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Key Attributes of a Rock-star CFO during Covid-19 Times

Saroja Ramadhurai

Economies and businesses across the world, across sectors, are facing huge distress due to Covid-
19 and from all appearances, this impact will likely last at least a few quarters. It is clear that firms
are in for tough times, a survival threat for many and a chance to re-arrange the industry league
tables for others – how can the CFO play a super-charged role in the period to come?

Context ingredients or competencies that every

rock-star CFO already has, but which are
We believe the impact of Covid-19 is likely going to be called upon more frequently.
to last more quarters, with potential for The forthcoming period will require all the
repeated lock-downs forced by waves of CFOs to dig deeper inside themselves and
infection. India Inc is facing the prospect of bring these to the table.
>20% erosion of their FY21 revenues, with
significant erosion of their cash reserves
and consequent erosion of their borrowing
1 Authentic Leadership

For the next few quarters, demand is likely This is the ability of the CFO to instil
to be impacted and unpredictable for the confidence in the internal and external
next several quarters. At the same time, stakeholders. CFO is today's second most
supply chains are likely to be stressed due important person, after the CEO, in the
to weak and unprepared suppliers falling organisation but in most cases, he/she is the
out while the stronger ones gaining power most “visible” person, especially to the
and hence being in a position to drive the external stakeholders. He/she promises
market. In parallel, due to continued and good standards of governance to
erratic movement restrictions, customer government and tax authorities, is the face
behaviours and tastes will also be forced to of the company to the shareholders
shift more rapidly than it would have protecting their value and in a lot of cases
otherwise. These supply chain disruptions represents the company with the industry,
and changing customer behaviour will affect providing thought leadership and initiative
different firms differently but will open up to cause shift in thinking and far reaching
opportunities in terms of markets that are changes through government advocacy.
left open unserved, for the better prepared
competitor to capitalize upon. Across these three roles, a people facing
CFO can drive a far greater impact and up
In short, firms are in line for tumultuous the game than a equally competent, but
times ahead – but the risk also presents an behind-the-scenes CFO. The investors,
opportunity for companies to pole-vault rating agencies and shareholders rely on
ahead of others and capture the market, if CFO to base their evaluation. The increased
they play the cards well. What is the CFO’s uncertainty will drive need for reliable and
role in this chapter? What can they do? insightful information on trends and how
these are being addressed, from the
Based on our deep assessment of 500+ company in the next few quarters and the
CFOs and the client conversation preceding CFO’s ability in this regard will be tested
it, we have put together 6 key leadership severely. He is the face that interacts with
the Government agencies and industry
bodies to win key competitive advantages

Resource Bridge Perspectives

not only for the company, but also the can use his strength with numbers to
industry. The CFO also keeps the eye on understand, prioritise and influence which
compliance and governance, while making levers to tweak for maximum desired
full use of the exemptions not only based on impact. In several cases he/she is able to
the current situation, but with intuition on come up with his/her own strategic
how the situation could evolve, decisions on rationalisation, businesses to
benchmarking with the best practices. keep, businesses to divest, risks to cover,
investments to make, etc.
CFO is the star of the board meetings and
Audit committee meetings, which are not No longer is the P&L the sole responsibility
just presentation of numbers, and study of of the CEO. Today the CFO needs to be able
financial performance, but a forum for to co-own the P&L, be the CEO’s trusted
larger conversations on assessing the confidant and aide and in several cases,
company’s strength, weaknesses, compliment the CEO/ Promoters strengths
opportunities and threats. and style. Today, in key large Indian
companies or even business houses, the
Through the internal organisation, Group CFO is the next in line to the
charismatic leadership builds on the promoter, superseding the business CEOs.
leadership and communication bandwidth
of the CEO/ Promoter, especially in difficult Business partnering support of the CFO can
and uncertain times like the current. This do wonders supplementing the overall
support is critical with internal stakeholders decision-making ability of the leadership
where the CFO is able to use every team. As globally we shift from a growth
conversation and forum to communicate mode to a survival mode, CFOs can play a
both ways tough decisions, be the channel huge role in pushing the pedal on
for innovative ideas, where he is able to innovation and rationalisation for survival,
bring greater detail and risk perspective to without thwarting business success and
every decision being executed. subsequent growth.

Business Decision Support with

2 3 Ability to win and lose everyday
on the ground information

The CFO owns the information on financial This is a key attribute in today’s time,
performance of the various products, marked by rapid changes on the demand,
businesses and with it, analysis on which customer requirements, regulatory
businesses are doing well and which changes, financial situation representing
businesses or products are not. Today with both threats and unexpected opportunities,
digitisation, we are seeing a huge change such as products and markets not served by
from a post-mortem analysis to live feed of competitors which can be used to drive
numbers and performance. If the CFO has market share changes. This will require
been able to take the time out to move agility, in turn, backed by emotional
closer to the business, has visited the resilience.
plants, sales offices or stores and
understands the way the business is being Emotional resilience surpasses competence
done and develops it further, he by a mile and this is as much true for a CFO
as for any management leader. As losses
mount, planning horizons have become
more stretched, while survival is measured
by the day.

