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Eliezer Nitro


Give your insights on how you can put into practice SDG 2 (1 pt).

Sustainable development #2 is Zero Hunger. It aims to end hunger, secure food,

and improved nutrition. But how can we achieve it if there are people who have a lack of
food supply and awareness due to the discomfort that they are experiencing? Based on
what I have read and research, one of the countries is suffering from hunger is Africa
wherein 226.7 million people there are having a hard time finding quality food and
therefore most of the children are affected thus resulting in increasing the number of
malnutrition in Africa. For me, in order to address this issue, first is to help the farmers
to increase their income and with that, the agricultural sectors will be strengthened. We
can also donate some nutritious food thus helping the people to prevent malnutrition
and hunger in the place where they have a lack of food supply. In addition, we should
minimize food waste because there are people who really cherish every single food in
their plates, and with that, they considered other people who don’t have food to eat.
Also, we need to secure our food because there are situations that the foods are not
edible and this is due to the wrong processing of food or expiration. Lastly, too many
unhealthy foods will cause harm to your health, thus malnutrition starts here, and so
before we eat something, we should consider the benefits of foods that enter our body.

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