9. Blood and Tissue Flagellates
A typical trypomastigote has a large, trypomastigotes are characteristically I: metacyclic enters human host through scratched skin or trypomastigotes are engulfed by macrophages and multiply Chaga's disease / American Trypanosomiasis ;
subterminal or terminal kinetoplast, a C or U-shaped ; 16-18M are infected, trypomastigote D: through mucous membranes that are rubbed with through binary fission as amastigotes ; cells frequently invaded only exists in the American continent ; exhibits
centrally located nucleus, an undulating chronic disease is more common than trypanosomes ; I: fingers contaminated with the bug's feces are the reticuloendothelial cells of the spleen, liver, cardiac, all four stages of development: amastigote,
membrane, and a flagellum running along acute disease, highest incidence rodents and burrowing (Triatoma/Rhodnius/Panstrongylus better known as smooth and skeletal muscles ; at the site of inoculation, a local promastigote, epimastigote and trypomastigote
the undulating membrane, leaving the occurs in the fifth decade of life, animals D: humans reduviid, kissing or assasin bug), may also enter inflammation is produced which is called a Chagoma (small ; is a zoonosis transmitted from rodents and
body at the anterior end. Trypanosomes Male>Female through the conjunctiva of the eye and cause painful reddish nodule), other SSx include fever, generalized burrowing animals
measure from 12 to 30 µm in length. edema of the eyelids and conjunctiva (Romaña's lymphadenopathy ; chronic infection may manifest as
sign) ; cardiomyopathy, megaesophagus, megacolon

Diagnsis: Trypanosomes in blood, CSF, fixed tissue

or lymph via thick blood smears (only in the first
2months), blood culture, Xenodiagnosis,
Immunofluorescent antibody test, complement
fixation test, indirect hemagglutination assay, ELISA,
Dot-immunobinding assay, PCR ;


Nifurtimox and Benznidazole are only partially
effective in acute disease

a. Trypanosoma cruzi

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A typical trypomastigote has a small flattened and fusiform, body tapes I: metacyclic Transmission: a bite of the vector Glossina sp (tsetse In humans, the parasite live in the blood, in the reticular tissues West African Sleeping Sickness (West and
kinetoplast located at the posterior end, a anteriorly and is blunt posteriorly, trypomastigote D: fly) where the parasite trypomastigote form of the lymph and spleen and the CSF, multiply by longitudinal Central Africa) which is the chronic form
centrally located nucleus, an undulating pale blue cytoplasm is granular and trypanosomes ; I: develop into epimastigotes (in the salivary gland), binary fission, invade the CNS in chronic infection ; earliest SSx is
membrane, and a flagellum running along may be vacuolated, red-staining rodents and burrowing multiply and transform into the infective stage, a chancre (local, hard, painful lesion at the site of inoculation)
the undulating membrane, leaving the flagellum runs along the edge of the animals D: humans Congenital transmission is possible
body at the anterior end. Trypomastigotes undulating membrane and becomes Acute stage: irregular fever, headache, joint and muscle pains,
are the only stage found in patients. free anteriorly ; Affects over a third of Diagnosis: Giemsa stain, buffy coat concentration dizziness, debility, rash, posterior cervical lymphadenopathy with
Trypanosomes range in length from 14 to Africa, 20,000 new cases are reported method, indirect hemagglutination, ELISA, a consistency of ripe plums (Winterbottom's sign)
33 micrometer. each year, prominent in areas near Immunofluorescence
river banks and streams CNS invasion: headcahes become more and more severe with
TreatmentPentamidine, Suramin (both does not increasing mental dullness and apathy, Tremors, hyperesthesia
reach CSF), Melarsoprol or Tryparsamide (if with (Kerandel's sign) and inversion of sleep cycle may be observed
CNS involvement), Eflornithine has been found to
b. Trypanosomoa brucei
be effective in late stages of Gambian Trypanosomes are able to evade the immuse response of the
Trypanosomiasis host through a process called antigenic variation. This refers to
East African Sleeping Sickness (East and South
the ability of the Trypomastigote to change its surface coat,
Africa) which is the acute form ; Rhodesian is
which is a variant surface glycoprotein, so that the antobodies
more rapid and fatal than Gambian.
previously produced by the host cannot act on it, resulting in
recurrent waves of parasitemia

c. Trypanosoma brucei

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Amastigotes of Leishmania are spherical to Promastigotes have a single free I: Promastigotes D: transmitted via bite of sandfly (Phlebotomus spp), Amastigotes live intracellularly in monocytes, PMNs or L. tropica invade the lymphoid tissue of the skin
ovoid and measure 1-5 µm long by 1-2 µm flagellum arising from the Kinetoplast Amastigotes ; D: congenitally, by blood transfusion, by endothelial cells, multiply by binary fission ; L. tropica is (cutaneous Leishmaniasis), L. donovani the
wide. They possess a large nucleus, a at the anterior end ; 12M cases are humans contamination of bite wounds and by contact ; manifested as skin ulcer with elevated and indurated margins, visceral organs (Kala-Azar or Visceral
prominent kinetoplast, and a short affected worldwide demonstration of Leishmania in tissue biopsies (skin painless and do not result in lymphadenopathy, systemic SSx are Leishmaniasis) while L. braziliensis the skin and
axoneme, the last of which is rarely visible for cutaneous Leishmaniasis, bone marrow spleen absent , diffuse cutaneous Leishmaniasis causes widespread mucous membranes (Mucocutaneous
by light microscopy. or lymph nodes for Kala-Azar), aldehyde & thickening of the skin with lesions resembling that of Leishmaniasis) ; Post Kala-Azar Dermal
complement-fixation tests, immunofluorescent lepromatous leprosy ; In mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis, lesions Leishmaniasis (PKDL) begin as small macule or
antibody test, counter-current electrophoresis resemble that of cutaneous Leishmaniasis , however, there is hypopigmented areas around the mouth which
technique ; Sodium stibogluconate, N-methyl- metastatic spread to the oronasal and pharyngeal mucosa spread to the face, arms and trunk ; Delayed
glucamine antimonite, 2nd line agents include (Espundia), which is highly-disfiguring (leprosy-like tissue Hypersensitivity reaction to Leishmania develop
amphotericin B, pentamidine, metronidazole and destruction and swelling - Tapir Nose), also with chiclero ulcer in the late stages of the infection
nifurtimox (Pentamidine and Amphotericin B in (erosion of the pinna) ; In visceral Leishmaniasis, there is twice-
resistant cases), Miltefosine is the first line drug for daily fever, splenomegaly, cachexia, hepatomegaly,
Kala-azar in India lymphadenopathy and anemia. parasites are numerous in the
reticuloendothelial cells of the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, bone
marrow, intestinal mucosa and other organs