Resource Bridge Perspectives

The CFO can play a huge role in converting needs to play a very important role in
losses to key advantages only if he/she has communicating the same and getting the
an internal mechanism to accept losses and internal organisation to buy in to the need
think “what next”. It is very easy for the CFO while holding out promises for a better
to get stuck with numbers and hence future. Constant review and improvisation,
“positions”. CFOs become rock-stars when with open communication with all
they own the organisation’s vision, are able stakeholders can take the punch out of the
to propose three solutions for a single blow. Along with other leaders, the CFO has
problem and walk away with one, perhaps a to maintain the confidence about the big
new one which was not among the three! picture, while executing these calls and
periodically reviewing and re-aligning these
Instead, the CFO has to be able to look calls as the situation emerges.
beyond the numbers, maintain and steer
leadership’s commitment to the vision and
also be a change agent to make structural
and innovative changes. In several cases,
he/she has to be the leader and influence 5 Ability to conserve, generate
and raise funds
the board, investors and the promoters to
do the same. This requires a long-term It has always been the traditional
commitment to the bigger picture that responsibility of the CFO to manage cash
makes it easy not to be ruffled by daily wins flows and fund flows, accompanied by
and losses. Emotional resilience comes from ability to raise capital well ahead of time.
nurturing a strong self-belief and positive
mind-set which in turn is nurtured by good The impact of the 50+ days already spent in
work-life balance, energy balancing hobbies lock-down along with the frequent
like yoga, meditation, workouts, etc. disruption that we anticipate, is going to
stress cash position like never before, when
not only the firm but also its entire supply
Ability to take bold and tough chain is going to be depending upon the
4 calls in ambiguous situation firm to survive. To ensure business
continuity, “cash is king”, not just for firms
Promoters and founders, and in several
in stressed sectors like real estate but
cases professional CEOs, get attached to
across the industry.
their ways of working and despite numbers
crying out for tough calls, are not able
Ability to take a zero-based view on costs
commit to them. The CFO in these cases
and productivities, right-sizing the firm for
needs to step up and convince the
the current period while charting the path
leadership on tough and bold calls, and
to growth and ability to raise funds for an
relentlessly get them executed on time for
extended downtime are going to be on the
the survival of the organisation.
plate for every CFO. The CFO has always
been the major player in running a tight
A CFO is paid to understand risk like no
commercial organisation and this comes
other person and it his/ her job to safeguard
into play to keep looking at additional ways
the organisation from current and future
to conserve cash. It is the sole responsibility
risks. When tough decisions have to be
of the CFO to ensure that business does not
taken for survival, there is no room for half
suffers the least due to cash shortage and
measures and who better than the CFO to
for this he/she has to conserve and raise
know and predict that? More than the
cash- on time and with minimum cost.
ability to take these calls, the CFO also

Resource Bridge Perspectives

6 Ability to leverage and drive With situation evolving every week, there is
digital transformation no excuse for unavailability of reliable MIS
on time. In several cases, it could mean
We have mentioned five strategic roles of the
rebuilding the F&A organisation and shifting
CFOs above, but each one of them is
to different digital platforms and overall
dependent on this one. MIS has to become
digital transformation. Rapidly evolving
live streaming of financial information that
digital technologies today can increase the
enables real time feel of what is happening in
speed with which the information can flow
the organisation and this calls for investing in
at a fraction of the cost of big-box solutions.
the right digital solutions. As one of the CEOs
Optimum spend on technology to raise the
of a technology company said, “My CFO
bar of quality of information is an inevitable
needs to give me the confidence that the
and urgent investment. The CFO has to be
numbers I have are real time and correct”.
able to meaningfully invest in technologies
The stronger the quality of information and
when facing multiple calls on the funds to
shorter the latency, the better will be the
ensure real time examination of outcomes
quality of foresight, decisions and
and seamless decision making.
responsiveness to external threats.


• Across industries and sectors, firms are likely to witness tumultuous times, for the next few
quarters. Firms are likely to witness unpredictable and depressed demand, supply chain
disruptions, significant changes in customer behaviour including a rapid shift to digital
channels – firms, thus, would have to cope with multiple-fold increase in changes, all the while
battling financial stress.
• The threats cited above also imply an opportunity – to shape the market, ride the changes to
customer behaviour, to capture market and use the distress to drive organizational changes to
become lean and mean to achieve a level of P&L and Balance Sheet right-sizing that was not
possible just a few quarters ago
• CFOs have a great chance to demonstrate their leadership quotient. If the finance leadership
community wakes up to this opportunity and steps up, we are going to see a lot of CEOs in the
next 5 years that were CFOs who did their jobs beyond their prescribed roles

About Resource Bridge

Resource Bridge is a specialized executive search firm with offices in Mumbai and Chennai, with exclusive
focus on 4 leadership roles – CEO, CFO and Finance Leadership, CTO/CDO and Head of Strategy.

To know more about us, reach out to

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