By Tart: Charles

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lien I \\,as ;I cl~ild,I \vould 1i;1d hecn "properly" soci:~lizcd.I would

usually \v;tke in the morn- a\val;c and immediately plan the things I
ing with an intellectu;~l/- had to d o th:tt day to Ile most efficient, to
emotional attitude th:;t rncct my responsibilities. and perhaps
could bc expressed by start worrying about the sorts of things
so~nethinglike "Wow! Another d:~y! 1 responsi1,le people worry about. hluch of
\vondcr \\,hat intercsting new tllitlgs \\.ill the light in .~\lliichthe child mind sees the
happc~itoday?" I \votrld get out of I,ed world was gone. "Maturity" had set in.
with ;I sense of espect;~tion:~nd~vondcr. My curiosity hadn't conij,letely disap-
cilriosity abuzz. "What is this? What is peared, hut some of it was quite dormant
that? \\;hy docs this thing work this way? :1nd much o f the rest was channeled into
Where did this come frorn? Why am 1 con\ve~itionally approved areas.
tliinki~~g wh;tt I'm [llinking? \Vhy won't One of the rnost important fruits of the
thaf thing work? What thought preceded many years of psychological growth
this onc?" work in wliich I have participated has
Hy the tinie I becanie a young adult, 1 I>een the reawakening of much of my
child mind. The little boy in rnc is again

In the last couple of years the adult and such a steam layer by the heat of the fire.
the little boy in me have been cooperat- If you think of a firewalker as very fright-
ing more and doing some assessment of ened, "in a cold sweat," this puts that
my life. As a result, both the little boy and sweat to good use.
the adult are thrilled: I've had a far more What impressed me most about this
interesting life than the little boy who theory was that its author succ&lly
grew up in a drab city in New Jersey ever firewalked! This was much more inmest-
expected! This article is to share a recent ing than the usual arm-chair theories
experience that is one of those thrills- whose authors never touched a fire. (For-
and an experience that is of great interest mally the micro steam-ball theory is usu-
to both the child and the adult in all of us. ally called the "Leidenfrost theory," after
the 18th-century physicist Johann Leiden-
frost, who first observed the effect.3
The Firewalk
The most interesting reactions came
For the 25-some years that I have de- from a few people I met from foreign
voted part of my research time to para- countries. "Oh yes," they would say,
psychology, I have been interested in the "They do that each year on the feast of SO
firewalk. The idea that people all over the And so out in the mountain villages, but it's
world have walked over beds of blazing a primitive thing. We moderns aren't in-
coals or hot stones is incredible: surely terested in it. Let us return to our discus-
this is a very high-intensity form of p s p sion of sophisticated intellectual things."
chokinesis ( P K ) . Ait~ cer;ainly
~ involves
transcending our usual concepts of who hand into an oven that may be at 350 de- What Do We Need to ExpIain?
we are! Even if PK isn't involved, some- grees Farenheit or so and not be burned.
thing very unusual is going on, and un- But if you touch a metal pan in that same Two things need explanation about the
derstanding it would be an important oven, you will be badly burned. Air has firewalk. First, we must explain the fact
step forward in science. very little heat stored in it, and doesn't that, when successful, the walkers don't
Whenever the subject came up, in cas- conduct heat well; metal has a lot and can feel pain during or after the walk. Sec-
ual conversations with friends or in pub- rapidly conduct that heat to your hand. ond, their feet don't burn.
lic lectures, I advocated that we investi- If all firewalking were done on soft, The lack of pain is not hard to appar-
gate firewalking. How could we ignore powdery ash, this theory would carry a ently explain in terms acceptable to the
something that we had good evidence es- lot of weight. But I have read reports of Western mind: it's some sort of hypnosis.
isted, yet seemed so impossible to our firewalking on heated stones', which It is well known that you can anesthetize
Western minds? The result of this advo- would be quite comparable to the metal the hand of a deeply hypnotized subject
cacy was usually nil. pan in the oven! by suggestion and then hold a match
I found that most people -simply Others accepted the idea that the fires under the subject's hand. The flesh will
weren't interested in firewalking: it was a were hot, but assumed there was some char without the subject reporting any
sort of mythical idea, or something sort of trick involved. The favorite mech- pain! Incredible, but true.
