Answers For The Online Test

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Answers for the online test

1 Look, read and complete the sentences-Pogledaj, pročitaj i
dopuni rečenice.

This is my dream holiday place.

There`s a big lake.

There are___four _boats______on the lake. There is a forest.

There are_two rivers.

There are three mountains_and

there`s a small town.

2 Write the correct words and numbers. Upiši riječi I brojeve. 6

1 svenetnee-seventeen 17

2 wtleve twelve 12
3 teenffi fifteen 15

4 entytw twenty 20
5 fteenour fourteen 14
3 Write.
a raincoat, wellies , shorts, socks, a belt

4 Complete the sentences with has got or hasn’t got-Dopuni rečenice sa has got ili hasn’t got .
She`s got long hair.

She hasn`t got curly hair.

He`s ____got______ short hair.

He_____hasn`t got curly hair. 4

5 Look and write-Pogledaj i napiši

She likes ice cream and carrots.__

Answers for the online test


She__doesn`t like bread and onions.__

6 Find the odd one out and write-Pronađi uljeza i napiši.

1 train,bike,singer,car_______singer__________.

2 pupil,football player, lorry,ballerina_____lorry__________.

3 fields, forest, mountains,wellies__wellies_____________. 4

4 mushrooms,town, peas,tomatoes__town_______________.

7 Order the words-Poredaj riječi u rečenici.

I`m Sandra, this is my brother Jim and this is Rex,

my dog.

wearing/I`m/raincoat/a/ wellies/and/jeans.

I`m wearing a raincoat, wellies and jeans.

raincoat/Rex/is/wearing /a.

Rex is wearing a raincoat.

wearing/Jim/is/a/shorts/trainers and t-shirt.

Jim is wearing a t-shirt, shorts and trainers.

8 Choose the answer-Izaberi odgovor

1 Has she got long hair? Yes, she has.

2 What do you like? I like pears. 3

3 Is he weraing a hat?(wearing ) No, he isn`t.

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