d. Leishmania tropica, L.
braziliensis, L. donovani
10. Microsporidia important parasites of fishes, birds, insects
coiled within the spore is a unique usual hosts: birds esp. Diagnosis: fecal samples or biopsy specimens under Microsporidia family is obligatory, intracellular, multiply via has three common species: E. intestinalis
structure called the polar filament parrots the light microscope, hematoxylin stain, eosin stain, binary fission or multiple fission ; considered to be among the formerly called Septata intestinalis (causes
which functions to insert in the host Warthin-Starry stain, Giemsa stain, Chromotope 2R most primitive of eukaryotic cells as they posses characteristics chronic diarrhea, nephritis conjunctivitis,
cell the spore's nucleus and cytoplam (stains spore and spore wall), similar to prokaryotic organisms - lack mitochondria, has 70s bronchitis, bronchiolitis, disseminated infection,
(sporoplasm) in order to initiate ribosomes, all have resistant spores and multiply within the host biliary tract infection, E. cuniculi (causes
infection Gold standard: Electron microscope cell ; keratoconjunctivitis, disseminated infection,
bronchiolitis, hepatitis, adrenalitis, peritonitis,
Immunofluroescence is used to distinguish between UTI and Respiratory infections) and E. hellem
species, PCR (causes Interstitial nephritis,
keratoconjunctivitis, disseminated infection ; all
Treatment: Albendazole and other Benzmidazole species mostly affect immunocompromised px
derivatives, 5-FU, and sparfloxacin

a. Encephalitozoon
E. bineusi causes chronic diarrhea (in
immunocompromised px CD4 <50 cells/L),
wasting syndrome, gallbladder and biliary tract
infection such as cholecystitis ; has prevalence
b. Enterocytozoon of up to 50% in AIDS Px presenting with chronic
c. Pleistophora diarrhea
causes myositis
d. Nosema keratoconjunctivitis
e. Brachiola B. vesicularum causes myositis
V. cornea (formerly known as Nosema corneum)
f. Vittaforma causes keratoconjunctivitis
g. Trachipleistophora T. hominis causes myositis
causes keratoconjunctivitis, corneal stroma
h. Microsporidium infection

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1. Intestinal Nematodes
Fertilized eggs: rounded and have a thick has polymyarian type of somatic I: fully embryonated Transmission is by ingestion of food or while When eggs are ingested, the larvae hatch in the lumen of the most common intestinal nematode of man,
shell with an external mammillated layer muscle arrangement, has a terminal eggs D: playing with soil contaminated with small intestines and the penetrate the intestinal wall. They enter "Giant round worm", Soil-transmitted helminth
that is often stained brown by bile. mouth with 3 lips and sensory unembryonated or embryonated eggs ; the venules to go to the liver through the portal vein, on to the (disease of poverty), reinfection is usually
papillae ; affects around 1Billion fertilized egg; D: heart then to pulmonary vessels where they break out of observed 4months post-treatment and full
Decorticated eggs: absent outer layer. people, 70% of whom are from Asia, humans Diagnosis: Direct Fecal smear, Kato technique or capillaries to enter air sacs. In the lungs they undergo motling reinfection appears at 6-7months after
at least 20,000 die annually, mostly cellophane thick smear method, Kato-Katz before migrating to the larynx and oropharynx o be swallowed treatment. This situation may be remedied by
Unfertilized eggs: elongated and larger young children, has a cosmopolitan technique into the GIT. Adult worms reside in but do not attach to the giving treatment at least 2x a year at an interval
than fertile eggs. Thinner shells and their distrubution mucosa of the small intestines of 4-6months among school children ; Loeffler's
mammillated layer is more variable, either Treatment: Albendazole is the DOC, Mebendazole, syndrome (hypersensitivity pneumonitis,
with large protuberances or practically Pyrantel pamoate, Ivermectin May have allergic manifestations such as asthmatic attacks and malabsorpton syndrome)
none. Contain mainly a mass of refractile edema of the lips, most frequent compaint is abdominal pain,
granules may be regurgitated and vomited or escape through the nostrils,
may enter the liver or gallbladder and be lodged in the appendix
Adults of Ascaris lumbricoides are large or pancreas, may cause intestinal obstruction
roundworms. Females measure 20-35 cm
long with a straightened tail; males are
smaller at 15-31 cm and tend to have a
curved tail. Adults of both sexes possess
three 'lips' at the anterior end of the body.

a. Ascaris lumbricoides
Eggs:cannot be differentiated cylindrical, fusiform, grayish-white, I: filariform larva D: Transmission: Infection is by penetration through blood-sucking nematodes: attach to the mucosa of the small Itch is known as "ground itch" or "dew itch" ;
microscopically. the head is curved opposite to the eggs ; D: human exposed skin, for Ancylostoma, it can also be intestine and copulate; female worms deposit eggs which are patients may suffer from IDA due to continuous
- thin-shelled, colorless curvature of the body, which is like a transmitted via oral route (eating raw vegetables then passed out with human feces blood loss ; here in the Philippines, 97% of
hook at the anterior end contaminated with larvae or by ingestion of raw hookworm infection is Necator while
Infective, third-stage (L3), filariform larvae infected meat, transmammary transmission Eggs hatch in soil--> into a rhabtidiform larva which is then Ancylostoma would account for 1%. The
have a pointed tail and a striated sheath Ancylostoma is slightly larger than transformed into filariform larva, penetrates the skin, enter remaining 2% is composed of mixed infections ;
Necator, eggs have bluntly rounded Diagnosis: Direct Fecal Smear, Kato technique or venules and migrate to the heart and into the alveoli of the lungs, Ancylostoma ca also affect other species:
Adult hookworms reside in the small ends and a single thin transparent Kato-Katz, Concentration methods like ZnSO4 larva then ascends to the trachea where it is swallowed passing Ancylostoma braziliense (cat hookworm),
intestine of their hosts. hyaline shell centrifugal flotation and formalin-ether down to the small intestine ; penetration through the skin Ancylostoma caninum (dog hookworm)
- Males are bursate, with two spicules that concentration method, culture methods lie Harada- produces maculopapular lesions and localized erythema, Itching
do not fuse at their distal ends. usually in tropical or subtropical Mori ; is often severe, there may be pneumonitis, bronchitis, abdominal
- Females measure approximately 10-15 countries pain, steatorrhea, bloody diarrhea,
mm long. Treatment: Mebendazole, Albendazole (DOC)
- Adults of both sexes have a buccal
capsule containing sharp teeth.