"primitive" peoples somewhere did, not anism for this trick was a paste applied to I have never done this to a subject my-
something that civilized people took seri- the feet that protected them. I do not self, for the desire to witness it directly
ously. For all practical purposes, it didn't recall that anyone ever specified what was not of enough consequence to me to
happen. Things that don't happen do not this mysterious paste was supposed to be, be worth inflicting such damage on any-
challenge your curiosity or your belief and then demonstrated the usefulness of one. But I have done experiments where
system. their paste theory by putting some on deeply hypnotized subjects received non-
Opinions were varied among the small their feet and showing that they could damaging, but ordinarily quite painful,
number of people who knew of firewalk- successfully firewalk, though. Still others stimuli, like strong electrical shocks.
ing and believed it actually occurred. had a belief that "primitives" had thick They neither reported pain nor showed
Some thought that it didn't really mean callouses on their feet that protected any signs of feeling it. So if we must ex-
anything because the fires weren't actually them from pain. Why the callouses didn't plain the firewalk in conventional West-
hot, they just seemed hot. Recently this burn, even if they protected the walker ern terms, it's easy to invoke hypnosis as
has been more precisely presented as the from pain, was usually left unexplained. an explanation for the firewalker not feel-
idea that the temperature of the coals I remember an article in True magazine ing pain, during or after the firewalk. The
may be hot, but the heat capacity-the that I read when I was a teenager. The au- occasional walkers who do feel pain ob-
specific heat of the coals-is very low thor proposed that the reason the fire- viously aren't very talented at hypnosis.
(not much heat is contained in them) walk worked was that sweat was flashed But why don't they burn?
and/or that the coals are not good con- into tiny globules of steam that protected
ductors of heat, so not enough heat is con- the feet. If you have ever dropped some 1 . See, for example, D. Stillings, "Observa-
ducted into the skin to burn it during the water onto a very hot object, like a frying tions o n fuewalking," PSI Research, 1985 4,
short periods of contact in the firewalk. pan, you saw that it formed tiny balls NO. 2, 62-88.
which danced above the surface of the 2. J. Walker, "The amateur s'cientist: Drops of
An ordinary experience that illustrates water dance o n a hot skillet and the experi-
this low specific-heat and low-conductiv- pan for a while. Supposedly the sweat menter walks o n hot coals." Scientific
ity theory is that you can briefly put your from the firewalker's feet is flashed into American, 1977,237 (August), 126-13 1.
I remember reading a report while still
young about a firewalking experiment
conducted early in this century by the So-
ciety for Psychical Research of London,
testing the Pakistani fakir, Kuda Bux. As I
recall, oak logs were burned for hours
and then the coals raked into a bed about
four feet wide and at least ten feet long.
This bed of coals was so hot that the ex-
perimenters could not stand closer than
about three feet without feeling their hair
begin to singe! To rake the coals flat, they
had to use wooden shields to protect
Kuda Bux prepared himself for the fire-
walk by meditating for a while. His feet
were examined. There was no obvious
paste or anything covering his bare soles.
He walked the entire length of the pit at a
normal walking pace, showing no sign of
pain or discomfort. Immediate examina-
tion of his feet as he stepped out of the pit
showed no signs of injury. Indeed, a
measurement of the surface temperature
of his foot indicated it was one degree without pain o r injury, most, if not all, of ant), and I stayed with them instead of d c
centigrade cooler than just before he step- the things you fear in everyday life will nying them. I found I was still there, still
ped into the pit! seem trivial! If I can walk over glowing sane, not overwhelmed, even if bothered,
A skeptic was present who knew that coals, who really cares about slighting re- and the insights into hidden fears thus
the fire could not really be hot, it only marks, lack of appreciation, mundane found were Gery valuable. Even if there
seemed hot. He walked onto the coals, worries, and the like? had been n o firewalk, I learned a great
and was burned badly enough to be hos- I came to the seminar curious, open- deal from this process. Knowing the fire
pitalized for several days. minded, thrilled, and reserved. I would walking opportunity was going to con=
Kuda Bux repeated the firewalk some see firewalking firsthand, which would at the end of the evening, of course, made
months later, again with no sign of pain be fascinating. The curious child in me, it a lot easier to bring up buried fears.
