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This document outlines the Operator Data-Submission process for the purposes of facilitating the remote
review of vessel certificates and documents for a physical inspection conducted during COVID 19.
It describes how this functionality affects members, operators and Inspectors as users of the system.
This functionality allows the operator to submit required data by uploading vessel certificates and documents
and allows the inspector and the submitting member to view data submitted as part of the Inspection

OCIMF Remote Review of Vessel Certificates and Inspection Documents

Technical Vessel Operator Vessel Inspector OCIMF Submitting Company

Request for a SIRE

Inspection Agree request for a SIRE

Inspection Request Portal

Vessel Operator and

SIRE Inspection Booking
Inspector liaise over
Inspection Details
Vessel Certificate
Repository Vessel Certificates
and Inspection Remote Review of Vessel
Documents Certificates and Documents

Completes Onboard
Inspection Document
Inspection Submitted Inspection Report
to SIRE Validated


SIRE Inspection

The Operator can upload a standard set of vessel certificates via the vessel details page using their access to
the OCIMF Programmes (SIRE) database.
These vessel certificates should be kept up-to-date by the operator and will be kept linked with the vessel.
They will not need to be uploaded each time an inspection is booked.

Vessel Certificates:

Vessel Certificates can be uploaded from the vessel page on the database and kept up-to-date by the vessel
operator. The certificate types listed match the information required within the HVPQ document.
Where latest certificates are uploaded to keep the database up-to-date, the old certificates are archived and
a version list maintained. All versions of certificates uploaded will be available on a certificate history page
and the certificates can be accessed online as required.
Vessel Certificates must be uploaded at least two days before the date of inspection of the vessel.

Uploading Vessel Certificates - A Step-by-Step guide to the process:

1. Go to the ‘Vessel Details’ page, click the ‘Upload’ icon under the ‘Vessel Certificates’ tab.

Certificate Upload

2. This will open a screen for the upload of ‘vessel certificates’:

3. Open the drop-down list under the ‘Certificate Type’ to select the desired Vessel Certificate from the list
of certificates:

4. Enter the relevant dates for the chosen certificate and click the ‘Choose File’ icon to select the certificate.
5. When the certificate to be uploaded has been selected, click ‘Upload’. The screen will change (as below)
to show the file that has been uploaded which can now be reviewed if needed.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 to upload all applicable vessel certificates.

7. If a new issue of the Certificate becomes available these can be uploaded by repeating steps 1 through
5 above. A full reversion history is then available from the vessel details page (see below).
Inspection documents:
In addition to the set of standard certificates uploaded by the operator via the vessel page on the database,
vessel certificates and documents can also be uploaded via the inspection booking screen as shown below.
Documents uploaded into this repository are linked to the inspection that has been booked and are available
for review for the purposes of that inspection only.
Inspection Documents must be uploaded at least two days before the date of inspection of the vessel.

Uploading Inspection Documents – A Step-by-Step guide to the process:

1. Go to the ‘Inspection Bookings’ page, click on ‘Upload Inspection Documents’. This will open up a page
for uploading documents.
2. Documents uploaded from the ‘Inspection Bookings’ screen are linked to the inspection that has been
booked and are available for review by the inspector and the submitting member for the purposes of
that inspection only.

3. Documents to be uploaded are segregated into different types. Select ‘Toggle Details’ to expand each

4. The operator can upload any number of documents and, for each upload, the operator will be required
to enter the question number (or numbers) from the relevant inspection questionnaire to which the
document relates.
5. Click the ‘Choose File’ icon to select the certificate.
6. When the certificate to be uploaded has been selected, click ‘Save’. Please note that only file types of
.pdf. .docx .jpeg and .png type with a maximum size of 3Mb can be uploaded.
7. Ensure you select ‘Save’ following each upload
Once the Operator has completed uploading all relevant certificates, Inspectors will be required to review
Vessel Certification and Documentation prior to physically inspecting the vessel.
Inspectors will continue to be able to access and review these documents until the inspection report has
been validated and published.
Access to the Vessel Certificates and Documents is provided to the Inspector once the booking code has been
issued. This access to the inspector will end once the Inspection is Published.
If a published Inspection Report has been opened for re-submission, the Inspector’s access to the Vessel
Certificates and Documents will be reinstated until the inspection report has been re-submitted and

Reviewing Vessel Certificates – A Step-by-Step guide to the process:

The standard set of vessel certificates and documents uploaded by the operator can be accessed through the
Inspection Bookings Page:
1. Log into SIRE using your credentials and search for the required Vessel
2. Click on ‘View’ under the ‘Vessel Certificates’ tab on the ‘Vessel Details’ page.