b. Hookworms: Necator
americanus, Ancylostoma

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Trichuris trichiura eggs are 50-55 have an attenuated anterior 3/5 I: embryonated eggs D: Fecal-Oral route ; Direct Fecal Smear, Kato thick Inhabit the large intestines, deeply embedded in the cecum, the Whipworm, frequently observed to occur
micrometers by 20-25 micrometers. They traversed by a narrow esophagus unembryonated egg ; smear, Kato-Katz technique (for egg counting and infective eggs go to the small intestine and undergo four larval together with Ascaris, distribution and
are barrel-shaped, thick-shelled and resembling a string of beads, egg is D: human egg reduction rate), concentrations methods such stages to become adult worms ; cause petechial hemorrhages prevalence are co-extensive with that of A.
possess a pair of polar “plugs” at each end. lemon-shaped with plug-like as acid-ether and formalin-ether ; Mebendazole which may predispose to amebic dysentery because ulcers lumbricoides, unlike ascaris, there is NO heart-
; Adult males of Trichuris trichiura are 30- translucent polar prominences, (DOC), Albendazole, Ivermectin +/- Albendazole provide a site for E. histolytica invasion, there may be rectal lung-migration ; mass treatment may be
45 millimeters long, with a coiled posterior "barrel-shaped" eggs with bipolar prolapse, severe diarrhea in heavy infection that may be blood- indicated if infection rates is higher than 50%,
end. Adult females are 35-50 millimeters plugs ; occur in both temperate (20- streaked, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, anemia, weight loss periodic mass treatment may be necessary due
with a straight posterior end. Both sexes 30%) and tropical countries (60-85%) to reinfection
have a long, whip-like anterior end.

c. Trichuris trichiura
Eggs: measure 50-60 micrometer by 20-30 meromyarian, adult worms hasve I: egg D:adult worm or Transmission: route of infection is through the males are rarely seen because they usually die after copulation, Human Pinworm / Enterobiasis / Oxyuriasis
micrometer , are elongate-oval and slightly cuticular alar expansions at the egg in perianal folds ; mouth, the respiratory system (inhalation of dust adult worms found in the lower ileum and cecum, gravid female ; characterized by perianal itching ; termed
flattened on one side. ; anterior end and a prominent D: human containing Enterobius eggs) and through the anus worms migrate down the intestinal tract and exit through the familial diasease because it easily spreads
posterior esophageal bulb, eggs are (retroinfection when they go back to the large anus to deposit eggs on the perianal skin, after deposition, the within the family ; second dose may be may be
Adult males of Enterobius vermicularis asymmetrical with one side flattened intestines ; female dies ; mild catarrhal inflammation of the intestinal necessary due to high reinfection rates ; the
measure up to 2.5 mm long by 0.1-0.2 mm and the other side convex ; 208.8M mucosa, mechanical irritation and secondary bacterial invasion, only intestinal nematode that cannot be
wide; adult females measure 8-13 mm long infected, female>male Diagnosis: adult worm or egg on microscopic intense itching, insomnia due to pruritus ; complications include controlled through sanitary disposal of human
by 0.3-0.5 mm wide. examinations, may be seen in the feces or perianal appendicitis, vaginitis, endometritis, salpingitis and peritonitis ; feces because eggs are deposited in the perianal
regions, Graham's scotch adhesive tape swab eggs can be collected from the fingertips and under the region
Adult males have a blunt posterior end (greatest number of eggs seen) ; fingernails of schoolchildren, female worms migrate to the
with a single spicule; females possess a perianal area even during daytime but more migration occurs in
long pointed tail. In both sexes, there are Treatment: Pyrantel Pamoate (DOC), the evening hours
cephalic expansions. Albenadazole, Mebendazole, cure may be
considered only after seven perineal smears are

d. Enterobius vermicularis

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First-stage rhabditiform larvae (L1): short short buccal cavity has four indistinct I: filariform larva D: Transmission: penetration of skin ; free-living forms are found in the soil ; from the skin, it enters the the only species naturally pathogenic to
buccal canal, a rhabditoid esophagus and a lips Rhabtidiform larvae ; circulation, pass through the lungs and migrate to the larynx humans, more of a fecally transmitted worm
prominent genital primordium D: human Diagnosis: repeated concentration techniques such where they are subsequently swallowed ; greatest numbers are rather than soil-transmitted helminth ;
as Harada-Mori culture and Baermann funnel, found in the duodenal and jejunal regions ; autoinfection occurs disseminated infection occurs among patients
Infective, third-stage filariform larvae (L3): Beale's string test, duodenal aspiration, small bowel when rhabditiform larva pass down the large intestine and with immunocompromised patients ; serology
notched tail and the esophagus to intestine biopsy, larvae in sputum or urine develop into filariform larva ; erythema and pruritic elevated may not be useful in filaria endemic areas since
ratio is 1:1. hemorrhagic papules, lobar pneumonia with hemorrhage, there are cross-reactions between Strongyloides
Treatment: Albendazole (egg reduction rate cannot intractable painless intermittent diarrhea (Cochin China diarrhea) and filarial worm
be determined because eggs are not passed out in
the feces but are ovideposited in the intestine and
other tissue of the host)

e. Strongyloides stercoralis
Eggs: have two inconspicuous polar the esophagus has rows of secretory I: larvae D: adult worm Transmission: ingestion of uncooked small characterized with abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, gurgling parasites do not invade intestinal tissue but
prominences and a striated shell. cells called stichocytes and the entire or unembryonated egg freshwater/brackish water fish "Bagsit" ; stomach (borborygmus), weight loss, anorexia, severe protein- they are responsible for micro-ulcers in the
esophageal stucture is called a ; I: migratory fish- losing enteropathy, malabsorption of fats and sugars, decreased epithelium and the compressive degeneration
Adult males are shorter than adult females stichosome eating birds D: human Diagnosis: Direct Fecal Smear, stool concentrations excretion of xylose, Hypokalemia and high levels of IgE ; flattened and mechanical compression of cells, the
in length. methods, duodenal aspiration and denuded villi and dilated muscoal glands, lamina propria is ulcerative and degenerative lesions in the
Eggs: peanut-shaped with striated infiltrated with plama cells, lymphocytes, macrophages and intestinal mucosa may account for
Females may contain embryonated or shells and flattened bipolar plugs Treatment: Mebendazole, Albendazole (DOC) neutrophils malabsorption of fluid, protein and electrolytes
unembryonated eggs in utero. because it can destroy larval stage more than
mebendazole, electrolyte replacement and high-
protein diet