or injury. The same skeptic again tried to who had read about firewalking so long Finally Eric told us that if we thought
do it. This time he was hospitalized for ago, was going to actually see it! My adult we might firewalk, w e should take off
several weeks! self felt I might or might not try it myself. our socks and roll our pants up six inchcs
I knew that Eric insisted that you walked or more. I admired the implicit sugges-
or didn't walk purely on the basis of your tion here that we could protect our flesh
Walking the Coals internal feelings, not because of social from burning, but we should not expect
On the evening of January 23, 1986, pressure or external reasons, like trying to be able to protect the fabric of our
the firewalk became real for me as it had to impress someone. That was fine: I am pants!
never been before. accepting enough of myself that I knew I We ran outside. Assistants had taken
I had been attending the first Archaeus could try it if I felt the inner urge, or not apart the bonfire. After burning for four
Congress at the West Pecos River Confer- try it if I didn't, and either outcome hours, it was a rich source of glowing
ence Center, near Santa Fe, New Mexico. would be fine. I had no need to prove coals! A bed of coals about three feet wide
A fine and very stimulating array of pa- anything to myself or to anyone else. and ten feet long had been prepared. I did
pers concerning the psychological, para- We began the seminar by standing in a not find it fearful. Indeed, it was attrac-
psychological, and spiritual dimensions of circle around a huge bonfire. The New tive, for it was cold outside, and I liked
health had been presented, and now w e Mexico winter night was dark and cold. the fire's heat.
reached the program item headed "Trans- The stars and deep chill contrasted starkly A towel at one end marked the start:
forming Fear into Power," by Eric Best. with the darting flame and smoke of the you could wipe off any sand or gravel
Eric Best, an industrial systems analyst, fire, whipped around unpredictably by that was o n your bare feet. A damp towel
has been giving seminars of this sort for strong gusts of wind. We were going to at the far end marked the finish: a e were
over two years. His prime objective is to deal with that? specifically instructed to wipe our feet on
show people that they d o not have to be I will not detail the psychological it as w e stepped out of the fire, for pieces
limited by their fears: they can overcome methods Eric used to work us up to the of glowing coals sometimes stick to your
them and use the liberated energy to live proper, energetic state for firewalking. feet o r get stuck between your toes. You
, fuller lives. The primary tool to reveal That needs to be experienced, not consid- didn't want any glowing coals sticking to
this to people in a short time period (four ered abstractly, if you want to get much you after you stopped concentrating ?t
hours for us) is firewalking. After all, if out of it. Suffice it to say that I whole- the end of the walk!
you can get yourself into a state where heartedly went along with letting my Eric had given us specific steps to fol-
you can walk over a bed of glowing coals fears in life come up in me (very unpleas- low. They will not be completely mean-
ingful outside of the context of the event,
but they consisted of first shouting out
the chant, focusing your energy. If it felt
right inside to walk, then you walked. If it
push my way into the line, so many people
wanted to walk o r repeat their walk.
"Energy in!" then "Strong focus!" then didn't feel right inside, you stepped aside,
"Eyes up!" and then (repeatedly, as you being true to your inner self, not succurnb-
walked), "Cool moss!" The group usually ing to any feeling of obligation o r group The M o m e n t of Truth
(but not always) shouted these along with pressure. A number of people did n i t
Finally my turn came. "Energy in!"
the walker. walk, and w e all respected their decisions.
"Strong focus!" "Eyes up!" "Cool moss!"
