Compilation of Questions in PFCM For PLE

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COMPILATION OF QUESTIONS IN PREVENTIVE, FAMILY and COMMUNITY MEDICINE ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Disease Prevention and Control. Epidemioiogy and Research... Family Medicine. PHC, Government program, Community Medicine, Public admin Occupational health.. Ethics, Compilation of Questions in Preventive, Family and Community Medicine DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL : 1) Wats considered the most dangerous possible disease spread? A cinkaleamer © Ginial sage patent © nonammuned terminally a paient 2) Whats the process wherein organic materal underge bio and photo degradation, resulting i simple oranic molecues thal can actually be beneficial othe environment? ‘A. Composting B. Reuse and recycing C. Source reducton D. Adofine above 3) Whats an example ofan agenenvironment interaction? ‘A Bopuiaion ot ‘camer’ making use ofan ected water supply both for dink 8 Vitamin C tabets placed in colored bottes ©. Fly conto! program ©. Business favorte of eating “sushi* ans toos 2 Japanese restaurants 4) What veammen!is neeced the bactenplogcal qualty of water i 5,900-50,000 cllorms/100 mi? é C Disiiecion D. Chlonnation 5) What ine mast ema step m waste reaucton and recysing? A. Waste segregation Binanertion © colecnon of soic waste Ctrarster ané anspor 5) Whats the man obyecve of solid waste processing? A lorecover wnatevec may be reusable 8 te proves Ivolhod lev scavengers Ctodiscover other sources of come 1D. tomminenize buk of waste o be dumped a sea 7) Wat s the mest imponant pubic heath sssue adaresces by corect waste management? (Composting of sold waste fom taborstones Control of veciors of nfectous dease Eradication of mosquito causing Denave Improvement of parks and public places com> taon of Questions in Preventive, Family and Community Medi conpiaion of Ove piece 5 Fi pe tee spe or : = compilation of Quesionsin Prewtve, Family and Community Medivine 3 ts NTs Vane Prat Se? © bomen” 5 — Compan of Questions in Prevesti, Fai ‘4 Comment Medeng Se wn 12) 1 9 ong inert pte mnt me (© meg nen conse ec eng : : amily and Community Medicine HURETRERSecceEes Compilation of Questions in Pevenive, Family anéCommmuiy Meine : a B Stage of Sees reventive, Family and Community Medicine sof Questions int 1 Wat done rt Faemion Ny oapo onan, conan ine : es manny uae ets nl Deets ana snus. sate 86 “ent 2 PEGGTHEPEEEEEES sono seg aon en en | eee Ehecimgtecestnonatsonnettgens acs 5 pense : renner commen enero” a onion of Questions in Pevensie, Family nd Conmtniy Medkne : Ee. a i a REREEEEREEGEE alll Compilation of Questions in Preventive, Faryad Commaity Motice PUDEELESGEEEEES rcstions in Preventive, Family and Community Medicine compiiion of BERGHE EEE & gama 5 Rept aman nse assay a apt bs De peptone how? 1 ie 5 GheteSteta ene eee LELEEEEEEESEEES Compilation of Questions np == eee ore ern $ Ee eesect aetna, { Eons ‘tern acme omega coe 3 ane esos ere ha a Eousasauene 5 Gichacmeseeae 2 ae ’ e { campition of Questions in revere, Fan al Cann Conny Meine somgremete 5 Rete seiwutstan ayo meson hey ona eae aman poi ane wale pe ane OT Set oe a iat Ome meen o Reemeoes teams 2 Fetowes ce ent Se 20VR sae cance sein rents 3 a i Compilation of Questions in Preventive, Family and Commusity Metsne Teese” (ome eee rere sions in Preventive, Family rd Community Meticine compton of FEREEECEE PES ree mgtntsenmyasnes esis 46 : : Campitionof QuesiosinPrevaive, Family nd Conniiy Meige St an ots tet A ce Sn aye Teaser casey 8) ete eras se oases 5 Stem ” Compton of Questions in Preventive, Fania Commutity Meine os) Saale eve d gue ssoanen ey ses sce cl ety i ee, se oo, 2 Aone nin nee Sp snore Sea ingaon crvtsocemne nasser ar segeneenonee Seog PUREE EEEEES iit 5 eee oe dt sec ies be mene © tne? 8 Mein : ‘side “« 0 Compilation of Questions in Prev PEPE DEE EEEES a in Preventive, Faly 0 Cony Megane Compilation of Question papery ee & lesmentonss Shenae nese (Se git sen toe te 3 Compilation of Questions in Preventive Famiy and ¢ Family and Community Metine ores en te et eae Compilation of Questions in Preventive, Family and Com 2 Banos 2 Sa ae ae ets Uae pe ene ss 2 Compilstion of Question in Prev ative, Family and Community Medicine 5 Fanny oy Sei loa 50 i ey Se 2) onentnear aah no nt? een EPHEEEES TOM Co tem cme ecg, © tor Sgt ot meen ian 2 Shower sso SRST Dene ana doe ppc ee Snare ae = 6 Complaton of Questions in Preventive, Fam iy and Communiy edie eae ie pane ation of Questions in Prevntve, Family and Community Mes nn mete Sy. enn et ‘e on PPP EEEE ES Compilation of Questions in Preveniv el Compilation of Queson in Preventive, a PEEP Peeee eee % ‘0d Community Medicine HHEGEEEGGEEEEES SSS i Setea een ts te ~e = ney ateuetie! a : Soa £ ee aceorgae 8 Compi a of Q in Preven " HDPE EGEEEES Zompilation of Questions in Preventive, amily and Community Medicine PERE ETPEEEGEEE ae HHP PEGeee pSSEEEQEEEREGES 5 site menace : SSeme er Coreen Syaeeenoet Se SESS igre sb Se oo ee en ‘Seite pahme tse eeeees en » —=

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