f. Capillaria philippinensis

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2. Blood and Tissue Nematodes
The microfilaria of Wuchereria bancrofti creamy, white, long, filiform in shape I: microfilariae D: Transmission: bite of mosquito (Aedes, Culex, worms are found tightly coiled in nodular dilatations in lymph lymphatic filariasis is one of the most
are sheathed. They have a gently curved , microfilariae appear as minute snake- microfilariae; D: Anopheles sp. for Wuchereria ; Mansonia sp. for vessels and in sinuses of lymph glands (usually in the lower debilitating diseases (lymphedema,
body, and a tail that is tapered to a point. like organisms constanty moving human, cat is a Brugia ; all are night biters) infected with extremities, inguinal lymph nodes, epididymis of the males, labial elephantiasis or hydrocoele) plaguing most of
The nuclear column (the cells that around the RBCs, when stained, the reservoir host microfilariae ; glands of females), female worms produce microfilariae which the tropical countries today, causes "Tropical
constitute the body of the microfilaria) is central axis shows dark staining nuclei gain entrance to the blood where they are picked up by a pulmonary eosinophilia" (characterized with
loosely packed which serves as an important Diagnosis: wet smears, thick blood smears taken mosquito during a blood meal ; selectively induce CD4+ paroxysmal nocturnal cough, hyoereosinophilia,
identifying feature ; affects 120M between 8pm-4am (due to nocturnal periodicity), lymphocyte apoptosis, which may contribute to immune high IgE titers, elevated ESR) , may also present
Adults of Wuchereria bancrofti are long worldwide, adult > children, male > DEC provocative test to allow blood smear unresponsiveness to filariasis ; SSx include fever, lymphadenitis, as "Expatriate Syndrome" which is
and threadlike. female collection even in daytime, antigen detection funiculitis, swelling of arms and legs, edema ; there is also a hyperresponsiveness to the mature or maturing
techniques (circulating filarial antigens) such as chronic proliferative overgrowth of fibrous tissue around the worms ; affected extremities should be elevated
simpel card test, PCR, UTZ may demonstrate live dead worms, ADL / adenolymphangitis or DLA / at night and exercised regularly, and washed
worms in the lymphatics, contrast dermatolymphangioadenitis (sensitization to the products of twice daily to prevent secondary infection
lymphangiography, lymphscintigraphy using living or dead worms)
radiolabeled albumin or dextran ;

Treatment: Diethylcarbamazine (DOC),

Ivermectin, DEC +/- Ivermectin or Albendazole, for
acute attacks, the initial step is to relieve the pain
(clean cloth soaked in cools water, elevate and rest
legs), surgical drainage of hydrocoele
a. Wuchereria bancrofti,
Brugia malayi
third stage (L3), infective larva: terminal pale and filiform, well-developed I: third larval stage D: transmitted via ingestion (eating mollusks, leafy causes eosinic meningoencephalitis in man ; adult worms live in rat lungworm ; infection is self-limiting ; Charcot-
projection on the tip of the tail which is caudal bursa which is kidney-shaped larvae ; I: slugs and vegetables contaminated with mucus secretion of two main branches of the pulmonary arteries of the rat, lay eggs Leyden crystals have been found in the
characteristic of A. cantonensis. and single-lobed, uterine tubules of snails D: human the mollusk, freshwater crabs or prawns, in the smaller vessels of the lungs, hatch larvae and then enter meninges ; snail species include the ff: Achatina
female worms wound spirally around contaminated water) or active penetration, when the respiratory tract and migrate up to the trachea where they fulica (giant African snail), Hemiplecta
the intestine "Barber's pole" pattern rats or humans ingest infected mollusks ; are swallowed and eventually expelled in the feces of the rat ; sagittifera, Helicostyla macrostoma, Vaginilus
larvae pass through the stomach into the intestine and then plebeius, Veronicella altae ; anthelmintics not
Diagnosed by CSF eosinophilia of greater than 10%, enter the circulatory system and migrate to the brain or spinal usually neccessary because infection is self-
CSF protein mildly elevated but CSF glucose is cord, they may also migrate to the eye ; SSx include severe limiting and killing worms in the brain can cause
normal, CT Scan (to exclude neurocysticercosis) ; intermittent occipital or bitemporal headaches, stiffness of the greater inflammatory reaction ; A. cantonensis
neck, weakness of the extremities, abdominal pain, facial infections are predominantly cerebral, being
NO ANTHELMINTIC TREATMENT IS RECOMMENDED paralysis, low-grade fever ; may cause intraocular hemorrhage, one of the most common causes of eosinophilic
AT PRESENT but Mebendazole, Albendazole, retinal detachment meningitis, although developing but immature
Thiabendazole and Ivermectin were successful in adult worms can on occasion migrate to the
animal studies, analgesics for pain, removal of 10ml lungs. No A. cantonensis eggs or larvae have
CSF at frequent intervals to relieve headache, been recognized in human tissues.
Prednisone 30mg daily, surgical removal of the
worm when it is lodged in the anterior chamber of
the eye

b. Angiostrongylus

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larvae can be found encapsulated in whitish in color ; occurs wherever I: larvae D: larvae ; I: & Transmission: ingestion of undercooked meat ; infective larvae are usually encysted in the muscle fibers of the full recovery is expected since trichinosis is a
muscle tissue. Diagnosis is usually made meat is a part of the diet D: human, rats, dogs, host ; larvae upon ingestion excyst in the stomach or small self-limiting disease ; is primarily a zoonosis,
serologically or based on observation of cats, pigs, bears, foxes, Diagnosis: larva in muscle biopsy (usually in intestine, then they burrow into the subepithelium of the villi human is the dead end infection for the
the larvae in muscle tissue following other acarnivores and pectoral, gluteus, deltoid, biceps and where they mature, adult worms mate and after fertilization, will parasite, usually maintained in a pig-to-pig or
biopsies or autopsies. omnivores gastrocnemius) , elevated creatine phosphokinase, produce eggs that grow into larvae, larvae penetrate the mucosa pig-to-rat-to-pig cycle ; meat should be cooked
lactate dehydrogenase and myokinase levels, blood through the lymphatics into the circulation and finally into at 77C temperature, or frozen to -15C to -30C to
eosinophilia, antibody titers, Bentonite flocculation striated muscles ; SSx include diarrhea/constipation, vomiting, kill the larvae, smoking, salting or drying meat is
test (BFT), Latex flocculation test (LFT), IFAT, ELISA, abdominal cramps, malaise, high remittent fever ; may cause not effective
Beck's xenodiagnosis ; splenomegaly, pericardial effusion, CHF, meningitis and cerebral
Treatment: SUPPORTIVE TREATMENT (analgesics,
antipyretics, bed rest), prednisone for severe cases,
Thiabendazole during the 1st week of infection
expels adult worm (but no effect on larvae),
Mebendazole is larvicidal