Like a true leader, ~ r i walked
c first. Not Person after person walked the coals,
And I walked.
ran o r jumped o r anything strange, just a without pain, without injury, jumping
and shouting with joy at the end. Young Now the point of the psychologid rit-
normal walk. It took about four paces to
traverse the pit of coals and he just did it, women, older women, quiet scientists, ual is to keep your attention fully focused
physicians, believers, conference center o n the ideas of being full of e n e r g and
making it look very normal and prosaic
staff, and a physician who was a professed walking o n cool moss. I did this h r t h e
, Now was the time for decision. If you
"skeptic." When I decided I wanted to first couple of steps. But I'm so curious
thought you wanted to walk, you stood
at the end of the firepit and went through walk, my primary difficulty was having to about what is happening that I hate t o
miss anything. So I kept most of my atten-
tion on the ideas, but I had to turn part of

shouted for joy. Wow!

Music To Touch I really meant that wow. Some of the
scientists in the group were monitoring

Heart and Spirit the fire with thermocouples. Those coals

were radiating at 1,000 to 1,100 dtsrees
A pioneer of New Age music, Steven creates Farenheit. Yet I had walked through. I
soothing musical visions that often provide a deep sense of had not completely followed instruc-
well being, balance and serenity. tions, but all the injury I had to sho\hl for
it were four tiny (1/8N to 114" round),
Adult Relaxation Music hardly noticeable red spots on one foot,
Music for an lnner Journey- just beautiful instrumental music.
only one of which was slightly painful if I
Especially designed to achieve states of Inspiration-Soar into new vistas of
musical imagery with richly textured focused my attention o n it. All I did to
relaxation, this music combines soft
keyboards, flute, guitar and sounds creations of sound. "treat" that spot was put a bandaid over
from nature. Inner Peace-Masterfully played piano it so my shoe wouldn't rub hard against it
Omni Suite-Fully orchestrated music solos of delicate and inspiring when I walked. It showed n o sensitivity
creates a beautifully romantic yet melodies echo feelings of well-being. at all 24 hours later. Not bad for four
elegant odyssey, Blessings-These inspiring meditative steps on 1,000 degree coals! I had done
Simplicity-peaceful and restful. Soft selections are the personal favorites of my firewalk and inserted my o w n "con-
piano, flute, and guitar are interwoven com~oserlartistSteven Bergman.
I with sounds of nature. I Joyous-A celebration of uplifting trol condition" in the middle.
Serenity-A gentle voyage of spatial music. Sounds to elate and rejuvenate
melodies for visual journeys. Simply pour spirit.
S o M u c h f o r Theories
Children's Self-Esteem Tapes, Infant's & Ch~ldren'sTapes I and others certainlv did not rub any
TO ORDER: Cassette albums: $9.98 ea. S E V E N l3€RyiAt.t.+? ". mysterious pastes into our feet. Nor wuld
Shipping & mailing: $1 first tape, 600 ea.
add. tape. Add 6% tax if Calif resident. We OMNl . you class@ us as "primitives" with thickly
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plus other inspiring and relaxing selections. have thickly calloused feet. Personally I
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MAIL ORDERS TO: age of three hours a week, but the mat is
Steven Bergman Enterprises smooth and slightly soft. If anything, my
220-NR Dela Vina Ave. feet are a little o n the tender side and I
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deed, I found the sand and gravel around
Holkiay Speck& Order 3 tapes and get the fourlh One free!1nquire for qumriry discounrs. the firepit quite uncomfortable before
and after the firewalk.
were cold on the sand and gravel (the air part of the Self, though not everything, so
temperature was below freezing at that some adult perspective must be added.
time). There was a towel at the beginning Do you want to firewalk? Should JW?
