Please Look at These Photos and Try To Guess Our Today's Topic of The Lesson. Describe These Photos

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Please look at these photos and try to guess our

today’s topic of the lesson. Describe these photos.
2. Listen and write the emergency Coronavirus
measures. Track 1
3. What extreme measures are taken in your country?
4. You will hear five short extracts in which people are
talking about their life under Coronavirus
quarantine. For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-H
what each speaker says about. Track 2
A. Helps her children with their homework and goes for walks.
B. Cleans her apartment and does the washing up
C. Lives in barracks
D. Feels himself like a prisoner
E. Is not allowed to leave the city
F. Is not allowed to go outside the fence
G. Watches series and has some rest
H. surfs the net and reads a lot
5. Look at a neologism about Coronavirus and answer
the questions below.
Answer the questions:
1. Are you a covidiot?
2. Why do you think people are beginning to panic?
3. Is staying at home a problem for you?
4. Have you started doing anything differently since the
5. What should people do in the future to avoid coming
into contact with Coronaviruses?
6. How is the coronavirus affecting your life —
physically, socially and emotionally?
7. What changes have you, your friends, family and
community experienced?
8. What changes have you, your friends, family and
community experienced?
9. Has your school been closed? If so, what does your
education look and feel like now?
10. Are you and your family practicing any forms of
social distancing?
11. How are you staying connected and sane in a time
of social distancing?
12. What helps you deal with all the changes brought
about by the coronavirus outbreak?
13. How do you cope with feelings of isolation and
6. Useful language for talking about something you
aren't very sure about:
I'm not an expert, but... seems to me that...
From what I've heard/read...'s likely that...
I guess nobody really knows, but...

7.Your homework is to describe this meme:

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