c. Trichinella spiralis

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1. Intestinal Cestodes
Eggs: radially striated, internal oncosphere mature proglottids are square in I: Cysticercus bovis Transmission: ingestion of encysted larva from raw inhabits the upper jejunum, gravid proglottids undergo apolysis Beef tapeworm, cosmopolitan in distribution,
has six refractile hooks; shape and contain mature male and (larvae) D: eggs in the or improperly cooked beef ; and are either passed out with the feces or actively crawl out of adult worm seems to be irritated by alcohol and
female reproductive organs ; stool ; D: human the bowel to the external environment, eggs are released and passage of proglottids sometimes happen after
The scolex of T. saginata has four large Cysticercus is ovoid and milky white Diagnosis: proglottids / eggs in feces, India Ink, remain viable in the soil for weeks, when cattles ingest Taenia a drinking bout
suckers but lacks the rostellum and formalin-ether technique, perianal swab ; eggs, the oncosphere is released, oncosphere actively penetrates
rostellar hooks. the intestinal mucosa and enter venule to get to systmeic
Treatment: Praziquantel (DOC) , criteria for cure: circulation, it then enters a muscle fiber and develops into
The scolex of T. asiatica possesses recovery of scolex or a (-) stool exam 3months after Cysticercus bovis ; most common CC is passage of proglottids or
rudimentary hooklets in a wart-like treatment segments in the stool, SSx include weight loss, epigastric pain,
formation. ; pruritus ani, loss of appetite , proglottids are actively motile and
they may cause obstruction in the bile, pancreatic ducts and
Adults can reach a length of 2-8 meters, appendix
but the scolex is only 1-2 millimeters in

a. Taenia saginata
The scolex of T. solium contains four large shorter than, has less proglottids than I: Cysticercus bovis Transmission: ngestion of improperly cooked eggs are ingested by hogs and oncospheres are released, inhabits Pork tapeworm, cosmopolitan in distribution,
suckers and a rostellum containing two and has smaller and more spherical (larvae) D: eggs in the infected meat, the larva is ingested and the scolex upper small intestines, proglottids are less active than T saginata infected meat is called "measly pork" ; Taenia
rows of large and small hooks. There are acetabula than T. saginata, has 4 stool ; I & D: human, attached to the intestinal mucosa ; , the oncosphere penetrates the intestinal mucosa to typically eggs are very resistant ; autoinfection is
usually 13 hooks of each size. ; acetabula , scolex carries a cushin-like pig, cattle, goat, wild encyst in muscles as Cysticercus cellulosae , commonly infected common ; neurocysticercosis is one of the most
rostellum with a double crown and boar & moonkeys,is Diagnosis: identifying proglottids eggs or scolex in are the muscles, tongue, heart, diaphragm, liver, spleen, serious zoonotic diseases worldwide ; In the
Gravid proglottids are longer than wide large & small hooks which are absent intermediate host the feces, CT scan, ophthalmoscopy, ELISA, Electro- mesentery ; SSx include non-specific abdominal pain but Philippines, T. saginata is more common than T.
and the two species, T. solium and T. in T. saginata , eggs are immuno transfer blot, western blot for antibodies, obstruction is not likely (because proglottids are not that active) ; solium ; freezing at -20oC for 10days kills the
saginata, differ in the number of primary indistinguishable from T. saginata , DOT ELISA ; Cysticerci are multiple and can develop in any organ or tissue, cysticercus
lateral uterine branches: T. solium contains mature cysticercus has scolex with 4 usually in the striated muscles , brain, eye heart, lungs and
7-13 lateral branches and T. saginata 12-30 suckers and a circlet of hooks, Treatment: Praziquantel (DOC), Niclosamide, peritoneum, cysts may survive up to 5yrs, most serious
lateral branches. Proglottids of T. asiatica Albendazole, Predinosolone, mannitol (for increaed manifestation is neurocysticercosis (focal neurologic deficits,
are similar to T. saginata and possess more intracranial pressure due to "tumor") , surgical generalized seizures, obstructive hydrocephalus, nausea,
than 12 primary uterine branches. removal vomiting) , (+) increased opening pressure, elevated protein,
decreased glucose and increase in mononuclear cells ;
ophthalmic SSx include intraorbital pain, photopsia, loss of vision,
may float freely in the vitreous and aqueos humor

b. Taenia solium

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Eggs: oval and smaller than those of H. the oncosphere has a thin outer I: Cysticercoid larvae D: direct or indirect tranmission ; wet smears, has a dual pathway, direct (host ingests eggs which hatch in the dwarf tapeworm, the only human tapeworm
diminuta, membrane and a thic inner eggs in the stool ; I : concentration methods, proglottids are not duodenum) and indirect development (accidental ingestion of which can complete its entire life cycle in a
- Inner membrane have two poles, from membrane with conspicuous bipoar rice and flour beetles, recovered because they undergo degeneration prior infected arthopod intermediate hosts like the rice and flour single host (no need for an obligatory
which 4-8 polar filaments spread out thickenings, from each of which arise D: human to passage with stools ; beetles) ; light worm burden is usually asymptomatic , SSx include intermediate host) ; a familial and institutional
between the two membranes. 4-8 hair-like polar filaments headcahe, dizziness, anorexia, pruritus of nose and and anus, infection common in orphanages, day care
-The oncosphere has six hooks. embedded in the inner membrane ; TreatmentPraziquantel (dose is higher because diarrhea, abdominal pain, pallor , heavy infections may cause centers and mental institutions
about 20M is infected cysticercoids are more resistant) enteritis due to necrosis and desquamation of the intestinal
epitheliam cells , in time, immunity may limit or eventually clear
the H. nana population spontaneously

c. Hymenolepsis nana
These eggs are round or slightly oval, size eggs are bile-stained, NO BIPOLAR I: Cysticercoid larvae D: accidental ingestion of grain beetles infesting dried eggs when ingested by a wide range of adult and larval insects rat tapeworm, cosmopolitan in distribution ; in
70 - 85 µm X 60 - 80 µm, with a striated FILAMENTS, with hooklets with fan- eggs in the stool ; I : grians, dried fruits flour and cereals ; wet smear ; like fleas, beetles, cockroaches, mealworms and earwigs develop the Philippines, prevalence is only about 8%
outer membrane and a thin inner like arrangement insects, D: human Praziquantel into cysticercoid larvae
membrane. The space between the
membranes is smooth or faintly granular.
The oncosphere has six hooks. There are
no polar filaments extending into the
space between the oncosphere and the
outer shell. ; Proglottids of Hymenolepis
spp. Proglottids of Hymenolepis spp. are
craspedote; i.e. they overlap.

d. Hymenolepsis diminuta
Dipylidium caninum eggs are round to oval pale reddish adult worm with I: Cysticercoid D: Transmission: ingestion of infected insects ; larval fleas ingest the ova as they feed on epidermal debris ; common intestinal parasite of dogs and cats ;
and contain an oncosphere that has 6 proglottids are narrow with two sets proglottids in the stool when the insect is ingested by mammalian host (dog, cat, stool examination for the presence of egg
hooklets. of male and female reproductie ; I : flea D: dog & cats Diagnosis: wet smear of stool ; human), the cystocercoid is liberated and becomes an adult ; very capsules is not recommended since the gravid
organs and bilatera genital pores minimal SSx (slight intestinal discomfort, epigastric pain, proglottids do not disintegrate in the intestines
Proglottids: contains egg packets that are "Double-pored worm", egg is Treatment: Praziquantel diarrhea, anal pruritus and allergic reactions) but in the environment ; 5.19-36% of dogs in
round to ovoid and contain 5 to 15 or more spherical, thin-shaped with a Manila is infected but the dissection of fleas
eggs each. hexacanth embryo ; human infection only showed 2.4% prevalence ; intermediate
is rare hosts: Ctenocephalides canis (dog flea),
scolex: conical-shaped and has four Ctenophalides felis (cat flea), Pulex irritans
suckers. Retractable rostellum armed with (human flea), Trichodectes canis (dog louse)
several rings of small spines, used for
anchoring into the host's tissue.