of the pit that might have been damp ini- There is some real danger involved. You
tially, but every person stepping onto the could get burned. Perhaps worse than a
rowel dropped a little sand onto it, which minor burn, you could hurt yourself psy-
would absorb moisture. So perhaps there chologically if you saw it as some sort of
were small moist areas here and there on test of your worth, and you didn't mas-
my foot, but certainly not the uniform ure up to your standards. Additionally,
coating we would need for the steam-ball some of the firewalk seminars I have
theory. So I am tempted to say "No heard about strike me as very coerche
sweat!" about firewalking. and manipulative, with enormous group
As to theories about how firewalking pressure to walk. If you succumb to this
works, as a psychologist I note that the kind of pressure situation when your in-
main-requirement for successful firewalk- ner voice says no, it would be too easy to
ing that we know of currently is that the interpret ahy burns as a judgment that
firewalker have a strong belief in a theory you are unworthy-or be upset by the
that rationalizes that he can firewalk feeling of being manipulated even if you
without burning. It is not clear to me that are successful.
it makes any difference whether that the- So I don't necessarily recommend fire-
ory is about microballs of steam, specific walking. Nor do I know that it will make
heat, the protection of the Goddess Kali- a permanent change in anyone's life.
This experience also showed me the in- baLiwaLi or Saint Somebody, or cool moss. Those kind of claims require fornml
adequacy of the balls-of-protective- The low specific heat theory that says study.
steam-from-sweat theory. The usual ex- there is very little heat in the coals andlor I have no personal desire to repeat the
ample given to illustrate that theory is that they have low-heat conductivity experience myself, but I'm glad I did it.
putting a drop of water on the surface of sounds very good, but then why did I get My scientific curiosity is higher than ewr
a hot frying pan. The water drop will my little burns when I turned my atten- and I want firewalking researched. 111 a
float for several seconds on the cushion tion to my foot? The fire can't be both hot way, the firewalking is a gimmick, ally-
of steam formed on its underside, until and not hot. how: the important thing is facing your
that steam is finally used up. I find it easy The curious little boy in me is very fears and transforming them into power.
to envision how two perfectly flat sur- pleased. He did something "miraculous," That is a long-term process, as well as a
faces could be temporarily insulated, and he got to eat his cake and have it too momentary high, but now is the best time
with a thin steam layer in between, espe- -not feel the pain or be really injured, to begin. ).
cially if the upper flat surface was quite and yet take a tiny peek and get a tiny in-
light-it does have to float on the pressur- jury just to prove it was really hot. Wow! Charles I: Tart 13a professor of psychd-
ized steam. I wonder what will happen tomorrow! ogy at the Daub campus of the U n i m i '
When I got back to my room after the of California and is well known for his
firewalk and examined my feet, they studies of altered states of consciousnes
To W a l k or-Not to W a l k and parapsychology. His most recerrt
were filthy with soot in irregular pat-
terns, heavy in some places, non-existent book is Waking Up: Overcoming the Ob-
The child in me is part of my essence, stacles to Human Potential, published by
in others. All that irregular soot would and I am very glad I have been able to Shambhala Publishers. This article ap
have absorbed sweat heavily in some nurture it and sometimes be one with its peared in Parapsychology Review, May/
places, not at all in others. Some soot vitality and joy. Childhood essence is one June 1987, Vol. 18, No. 3.
would be brushed on and then off by the
motion of walking, taking any moisture
away with it. Too, the coal surface was
very irregular, and my feet are not per-
fectly flat surfaces. These conditions
would seem to have made it impossible to
build up a continuous protective steam
layer. Further, I am enormously heavier NOW. EFFORTLESSLY INCREASE YOUR
than a drop of water, so my weight CONCENTRATION, COMPREHENSION, RECALL
would have squeezed out any steam. So I Sound Supporl A scienlilic breakthrough in accel-
can imagine isolated spots where a steam eraled learning. Simply listen while you read or study
and improve natural abiltty lo process inlormation.
ball would have protected tiny portions Neurophonic soundslbeauliful music in lanlaslic 360'
of my foot, but I can't see how it could Hearing Is Believing. Send 53.00 lo cover shipping
protect most of my foot. (Not a sample - a $14.95 value). Free catalog
Where would the moisture for the
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sweat come from? Fear is one likely
cause, but I'm fairly good at monitoring 6194389332
my internal state and I wasn't afraid or in
a cold sweat. Waiting to walk, my feet

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