3. Clicking ‘View’ will bring up the list of certificates and/or documents that have been uploaded together
with associated key dates.
4. Selecting ‘Review’ will open the document
5. Selecting ‘Review’ will open the certificate as shown below:

Vessel Certificates are displayed in a digital rights management viewer which prevents the copying or printing
of the document.
In addition to the set of standard certificates, all additional certificates and inspection documents uploaded
are available from the Inspection Document Repository:

Reviewing Inspection Documents – A Step-by-Step guide to the process:

In addition to the set of standard certificates, all additional certificates and documents uploaded can be
accessed from the screen which provides the details of the inspection booking:
1. The Inspection Documents can be accessed from the ‘Inspection Bookings’ page from the ‘Vessel Details’
page or from the ‘Inspection Bookings’ Index page.
2. On the ‘Inspection Bookings’ page select the blue arrow to the right of the selected vessel. This will open
the ‘inspection bookings’ page for that vessel.
3. Clicking the “View Inspection Documents” button at the top right of the screen will bring up all the
inspection documents uploaded by the operator for that vessel:

4. The documents are uploaded and stored under different categories. Click on ‘Toggle Details’ to expand
the category and see the documents that have been uploaded.

5. Selecting ‘Review’ will open the selected document in a protected format which does not allow printing
and copying of files.
6. Documents will not be able to be copied, printed or downloaded and must be reviewed online only. The
credentials of the user that is currently logged-on and viewing the document will be watermarked on
the document.
Once the Operator has completed uploading all relevant certificates and documents, members will be able
to access and review the vessel certificates and documents uploaded.
Members will continue to be able to access and review these documents until the inspection report has been
validated and published.
Documents will not be able to be copied, printed or downloaded and must be reviewed online only.
Access to the vessel certificates and documents will be available via a link from the “process inspection” page
which allows the user to “View Vessel Certificates”.

Reviewing Vessel Certificates – A Step-by-Step guide to the process:

1. Access to the vessel certificates and documents will be available via a link from the “process inspection”
page which allows the user to “View Vessel Certificates”.

2. Selecting ‘View Vessel Certificates’ will bring up a list of all vessel certificates that have been uploaded

3. Selecting ‘Review’ will open the Certificate as shown below:

Reviewing Inspection Documents – A Step-by-Step guide to the process:

4. To view inspection documents, go to the ‘Process Inspection’ page (see Step 1) and select ‘View
Inspection Documents’. This will bring up all the documents for the chosen vessel.
5. The documents are uploaded and stored under different categories. Click on ‘Toggle Details’ to expand
the categories. This will show all the documents uploaded under that category.

6. Selecting ‘Review’ will open the selected document in a protected format.

7. Documents will not be able to be copied, printed or downloaded and must be reviewed online only. The
credentials of the user that is currently logged-on and viewing the document will be watermarked on
the document.

8. The operator can upload any number of documents and, for each upload, the operator will be required
to specify the question number from the inspection questionnaire to which the document relates.
9. This will allow members to easily identify, open and review documents in the repository.
A Digital Rights Management (DRM) platform has been deployed to provide a high level of data protection
and security for all documents and photographs uploaded by the vessel operator.
All documents and photos uploaded by the vessel operator are stored on an independent and secure DRM
The DRM server validates each access to the repository by assessing whether the viewer has current rights
to view the document.
If validated, the DRM server will allow the user to view the document online. It will not be possible to copy,
print or download any document.
Once the inspection report has been published, access to the documents are withdrawn from the inspector
and the submitting member.
The operator will continue to maintain access to the document repository for their vessels to allow them to
keep the documents up-to-date.

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