e. Dipylidium caninum

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for self study segments are motile, white, appears I: Cysticercoid larvae D: accidental ingestion of flour beetles ; wet smear of cysticeroid larva attaches to the intestinal villi to develop into a common tapeworm of rats ; a common
like grain of rice ; ova or proglottids in stool ; sometimes, the worm may be expelled by adults ; Direct infection does not occur if eggs are ingested by the intestinal cestode of rodents in the Philippines
the stool ; I : Tribolium child sponatenously without treatment ; mammalian host, therefore these is no autoinfection in H.
confusum (flour Praziquantel may be given to expel the worm diminuta infection ; Px are usually asymptomatic
beetle), D: human
f. Raillietina garrisoni
Diphyllobothrium spp. eggs are oval or has two sucking grooves or bothria I: procercoid larvae D: ingestion of fish infected with plerocercoid larvae The ova complete their development in water and release the one of the 13 species that infect human; "Fish
ellipsoidal and range in size from 55 to 75 located dorsally and ventrally ; Ova eggs in the stool ; I : by man, dog, cat or other mammals ; direct fecal free-swimming coracidium, a ciliated embryo, which is ingested tapeworm" or the "Broad tapeworm" ; compete
µm by 40 to 50 µm. There is an operculum are yellowish-brown with an fish (perch, trout, smears suffice, Kato technique for demonstrating by freshwater copepods, the copepod is in turn ingested by fish, with VitB12 in the diet which may lead to
at one end that can be inconspicuous, and inconspicuous operculum, opposite salmon, pike) D: human eggs ; Praziquantel (DOC) the procercoid larva migrates through fish tissue and develop megaloblastic anemia (vitamiin B12 content is
at the opposite (abopercular) end is a small the operculum is a small knob-like into a plerocercoid larva or "sparaganum" in themuscle and approximately 50times that of T. saginata ;
knob that can be barely discernible ; Close- thickening viscera ; Infected Px may show no signs of disease, SSx include although other mammalian host exist as
up of a few of the proglottids showing the nervous disturbances, digestive disorders, abdominal discomfort, reservoir hosts, human is responsible for the
rosette-shaped uterus at the center of weight loss, weakness, anemia propagation of the infection in endemic areas
each proglottid.

g. Diphyllobothrium latum

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2. Extraintestinal Cestodes
Eggs: radially-striated. The internal adut worm posseses a pyriform I: egg D: eggs in the accidental ingestion of eggs, eggs may come from adult worms inhabit the small intestines of dogs, eggs are E. granulosus (unilocular cystic echinococcus), E.
oncosphere contains 6 refractile hooks scolex, short neck and three stool, hydatid cyst ; I : soil or fur of dogs ; UTZ and history is highly swallowed by intermediate host and hatch in the duodenum, multilocularis (alveolar echinococcus) , E,
proglottids, For E. multilocularis, goat, horse camel, suggestive, serologic tests such as indirect oncosphere penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate into multilocularis is less common ; Hydatid sand
foxes are the natural definitive host sheep, man D: dog hemagglutination (IHA), indirect fluorescent assay mesenteric venules which lead them to lodge in various organs refers to protoscolices and brood capsules in
and small rodenst are the (IFA), enzyme immunoassay (EIA), Echinococcus and tissues, the larval stage is called Hydatid cyst, once inside the the cyst ;
intermediate hosts, humans may be antigens, ELISA ; surgical resection is still the Tx definitive host the protoscolices evaginate, attach to the
infected by eating raw plants of choice for echinococcosis, instilling scolicidal intestinal wall and develop into adults which reside in the small
contaminated with feces of infected agent such as hibitane, 95% ethanol or 30% intestines of the host (where they release eggs) ; organs most
Higher magnification of the cyst showing dogs or rats hypertonic saline solution, endoscopic commonly involved are the liver, lungs, brain and orbit ; causes
daughter cyst (brood capsule). Note the sphincteretomy is Tx of choice for hydatid cysts that down regulation of the inflammatory cytokine leading to local
hooklets (purple arrow) inside one of the have ruptured into the biliary tract and causes immunosuppression ; hepatic cyst are mostly found in the
protoscoleces and the calcareous obstructive jaundice ; For inoperable cases and post Inferior right lobe and may cause obstructive jaundice, cyst may
corpuscles (light blue arrows) along the surgery, Albendazole, PAIR technique (Puncture, rupture from coughing, muscle strain etc and may metastasize
germinal layer. Aspirate, Injection, Reaspiration), Cyclosporin A and reach other tissues to develop into secondary cysts ; SSx
include intermittent jaundice, fever, eosinophilia, inc ICP and
Jacksonian epilepsy, hematuria, kidney dysfunction ; may lead to
pyogenic abscess formation, intrabiliary rupture of the cyst is the
most common complication

a. Echinococcus sp - E.
granulosus, E. multilocularis
for self study larvae are opaque, glistening white I: Plerocercoid larvae drinking water containing Cyclops or copepods most are found in the eyes, subcutaneous and muscular tissues Infection is prevented by drinking boiled or
D: eggs in the stool ; I : infected with procercoid larvae, eating infected of the thorax, abdomen, thigh, inguinal region and in the viscera ; filtered water and by cooking meat thoroughly
frogs, toads, snakes, D: intermediate hosts such as frogs, toads or snakes SSx may be painful edema due to migrating larvae
dogs, cats and other containing plerocercoid larvae, applying
carnivores plerocercoid infected flesh of frogs and snakes as
poultices in sores of the eyes, vagina or skin leading
to penetration of cutaneous tissue, consumption of
infected flesh of paratenic hosts like wild pigs ; Dx is
by finding white larvae in the lesion ; Tx of choice is
b. Sparganosis - Spirometra surgica removal of plerocercoid
mansoni, S. erinacei, S.

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1. Blood Flukes
Schistosoma japonicum: eggs can be ovoidal, rounded or pear- I: cercariae D: eggs in Transmission: skin penetration by free-swimming adult worms are primarily parasites of the portal vein and its Oriental lung fluke, endemic in China,
- eggs: large and more rounded shaped, are pale yellow with a curved the stool ; I : cercariae ; branches, Eggs deposited in mucosal or sub-mucosal terminal Philippines and Indonesia, has a wide range of
- spine: smaller and less conspicuous hook or spine near one of the polar Oncomelania snails, veins or capillaries escape through ulcerations into the intestinal definitive host ; there is evidence that
ends ; unlike other trematodes, man D: dog, pig, cat, Diagnosis: rectal or liver biopsy, Merthiolate-iodine- lumen and subsequently exported with feces, once schistosomule escape from the lungs into the
Schistosoma mansoni: schistosomes have separate sexes, carabaos, cows, formalin concentration technique, Kato-Katz embryonated, egg comes in contact with freshwater, hatches and pleural cavity and pass through the diaphragm
- eggs:characteristic shape, with a with large sucker anteriorly, a ventral rodents, monkey technique, ELISA, intradermal test for immediate liberates a free-swimming ciliated larva called a miracidium, the into the liver to reach the portal vein ; cercariea
prominent lateral spine near the posterior sucker and a gonophore (suckers aid hypersensitivity using worm extracts, indirect miracidium infect the snail Oncomelania hupensis quadrasi and are most abundant in the field during the early
end. The anterior end is tapered and in movement and help flukes hemagglutination using worm antigens, circumoval develop into sporocysts which will later develop into cercariae, part of the night ; organs usually affected are
slightly curved maintain their position inside the precipitin test (COPT) - method of choice in the the cercariae leave the snail host and become free-swimming in the liver, lungs and intestines ; eggs are not
veins ; has incomplete digestive Philippines ; the water, cercariae are transformed into schistosomula after demonstrable in the feces
Schistosoma haematobium: system ad excretory system made up skin penetration and find entry into superficial lymphatic vessels
- large and bear a conspicuous terminal of flame cells ; In the Philippines, the Treatment: Praziquantel or subcutaneous veins to reach the lungs, from the lungs the
spine. total exposed population is schistosomule migrates intravascularly to reach the portal vein
approximately 6.8M, highest where they mature ; worms ingest RBCs and possess a protease
prevalence is among 5-15y.o., mean (hemoglobinase) that breaks down globulin and hemoglobin ; SSx
prevalence is 4.4% include dermatitis, superficial lung petechiae, fulminating
meningoencephalitis with fever, headache, coma, confusion ;
may cause pneumonitis, hepatosplenic disease, cor pulmonale

a. Schistosoma japonicum , S.
Mansoni, S. haematobium
Paragonimus westermani eggs range from Other species include P. I: metacercariae D: ingestion or raw or insufficiently cooked crabs with SSx include cough, hemoptysis consistent with PTB, bloodstained lung fluke disease, pulmonary distiomiasis,
80-120 µm long by 45-70 µm wide. They philippinensis and P. siamensis ; unembryonated eggs in metacercariae ; Solitary nodular lesions may mimic or rust-colored sputum with foul fish odor, low-grade fever, endemic hemoptysis or parasitic hemoptysis,
are yellow-brown, ovoid or elongate, with reddish brown worm which the sputum or stool; I : CA and fungal diseases on CXR, (+) ring-shadowed fatigue, myalgia ; they escape into the respiratory tract where "oriental lung fluke" ; first intermediate snail
a thick shell, and often asymmetrical with resembles a coffee bean ; egg is oval, 1st- snail, 2nd- crab D: opacity comprising several contiguous cavities that they are moved out by the ciliary epithelium and move along (Antemelania asperata, A. dactylus formerly
one end slightly flattened. At the large end, yellowish-brown, thick-shelled ; adult human give the appearance of a bunch of grapes, with exudates, they are either coughed out or swallowed into the known as Brotia asperata), second intermediate
the operculum is clearly visible. The worms are found in pairs or in threes intradermal test with antigen (does not alimentary canal to be passed out with feces ; traverses the host is the mountain crab (Sundathelphusa
opposite (abopercular) end is thickened. ; in fibrotic capsules or cysts in the differentiate between present and past infections), intestinal wall into the peritoneal cavity, migrates through the philippina formerly known as Parathelphusa
Adults of Paragonimus spp. are large, lungs of the host ; 20.7M are infected, serology such as complement fixation, enzyme diaphragm to the lungs where it matures, provoke a grapsoides) ; worms may persist for up to 20yrs
robust, ovoid flukes. They are immunoassay (EIA), immunoblot (IB) ; Praziquantel, granulomatous reaction that gradually proceeds to the ; is a zoonotic disease of carnivorous animals
hermaphroditic, with a lobed ovary located corticosteroids in Px with cerebral involvement, development of fibrotic encapsulation ; cerebral involvement is
anterior to two branching testes. Like all Bithionol, Triclabendazole the most serious complication (Jacksonian epilepsy, cerebral
members of the Trematoda, they possess hemorrhage, meningitis)
oral and ventral suckers.

b. Paragonimus westermani

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2. Intestinal Flukes
Eggs: broadly ellipsoidal, operculated, endemic in countries in SE asia, China, I: metacercarie D: eggs Transmission: ingestion of encysted metacercaria adult worm lives in the duodenum attached to the intestinal first intermediate host is the snail belonging to
unembryonated when passed in feces. Korea and India in the stool ; I : 1st-snail on aquatic plants or when the hull or skin of fruits mucosa by its suckers, eggs are released together with feces into the genus Segmentina or Hippeutis, second
2nd-aquatic plants D: of these plants is peeled off between the teeth ; the water, it embryonates in water, gives rise to a miracidium ; intermediate host such as Trapa bicornis (water
Fasciola hepatica: abopercular end has a pigs and human inside the snail, the miracidium transforms into a sporocyst, caltrop), Eliocharis tuberosa (water chestnut),
roughened or irregular area. Diagnosis: fecal smear which subsequently produces rediae and then to a cercarie, Ipomea obscura (water morning glory) and
cercariae emerge from the snails into water the attaches and Nymphaea lotus (lotus)
Treatment: Praziquantel encyst a metacercarie on the surfaces of seed pods, bulbs, stems
or roots of various aquatic plants ; inflammation and ulceration
occur at the site worm attachment leading to increased mucus
secretion, bleeding, gland abscesses and intestinal obstruction ;
SSx include generalized toxic and allergic symptoms

a. Fascilopsis buski
for self study E. ilocanum worm is reddish-gray I: metacercariae D: ingestion of metacercariae encysted snails ; fecal adult worm lives in the small intestines of the definitive host ; Intermediate hosts for E. ilocanum: first
while its egg is straw-colored, A. eggs in the stool ; I : 1st- smear ; Praziquantel ; the rat is an important immature eggs are released by the parasite and transported to intermediate host is the snail (Gyraulus
malayanum egg is larger and is golden 2nd-snails D: dog, reservoir host for echinostomes the environment through the feces, the eggs mature in water and convexiusculus, Hippeutis umbilicalis), second
brown in color human, rat, cat, pig a miracidium hatches from the egg to infect the 1st snail intermediate host (Pila luzonica or kuhol and
intermediate host,it then develops into a rediae and then into a Vivipara angularis or susong pampang) ;
cercariae, after escaping the snails, the cercariae swims in water Intermediate hosts for A. malayanum: first
to infect the second snail intermediate and transforms into a intermediate is unknown while second snail
metacercariae ; causes ulceration and consequently diarrhea host is Lymnaea cumingiana or birabid
b. Echinostoma ilocanum, (sometimes bloody) and abdominal pain
Adults of Heterophyes heterophyes are egg is light-brown in color ; I: metacercariea D: Ingestion of metacercariae encysted in fish ; Kato- eggs are produced and passed out into the environment together snail intermediate host of H. taichui and
minute flukes, measuring 1-2 mm in worldwide distribution may be due to eggs in the stool ; I : 1st- katz technique, Praziquantel with feces, miracidium hatches when the egg is ingested by the Procerovum calderoni are the brackish water
length. The tests are large and paired, and the fact that heterophyids have snail, 2nd-fish D: first snail intermediate host and transforms into a sporocyst snails, Melania juncea and Thiara riquetti,
are situated near a small ovary. The adapted to snails belonging to various human which the develops into cercariae, cercariae encyst as second intermediate host atre fishes (30
surface of the worm is covered with families and are not specific to their metacercariae on or under the scales, fins, tails, or gills of the fish different species)
minute spines. secondary intermediate host ; there is inflammation at the site where the worm is attached or
burrowed in the mucosa, excessive mucus production and
sloughing off of the superficial layers may occur, PUD or APD
(upper abdominal discomfort, gurgling abdomen, colicky
abdominal pain, mucoid diarrhea)
c. Heterophyid flukes -
Heterophyes heterophyes

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2. Liver Flukes
Eggs: broadly ellipsoidal, operculated, Fasciola worm has a characteristic I: metacercariae D: Transmission: ingestion of metacercariae encysted the fluke penetrates the intestinal wall to reach the peritoneal F. hepatica is the temparate liver fluke or sheep
unembryonated when passed in feces cephalic cone which has a marked eggs in the stool ; I : 1st- in edible aquatic plants or by drinking water with cavity where it wanders until it reaches the liver capsule, the liver fluke while F. gigantica is the tropical liver
widening at the base of the cone snail 2nd- aquatic floating metacercarie ; parasite then burrows through the liver parenchyma, and enters fluke ; In tropical countries, fascioliasis is
Adult: anterior end is cone-shaped, unlike ("shoulder"), F. giganitica is longer plants D: sheep, human the bile ducts where it becomes sexually mature, inside the snail, considered the ost important helminth infection
the rounded anterior end of Fasciolopsis and its shoulders less developed F. Diagnosis: fecal smear or demonstration of eggs in the miracidium develops into a sporocyst to produce a cercariea, of cattle with reported prevalence of 30-90% ;
buski. gigantica egg is also bigger affects different samples such as duodenal contents and it the escapes the snail and swims freely in water to encyst in lives for 9-13years ; first intermediate host:
2.4M individuals bile, PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism surfaces of the aquatic plants forming a metacercariae ; can be snail (from the Lymnaedia family such as
(RFLP) assay ; asymptomatic, SSx include RUQ pain, sundden high fever, Lymnaea philippinensis, L. auricularia
hepatomegaly ; the acute phase corresponds to the migration of rubiginosa), second intermediate host: aquatic
Treatment: Bithionol, Triclabendazole the juvenile parasite from intestine to the liver while the chronic plants (Ipomea obsucra or kangkong and
phase is asymptomatic and corresponds to the period when the Nasturtium officinale or water cress
parasite has already reached the biled ducts, can cause
obstruction leading to inflammation and subsequently fibrosis ;
complications include atrophy of the liver, periductal cirrhosis,
abscess formation, hemobilia etc

a. Fasciola hepatica ; Fasciola

Clonorchis sinensis eggs: adult worms are leaf-like in shape I: metacercariae D: ingestion of metacercarie in infected undercooked metacercariae excysts in the duodenum and moves through the First intermediate host is the snail of C. sinensis
- small, oval shaped with a convex with transparent tegument ; affects eggs in the stool ; I : 1st- or raw fish and in salted dried or pickled fresh water ampulla of vater to the common bile duct and then to distal belong to the genera Parafossarulus (P.
operculum, that rests on visible 30M people, male > female, adults snail, 2nd-fish D: dog, fish ; fecal smear, Potassium permanganate smear biliary capillaries where it matures into adult worms, egg escapes manchouricus, P. anomaliospiralis, P. stratulus),
"shoulders" at the smaller end of the egg. more tha children cat, pig (will show distinct melon-like ridges in the surface into the environment via the feces ; upon enrty into the snail Bulimus (B. striatulus), Semisulcospira, Alocinma
At the opposite (larger, abopercular) end, a of O. viverrini eggs), Phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), host, miracidium transform into a sporocyst which then produces (A. longicornis), Thiara (T, granifera) and
small knob or hooklike protrusion is often ELISA, Enzyme immunoassay (EIA), determination of cercariae which is released in water to infect freshwater fishes ; Melanoides (M. tuberculatus) , 1st intermediate
visible. IgM antibodies, PCR ; Praziquantel, Albendazole causes wall of the ducts to become thickened and dilate 2-3x its host for Opistotorchis flukes is under the genus
- miracidium is visible inside the egg. ; normal diameter, causes periductal fibrosis, cirrhosis and portal Bithynia snails ; Second intermediate hosts are
hypertension, SSx include chills, fever enlargement with Freshwater fishes under Cyprinidae family ;
Clonorchi sinensis adults: tenderness of the liver infection is related to the carcinoma of the liver
- flattened, hermaphroditic, with a single and adenoCA of the gallbladder
ovary situated anterior to two branches
testes. ;

Eggs of Opisthorchis spp: often

indistinguishable from the eggs of
Clonorchis sinensis.

Adults of Opisthorchis spp:

- similar to, but often smaller than
Clonorchis sinensis
- differ from adults of Clonorchis in the
shape of the testes
- differ in distribution of the vitelline
- ventral sucker (acetabulum) smaller than
b. Clonorchis sinensis,
the oral sucker.
Opistorchis felineus,
Opistorchis viverrini

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* GA: Golgi Apparatus ; RER: Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum ; Asx: Asymptomatic ; Troph: Trophozoite ; ADCC: antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity ; DxOC: Diagnostic of choice ; SI: Small intestine
IFA: Indirect Fluorescence antibody test

** In general, almost all parasitic infections are associated with poor sanitation and crowded areas


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